#Jerry Craft
ticktockheartstop · 23 days
Honestly why didn’t I discover comics sooner?
I mean, I’ve loved Calvin and Hobbes since I could read, but I didn’t discover the rest of what comics had to offer until I was an adult. No one told me how fun they are!
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dynamobooks · 6 months
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Jack Kirby & Stan Lee: Penguin Classics Marvel Collection: Fantastic Four (1961-1968)
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ebookporn · 1 year
Black History, Uncensored: Why GOPers fear Jerry Craft’s cartoons
Jerry Craft’s graphic novels tell stories of conscious and comedic Black youths struggling to fit in. Republicans have sought to remove the books from schools.
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by Ja'han Jones
I don’t think much guesswork is needed to conclude why many conservatives nationwide want cartoonist and author Jerry Craft’s work banned from school bookshelves. 
Craft’s creations, from his comic strip book “Mama’s Boyz” to his award-winning graphic novel “New Kid,” literally provide color to common stories of Black youths struggling to fit in. For conservatives who claim there is something nefarious about acknowledging cultural variety, Craft’s books are evidence to the contrary. 
They are fun coming-of-age stories of Black students who are conscious of their differences — not only between themselves and white students but among Black students as well — and the personal, sometimes comical ways all people navigate these differences.  
I’ve been having a ball making my way through some of Craft’s earlier work, but I wanted to highlight a more recent book for today’s edition of “Black History, Uncensored,” our ongoing project focused on Black authors targeted by right-wing bans. While some conservatives have targeted “New Kid” for removal from bookshelves — a testament to its value, in my opinion — the companion book Craft released after that, “Class Act,” is just as good and just as worthy of praise.
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thecatinthestacks · 1 year
Day 1 of Txla23 - meet Jerry Craft! I saw a flash of his name tag as he walked by and was like "Jerry? Jerry Craft??" And he turned, looked at my name tag, and said "Cat??" And proceeded to match my energy and pretend we were old friends. So yeah, not only is he an amazing author, he is 100% prepared to commit to a bit and is therefore the best!
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darkliterata · 11 months
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Lovely haul for the New Books shelf!
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Marvel Comics and Abrams Books Announce “Marvel Super Stories”
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Abrams Books is releasing a collection of stories for middle-grade readers. Marvel Super Stories is an anthology consisting of new six-page stories from some big names in comics. John Jennings is the editor of the book.
Characters and stories in Marvel Super Stories include:
Black Panther from Jerry Craft
Wiccan rom Mike Curato
Miles Morales Spider-Man from C. G. Esperanza
Iron Man from John Gallagher 
Shang-Chi from Gale Galligan 
The Hulk from Chris Giarrusso
Spider-Man from Nathan Hale 
Captain America from Michael Lee Harris 
Hawkeye from Ben Hatke 
Ms. Marvel from Priya Huq 
Daredevil from John Jennings 
Thor and Loki from George O’Connor
Namor from Lincoln Peirce 
Squirrel Girl from Maria Scrivan 
Ghost Spider from Jessi Zabarsky 
Marvel Super Stories goes on sale on October 17, 2023.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Cover of Marvel Super Stories)
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covergirlnay · 2 years
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So when I go to Barnes and Noble and have to go book shopping for my students, I always notice this section and the lack of diversity for their graphic novels display (most of them are on the shelves). There have been too many good graphic novels released in the last 3 years, that deserve just as much exposure as the regulars that started it all. I have to fight the urge to add them to the section when I walk by 👀😅.
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vulpixbookpix · 7 months
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School Trip by Jerry Craft
3 out of 5 stars
Jordan and Drew, two main characters from the previous books in the series, are going on a school trip.... to Paris! There's a lot of excitement and anxiety as well as several in the group are leaving the country for the very first time. Not to mention, there's a bit of a mishap as teachers get swapped for chaperones, so chaos occurs with who will pay their fares and such. Thankfully, it smooths itself out and the group has a trip to remember with famous works of art, wonderful skyline views, and pivotal moments where they stand up to bullies.
It did seem like the third book in this series suffered from a similar case as the second. There are too many little plotlines. I'm glad the kids were able to try and get the bully, Andy, to understand how harmful his words are. Despite the fact that Andy consistently says he's joking, his jokes are always at others' expense. If the person you're "joking" with isn't laughing along with you, then it's not a joke. I did like that this book tried to emphasize that, even though you may think your words aren't harmful, they can be.
The rest of the book sort of bounced around from scene to scene, touching on famous locations in Paris. Overall, I think this is still a good book to read, especially if you liked the others, but the first one remains my favorite.
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misterjt · 1 year
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The celebrated author of ‘New Kid,’ a graphic novel aimed at young readers, was caught off guard when his books appeared on lists of inappropriate material.
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readatrix · 1 year
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Really entertaining graphic novel, and I could ask for nothing more. There's intelligence and humor and interesting characters. That this was banned, even temporarily, is absurd. Yeah, he's a Black kid at a private school where he's a minority, and yeah, the book deals with that, but really kindly and thoughtfully. It asks the reader, and the target audience is kids, to care about Jordan, and to draw their own conclusions. Unless we're going to ban every single book with a PoC character where racism is in any way addressed, which is revolting, there's no reason to take issue with this book's measured humorous observations.
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gabibookworm · 2 years
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This cover was recently revealed for this YA anthology collecting stories about high school seniors having their last hurrah before graduation. The school’s golden boy is hosting it and all kinds of drama will ensue. Secrets will be spilled, relationships will be tested, and there will be lots of kisses. It comes out June 27, 2023, so be sure to preorder or request it at your local library!
Included authors: Angeline Boulley • Jerry Craft • Natasha Díaz • Lamar Giles • Ryan La Sala • Christina Hammonds Reed • Justin A. Reynolds • Randy Ribay • Yamile Saied Méndez • Jasmine Warga
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rentumblsstuff · 3 months
Boy Jerry: And so you glue on the googly eyes, and you have a fun little pinecone friend who’s fun to rattle around if you ever feel the need to get your frustrations out!
Peter: This activity is for five year olds…
Steph: Hey wouldn’t it be funny if we made our pinecones fuck?
Peter: What?!
Steph: I said ‘what if we traded our pinecones for good luck?’
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huntersapprentice · 1 year
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🐎 🥒 🍅
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pjartandcrafts · 11 months
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