#Jennifer Jareau x Will Lamontagne jr
jareaulover · 1 year
Okay so like I like to imagine that Will, JJ, and Emily have a little polycule going on where like JJ and Will are obviously romantic (and married). JJ and Emily are romantically and sexually together, and Will and Emily are like besties.
Should I do some headcannons about this?
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jemilygifs · 5 months
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You can still call me up at night He can still be the love of your life ♪
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dcvidsrossi · 2 years
Emily: What am I most afraid of? Hmm, let's see...
Reid: Global warming. And getting a ‘B’.
Rossi: The phone ringing in the middle of the night.
Hotch: I'm too much of a perfectionist.
Rossi: Aaron, this isn't a job interview.
Hotch: Oh, man. Job interviews.
Morgan: Nothing.
Reid: Yeah, right. What about the pigeons?
Morgan: No, I don't like them. They're shifty.
Will: Losing JJ.
JJ: Aww. Hotel bedspreads.
Penelope: Never getting my driver's license. Or getting one but the picture sucks.
Emily: Dying alone.
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iluvreid · 8 months
William Lamontorange isn’t in season 17?!!?! I mean I hardly understand anything the man says but c’mon! Also what does this mean for JJ, Henry and the other child????
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fanfics4all · 6 months
Gunshot Wound
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Jennifer Jareau x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 3273
Warnings: Being shot and I think that’s it
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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A/N: Reader is 16 in this! 
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It all started with a super rare day off with my Mom. It was just going to be me, her, and my little half-brother Henry. We were both so excited to be able to spend a Saturday with our Mom since her job takes her away a lot. We were all playing when Mom got a call. 
“Y/N can you watch your brother for a second?” She asked and I nodded. She gave me a smile and walked to the side yard. I distracted Henry while Mom took her call, which she didn’t look exactly happy about. She came back into the room and sighed. 
“I need to go, we’ve got a case…” She said and Henry frowned. 
“I’m going to call the babysitter, can you watch your brother until she comes?” She asked and I shrugged. 
“I can watch him, Mom.” I said and she bit her lip. 
“I don’t know when it’s going to be done.” She said and I nodded. 
“So when Dad get’s back-” 
“Dad is part of the case.” She said while Henry was distracted. My eyes widened and she motioned me to follow her. 
“Henry, come inside and grab some juice.” Mom said. We followed her inside and Herny ran to get his juice. Mom pulled me over to sit at the table while Henry was watching cartoons. 
“Is Dad okay?” I asked, worried. 
“Dad is fine, his partner was shot.” She answered and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. 
“I really don’t know how long this will be, Y/N.” She said and I nodded. 
“I get it Mom, I can take care of Henry.” I said and she sighed. 
“Call me if you need a babysitter to help you.” She said and I smiled. 
“I promise, now go, Dad needs your help.” I said. I got up and went to go watch cartoons with Henry. 
It’s been hours since Mom and Dad left for work. Henry was upset for a little while about Mom having to leave, but I distracted him enough to forget about it. Mom told me I wasn’t allowed to look at the news at all, which I understood. She hated when I knew about local cases. I was too distracted by Henry to even think about looking at the news. However the thought of my Mom and Dad were constantly in the back of my head. I had Henry watching cartoons while I was making dinner for us. I pulled out my phone bit my lip. I haven’t heard anything from Mom or Dad since Mom left. 
“Don’t check the news under any circumstances.” Mom’s voice floated through my head. 
“I know Mom… but you and Dad haven’t answered any one my texts…” I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath and pulled up the news on my phone. My eyes widened and I dropped my phone on the counter. 
“Y/N/N? You alright?” Henry called. 
“I’m fine Henry! Just had something slippery on my hands and dropped my phone!” I called back. 
“Okay!” He called back and I hoped went back to watching cartoons. I quickly picked up my phone and called Mom. 
“Please pick up, please pick up…” I mumbled to myself. 
“Y/N? Are you alright? Do you need a babysitter?” Mom answered. 
“I’m fine, Mom, we’re fine. Are you? Is Dad?” I asked quietly so Henry wouldn’t hear.
“You looked at the news!?” She hissed at me. 
“I’m sorry! You and Dad weren’t answering my texts and I was worried…” I answered. 
“We’re fine, Y/N, I need you to stop looking at the news please.” She begged, she sounded off. 
“Okay, I promise, can you just please answer my texts? I’m really worried, Mom.” I whispered and she sighed. 
“I’m sorry for worrying you sweetie, I’m fine everything’s gonna be okay. Just focus on Henry and I promise I’ll text you in an hour.” She said. She said everything is going to be fine… I grew up with just my Mom at first and I picked up some profiling along the way. My Mom was lying to me. 
“Mom?” I asked. 
“Y/N, I really need to go. Just let me know if you need a babysitter.” She said and hung up. I sighed and put my phone to the side. 
“Something’s wrong…” I mumbled to myself. 
“Hey Y/N! Look who’s home!” I heard Henry call and I turned to see Dad with a woman I’ve never seen before. 
“Dad!” I said and rushed over to him. I went to hug him then noticed he looked a little worse for wear. 
“Dad? Are you alright?” I asked. 
“I’m fine Sweet heart, Mom thought you could use a little help and sent me over with my partner-” 
“I’m Izzy.” The woman cut him off and offered me her hand. Alarm bells were ringing in my head. Mom said his partner was shot.
“Uh, hi.” I said, shaking her hand. I glanced at my Dad and he just smiled at me. I heard a sizzling behind me quickly turned around. 
“Oh shoot!” I said and rushed to take the pot off the stove. I heard the two adult talking in a low voice that I just couldn’t hear. When I turned back around Dad was kneeling down to look at Henry. 
“Daddy let’s play!” Henry said. 
“Daddy can’t play right now, I gotta go to work. But this is um-” 
“Izzy.” The woman said again. 
“Izzy.” Dad whispered. 
“Can you say hi to Izzy?” Dad asked. 
“Hi Izzy.” Henry whispered, he was nervous about this woman too. 
“She’s gonna stay with you and Y/N until Mama comes home, okay?” Dad said. 
“Okay.” Henry said, sounding sad. 
“Hey.” Dad said, gaining his attention. 
“I love you.” Dad said to him. 
“I love you.” Henry said back. Dad hugged him. 
“You’re gonna be okay.” Dad said which made my anxiety skyrocket. Dad sent Henry into the living room to play and I walked up to him. 
“Dad?” I asked with a nervous tone. 
“Come here Y/N/N.” He said and motioned me to come hug him. I stepped into his arms and wrapped mine around him. 
“Everything is gonna be okay.” He whispered and I looked up at him. He was lying just like Mom was… He moved next to my ear and whispered so only I could hear. 
“Keep your brother away from her.” He whispered. I looked into his eyes and nodded. I’d protect my brother with my life and I think my Dad knows that too. He kissed my head and gently pushed me to follow Henry. I watched him walk out the house. 
“Hey Henry, you wanna help me finish cooking?” I asked and he smiled at me. 
“Yeah!” He said and I quickly picked him up. I walked him into the kitchen and watch the woman look around our house. I was so anxious about her presence here, but I just had to focus on protecting my brother. 
As I was cooking Henry started getting antsy and wanted to go color. I sighed and put him down. I led him over to the table where he got in the chair all by himself, and grabbed some paper and crayons. He quietly started coloring and I went back to the kitchen to hurry up and finish cooking. 
As I was just about to finish I heard Henry talking to the woman. I cursed myself and quickly finished the cooking. Once everything was done I left it on the stove to keep warm and walked out to find Henry on the woman’s lap. My eyes widened as I watched her touching his hair. 
“Let me tell you a story.” She said and I gulped. 
“Hey, Henry, foods ready. You hungry?” I asked as I walked over to him. 
“I wanna hear the story, Y/N/N.” He said. Izzy smirked at me and held Henry a bit closer to her. 
“Sit down, listen to the story, Y/N/N.” She smeared at me. I gave her a tight lipped smile and sat in the seat Henry was sitting in. I heard my phone ringing in the other room, but I knew if I moved she’d hurt my brother. She just smirked at me. 
“I really think we should eat Henry.” I said and he started to reach for me. 
“Y/N/N!” He said and I quickly pulled him out of her lap. I went into the kitchen and the woman followed. She grabbed my phone from the counter and smirked at me. We heard the gate opened and the woman went to go check the window. 
“Henry, go hide.” I whispered and he rushed off. I moved to run for it but I heard a gun cock. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked and I slowly turned around. 
“Come out Henry!” She called out. 
“Don’t listen to her Henry!” I shouted. 
“You little bitch!” She growled at me and I tried to run. She shot at me and I screamed in pain. 
“Drop it!” I heard my Mom growl. I couldn’t focus on what they were doing, but I knew Mom was fighting with the girl. 
“Mommy!” I heard Henry shout. 
“Henry!” Mom shouted. There was more fighting and then I heard a thud. I kept pressure on my lower left back and stayed laying on the floor. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and someone knelt down. 
“You alright, kid?” I recognized the voice of David. 
“It hurts a lot.” I groaned. 
“Let me see.” He said as he gently moved my hand. He looked at the bleeding wound and sighed. 
“The bullet is still inside, but your Mom and I are gonna get you help.” He said and I nodded. 
“I know…” I said. 
“Y/N/N?” I heard Henry asked in a scared voice. 
“I’ll be fine, Henry.” I said and smiled back at him in my Mom’s arms. David pushed his arms under me and lifted me up. I groaned as he lifted and flipped me over so I was facing him. I felt his hand put pressure on my wound and I groaned again. 
“I know, Y/N, just hang in there.” He said. They rushed me to the car and Mom got in the back with me and she locked Henry in so he couldn’t really see me. Mom gripped my hand and she had tears in her eyes. 
“I’ll be fine, Mom.” I said and she nodded. 
“I know sweetie, you’re so strong.” She said and I smiled. 
Once we got me to the hospital the staff rushed me inside. They got me into surgery quickly. I obviously didn’t remember any of it but when I woke up my Mom, Dad, and Henry were all standing around my bed. Dad was in a hospital gown too. 
“Mom? Dad?” I groaned as I tried to sit up. 
“Hey, lay back down, you need to relax.” Mom said as she pushed me back down. 
“I’m alright, Mom.” I said as I hugged her tightly. She hugged me tighter and I felt myself struggling to breath a bit. 
“Alright Hon, let our daughter breath.” Dad said with a laugh. Mom wiped her eyes as she pulled back from me. 
“Are you alright, Dad?” I asked and he nodded with a smile. 
“I’m fine sweet heart, we gotta worry about you.” He said and I shook my head. 
“I’m fine.” I insisted. 
“Y/N, you took a bullet to the back.” He said with a frown. 
“You told me to protect Henry.” I said with a small shrug. 
“I didn’t mean risk your life.” He said and I smiled. 
“I’d do anything to protect my brother.” I said and my parents smiled. 
“Well, we’re really glad you treat him as if he’s your full brother…” Mom started and I looked at them confused. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” I asked. Dad wrapped his arm around Mom’s shoulder and pulled her closer. 
“Y/N, your Mama and I are gonna get married.” Dad said and I quickly sat up, ignoring the pain. 
“Really!?” I asked with a huge smile. 
“Y/N! You need to lay down, you’ll rip your stitches!” Mom said, trying to push me back down. I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. 
“You finally said yes? Will’s really gonna be my Dad now?” I asked with tears in my eyes. 
“Yes sweetie, Will is going to be your Dad for real, now lay down.” She said and I happily obliged. 
“When’s the wedding?” I asked, feeling giddy now. 
“Your Mother wants to do it Monday.” Dad answered. 
“Am I gonna be able to come?” I asked with a frown. 
“We’ll talk to the doctor and I’ll let him know we’ll have a doctor on property.” Mom said with a wink. I giggled and shook my head. 
“I’m so excited! Can I wear my light pink dress?” I asked and they just laughed. 
“Yes you can wear your pink dress.” Mom said. 
The next day Dad came to pick me up at the hospital, since Mom convinced them that I’d be fine at home. He came into my room holding a bad and my light pink dress. I looked at him confused and he just smiled at me. 
“I thought you’re getting married on Monday?” I asked and he nodded as he set the things now. 
“We were, but David overheard and we’re gonna get married in his yard. Mom thinks it’s just a party.” He said and I squealed in excitement. 
“Help me get ready?” I asked and he nodded. Dad helped me get dressed and told me I needed to take it easy tonight. The doctor gave us some crutches as a just in case, but I didn’t really think I needed to use them. Dad insisted on bringing them anyway. 
“Come on, we’re meeting your mom and Henry there.” Dad said and I nodded. He helped me in the car and we were off. 
When we pulled up to David’s house I was so excited! I couldn’t believe my Mom was getting married to someone who actually liked and cared about me too. It’s all the two of us ever wanted. I got out and rushed over to my mom. I hugged her tightly and she laughed. 
“Well you’re feeling better.” She said and I smiled up at her. 
“I am! Look what Dad brought me to wear.” I said and did a spin. 
“I thought you wanted to wear that tomorrow.” She frowned and I nodded. 
“I still can, but this way the whole team can see how pretty I am.” I joked and she shook her head with a laugh. 
“Y/N, the doctor said to take it easy.” Dad said coming up to us. 
“I am.” I said and he shook his head. 
“Running to your Mama is not taking it easy. Don’t make me make you use the crutches.” He said and I groaned. 
“Okay, I’ll be good, promise!” I said and both my parents laughed. 
“Come on, let’s go inside.” Mom said and we all held hands. We walked inside and into the backyard. 
“Hey.” Mom said when she saw David. 
“Someone knows how to throw a party. You don’t mess around.” Mom said as she gave him a hug. 
“What can I tell ya? I’m the host with the most.” He said as he hugged her back. 
“No kidding.” Mom laughed as she pulled back. 
“Hey, look who’s here.” David said and Grandma walked up next to him. 
“Mom?” Mom asked and Grandma just smiled. 
“Okay, what’s-what’s going on?” Mom asked Dad. 
“Well we couldn’t get married without your Mama.” He answered. 
“I might’ve overheard a proposal yesterday?” David said. 
“And I couldn’t wait till Monday.” Dad said. 
“Okay so this is why you guys are so dressed up, huh?” Mom asked as she looked at me and Henry. 
“Yes and you will be too. I brought something borrowed.” Grandma said, holding up a wedding dress. 
“Mom, is that your dress?” Mom asked. 
“It is, let’s go see if it still fits.” Grandma said. 
“Can I help?” I asked and Grandma smiled at me. 
“Of course!” She said and gently pulled me along. 
Grandma and I helped Mom get into the dress and I was so excited. She looked absolutely beautiful. I’ve always wanted this for my Mom and I literally couldn’t be happier for her. 
“Mom you look so pretty.” I said and she smiled with happy tears in her eyes. 
“Thank you Sweetie.” She said and kissed my head. Once everything was ready Mom, Grandma, and Myself were walking downstairs and out the back door. Dad stood there with Henry at the alter with a man there to marry them. Grandma let go of Mom when we reached the front and I went to as well, but Mom stopped me. She pulled me up with her and I stood right by her as she married my now official Dad. I cried when they kissed and hugged them both tightly. I finally had a full family. 
We all sat down to eat and everyone was talking among themselves. I sat next to Henry and Jack, who I was so excited to see. The three of us were all talking and slightly playing pretend. I was about nine years older than Jack and eleven years older than my brother, but I loved spending time with them. Dad clinked his glass to gain everyone’s attention and stood up. Everyone looked over to him and he smiled. 
“I’d like to thank everyone for being with us tonight and sharing in our special day.” He started and smiled down at Mom, who was holding his other hand. 
“But I still have one more surprise for my two very special girls.” He said. Mom and I both looked at him confused and he motioned for me to come over to him. I stood up and walked next to him. 
“Y/N, I know you care for your Mama a lot and I’m so glad you gave us your blessin’ before we even had to ask.” He said and everyone chuckled. 
“But I’d like to make everything more official and ask you and your Mama if it’d be alright if I officially became your Daddy and adopted you.” He said and I gasped with tears in my eyes. 
“R-Really?” I asked and looked between them. 
“Yes really. You’re Mama and I have been talkin’ about it for some time now and I said if we ever got married I’d like to adopt you as my own.” He said and I hugged him tightly. 
“Yes! Yes! A million times yes!” I cried, not able to hold in my tears. Dad wrapped his arms around me and gently squeezed me. 
“We already started the paperwork incase this day ever came, so we just gotta get a court date and make it offical.” Mom said, standing up. I turned around and hugged her tightly, not realizing I was crying into her dress. 
“Thank you, Mom!” I cried and she gently rubbed my back. Dad wrapped us both in a hug and kissed my head. 
“Why is Y/N/N crying?” Henry asked and Dad went and picked him up. 
“They’re happy tears, buddy.” He said and I pulled back to smile at him and wipe my eyes. 
“Very happy tears.” I said and everyone chuckled. This was not only my Mom’s perfect day, it was mine too.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @pettyjayy @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 
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mykashg · 2 years
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I just keep hearing my Mama say, "You sould've been a doctor, William."
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wereoz · 1 month
now that i’ve already talked a bit abt jj x will x spencer (as in, all dating) — they would be so strange and unhealthy and generally unhinged abt each other (like protective and insanely devoted and possessive - tho thats mostly jj tbf - and barely as repressed as they think they r) until theyve been together a while and theyre like :) normal again :) !! and then they make the transition of parenting as a trio pretty seamlessly (beyond explaining how 3 people can be in love to the kids + external forces) considering that’s already uncle spencer who henry and micheal already know will get them into caltech. so :^))
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sapphicprentiss · 2 years
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Jennifer Jareau in Criminal Minds Evolution 'Pay-Per-View'
taglist: @ilyprentiss @ry-kills-jemily @buckleyhans @lovelyy-moonlight @proselys @midnightsjareau @eveljerome @blownawcy @hotch-girl @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @catgirlspence @falling-forever-in-a-hole @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @charleyspiderman @captkatecastle @demonicbaby666 @lesbiansguidetoanangryinch
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 7 months
As a poly connoisseur, would you ever write poly JJ and Will?
It's so wild because me and @star-mum were already talking about this (and I do have on my request form that I would love to write some JJ x Reader x Will)
But I would love to write a longer oneshot with a threesome/poly relationship with those two. Especially because Will is so underappreciated in the fandom, and I would love to dive deeper into the Will and JJ dynamics. (I would also love to write some shorter smut blurb threesomes with them?)
People talk about wanting to be Spencer's controversial younger girlfriend (when he's in his professor era) but I so badly want to be Will and JJ's younger trophy Nanny.
(More rambling ideas incoming. Some nsfw mentions.)
Like taking the job to take care of Henry and to cook and clean for them, but there is an underlying spark, and there is flirting, and if you mention dating, they make jokes about how they want to keep you 'all to themselves' - and maybe they 'forget' to lock their door so you 'accidentally' walk in on them fucking.
And it turns into an unconventional poly relationship. And you are a core part of their family because Henry loves you as a caregiver and being a part of their household every day means that you pay attention to the little things - like getting them coffee in the morning and making sure that neither of them forget their keys.
Also - don't even get on if the reader were to be targeted by an UnSub and JJ goes batshit feral and Will gets all sad and soft about it. Like HELLO
(These are the things I have been thinking about, and I definitely need to write this fic at some point.)
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okimargarvez · 1 year
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[Heart to heart, James Blunt]
Music stuff
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jareaulover · 1 year
"You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk" is so them
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Like, you know that the second they finished that first case, Will insisted that they went out for drinks, and JJ definitely got drunk and started doing an unimpressive version of Will's southern accent and he ate it up. He thought it was the cutest thing ever.
Anyway should I write this? Idk...
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jemilygifs · 2 years
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It’s been so long now  No telling what I should do  To walk away from you ♪
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*I tried to keep certain things vague; Some years are different.*
*Some characters' birthdays are their actors' birthday just to establish it. A Tumblr post says that they mention Garcia was born in 1977 but in earlier seasons, she talks to Spencer in Tabula Rasa, saying "You're young. The eighties left a lot of people confused." She's referring to a gothy picture of high school Prentiss but that's not the point, the point is Garcia is implying to be a bit older than four years older than Spencer, and Morgan was born in 1974 which makes you think that she's around his age, so I just changed it to 1975 plus that's the same year that Adam Rodriguez was born.*
I am working my way back to the season twelve finale, I had finished only the first episode of the two parter but I went on vacation for my mom's birthday and when I tried to finish the second part, my car DVD player stopped working and I'm the sort of person who will avoid big change in TV shows, it took me a full year to even start the final season of Parks and Recreation and I don't want to see how Spencer changes so I procrastonate my procrastination (watching Criminal Minds instead of doing other things) Anyways, but I tried to keep major characters involved. You know Alex Blake, Kate Callahan, Stephen Walker, Tara Lewis and I know in season thirteen Matt Simmons joins the team. I'm hesitant to watch Evolution because Spencer's not in it but there's still hope he'll come back, though last year I did meet Matthew Gray Gubler in New York in that car he was driving with a giant green hand and we chased him down to a stop light and he gave me a free copy of his book that we later saw at the New York bookstore we always go to as being thirty bucks.*
Warning: Spoilers, Mention of a character being dishonorably discharged from Chemical Corps which implies darker things, Stillborn baby; Pregnant woman in distress; Woman dies while pregnant (baby survives though); Baby is diagnosed with heart defect; Four-year-old has heart difficulties after being abused; Child death; Teenager commits suicide; Twelve-year-old is kidnapped and attacked by a serial killer; Serial killer has fascination with twelve-year-old; Teenagers get kidnapped)
This may be under constant construction and dates may slip and slide. (There should be a larger time gap between Zoe's rescue in early 2005 and her hiring of the BAU but this was so time-consuming, and then I changed Zarah's name from Callie and I had already had it in my drafts, so I had to redo it, and there are things in here that I'm not all too confident about and I feel that the hinting at a big reveal is too on the nose and obvious.)
1940 — Max Ryan is born
June 1, 1955 — Jason Gideon is born
May 9, 1956 — David Stephen Rossi is born
August 19, 1962 — Zelena Valdez is born
Before September 29. 1964 — Cain Noble goes off to fight in the Vietnam War in the Chemical Corps soon to be dishonorably discharged for desertion.
September 29, 1964 — Alexander Noble is born to American Veteran Cain Noble and currently unnamed Scottish woman
November 2, 1967 — Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner is born
1968 — Alex Blake is born.
June 10, 1968 — Alex Blake (formerly Miller) is born to Damon Miller and an unnamed mother
1968 — Cain Noble is dishonorably discharged for desertion.
Sometime 1970 — David Rossi illegally enlisted into the Vietnam War at age thirteen to fourteen. (Rossi doesn't really like to play by the rules, I guess? 🙄)
September 18, 1970 — Tara Elizabeth Lewis is born to Albert Lewis and her unnamed mother.
October 12, 1970 — Emily Prentiss is born to U.S. Ambassador, Elizabeth Katherine Prentiss and an unknown father
May 29, 1971 — Isobel Noble is born to American dishonorably discharged veteran Cain Noble and Unnamed Scottish mother, younger sister to Alexander Noble
1972 — Gabriel Anthony Lewis is born to Albert Lewis and an unnamed mother, as the younger brother to Tara Lewis.
January 4, 1973 — Stephen Walker is born to unknown parents
January 25, 1973 — Mazikeen "Maze" Valdez is born
1974 — Rosalyn Jareau is born in East Allegheny, Pennsylvania to Sandy Jareau and an unnamed father
June 6, 1974 — Derek Morgan is born to Hank and Fran Morgan in Chicago
1975 — Penelope Garcia is born in San Francisco, California
April 2, 1975 — Luke Alvez is born in the Bronx borough of New York City, New York to unnamed parents
July 31, 1975 — Kalypso Valdez is born in Las Vegas, Nevada
June 24, 1977 — Elle Greenaway is born in Manhattan, New York to presumably American Robert Greenaway and an unnamed mother of Cuban descent
Sometime prior to 1979 — Alexander and Isobel’s mother dies.
1979 — Alexander Noble escapes from Somerville Military Academy and shortly after he and Isobel run away from Cain Noble.
February 21, 1979 — Kate Callahan is born to unknown parents with a presumably older sister named Liz
November 28, 1979 — Matthew "Matt" Simmons is born in Carson City, Michigan to an unnamed Caucasian father and a Korean mother named Mi Young Simmons; however, due to his mixed ethnicity he was ostracized by his grandparents on his father's side.
September 17, 1980 — William LaMontagne Junior is born to William LaMontagne Senior and an unnamed mother in New Orleans, Louisianna
November 22, 1980 — Jennifer “JJ” Jareau is born in East Allegheny, Pennsylvania to Sandy Jareau and an unnamed father as the younger sister to Rosalyn Jareau.
September 21, 1981 — Maeve Donovan is born to Mary and Joe Donovan
October 12, 1981 — Spencer Reid is born to Diana and William Reid in Vegas, Nevada
1983 — BAU is founded by David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Zelena Valdez, and Alexander Noble
1984 — Stephen Gideon is born to Jason Gideon named after Rossi's middle name; Carolyn and David Rossi’s son, James David Rossi dies during childbirth
Unspecified Date, 1985 — Robert Greenaway has a fight with his eight-year-old daughter, Elle Greenaway which ends with her telling him she hates him before he is called away and is killed in the line of duty.
Early 1985 — Some point in January, February, or March, Zelena Valdez realizes she’s pregnant and is required to go off her sleep apnea and PTSD medication to avoid any more risks of her babies being born with birth defects. Some point later, she started using a sleep apnea machine.
Around September and/or October — Zelena Valdez is ordered to stay at the BAU headquarters due to being so far into her pregnancy and she gets the case about a man killing pregnant women and their unborn babies in Virginia.
October 28, 1985 — Zarah Carina Noble-Valdez is born in Quantico, Virgina; Zelena, still in labor and the unborn Zoe are kidnapped by the same psychotic axe murderer Zelena had been chasing.
October 31, 1985 — Alexander finds Zelena and Zoe; Zelena dies from multiple axe wounds to the chest while the UnSub gets away; Xiomara "Zoe" Noble-Valdez is born due to a post-mortem C-section in Quantico, Virginia, initially as a stillborn due to the conditions but is successfully resuscitated but quickly diagnosed with a heart defect.
November 1, 1985 — Zoe is diagnosed with having transportation of the great arteries (TGA) A serious, rare heart problem in which the two main arteries carrying blood out of the heart are reversed, at most giving her a year to live without correction surgery.
November 7, 1985 — In Quantico, Virginia, At one week old, Zoe receives open-heart surgery for transposition of the great arteries (TGA) and survives to live a relatively “normal” life, although with possible heart failure problems later in life
November 7, 1985 — In Chicago, Derek Morgan's father, Hank Morgan is killed by a would-be robber in front of eleven-year-old Derek Morgan
1986 — David Rossi meets diplomat, Hayden Montgomery and after six months they get married.
1987 — Around late February to early-to-mid March of 1987. David Rossi and Hayden Montgomery get divorced, shortly after Hayden finds out she's pregnant with David Rossi's second child (see the year 1984 for first child). Hayden only relays this information to Alexander Noble which is overheard and understood by his one-year-old daughter Zoe Noble-Valdez who had by now developed the cognitive understanding of an eight-year-old with her high IQ and exceptional memory.
December 12, 1987 — Joy Montgomery is born and only Zoe and Alexander remain aware of her true father’s identity.
October 13, 1988 — Riley Jenkins is found dead in Las Vegas; Zoe and Zarah go to spend some time with Kalypso Valdez (who suffers from Schyzotypal Personality Disorder) and her family in Las Vegas; Two-year-old Zoe goes missing in park, presumably kidnapped, causing seven-year-old Kalypso to have a Schyzotypal psychotic break due to the immediate stress and fear during this traumatic experience; late that Zoe is found by Las Vegas local.
1989 — Alexander has no choice but to leave Zoe with his father for a month while Zarah gets treatments from the hospital; he returns to find his four-year-old daughter severely injured with her ribs broken and not breathing due to a heart failure and Cain is forbidden from ever being near her again.
1990 — Zoe and Zarah Noble-Valdez take the ACTs due to their high intelligence, Zoe additionally takes the CLT.
1991 — William Reid leaves Diana and Spencer Reid; Zoe meets Emily Prentiss through Maze Valdez and Alexander Noble; Zoe and Zarah start advanced dual college classes along with elementary.
1992 — Zoe and Zarah receive Criminology degrees at age seven
1992 — Seventeen-year-old Rosalyn Jareau gives eleven-year-old JJ her necklace; Eleven-year-old JJ finds seventeen-year-old Rosalyn Jareau in the bathtub, having committed suicide with her father’s razors, JJ freezes up for about ten minutes, unable or unwilling to comprehend what she’s seeing.
1992 — Alex Blake joins the FBI
1993 — Spencer Reid graduates from high school at age twelve
1993 — Zoe and Zarah receive Psychology degrees at age eight
1993 — Penelope Garcia sneaks out and her parents go out looking for her and they are hit and killed by a drunk driver.
1994 — Ethan Blake is born to Alex and James Blake
1995 — Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner joins the BAU; Hotch meets ten-year-old Zoe and Zarah
1995 — Zoe and Zarah receive Criminal Justice degrees at age ten
1996 — Zoe and Zarah receive forensic science and psychology science degrees at age eleven.
1997 — David Rossi retires; Zoe and Zarah receive abnormal psychology and sociology degrees at age twelve.
Late January to Early February 1998 — Hotch’s first case as Senior Agent in Boston
February 13, 1998 — Hotch’s serial killer intends for twelve-year-old Zoe to be his twenty-first kill but finds that she has no fear in her eyes which (disgustingly) fascinates and intrigues him. (Yeah, I know, gross, but if you know who I’m talking about he’s a sick guy, basically it's an even creepier meeting of Crazy Jane and Frank, only illegal, disgusting, and one-sided; Also I think he only killed twenty before making the deal.)
February 13-18, 1998 — Twelve-year-old Zoe is held captive by the serial killer, her five-day absense is relatively unnoticed by the BAU on account of Alexander lying for the safety of his daughter’s return. Zoe is found outside of a Boston hospital with deep knife wounds (not stab wounds), bruises, broken bones, and drugs in her system. Alexander somehow manages to keep her injuries secret from the BAU.
March 1998 (Six weeks after the “deal with the devil” was made) — Zoe Noble-Valdez has weekly therapy sessions with Karl Arnold who she sasses and profiles constantly before deciding she doesn’t like the vibe she gets off of Karl Arnold.
1998 — Zoe and Zarah receive physical science and counseling degrees at age thirteen; Zoe also receives a nursing degree, intending to be the medical doctor on the team.
November 1998 — Zoe Noble-Valdez makes her first kill in self-defense for her sister.
December 15, 1998 — Tracy Belle is born in Texas
1999 — Zoe receives computer science and physics degrees at age fourteen. Zarah receives human services and arts and humanities degrees at age fourteen.
2000 — Zoe receives toxicology, pharmacology, and chemistry degree.  Zarah receives an anthropology degree at age fifteen.
Sometime after October 12, 2000 — Now eighteen and eligible to pursue his career in the FBI, Spencer Reid, knowing that without him his mother, Diana Reid wouldn't be able to take care of herself, admits her to a mental institution, Bennington Sanitarium.
October 28, 2000 — Zarah Noble-Valdez has her Quinceañera (Fifteenth Birthday)
October 31, 2000 — Zoe Noble-Valdez has her Quinceañera (Fifteenth Birthday)
Autumn, 2000 — Zoe starts Harvard Medical School and meets fellow schoolmate, Maeve Donovan, working to get her PhD in genetics.
February 13, 2001 — Zoe and Zarah Noble-Valdez are kidnapped.
February 14, 2001 — Zoe and Zarah Noble-Valdez are separated.
October 15, 2001 — Zoe Noble-Valdez manages to escape with no memory of how. Zoe is reunited with Alexander Noble but refuses to go to the BAU .
Late 2001/Early 2002 — Derek Morgan is recruited by the BAU (Doesn't meet Zoe due to her being busy getting her degrees, finishing school, and medical school and by request is not named to avoid later accusations of nepotism)
March, 2002 — Zoe gets a biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and neurobiology degrees.
June 3, 2002 — Zoe finishes high school, has a psychotic break due to grief, guilt, and  seven months of rumors about what happened to Zarah and bullying; Zoe gets degrees in computer science, behavioral science, philosophy, and pharmacology degrees, starting to over-over achieve to distract herself, all at age sixteen
September 1, 2002 — Zoe starts medical school
Before September 11, 2001 — Meg Callahan is born to Kate Callahan’s sister, Liz and her brother-in-law.
September 11, 2001 — Kate Callahan's sister and brother-in-law, Liz and Joe tragically die among hundreds of others during 9/11
2002 — Spencer Reid joins the FBI at age twenty (three years before the normal age qualification)
2003 — Ethan Blake is diagnosed with an unknown illness and tragically dies
April, 2003 — Zoe gets toxicology, neuroscience, engineering, and neurology degrees
June 5, 2003 — Zoe finishes medical school
August 5, 2003 — Zoe starts FBI training
September 16, 2003 — Zoe completes FBI training fourteen weeks early.
October 1, 2003 — Zoe starts working with various mentors (before finally landing a year and a half mentorship with her own cousin, Makenzie "Maze" Valdez, mostly in Europe and the  U.K.; occasionally in Italy where Zoe is reunited with Emily Prentiss under the alias of Lauren Reynolds.
2004 — Penelope Garcia is recruited by the BAU for her coding skills as an alternative to jail time for hacking; Spencer Reid is recruited to the BAU at the age of twenty-two/twenty-three.
2004 — The Blue Ridge Killer plummets off a roof and hits his head, somehow surviving but in a coma. (Also, you’d think Gideon would be there or they could’ve placed it during Gideon’s six month medical leave)
August 14, 2004 — Zoe is kidnapped by terrorists and tortured by a prison front for terrorists.
2004-2005 — JJ is recruited as the media liaison for the BAU
February 13, 2005 — Zoe is rescued from corrupt prison by Maze resulting in most of the corrupt guards/terrorists being brutally murdered
April 3, 2005 — Jason Gideon goes on medical leave; Hotch is promoted to unit chief
April 13, 2005 — Zoe interviews for the BAU by Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner, newly promoted to Unit Chief after Gideon's medical leave of absence; Zoe meets Spencer Reid and impresses him with her intellect
April 3, 2005 — Jason Gideon goes on medical leave for six months; Hotch is promoted to unit chief.
April 13, 2005 — Zoe Noble-Valdez interviews for the BAU with Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner.
May 1, 2005 — Zoe's first day at the BAU; Zoe meets Spencer Reid for the first time a second time.
September 2005 — Jason Gideon returns from medical leave, now as Senior Supervisory Special Agent
Notes (Colored merely to show they're different notes from the ones before): Alexander Noble’s birthday — September 29 — It's been a while since I wrote this down so I googled David Tennant september 29 and what came up was that the first episode of Season two of the revival of Doctor Who, called "New Earth" aired which was the first episdoe where David Tennant could really be the Doctor for the full episode as he was in a coma for most of "Christmas Invasion". Isobel Noble's birthday — May 29 — The day Karen Gillan was announced by portray Amelia “Amy” Pond in Doctor Who Mazikeen “Maze” Valdez's birthday — January 25 — In the season three episode of Lucifer, The City of Angels? It takes place on January 25, 2011 and it’s about Lucifer’s first days on Earth of his “vacation” of eternity of ruling Hell (or at least according to the Lucifer Timeline page on Lucifer Wikia (too lazy to watch the full episode and keep an eye out to see if the date is mentioned and I multitask too much to) For Will LaMontagne's birthday, I wanted to be a bit more original than just using the actor, Josh Stewart's birthday, plus he was born in 1977 which would make him several years older than JJ, I wanted their ages to be more similar but, since Will was introduced in "Jones" with an Unsub copying Jack the Ripper, I used the alleged date that sources claim a letter first used the term "Jack the Ripper" I feel like it's worse that Emily and Spencer have the same birthday—October twelfth—yet they still forget his thirtieth birthday and it's not like they had never celebrated it before. They celebrated it in the fourth episode of the whole series! If I were them, I would just feel like the worst friends because presumably Spencer's mother who often didn't know what day of the week it was, dismissed her doctor's suggestions (because "he's a Neanderthal"), and once had a schizophrenic episode so bad she didn't notice her son had been missing for a whole night when he was tied to the school field due to some horrible bullies, you can assume he didn't get to celebrate his birthday too much after his dad left when he was ten. I would just fee like the worst friend ever.
Maeve Donovan's birthday — September 21 — Maeve's birthday is the date that psychologist and behavior geneticist, Kathryn Paige Harden's book, The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters For Social Equality was published, plus September was the month that "The Narrative of John Smith" was published. (I was going to use July 19 after the birthdate of Nancy Wexler who learned a Ph.D. in Psychology but chose to instead work in the field of genetics. I don't really know who either of these women are though, I don't really understand genetics like I do psychology—Ironic since just last semester I took a class called "Developmental psychology" or not ironic at all (Developmental psychology is pretty much about psychology as we grow and the psychological concepts that we go through and the bonds we form) but I tried to find a woman who had work in both fields of genetics and psychology. I did find a geneticist and psychologist named Robert Joseph Plomin and Gregor Mendel who I KNOW was in my developmental psychology class, despite him seeming to be firmly in the world of genetics with some overlap in psychology but I don't want to sign into my school account, it's whole ordeal and they make it so overly complicated (for privacy reasons but still, it's annoying. I can appreciate something and still find it annoying) but I wanted a female geneticist and I wanted some more options than just Nancy Wexler, I find birthdays that are like after August easier to keep track of, maybe because my birthday is in October which is in that range and I have a math learning disorder and I overthink things because I am terrified of accidentally offending someone. But I chose the publication date because I couldn’t find Kathyrn Paige Haden’s birthday
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ally-drabbles · 2 years
"She didn't break the promise"?? SHE DIDN'T BREAK THE Promise??????
This was not the promise! Wtf??? If this is how they are interpreting things it is no wonder we never got Garvez... I mean wtf?
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/William LaMontagne Jr. past, Andrew Mendoza/Emily Prentiss past Characters: Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, William LaMontagne Jr., Andrew Mendoza, Henry LaMontagne, Penelope Garcia Additional Tags: Jemily - Freeform Series: Part 1 of You are the wound in my heart that I refuse to close Summary:
"Cover my eyes with your fingers so that I cannot see that I'm losing you, nor see myself losing you, and thus will not lose myself' Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Teresa Horta and Maria Velho da Costa, from the three Marias: New Portuguese Letter; Letter 2 "
 Or when Andrew and Will find each other at a bar and talk about their nearly falling relationship with their respective partners
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prettiestlovergirl · 7 months
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" late night devil, put your hands on me "
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✪ there is no guarantee that i will write what you've requested! i do not always have inspiration for things, so please bear with me and PLEASE do not message me/harass me about whether or not i saw your message.
✪ smut is my preferred genre but i am definitely open to writing/responding to other genres! i'm a whore but i love fluff as much as the next girl!
✪ if you want a part two of something, you MUST give me an idea for it!! could be small, could be fully thought out, doesn't matter to me, but there MUST be something i can go off of.
✪ below i have a loooooong list of characters i'll write for, if you see a character you like but is not on the list, please feel free to reach out! i will let you know whether or not i will add them to the list xx
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characters i'm willing to write for 𖼐꒱࿐ ִ I
✦ luke castellan ✦ coriolanus snow ✦ sejanus plinth ✦ finnick odair ✦ peeta mellark ✦ anakin skywalker ✦ peter parker ✦ jj maybank ✦ rafe cameron ✦ tim bradford ✦ wesley evers ✦ john nolan ✦ jake peralta ✦ barry allen ✦ james potter ✦ remus lupin ✦ sirius black ✦ tom riddle ✦ mattheo riddle ✦ theodore nott ✦ ares (from pjo) ✦ spencer reid ✦ aaron hotchner ✦ matt simmons ✦ luke alvez ✦ will lamontagne jr ✦ tony stark ✦ miguel o'hara ✦ steve rogers ✦ peter quill ✦ scott lang ✦ harry potter ✦ ron weasley ✦ fred weasley ✦ bill weasley ✦ charlie weasley ✦ percy weasley ✦ george weasley ✦ aaron thorsen ✦ anthony bridgerton ☆ benedict bridgerton ☆ harry hook (ouat) ✦ alex claremont diaz ✦ cardan greenbriar ✦ manny (abbott elementary) ✦ sally jackson ✦ lucy chen ✦ celina juarez ✦ hermione granger ✦ katniss everdeen ✦ johanna mason ✦ padme amidala ✦ sarah cameron ✦ angela lopez ✦ nyla harper ✦ amy santiago ✦ rosa diaz ✦ lily evans ✦ marlene mckinnon ✦ luna lovegood ✦ ginny weasley ✦ fleur delacour ✦ emily prentiss ✦ jennifer jareau ✦ elle greenaway ✦ emma swan ✦ natasha romanoff ✦ yelena belova ✦ kate bishop ✦ carol danvers ✦ wanda maximoff ✦ jude duarte ✦ prettiestlovergirl (fantasize about me, baby <3)
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definitely into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ oral fixation ☆ infidelity kink ☆ size kink ☆ brat/brat taming kink ☆ face fucking ☆ tit fucking ☆ thigh riding ☆ daddy/mommy content ☆ domination ☆ sadism ☆ breeding kink ☆ masochism ☆ exhibitionism ☆ squirting ☆ degrading ☆ dirty talk ☆ cum swapping ☆ dacryphilia ☆ overstimulation ☆ gagging ☆ praise edging ☆ biting ☆ marking ☆ cne ☆ dubcon ☆ coercion ☆ breath play ☆ impact play ☆ anal play ☆ legal age gap ☆ threesomes ☆ brother's best friend ☆ best friend's brother ☆ daddy x princess ☆ step-cest ☆ legal age gap ☆ dom x sub ☆ gangbang ☆ bareback/ cream pies ☆ being shared ☆ free use ☆ orgasm denial ☆ brat x brat tamer ☆ knife play ☆ corruption virgin! reader ☆ bimbo! reader ☆ office sex ☆ mean! reader ☆ hair pulling ☆ dark content ☆ fratboy! character ☆ hand kink ☆ dumbification ☆ nicknames: mami, mamas, mama, ma, pretty girl, babe, baby, sweetheart, angel ☆
sometimes into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ somnophilia ☆ olfactophilia ☆ piss kink ☆ arm kink ☆ dry humping ☆ virgin! character ☆ best friend! character ☆ kidnapping kink ☆ thigh fucking ☆ sub! character ☆ sex toys ☆ period sex ☆ orgy ☆ drunk sex ☆ angst ☆ fluff ☆ sex pollen ☆ under the table ☆ noncon play ☆ polyamory ☆ predator/prey kink ☆ bondage ☆ sensory deprivation ☆ fake relationship ☆ cuckhold ☆ pet play ☆ cockwarming ☆ nicknames: babydoll, doll, honey, hon ☆
not into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ tentacles ☆ age regression ☆ professor x student ☆ childhood bedroom ☆ self-harm ☆ suicide ☆ ai ☆ pedophilia ☆ incest ☆ underage characters ☆ race play ☆ race exclusive features ☆ eating disorders ☆ depression ☆ getting caught masturbating and moaning out a name ☆ financial domination ☆ scat ☆ gay for pay ☆ age play ☆ wax play ☆ pegging ☆ feet content ☆ food play ☆ male! reader ☆
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