#Jericho Jones
saedii-gilwraeth-simp · 10 months
Look between uni finals, apartment hunting, finally getting an ADHD diagnosis and starting medications, and moving, I haven’t had time to write but I have been thinking about AC bc ofc I have
And it’s tangential as hell but they say when Syldra burned, 10 billion Syldrathi died and according to the little Magellan excerpt, Syldrathi are ALL tall with silver hair/purple eyes.
What in the fucking recessive gene bullshit is the Jones family on? You’re telling me that a singular blonde haired blue eyed white man’s genes managed to win over the obviously very dominant genes of an entire race of over 10 billion people?!
Forget the time travel, that’s the most unrealistic part of the entire series
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wonderfuday · 1 year
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Art by  Nica Galvez
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samnotsammy12 · 8 months
I need more Diviners content in my life
Currently rereading and…I love all the characters so much
Although the only thing I can’t stand is the love triangle
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danielsarmand · 4 months
i really Really want to write about my original characters i really want to give this story a chance i want to do something with myself but i am So. scared
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red-umbrella-811 · 3 months
Jericho Jones:
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bin1es · 10 months
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Skeet Ulrich as Jake Green
Jericho (Season 1, ep. 1)
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nipchipcookies · 1 year
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The “nipchip should really do warmups before attempting to draw” doodles.
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ririchanva · 4 months
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Am I impatiently pumping out spoiler stuff for my story
...yes, yes I am >.> Team Hero Force can be read on AO3 or Tumblr :3
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Bryan Ray Trout
DATE OF BIRTH: January 20, 1970
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lynchburg, Virginia
AGE: 53
SIGN: Aquarius
BEST KNOWN FOR: Portraying Chris Hooker in the teen supernatural horror film The Craft; Billy Loomis in slasher films Scream, Scream (2022) and Scream VI. Vincent Lopiano in As Good As It Gets; Jake Green in Jericho; and Forsythe Pendleton "F.P." Jones II in the CW teen drama series Riverdale.
HEIGHT: 6 feet tall
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shadowcatzz · 18 days
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HI TUMBLR. I've not posted anything here in so LONG!!! I keep forgetting abt it oops.... I am so sorry... LMAO anyway- yeah I'm still crazy abt this game and this is what I drew for the 13th's anniversary of the game!!!!!
also spot the amogus-es. I have hidden a few in the bgs.... >8))) I KNOW ITS A DEAD MEME but i still find it funny lol
also yes I forgor to draw Jones' bracelet and his watch. I did all this in 3 days n I got so Tired™. plz forgive me
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saedii-gilwraeth-simp · 4 months
Once again in the pinball chamber of my mind so have part 2 of this kinda
Tyler's uniglass buzzes on his bedside table, forcing his drooping eyes to open. He scrunches one closed again and reaches an arm over to the table and clumsily picks the uniglass up, careful not to jostle Saedii where she is asleep on half of his chest.
Unsurprisingly, the cause of his buzzing uniglass is his sister and her indestructible love for spam texting. He reads through the pair she had sent and scrunches his eyebrows in confusion at the messages.
Scarlett Jones: did you know that dad speaks Syldrathi?
Followed by
Scarlett Jones: ask me how I know that, Ty
He one-handedly types out his response.
Tyler Jones: I'm pretty sure he doesn't speak any Syldrathi, he watches as a typing bubble appears on his screen.
Scarlett Jones: yeah?
Scarlett Jones: I'm pretty sure he and I share a wall and I now know way too much about mum and dad's sex life. Tyler reads the message once and then twice and then holds back the urge to gag as Scarlett's messages keep rolling in.
Scarlett Jones: maybe not having a mum was better
Scarlett Jones: dad would still be sad but at least I wouldn't be ready to jam the closest sharp object into my ears
Tyler Jones: please stop, I don't want to ever think of this... ever
Scarlett Jones: too bad bee-bro,
Scarlett Jones: if I have to hear it, you have to hear about me hearing it
Scarlett Jones: twin code
Tyler Jones: why is twin code only a thing when you want to torment me?
Tyler Jones: do they not realise you can hear them?
Scarlett Jones: I think they're used to being empty-nesters and forgot I was here
Tyler Jones: gross
Scarlett Jones: yup
Scarlett goes quiet after that for a bit and he thinks they're both done being tormented. And then his uniglass vibrates again.
Scarlett Jones: oh Maker, how are they going again?
Scarlett Jones: Ty save me she pleads, and he decides very quickly that he loves his sister, but not that much. She's on her own.
He puts his uniglass down, ignoring it when it vibrates again in favour of closing his eyes and burying his face in Saedii's hair.
He sends a prayer for his sisters sanity and then tries to fall asleep.
Two weeks later, which is about the amount of time it takes for her to think she can look either of her parents in the eye again, she takes a trip back down to see them.
Did she think Tyler would drop the bomb that he and Saedii were having a baby right before she left for Terra? No. But did it present an opportunity for her? Maybe.
It did bring her some smug joy that Tyler had told her first.
It's just after sunrise when she get back to her childhood home and she is immediately hungry when she pushes the front door open and smells a medley of breakfast foods. She rounds the corner to find Corae moving about the kitchen, preparing breakfast while humming along to the music playing from the speaker on the island.
"Morning, evaariin," Corae says and Scarlett smiles at her mother's Syldrathi term of endearment for her - sunshine.
"Hi mum," she says, taking the plate she's offered, sitting on one of the bar stools and watching her mother putter around. Sometimes Scarlett has these moments alone with her mother and loses herself in thoughts of how nice it would have been to have had Corae around during her childhood.
She could imagine exactly what it would have been like. Corae would have braided her hair every morning before school and taught her how to use her waywalker-y skills on mean girls at school and built a pillow fort in which to eat ice cream and complain about boys after her first breakup.
"What's wrong, evaariin?" Corae asks and Scarlett blinks back to see her mother watching her with a tilted head, sharp purple eyes assessing her and dimple popping with her twisted smile. Scarlett shrugs and lets go off her imagination. Her mother is here now and that's what matters.
"Nothing, work just has me busy," she brushes the question off. She knows Corae knows better but appreciates that she is smart enough to let it go.
"Yeah? What has the legion got you doing now?" Corae humours her and Scarlett starts to rant about the dumb Chellarian ambassador who doesn't know his ass from his elbow, making Corae laugh as she exaggeratedly describes the buffoons she has to work with.
Eventually, her dad joins them, coming downstairs and kissing Scarlett's forehead and Corae's cheek as he passes into the kitchen. He's in a finely-pressed suit with a flag of Terra pin on the lapel and Scarlett raises an eyebrow at the get up.
"Your father is going to a ribbon cutting ceremony," Corae says in a voice laced with posh fondness, waving her fork vaguely. "The life of a very important Senator," she says and Scarlett laughs a little at that. Jericho just fondly rolls his eyes.
"Very important senator you married," he mocks back and Corae shrugs.
"What can I say? You fill a suit out very nicely," she says, eyeing Jericho up and down.
"Before you two start eye-fucking, I'd like to remind you that I'm sitting right here trying to eat," Scarlett says dryly, making both parents turn to her with raised eyebrows.
"We do not eye-fuck, as you so very crassly phrased it, Scar," her father says and Corae nods.
"Yeah, we're way more diplomatic. Eyes are obvious, it's all about the body language," she says and Scar sighs.
"Hm, well before your dad goes out, do you want to tell us whatever secret your obviously keeping about your brother?" Corae asks casually and Scarlett's head snaps to her.
"How-" Corae taps her Waywalker sigil and smirks. "Nope, you can't have possibly figured out that from just being a Waywalker, come on, what gave me away?"
"I would also like to know, if it matters," Jericho says and Corae shrugs.
"One side of your mouth is tilted higher than the other like a smirk but you're not being any more scarcastic than usual, so you're smug about something and when it comes to us, you're only smug when you know something we don't. You're not broaching any new topics we might start inferring from, so it's a secret not a surprise. And you keep raising one eyebrow when you talk, the one that your brother has the scar through. Ergo, you know a secret we don't know and it's about your brother," Corae explains and Scarlett blinks. She's never really met someone who could read people like her and it was aways slightly disturbing.
"How do you know it's Ty specifically? It could be the whole Squad," she tries to divert and Corae shakes her head.
"When it's the squad you move your shoulders more, they're the people you want to hug. When it's your boyfriend, you sit differently," Scarlett blinks.
"I sit differently?" Corae nods. Jericho makes a surrending symbol with his hands and very quickly kisses his wife goodbye and leaves like fire is on his heels.
"You're hips tilt further forward depending on how pleased you are with him," Corae says and Scarlett groans, burying her blushing face in her hands.
"Mu-um!" she moans through her fingers and Corae chuckles.
"You asked, evaariin, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about, we all have our tells."
"You don't have any tells," Scarlett says and looks up to see Corae shrug.
"My birth family knew all of them so I trained myself out of them. My mother was a terribly exacting woman, it was torture having her be able to read me," Scarlett considered her mother for a beat.
"I've never heard you mention your family," Corae shrugs again, leaning against the opposite counter and folding her arms across her chest.
"Not much to tell. The only ones I liked are dead. Yet somehow the one who tried to stab me lives on," she laughs at Scarlett's incredulous look, "story for another time. Now, you promised to take me to the quote unquote 'best dress shop on Terra' so eat up so we can go out," Corae says, pointing her fork at Scarlett's half eaten plate.
Scarlett smiles and turns back to her plate, wondering to herself if this is what her friends felt like when she was around. Although she supposes there are worse people to be like than her mother - even if she's already planning on making Ty switch rooms with her before she stays over again.
idk I just see Corae calling Scar 'sunshine' and Ty "moonlight' as terms of endearment
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tigressaofkanjis · 9 months
Killer Croc and Deathstroke DLC
By the title, you know I am talking about Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League leaks.
Supposedly, a DLC will have playable characters such as Killer Croc and Deathstroke. I am a huge fan of Killer Croc and if I can play him in game, I will probably never play anything else in my life (that's a lie but still).
I wonder if the DLC will have NPCs associated with each Rogue too. Like for Waylon, I assume a few characters who may be interactive, play a part in his brief segment, or just have a cameo would be Bane and possibly Enchantress. Bane is his direct rival and the other was a comics love interest/fellow Squad member. Don't know whether Bane would be a (circumstantial) friend given who the enemies would be or if he would remain a foe and we would get one hell of a bonus boss battle against him. Enchantress speaks for herself.
As for Deathstroke, I assume there would be Teen Titans references (because Gizmo is already confirmed for the main game when he's usually a Teen Titans villain only) and possibly a few NPCs like Cinderblock, Jericho, and Ravager could be possible. I would love to see Jericho be used in an Arkhamverse meta and Deathstroke acknowledging him would be nice to see.
This is mostly assumptions and I doubt they will come true but I am very excited to know this may be a real leak and if so, I might get to play my dream character. I would love to destroy stuff with Killer Croc.
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alicetallula · 2 years
DechartGames Inktober 2019 + Classic Inktober 2019 - Part V - October 2019
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All the drawings done when I combined the Dechart Games Inktober and the classic Inktober prompts lists in 2019
Day 21 : Jericho Chat + Treasure - 21.10.2019
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I don't often go to the chat but I imagined the Jericho members being enthusiastic about finding a treasure as a pirate crew !
Done using ink pens and graphite pencils
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
Day 22 : Elements ! + Ghost - 22.10.2019
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My partner suggested the spirits from Secret of Mana, so here we go !
Done using colored pencils
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
Day 23 : Stay Determined ! + Ancient - 23.10.2019
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Have an Indiana Sumo finding the Ancient Treasure of the Treats ! I hope I did okay for Hank's shirt 😅
Done using ink pens, graphite pencils and colored pencils
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
Day 24 : Bryience-Science + Dizzy - 24.10.2019
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Have somebody dizzy with all the knowledge you can get during a stream :3
Done using ink pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
Day 25 : Zen Garden Chat + Tasty - 25.10.2019
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It's my least favorite of all my drawings up until now >< but I liked to imagine the Zen Garden Chat having a Tea Party ^^
Done using ink pens, colored pencils and graphite pencils
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
(reblogs are unavailable until I scan and edit the drawing and put it through Nightshade)
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perfettamentechic · 8 months
30 gennaio … ricordiamo …
30 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Robert Wall, Robert Alan Bob Wall, attore statunitense famoso per la partecipazione in diversi film di arti marziali. Wall era un ex campione del mondo dei pesi massimi di kickboxing. Wall è stato sposato per 40 anni con la sua unica moglie Lilian e aveva due figlie: Shana e Kara.(n.1939) 2022: María José Ulla, María José Ulla Madroñero, modella spagnola, eletta Miss Spagna nel 1964.…
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bin1es · 10 months
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Skeet Ulrich as Jake Green
Jericho (Season 1, ep. 1)
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lifewithaview · 9 months
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Gemma Jones and John Thaw in Inspector Morse (1987) The Dead of Jericho
Morse is taken aback by the apparent suicide of Anne Staveley. Morse knew her well as they were members of the same choir and he was quite attracted to her. On the evening of the choir's public performance, Morse stops by her house to collect her but finds her front door open and no one at home. On his way home after the performance he sees several police vehicles outside her house and it appears Anne has hung herself. When her nosy neighbour is also killed, Morse is convinced that Anne was murdered...
*Colin Dexter: Author of the Inspector Morse book series appears when Morse visits the rooms of Ned Murdoch at College. Morse walks past Colin Dexter walking the opposite direction, and after they pass each other, Morse turns around and looks back at Dexter as he is walking away.
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