boyslovey · 3 months
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Mini Series Ingredients Ep.19 Out of control
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bellepark · 2 years
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Why can’t you be a little bit more romantic? Aren’t I romantic enough? Then, show me how to hug.
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neia-94 · 2 months
Two years loving Jeff, how didn't I watch this before? 😂
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absolutebl · 2 years
I just finished Ingredients (which was WONDERFUL) and was ruminating on the function of grocery store advertisements as propaganda. In America especially, they've historically been used as a vehicle to perpetuate normative ideas of family (aka nuclear, White and heterosexual). I love the idea that Ingredients inadvertently (?) has become pro-gay propaganda. Do you have any info/data on if Thai grocery commercials have had a similar effect on popular conceptions of acceptable family structures?
I have no info on this at all but I do find it very very interesting.
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ravenpureforever · 2 years
So I watched Ingredients! And yes it was because of KinnPorsche and I got curious lol
-Very cute series (outside of that ending, seriously I came for fluff and got stabbed in the heart at the end)
-I liked the episodic, slow burn style and I think they did it very well
-When they mentioned COVID-19 I was like oh shit surprised pikachu face they actually discussed that huh
-Food as a love language my beloved
-Music as an expression of feelings my beloved
-Made me want to start cooking again and reinvigorated my love of baking, which I kind of stopped doing because I had no one to share it with during the pandemic, but I want to start doing it again so yay motivation!
-Loved the episode with a cat, it was very funny
-Jeff and Gameplay have a cute and sweet dynamic and it would’ve been cute for the OG KinnPorsche, I see why people like them so much
-Barcode as Porchay still owns my soul though and I think I prefer the musical subplot it ended up being, but still it was fun show I enjoyed
-I think both are great actors and have wonderful chemistry with Jeff on screen! I think Barcode has more of an innocent younger brother feel to him for the Chay that I prefer, while I feel like Gameplay is a lot more independent and capable version
-But I really liked Ingredients and it was a fun show and I’m glad I watched it! Slowly going down the Thai BL rabbit hole lol
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itsallaboutzayn · 2 years
so i'm rewatching "ingredients"... and i'm thinking, should i make a gif serie of Jeff in each episode? 🤔😊
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aonodreamland · 2 years
I love them so much T^T
Credit to JG_noona@tiktok
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kwonzoshi · 2 years
All this commotion from today has me missing JeffGame. Time to rewatch He She It and Ingredients 
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pharawee · 2 years
i like barcode and i'm super happy for him but do you think the kimchay plot suffered because of barcode's age? i can't help but think of what we could have gotten with gameplay
Hi! 😊 Many fans seem to think so but tbh...
I recently read that Gameplay wasn't let go because of scheduling issues but because BOC (other than Filmania) specifically chose Barcode for the role, which would mean that they didn't rewrite the KimChay parts with Barcode's age in mind but always intended for their story to play out in this way.
I don't know if that's true (I always assumed that Gameplay couldn't return because at the time he had already agreed to different projects) but it makes sense from an industry perspective - why "settle" for an underage actor when there's no shortage of adult actors (not including Gameplay) around?
So, no, I don't think KimChay's story suffered because of Barcode's age. They were always going to be a sidecouple. I mean, they were barely in the novel to begin with (and the bits we got were really sweet and innocent as well - except for the part where Tawan has Chay kidnapped ugh) and I'm super grateful they expanded on that in the series. I liked the story they chose to tell. Barcode was absolutely phenomenal!
I just think there's so much going on in the show there's simply no time to tell everything in a 100% cohesive way. I feel like some scenes that should have been included/expanded on for narrative purposes (some of them VegasPete scenes, p much ALL of whatever was going on with TimeTayTem, the fact that KimChay apparently had some kind of relationship going on for a while??, scenes between Macau and Vegas, ugh I could go on lmao) simply happened off-screen. And I really hope that's deliberate and they'll expand on it via side stories and HOPEFULLY season 2.
Idk idk. Tbh it's kind of difficult for me to imagine Chay as anyone else than Barcode now. Do you think KimChay would have been more in-focus or idk more serious with Gameplay as Chay? I'm curious.
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discluded · 8 months
I was wondering if you'd have any opinions on why MileApo haven't done any fan-meetings yet (just purely them in a hall/arena with fans only doing a qna, playing games etc.)? I know we've seen them do promotional lives, the world tour, they did the FanStar event in Vietnam, ManSuang promo, Dior etc. But I would have hoped they would've done one by now. I might be projecting since I follow a lot of kpop etc. but I was thinking about it and wondered why, could a duo fan-meet not be worth planning?
Hi! they actually did do a fan meet last year.
It was in November and in collaboration with a Line Friends promotional event.
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if you remember these outfits.
I can't find the announcement press release, which was in Thai anyway, but it was at Central Pattana mall (what I tagged it as) and called Embracing Happiness 2023 (what @nattaphum tagged it as) if you want to look through our tags for it. It should turn up quickly with a search.
This fan meet didn't require tickets and the turnout was genuinely huge... so I'm guessing you mean something else? I looked up some variations on what a fan meet vs. fan sign vs. concert is for kpop just to try to get an idea of the nuance you're looking for I'm missing... if you're talking ticketed event where they play games and take audience questions, the Woody interview was fairly close to that. Mile had a fan sign to make up for missing the KPWT send off (it's tagged under mile send off on my blog) but those were from random raffle winners and not available through buying tickets. The Planet of Stars event in Vietnam had more of the concert element and I think they were supposed to interact more with fans who bought certain levels of tickets but that was, um, kind of a mess.
maybe you can clarify what specifically you qualify as a fan meet? I'll answer based on what I'm thinking right now anyway:
1) financially, I think doing events with sponsors makes more sense for them. it's not as intimate for fans, but it does allow more people to attend events, which is better for sponsors. additionally opening it up to a larger audience avoids the element of fan scalping / reselling tickets at absurd prices for fan meets (which was an issue with some of the man suang showings with actors in attendance).
2) for foreign fan meets, the logistics are challenging and BOC isn't really sized to scale to handle that.. for various reasons. working with a third party to coordinate is risky: see Planet of Friends concert and the JeffGameplay fanmeet in France that didn't include Jeff in the end, and the sponsors made off without even hosting the meet.
3) The air is poisonous right now. there's already been instances of fan photos or fan engagement where the person invited up was openly nasty to Mile or Apo (see: Woody interview when Apo invited up a greeny rose, or a recent fan photo event where an apc was openly hostile to Mile). why open the door to more of that?
I mean, look at Bible's fan meet today... I really sympathize for him right now. He doesn't deserve this for his first fan meet and no one deserves to be treated like an accessory to someone else's career. (I'm not posting it but check @blramblingx2's blog. they posted it because I sent it their way...)
but we'll see! I wouldn't mind seeing a large scale fan meet like embracing happiness again. that was fun... for me... mile and apo were going through it in those 3 layers of sweaters and jackets 😂
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demiromanticmickey · 2 years
Jeff officially signing with BOC.... does this mean the He/She/It sequel or whatever is officially canned? Does this mean no more JeffGameplay in my future? Because I gotta admit, I'd be pretty sad about that.
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mybabybright · 7 months
Hello. Can I ask 13, 6 and 12?
Happy holidays!
@ellsieee so um I found this in my drafts, and I’m so sorry 🙈 Better late than never…? Maybe some people new to the fandom this year will find this list interesting.
<b>#13 - bl that is underrated</b>
Here are some hidden gems that never got the attention they deserved or got forgotten way too quickly
❤️ Eternal Yesterday (Japan)
Maybe because it aired so fast? Honestly I almost missed this one, but I am so glad I watched it. It’s a little over-the-top (and I wouldn’t want anything less from a Japanese bl), and the premise sounds silly (zombie), but it’s also profound and heartbreaking.
🧡 He, She, It (Thailand)
The original JeffGameplay. This one totally blindsided me, and I still think about. Certainly not for all audiences, but new fans of Jeff should check it out.
💛 Innocent (Taiwan)
This one had so much buzz to start, but it took so long to come out that I think people kind of forgot about it. It has such a unique plot and beautiful cinematography and music.
💚 Love From Outta Space (Thailand)
A beautifully aesthetic short film that addresses hetero norms and gender conventions through an OffGun paranormal romance. Not one to miss.
💙 On Cloud Nine (Thailand)
This show is not a simple watch, which I think put a lot of people off. But to me, the non-linear storytelling is so unique and what makes this show fascinating.
💜 The Boy Foretold by the Stars (Philippines)
This one just hit differently than a lot of the other content out there. It well captures the enormity of first loves without being cringey. Also not a lot of BLs tackle the religious impacts on identity and coming out, so that added an interesting additional layer to the story. I preferred the original movie over the subsequent series.
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zo2paintedlady · 2 years
Comedy (Tragedy) just hits differently. His voice? The scene? Ooh. It gives me chills.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi! I love all of your analysis! Could you do one of Mile and Apo's chemistry? And are you going to do a more in-depth analysis of the whole show? 👀 I'd love to see that. Thank you!
Hi hi, thank you for the lovely compliments! 
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I opted out of a full review of KinnPorsche because everyone else was doing so much and talking about it. You can read what I did think on MDL.
My short summation is as follows (be warned, I was not a fan of this show). I’m not tagging my posts for KP because the fandom is so rabid and I don’t feel like arguing about it. 
KinnPorsche Thoughts 
VegasPete were in one drama; KimChay were in another; KinnPorsche were in each of those randomly but then sometimes in their own extremely slapstick cheese-fest alt-reality + Tankhun. There were clearly 2 directors with 2 distinct and conflicting points of view, who apparently never had a single conversation with each other. The whole thing felt discombobulated both from script to direction to post production. 
Was this show good? Nope.
Was it absorbing? Sure. 
Was it well acted? Absolutely. 
Were the sex scenes great? Yes. 
Were the fight scenes awesome? Actually yeah (special props to Jeff for the hand-to-hand stuff). 
Did I enjoy the kinky bits? Certainly. 
But all that said: the VegasPete universe of KP was the only universe I really enjoyed and would like to revisit, and I only got that 1/5 of the time. Mathematics is working against this one, for me personally. 
So I guess I, at least, am still waiting for the perfect mafia BL. I think it might be up to Japan at this juncture. 
As a result of fan fervor meets my own hearty indifference, I don’t really know how to judge this show but I have to go with my heart, and KP didn’t win it. 
Chemistry of the 3 Pairs 
Much as I love Jeff I thought KimChay’s chemistry was non-existent and the producers made a big mistake losing Gameplay. He would have done a much better job with the role for all he’d too old. Sorry not sorry. I say that not because I object to busting up pairs (I’m actually in favor of this) but because I think Jeff’s understandable paranoia about Barcode’s age leaked into their performance. There is a reason why actors are usually cast closer in age for comfort reasons, also to avoid minors (Although I do talk about the hung effect when it works, it works really well.)  
My thoughts on VegasPete’s winning chemistry here. 
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I thought KinnPosche also had decent (if very cheeky) chemistry. It got a bit too sappy for me in the second half, much like the evolution of TharnType’s chemistry from season 1 to season 2. 
Also, like MewGulf, I got good friends + power differential + game to fuck with us from MileApo. But I am fine with that. I like it when the actor pairs fuck with dumb IRL shipping culture and idiot fandom. Partly I think we’re right back in early MaxTul territory: when we have a rich kid playing the game, he comes to the table with enough wealth and status and publicity training to torpedo straight-boy ego fears. But are MileApo as smart as MaxTul about brand? I don’t know. 
Will they be MaxTul level kings of fuckatude going forward? They could be, but like I said, I get more MewGulf vibes from them, so I think they will fold as a pair after the fan crazy does. Here’s hoping they go down classy. 
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leissyy · 3 years
Chub chub ❤️
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inukaino · 3 years
When @negrowhat posts about Ingredients and you're just along for the ride...
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