#Jay ibn Jafar
lsleofthelost · 7 months
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new descendants tweets [18/?] Jay edition
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Jay Ayad
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Name; Jahar Aabdar ibn Jafar Jazira, Jahar Ayad Alias; Jay Parents; Jafar and Sadira Age; 15 School; Dragon Hall Alliance; Forty Thieves, Mal's Dragons Crimes; murder, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, physical assault, inflicting grievous bodily harm, breaking and entering, thievery, kidnapping (of willing victims,) gang violence, graffiti, attacking barge workers, underage prostitution
Jahar Aabdar ibn Jafar Jazira has been accepted for transfer to Auradon Academy for the Preparation of Future Rulers.
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I’m working on the ot8 “whoops everyone’s poly” fic and I wasn’t expecting to be so absolutely in love with the dynamic between Jay and Doug but here we are I guess.
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Rotten Four + Ben as Power Points My Squad Did For Our Presentation Night
Mal: Are The Slashers Wife/Husband Material? Open Discussion. Evie: Summarizing The Plot Of Homestuck (I have never read Homestuck) Jay: Ranking Each Pokemon Gen’s Blatant Furry Bait By Stats, Lore and Fuckability Carlos: Critiquing The Porn I Found When I Hacked Into All Of Your Laptops Ben: Reasons I’m A Little Gay For All Of You (A Polyamory Proposition)
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Descendants AU where the first movie ends with the core four gaining control of Auradon and them storming the castle and fighting King Adam is mainly Mal and Evie singing Castle by Halsey. Like imagine Evie’s “I’m heading straight for the castle” with Mal going “they wanna make me their queen” as they’re beating down the doors with Maleficent’s staff, Jafar’s scepter, exploding poison apples, and a pack of loyal dogs who will sniff out where everyone is hiding and man that would be good.
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Same energy
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curtashiism · 6 years
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Was at a candy store (of all places!) in my local mall when I stumbled on these!!! Of course I had to buy them!
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
Does the Descendants fandom collectively have last names for the kids? I know Harry's last name is Hook, and obv Carlos's last name is de Vil, and fanon seems to suggest that Evie's last name (by popular demand) is Grimhilde (?), but what about everyone else, esp those who don't have canon last names at all, including the aks?
Hello, Anon! There are definitely some unofficial surnames that the fandom has (more or less) collectively agreed on. Some have been popularized through the tags (like #evie grimhilde), but there are variations I've seen mentioned more than once as headcanons.
Evie Grimhilde - This surname is based on the Evil Queen's name (Queen Grimhilde) in some old Disney canon publications.
Evie Queen - This one comes off like a pun, but it's plausible since "Evil Queen" is the only name E.Q. goes by in Descendants canon.
Mal Bertha - I'm including this because it could be argued that Mal doesn't have a surname, so just uses her middle name as needed.
Mal Moorland (or Moors) - Referring to Maleficent's kingdom.
Mal Fae (or Fairy/Faerie/Faery) - Simple species-based name.
Jay - No last name. I've seen this as a plot point in some fics for just Jay, specifically. The reactions to it can be interesting to explore.
Food for thought from @lsleofthelost:
just a comment, in Arabic names “al” means from. so, if a person was born in Riyadh, you could say “al Riyadh”. for Jay, you could argue that it’s possible for him to have “al Agrabah”, though i use “al jazirat aldaayiein” (roughly translates to lost island), since he was born on the Isle of the Lost. if you want to use a patronymic, you would use “ibn” or “bin”. so, “Jay ibn Jafar” - “Jay son of Jafar”
Uma Triskelion - I'm not sure where this one originates, but it refers to the triple spiral symbol, so I assume it's a nod to the Sea Three and, of course, might also evoke the idea of water aesthetically.
Gil LeGume - This is taken from Gaston's originally planned surname in Disney canon. As I understand, it's never actually been used, but it's the closest thing we have to canon, so it makes sense for Gil.
Ben Florian - Off the top of my head, "Florian" is Ben's canon middle name. I've seen it used as a surname for him and his parents, though.
Ben Beast - It's a little clunky, but I've seen this used occasionally.
Audrey Rose - I can't remember if "Rose" is canon in Descendants. It can definitely be taken as implied canon based on her mother, Aurora (aka Briar Rose). I've seen it used variously as a middle or surname.
Li Lonnie - This one is implied canon since her father is Li Shang.
Jane Fairy - Just a simple species-based name I see around a lot.
Chad Charming - Based on his father, Prince Charming.
Doug Dwarf - Another species-based name I've seen around, though not as much as others (to be fair, I don't seek out content with Doug, so there may be some better options that I haven't encountered).
If anyone has alternative headcanons, feel free to add on. <3
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askauradonprep · 7 years
Perks of Being The Babysitter
I mean, don’t get me wrong, Harriet can and will complain about being stuck with other people’s kids for the rest of time (and, in her defence, doing so DID basically rob her of her childhood and a good majority of her adolescence). 
But hey, it wasn’t ALL bad.
- Free food! A lot of parents she babysat for just simply didn’t care and told her to help herself to whatever she wanted in the fridge as long as she didn’t take EVERYTHING. And if she brought back some for her siblings because she wants to be 100% sure they ate and aren’t skipping meals (even though she’s skipped plenty of meals herself), that’s up to her. 
- She was out of the house and away from her dad (and, when they were too young to know how to navigate their dad, she’d bring her siblings too - convenient way to avoid her dad’s temper and still keep her kid siblings safe).
- Adults sometimes treating her like an adult (when it’s convenient - otherwise, she’s dismissed as a child) ! She’s gotten some good (if blunt) information from them this way just talking about how things are going while they’re getting ready to leave.
- Kids sometimes treating her like an adult! Sure, it’s annoying when they come to her with problems they want older people to help with but don’t want to tell their parents about, but still. She’s the adult friend who gets to dispense things she heard the adults talking about or what she knows. Of course, that also opened her up to the teenage rebellion of being an adult but still. She can get a room of annoying VKs to quiet down by calmly telling them they’re hateful children (which is basically her way of saying ‘Last warning’ - continue at your own risk, there WILL be consequences and you will not like those consequences). 
- FULL NAMING THE OTHER KIDS. Whenever she was babysitting (or ‘in charge’ when with kids born the same year, albeit younger) she made sure to always learn their full names. She said it was in case of an emergency, but really she just wanted to be able to yell at the other kids. When she got really mad and the kids were in trouble (worse than ‘yelling and swearing rant’ but better than ‘hateful child’ trouble) she’d just haul off and SCREAM their full name at them. Turns out that full naming plus her ‘angry mother’ voice from when her siblings were little works with OTHER kids too! Cool. She once stopped Jay in his tracks by hollering ‘JAKEEM IBN JAFAR AL-RASHEED, YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW.” When he finally snapped out of it, the first thing he said was ‘YOU CAN’T DO THAT. YOU’RE NOT MY DAD.’ Apparently he was under the impression that Full Names are something only Parents can say and the fact it was possible for Harriet to do that was world shaking for the kid. IT BROKE THE RULES OF REALITY. He was so mad that she kept calling him Jakeem all day, he practically had a tantrum by the end of it (he was like 6 or so). She’s found it so effective that she even does this when she’s NOT babysitting, to make other kids stop annoying her. (And it’s not like an angry HARRY JAMES HOOK is that uncommon anywhere). And the best part is that only Hook gets to Full Name HER! Ha, sucks to have a babysitter, kiddies.
- Embarrassing information about their younger years. Yet another thing these kids thought was the sole province of parents. She doesn’t whip it out all the time, but sometimes when they’re being TRULY obnoxious, she can’t resist making a barb about something the kid used to do to get them to shut up, sit down, and leave her alone. 
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What do you think the middle names of the characters are?
Maleficent Bertha, Jr. of the Isle
Carlos Oscar de Vil
Benjamin Florian of Auradon
Calista Jane “CJ” Hook
Elvira Freya “Evie” of the Isle
Li Ping Lan AKA “Lonnie”
Diana Zelda Antoinette Valorie “Dizzy” Tremaine
Anthony Caesar Richard Damian Tremaine
Audrey Filomena of Auroria
Jane Ella of the Faeries
Doug Baethan of the Dwarves
Chadwick Raphael “Chad” of Cinderellasburg
Frederica Zenobia “Freddie” Facillier
Adeline Fawna “Allie” of Wonderland
James Tyrone of Bayou de new Orleans
Arthur Dominic II AKA “Artie” of Camelot
Piorino Gepetto AKA “Pin” of Italy
Uma Emere of the Isle
Guiellermo Gaston “Gil” of the Isle
Hawthorne Ishmael “Harry” Hook
Harriet Coraline Hook
Genevieve Rosemary “Ginny” Gothel
Claudine Maria Magdalena Frollo
Montezuma “Zevon” of the Isle
Marie Renee “Mad Maddy” of the Isle
If you have any requests for specific minor characters, hit me up.
“Zevon” came from the kids making fun of Zevon’s real name, frequently calling him “Zoomy” for how often he had to run away after his evil ploys went horribly awry. It eventually reached a breaking point where Zevon took the “name with which they torment and make fun of my greatness” and turned it into his new title, except modified to sound “cooler, more intimidating, and with plenty of zing!”
Everyone else started calling him Zevon because he was very insistent.
Aziz and Jay do not have one due to Arabic naming practices. Instead, they have a long list of titles and forms such as “Aziz ibn Aladdin” (Aziz, son of Aladdin) or “Jay ibn Jafar” (Jay, son of Jafar) at the most basic.
Similarly, Jordan only has the one name, as is tradition for djinn, though she is free to change it–with forever at your side, you really can wait until everyone knows you by just that name.
Jane was given such names because it helps her fit better; as the various other, older faeries have shown, some of them believe themselves to be beyond names (the Blue Fairy), prefer to be addressed by the titles of their deeds and reputation (Maleficent), or much more unusual names that don’t fit human standards such as the Three Good Faeries (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather).
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de-vxl · 7 years
For Jay's last name, it would be "Jay of the Lost" like olden times before family names were a thing. Headcanon wise, it'd either be "Jasim ibn Jafar" as in, "Jasim, son of Jafar," or "Jasim of the Lost." Before you ask: I also HC that Evie's real name is "Elvira," and Mal's is still "Maleficent Bertha, Jr."
I like the sound of that 👌🏽
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lsleofthelost · 9 months
my urban fantasy au that i never finished:
stained with blood and faery dust
2.2k | no warnings
He loves Evie, he really does. She turned him into a vampire, held his hand through his oh-my-god-my-best-friend-is-a-vampire freakout, saved him from his crazy mom and was the smartest person in his engineering class at college. Not in that order but whatever. The point is: he loves Evie, who is the leader of their clan and who made him her right hand.
But she is so dramatic.
It’s not really surprising, the girl came to 8 pm classes looking like a model. Flared pants, thick heels, glittery eyeshadow like full on disco queen.
And Evie is similar to the vampires in those new, 21st century movies, which Carlos finds hilarious. She keeps to a strict colour palette (he can’t really talk tho) of deep blues, blood reds and platinum. She broods, she smirks, her voice is a little breathy. She loves holding things like a 19th century dagger and staring intently at Carlos for minutes before saying something like “This is what my mother used when she tried to kill my sister,” and then never bringing that up again. Even her eyes have a reddish hue, though she swears that they were always like that.
She really turns the dramatics up when she has company.
Like tonight, there’s a faery who just wants to announce that she took over the neighbouring territory and that she doesn’t want any trouble with vampires. They all know it. It was written in the agenda. It should all take like 10 minutes maximum, for them to introduce themselves and for the faery to tell how she got the Fae Guardian of LA title. But does Evie let her do that? No! She greets the faery and her guard and starts preparing her meal.
As if just drinking blood wouldn’t intimidate the young (is she? Carlos is so bad at telling ages) fae and her guard enough. Evie has to do it the dramatic way. There’s a routine to it that he memorised ages ago:
She pours the blood from this beautiful crystal bottle into a matching glass that are probably older than Carlos.
The set itself is impressive. It’s tall and thin and has this intricate designs etched into it. The bottle always stands on Evie’s desk, half full. She doesn’t let them fill it for...reasons? He’s not sure.
But the important thing is, she does it in complete silence and maintaining eye contact with her guest. She makes a show of letting her fangs out when she opens the bottle. Then there’s only the sound of blood pouring and her intense maroon eyes. It usually pins whoever is visiting in their place.
The fae tonight are not an exception. The girl doesn’t look as scared as she looks intrigued, or enthralled. The boy (man?) though is a true professional, stoic in face, his eyes looking around for a possible threat. They just happen to flick to Evie every few seconds.
Carlos hears the slow pouring stop and the bottle being set down. Which means it’s time for the next step:
Evie drinks.
It’s slow and deliberate at first but when it becomes impossible to keep eye contact, she gulps it down and sometimes even sends a drop rolling from the corner of her mouth.
He is somewhat grateful that she is taking so long, because it gives him a chance to stare at the fae pair some more. They are beautiful in a slightly otherworldly way.
The girl’s hair is a shock of deep purple and it lays in soft loose curls to her shoulders. Her outfit is dark, not what he expected from fae, which might be biased on his side but he never handled fae relations before. A green tank, studded black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots. If he looks carefully, Carlos can see the edges of something dark, like a tattoo, near the top’s neckline. Her most decidedly non-human feature visible are her eyes. Green and cold, like winter grass, they are set just a touch wide, with outer ends pointing up, giving her a slightly predatory look.
On her right side stands her guard. Tall and lithe. He probably has the most natural looking hair colour in the room - a warm dark brown. It’s up in a bun with a few wavy strands framing the face, leaving his pointed ears on display. He has small round scarlet earrings in, which is probably the most colourful part of his outfit. The rest of it is black, as far as Carlos can see: the leather vest, the tank underneath, the jeans, the sneakers. The vest shows his arms and wow what great arms, thanks for wearing a vest, mysterious bodyguard. Aside from looking like he could knock someone out with one punch, the bare arms show multiple markings, several times darker than his skin but not quite black. Thorny vines enlace him up to shoulders, some creeping on his neck. And on his right bicep a blood orange snake that looked like it was moving but that was probably just the flexing muscles underneath. Carlos noticed that he was repeatedly making a fist and relaxing it.
He sees from his periphery that Evie finished drinking (and she did let a drop on blood out, the dramatic little shit), which means it’s time for:
Evie checks how uncomfortable she can make her guest.
Well, this whole thing is her checking how uncomfortable she can make her guest, but Carlos isn’t sure what else he can call it.
You see, she lowers the glass, now stained red from the inside, blood still rolling down her chin, and licks her lips in the most sexual way possible. Then, as if it’s not enough, she wipes the remaining blood away with her thumb and licks it. By that point everyone in the room usually reaches “scared but horny” maximum.
Looking at the fae tonight, Carlos sees that the guard stopped even pretending to be on high alert, and now is just staring at Evie. The leader’s cheeks are turning blue and for a second Carlos is worried, before he remembers that fae’s blood is blue. She’s blushing.
And here comes the kill shot:
Evie makes an “I just had sex” face.
Not that he knows that this is her after-sex face, but he’s not some blushing virgin, so he recognises it. She sighs with her eyes closed, smile tugging on her lips. On days she’s feeling particularly mischievous (thank g—- it’s not today), she makes it sound almost like a moan.
After the sigh comes the smile. It starts as somewhat content, almost happy and morphs into what he calls “I know more than you and I am more powerful, so it would do you well to remember it” smile. It’s a mouthful but it perfectly describes her face right now.
At this point, even people who initially came with requests are offering something to the clan, to Evie. (Once, a werewolf who wanted to call for a duel because Dizzie crossed into their territory, surrendered said territory.)
The fae stay silent, if a little blue. Finally, Evie breaks the silence:
“Well? Who are you and what is your business with vampires of Los Angeles?” She hasn’t even retracted her fangs back! It’s not comfortable to speak with them, Carlos knows but Evie manages to make it look effortless. Sure, her “w”s are bordering on a “v” sound, but other than that, she talks like usual.
The fae both straighten up a little and the girl clears her throat to speak.
What the fuck? Mal has already talked to witches and werewolves and, sure, their leaders were eccentric but vampires are next level.
First of all, their headquarters is an “online security office building” called B-te. (That’s too on the nose if you ask her.) It stands out from other skyscrapers, with it’s toned to almost black windows, shining white light down the facade and overall looks very modern.
When she and Jay arrived they were greeted by a young man (though you never know, he could be in his 300s), very polite, didn’t ask for their names, didn’t offer his. Just said that they can call him Red. THis outfit is...interesting. Above the waist it is classic, a white shirt, a black suit jacket lined with red thread and a red tie. Below that, he is wearing knee length shorts, matching to the jacket and very tall black boots. Like, you can only see a sliver of skin between the shorts and boots. Somehow, he makes it work and doesn’t look foolish.
The white-haired boy, Red, took them up to the 22nd floor, where they are now. No windows but it doesn’t look cramped, though it’s probably the size of this place. It looks like the whole floor is something of an office/meeting room. Along the right wall is a dark blue oval table with leather chairs around it and a huge screen on the wall. If Mal concentrates she can see red stitching on the chairs. Everything about the set up screams that it’s is custom made. There are lavish couches, loveseats, armchairs and small tables in the corner. They are sitting in the opposite corner, in front of a big desk made of mahogany, etched to look like a forest and dyed blue. The walls on this side are holding shelves full of old looking books.
And sitting behind the incredibly gothic desk, on a plush velvet throne, is one of the most beautiful women Mal has ever seen. She is pale, like Mal expected. Her hair is inky, almost black in shadows, but blue in the light. She is wearing a topaz blue silk dress with long sleeves, which reminds Mal of the nineties (what a decade! Mal has some really good memories that may or may not involve starting a fight in a concert pit). Her whole show with blood would have made Mal question her sexuality if she hadn’t already gone through the whole “oh fuck, I’m bi” ordeal. Though the silence and the feeling of two people watching her makes it hard to stop blushing.
When the clan leader finally speaks (in a breathy voice that Mal can’t determine is a part of the show or real), Mal has to clear her throat to speak.
“You may call me Violet. I have recently gotten the title of the Fae Guardian of Los Angeles. I have come to you to say that I will uphold and honour the agreement you have made with the previous Guardian. Neither me, nor any of my loyal subjects wish you and your clan harm.” She recites the speech she wrote with Jane, one she can say without lying about or promising anything. Red’s eyes are narrowed as if he caught on but decided against speaking up.
“I accept your proclamation, Guardian. But,” Mal can feel Jay stiffening up behind her at that, “I was wondering if you could answer a question?”
“That depends on the question.”
“To my knowledge there is a number of ways that one can get the title you currently wear. And as far as I know, in all the history of Los Angeles since the founding of this city, you are it’s third Guardian, Violet. The first one only lasted 24 human years before being overthrown. Her successor was thought to be permanent.” Mal doesn’t see where it’s going and it agitates her. “It is an incredible feat, taking a place of someone who was at this position for more than two centuries. How did you do it?”
Mal straightens her back. It is an unexpected question, she is surprised at the attention to fae history and politics from an outsider. She can feel her always simmering rage start to boil, remembering how she got her title, and contrasting it, her body feels cold with sadness and grief. Now is not the time to think about that.
“My title is twice bestowed. Once by blood and once by conquest.” She can see the moment the vampires understand what it means. Their eyes widen and the leader even loses hold of her transformation, fangs clicking back to the roof of her mouth. They both compose themselves a moment later, the leader smirking a bit and looking at her with something new shining in her eyes. Red just studies Mal with more curiosity.
Mal feels like she needs to say something. Parry a personal question with a personal question, or explain that she had to do it, for all the fae, that it was the only way to make her mother proud, that she isn’t a power-hungry leader. Then she remembers that she owes them nothing. Who are these vampires to question her, to stare with such dissecting looks?
“I think we are finished here, Princess,” even as she says it, she knows that it was too harsh, that this might transform vampires from neutral neighbors to enemies for fae.
The vampire just smiles. “Princess? Haven’t heard that one it ages, huh, Red?” It’s such a drastic change in tone, but it doesn’t feel forced, it just lightens you the atmosphere, lets tension diphuse.
Chuckling, she continues: “Anyway, I think I kept you here long enough, sun is about to rise.” Even with no windows or a clock, Mal can tell that it’s true, knows it like she knows it like she knows that it’s going to rain next Thursday. “It was a pleasure to meet you Guardian. I hope we can be not only good neighbours but also friends.”
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Whoops everyone’s poly
You guys remember that Mal/Jay/Evie/Carlos/Ben/Jane/Doug/Lonie post I made forever ago and said I probably wasn’t ever gonna write? Well. Turns out I’m gonna write it.
“You don’t have to be.” Mal says it with such conviction that Jane looks up from her shaking hands, blinking in stupid confusion at her. 
“You don’t have to be a better daughter,” She says, firmer, and with none of the slow over-enunciation that usually accompanies her mother when Jane forces her to repeat herself. “If she refuses to be a better mother. It’s a two-way street, and since she’s the one who dragged you kicking and screaming into this world, she’s the one who owes you more.”
Oh. Oh, of course. For a second, Jane had forgotten who she was talking to, and now that she’s been reminded -- goodness, she’s so selfish, whining about such trivial problems to the isle kids. “It isn’t like that,” Jane rushes to explain. “It isn’t like --” The way Mal barely sleeps and Evie barely eats and Jay can’t stand being touched sometimes and Carlos has scars on every inch of him. “She would never hit me,” Jane says, instead of any of that. “She’s never once laid a hand on me.”
Mal breathes slowly out through her nose. Shakes her head. Meets Jane’s earnest stare with her own gaze too soft, too understanding. Says “She doesn’t have to.”
Doug slams the side of his fists against the countertop, so full of rage and weariness that he’s sick with it all the way up to his lungs. It tastes like acid in his throat, spilling out past his lips. “We’re not human!” He snarls, angrier than he’s let himself be in a long, long time. “Dwarves and fairies and- and- genies and mer! We aren’t just humans with some extra pieces! We aren’t just different phenotypes, we’re completely different genotypes! It’s disgusting, the way they expect us to live!”
It isn’t fair to let this out in front of Jay. Doug feels kind of stupid about it actually, like a puppy yapping at a grizzled old police dog. His anger must look as pathetic as it feels, coming from someone like him, but -- dammit. 
“I am so goddamn tired,” He says, “Of chopping off pieces of myself so I don’t make some rich, spoiled asshole uncomfortable.”
His pitiful ranting sputters off into incoherent, angry noises. He thumps his fists against the counter a second time. A third, before he calms down enough to acknowledge that even though he’s sturdier than a human, his fists will still break before the marble does. He presses them down instead, palms flat against cold stone. Feels the hum of it under his hands like a struck anvil, ringing out.
In the sudden silence of the kitchen, he gasps “Sorry. Sorry, that -- I didn’t mean to dump that on you.”
Jay doesn’t answer. For a second, Doug thinks he must have left the kitchen when Doug started throwing his little temper tantrum. Serves you right, he thinks. Other people shouldn’t have to listen to you whining.
Then he jumps a mile in the air, because without making a single sound Jay crosses the kitchen and gets close enough to reach out and tug on a lock of Doug’s hair.
Jay doesn’t laugh at him for startling and whipping around though, doesn’t even poke fun at Doug’s raised hands, like he thinks he’s tough enough to win a fight against anyone. Jay just looks at him with his easy smile and reaches up again, pushing Doug’s glasses up from where they’d slipped down his nose. “Want me to braid your hair?” Jay asks.
“Hold up.” Lonnie rounds on Carlos so fast he jumps. “You’ve been holding back on me?!”
“No, no!” Carlos waves his hands in front of him like he’s trying to blow away the very idea. “It’s just, I’m used to fights where people are trying to kill each other! Like, for real kill each other? And those are really hard! But here it’s hard in a different way, because we aren’t trying to hurt anybody and there’s rules about what moves I can and can’t use and it gets kinda confusing! I guess I just… have to concentrate more on doing things differently for ROAR because I learned a totally different way, and it makes me slower and, like. Clumsier. I guess.”
Lonnie groans, bringing her hand up to her face. “Okay,” She says, after taking a minute to contemplate this new information. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna get dressed, I’m gonna go get my sword, and we’re gonna meet in the training room in fifteen minutes to have a no-holds-barred, actual sword fight, and you’re gonna show me what you can really do. Got it?”
‘Uh. Now?” Carlos glances at the clock, brow furrowing. “But it’s already past curfew? And, I heard you saying you had a test tomorrow, don’t you wanna stu--”
“De Vil!” She cuts over him. It’s kind of cute, how quickly and how easily he jumps to attention when she calls on him. “Fifteen minutes. Do you need me to say it again?”
“No, Captain,” He says. When he shakeshakeshakes his head his curls go flying everywhere. That’s kinda cute, too. “I’ll be there.”
Lonnie lets her stern expression drop, grinning at him, and then grinning wider when his shoulders slump and he smiles shyly back at her. “Good,” She chirps. Then she turns on her heel and marches out of the room.
It’s half past one in the morning. Ben will blame that for why he can’t seem to smile wide enough, can’t bring himself to brush off Evie’s concerns with quite enough grace. It’s half past one in the morning and Ben needs to be up in three and a half hours to meet with his financial advisors and he has two tests tomorrow that he hasn’t studied for and He’s expected to give a speech at the Gala this weekend and he’s still fighting with his counsel over housing arrangements for the new wave of isle kids even though they’ll be here in barely a month and he just. He can’t. Smile. Right now.
Weak, he thinks. You’re so weak.
Evie’s hand is small and warm and so gentle when she rests it against his arm, peering up at him with worry all over her face. “Ben?”
To his horror, he feels his eyes start to sting. He turns away from her, clenches them shut, hoping against hope that she hasn’t noticed. “I’m sorry,” He gets out through the sudden knot in his throat. “Sorry, I’m. I’m just a little over tired is all, I was just --”
“Getting coffee?” Evie accuses, not unkindly. “At almost two am?”
“I have. Paperwork.”
“Ben.” She doesn’t try to force him to look at her, which is a good thing, because his fight against the tears is a losing battle. It’s all he can do to breathe instead of break down sobbing. “Ben, sweetheart. When was the last time you slept? Or…” A thoughtful pause. A dangerous pause, because Evie is observant and she pays attention to everything and the only person better than her at noticing things Ben would rather keep hidden is Carlos, who Ben has managed to avoid.
When Evie speaks again, her voice is even softer, practically whispering to him in the low light of the kitchen. “Or ate? Or got some exercise, or did something you enjoyed?”
He can’t answer her. He’s too busy trying to stop crying. Part of him is almost grateful for it, because it means he doesn’t have to admit that he doesn’t remember.
“Oh, Ben…”
He risks a look over his shoulder. Through blurry eyes, he sees her, looking at him with such open heartbreak on her face. Whatever defenses he has, they aren’t strong enough to withstand that. He crumples forward against the table, buries his face in his hands. “I don’t--” He hiccups out. Coughs. Swallows. Tries to breathe. “I don’t know what to do.”
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As much as I love the dynamics of Mal/Evie (I'm talking platonically) I'm never going to forgive the Descendants movies for ignoring that Mal and Jay have been best friends since they were children, long before either of them knew Evie or Carlos. If anyone should know who Mal is, how she thinks, and why she does the things she does, it should be Jay. Evie can be right there with him, but Jay should have had been shown as being more important to Mal than he was. I mean, I'm pretty sure Disney was trying to avoid any "miscommunication" as to why Mal was with Ben, because OBVIOUSLY if she's close friends with a different boy she should have a crush on him, but the whole thing is just annoying and heteronormative.
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I’m going to give Maleficent, Cruella, Jafar, and Grimhilde verses of this song about raising Mal, Carlos, Jay, and Evie, aren’t I?
Also guys, we’re really sleeping on the PattyCake Productions Villains Lair series because there’s so much musical villain content to be found.
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curtashiism · 6 years
Slowly but surely working on my Fade to Black sequel!
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