milburnandnyman · 9 months
Because I just binged the whole thing and I indeed cannot get past not commenting on it.
Spoilers begin from here on…
Let me just say that… I am disappointed with this season. And kinda in general (the entire Cavendish part felt so forced, I really missed seeing more of the old characters and the old setting and I wish other endings were happier, too), but obviously as a Jeankob shipper, that Jean storyline left me with a knot in my stomach.
I know things definitely didn’t seem promising from whatever glimpse we could get beforehand, but this was just so loose and forced and empty I could cry.
I immediately assumed they maybe could not get Mikael Persbrandt to do S4, because this storyline just makes absolutely no sense to me otherwise. If this was intended all along as is, then it is complete bullshit.
They literally built up this couple from S1 onward and made them struggle so much, while simultaneously letting us know how much they love one another, I was 100% convinced that in the very end they would get their happy ending no matter what. Love just had to win for once. And what actually happened seemed as if they just picked up all there ever was and dismissed it completely, tearing it apart.
This only makes sense to me if they had to “fix it” last minute and write Jakob out, because Mikael would not be there to do it. Because explain to me three seasons of chemistry and growth, explain to me all the S3 moments (especially the S3!), everyone indicating that Jean and Jakob love one another, the therapist, Maureen’s “Jakob adores you”, Ruby’s “you’re a good loking couple”, then the treehouse (I cannot believe they had the nerve to shit on that this season, calling it “creepy”), I thought the “you didn’t finish the treehouse” bit was there almost as a guarantee that he will indeed finish it in the future along with his promise to Otis “I’m not going anywhere”. The way Ola named the baby Joy, the Jean Jakob Joy - are you kidding me? The way Jean was so sure about Jakob being the father from the VERY beginning - “but he’s had a vasectomy”, “it seemed fated”, agreeing to the dna test without a single question, being surprised when reading the actual result, probably being able to CALCULATE as a smart woman and also, I think she literally kept the baby, because it was meant to be her and Jakob’s, because she loved the man, I’m sure she wouldn’t keep it if she doubted it was his, oh and also… I assume she definitely used protection with all her one night stands as a sex therapist, but I always assumed she stopped using it with Jakob, because they were an exclusive couple and she trusted the vasectomy. It seems literally impossible to me that she would not doubt it even once.
So, I was certain there would be some games around this paternity plot, maybe make us believe Jakob is not the father, but then something would happen and it would be revealed as a mistake or something. Then Jean and Jakob would both have “done wrong” in some way, she cheated in the past and then he left her over the dna test - they’d finally be kinda “equal” in hurting one another. And maybe realize that despite it all, they still love one another deeply and they have to leave the past behind and make it work.
And I cannot believe that instead of that we just got a very loose storyline about the baby daddy, no real explanation, just some brief crap “95% sure” and that ending of “a part of me always knew it wasn’t his, but” - I am sorry, but the Jean I knew from previous seasons would never even go to Jakob if she had even a glimpse of a doubt. She struggled telling him in the first place. So, making Dan the baby daddy in the end just felt so forced and disappointing, while mentioning Jakob only briefly + the way Jean was already unhappy for the majority of her screen time, it was sad to watch. I enjoyed some parts with Jean and her sister and getting to know more about their past etc., but all in all, her story this season was just depressing and this to me is anything but a happy ending. It’s not “finishing strong and hard”. It’s “I’m gonna pretend there’s no S4”.
I will however forever be grateful to the creator for giving us this couple, I have rooted for them from the very beginning and it is crushing to know that this is it, I am deeply sad about this ending and I think I’m going to need some happy fanfics to make it better or some past season rewatches. Because I cannot accept this. It feels like we’ve been left with absolutely nothing, robbed of it all.
So, to conclude: in my head, SexEd ends with S3 and Jeankob’s story wraps up with Jakob attending the therapy and deciding to trust again, being there for Jean at birth, Jean surviving the birth, there’s no fucking DNA test, just both of them reuniting afterwards, talking it through and forgiving one another and they make. it. work. Because they deserve it. And they live out their love, while raising their daughter.
So, with all due respect… today is a very bittersweet day. And I wish it were different.
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useles-bian · 2 years
Fic Master List
Decisions Mature // 134,702w - Stella needs a break, following her difficult return to London after Belfast, and decides to take up a temporary role with the FBI where she meets Agent Dana Scully. Neither of them know quite where their chance meeting will end up taking them.
Novel Explorations Ongoing // Explicit // currently at 83,083w - A few years into their relationship, Dana learns of a new side to Stella, one that neither of them really knew about before. (a.k.a Sub Stella!)
Daddy’s Home Ongoing // Explicit // currently at 20,859w - This fic asks the important questions... Like what if Stella and Dana had a 24/7 D/s dynamic?
What Happened? On Hiatus // Mature // currently at 18,834w - “Hello, Ms…” he trailed off as he plucked her file from a clipboard hanging off the end of the bed, “Gibson. I’m going to be looking after you this evening. I’ve had a quick handover from the day shift, but I was hoping you could tell me what you remember happening yesterday?”
Uncertain Growth Teen and Up // 15,141w - Following Scully’s return in One Breath, a certain blonde is called to her hospital room. Stella has far more questions than she does answers, not least about her own emotional state, but she pushes them all aside in a bid to take care of Scully. (written for the ‘22 Stella/Scully Exchange)
Let’s Play A Game Explicit // 7,716w (two-part series) - Stella and Dana get back to Stella’s house after a dinner date with certain things on their minds. Followed by them taking their newfound experimentation a step further.
Intoxicated Adventures Explicit // 7,568w (two-part series) - Stella and Dana decide to go to a nightclub for the first time in years, but they’re far too preoccupied with one another to take in much of their surroundings beyond a few drinks. Then, what happens when they get home - tipsy, aroused, and ready to pick up where they left off?
An Admission of Trust Explicit // 5,594w - “You’re beautiful.” Though a blindfold stopped her from evaluating for herself, Dana felt she could trust the honesty of the woman above her.
Songbirds and Fairytales General Audiences // 4,478w - Goldfinches watch on from their nest in the tree as Stella sets up a summer picnic for her tired partner who’s recuperating after a series of night shifts.
The Power of a Plea Explicit // 3,095w - Handcuffs, pleading, unnecessary similes and metaphors, and a little bit of religion.
A Matter of Confidence Explicit // 1,941w - Stella learns something new about Dana, her girlfriend of a few months, and immediately sets about rectifying it.
Darling Boy Teen and Up // 1,924w - The dramatic tales of their pet cat.
Primal Urges Explicit // 1,712w - Stella comes home to find Dana's just got back from a run, and feels a sudden and most unexpected desire.
Lunch Date Explicit // 1,710w - Dana brings Stella lunch and is promptly distracted by the blonde, needing to feel in control during a frustrating day at work.
To Take It Off or Keep It On? Explicit // 1,610w - A finely tailored suit, a swiftly torn dress. Self-control is clearly something neither woman does possess.
The X-Files
What She Wants Explicit // 15,671w - He’s spent more hours than he can count hopelessly watching her, a confident stranger that he feels like he’s never had the chance to meet before, a facet to her character that remained under wraps until now. But how will he respond when such attention is turned on him instead?
The Whole Leg Teen and Up // 9,320w - Distracted by a case and feeling the need to prove his theory correct, Mulder doesn’t give much thought to his sore throat and rising body temperature. But when worsening symptoms force him to confront his reality, Scully has to step in and help. (written for the ‘22 Hurt/Comfort Exchange)
No Work Talk Teen and Up // 7,072w - A power cut leads Mulder to spending the night at Scully’s apartment for the first time. (written for the ‘22 Too Close For Comfort Exchange)
From This Day Forward Explicit // 6,704w - Post The Truth, Scully gives Mulder an idea that refuses to leave his mind. He just has to hope that she likes it as much as he does.
A Simple Want Teen and Up // 2,821w - When tensions run high and Mulder grows increasingly possessive following her diagnosis, Scully eventually snaps. (written for the ‘22 Jealousy Exchange)
Small Gestures - Jeankob (Sex Education) Teen and Up // 2,937w - A tired Jean returns home from the supermarket to find Jakob preparing for the baby in an unexpected way.
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palepinkpores · 2 years
Jean and Jakob go for Halloween as sandy and Danny from grease pass it on
Hmmm, I don’t know if they do…
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emmapills · 2 years
jeankob predictions?
oh, shit. I honestly have no clue 😭
I think laurie will say jakob’s the dad after playing her mind games ☹️ BUT if he’s not the dad, then she’ll make it dan or fucking remi. god, i hate that man.
I’m rooting for jakob to be the dad so fucking bad 😭 they both deserve all the happiness and I’m tired of laurie fucking with them :(
I hope they end up together for good this time 🥺
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freckleslikestars · 1 year
Non-X Files FanFic Masterlist
Zinc Sulphide - Missing scene from Terra Firma
Stars - conversations that go nowhere under an unfamiliar sky
Plan B - Missing scene from A Human Reaction
Cestrum Nocturnum - An AU thought experiment looking at if Bedelia got pregnant in Florence.
House of Mirth - Masterlist
Sex Education
Difficult Choices - Jeankob fic, kinda. Post season 2, uncomfortable conversations and honest discussions about abortion. 
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cantaby · 3 years
EDIT: Nevermind. I held the faith needlessly. This will have to be headcanon henceforth. Alas. Anon. The world still turns.
I love y’all but a baby is no way to predicate a relationship and this show is here to educate you about sex and healthy viewpoints on ensuing topics. The paternity test first off remains unrevealed but will likely reveal that it’s either inconclusive or that he is not the father and that is a pill the fandom is gonna have to canonically swallow. There is no reason to put this cliffhanger here otherwise.
Jakob made the decision to distance himself because he did not trust Jean, but crisis (caused as an effect of the pregnancy but not about the baby) bonded this found family together despite the distrust. I think this is a brilliant layering of complicated scenarioes that may border a little to close to Jerry Springer but, situated in the context of these characters and the storylines that they actually are there to support, is a great choice, and in the overall message of the show, allows the writer to encounter this type of scandal without the burden of youth and ignorance. Your feelings are valid, yet I encourage you to think past the immediate satisfaction of your ship... or the product thereof? And realize that this isn’t a negation of that. It’s just another way of introducing a conversation about sex education. I really think Jakob already believes that this may not be his baby. I think he knows the love between then is real because she sought him out first and foremost and even deceived ever herself to come back to him. I think the next season will have him contend with that distrust while encountering the real love built throughout the pregnancy and reenforced through crisis. And Jean will have to contend with the fact that she constructed a whole narrative to reconnect with him without checking the facts and not only broke his faith but the faith of her children and newfound family. Like, she felt like it was fate, but she manifested all of that amid a cocktail of hormones and emotions and grief and love...and regardless of all, the baby exists and they are all connected to her and each other, and keep in mind, as you age, you begin to need a companion, and that desire changes your reality and your priorities. Not to say that Jakob should accept the bullshit and swallow it whole—Jakob consistently checks Jean on her bs and this a facet of her attraction to him, and I am not sure I even advocate—but just to say; Let us see where Laurie Nunn drives this before running aground, yes? They can no longer structure their reconnection solely on the effort of coparenting. This is a good thing! it’s gonna be fun to watch.
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dreamer3196 · 3 years
Okay listen, I know everybody is freaking out about that DNA test at the end of the seson (I'm too omg), but there's a line that gives me a little bit of hope. When Jakob says to Otis "I know I'm not your father but I'm not going anywhere". I loved that line! I hope it's a little bit of foreshadowing! Jakob may get really angry at first, leaving both Jean and Joy but I REALLY REALLY hope that at the end he will come back! Maybe thanks to the therapist (who I think he will keep seeing even in the future) or maybe even thanks to Otis! They now have basically a real son and father dynamic. It'd be so good to see Otis going to Jakob, giving him one of his beautiful speeches and making him realize that being a father is more than a piece of paper. Also I STILL NEED TO HEAR AND SEE JAKOB AND JEAN SAYING THAT THEY LOVE EACHOTHER! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE SAID IT BUT THEM! It's so clear they have been loving each other madly since day 1! Please tell me what you think.
Also... I still hold hope that those results are wrong in some way. That little girl being named Joy has to lead to something good!!
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simmaellersjunk · 3 years
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What are trying to tell us Gillian??? Anyways I love these tattooed parents
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astridncs · 3 years
Of Love, Happiness, and Promises
a Sex Education -- Jean Milburn/Jakob Nyman fanfic | full read on AO3
When Otis left the room, Jean was left with Jakob. They haven’t spoken much since after her surgery and as much as she wanted for them to have a conversation now, she was still exhausted and the anesthesia hasn’t worn off yet making her mind loopy.
“Sleep, Jean. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He whispered to her as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.
Jean nodded and before she drifted off to sleep she mumbled, “I’m the king of everything, Jakob…” and that made the man smile.
Looking at Jean’s sleeping form, Jakob began to ponder of their situation and their relationship. He thought of the therapy session that he went to before rushing to the hospital. He let out a quiet laugh thinking of how that was sort of a blessing in disguise. That conversation with Dr. Cutton surely made him realize a lot of things – things that he was now more than willing to improve just to make everything work, now that the baby’s finally born.
An hour passed when Jakob felt himself being woken up by someone. The midwife who assisted Jean earlier smiled at him as he roused from his sleep.
“We were wondering if Jean would like to visit the baby? It would be good for the both of them.” The midwife suggested. “I’m Carol, by the way.” She introduced herself and Jakob shook her hand before nodding and telling her he’d wake Jean up and bring her to the NICU.
When Carol left, Jakob stood by Jean’s bedside and instead of waking her yet, he began to talk to her sleeping form. It seemed cowardly that he couldn’t just talk to her when she was awake, but for some reason doing such when she was still asleep felt easier for him.
“Jean, I don’t know if you can hear me or if you’re in deep sleep, but I just want you to know that I am sorry for the things that I have said, for doubting you, and for not trusting you. Earlier, you were amazing, you always have been, but seeing you push our baby out into this world has made me love you even more than I already do. I am so proud of you,” he paused as he sighed and softly ran his fingers through her hair. He observed at how exhausted she looked – bags under her eyes, her skin paler, and her lips still seemingly blue from the ordeal that she went through.
“You scared me, Jean, but I’m so happy you’re alive,” he sniffled. “I’m so happy you held on. Our baby girl’s waiting for you. She’s perfect, tiny, but perfect; ten toes and ten fingers, she has your nose and your lips. She looks just like you, sötnos. She’s ready to meet you again.” He whispered.
continue reading here
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gillianxmargo · 3 years
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milburnandnyman · 9 months
DON’T BULLSHIT ME - the analysis
Why I think there’s no fucking way Joy wouldn’t be Jakob’s and why I’m almost betting they had to write Mikael out and that’s why we got that bullshit, lacking-in-context story:
1. Jean can be a silly woman, but she is not dumb. I cannot imagine a sex therapist who wouldn’t be highly aware of these things and also as someone who has already been pregnant once in her life, to miscalculate things so horridly as in not to know who the father of her child is.
2. Jean was very outspoken about protection, there is a scene from S2 where she is attending the SexEd class at Otis’ school and she tells the students “remember, it is always your right to say no” as in response to a case where someone insists on not using protection.
3. According to these words and the fact that she is a sex therapist with a previously quite sexually active lifestyle, I am 100% sure she has always used protection, no exception.
4. Yes, Jean slept with both Jakob and Dan on that very same day which is evocative, but as previously mentioned, I am sure she’s used a condom, both with Dan and Jakob, because even if she and Jakob liked one another, I don’t think you just tell a person that you’ve had a vasectomy when you’re about to have sex with them for the first time and even if, they were still strangers, I don’t think that’d convince her not to use it, at least in terms of STD’s etc. I think it’s highly unlikely she got pregnant on that day by either of them.
5. Despite Jean kissing Remi, there was no one else in terms of sex after her and Jakob started dating. She was exclusive with Jakob.
6. I believe as Jean and Jakob became exclusive and things got serious, I think that’s when Jakob probably mentioned his vasectomy to Jean. It’s no secret that a lot of couples prefer to have sex without a condom, so the fact that they were a serious couple and that the vasectomy should theoretically keep them “safe” (haha), was probably enough of a reason to go au naturelle.
7. A lot of women actually get pregnant despite the man having had the vasectomy. You can find a ton of such stories, also, the doctor herself had said to Jean “stranger things have happened”. Yes, condoms can break, but if you’ve been cream-pied by your bf god knows how many times, despite the vasectomy, that’s a lot of shots. Pun intended.
8. While the timeline is not thoroughly explained, according to the story, S1 begins at the start of the school year and S2 is supposed to be around spring term. Jean gives birth on October 25th in S3, which is post-summer break. Jean is not due for 8 weeks at the time, so her due date should be sometime in December, meaning, Jean got pregnant sometime in March or early spring. (I think S1 and S2 contain some more dates to confirm this, a bill at Maeve’s trailer and some other stuff that kinda support bits of the timeframe.)
9. I highly doubt that the first season stretched from September and all the way up to the next spring, I think S2 actually started during the spring term and there was a time jump, so I personally think the sex with Dan was too far away for him to even be considered the father (of course, they can imply whatever they want, but according to logic - again, seems unlikely).
10. I think the time jump could have had Jean and Jakob dating in secret anywhere from a month to a couple of months, now, while we cannot be 100% sure of this, I still think a certain amount of time had passed in between.
11. Jean says she found out she was pregnant “quite late on”, but has also stated “I really didn’t know what I was going to do”, probably implying she still had the time to decide, this means she wasn’t pregnant for longer than 12 weeks. It is usually up until the 12th week mark where you have the time to decide to terminate the pregnancy. In my opinion, she must have found out somewhere in between 8-10 weeks, considering she called it “late”.
12. She had already broken up with Jakob when she found out, it could’ve been merely days or a good week after that, maybe more, but who knows, it does however give us about an extra week into the pregnancy and we can consider that when assuming how long they could’ve been a couple for beforehand.
13. The moment Jean found out, she was obviously surprised “but that’s impossible” and right away blurts out “but he’s had a vasectomy”. She right away thought of Jakob and has even expressed her surprise, due to his vasectomy, but it didn’t make her question if the baby might be someone else’s. Again, the doctor confirmed getting pregnant that way is not that unlikely.
14. Since Jean had already broken up with Jakob at the time and he had made it clear, that he doesn’t want to reconcile, Jean was quite free to decide about her pregnancy. If she ever doubted that the baby wasn’t Jakob’s, I see absolutely no reason why she would feel forced to keep it and turn her life upside down. I think Jean knowingly kept that baby, because she knew it was her and Jakob’s and there was the inevitable emotional attachment to it, so it would probably be hard for her to terminate the pregnancy and she even says it later on how one of the reasons was that “it just seemed fated”.
15. During the entire S3 there are too many lines that support Jean’s indeed very sure and convinced of Jakob being the father: Otis’ “mom, you have to tell him” - I’m pretty sure you don’t lie to your own son about who the father is, “you’ve impregnated me”, “I’m 48 and he’s had a vasectomy” so confirming in front of a therapist, that even to her it seemed impossible, yet, still, it happened, then the way she remained so sure when Jakob was beginning to grow doubtful “don’t be ridiculous”, agreeing to that DNA test without even a glimpse of a doubt and being completely shocked by the results later on. All of these to me are not behaviors of someone who “a part of me always knew she wasn’t his”, but quite the contrary.
16. The fact that Jean, despite loving Jakob, couldn’t even go back to confront him and has, for example, only decided to make it known that she “wanted to try again” later on at the therapist’s, just goes to show how vulnerable she felt after the heartbreak, so no wonder she waited a couple of months before even gathering the courage to tell Jakob, she was probably terrified and upon doing it, she actually tried to play it cool at first like “I only want you to be involved if it’s something that you would like”. So, I don’t think she’d go into it lightly and lie about it if she had any doubts about the paternity, just to use Jakob. Even the therapist asked her if she decided to keep the baby, because she still wanted to be with Jakob, to which she replied “absolutely not” and I really think that she’d probably rather just ghost him forever if she knew the baby wasn’t his as opposed to trapping him into being the father. Jean is the kind of person who really prefers to run away from her feelings at times like these.
If you actually managed to read the entire thing, thank you, you are a champ.
Yes, I know this fucking analysis won’t change S4 and they have made their choice, all I’m trying to say is, that I am suspicious of this all and I really think there was something about not being able to cast Mikael Persbrandt, that have made them change the story last minute, because it just felt so loose and if this was actually intended all this time, then all of these things from before simply don’t make sense. It puts their entire arc to question.
All of these are also the reason why I always believed that the DNA thing was just something to play with them some more and have never doubted Jakob being Joy’s father, not even for a moment.
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jeanffranklin · 3 years
I’m gonna just pretend all the extremely good fic is jeankob season 3 canon because I am just a teensy tiny little baby bit absolutely bereft
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palepinkpores · 3 years
oh just anything to do with the belly button ring hole would absolutely fit the bill swimmingly. jakob commenting on it, why we get to see it etc etc - you’re the best ❤️
"This is cute," Jakob commented, running his finger over Jean's protruding navel.
"Mmm, it pops at a certain point. Happens to most people during pregnancy," Jean dismissed.
She closed her eyes and tipped her head back into the plastic covering of the hospital's examination table. He could see that she was exhausted and that the increasingly regular scans and check-ups the third trimester of a geriatric pregnancy brought, combined with their already hectic lives, was doing nothing to help.
"Not your navel," he smiled. "This little thing... I've never noticed it before."
Jean opened one eye and did her best to peer over the mountain her midsection had become.
"I had it pierced... must be twenty years ago now, but I don't wear the ring anymore."
"I see it now you're all stretched," he teased.
She smirked when he continued to stroke the little spot, clearly pleased with his discovery.
"Maybe, when the baby's born, I can get you a new hoop? And you can wear it for me?"
"Seriously?" Jean queried, utterly unenamoured with the idea.
"Seriously," Jakob hummed, kissing the kick of their baby's foot.
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emmapills · 3 years
this is a product of procrastination and severe depression lmao
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freckleslikestars · 3 years
Difficult Choices
Sex Education Jeankob fic, kinda. Post season 2, uncomfortable conversations and honest discussions about abortion. Do with that what you will.
6310 words, read here on AO3
‘Jakob? Jakob, hi, it’s Jean,’ the silence on the other end of the phone crackled loudly in her ear, ‘Milburn. Jean Milburn.’
‘I know. I have caller ID,’ his voice was gruff and dismissive, distracted like he often sounded when at work.
‘Oh. Right. Of course, you do. How silly of me,’ she fiddled with a pen on her desk, chewing on the little finger of the hand that was holding her phone.
‘I’m working. What do you want, Jean?’
‘Sorry. Yes. I...I... there’s something I want to talk to you about, and...’
‘Jean, we have spoken about this. It is not good for us to be friends.’
‘Goodbye, Jean.’
‘It’s important...’ she whispered as he hung up, taking a moment to pinch her brow and attempt to take a calming breath before she screamed, threw her phone on the floor and stamped on it, her wedge cracking the screen. ‘Oh, no, I- fuck!’ she cursed, sobbing into her hand as she reached down to pick up the mobile and drop it on her desk. Despite the screen being smashed, it still turned on, and she dialled her GP surgery. After the usual automated answer, pressing one to accept the call being recorded and two to be put through to a human, she requested to be put through to Dr Kahlil.
‘She’s in an appointment at the moment. Shall I take your number and ask her to call you back when she’s available?’
‘Yes. Yes, please.’
‘Dad, I’m home,’ his youngest called, followed by the sound of the door shutting and the drop of a bag on the floor, ‘are you busy on the fifteenth?’
‘Of this month? No, why?’
‘Jean called-’
‘Jean and I broke up. I told you.’
‘I know, but she called me, asked for a lift to an appointment. Said she’d asked everyone else. I’ve got plans, but I said you might be free. Please?’
‘Dad? Seriously?’
Jakob shrugged, ‘why does she need a lift? Did you ask her that?’
‘No, because you raised me to be polite,’ Ola smiled at him. ‘Perhaps her car’s broken down?’
‘And she cannot get a taxi?’
‘Perhaps she needs someone to drive her home because it’s one of those dental appointments where they give you anaesthetic or something. Just do it, Dad. As a favour to me?’
‘Because...she’s my friend’s mum and she sounded desperate.’
‘Fine,’ he huffed a sigh. ‘What time?’
‘Half ten. Be nice.’
‘I’m always nice.’
They were in the dog days of summer. Hot and sultry, a mugginess hanging heavy around everything, air thick as soup. She was somewhat grateful that she was only in her first trimester, remembering back to her pregnancy with Otis, overdue in a heatwave, and how unbearable it had been. She looked over at him now, lanky as his limbs spilled awkwardly off one of the wicker chairs, a dogeared copy of The Exorcist he’d found in the attic cracked open in his hands.
She’d taken away his Switch and PlayStation when she grounded him, and after a serving her a disdainful glare he had stormed off up to his room. She may never have had cause to ground him before, but she knew her son well enough to know that shutting him in his room with his games was the easiest way to make him happy. So no consoles. She’d gone up to ask what he wanted for dinner that evening, only to find him in the attic, crouched spiderlike among the boxes as he riffled through them. She had joined him, looking at old photos and reminiscing, running her hand through his hair and pressing a kiss to his crown when he thunked his head down against her shoulder, offering her a quiet apology. She’d been looking at a photo of him as a new born as she forgave him, wondering where the time had gone.
Two weeks later and he was still grounded, one more week of his sentence left to serve, though she wasn’t entirely sure how strong willed she was going to be about it. Having him constantly around the house meant that he was constantly studying her. What had she ever done to raise such an observant boy? He’d been non-stop in checking she was okay, never voicing his concerns explicitly, but she could see him worry.
‘Are you sure you’re okay, Mum?’
She sighed, surprised it had taken him so long since waking to ask her. ‘I’m fine, Darling. Why do you ask?’ she wasn’t fine. Of course, she wasn’t fine. But her son didn’t need to know that.
‘You haven’t been eating at dinners-‘
‘I haven’t had much of an appetite lately, what with the heat,’ she shrugged, keeping her gaze locked firmly on the newspaper she hadn’t read a work of all morning so as to avoid giving anything away. She didn’t like lying to him, but there was no other way around it. Why tell him when it wouldn’t be a problem for much longer?
‘You’ve been sick a lot lately. And you’ve been having nosebleeds. I...I don’t think I’ve ever seen you have a nosebleed before until last week. I think perhaps you should...maybe talk to a doctor.’
Her heart ached at her sweet boy’s analysis. He’d been paying attention; he worried about her. ‘Otis,’ her voice cracked on his name as she looked up at him, ‘I am fine, but thank you for your concern.’
‘Mum, you’re not though, are you? There’s something wrong and I-‘
‘I’ve been to the doctor, Darling, and there’s nothing to worry about,’ she reached over to pat his arm.
‘You would tell me if there was something wrong, though, wouldn’t you?’
She gave him a tight smile, ‘of course, Darling.’
‘I did not know there was a dental clinic there.’
‘There isn’t,’ she frowned at him. ‘Who said anything about a dental clinic?’
‘The appointment. Ola said it was one of those dental appointments where they give you anaesthetic.’
‘Oh. I never said that. It’s not a dental appointment,’ she sighed, dropped her head against the cool glass of the window, ‘I’m...it’s an abortion clinic.’
‘Oh,’ he nodded, lapsed into silence for the rest of the journey.
She felt empty, like a shell of herself as the trees blurred into a Monet painting out the window.
‘Thank you,’ she murmured, unbuckling and reaching for the door handle when he pulled the car up to the curb, ‘I’ll be out in about-‘
‘Does Remi know you are doing this?’
‘What? No, of course not.’
‘You don’t believe a man at least has a right to know?’
‘Seriously, we’re discussing this now?’ she sighed, shook her head and glanced at her watch before she rearranged herself in her seat to face him. ‘Firstly, whilst I believe a healthy relationship should be based on open communication and this is certainly something that should be discussed in a relationship, it is also my body, and it is my decision-‘
‘I wasn’t disputing that, I was-‘
‘Secondly,’ she spoke over him, ‘Remi is not the father. We didn’t sleep together. I told you, it was just a kiss. That’s all.’
‘So, the father, he knows?’
She shook her head, looked away, ‘I tried to tell you, and you hung up.’
‘Oh,’ he nodded slowly, bringing a hand up to rub across the couple of days-worth of stubble on his chin. Deep furrows lined his brow as he focused his eyes on the texture of the steering wheel. ‘But, you know, Jean, that is not possible. I had a vasectomy, so-‘
‘Which is why I needed you to actually answer your phone. You need to go to your doctor, because your vasectomy failed. They do sometimes. It happens and it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but you should be aware for any future partners you’re with. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment to attend,’ she climbed from the car. It wasn’t until she was across the street that she heard his van door shut and turned to see him striding over. ‘What are you doing?’
‘I am attending your appointment with you.’
‘Oh,’ she looked bewildered, ‘why?’
‘Because you should not be doing this alone.’
‘You don’t have to.’
‘I know,’ he shrugged, gestured for her to lead the way. He followed a step behind her, keeping his eyes fixed regimentally to the cracks in the pavement before them. He felt somewhat proud that he had not once looked down at her stomach since she had told him, hoped it made her feel more comfortable about her decision.
His stomach lurched when he saw a group of people with placards gathered around the steps to the building they were headed for, watched in admiration as Jean walked past them with her head held high, completely ignoring their shouts.
He wanted to reach out and place a hand on her back as she started up the concrete stairs to level four. Wanted to slip his hand into hers. Did neither as he stayed two steps behind.
There was an oppressive stillness to the waiting room when they entered; the quiet drone of Cash In The Attic on the television and faded magazines two years out of date. Three others sat in chairs and a sombre tone to every movement. A murmured ‘please complete this form and take a seat,’ and the smell of disinfectant that filled every clinical environment.
Like a library, Jakob thought, as he sat next to Jean, flicked his eyes over the intake paperwork. Her name in blue ink and her fluid hand. Her home address. Her date of birth. They’d conceived a child and he’d never even known her birthday.
He had to look away: pick at the paint flecks on his jeans, read the headlines on the magazines telling all and nothing about celebrities he’d never heard of. The concept of reading about the goings-on of people he’d never met confounded him, particularly when the drama of his own life had suddenly picked up again after the whirlwind of Jean had blustered in and turned everything on its head. He still hadn’t processed the fact that she had asked him to drive her to get an abortion, let alone for his own child. He thought, maybe, that this was for the best in the long run. Having never had more than half an hour to process the fact that Jean was carrying his child, he’d never have to mourn it. Only, from the minute she told him where they were going he’d been picturing her swollen with his child, glowing with life and groaning in mellow discomfort as he rubbed her back and her feet and every aching muscle she asked him to. And these thoughts didn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.
So, put simply, he was fucked.
Perhaps, if he knew her reasoning, he might be able to process it better. Yes, that was sound logic. Just ask her why. Don’t do so judgingly, don’t make it sound like you are blaming her for anything. Just ask her why.
Before he could though she was dropping her form off at the reception desk and murmuring something to the kindly lady sat behind it, receiving a soft nod in return, before she disappeared through the double doors out to the stairwell. He looked around, noticing a sign for the bathrooms pointing in the other direction, and went to ask where she’d gone, but before he could was told she’d gone to get some fresh air, was just out on the stairs by a window that had been cracked open by the cleaners that morning. He nodded his thanks and poked his head out of the door, spying her on the half-level up, sat on the floor, tucked into the corner. Giving her space, he slid down the other wall into the opposite corner, dropping his head back against the cool plaster.
Just ask her why. Maybe that will help both of you.
‘Is it going to hurt?’ ...not what he was going for. But she looked up at him with a pained smile, the first time she’d looked tenderly at him since...since the night of the school play when she had asked to talk and delivered a rambling diatribe before he had cut her off, asked if she was going anywhere with it, and she had asked if he could ever love her again, even if she was scared to be ready. He’d told her what he needed was bravery. This...was not the bravery he was looking for.
‘It will not be a walk in the park. There will likely be some discomfort over the next few days whilst my body expels the embryo.’
‘They will not...remove it here?’
‘I opted for a medical abortion,’ she cleared her throat, put on her teaching voice, ‘which means that I will be prescribed some tablets that are taken orally, and some tablets that are inserted into the vagina that will break down the uterine lining where the embryo has implanted. It will essentially feel like a very heavy period.’
‘You should have someone looking after you.’
‘I have Otis. He is aware I have been unwell and he is currently grounded.’
‘And when he is in school?’
‘Then I have a mobile phone with which to call my doctor.’
It did not pacify him, but he felt it was a useless point to argue. Jean was stubborn. ‘May I ask why?’
‘Why the medical abortion over surgical?’
‘No, why the abortion at all? I am not judging you, I am simply curious.’
She nodded slowly, tilting her head back against the wall to stare at the ceiling, ‘I have many reasons. I am at an age where a pregnancy becomes high-risk, for both mother and baby. I am already a single mother of a teenage son who in the past year has gone through a greater spate of acting out and rebelling than he ever did as a child,’ she huffed a sigh and rubbed her forehead, ‘and I think adding an infant into the mix will only make matters worse. Furthering that point, I think recently I am coming to realise that I have not been a good mother, and to bring another child into the world only for me to fail it too as it’s only present parent is both irresponsible and immoral, and unsuitable for long-term relationships, as you yourself pointed out. I have a career that I enjoy and that I do not want to sacrifice. And...’ she hesitated, looked over at him, ‘and when I tried to tell you, on two occasions, that I was pregnant with your child, you told me in no uncertain terms that we have no future together. And I cannot face the idea of living the rest of my life looking at a child with your nose and the lovely curl of your ears and your stupid smile. I look at Otis and see one man who broke my heart. I can’t go through that again, because Jakob, I think this time, with you, it might kill me.’
There were tears on her cheeks as she clenched her eyes shut and tried to control her breathing and Jakob realised, then and there, that he had never truly seen behind her defences before, ‘Jean, why did you ask Ola to ask me to drive you?’
She sniffed, shook her head and backhanded the tears from her cheeks, ‘it’s stupid.’
‘I doubt it. Tell me.’
‘I wanted to fight with you about it.’
She shook her head again, covered her face with her hands and buried them in her knees, ‘I don’t know. I...’ her shoulders shook, her whole, tiny body trembling under the weight of everything going on.
‘Perhaps, subconsciously, you wanted me to tell you not to go through with it. But I’m not going to do that, Jean.’
‘You’re not?’ she looked up at him, sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand.
‘You have clearly thought this through. It is your body and I respect your decision. But, if you are having second thoughts, if there is even a moment of doubt in your mind, then I would like to talk about it more.’
‘You would?’
‘I am sorry I have not been there for you.’
‘I’m sorry I didn’t realise what we had until I ruined it.’
He gave her a bittersweet smile and bowed his head, ‘it appears we both have regrets. I do not want you to have any other regrets, Jean, either way.’
‘It’s impossible to live without regrets.’
‘Well, that may be. Can I ask something, Jean?’
‘You can ask. I can’t guarantee I’ll have an answer.’
He furrowed his brow as he tried to formulate his question succinctly, ‘how...are there circumstances that would make you keep the baby?’
She thought for a moment, ‘yes, I think so. Maybe if I wasn’t so old. If...if there wasn’t so much animosity between us.’
‘You are not old, Jean.’
‘In terms of reproduction and pregnancy, I am. Besides, I do not want Otis to resent me.’
‘Would he?’
‘He’s been an only child his whole life and he doesn’t handle change well.’
Jakob chuckled, ‘perhaps it would be good for him. Learn to share,’ he nodded softly when she cracked a grin too. Her face fell when a nurse stuck her head around the door and called her name.
‘Can you give us a minute, please? Just a minute?’
‘Of course,’ the nurse nodded and ducked back inside.
She was quiet for a moment, picked at the fabric of her skirt, ‘I’m so sure this is the right decision, but I just can’t make myself go in there. And I don’t know why. I did the counselling sessions. But I just keep thinking about this little baby with blue eyes in your stupidly big hands and I can’t. I don’t want to bring a child into this world without being able to promise it security and stability and a loving family, but...’
‘But there is a part of you that wants it, and a part of you that feels selfish for wanting it, yes?’
‘Yeah,’ she nodded, sniffling again as her voice cracked.
He stared at her, palms resting on his knees and head leaned back against the cool plaster, ‘I do not want to promise you a family, Jean. I do not want to guarantee something I cannot give you, and I do not want to put either of us through that. But I want you to know that whatever decision you make, I will always support you in it. If you walk through those doors now, I will walk through them with you and hold your hand, and I will stay with you until it is over, however long that may be. If you want to spend some more time talking about this, I will be here for you. And, if you decide you want this baby, then I will want this baby, too. I cannot guarantee we will all live under the same roof for a happy ever after, but I will be the father of this child in whatever way works for us.’
‘I can’t ask that of you, Jakob.’
He shook his head, ‘you are not asking.’
She dropped her head to her knees, sobbing loudly into her arms until she could reign in her breathing to shaky gasps.
‘We can take our time, Jean. Not everything has to be go go go.’
‘Yes, Jean?’
‘Can you take me home?’
‘Of course. Would you like for me to tell them what is happening?’
‘I’ll explain.’
‘Okay,’ he nodded, his knees cracking as he stood up, holding his hands out to help her up. She wobbled slightly, and he pulled her into his grasp, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
‘We can figure this out.’
She cried herself to sleep on the way home, her soft, nasal snores being drowned out by the wheezing air conditioning. Her cheeks were red and blotchy, and he knew that if he pressed his lips to them he would taste salt. This Jean, the Jean curled in on herself, small and frail, was not the Jean he fell in love with. His jean was bold and passionate and loud, and made herself known wherever she was. His jean spread out and took up space, small body sprawled across the bed and an infinite amount of mugs in on the mug shelf. He wasn’t sure it was possible to reconcile the two. They still had a lot to learn about each other, and maybe, for all his insistence of intimacy, they needed to learn a new type. They both needed to learn to share the parts of themselves they were afraid of.
He stopped himself from stirring her awake when the gravel of her driveway crunched under his tires. If not peaceful, then at least she looked calmer than she had earlier in the day. And more restful. The dark bags under her eyes had not gone unnoticed.
Instead, he tucked her into his arms, inhaling her Jean-scent when she nuzzled into his chest, and proceeded to carry her down the steps to her front door. It took some jostling for him to be able to ring the bell, having left her bag and housekeys up in his van.
Otis’s face paled when he saw his mother’s limp form in her ex’s arms, eyes widening in alarm, ‘is she okay? What happened?’
‘She’s fine. Just tired. She fell asleep and I did not have the heart to wake her.’
‘I shall take her upstairs now.’
Otis nodded, backed out of the way and shut the door behind them, watching surreptitiously.
He laid her down carefully, slipping first one wedge, then the other, off of her feet, placing them in her closet just like she liked. He brushed her hair off her forehead, pressed a kiss to it, and left with one final look back at her before closing the door to.
Her son waited for him at the foot of the stairs, an expectant look on his face, ‘what’s wrong with her?’
‘I told you, she fell asleep,’ he shrugged, unlaced his shoes and placed them by the door before sitting down on the couch.
Otis glared before sitting down opposite him, ‘I mean, is she dying?’
‘No, she’s not dying.’
‘But she is sick?’
‘No,’ he shook his head, ‘just needs to rest.’
‘She- she’s been crying a lot since you two broke up. She thinks I don’t notice, but I do.’
‘Your mother has had a lot on her mind.’
He nodded, processing that, ‘and she talked to you about it?’
‘Why you and not me?’
Jakob looked away and shrugged before fixing his gaze back on Otis, ‘because much of what she has on her mind is my fault.’
The younger man sighed, shook his head, ‘y’know, she always wants me to tell her what’s bothering me, but when she’s got a problem she goes to anyone but me.’
‘You are her son. She does not want you to worry. Besides, she will tell you when she is ready. You just have to have faith.’
‘We’re not religious.’
‘Neither am I. Faith and religion are not one in the same.’
‘Otis, Darling, can I ask you something?’
‘Course,’ he nodded, dropping down onto the sofa next to her.
‘Do-‘ she hesitated, still trying to find the right wording despite having been planning this conversation for over a week, ‘do you ever wish you had had a sibling?’
He frowned, stayed quiet for a moment whilst he thought about it, ‘maybe, when I was little, before I met Eric. Did...did you and Dad ever talk about having another baby?’
‘No,’ she shook her head, somewhat sadly. ‘We tried for a very long time to have you. Spent a lot of money on IVF. The idea of going through all of that again...No.’
‘You never said.’
‘It upset your father a lot. The idea of two sex and relationship therapists unable to conceive a child together. There was a perverse sense of irony to it. He wanted it kept a secret, and...well, you know how your father got about private matters.’
‘How did it make you feel?’
‘I spent a lot of time thinking I was unworthy. Your grandmother had a lot to say about it when I confided in her.’
‘Let me guess: ‘God will smite you for being so wanton?’
She chuckled and nodded, ‘how did you know?’ She shook her head before she continued, ‘it put a lot of strain on our marriage. I think that’s what I was ashamed of most, not so much that we were having difficulty conceiving – that’s just biology, after all – but that we couldn’t hold our relationship together. I couldn’t go through that with your father again, and we had you. We loved you, and I figured we didn’t need any more than you.’
‘And you never told anyone?’
‘Other than your grandmother and our doctors, no.’
‘That must have been hard.’
She gave a bittersweet smile, ‘it was. But I worked through it, and I got you out of it, so I can’t complain.’
‘Well, I’m glad you told me,’ he kissed her cheek and went to stand up.
‘Wait, Otis, I- there’s something else I want to talk to you about.’
‘I want you to stay calm with what we’re about to discuss. You can call a time out at any time. And I want you to know that I want you to be part of the discussion.’
‘I also want you to know that no decision has been come to yet. We...I don’t know what the future is going to look like, and there are currently no plans.’
‘Mum, you’re starting to worry me.’
‘Sorry, Darling. I’m just trying to figure out how to broach the subject.’
‘You could just say it.’
She shook her head, ‘I’m not sure I can.’ Instead, she stood up and walked over to her handbag on the counter, pulled out a folded A5 white and blue NHS card, and made her way haltingly back over to him. When she sat back down she kept it clenched in her hands as her knee jiggled and her teeth bit into her bottom lip.
‘What is it?’
‘It’s, uh...it’s...’ she handed it over to him, watched as he opened it up and stared, dumbstruck, at the grainy black and white swirls. A shell-shocked silence flooded the room, Jean waiting tensely for her son to explode.
His voice was quiet when he finally broke the silence, ‘I’m assuming this wasn’t planned.’
‘Christ. You’d think you of all people-‘
‘Don’t, Otis. I know.’
‘How long have you known?’
‘Since just before the school play. I didn’t expect to need to tell you.’
He frowned, ‘you thought you could hide a pregnancy and a baby from me until I go off to uni?’
‘No. I...I intended to have an abortion. That’s where I went with Jakob the other week.’
‘Oh. I...you should have said. I assume you wouldn’t have told me at all, and then if something happened, something went wrong, and you, I don’t know, developed an infection, or bled out in your bed, I would have never known, and you’d have died, and-’
‘What’s one more secret,’ she sighed bitterly before shaking her head, ‘sorry. I didn’t mean that. I wouldn’t have died. Besides, I don’t think Jakob would have left my side if I had gone through with it.’
‘He convinced you not to?’
‘No. I convinced me not to. Not until we’d actually talked about it. And not until we’d talked to you and his girls about it. Your lives will be affected by whatever decision we make, too, so it’s only right you get a say in it.’
‘Wow. Okay, um. That’s a lot to process.’
‘I know. I’m sorry. We want to give you some time to think it over, and then we’re going to have dinner, all of us, to discuss what everyone thinks and wants.’
‘That sounds excruciatingly painful.’
‘You’re telling me,’ she muttered, dreading sitting around the table with her son, Jakob, and his two girls, to discuss the fate of her own body.
In the week leading up to the dinner Otis had gone through spates of ignoring her completely mixed with times of being overprotective of her, making sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed and didn’t want for anything. And then she’d ask if he’d had any thoughts about the future and he’d freeze her out again, going sullen and locking himself in his room or cycling off.
When they’d arrived at the Nymans’, the atmosphere had been tense. Jakob had welcomed them in, pressed an awkward kiss to her cheek and clapped Otis on the back. They were introduced to Jakob’s oldest, Ebba, with a polite, if distant, nod of the head. Ola had embraced her in a warm hug before poking Otis in the ribs.
Dinner itself had been held with only the sound of cutlery scraping on plates. Only Jakob finished his meal. Everybody declined desert.
After, sat around the cleared table, he cleared his throat, ‘I think we all know why we are here.’
‘Actually, I don’t,’ Ebba shrugged, turned towards Jean, ‘I am sorry, but I do not know you, and I don’t live here, so I don’t really understand why I’m being involved in this conversation.’
‘Because you are my daughter,’ Jakob said, ‘and I want your input.’
‘You really want my opinion?’ she asked, eyebrows raised sceptically. Her father and Jean both nodded and she sighed, shaking her head, ‘I think you’re adults and you should do what you want. But I also think it would be irresponsible to have a baby. You are not in a relationship. You do not live together, and are both...’
‘It’s okay, you can say older,’ Jean smiled softly at her.
‘Mum died when I was fourteen. I needed her and she was gone. I’m not saying you won’t live a long, healthy life. I just think that it’s something to consider.’
‘Thank you, Ebba, for that reminder of our mortality,’ Jakob sighed, ‘besides, Jean is not old.’
‘Also, mum wasn’t old, and she still died,’ Ola supplied, somewhat unhelpfully, ‘age doesn’t make a difference if you get sick.’
‘Okay, but my mum isn’t going to get sick, so could we perhaps stop talking about it?’ Otis’ voice was an octave higher than normal and his mother reached out to press a hand to his back in a calming gesture.
‘Of course, Darling. Is there anything you want to talk about?’
‘I mean, I guess I just want to know how you think this would work, hypothetically speaking?’
‘Well, that would depend on what you three wanted as well, and what Jakob and I want. As you know, families take many shapes and sizes. We do not have to be romantically involved if Jakob is not comfortable with that, and we can co-parent in a way that suits us and you three if that is what we decide.’
Otis nodded slowly, turned to Jakob, ‘if mum had the baby, what would your stance on raising it be?’
‘Your mother knows that I will do whatever is best for the health and happiness of everybody involved.’
‘A kid should be loved by both its parents. And know it’s loved. And...they should know their parents are good for one another, and kind to one another.’
‘Then I promise that if your mother has this child, I will love it and I will never abandon it or your mother, or you, Otis, should you ever need me.’
Otis held eye-contact with Jakob for a moment before nodding, ‘thank you. Ola, your turn.’
‘I want everyone to be happy,’ she shrugged. ‘I’m pretty open to anything, and I’ll support you guys with whatever you need. Besides, I always kinda wanted a younger sibling.’
There was a snort, ‘you know this whole thing is ridiculous, right?’ Ebba scoffed, shaking her head, ‘this is not normal.’
‘Ebba!’ there was the sound of a foot colliding with a shin under the table as Ola glared at her sister.
‘No, no, you’re right,’ Jean nodded, rubbing her fingers across her brow, ‘how can we make this more comfortable for you?’
‘Not having this conversation, for one.’
‘Ebba, don’t be rude.’
‘Look, you asked for my opinion. What do you want us to tell you? Go ahead, have a baby, we’ll all be there for you and support you? Or don’t have a baby, get an abortion and be done with it? This is your decision, nobody else’s. You two had sex, you now take the responsibility and don’t put that on us?’
‘That is not the point of this conversation,’ Jakob said, focusing on his hands splayed on the table.
‘Then what is? Because from where I’m sitting, it really feels like that’s what you’re doing.’
‘Ebba, all of you, that is not our intention. What we want to know is how you feel about this situation, and use that to inform any decisions we make, or I make. If your father decides he cannot in good conscience be a part of this child’s life, if of course I do decide to have it, then it is a decision that will affect your life, and we don’t want it to impact you negatively, but I know I certainly want you to feel involved, if that is what you want.’
The older of the three young adults shook her head, shrugged, ‘you do what you want, you’re grown adults. I imagine if any of us were in this situation we’d be expected to make the decisions for ourselves. You spring the fact that you’re pregnant on us, give us a week and then expect us to know exactly how we feel about it. I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you want from us,’ she stood up, gave a tight smile, ‘so, it was...fascinating to meet you, Jean, Otis, but I’m going to leave now. I’ll call you later, Dad.’
A heavy silence settled as the door slammed. A stifled sob broke free from behind Jean’s hand as Ola stood up, ‘I’ll go talk to her. She...she doesn’t mean to be like that, but loosing Mum hit her hard,’ she rubbed a soft hand over Jean’s shoulder before following her sister out.
‘I apologise, Jean, I did not expect for her to react as such and-‘
‘No, no, don’t apologise. She has every right to react like that. I didn’t think this through, I thought...I don’t know what I thought,’ her voice quivered as she pressed the heal of her hand to her chest and gasped a juddering breath, ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Mum...Mum, don’t cry...’
‘I’m sorry, Darling,’ she shook her head, sniffed and wiped her eyes, ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be putting this on you, I-‘
‘Otis, why don’t you-‘
‘I was actually just going to go...call Eric,’ he took Jakob’s queue, stood and dropped a kiss to the top of his mum’s head.
Jakob waited for the door to close behind Otis before he reached over and took Jean’s hand, ‘Jean-‘
‘I don’t know what to do.’
‘Okay. It’s okay not knowing what you want to do. But if you are holding back because you are scared, you must remember what I told you. Fuck the fear.’
She gave a weak smile, ‘it’s easy to say.’
‘Yes. I know.’
‘What if I make the wrong decision?’
He shrugged, ‘I don’t think there is a wrong decision. The question is, Jean, do you want a baby? No talk of old or not good enough or work, do you want this baby?’
‘Don’t think, just say.’
‘Okay,’ he nodded, breathed, ‘this is nobody else’s decision. For now, that is all you need to think about.’
‘What about you?’
‘I will stand by you. I-‘ he sighed, ‘I will be a father if that is what you want of me.’
‘But not a partner?’
‘No, Jean. I...I think it would not be a good idea.’
‘No,’ she chuckled self depreciatingly, ‘you’re probably right.’
‘It’s what you want, though, isn’t it.’
She sniffed, nodded and looked over at him, ‘is it so terrible of me?’
‘No. It is not terrible of you. But you self-sabotage, Jean, when you get scared. And I cannot live with you hiding away from me every time you get scared.’
She gave a solemn nod, ‘I have been on my own for so long, I don’t...I don’t know how to be with someone I...someone I feel for.’
‘I understand, I do. But we cannot rush into anything. We have done that once.’
‘And with a child in the mix we can’t risk it,’ she nodded, wiping her eyes again. She took a shuddering breath before yawning, ‘excuse me.’
‘You are tired. We shall talk about this tomorrow, okay. You should stay, you shouldn’t drive like this-‘
‘Jakob, no, I’m fine.’
‘I’ll make up the bed in Ebba’s old room. Come, come.’
‘What about Otis?’
‘I can make the couch up for Otis if he wishes to stay. Or he is welcome to go home. Otis is old enough to make his own decisions, Jean. Come here,’ he stood, helped her from her chair and pulled her into a hug. It is going to be okay, Jean. I promise.’
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Hmmm there is no baby bump in this picture. I would think this is when she tells him she's pregnant but her hair is long. Is this post-birth? So many questions.
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