#Jim Jimenez x Oluwande Boodhari Fills
Stede/Ed/Izzy — Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan are protective OF Izzy, shovel talks, friendship
Lucius survived the Kraken and alongside Frenchie and Jim have seen Izzy's brittleness during the Kraken's reign. In the months where all they had was each other (plus Fang and Ivan) they've grown to understand and sympathize with Izzy's past actions (an asshole, but now a sad grieving one). And maybe they've all bonded during that time, with Izzy learning to be more unguarded around them, where they've created a semblance of friendship.
And when Stede gets back with the marooned crew everyone assumes the old dynamics would return. Stede and Ed did get together and the rest have gone back to normal except, there's been a shift with how some of the crew members treat Izzy. The ones who've experienced the past months with him have taken to defending him from the others. And when Stede and Ed start courting Izzy, the protective feelings they have switch into overdrive.
Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan have seen Izzy at his most vulnerable, have witnessed how kind he can be underneath that cold heart. And while he's still a bastard, they've come to see him as one of their own. Cue shovel talks & the rest of the crew getting the picture that Izzy is one of them now. Izzy tries not to cry at the revelation (he fails).
Fill: The Mending of Icarus [General | No Pairings, Background canon pairigngs] [TW: Sexual Content]
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Oluwande and Jim are on my mind 24/7 for real T.T
it's so amazing to see a non-binary actor playing a non-binary character
and seeing their love bloom with Oluwande is just so lovely. How they realize they can leave revenge (the concept, not the boat) behind and have a family with him is just
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Oluwande/Jim — Period-related canon-typical identity shenanigans
Beard-era Jim gets their period and runs out of rags. Obviously, Oluwande is put in the position of having to explain “why is Jim bleeding” and accidentally spins a dramatic explanation that leads the crew to believe that Jim is dying. Or anything else that causes more problems than it solves, really. Cue shenanigans, misunderstandings, and maybe some genuinely sweet moments of mutual love and support amongst all the chaos.
Fill: Minifill
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Jim/Oluwande — Lost on the ship
Jim mentioned seeing Oluwande getting lost on the ship, and I just want to see how that happened, preferably multiple times instead of having been just a one time thing.
Bonus points if at least one of the times involves the secret passages.
Fill: None
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Jim/Oluwande — Left behind and forced to join the Spanish Navy
Canon divergence: Ed doesn't care about anyone's safety but Stede's when attacking the Spanish ship at the end of episode 3, so he doesn't bother to make sure that all of the Revenge crew are accounted for during the retreat.
Jim and Oluwande (and optionally any additional crew member(s) the author feels like including) end up trapped on the Spanish ship and left behind. For whatever reason, maybe as part of the deal with Spanish Jackie to make Jim suffer more, maybe just because Blackbeard's raid left the ship so short handed, maybe something else, they aren't immediately executed as pirates and are instead forced to join the Spanish Navy and have to adjust to the harsher circumstances while plotting escape and vengeance.
Along the way, Jim and Oluwande have to keep each other alive while stealing whatever private moments of intimacy they can on a navy ship hostile to everything about them.
Author is free to handwave the Spanish's reaction to the fake nose/fake beard/"not a man" reveal or make it a plot point, though I would prefer that things don't go in the rapey direction any further than threats that don't get followed through on.
Fill: None
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The Revenge Crew, Jim/Oluwande and Any Ships — Monstrous Regiment AU
Through sheer dumb luck, Stede manages to unknowingly hire a crew composed entirely of AFAB people, some trans, some nonbinary, and some cis but crossdressing because reasons.
Aside from Jim and Oluwande, who already know each other's secrets in that regard but no one else's, each crew member begins the voyage thinking that they're the only one on the Revenge who has something to hide, while Stede doesn't realize that he is the only one who isn't wearing a pair of socks stuffed down his breeches.
Fill: None
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Izzy/Oluwande/Jim — Only Sane Man On The Ship
Izzy has the realization that he isn't the rightful holder of the title "Only sane man on the ship," and Oluwande is. This causes Izzy to have an Oh No, He's Hot Now moment about Oluwande, and somehow this leads to Izzy/Oluwande/Jim.
Fill: None
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Jim & Oluwande — Fake husbands
In the first episode, before the fake-beard-and-nose reveal on Jim, I was under the impression that Jim and Oluwande were husbands. And there is a solid three months in-between the first episode and when Jim's nose is revealed in the third episode. I just want to see these two spend months dancing around each other's feelings while pretending to be a married couple.
Fill: None
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Jim/Olu/Archie/Zheng — Medieval AU, Jim is a knight
An alternate universe where Jim is a knight. Oluwande is a prince, obviously, and I think the pirate queen should be a queen. Archie could be royalty or another knight. Their polycule unites several kingdoms.
Fill: None
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Oluwande/Jim/Ed — Gay stuff
Olu, Jim and Ed doing literally anything, romantic or sexual, for any reason.
They could be going on a date, doing romantic gestures, awkwardly flirting, doing a horny group act for the talent show, seated together at the crew's bi-weekly orgy, having sex because they are bored, captured or stranded together. Anything.
Ed/Stede optional. No evil!Ed, please. Bonus: gender for Ed.
Fill: None
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Archie/Jim/Olu/Zheng — Archie trying to make Archie/Jim/Olu/Zheng happen
Jim and Olu still have feelings for each other but feel really guilty about it, and Zheng is deeply insecure and jealous of Jim. Archie is desperately trying to hint that a foursome will solve all of their problems, but no one seems to be listening.
Fill: None
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Jim/Oluwande — Anything
Quarterly plea for more Jim/Oluwande content xoxo.
Fill: None
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Ed/Stede, Jim/Oluwande — Most Dangerous Game AU
Stede's dad lures ships to his private island with false signals, then hunts and kills the sailors for sport, with his henchmen the Siete Gallos and the Badmintons. He and the Badmintons have been working on Stede for years to prime him to join in, but to his father's disgust, Stede is horrified and manages to signal a warning to the sailors. His dad locks him up; Stede escapes, grabs makeshift weapons and first aid stuff, and goes out to help.
The sailors are Ed, Jim and Oluwande, plus whoever. Jim came for revenge against the Gallos and prepared for danger, so they all survive the initial traps and hunting assault. The odds look grim as they get low on bullets and throwing knives, until Stede joins them with supplies. Stede also knows the island and guides them.
The four of them confront dangers (Ed beats a snake to death, Stede feeds it to Ned the leopard to get him on their side, Jim gets the Gallos) while falling in love. Stede accidentally kills the Badmintons while defending his new friends. In the end, on Oluwande's suggestion, multiple people shoot Bonnet firing squad-style so Stede doesn't have to know who killed his father, and they take Bonnet's luxury ship to escape together.
+ Bonnet has invited fellow asshole rich people to the mansion to party while he hunts. They get more and more terrified as Gallos and Badmintons die off.
+ Stede has less guilt and more catharsis from killing his childhood bullies because he was helping his friends.
+ Stede generally comes to hate himself less because even if he feels terrible and useless, the others are grateful he's trying to help them at all, and of course Ed is thrilled with him.
+ If the Revenge crew are along, none of them die or lose more than they do on the show (like, ok if the Swede loses teeth, Lucius loses a finger and Buttons loses Karl).
+ Calico Jack lured Ed to the island, paid to deliver Blackbeard for hunting (tho he may claim he knew Ed would win). Bonnet leaves him in a trap to die. Jack: "Yeah, probably should've seen that coming."
Fill: None
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Ed/Stede, Jim/Oluwande, Any Other Ships You Want — Supervillain AU
Modern AU where superheroes/supervillains are a thing.
Stede abandons his family to become a supervillain despite not having any particular superpower outside of white male privilege and obscene amounts of wealth (or does he?) and he can't even drive his own mega-yacht that secretly doubles as an airship.
The Revenge crew are Stede's hired minions with assorted minor superpowers. Except for Jim, none of them are very good at crime worse than petty theft and racking up parking tickets, but they keep trying.
Jim is an anti-hero vigilante, still raised by a nun to be a killing machine. They only joined Stede's crew to keep a low profile after killing one of the Siete Gallos and maybe, as a bonus, take down Stede and his organization from the inside after the heat dies down and they don't need to hide anymore, but then they catch feelings for Oluwande and have to reevaluate their priorities.
Blackbeard is a top-tier supervillain who nobody has been able to bring down despite various superheroes trying for years, but his heart isn't really in it anymore, mostly just going through the motions for the sake of appearances because a supervillain who looks like they're slowing down becomes a target both for superheroes and other supervillains. Then he starts hearing about Stede's ridiculous shenanigans...
Fill: None
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Everyone/Oluwande, Oluwande/Jim — Everyone* loves Oluwande + matchmaking (canon pairs endgame) *just about
Lbr, he is the best.
So, from day one, aside from Stede (too repressed) and Pete (too focused on acting tough), everyone on the Revenge starts developing feelings for Oluwande. When Blackbeard & Co. join the crew, Ed and Stede get into their folie a deux, but the others are also fair game for Oluwande crushes.
Eventually everyone realizes Oluwande into Jim, and after a couple of boozy consolation nights, they all decide to help. Cue the crew accidentally making things weird and getting in the way, all while trying to help their beloved Oluwande win Jim's affections.
Canon or canon divergence is fine (maybe the crew accidentally bumps Stede and Ed into a relationship sooner while trying to set up Olu and Jim?).
Just looking for Oluwande appreciation and comedy from inept crew matchmaking.
Fill: None
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Oluwande/Jim — Pre-series
Just want some cute fluff of them first noticing and falling for each other...
Fill: None
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