#JJ and Will
shipperoffanonships · 12 days
I approve (once again not exactly anti-Will [although it does sound like it but eh]). I approve much.
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Jemily has 2,197 stories more than JJ/Wil.
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healing-and-free · 1 month
Criminal Minds comfort rewatch -
What is it about the relationship between Will and JJ that makes me melt into a dumb sappy mess
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jareaulover · 1 year
Okay so like I like to imagine that Will, JJ, and Emily have a little polycule going on where like JJ and Will are obviously romantic (and married). JJ and Emily are romantically and sexually together, and Will and Emily are like besties.
Should I do some headcannons about this?
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
The interview
Summary: Bonnie Mcbride is a young girl with her heart set on becoming an FBI agent, and has successfully secured an interview with the head of the BAU for an assistants job.
Main characters: Bonnie McBride (OC), Aaron Hotchner.
Side characters: Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jason Gideon, Penelope Garcia
Other: platonic, just for fun writing
Word count: 2k
The first of many things to come for this idea
Well the building was huge first and foremost. Her pencil skirt tight over her opaque tights, white blouse tucked neatly, and her blazer freshly ironed and still warm. Her emotional support book back over one arm.
For a year now, she was studying. Criminal justice. It was a piece of cake really. Every single word she read tattooed itself under her eyelids, there wasn’t a single thing she could forget. Which is how she’s ended up so far ahead so young. She couldn’t explain it. She skipped grades and was in college before she even knew it. All with one thing on her mind. Justice. Just as the course said. Not for any terrible reason however. She wanted to give her mother a life. One she was never able to grab for herself.
It was Bonnies deep secret. Her mother was a prostitute. Amongst other jobs here and there. She wanted to see her mother in a nice house rather than the shabby one they lived in right now. And with the money made from this assistant job she could really help!
So in she stepped and was blinded by how white everything was. So clean it was intimidating. She placed her bag through the metal detectors and took off her earrings to pass the test. Nodding politely towards the security guard who towered over her small body, and took her bag to the lift and pressed the number six button, and held her breath.
“Hey, are you lost?” A pretty young woman with straight blonde hair stopped with a concerned smile.
Bonnie shook her head. “No. Well- kind of. I’m looking for Agent Hotchner, I have an interview for an assistant job.” The woman laughed.
“Oh right! Sorry, my mistake. If you would like to follow me I’ll take you.” And Bonnie gladly did that, while admiring the framed pictures of men and women in uniform all over the walls.
“What’s your name? Excuse me for being so rude there.”
“Bonnie.” She smiled with rosy lips, already liking this woman.
“Nice to meet you Bonnie. My names Jennifer but everyone calls me JJ.”
“Jennifer… that’s really nice.”
“Why thank you!” Jennifer giggled and led Bonnie through the glass doors for the BAU, and she was met with many people older than herself working at desks.
“Agent Hotchners office is that one at the top, just knock and he’ll answer.” With that, Jennifer gave Bonnie a supportive thumbs up before heading back out the way they came in.
Before Bonnie could thank her, being too overwhelmed with the authority surrounding her. Every person in here must have a gun on them, and she found herself standing and wondering if she made one wrong footstep would they draw them?
Eventually she knocked on the door, and a “come in!” Was heard.
This was it!
“Hello, I’m Bonnie, I’m here for your assistant interview?”
“Assistant interview? I didn’t know I had one.” Bonnie froze awkwardly, stroking the strap of her book bag.
“Oh… uhm, I have the paperwork here if you’d like to take a look sir.” She took the neat unfolded paper from her bag and approached the desk while this man stared at her confused, but took the paper.
“Oh… right well, have a seat then. Sorry for the confusion.” She tried to laugh it off but all the confidence she had seemed to drain out of her and was replaced with blush. “If you just give me one minute.” And he excused himself out of his office, leaving her to fidget with her bag strap once more.
He really did come back in a minute, and she jumped not hearing him come back in.
“So… I won’t lie to you I had no idea there was an assistant interview, it was my other coworker who decided to set it up, but I’m more than happy to follow through with this if that’s still what you want.”
Bonnie nodded. “I’d like that sir.”
“So…” he began to read her CV. “Bonnie McBride? Scottish?”
“Yes sir.” Her accent sounded thicker now that she were on the spot.
“Only eighteen?”
“Yes sir. October thirty.”
“And you’ve already been enrolled in criminal justice?”
“Yes sir. Started when I was sixteen in Georgetown. One more year to go if I keep doing what I’m doing.”
“And what are your plans for after?”
She felt a little embarrassed talking to the unit chief who was clearly very successful in what he did. “I wish to become an FBI agent.” To which she thought he almost smiled.
“Well you’re heading in the right direction that’s for sure… and why would you want to be an assistant here?”
“Because… I really appreciate the work that yourself and your team do. I would like to be able to give something back whether that be filing things so you won’t have to stress or always being on hand if someone needs something like a drink or-“
“Not because you’re a spy?”
Bonnies eyes widened comically and her jaw dropped. Agent Hotchner was so serious she thought he was going to draw his weapon until he laughed.
“I’m just kidding. You seem like a lovely girl but I’m worried that what you may see in here will affect you negatively.”
“Don’t worry about that sir! I wish to work in law enforcement and will have to get used to it sooner or later won’t I?”
“I understand… but what about your studies? We can be away for days, weeks, or even months at a time.”
“There’s the option of online courses which I’m set to apply for if… if I’m successful in this interview.”
“Well… convince me then. How will you assist us.”
Us. He said. Not just him.
“I’d get to know everyone. What they and what they dislike. I’m quick on my feet and make terrific coffee, best ever if I do say so myself. I can read a room like a book and I love organising and cleaning, one of my hobbies actually! I’m great with computers and my time management, I’m never late for anything only early. And if need be I can also stay out of the way, do my work until my phone pings for me to set off!”
Agent Hotchner listened intently before his eyes averted towards the blinds in his office.
“Come up here, and tell me what you see.”
Nervously, she followed and peeked through the window.
“The other agents?”
“Yes but, you said you could read a room. Prove it to me.”
She swallowed hard, and her attention landed on a skinny boy who was spinning on his chair.
“That man there, with the curly hair spinning on his chair, that must be a way to relax or concentrate as the motion of the air and dizziness of the head takes away anything else surrounding. His hand at clasped bear his face, he’s thinking. Oh- now he’s writing, very quickly at that. He’s onto something.”
Agent Hotchner nodded.
“And that man there.” Now she was looking at the broad shouldered man with a cup of something in his hand. “The way here hold himself, the mug in one hand the other on his hip. He’s confident. He doesn’t need two hand to steady whatever’s in his cup because he moves so swiftly. The hand on the hip can also be defensive. He’s brave and looking for danger, maybe even trying to be intimidating as if to say ‘don’t even think about it.’ And he obviously works out! His shoulders are very big…” she began to lose track.
Right up until she saw Jennifer.
“And there’s Jennifer! I met her after the lift up. She’s very kind and maybe even worries a lot about others, seeing as she had approached me to ask if I was lost. She cares a lot about others and is looking over peoples shoulders to make sure they’re working. Very passionate about her job and work, because she knows that what they do affects others.”
An older man exited one of the offices.
“That man… walks fast, he has places to go and things to do. Hardly takes a break. Maybe a little stressed but at the end of the day takes a lot of pride in his work because of how hard he works to help people. He looks authoritative, been here a while. Knows the place inside and out he doesn’t have to look where he’s going…”
“That’s Jason Gideon. Former unit chief. A legacy left behind but he’s still going.”
Bonnie felt very proud of herself.
“Oh! And what about her.” The agent pointed to a plump girl with crazy blonde hair and red high heeled earrings dangling over her shoulders, matching the shoes on her feet.
“Hm…” she thought hard.
“Unique. She’s herself at all times. She only cares about what she thinks of herself and-“ she watched the woman lean a hand on top of the broad shouldered man’s desk. “Fancies that man?” Agent Hotchner snorted, and physically wiped the smirk off his face.
“Yes it does seem that way doesn’t it? But I can assure you they’re just the best of friends.”
Then yet another woman who Bonnie swore would be the last she profiled was very attractive. Black hair curled not very long, but she couldn’t get anything for this woman. Nothing. “I have no idea about that woman.”
“That’s Emily. She’s sealed like a safe.”
“Secretive? Defensive?”
“Something like that yes.” The Agent sighed. “Well, now for the next test. How good is your coffee really?”
“Very sir.” She smiled, and he led the way out of the door and into the office again.
Each of the peoples heads she had talked about turned to their direction and she pretended that she didn’t notice how they all started whispering.
She only focused on the mug in front of her.
“Do you like it light, normal, or strong?”
“Strong.” She scooped three teaspoons into the mug.
“No thanks.”
She added a little hot water and mixed it was all dissolved.
“No thanks.”
“You look like an americano guy.”
“Oh really? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh sorry sir! I didn’t mean it as an insult.”
“No it’s fine. I’d like to know why though.”
Bonnie wished she hadn’t spoke at all.
“Well… you keep a straight face. Being the boss you have to remain on guard and professional. No time for fun and games when lives are at stake. And maybe the strong coffee keeps you up for the day and the lack of sugar and milk would mean that you just want to taste the coffee, rather than something else. Because the thought of drinking just coffee acts as a placebo to heighten your awareness. Milk and sugar would falter that.”
“I’m actually just lactose intolerant. But you’re right about the sugar. I like the bitter taste because it reminds me I’m drinking coffee which includes caffeine. The sugar distracts me.” The agent was smiling.
Bonnie laughed and handed the man the cup she had prepared after stirring more water in to almost the top, anxiously waiting his reaction.
He brought it to his rough lips and hummed. “That is quite good actually… Bonnie, I’ve made up my mind.”
Everything had went very well so far… she crossed his fingers.
Instead of speaking, she led her to the group of desks where the agents had disbanded back to their work after their boss began approaching. Except from the man called Jason Gideon.
“Everyone, I’d like you to welcome Bonnie to our team. She’s our new assistant.”
“Well done Bonnie!” Jennifer grinned.
“Welcome to the team kid.” Said the broad man’s who’s desk read ‘Derek Morgan.’
Then the spinning man, ‘Spencer Reid.’ “Good job!”
“Hope you’ll enjoy it here!” The attractive woman chuckled.
“It’s great! Never a boring day!” The woman with the crazy earrings clapped her hands.
“I knew you’d love an assistant Aaron.” Jason laughed.
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nareclipwse · 4 months
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Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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l0caltiredgirl · 9 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
that reality check hitting after reading smut
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thatboisus · 1 month
me logging onto tumblr after consuming a new piece of media
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criminalmindsverse · 5 months
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CRIMINAL MINDS 2.21 — "Open Season"
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strongermonster · 2 years
perhaps some will disagree, but i think the world got worse when we changed the colour of the night
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sleepyangelkami · 6 months
smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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shay-j-scribbles · 2 months
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Inside Out 2 if it was filmed inside my head
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
I have the idea of writing little blurbs or something about a new member to the BAU BUT she’s just an assistant and comes with the team on cases and stuff I think about it all the time it would be so funny like I’ve decided she’s Scottish (I am too so it’s basically just pretending I’m in criminal minds) and is just vibing the whole time. She’s mainly Hotch’s assistant but decides to help the whole team, and she’s training to be in the FBI but is too young because she’s 19, but she wanted to job for the experience that would come with it. I also decided she’s doing online courses for criminal psychology so therefore she isn’t missing out on studying while with the team and can do it in her own time. Basically it’s her learning from the team until she passes and can then take the training for profiling. She’s very intelligent and always tries to solve cases from her bench of making coffee and filing reports.
I love Hotch very dearly so this is how I’m expressing it! I love to write and let my imagination take over.
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eternalbuckley · 9 months
characters: rafe, jj, sarah
warnings: 18+ only. minors dni. the following links are twitter links to porn videos, not fics. please keep that in mind. the videos contain fem / afab people.
a/n: since some of you wanted that i make a list of my current favourite porn videos… here are a few with some scenarios involved 🤓 enjoy babes!!
links are under the cut!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
navigation | masterlists
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› bestfriend!rafe fucking you from behind.
› roommate!rafe fingering you in his bed.
› enemie!rafe choking you while he pounds into you.
› rafe using a knife to scrape off wax from your body. [wax play & knife kink warning]
› riding rafes dick and him breeding you.
› rafe eating you out while you sit on his face.
› enemie!jj breeding you.
› jj fingering you.
› jj licking your nipples.
› enemie!jj fucking you from behind while you‘re handcuffed.
› giving bestfriend!jj a handjob.
› jj pounding into you while you‘re on top.
› secretgirlfriend!sarah eating you out after a stressful day.
› fucking sarah with a strap on.
› eating sarah out after a party.
› dom!sarah not letting you cum.
› rubbing bestfriend!sarahs clit.
› using a vibrator on sub!sarah. [a small whip is used a few times for spanking as well]
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Being a girl is pt.2: deciding you’ve read enough fics for the moment and swiping out of the app just to re-open tumblr or open wattpad/ao3
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