girlactionfigure · 2 months
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ace-hell · 25 days
Coming up with judean native embroidery is so hard considering there's so many cultures with cultural clothes and embroidery patterns out there, and i want to make it original and unique to us, jews, the hebrews. it is SO difficult BECAUSE almost every embroidery patterns has already been invented somehow somewhere and have been for hundreds of years while i started only like 2 months ago and i have specifically been into cross stitch(its actually pretty fun) which also limits me when it comes to patterns
I want to give it jewish uniqueness BESIDES the usual magen david, menorah and חי.
I want to base is off of many other things like historical everts, symbols, fruits, geography, traditions, land etc
For example: an embroidery pattern that resembles the 4 fruits of sukot. A pattern that portrays the split sea or burning bush. A pattern that symbolises the cohanim, beit hamikdash, the 12 tribes and zodiacs. A pattern that resembles the fruits that important in judaism(pomegranates, olives, dates, figs etc) based on holidays and the bible. Hamsa embroidery ideas. Embroidery patterns based on mosaics found in synagogues all around the world.
I have been trying to gather so much information, mosaics, jewish art, ancient art etc to try and base off, which again is SUPER hard cosidering most of the stuff we created got destroyed, looted or stolen (my grandma had to leave all the embroidery she did when her family got kicked out and she managed to salvage only a napkin and an apron)
Anyway i try my best to create a traditional judean dress with jewish rikma. That said, I'll need help so if any of you have patterns or ideas(jewelery too) it will be incredible 🙏🏻
בשם השם נעשה ונצליח
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umabloomer · 8 months
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Thinking of reclaiming "Jewess"
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fieriframes · 3 months
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[Bring it out, let it cool. You chop it up? To tell the tale of the Jewess and the Mandarin Chinese boy. And he led her down from her gilded canopy of cloth. We start with some heavy cream. Okay.]
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ezovshelori · 2 years
regina spektor could you kiss me where it’s sore
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esstrauss · 2 years
Lessons From God
God has been teaching me lessons all my life (Panku) 
But the hardest ones began this year Technically New Years Eve of 2021 They work in mysterious ways Drenching me in buckets of ice water While Poseidon splashes his waves into my face Burning my retinas until I cannot think anymore Unable to take steps towards comfort Sad I cannot bring my temple to shore (
(Panku Couplet)   The men say we are Gods chosen ones here They harm me of my given rights and smear Can they honor God in their minds & me? I see no growth from any of these bees  
Grasping for scripture from my fellow Israelites                                                              As this Hebrew has burned out                                                                                          But the one thing I never forget                                                                                      While God, the slugs of Mother Earth, and bottom feeders treat me like barnacles (Septolet) 
I remember I am no imposter I am me No matter what lessons I cannot grasp just yet (Panku) Or soggy shoes I must walk in until Apollo feels I have earned his touch again My words will continue to uplift me I am my own tribe
©️ Elizabeth Sophia Strauss 11.21.2022
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robertbercovitz · 27 days
He’s a feeewwwlddddeee-r @napornothing @MeandMybrotherProductions @AGthePharoah @YungTone @SlumHaus
new shop alert: 872 Virginia Ave, Fletcher IN (near fountain square)
#FuckLivingInPoverty #LiveFromTheNorthPole #RubberbandLingo
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soundlessdragon · 8 months
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thatbanditqueen · 7 months
An Ode to Ina
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I actually don't know if I think Ina is a good actress. I watched From the Terrace about 20 years ago when I went through my Paul Newman phase and she was kinda of forgettable, but then, the whole movie was, imho. I definitely feel she got a bum deal landing parts with great costars in films that have fallen to the wayside of our popular culture bin. Remember The Comancheros? Yeah, like From the Terrace, neither do I.
But lately I have been going through a Charro! phase as one does and I find myself memorized by her. She has one of those faces with features that seem oddly large and more pronounced than is normal, which makes her look weird and yet alluring at the same time. She strikes me as a women with similar facial features to Sophia Loren, an actress who she actually starred with in The Black Orchid, another film with amazing costars that yeah, no one ever talks about.....
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Anyway, life has been a trainwreck rollercoaster for me the last month but thank god it is the weekend and I finally feel like I can breath. And as I stare at Ina's publicity shots with Elvis and imagine I am her, there, with his scruffy beard rubbing against my chin, and then find myself falling into Google holes searching for an easy history lesson on who she was and what was in her soul, I thought I would share a few of my favorite photos. I don't know enough about her to say this is a comprehensive tribute or even a fair ode to her. Rather this is the beginning of a tribute to her that I thought I should add to the swirling either of tumblr.
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koredzas · 1 year
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Ercole de'Roberti - Miracles of Saint Vincent Ferrer. Detail. 1473
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
fundamentally a horror beyond words happened to my people and some people swore it didn’t happen and a bunch of other people who include also my people decided that terrible things would happen to civilians and idk how to be a part of my own culture atm in any way we should all be filled with shame I found out everyone hates Jews this week in particular white Americans I also found out there were Jews who would use what happened to us to commit ethnic cleansing everyone is screaming someone needs to die
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alright this is kind of crazy
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electrificata · 1 year
heres another wine fact. sorry. theres this hungarian winegrowing region called tokaji (pronounce it TOE-kai). the wine from here is a big goddamn deal, its referenced in the hungarian national anthem. in the 18th century this was the "king of wines," literally the cream of the crop, what all the aristocrats drank, etc. all your louis and fredricks of the big ruling families loved this shit. and its sooooooo sweet. its dessert wine. the modern disdain for sweet wines in serious wine circles is not this eternal thing, its the current trend.
i think of it like how europe treated heavily spiced food, how it was a luxury until the commoners got regular access to spices, then all of a sudden it was more refined to eat simple, lightly-seasoned food that "highlighted good quality ingredients" or whatever. i dont know if wine trends followed that exact trajectory? in europe and elsewhere theres always been a really strong tradition of peasant winemaking with whatevers around. i dont need to tell this to most of you, you can just point to your cultures traditional wines and spirits and whatever. but i definitely know that today Wine People like to disdain sweet wines that have strong mass appeal (even as they themselves enjoy an occasional Nice moscato) and let me tell you. they are doing that at least partially to feel better than and separate from the peasants.
i wrote this post mostly with the intention of giving you pointers to annoy people who have really bought into the superiority of it all, if you say most of that stuff around someone who likes wine but doesnt care about the prestige, theyre just gonna get nerdy and try to teach you something. youre all a bunch of nerds here, you know how to deal with an infodump just fine. alcohol is something you need to be careful about. if you cant have it, you probably know that, and that deserves respect and accommodation. but if you can, its got a long history as something that helps people meet and connect and engage with history and tradition. genuinely, the wine youre drinking and enjoying is a good wine, full stop. crack open the cupcake prosecco.
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morgenlich · 8 months
is it still jtwitter. do they say jx now
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hairtusk · 1 year
if i had a penny for the mutuals i've had to hard block this week for being incredibly antisemitic on main, i'd have two pennies. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that that happened twice.
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