#Jean (Genshin Impact)
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eseninkit-blog · 7 months
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my she her prince
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kujiba · 2 months
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୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
A/n: I made this while drunk /jk
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Were you high? Possibly.
Did you feel like you were floating? 50/50
You stared directly at the glowing screen plastered infront of you, with your eyes full of focus.
'Ah.. This will be hard' You thought to yourself while nodding and looking away from it. Gazing your eyes back on the screen you either were highly delusional right now or...
You had been gifted the ultimate weapon! A system!
You're not a dumbass you've seen those novels, tv's, Mangas, animes, manwha, all that kind of stuff! So you had some bits and pieces on how to roll with this new kind of power.
Back to the main problem... Which element should you pick? Every element in the game is highly valuable and could be used with many different ways. The question is what would benefit you more in the situation you've been put upon.
Currently you had been locked in a cell by whoever knocked you unconscious, but your suspicion leaned more in the knights of favonius. You shaked your head telling yourself to deal with the problems one by one.
"Damn.. Which do I choose" You clenched your lips together tightly and scratched your chin with your own finger. Being indecisive and having a bit of a problem to choose from the choices given to you by the system.
You knew you had to pull your ultimate move.
"Innie, Minnie, Miny, moe..." You mumbled while your finger hopped it's way to each element on the screen "Catch a tiger by its toe if it hollows let it Go, Innie, Minnie Miny, moe." Your finger slowed down by the second and finally took a halt when the song ended.
You looked at the element carefully too see what the fate has given you!
Your excitement honestly didn't come from the element you choose but the thought you could have your own powers and vision!!
"Gimme DENDRO!" You declared to the system with a prideful voice, A systematic noise rang through your ears in a unpleasant way, soon after the noise came to a halt, a small glowing jeweled amulet began to descend from the air.
"Holy..!" You stared in awe as the jewel gently dropped to your hands. A familiar glowing green vision with it's outer areas decorated uniquely in a high quality silver material.
Quickly enough the system box appeared in front of you yet again.
The system then showed a long box filled with words and numbers that you immediately understood from your long gaming experience.
Lvl 1 / 20
Max HP: 929
ATK: 34
DEF: 21
Elemental Mastery: 0
Max stamina: 240
Crit rate: 5%
Crit DMG: 50%
Energy Recharge: 300%
GODDAMN! Why was your energy Recharge so high?... Actually no- that isn't a bad thing, it'll be good for you to just keep spamming your burst till the enemy drops dead.
Your thoughts were interrupted when a pair of footsteps made their way too where you currently are, you quickly hid the vision behind your back, afraid they might try and take it from you if they ever found out about it.
A familiar blonde and brunette made their way in front of your cell, you gripped your vision tighter remembering clear as day what had happened, your suspicions not even faltering for a second.
"(Name)." Jean called out, she placed her hand on her chest while looking at you calmly. Amber was by her side looking at your every movement, Jean continued "Were not here to hurt you. It's the opposite really" Jean's eyes looked soft and humble...
But that doesn't excuse them for knocking you out so harshly.
You deathly wanted to talk back to her but kept your mouth shut, only biting your lip harder so that nothing would come out and spill something important.
"Please, don't be wary of us.. We're your friends" Okay now she was spouting bs. Sure you've met amber for ONLY a bit but Jean was still technically a stranger to you!
You sighed to yourself "How long are you going to keep me in here?" you asked with a tad bit of impatience, you leaned your head back on the solid wall while narrowing down your eyes at them.
Amber responded to your question "Its..it's for your own good (Name), please trust us. We're keeping you safe" Amber's tone was yet determined but also worried. Jean placed her hand on Amber's shoulder and nodded.
"We'll explain to you everything later" Jean was about to say something till you cut her off "Why not now?" You asked tilting your head to the side.
Jean looked at you then down at the ground "There.. Are still some important things we had to arrange. But even so don't try to escape, this is for your own good (Name)"
"Ha? What do you-- AND... they left" You grumbled seeing them leave you all alone in here again.
"Hey system." You called out to it while playing around with your vision. The system appeared again by your side "What is it?"
A Google translator like voice came out of the box, you had this thought for a while now. "Will something happen to me when I escape this place?" You questioned it.
It took a while but the Ai voice returned "Judging from my information I have gathered. You are currently a 'GOD'."
"What!? What do you mean, God!?" You exclaimed in a panicked voice. You? A God?
You were snapped out of your frenzy when you heared it's voice again "There is currently a popular and confirmed tale plus ballad that you are the creator of Teyvat. People began worshipping you after you had abruptly dissapered without any warning, so they prayed and worshipped, hoping to bring you back"
You were even more bewildered but also... Understanding? I guess? I mean you are the player who basically built everything in the game. But isn't also Cai Hauyo (Mihoyo) basically the creator of what had been created? You'll dive deeper into that later.
"So.. They're all after me now?" Your tone had a clear hint of worry. You didn't want to be on the run and just wanted a normal life! The system replied saying "Not quite yet. I belive only the knights of favonius must've known. But Im sure it won't be long till the whole mondstadt or even Teyvat will find out about your presence"
You grimaced at the thought of being hunted down by multiple people, especially if those beloved people that you used to grind hours on end for!
You shaked your head in disapproval "Yet I can't really stay here either can I, it seriously sucks" you stretched your legs out on the cold cement flooring, the exterior of the room you had been trapped in was definitely not suited to live in.
"Why are you eager to escape?" The system sought to find the answer, you gave it a long frown "First of all, I am not going to be trapped here for the rest of my life! I'll die of boredom before anybody could even reach me" The system responded with only small glitching noises, it seemed like it was trying to process the outcome of your actions.
You took that as a cue to continue your rant "Secondly, I'm not really trusting the Knight's of Favonius yet nor anybody in general here. When you said I'm a supposed 'God' that's already trouble going to bite me in the ass" You breathed heavily to catch your breath, letting that all out of your chest felt pretty good to be honest.
"I know they're up to something"
Jean stared down at the stack of papers and files scattered around her desk. She took a deep breath and began to tidy things up around the office, a vivid memory flashed through her mind, a memory that wasn't that long ago.
Amber had gone out to continue her Outrider duties leaving Jean to take care of their business for the time being. Her lips trembled ever so slightly like a leaf being blown by the wind, so she quickly bit her lip with her eyes full of worry and dread.
A god was in a cell. A cell she placed them in. Or.. So she was assuming
Back then, Barbatos and the creator had a small fondness of each other. Tales and Ballads would often say they were friends, even with the gap between their ranks and powers, the creator treated everyone fairly no matter what rank. They adored their creations and thus, the creations adored them back.
If only they hadn't left so soon that Teyvat began to slowly crumble, leaving a nation to fall down, a nation to lock itself away from the rest of the world, a nation having their own Archon sacrifice themselves for their people.
If only...
Jean had her doubts. It wasn't the first time that a supposed 'Creator' stepped up only for them to experience demise and pain for their foolish actions.
The creator didn't have a confirmed face or appearance since they often changed what they look like, the creator did had 'Aura'.. That was only visible to vision holders. But of course, the humankind has evolved and people began to come up with a 'Fake Aura' that was the exact replica of the creator's.
Her feet paced back and forth through the room, deciding on what to do with the supposed 'God' that was locked away in a cell.... Should she eliminate them now? False identity was a crime. And when it comes to the creator, no one is spared nor given mercy.
"...Their too suspicious, Why only now did they appear? They must've been like the others." She whispered to herself, her thoughts running wild about them.
A 50/50.
They were either the actual creator
Or they are a fake.
And Jean's choice began to tilt towards the one most logical.
"Tomorrow. We will arrange a public execution"
"GAHHH!! AGHHH" You desperately tried to concentrate on your mind to activate your vision powers "What the heck how does this work!?" You gripped the amulet tighter with your left eye twitching violently. Your annoyance only filled more as the messages of the system flooded in your face.
"Try concentrating more calmly. What are you doing? Taking a shit?" The system taunted you while also sending some emojis.
"I'm trying okay!? How do you..." You trailed your words off, having a random flashback of when you still were at earth for some reason.
"Hey how are you always so calm?" You asked your friend filled with curiosity, they looked up at your eyes. Seeing your curiosity they hummed "Well I mostly think about my happy memories and things that I like. It's like day dreaming you know?" They answered your thoughts calmly.
"What?? You sound like one of those cliché characters in shows lol."
You blankly stared at the wall after the flashback had ended. Your head turned to the system "That was your doing ain't it?" You deadpanned seeing that the system had completely ignored you and instead sent whistling emojis.
You groaned finally giving in since you had no other ideas anyway. "Agh... Fine, worth a shot" You grumbled giving in to the cliché idea.
You relaxed down your body as your shoulders began to lower along with your guard, you cleared your head, thinking nothing but a blank space for some moments. When you felt ready you had began to imagine all the joyful things that you deeply favored for the past years. All of that gathered into one moment inside your brain.
The vision glowed brightly in your hands, it's viridescent color taking up the whole dimly lit room, even the system kept quiet with the messages so that you could concentrate better on finally unlocking some skills.
And just that, in a short while the vision began to lose its light.
Fluttering your eyes open you took a look around your body to see any changes, to your dissapointment there wasn't any difference. "Did it work?" You wanted to know if you were finally able to throw plants or something.
Suddenly, you slightly jumped seeing confetti pop out of nowhere. The systems screen had massive words placed for you to see.
+50,000 Mora
+Cake For The Player
+Personal Companion"
'Personal Companion?'
You were curious to see what it was but for now, you had to focus on breaking out of this hell hole. "System! So like uh, what can I do for now?" You rubbed the back of your head still pretty much a newbie to all this powers stuff.
"Throw out your companion. Call out it's name, 'Taube' and break the damn wall to escape"
"Taube?..." You mumbled it's name unsure at first but your doubts had quickly vanished as your eyes landed on a... Dove?
The Dove (Taube) was pure as a snow, it's wings flapping in the air gently with the inner layer of its feathers being a stunning (Color). Other than that, it looked like a pretty beautiful dove soaring in the sky.
"Wait so, what can it do?" You tilted your head at it questionably. "Make Taube attack the wall so you can see" The system answered your calling, you silently nodded your head at the systems words.
If the Dove was basically part of your power, then it could basically read through your mind! then.... 'Taube, I choose you!!'
Like a smooth cut of a knife, Taube had sliced through the wall with their wing, leading to the fresh and flourishing outside.
You were lying if you didn't say you were impressed and amazed by how easily Taube destroyed the wall. A wide smile appeared on your face as you didn't waste a single moment and ran out to the outside and away from that wretched room.
The air was clean and felt good as you inhaled as much as you can, the sweet scent of dandelions being all over the land was just a touch of freedom. The wind blew over your clothes and hair, wrinkling and messing it all up slightly.
"Man..." You muttered while straightening and fixing yourself up to look a slight bit more presentable. You looked around seeing Taube flying over to your vision, confusion hitted you but shock struck you harder for some quick seconds.
Your eyes widened, watching how Taubes body began to get absorbed by the vision, you panicked alot thinking your powerful animal companion is going to dissperse and never appear again but you quickly remembered that Taube is originally made from your vision anyway.
So you could summon them anytime! :D
A sigh of relief escaped through your lips, your eyes lingered on the body of Taube one last time, in impulse you softly stroked it's head before it faded away from your line of view.
Brushing those thoughts aside, you took a look around the vast land of Mondstadt. You weren't used to seeing how clean and green it was compared to earth where everything is in the brink of collapsing.
BUT! that wasnt your problem right now.
You didn't think twice to bolt your ass out of there and find a new hiding place, A cave? A abandoned house? Anything is fine! cause your gut kept telling you something bad will happen if you stay too long in there!
Wow. Who knew that you would be escaping from there when just a few chapters ago you were fangirling about living in mondstat?
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A/n: Short but active hehe
This is what the Dove kinda looks like btw, you could leave it to your imagination v
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di4kk1 · 1 year
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unamazing-sheep21 · 7 months
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| Oh dream maker, you heart breaker
Traveler angst WIP 🙏🏻
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Based partly on this 💕
TFW the therapist friend is just as mentally I’ll as everyone else but they’re just significantly better at hiding it
Love you Lumine and all your mental illnesses you’re hiding from literally everyone. I know ONE day the fandom will catch wind of your absolutely insane angst potential.
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nerineaart · 5 months
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Jeanlisa being visible for Lesbian Visibility Week 😊
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Happy Birthday, Jean!
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Good afternoon. See how the wind's carrying those petals along? It brought your scent with it too.
You were right after all. Taking a lunchtime walk to break up a busy afternoon fills you with energy, and actually makes you even more efficient when you get back.
Fancy heading over to Windrise together? It's already become a birthday tradition for me.
Don't worry, there's still plenty of time before my lunch break's over... Let's set off, shall we?
Thanks to Chiri for the fantastic artwork!
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drowsynyuu · 9 months
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NSFW BELOW~ genshin impact masterlist!!
cw: fem reader (jean), mostly gender neutral for the rest, thigh riding (kazuha), dry humping (venti, xiao), most of these insinuate that sex happens after, mentions of masturbation (xiao), it honestly gets more intense with each character
a/n: i went a little crazy w xiao’s part sorry 💔💔
- - - - -
jean // jean is more gentle when it comes to making out with you. she likely will have her hand on your waist, keeping your body close to hers as her tongue tangled with yours. she likes when you let her touch your body, and usually her hands will trail up your shirt to caress your waist skin-to-skin. she’ll blush if she realizes the intensity of the moment, and will pull away to compose herself. ..she always looks so cute when shy.
kazuha // he loves when you sit on his thigh when kissing. it gives him the chance to catch you off guard by lightly bouncing his thigh, making you gasp as you felt a jolt of pleasure. he’d of course take this opportunity to slip his tongue into the kiss, smiling a little when he’d feel you kiss him back with just the same energy.
venti // a couple bottles of alcohol together would always lead to the same thing. you and venti kissing in an alleyway. it was a little sloppy, but that’s what you’d expect if the both of you are shitfaced drunk. he’d kiss your neck as he basically dry humped your thigh, his thigh pressed between your legs.
wanderer // he’d always act like he didn’t like kissing you but the way he’d cling to you said otherwise. a soft whine would leave his lips if you dared to pull away, and he’d pull you back in. he loved the way it felt to kiss you, and kissing you always led to him getting a hard-on, which of course you’d help him.
xiao // xiao had come the moment he heard you cry his name, after all he couldn’t let his favorite human get hurt, but to his surprise you weren’t hurt. quite the opposite actually. so now he had you pinned to your bed as he kissed you hungrily, grinding on you desperately. your soft moans filled the kiss, your hands keeping his body close.
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perosp3ro · 6 months
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sumiire-creates · 8 months
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𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘙𝘌: fluff.
𝘍𝘛; amber, kaeya, lisa, jean, diluc, venti, albedo, rosaria, eula, mika.
‣ gn!reader [mentions of female anatomy] | slightly suggestive(?) [on kaeya, venti, and albedo] | a ton of kisses | a ton of fluff/a bit of comfort.
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- amber loves to kiss your face.
- amber is so sweet about it too
- like if she has the chance, she’s take your face in her hands and just smother you with kisses until you’re both all giggles
- she enjoys pecking your cheek or nose or forehead
- she ADORES goodnight forehead kisses. like, she gives you one EVERY. NIGHT.
- she’s so gentle with her lil smooches
- she’d kiss you any chance she got
- when you’re cuddling in bed? smooch
- pass by each other when you’re doing your own thing? quick kiss on the cheek
- training? hell yes.
- if you were a fellow knight, she’d spar with you and like get so close just to give you a kiss and hit you so hard you fall to the ground
- but like it's okay
- because if you tell her it isn't, she gets really disappointed and sad and pouts about it for the rest of the day
- you better make it up to her
- like later when y’all are going to sleep, trap her in a hug and return the favor! she’ll cheer right up
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- kaeya loves to kiss your lips.
- flirt.
- tease.
- he’s such an ass with it
- like he knows what he’s doing and he loves to just make you feel those annoying little butterflies that make you happy
- but then like
- he’ll also get super close, and you just wanna kiss him really badly
- and then he pulls away.
- like SIR??? >:(
- i'm not done come back here
- his kisses are soft and loving
- with gentle lips on yours, he’ll kiss you anytime he finds the moment to be perfect
- he’s the definition of romantic
- like your first kiss was probably on starsnatch cliff at sunset and looked so damn perfect
- gentle breeze and everything
- this mf couldn’t have timed it better
- he likes romantic kisses
- he also likes to just peck your lips
- but that's only if he can’t snatch you away and make out with you
- straying a little off topic but
- kaeya fucking LOVES cuddling you at night and making you face him so he can just smooch you right there whenever he wants
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- lisa loves to kiss your hands.
- such a gentlewomen <3
- she’s, like, so fucking sweet
- she’ll take your hands in hers and kiss your knuckles and it's just so soft and UGH
- when handing you books, she’ll snatch your hand and give it a quick kiss before waving you goodbye
- literally just
- i can’t stop saying this but,
- she’s SO SWEET.
- lisa would hold your hand tightly as you two walk down the street, occasionally bringing it up to her mouth as she’d kiss your knuckles and give her a smile
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss your pretty hands
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss you in general, honestly
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- jean loves to kiss your forehead.
- goodnight kisses on the forehead as she gets in bed beside you >>>
- she’s probably taller than you so its like the most easy to access place for her tbh
- jean is so sweettttt
- so gentle and loving with her partner
- she’d kiss you and give you a small reassuring affirmation afterwards
- “you’re doing great, love, keep it up.”
- “i love you so much, you know that, right?”
- “i’ll never leave your side, even in death.”
- “let me know if you need anything, okay?”
- it’s just
- so goddamn cute
- she’d only do it when she felt like its needed though
- taking her face in her hands as she pulls you in so she can kiss your forehead when you’re stressing out before embracing you and hugging you while gently rubbing you back-
- she even gives you the option to shove her away if you want, and she won’t get offended or upset or anything
- she’s just so comforting with her kisses <3
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- diluc loves to kiss your shoulder.
- first off, this man isn’t too big of a fan of PDA…
- so kissing in public is a no no unless nobody is looking
- then he often slips you a quick peck
- but he much prefers to kiss when he knows you’re alone
- his favorites are when he’s cuddling you in bed and just kinda kisses and sucks on your shoulder bc its soft and feels nice to him
- he’ll trail up your neck, to your lips, and then back down
- he’s super gentle about it AGAIN
- also i imagine that he’s just super duper warm
- he already wears that heavy ass coat
- but the pyro vision automatically makes him warmer to the touch
- he’s fine, i promise, just really warm
- so like imagine being held in his warm, strong arms while he gently gives you shoulder kisses
- its so cuteee
- diluc also likes it when he’s doing paperwork at his desk and you come to pester him. he likes it when you start whining and get in his lap to distract him
- because then he’ll just trap you in his arms
- “is this what you wanted?”
- and then, if nobody else is inside or if the maids have a day off, he’ll probably just kinda slide your shirt off a bit and smother your shoulders and neck in kisses
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- venti loves to kiss your neck.
- its so bad
- especially when he gets tipsy
- he’ll literally just kinda blend bodies with you and his lips never leave your neck
- also he knows where your soft spot/sweet spot is so just be warned, he’s gonna target it
- he’ll hold you from behind and find your favorite spot, sucking and kissing it before slowly trailing off… and then he comes right back to it, 2x the effort.
- he gets really handsy when kissing
- like he’ll probably grab at anything
- so yk
- be warned
- you can also bribe him to give you more kisses
- just promise him a drink and he’ll endlessly kiss you
- but like uphold your promise
- because you’re not getting anymore kisses until he gets that damn wine
- he’ll kiss you in any situation
- he prefers to kiss your neck from behind, but he can do it from the front too
- he also likes the back because he can just bury his face in your hair and it smells good so
- why wouldnt he want to ?
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- albedo loves to kiss your chest.
- “its for science”
- no its not.
- he just likes to kiss your chest.
- he’ll only go as far as your clothes allow
- tbh it's probably because they’re warm
- he isn’t particularly gentle or anything, actually
- he’s more rough with them tbh
- albedo likes to run his tongue along your skin before suckling on it
- then he’ll actually kiss it
- he’s a weirdo
- tbh he probably doesn’t kiss you that often
- it's more like
- spread out
- unless you ask specifically for him to kiss you more
- which he may or may not do
- he may just give you a look because he’s busy
- or he’ll indulge you
- who knows
- tbh i can’t tell with this man
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- rosaria loves to kiss your cheek.
- she definitely doesn’t kiss often
- or like
- at all
- but when she does, she kisses you like a ghost
- as in you almost can't feel it
- she much prefers to kiss your cheek, as its a soft and simple gesture that she can do at any time
- but again, she doesn’t kiss often
- so when you do find this blessing upon you, don’t hope for too much
- she won’t give you the proper kiss to the lips that you may want, because most of the time she’s busy and doesn’t have the time or feel very deserving of sharing such a nice moment with you
- so a peck on the cheek will do and then she’s off again
- tbh she hates the church and protecting mondstadt
- because she doesn’t have the time to kiss you like the wants
- but dw
- she’ll make it up to you
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- eula loves to kiss your knuckles.
- she was raised by aristocrats
- so like
- kissing is a thing
- she won’t do too often
- until you’re married
- because why waste her kisses on someone who’ll break up with her?
- no
- she’ll take her vengeance if you leave her
- so like
- don’t.
- anyways
- eula likes getting down on one knee and kissing your knuckles
- because it's romantic
- and she’s a knight
- isn’t that what the night typically does for his princess?
- as far as she knows, yes, yes it is
- so she’s gonna do it for you
- as a greeting
- and a farewell
- and just because she can
- of course in private she won’t make such a big deal about it
- she’ll just kinda snatch your hand (regardless of what you’re doing), and press her lips to your knuckles
- she really really enjoys doing it because it reminds her of those little stories about a princess and a knight
- you’re her prince/princess and she’s your loyal knight <3
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- mika loves to kiss your nose.
- shy.
- shy.
- shy.
- again, does not kiss you often
- but it's more often than like rosaria or albedo or eula.
- he’s just really really really nervous to kiss you
- like what if he messes up???
- he doesn’t wanna mess up!!
- so instead of kissing your lips
- he kisses your nose
- why?
- because he thinks your nose is cute
- but also because it helps him a little
- concentration wise
- this way he cant mess it up!
- right?
- right..?
- he’s telling himself that
- he just likes to kiss your nose
- mika thinks it's soft and cute but so is your whole face!!
- he’d pepper your face in kisses if he could
- but most attention kissing-wise is given to your nose
thank you for reading !
have a great day/night !
Requests: OPEN
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xxspringmelodyxx · 1 month
"𝐻𝑜𝓌 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝐼 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊?"
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┗━━━⊱ 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒍𝒖𝒄 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒛𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ⊰━━━┛
⊱ 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒔: 𝑫𝒊𝒍𝒖𝒄 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒓 ⊰
✩⁺₊✩☽⋆Warnings: Angst ⋆☾✩⁺₊✩
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 @𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓9 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕! 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 <3333
The wind howled through Mondstadt, its chill matching the cold void in your heart. The grand clock tower struck midnight, marking the end of another wedding anniversary spent alone. Diluc's duties at the tavern and his clandestine affairs with Jean had eclipsed the sanctity of your marriage for the last time. The final thread of your patience snapped, and with a resolute heart, you made the decision that the marriage was over.
Gathering your belongings and your young daughter, Lian, you embarked on a journey back to your roots in Liyue. The journey was long, but your determination to start anew fueled your every step.
As the carriage made its way through the familiar yet distant landscape, you couldn't help but reflect on the early days of your marriage with Diluc. You had met him during a diplomatic visit to Mondstadt, where his stoic charm and unwavering sense of duty had drawn you in. His passion for protecting Mondstadt and his dedication to his family's legacy resonated with your own values, and it wasn’t long before love blossomed between the two of you.
In the beginning, your marriage was filled with joy and promise. You supported Diluc in his endeavors, and he, in turn, was your steadfast rock. However, as the responsibilities of running the Dawn Winery and his secret vigilante activities consumed more of his time, the distance between you grew. Jean's presence in his life, initially a source of mutual respect and friendship, gradually morphed into something more insidious.
Despite your attempts to communicate your feelings and the need for more quality time together, Diluc's focus remained elsewhere. Anniversaries came and went, each one a painful reminder of what you had lost. The final straw was this latest anniversary, spent entirely alone, with nothing but a perfunctory note from Diluc apologizing for his absence.
With a heavy heart, you made the decision to leave. You packed only the essentials, not wanting to linger any longer than necessary. As you walked through the halls of the Dawn Winery one last time, memories of happier times flashed before your eyes. Lian, sensing your distress, clung to your side, her innocent questions about her father breaking your heart even more.
"Mommy, why isn't Daddy coming with us?" she asked, her wide eyes filled with confusion.
You knelt down to her level, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Daddy has some important things to take care of, sweetheart. But we're going to see Grandma and Grandpa in Liyue. They'll be so happy to see you."
As you left Mondstadt, the weight of your decision settled heavily on your shoulders. You hoped that in Liyue, surrounded by the love and support of your family, you would find the strength to heal and rebuild your life.
Upon reaching the majestic gates of your family's mansion in Liyue, the familiar sight brought a flood of memories. The towering structure, with its intricate carvings and lush gardens, stood as a testament to the Lu Family's enduring legacy. The servants, upon recognizing you, bowed deeply and addressed you as 'Young Lady.' Their deference reminded you of your true standing, long obscured by the simplicity of life in Mondstadt.
"Mommy, why are they calling you 'Young Lady'?" Lian asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.
Taking her small hand in yours, you smiled softly and knelt to her level. "Because, Lian, we are from the Lu Family, the most prestigious family in Liyue. This is our home, and you are my precious daughter, the next in line to this legacy."
Your parents greeted you with open arms, their joy at seeing you and their granddaughter palpable. Your mother, with tears in her eyes, held you close. "We've missed you so much, my dear. Welcome home."
Your father, the patriarch of the Lu Family, stood tall and proud. His stern expression softened as he looked at you. "You've made the right choice coming back. This is where you belong."
Lian, overwhelmed by the attention and grandeur, clung to your side, her wide eyes taking in the opulent surroundings. You guided her through the mansion, showing her the rooms and gardens that had been your playground as a child. The familiarity of it all brought a sense of comfort and belonging that you hadn't felt in years.
Life at the Lu Family mansion was a stark contrast to the life you had known with Diluc. Surrounded by opulence and respect, you began to rediscover the strength and grace that had been dulled by years of neglect. You immersed yourself in family affairs, taking on responsibilities that had long been neglected in your absence.
Your parents, recognizing your need to reclaim your identity, involved you in the management of the family's businesses and social engagements. You attended meetings, hosted gatherings, and reconnected with old friends and allies. Each day, you felt a little more like the person you had been before Mondstadt, before Diluc, before the heartache.
Lian, too, thrived in this new environment. She made friends with the children of other noble families, and her laughter echoed through the halls of the mansion. Seeing her happiness, you knew you had made the right decision. This was the life you wanted for her, filled with love, support, and the security of family.
Meanwhile, Diluc remained ensnared in his affair with Jean, oblivious to the seismic shift that had occurred in your life. His days were consumed by the responsibilities of the Dawn Winery and his secretive vigilante activities, while his nights were filled with clandestine meetings with Jean. He had convinced himself that he was doing the right thing, that his actions were justified by his duty to protect Mondstadt.
But as days turned into weeks, the absence of your presence began to gnaw at him. The empty halls of the Dawn Winery, once filled with your laughter and warmth, now felt cold and lifeless. He found himself reaching for you in the night, only to be met with emptiness. Jean's company, once a source of comfort, now felt hollow and inadequate.
The turning point came when an ornate invitation arrived at the Dawn Winery. It was an invitation to the annual Lu Family banquet, a coveted event that drew the elite from across Teyvat. Curiosity piqued, Diluc decided to attend, unaware of the shock awaiting him.
The invitation was beautifully crafted, with golden script and intricate designs. It spoke of a grand celebration, honoring the Lu Family's legacy and welcoming the return of their beloved daughter. The significance of the event was not lost on Diluc, and despite his reservations, he knew he had to attend.
As the date of the banquet approached, Diluc found himself growing increasingly anxious. He couldn't shake the feeling that this event would be more than just a social gathering. He prepared meticulously, choosing his finest attire and ensuring that everything was in order at the Dawn Winery in his absence.
Jean, sensing his unease, tried to reassure him. "It's just a banquet, Diluc. You'll be fine."
But Diluc couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more at stake. The thought of seeing you again, after all that had happened, filled him with a mix of dread and longing. He knew that he had made mistakes, that he had taken you for granted, and now he would have to face the consequences.
The grand hall of the Lu Family mansion was resplendent with golden chandeliers and elegant tapestries. The air buzzed with conversations and the clinking of fine china. As Diluc entered, he was struck by the opulence and grandeur of the setting. The hall was filled with dignitaries and nobles, all dressed in their finest attire.
As the banquet reached its peak, the hall fell silent as the patriarch of the Lu Family, your father, took the stage. With a commanding presence, he addressed the assembly. "Today, I am honored to announce the return of my beloved daughter and my only heir. Please welcome her and her daughter, my granddaughter, Lian."
The crowd parted as you stepped forward, Lian by your side. Diluc's breath caught in his throat as he saw you, the woman he had neglected, standing with the dignity and grace of true nobility. Realization struck him like a thunderbolt.
As your father finished his speech, Diluc's legs gave way beneath him. He fell to his knees, tears brimming in his eyes. The weight of his mistakes crushed his spirit, and in that moment of clarity, he knew he had lost something irreplaceable.
"Please," he begged, his voice breaking. "Forgive me. I will end things with Jean. I promise. Just give me another chance."
You looked down at him, your heart a tumult of emotions. The power was now in your hands, and the future lay before you, filled with possibilities you had never dared to dream.
You looked into Diluc's eyes, searching for sincerity. "You hurt me deeply, Diluc. You made me feel invisible and unimportant. Why should I believe that things will be different now?"
Diluc's voice trembled with desperation. "Because I realize now what I have lost. I took you for granted, and I see now how much I need you in my life. Please, give me the chance to make things right."
The depth of his anguish mirrored your own, yet it felt like too little, too late. Your voice quivered with the weight of pent-up emotions. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to be abandoned by the person you love? To watch as they slowly drift away, knowing you're not enough to hold their attention?" Tears welled in your eyes, and you fought to keep them from spilling over. "Every day, I watched you slip further into Jean's arms, and every night, I cried myself to sleep, wondering what I did wrong."
Diluc flinched as if struck, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I was a fool," he whispered, voice breaking. "I let my responsibilities consume me, and I let my fears drive a wedge between us. But I've seen the truth now. Without you, my life is empty."
You shook your head, pain and anger warring within you. "How can I trust you again? You made promises before, Diluc. You vowed to love and cherish me, but those words became hollow. How do I know this isn't just another empty promise?"
He reached out, but you stepped back, creating a chasm between you that mirrored the emotional distance you'd felt for so long. "I understand your doubt," he said, his voice thick with remorse. "But I swear to you, I've changed. I've ended things with Jean. I’ve realized that I can't live without you and Lian."
The mention of your daughter brought fresh tears to your eyes. "Do you know how many times she's asked why her daddy isn't around? How many times I've had to lie and say you were busy because I couldn't bear to tell her the truth?"
Diluc's face crumpled, and he sank further into the ground, a broken man before you. "I'm so sorry," he choked out. "I've failed you both. But please, give me a chance to prove that I can be the husband and father you both deserve. I’ll do anything."
For a long moment, you stood there, the enormity of the decision pressing down on you. The pain he caused was a deep wound, but you also saw the sincerity in his eyes, the desperation in his plea. This was a man shattered by his own mistakes, begging for redemption.
"I need time," you finally whispered. "Time to heal, and time to see if your actions match your words. I won’t let you hurt me or Lian again."
Diluc nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Take all the time you need. I’ll wait. I’ll wait forever if that’s what it takes."
As you turned away, a flicker of hope sparked within you. It was a faint glimmer, buried beneath layers of hurt and betrayal, but it was there. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance to rebuild what had been broken. But it would take more than words; it would take time, patience, and a genuine commitment to change. Only time would tell if Diluc could truly make things right.
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ghostofreach117 · 3 months
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- hooded eyes
- eyebrows cast heavy shadows
- long eyelashes, but they don’t really curl up
- eyebrows are untrimmed
- dark eyebags (gaslit himself into thinking they weren’t that bad lol)
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- Upwards curling lashes
- perfectly maintained eyebrow(s?)
- deep eyebags, but he covers them with makeup
- flat face
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- really round eyes
- her and Barbara both have long lashes, but she doesn’t wear any makeup
- deep eyebags that Barbara nags her about
- forgot to give you brows sorry queen
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asharaart · 1 year
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Mond trio swapping outfits 🤭
(I forgot to post this here on tumblr oops)
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kujiba · 4 months
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୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n: yay! We're finally getting into the very first arc. I might start a new series but eh, who knows. Anyway enjoy reading
୨୧ — ꒰[Tags] @resident-cryptid
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YOUR EYES COULDN'T BELIEVE IT - delicate and soft footsteps walked in the cobble flooring of the prestige city; (e/c) eyes glimmer around the stalls and towering buildings. Mondstadt definitely lives up to its titled name as the land of freedom, for every step you take, every second that passes by is surely not a quiet one infact.
One of your destined dreams turning into real life felt like bliss - you couldn't help but feel ecstatic on what the future lies ahead for you in the unordinary situation you find yourself in.
Yet.. Even for such a joyful moment, why do you feel entrapped and suffocated? You could feel eyes digging deep onto your back as it only doubled to your discomfort. You weren't supposed to feel like this, you're living your dream yet what is with this abnormal reaction? Paranoid with yourself, you quickly fled to a nearby alleyway to arrange your thoughts.
In there, you took control of your breathing, the surroundings around you begun to turn disoriented. You shook your head in disagreement "No...I must just be having a headache from the crowds" you mumbled to yourself, rubbing the sides of your head - you then continued your way in the city of Mondstadt after having calmed your thoughts and body down.
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Later on, you found yourself sitting down on one of the chairs in a food hub called "Good Hunter". You were well aware of what this place is - infact, you felt like you've done this thousands of times even if you just played through a screen.
You didn't quite expect that feeling of yours earlier, expectations didn't reach what you had thought would lead to. You were supposed to be happily strolling around mondstadt - so why are you just sitting here rearranging your thoughts again? "Agh...I'll just sit here for a bit, yeah that's alright.." Mumbling those words to yourself, you took a deep breath to calm your body down.
Eventually after about 10 minutes of sitting, you heard a small grumble from your stomach. 'Ah right, Im starving..' you suppress to yourself; sure you ate some (alot) sunsettia's earlier but that didn't seem to satisfy your stomach. Fortunately for you, the place you were resting at was a food hub!. Standing up from your seat, you made your way up to the counter to order some cuisine for that grumbling tummy of yours.
"Welcome To Good Hunter. Can I take your order?" A brunette lady with a neatly tied up ponytail on the other side of the counter question's. Her eye's lingered on the out line's of your body, taking in every detail and curve. "Uh....can I have uh.." Your voice trailed off, thinking of something to order from the menu. Until, you remembered one thing you'd always cook for your character's in game. "May I have one Sweet Madame please?" You asked, giving her a small smile.
The woman was dazed for a moment after you gave her a smile, seemingly gawking into your (e/c) pupils. It took a while till you cleared your throat "Ahem.. Is everything alright?" You questioned her, still keeping your smile but had a hint of concern.
"Oh! Uhm yes, one Sweet Madame. Please sit while I prepare your food" She hastily replied, quickly turning around she returned back to the counter furthermore fumbling around with some seasonings and kitchen knives.
You sat back down on your chair briefly leaning back on it whilst patiently awaiting for your food to arrive, your mouth just watered at the thought of eating it. And boy are you excited! Tasting many wonderful foods from your favorite games is just wonderful! A dream you wish to never leave this place...Until a realization hitted you like a truck.
You have no money here. Absolutely 0
A previous dream turned into a Nightmare; patting your pockets repeatedly you began to panic internally, you can't just take the food and dip! Well you actually can, but you definitely can't handle the consequences of it! No way you're going to already have a horrible situation just after you stepped inside the city.
So how the hell are you gonna pay without any mora!? The gods or whoever brought you here CLEARLY didn't gift you with any starter materials. You cursed In your head, thinking of ways to legally get out of the situation you were in. "Shit what do I do?! I can't just go 'oh I don't have any money because I'm from a different world and got transferred here. Heck no!" Your eyes scanned the surrounding area, looking for an idea or way to not make the situation any more complicated.
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A Honey-roasted fowl sat on your wooden table. The honey and sweet flowers come together to compliment the tender fowl meat. It's aroma as delicate and delicious as it looks. As of in the game it can restore 22% of Max HP and an additional 1,200 HP to the selected character.
A brunette maid stood by your side, a bill on her hands. Her expression looked rather concerned about you "Uhm.. Are you alright?" She asked examining your face. All that showed on you was defeat, like you've just got jumped by the opps.
"Well.. Aha.. So it might seem crazy what i'm gonna say.." You nervously chuckled, not making eye contact with the brunette and only facing the ground. Your eyes failed to notice another brunette woman walking to your table, her appearance seems similar to somebody you've previously met just moments ago..
"Heya! Mind if I sit down with you?" She politely asked, soon noticing the maid next to you she smiled slowly "I got it cover boss, I'll have one Sweet Madame too please." the brunette then took some mora from her pocket and gave it to the server, pleased by the girls payment she returned back to her stall to make another sweet madame.
Silence crept around both of you; you of course knew who she was but was to afraid to strike up a conversation. "Oh damn... What should I do?.." you pondered, avoiding any necessary eye contact with the brunnete. For her, she seemed to be doing the exact opposite of you. Her hazel pupils gazed upon parts of your physique; She seemed to be admiring your frame which made it furthermore awkward.
Clearing your throat, the brunette immediately got back into reality and looked back at you with her eyes. You gave her a small smile "Uhm well, Thank you for paying for me miss.." "AMBER." She replied back, a bit delighted to tell you her name "It's really nothing. You seem to be passing by?" she question's, you answer by giving her a nod.
"Why yes, Mondstat is one of my dream places to visit" You weren't technically lying to her, outside the screen. You did want to try and live in mondstat, just imagining it felt like paradise for you.
Amber seemed ecstatic when you mentioned how mondstadt is your dream places to visit "Why don't I give you a tour later then (Name)?" She offered to you, you were mentally so happy she offered it to you. So without hesitating you answered in a heart beat "Of course!"
Wait. Did you ever give her your name? You probably did. You just forgot
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The world happiness couldn't even describe what you were feeling right now, by your side was THE Outrider Amber of genshin impact showing you around the city. The buildings were alot taller than you had thought, but the best part was being able to see the statue of Barbatos! You felt like you were going to pass out on how unreal it felt!
But alas the tour was coming to an end. Fortunately, Amber had suggested for you to go visit the KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS; An order responsible for protecting Mondstadt and its belief of freedom. You were of course, very cheerful by her offer! So here were the two of you. Standing in the doors of the KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS.
"Woah.. Is it really okay for a normal person like me inside here?" you questioned her, eyes gazing at the gigantic bronze door infront of you. Amber opened her mouth to giggle "Why of course! Everyone is welcome here. Come, I'll show you inside! " Quickly opening the two doors, the inside of the building was even finer than what you've had imagined.
Polished tiles surrounded the flooring, complimenting the small plants placed upon the sides of the doors for a more appealing and modern look. Trained knights standing firm and straight with a neutral expression on their face. Still, you could vaguely see them attempting to try and catch a glimpse of you, occasionally turning their eyes to take a better view of your appearance. You did not mind one bit, since you've understood that they just might be analyzing you if you are a possible threat.
"Come! I'll show you inside one of the rooms!" Amber ushered, taking your wrist gently with one of her hands and leading you to a door. Thrusting the doors open, the surrounding room were packed with layers and layers of books, seemingly to be endless opportunities of knowledge and experience.
As you began to look over the room, your (e/c) eyes laid upon a fairly tall woman with lime green eyes and long light brown tied in a side ponytail by a hair tie with a blue rose. Her outfit is largely many shades of purple. Just by the sight of her you could tell who she was already; LISA is a librarian who works in this library, and one of the few characters you achieve for free for unlocking more experience and leveling up in the game.
Her forest green eyes gazed around the room and stopped when she had spotted you, her expression seemed to be of slight suprise but nonetheless, she composed herself and began walking up to the two with her signature smile
"Why hello there cuties, what brings you here?" She question's, stopping in her tracks following with crossing her arms around her lower chest
Amber smiled gleefully, still taking a hold of your wrist with her hand and replying to Lisa "They're a passing traveler who wanted to adventure into the city! I offered to give them a tour and they gladly accepted!" Her answer holds alot of excitement and happiness.. So much so that she's gripping onto your wrist very tightly.
You soon grew uncomfortable by her grip on your wrist, but didn't want to ruin the two women's mood and vibe, so you kept it to yourself for now. It must be because she's exceedingly happy right?
Lisa lightly laughed at the brunettes excitement "Now, now.." She took hold of Amber's hand that was holding onto your wrist and pulled it apart, her eyes not breaking eye contact with Amber "Why don't you calm yourself down, Amber?" She says giving a closed eyed smile. Amber immediately realized her actions and turned to you "...Sorry, haha. I guess i let my emotions get the better of me, I promise you I won't let it happen again" Her previous dissapointed expression shifted to one that looked more relaxed.
"Oh! Right, you must not know her right?" Amber pointed her thumb to Lisa who was standing infront of the two, her smile still plastered on her face, she cleared out her throat "Don't worry, I'll introduce myself to this cutie..my name is Lisa Minci, the librarian of the knights of favonius, I hope we get along very well." her smile was off putting at first but you brushed it off.
"Nice to meet you Ms. Lisa! My name is (Name), I'll be very happy with my time in mondstat" You extended your hand to give Lisa a handshake, to your suprise Lisa without hesitating also took your hand for a handshake. Her eyes focused on the base of your hand whilst Amber stared at you two.
You laughed awkwardly. you and Lisa shaked hands a few times before parting ways for now, you felt an ominous aura behind you once you turned your back to leave the library. You for sure wasn't going back in there for a bit.
As the two of you walked in the halls of the Knights of favonius guild, Amber stopped infront of a door. "How about we go ahead and meet the grandmaster, Jean?" She said still having a gleeful energy. You nodded, seeing no harm in meeting her. The plot won't magically change right? In here your just an NPC and the main side characters always interact with NPC's and go on with their day. Nothing can go wrong, right?.
Amber opened the doors, a small creeking sound as it slowly began to open up. Inside the room where stacked with shelves of books, in there, the back center of the room had a women in blonde dressed formal sitting down on a chair with a fairly sized table. The table had stacks and stacks of papers seemingly to be endless.
Only when amber cleared her throat did the blonde notice the two people standing near the door, she quickly composed herself and looked directly at amber, you've noticed how the blonde has not even noticed you in the room yet (you're standing right besides amber wtf).
"Good morning to you, Amber. What brings you here?" The blonde woman asked, sitting upright on her chair while awaiting the brunettes answer "Good to see you, Acting Grandmaster JEAN!" Amber replied casually, "Meet (Name)!, they' were just passing by. We sure do get loads of visitors after the Traveler(AETHER) had left to go to Liyue huh?" The brunette smiled brightly, her hand infront of you faced flat.
Jean, if not for amber she would have never even noticed your presence in the room. You on the other hand had something else in mind, 'I wonder which traveler is the one they're talking about... I'm fine with either one of the twins'
You collectively thought to yourself, a smile on your face as you could barely wait! Just meeting the MC makes your stomach get butterflies. Jean seemed to be staring at you for quite a bit, but you had not noticed once since you were daydreaming in your head.
Jean cleared her throat which made you immediately snap back to reality, raising your head slightly you made eye contact with her ocean blue pupils, she didn't look like she was going to take her eyes off you anytime soon...
".. (Name), was it?" Jean asked, leaning on her desk. Without hesitating you nodded your head "Yes, that's me.. Is there anything you want to ask?" You asked her in an awkward tone, the vibe in the room had shifted significantly. You didn't like it one bit.
She locked her eyes onto yours and smiled "No... But let me ask you one thing" The blonde stood up from her seat and slowly walked in front of her table "Where did you come from exactly?" She asked, crossing her arms on her chest. Amber also was curious to know, her hazel eyes looking at you with curiosity.. But to you, it felt like two predators were piercing their eyes onto your every limb, you felt awkward, confused, and most off all. ANXIOUS
Just one word, one word that's even remotely suspicious and it's game over for you. But why did you feel panicked and anxious? The Traveler was also a other worlder, the characters stared at him/her with adoration and kindness. Why is it the opposite for you?
A feeling wrecked your inner self, INSTINCT. Instinct told you the moment you accidentally reveal your situation is the moment your doom will begin to tower over your shadow, devouring you whole for the mistake you had made. And only then, will you escape from the pain you've brought upon yourself.
"I.. I came from.." You were lost for words, you could just tell them you lived in liyue, sumeru, Fontaine or any other region in Teyvat. So why do they stare at you with such hostile and loathing looks? You gulped down your saliva and clutched your other wrist with your hand "I traveled here from liyue.. I like to visit other regions and find more of their culture and traditions"
Your voice sounded awkward, but it was the only words you could spew out in the moment. You could still feel their gaze observing your every move and twitch, they never took their eyes off you for a long while.
As silence filled the room, Jean and Amber looked at each other for a couples of seconds and nodded, Jeans gaze on you began to soften up "I see, well then. I welcome you to mondstadt, we will be more than happy to have you here" Jean casually said having her hand on her hip as amber gleefully clapped her hands.
"Welcome To mondstadt! I'll be sure to show you only the best." Amber talked to you with such excitement and happiness. You couldn't process what was happening, since the mood had shifted to normal again. You were only relieved to have your body and mind at peace again....
! ! !
INSTINCT is an inborn impulse or motivation to action typically performed in response to specific external stimulus, ADRENALINE is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.
Two things a human body does when faced with a threat around their surroundings, the human body will begin to feel such things. You felt your body beginning to rush as your heart beat began to slowly get faster, something was definitely behind you.
You turned your head quickly, but only saw a pair of black gloves reaching out to grab your face, and before you know it, you were out on the floor. Your vision began to darken at a fast pace, as all you could only do is lay motionless on the cherry colored carpet.
Two silhouettes towered over you whilst you were on the ground, holding your arms and legs, they began to drag your body on the hard ground.
(e/c) eyes slowly began fluttering open, your pupils beginning to open once again. "Ugh... Where am I.." you groaned. Your head was throbbing like crazy, giving you migraines that just added more into the pain. Your hand trailed up to the sides of your head and began to slowly massage it to ease up the aching.
After some seconds, you had fully composed your body. The room you were in was more darker and you could barely even tell what was in your surrounding areas, only feeling the cold flooring from below you.
You attempt to try and recall what had happened but it only furthered increase the aching. You could only sigh to yourself and lean your body back on the wall, in the room you were stuck in 'So this is how I'll be spending my time. Stuck in a dark and cold room, great. ' you thought to yourself, hugging your knees closer to your chest and body to be able to create warmth.
"Just my luck.. When things were just going great another misfortune happened" talking to yourself was the only thing keeping you entertained for now, as you begin to spiral deeper into your thoughts you started to wonder, Why did I get transported here?
In your life at earth you didn't make any shocking changes to the world like making cures or any of that. You were just some person who liked to play games...
Surely enough the gods or whoever transmitted you here would be benevolent enough to gift you some kind of system or powers right? If this was not just a coincidence you might as well treat your situation like a manwha.
Clearing your throat you quietly mumbled 'System'.....And to no suprise nothing worked. "Uhh... Abrakadabra? Arise? Info?" you tried words that could possibly trigger that non existing system that you are hanging on for dear life. Maybe because of the silence around you that makes you start to go delusional and crazy.
Countless tries yet none were working (Obviously) "Man.. I knew I should've eaten more food, I'm starting to go crazy at this point.. Seriously miss the noise around. It just seems like something had turned off the sound in settings"
You groggily lowered your head down accompanying with silent murmurs coming from your mouth. Unbeknownst to you, a glowing blue screen began appearing infront of you, as you began to lift your head your (e/c) eyes began to shrink from shock as a text was plastered right in front of you.
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A/n: very sorry for the delay and how late the chapter is. Advance apologies if the chapter did not meet your expectations. School is a pain and taking most of my time.
Nonetheless Hope you enjoyed, please let me know if you want to get tagged in the next chapters.
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kay-selfships · 11 months
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unii-outlawed · 1 year
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For jeanlisa zine <3 we’re in leftovers now and I can post my arcane au🙈
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