#Black Pete x Fang Fills
Stede/Ed/Izzy — Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan are protective OF Izzy, shovel talks, friendship
Lucius survived the Kraken and alongside Frenchie and Jim have seen Izzy's brittleness during the Kraken's reign. In the months where all they had was each other (plus Fang and Ivan) they've grown to understand and sympathize with Izzy's past actions (an asshole, but now a sad grieving one). And maybe they've all bonded during that time, with Izzy learning to be more unguarded around them, where they've created a semblance of friendship.
And when Stede gets back with the marooned crew everyone assumes the old dynamics would return. Stede and Ed did get together and the rest have gone back to normal except, there's been a shift with how some of the crew members treat Izzy. The ones who've experienced the past months with him have taken to defending him from the others. And when Stede and Ed start courting Izzy, the protective feelings they have switch into overdrive.
Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan have seen Izzy at his most vulnerable, have witnessed how kind he can be underneath that cold heart. And while he's still a bastard, they've come to see him as one of their own. Cue shovel talks & the rest of the crew getting the picture that Izzy is one of them now. Izzy tries not to cry at the revelation (he fails).
Fill: The Mending of Icarus [General | No Pairings, Background canon pairigngs] [TW: Sexual Content]
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carelessannie · 3 years
the five times steve gives bad dating advice, and the one time it actually works
Or, the Starker Shifter and College AU no one asked for
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Link to AO3 Main pairings: Tony x Peter, (background) Steve x Bucky Word count: 5.6k Major Warnings: smut (not shifted), everyone’s a complete idiot, discussion of canine and feline mating behavior, excessive cursing Aaaaannnnnddddd I’ll tag @the-mad-starker because I said I would and I really hope you enjoy it bb
The door slams, startling Steve out of his afternoon nap. Peter must be home. He’s pretty sure Sam said he was gonna be out until the evening, and the stomping, slamming of cabinets, and various clanging dishware are usual signs of Peter’s afternoon fury.
Steve shakes out his coat, rolling his eyes as he stretches in the sun— his roommate is a damn idiot.
He doesn’t even bother shifting as Peter storms in the room, throwing his backpack to the ground and perching on the nearby armchair. He’s learned by now that when Peter wants to talk, Steve doesn’t need to speak. In fact, his friend probably prefers it that way.
So instead, he lets Peter brew, slamming his fingers onto the keys on his laptop, and viciously eating apple slices and… nutella. Oh. One of those days.
They only bring the nutella out on bad days.
Steve throws him a bone— metaphorically— and opens an eye, making an inquisitive noise deep in his throat.
Peter looks up, his delicate features squished together in an angry pout.
“First of all, your boyfriend’s an idiot.”
Offended, Steve bares his teeth and squints his eyes, sending Peter a menacing snarl that the smaller man waves off. His boyfriend is an idiot, but Peter has no business noticing that.
“I’m right and you know it,” Peter sniffs, turning his nose and inspecting his nails, “and his roommate is the absolute worst. And I’m not talking about Clint.”
There it is. Steve chuffs, feigning indifference. If he waits long enough, Peter will tell him more. So he lounges back, keeping one eye open, and letting the sun warm his fur. As he watches, he sees the moment Peter gives up his act. He jumps off the chair, making his way into Steve’s sunbeam, and slowly curls up next to the larger wolf.
“I’ve never met another cat so absolutely infuriating, Steve,” Peter whispers, petting through Steve’s golden fur, distractedly, “I can’t stand it. Always purring at me and calling me fucking kitten— no sir! I’m not a kitten, and it doesn’t matter how… how…”
He trails off, gripping tight onto Steve’s coat. When Steve turns to look, he realizes Peter’s tiny fangs have lengthened, poking through his rosy lips, as he runs his tongue over them absentmindedly. If he looks close enough, he can even see where Peter’s small, shifted ears are pushing through his curls.
Peter mumbles something that even Steve’s enhanced hearing can’t pick up. He nuzzles under Peter’s arm, urging him to repeat it.
“It doesn’t matter...” Peter murmurs, “... how beautiful he is, right?”
Steve’s ears perk up.
“Don’t act so surprised. Bucky told me you guys talk about it all the time. I just… I didn’t see it, okay? Not until today. Not until Tony fucking brought me coffee. I had no idea he was so sweet, Steve. I guess I always thought he was a dumb male cat shifter, like the stereotypes paint us out to be. But… he’s not. He’s so kind and funny and sexy, and oh my god, I bet his shifted cat is absolutely gorgeous.”
Steve rolls over to let Peter pet his tummy as he continues, “So naturally, I cornered Bucky to get him to spill. To tell me more about Tony, and how to date him, and… and… how you guys got together. But he said to come talk to you—” Peter crawls closer and tries to look him in the eye, “pleeeeeease, Steve? Help me?”
With a sigh, Steve sits up, shaking out his fur and letting his wolf recede, until he’s stretching out long arms and wiggling his fingers. His gym shorts are nearby, so he slips back into them, doing a customary once over to check for a full shift. Then he settles against the couch, opening his arms in an invitation for Peter to curl up on him.
Peter scoots closer, marginally, and Steve chuckles, “Want some dating advice, Pete?”
“Mhm, yes please,” Peter hums, closing the distance and leaning into Steve’s leg.
“Okay, I’ll tell you some things that worked for me, when I was courting Bucky.”
Later that evening, Tony and Steve are set up in the dining room, comparing notes for their Econ class, and steadily working through their midterm project. Bucky and Peter should be back in a moment with pizza, and hopefully the four of them, plus Sam, will spend the night watching movies. It’s Friday, after all.
Steve hears the front door open and close, quiet conversation drifting down the hallway, but is surprised when just Bucky walks into the kitchen, setting down pizza and making his way over to where the two of them are seated.
Bucky leans down, planting a sweet kiss on his lips, before claiming a seat.
He opens his mouth to ask, but Tony beats him to it, not even looking up, “Where’d Pete get off to? You didn’t lose him, did you?”
Bucky just huffs, “No, you moron. He had to grab something from his room.”
Tony just shrugs, turning back to his notes. Steve spares Bucky a glance, curious about what Peter could be up to, and Bucky gives him a wink. Great.
It’s quiet as the three of them shift pages, typing gently on their laptops, and only exchanging conversation when there’s an issue with the material. Steve gets up once to grab a glass of water, and tries to look down the hallway— no sign of his roommate whatsoever.
With the smell of pizza filling the apartment, they decide not to wait any longer to eat. Steve hollers down the hall for Peter to come get some dinner, but still, his roommate is nowhere to be seen.
As he sits back down at the table, Steve can hear light footsteps coming towards them. He turns his attention back to their homework, and watches as Tony and Bucky pass out glasses, uncorking a bottle of wine.
“How fuckin’ fancy are we?” Steve wonders, giving Bucky a smirk as Tony starts to pour.
“Okay, there’s nothing wrong with a nice bottle of—” “YEEEEOOOOOWWWWWLLLL—”
Tony drops the bottle, flipping backwards out of his seat at the ungodly screech. Steve hops over into Bucky’s lap, picking his feet off the floor as his boyfriend flounders around, cursing and gasping for air.
“Holy shit, what the hell—”
The noise continues, splitting through the air, and Steve watches Tony shift down, fangs lengthening, ears and whiskers emerging, as he drops to four legs. From where they sit on the dining room chair, neither of them can see what happens as the noise suddenly stops, a long, hissing growl taking its place.
Steve peeks under the table, and sees both cat shifters arched up, fur fluffed out in a clear challenge, teeth bared and hissing. Dammit. Peter’s cat— a yellow tabby— is slowly backing up as Tony’s cat— dark and tortoiseshell— follows him, spitting and growling, until Peter finally turns his back, relaxing his coat, and slowly retreats.
“Holy shit,” Bucky breaths, starting to laugh, “what the fuck was that.”
Steve just shakes his head in disbelief, watching Peter sprint down the hall to his room as Tony licks his paws, tail still fluffed in irritation, and eyes pinning them with a deadly glare.
The table is a mess— wine spilled across their notes, Tony’s laptop, and pizza overturned, smeared across the soaked pages. Once Tony starts shifting back, Steve slides off of Bucky’s lap and takes stock of the damage. What the fuck indeed.
He looks over at Bucky, “Can you… take care of this,” he gestures to the table, “I’m gonna go talk to Peter.”
Bucky nods, still shocked, and Steve turns to follow Peter back to his room. He stops outside, knocking gently— careful not to intrude into the shifter’s territory.
“Peter, it’s me. Can I come in?”
There’s a rumble, and then the lock clicks, letting the door swing open. Peter struts back towards his window seat, fully shifted back and wearing just a pair of black briefs, and curls up by the window.
“Uh, Pete? What happened?”
Peter sniffles, looking out the window, “You told me that you and Bucky like to show affection by making noises at each other in your wolf form. So why didn’t it work?”
“Oh my god.”
“He attacked me, Steve!” Peter whines, burying his face in his hands.
It takes everything in Steve’s power not to laugh. Poor kitten. He slowly approaches, sitting nearby and in Peter’s view, extending a hand for Peter to take if he wants.
“So… maybe that wasn’t the best advice. I swear, it’s one of the easiest ways we bond, as wolves. But not that screeching noise, Peter— more of a growl, or other small noises.”
Peter pouts, looking into his hands.
“Here,” Steve stands up, holding out his hand, “let’s go get some pizza and help clean up. You can apologize, come up with some dumb excuse, and we can find some other way to hit on Tony, okay?”
“Fine.” Peter joins him, pulling on a sweatshirt and some shorts, “Let’s hope I didn’t spill all the damn wine. We’re gonna need it.”
A few days later, all of their friends are lounging across Steve’s furniture, taking a lazy afternoon after midterms to drink some Coor’s and watch Japanese game shows. Steve’s not even sure who’s interested in this, but doesn’t really care, as he lets himself drift off to the sound of Bucky’s deep breathing, his mate settled close on his chest.
It’s rare that everyone is in the same place, especially without homework or projects taking up their time, and Steve feels a deep sense of peace as his pack is settled, warm and safe, around him.
“Stop it, Stevie, you’re givin’ me thoughts,” Bucky mumbles, pinching him in the side.
Steve just hums, smiling down at his mate, and looks over to where Peter’s laying across the floor, partially shifted, and tail flicking slightly. On the other side of the room, Tony watches with his arms crosses, eyes following the striped tail.
“Let's go for a walk.” Steve announces, lifting Bucky off and getting a grumpy noise in protest. He makes a show of stretching, and gives Peter a wink. His eyes go wide in understanding.
“Fine,” Peter pushes off the carpet, shaking himself to shift back fully, “but only if I can get ice cream.”
Bucky ends up agreeing, and muscles Tony into joining them as well. Sam and Natasha decide to stay, enjoying the silence, but demand delivery from their friends. Clint stands up as they’re leaving, and follows them out the door.
It’s a quick walk down to get ice cream, just a block away, and Steve tries to make a show of brushing up against Bucky, reminding Peter of their last conversation.
Peter saddles up next to Tony, walking side-by-side only a few steps in front of them. He glances up, batting his eyelashes, and bumps his hips into Tony’s.
Tony whips around, on instinct, and pushes Peter in the chest, sending him careening off the sidewalk and landing in a heap, right in the middle of the road. All of them freeze, looking between Tony and Peter in disbelief, as the younger boy’s eyes brim with tears.
“Oh my… Peter, oh my god,” Tony shakes himself, and sprints into the road, thankfully clear of traffic, and pulls Peter to his feet, leading him back to the sidewalk. “I don’t… I don’t even know what happened, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” Peter pulls away, giving Steve a dirty look, “can we just go get ice cream, please?”
Tony nods, sticking close to Peter as they walk away, and Steve can hear him promise, “I’ll buy yours, really, I’m so sorry.”
When they’re out of earshot, Clint ambling along after them with a shrug, Bucky turns to him and smirks, “What was that, Stevie?”
“I… I told him about the rubbing thing we do. You know… when we walk together?”
Bucky laughs all the way to the ice cream parlor.
It’s a week or so later when they have Tony and Bucky over for another movie night. Peter was mortified, and furious, about his latest attempt, but Steve can tell he’s determined to make a move tonight.
And Steve thinks this one will work, too. He’s not sure, at this point, if he should still be giving Peter advice, but he’s seen cat shifter mates do this, so he’s pretty sure it’s gonna work.
Bucky just smacks him in the head, annoyed that Steve wants to meddle.
The four of them are watching the Hobbit trilogy, per Tony’s request, and have piled blankets and pillows on the floor to lounge on. Steve takes the leads and shifts down, kicking off his clothes, shaking out his fur, and stretching out in his wolf form on the floor. He feels Bucky join him, the familiar warmth of his mate comforting against his side. They both look expectantly at their friends, hoping they take the hint.
Peter squints at them, irritated, but shifts down anyway, pushing out of his clothes and settling against Steve’s side, purring when the giant wolf starts to groom him, licking long strokes down his back.
Steve can see the adoration on Tony’s face. He’s completely captivated by the sweet kitten, and he shifts, stretching out and pacing closer to the three of them. Steve can’t help but wag his tail, bumping up against Bucky and wiggling closer to get a lick on Tony’s face.
Tony yelps, bouncing away, and pretends to clean himself. Peter just watches on, intently, as Tony takes his time to walk back over, carefully avoiding the wolves. His eyes are wide and unblinking. Tony curls up nearby, and Peter takes his chance, slinking closer, and reaching out to lick Tony’s cheek.
Tony shifts, moving out of Peter’s reach. Peter crawls closer and tries again, but Tony pulls away. One more try, and Tony stands, jumping up onto the couch and out of reach.
Peter just mewls, soft and sad, before tucking himself back underneath Steve’s front leg. Bucky growls, low in his chest, and Steve can tell it’s aimed at Tony. Dumb cat.
They stay shifted for the better part of an hour, grooming and cuddling together, until Tony finally comes back down from his perch. Out of the corner of his eye, Steve can see him approach, slowly, and try to get near Peter. Bucky growls again, not even opening his eyes, and the tortoiseshell cat scrambles away.
So much for that.
Spring break— fucking finally.
Classes have been hard this semester, and all of them are feeling it. Steve’s thankful that Tony’s parents have a place in the woods for them to escape to, because he’s itching to shift, let loose, and run away with his mate. Hopefully for the whole week.
Somehow, Steve got stuck driving their car, packing Bucky in the passenger seat, Sam and Peter in the middle two, and Clint, Nat and Tony in the backseat. He’s not sure how they make it there alive, with Bucky’s Cool Vibes playlist, Sam and Tony’s backseat commentary, and the thick mix of pheromones swirling through the air.
“What is that, Buck?” he murmurs in a low tone, squeezing his boyfriend’s hand over the center console.
“Hm?” Bucky looks over, blinking lazily.
“The… tension. The smell. What is it?”
“Oh, uh—” Bucky takes a moment, scenting the air and grimacing, “— yeah, that’s rut.”
Steve almost slams on the breaks.
“Rut? Like cat rut?”
Bucky just nods, making a point to roll down his window, “Yeah, Stevie. It’s springtime. We’ve got two, male cat shifters in the car. The rest of us ain’t gonna feel nothin’, but they’re definitely feelin’ it.”
He turns around and glances behind him, smiling at the sight of both cat shifters arguing and flirting behind them. Sam looks horrified.
Steve just rolls his eyes, “I’m tired of their bullshit. Hope they spend some time together this week, ya know?”
“Hope they spend more than time,” Bucky laughs, giving Steve’s hand a squeeze in return.
In the rearview, Steve can see Tony, fully turned around in his seat, gesturing wildly as Peter shakes his head, the two of them clearly caught in a deep discussion. When he looks closer, he sees the way Peter flutters his lashes, how Tony rubs up against the seat and the wall of the van.
Steve focuses back on the road, sighing and trying to enjoy how warm Bucky is next to him, how settled he is with his mate nearby.
Less than an hour later, and with every window rolled down, Steve parks the van outside of the cabin. If anyone would call it that. Three stories tall, the cabin looms over the driveway. Dark, aged wood is contrasted with sleek and modern architecture, blending back into the treeline and standing out of it at the same time. Gorgeous. Breathtaking.
As they carry their bags into the cabin, Steve catches sight of the lake in the backyard. Apparently Bucky and Clint see it as well, because all three of them are dropping their stuff, stripping out of their clothes, and racing to the water.
Steve shifts mid-stride, barking in joy as his pack follows him into the lake. Around the cabin, down the hill, off the dock— he’s first. First! And Bucky follows after him, their splashes large and in sync.
Clint ambles, albeit slower in his shifted golden retriever, and flops gracelessly in after them. The water is heavenly, and the three of them swim and play, bounding through the water and jumping off the pier.
That is, until their friends join them.
It seems as though Tony let the others into the house, put away their bags, packed a cooler, and found a few beach chairs and towels. The four of them set up a row of chairs and open an umbrella above them, settling down in skimpy swimwear to enjoy the afternoon sun.
Clint barks up at them, no doubt encouraging Nat and Sam to shift down and join them in the water.
“You guys are idiots,” Sam yells back, popping the tab on his drink, “the beer’s up here!”
Steve treads water, huffing a bit in amusement as he watches his pack— which is how he catches Tony moving closer to Peter. Tony passes him a beer, which Peter takes with a smirk and quick comment that makes Tony laugh.
And he almost misses it— he goes to turn away, and sees Tony dart across, pressing a swift kiss to Peter’s blushing cheek. Peter gasps, meeting Tony’s eyes in shock, before grabbing his shoulders, leaning closer, and—
“Oh my god, I’m sorry, Tony—”
“You bit me!”
Steve swims over to the ladder, shifting down as he goes, and grabs a towel as he climbs up to investigate. Both men are standing now, blushing and holding their faces— Peter in shame, and Tony in mock horror. So dramatic.
“— how could you think that was what I wanted?”
“I didn’t! I just… I asked Steve, and he said—”
“Woah woah woah,” Steve cuts in, hands up in surrender, “I never said to bite him.”
Peter covers his face again with a groan, flopping down in his seat and throwing a towel over his face.
Tony looks down at him, bewildered, and back up at Steve, shrugging. “What did I do?” he mouths, lips turning down into a sad, sad pout.
Steve doesn’t even know what to say.
“Let’s go start the grill,” Sam suggests— thank god for Sam, and grabs Steve and Tony’s shoulders to lead them away.
A few minutes later, working over the grill together, Tony peers up at Steve, giving him a pointed look. Steve just sighs, again.
“Canines do this thing— instead of kisses on the cheek, when we’re shifted, we like to nibble on each other’s faces. It’s the same thing,” he pauses, taking in the disbelief written across Tony’s expression, “... for canines.”
“So he was… trying to kiss me back?”
Sam huffs, clapping Tony on the shoulder, “More than that, Tones.”
Tony sits down, hard, in light of this revelation.
Bucky corners him, later in the evening, and it’s not for a sexy reason.
“You’ve gotta stop meddling in their shit, Stevie,” he hisses, pinning Steve to the wall.
Steve looks down to where their bodies are pressed together and groans, “Buck, this is a serious conversation, but you gotta let me up, pal.” Bucky’s eyes go wide and he grimaces, letting Steve up.
The two of them take a deep breath before Steve continues, “I’ve got a plan.”
“It’s a good one.”
“Absolutely not.”
“We should force them to sleep together.”
“I mean. Not like… Buck, not like that. I mean, like, den together, like how we did when we were bonding for the first time.”
Bucky crosses his arms, giving Steve a less than impressed look.
“So you think that would work? How would you even pull that off?”
“I told you, I have a plan.”
Steve and Bucky corner Tony, later, and tell him their plan. Steve explains how he’s spent almost a month trying to help Peter court Tony, and Tony, for the most part, looks absolutely baffled.
“Yeah, I didn’t get that.”
Bucky covers his laugh with a hand, turning away so Steve can’t see him. Idiot.
They try to convince Tony to go along with their plan— sneaking into Peter’s room, fully shifted, and curling up next to him.
“It’s not gonna work, Steve. Felines are territorial—”
“— so are canines—”
“— and he’s not gonna want me in his space uninvited!”
“— but it’s not his space! It’s yours, it’s literally your territory,” Steve insists, “and it’ll show him that you want more, Tony.”
Tony just sighs, looking off into the fireplace, roaring with life. Warm and inviting. Steve aches to get out of here, but he’s committed to getting his friends together first.
“Fine,” Tony concedes, rising to his feet and starting to shift. He points at Steve as he shrinks down, “but I’m blaming you when thisss goesss to shhit.”
Fully shifted, Tony stalks across the living room, disappearing up the stairs to the guest bedrooms. Steve pulls Bucky close, both of them nuzzling close and enjoying their shared scent, shared warmth. They hear a door shut. Silence. Bucky turns to dot a light kiss on Steve’s jaw, and Steve returns it with a teasing growl.
“When this is over,” he rumbles, “we’re shifting for days, baby.”
Bucky sighs and wiggles closer, “Can’t wait, Stevie. Been itchin’ for it. Needin’—”
“Not again,” Bucky groans, hiding his face in Steve’s chest.
Tony, still fully shifted, tears through the living room, tail fluffed out and fur raised along his back. He darts under their couch, breathing hard and hiding, as Peter stomps down the stairs. He’s half shifted— fangs and ears and paws and tail all displaying aggression and annoyance.
“I really like you Tony,” he hisses, crossing his arms and standing so that Tony can see him from under the couch, “but that was a real dick move. Sometimes I feel like you hate me, and want me to hate you. Don’t try to talk to me, Tony. I don’t wanna see you until the morning.”
Peter stalks away, leaving Tony under the couch. Bucky tugs on Steve’s sleeve, “We really shouldn’t be here when Tony shifts back.”
Steve spares a glance under the couch, watching Tony clean his paws and glare back at them, and nods. The two of them beat a quick retreat, heading for the kitchen to pack some snacks for their time in the forest. Tony said the deer in this area are free to hunt, but sometimes they like fruits and pastries for breakfast. It’s a whole thing.
Before they run off into the woods, Steve stops, looking back to where Tony, still shifted, is sulking under the furniture.
“You should do it.”
Both Tony and Bucky look at him in shock, the latter already protesting.
“No, no— you don’t have to take my advice, Tony. I know I’ve screwed a bunch up already. I’m just saying, you should talk to him tonight, show him that you care. Follow your instincts— because they’re obviously different than ours. We know…” he glances over at Bucky, who nods, “we know you love him, Tony. Go fight for him.”
Tony just turns around, showing his back.
Bucky grabs Steve’s hand, “Let’s go, Stevie.”
Tony watches them retreat out the backdoor, letting it close with a soft click! He slinks out from under the couch and sits by the fire, thinking about what Steve said.
Follow your instincts.
He thinks about the kiss earlier. How pretty Peter’s blush had been, how much he wanted to rub up against Peter’s cheek and mark him, claim him. He wishes they got to run together, fight and wrestle away their pent up energy. He knows both of them are rutting, he just thought… he really thought…
It doesn’t matter now. He closes his eyes, lets his ears twitch in thought, as he focuses on his instincts. He lets the rage and the desire and the animal need wash over him, and all he can think, all he can feel, is chase.
Chase. Catch.
Chase. Catch.
He doesn’t even register getting up, prowling up the stairs, moving down the hallway.
Chase. Catch.
Chase. Catch.
The door to Peter’s room is open.
Chase. Catch.
He creeps inside, taking a peek over to the bed.
Peter turns his head, making eye contact.
Tony leaps into the air, sprinting out the door— Peter hot on his tail. He flies down the stairs and slides around the corner, slamming into the trash can. Dammit. Why is that always there? As he growls at the metal can, Peter catches up to him, tackling him to the ground with a loud shriek.
They wrestle, growling and biting, until Peter breaks free with a hiss, bouncing on the pads of his feet to assert dominance. Oh no. Not in Tony’s house. Tony spits, rising up on his toes, until Peter freezes— both of them growling, low and angry.
Peter takes off. Spinning on his feet, the yellow tabby slams, hard, into the wall— fuck, he’s so strong— and bounces off lightning fast, out the door and into the front yard. Tony runs after him, dodging bushes and trees to follow Peter’s agile trail, secretly admiring his speed and the cleverness of his path. Beautiful.
He follows Peter all the way up a tree, forcing him out on a limb. Tony arches his back, sending a signal of dominance across to Peter, but Peter refuses to back down. He meets Tony’s gaze, raises his haunches, and spits back. Holy shit.
Tony leaps, tackling Peter off the branch, and sends both of them tumbling into the grass. In a flurry of nails and teeth and yowling, they fight for dominance, pinning and repinning until they come to a stop, teeth mutually clenched in the other’s scruff, and completely tangled together.
They’re breathing hard. Tony can feel it on his neck, and realizes both of their penises have unsheathed, rubbing together and catching on the barbs. It’s a crazy sensation— ramping up both of their rut pheromones.
As they lay there together— intertwined in the dark of the spring night— Tony feels himself start to shift back. He closes his eyes, gripping tight to Peter’s neck, his bare skin, as he flexes his fingers. He feels Peter shifting in his arms, and they hold on tight, neither willing to give up their prize.
“Mine,” Tony growls, unlatching his jaw as he feels Peter do the same.
His friend, his new mate, smiles— his gorgeous, bruised lips pulling back to reveal delicate and deadly fangs, “Mine,” he agrees, leaning forward hesitantly.
Tony closes the gap, rubbing their cheeks together and earning a satisfied purr from deep in Peter’s chest. He rolls them until he’s on top, and takes a few moments to kiss and lick around Peter’s chest, his tummy, his neck.
He grins mischievously before biting down on a pale pink nipple, earning him a gutted moan in response. Peter’s definitely hard against Tony’s thigh, but he’s been waiting way too long for this to rush it. Damn if he isn’t gonna take his time tonight.
“Mine,” he growls again, fiercer, and drags his nails up Peter’s hips, down his back. He drowns in the small gasps and moans he’s able to coax from his mate, marveling in the way his pale skin glows in the moonlight.
Peter paws at his back, spreads his legs wide, and grinds up against Tony’s erection, desperate for his touch. Every Mine is echoed between them, sung like a mating call for all to hear in the thick, springtime haze. They dance together, flipping time and time again for dominance— although, this time gentle. Caring and full of playful adoration.
When Tony finally takes them in hand, Peter throws his head back, yowling into the open air— “Tony! Tony, fuck fuck, touch me, goddammit, please touch me,” and Tony bends to his wishes, stroking their cocks together, long and firm.
He loves how Peter feels next to him, a tiny bit smaller, but the perfect size to compliment Tony’s own length. Tony spits down into his hand, slicking the way, and thrusts forward, urging Peter to follow his lead as they fuck into his grip.
“C’mon Pete, c’mon love— fuck me, baby, please.”
“Yeah, oh Tony, please. Need more, Tony,” Peter begs turning his wickedly innocent doe eyes on Tony in desperation.
Tony grips tighter, thrusts harder, and returns Peter’s molten gaze. What can he… oh.
He throws himself forward, bracing with one hand above Peter’s head, and seals their lips together. Peter gasps, stuttering his hips, and Tony can feel the warmth spilling over his palm, coating both of their cocks. He strokes Peter through it, kissing him deeply, thoroughly, until his mate starts to whine in discomfort.
Tony pulls away, feeling his orgasm pooling deep in his belly, and crawls up closer on Peter’s chest. His eyes are half-lidded, lips swollen and hair matted and messy— and Tony’s never seen anything more gorgeous.
“Please,” he pants, speeding up the stroke on his cock, “Pete, please let me, let me come on you, please. Mine. Mine, Peter. Let me mark you, please.”
“Yes, yes—“ Peter moans, reaching up to cup Tony’s balls, “mine, give it to me, Tony— it’s mine.”
At his words, Tony lets out a breath, crumpling forward as his release drains him, throwing him over the edge and right into Peter’s waiting arms. He watches as hot stripes of cum paint Peter’s chest, drip down his chin, and even land in his mouth. It’s too much to see his mate, covered in him, licking it off his fingers— so he falls to the ground, exhausted and spent.
A moment later he’s grabbing for Peter, humming in pleasure as his mate saddles close, burying his face in Tony’s neck.
And then Peter giggles. A soft, barely there laugh that tickles the side of Tony’s throat.
“What?” Tony rasps, looking down at Peter in amusement.
Peter keeps laughing, sitting up fully to bury his face in his hands and get out full, gasping belly laughs. He holds onto Tony as he wipes away tears, and Tony just chuckles, happy to see his mate so joyful.
When Peter settles down, he sighs, giving Tony a lopsided smile, “I can’t believe what just happened,” Tony shakes his head, returning the smile, as Peter continues, “I’ve been taking dating advice from a fucking wolf for a month— when all we had to do was,” he gestures wildly, “whatever this was,”
Tony laughs, he gets it now, “Well, it was kinda inconvenient that every suggestion they had was actually a severe act of aggression between male felines.”
“Oh my god,” Peter giggles again, “what the hell were you even trying to do tonight? When I found you in my bed?”
Tony blushes, looking away, and mumbles, “Steve and Bucky thought if we slept next to each other—“
“— but that’s a breach of territory for unmated felines!”
“— that’s what I said! Somehow they convinced me otherwise, and… well…”
Tony trails off, letting his words fade to a comfortable silence. Peter snuggles closer, letting Tony wrap and arm around him. It’s chilly outside, but until they go and lay by the fire, both of them are content to find warmth in each other.
“I’m glad you came to find me,” Peter whispers, dotting a kiss onto Tony’s collarbone.
“I’m glad I did, too,” Tony nuzzles into his curls, inhaling the new scent of mate and home that he’s come to associate with Peter, “and you know what? In the end, that idiot’s dating advice ended up bringing me to you.”
“We don’t have to tell him that do we?”
Tony shakes his head, “No. No we don’t.”
Clint and Sam and Nat stare at each other in horror, refusing to acknowledge what they just heard going on inside and outside of the house.
“Do you think the coast is clear?”
“Can’t be certain. It’s way too quiet out there.”
“They’re both in rut, it could be days.”
“Maybe we should go find Steve and Bucky, they’d know what to do.”
“If I know them at all, and I think I do, those two are gonna be knotted up for the next few days. I don’t wanna witness that.”
The three of them are silent, listening for any movement or sign that their newly mated friends are alive.
“I vote we shift down and doggy pile.”
“Yes, okay.”
“And in the morning, we can talk about feline mating patterns.”
“... and boundaries.”
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Mirrors of Nightmares
IT chapter 2
Bill Denbrough x sister! female reader (non-romantic)
Warning: gore, blood, violence, horror, death, cursing
Specifics: horror, platonic, violence, angst, action, one-shot, race neutral reader, brother/sister
People: bill denbrough, little boy, pennywise 
Words: 1,513
Requested: By anon Hi!!! I just saw it chapter 2 and it was so good! Could you write where the reader is bill denbrough little sister (by like 1 or 2 years) and she was apart of the losers club and they come back to Derry and she goes with bill in the mirror maze and after the kid dies she has a panic attack and bill has to help calm her down and comfort her?
Authors Note: my first IT fic! i luv this movie franchise thing sm like yall have no idea. my fav is richie and i luv bill hader on a scary kinda level u know? but im srry for taking a gazzilion years, life is a butthole and keeps me away from fun and u guys. 
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It was fear. You felt almost your stomach drop entering into Derry again, after so many years. As trees move side to side from the wind and shake so did your hands. You began to see yourself as fragile and weak once more, just like when you and the rest of the gang were little. Sometimes you felt alone in all of this nightmare, like the world was a vast, endless space of black nothingness and you were fighting to stay alive, all alone. Bill - your brother - made you look at life through another lens. He kept you alive. He made you feel strong. Whenever life seemed unbearable he was there for you just like the older, protective brother he was. His number one - when entering into this memorable town again - was making sure you were safe.
If only he could suck - like a vacuum cleaner - all those terrible moments from that terrible clown that laid burrowed in your head. 
In the moment of hero or a savior you put someone above you. Someones safety and life on top of your own. Their life is in your hand. No matter what you do you are the ending decision of their fate. 
“Not this little boy,” you cried in your mind as you and Bill teamed up as sister and brother, like a team, but it was no cheerful time. Time was ticking and either you and Bill stop Pennywise from hurting this boy or the boy becomes non existent. 
The carnival was supposed to be a trip full of laughter and fun but instead it made you anxious. Hearing the different, loud noises made it difficult to focus, along with the hoard of people leaving and entering. 
“This way,” Bill waved his hand forward as he started sprinting. 
You followed him, feeling your heart beat rapidly and vigorously. Your eyes tried to find the little boy. He was not safe. He was in grave danger. “There!” You see the young kid giving tickets to a little girl. “He’s right there.”
“Hey! Hey kid!” Bill shouted as he ran to the child. “Kid!”
The blonde haired boy walked in the fun house. Not knowing the evil that followed him. 
“He can’t hear us.” You both jump into the twirling of the carnival entrance and are greeted with neon, glow in the dark clowns that sway back and forth on a path. 
One hits Bill as he passes. You go to his aid. “Are you okay Bill?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Lets go.” He grabs onto your arm, protectively. 
As you proceed there is a huge room filled with only mirrors. It makes you dizzy and unsure as you see you and Bill through your reflection. “Where did he go?”
“I don’t know but stay close.”
Lights were blinking constantly making your eyes and head hurt. You and Bill touched the mirrors to try to find an exit to continue on to find the kid. That was all part of the game, all part of the chase. The kid walked by further away. 
“Kid!” You and Bill shouted over and over in unison. 
Bill ran and was greeted with glass or the mirror. 
You went to the opposite end to try to find another way to the child seeing as Bill was blocked all around. You knew this was Pennywise’s doing. “I know I can find him.” You were met with a dead end and tried to go back to Bill but you were enclosed in one area. “Bill!” You got frightened as you couldn’t go back to him. The side you were on was getting smaller and as you turned to your right you saw the little boy. 
“Y/n!” Bill screamed. He sprinted to you and the kid but was met with another glass. 
You saw Pennywise walk past you with a horrific smile on his face. “Bill I saw IT! IT’s here! He’s here!” Bill’s forehead pressed against the glass. He felt powerless. 
You placed your hand on the glass. “Whatever happens Bill promise me you will help that boy. Please.”
Bill started to panic as his breathing became harsh and tears were starting to fall from his eyes. You were his baby sister, he vowed to protect you all his life. “N-o y/n! N-n-no!” He tried breaking the glass. 
“What are you two doing here?” The kid was confused. “Both of you stop following me!”
“We’re only trying to help you,” you said. 
“I-I’m gonna g-get you both o-o-o-out.” Bill became more and more afraid. 
Suddenly, behind you and the child Pennywise laid his long tongue flat against the glass, licking up. The sight and noise was chilling. The face of the little boy’s was traumatic. 
“No stop. Stop!” Your whole body shook. 
“Please,” Bill cried some more feeling useless. 
“I’m here. I’m right here just t-take me,” Bill pleaded to Pennywise. 
Pennywise started to cackle as he hit the glass of yours and the boys with his head. 
“Son of a b*tch!’ Bill cursed. 
You screamed as Pennywise did it harder and faster. You and the boy both huddled by the corner of your glass rooms. Bill, repeatedly, tried breaking the glass. He tried with his hands, fists, feet, but nothing worked. Your eyes teared up as you saw the glass cracking with each blow Pennywise gave it. This was the end. It was either you or the kid and a hero puts the kid first. You gave a knowing look to Bill to remind him of what you asked for. 
Pennywise paused and gave a huge, demonic smile. “Billy boy, which one do you choose? The boy or your sister?”
“No Bill don’t do this. Remember what I told you.”
Bill screamed, “stop! No!”
“I am going to give you a riddle. If you guess right you save the kid but I kill your sister, if you guess wrong I save you sister but I kill the kid. You only get one try and if you don’t answer at all,” Pennywise smile grew, “I’ll kill them all.”
There was an argument going all around. Bill felt pressured and didn’t know what to do. He loved you more than life and needed to save you but the boy also needed saving. 
“Bill please, I’l be fine.” You smiled, tears falling down. 
“...fine. I’ll do your riddle.”
“The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?”
Bill thought in his head all the possibilities. 
“Bill choose-!”
“No helping him,” Pennywise shook his finger. “Time is ticking, what will it be? You only have one chance.”
One chance to choose the fate of the people in front of him. 
“A lie?” Bill asked. 
The world became quiet and Pennywise’s smile enlarged showing more teeth and fangs. “If only you said coffin.” Pennywise broke through the glass and ate the little boy right up. 
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Blood splattering on the glass.
You and Bill screamed as the lights flickered showing a gone little boy who knew nothing of this nightmare and was purely innocent. 
“No,” you felt defeated, crying. You and Bill finally met up at the exit of the mirror rooms. 
“Oh my God,” Bill embraced you. Fighting the urge to sob uncontrollably. 
“I’m sorry Bill. If I didn’t leave you none of this would of happened.”
“Its not your fault.”
You remembered that boy. How scared he looked but yet there was hope in his eyes. Hope that the adults would save the day. The memory of his wine colored blood splattering on the glass flashed within your mind. You bent over a trash can to hurl. 
Bill patted your back, “that’s it. Let it out.” 
You couldn’t breathe. The drumming within your chest increased to a rapid pattern. You tried to search for a comfort object that your eyes could land on. The activity was busy at the carnival and made it worse for you. The noises, screams, cheers. Panic was bubbling in your gut and you were about to erupt like a volcano. “Bill.”
Bill knew that look. For Pete’s sake you were his sister! He pressured you to sit down and tuck your head in between your legs. “Breathe y/n. You’re okay. I’m here and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”
You did as you were told. Gripping onto Bill’s hand like when you were little and you ran to his room claiming you saw a monster under your bed. He would let you cry and console you. He was your calming system. You felt at home and safe with your big brother. Bill hugged you and you leaned your head against his shoulder. 
“Sometimes I think I’m crazy, that its all in my head.” You sniffled. Voice rough and scratchy from the screaming and crying. “Then IT does something like that that makes me see that its all real. That Bill, that is what scares me the most.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I know.
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
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idolimagines · 7 years
Bad Intentions (M)
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Part 2 of 2
Read Part 1 here
Vampire Taeyong x Vampire reader (female)
Genre: College au!, fantasy, jealousy angst, fluff, smut
Summary: Jung Jaehyun was the epitome of everything you wanted…or so you thought
Warning: Contains graphic sexual content and various mentions of blood
Length: 12K
You felt the curve of your lip twitch and you glared at him just as the bell began to ring. The two of you stayed silent as students began to walk out of the classrooms; quickly filling the once empty hall. With a quick glance behind Taeyong, you spotted Jaehyun in the distance; casually walking towards your way with his books in hand.
“Y/N,” he called upon noticing you.
In an instant Taeyong turned around as well, his vampire features completely gone as his eyes were now dark brown. He kept his fangs hidden and stared as Jaehyun came closer, looking rather irritated by the human’s presence already.
But the friendly Jaehyun didn’t seem to be bothered by the other’s intimidating glare, instead focusing all his attention on you as he spoke up. “I noticed you weren’t in class Y/N.”
You raised your brows at his sudden comment, feeling rather surprised that he actually recognized your absence. “Yeah, I-I’m not feeling well,” you stuttered and Taeyong shot you a knowing glance.
With a simple nod, Jaehyun scrounged in his bag before taking out a spiral notebook. “Here,” he said. “These are the notes from today – you can have them.”
Your mouth formed into a small ‘o’ and you thanked the man as he kindly handed it to you. “But these are yours, I can just copy them and give it back Jaehyun-”
“No it’s fine, don’t bother.” He eased with that same cunning smile. “Feel better alright?” The man said with one final wave before glancing at Taeyong next to him. You didn’t bother to introduce the two as Taeyong was too busy giving Jaehyun death glares the entire time before he finally left.
“Will you stop,” you scolded Taeyong as soon as Jaehyun was gone.
“Stop what? I didn’t say anything.” He argued like a whiny teenager while crossing his arms over his chest. Looking at the time, you stuffed Jaehyun’s notebook in your own bag before heading outside the building with Taeyong.
“You didn’t need to,” you sassed. “Your face said it all.”
Taeyong crinkled his brows as the two of you walked amongst the lunch crowd. “Well excuse me for not liking the guy.”
Hearing his words, you stopped mid step; causing him to do the same as you suddenly faced him.
“Taeyong, are you perhaps jealous?”
As soon as you asked he cocked his head forward and his eyes grew wide as he then looked around, making sure no one heard you. “Jealous?” He repeated in a huff. “Why would I be jealous of a human?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” You quickly countered and he crinkled his nose.
“I’m not jealous Y/N. I don’t get jealous,” Taeyong tried to convince as you continued walking down the sidewalk.
“Mhm,” you mocked. “You don’t have a reason to be anyways – remember no strings attached?” You simply teased and he shot you a cocky look as his hair came out of its part and fell right above the rim of his eyes.
“I know,” he taunted before looking over a crowd of girls striding past you.
Even in that short moment you could see the numerous looks from people nearby, all gawking at the man next to you. Needless to say Taeyong was used to these types of looks, being as gorgeous as he was he never had trouble getting any girl he wanted.
…and he used it to his advantage more often than he admitted.
“So many humans,” Taeyong commented. “It’s like a buffet.”
You snorted at his sudden remark and as if on reflex smacked his shoulder. “Where’s your self-restraint? They’re people, not food.” You scolded and he rolled his eyes. “Oh c’mon Y/N. Even you have to admit human blood tastes a thousand times better than an animal’s.”
With that you stayed silent for a second before looking back to him, “Okay that’s true.” You shamefully admitted. “…But I’m only after one human’s blood,” you added with a smirk.
“Ugh. How could I forget,” Taeyong added in annoyance before a certain human girl caught his attention. She had been looking at him just long enough for him to notice and a sly smile appeared on his lips as he eyed her back from afar.
Quickly noticing the exchange you cocked a brow. “Oh god,” you huffed while looking back to the girl. She was on the other side of the courtyard standing under a large tree, sleazily waiting for Taeyong to approach her.
Not taking his eyes off her, the vampire took a step forward. “What?” He simply asked before shooting you a sexy smirk. “We said no strings attached remember?” He added, lamely trying to back up his argument by proving he didn’t need you.
And with that you were speechless as he then left you and started on his way for the girl. You continued to watch as Taeyong coincidently passed by Mark; who was glaring at him with a garlic clove in hand.
“Hey buddy,” Taeyong spotted him as he waltzed by, laughing at the garlic and playfully smacking the younger’s ass.
Mark’s sour expression quickly turned into one of embarrassment as he then jumped and covered his lower cheeks; backing away from the scene while Taeyong casually continued on his way.
“Y/N you saw that?” Mark gasped as soon as he realized you had been watching.
Holding back your laugh, you covered your mouth while uttering a, “nope,” and quickly walking away from the scene.
~*~ It had been three days – three days since you had made the deal with the infamous Taeyong. The confidence that was held within you then was starting to wear out as the days went by, realizing you still weren’t getting anywhere with your plan of seducing Jaehyun.
You were currently stuck in class and only a few feet away from the very man you desired but yet couldn’t bring yourself to do anything about it. He was taking notes as usual, paying close attention to the lecture while you curiously eyed him. “What’s wrong with me?” You silently thought to yourself. “It’s not a big deal. Just ask him out after class.”
But as your professor dismissed class, you found yourself hesitating once more; unable to properly muster up the courage to speak to him until you nervously said, “J-Jaehyun…”
Just then the man halted all actions and turned to you, “What’s up?” He casually asked.
Soon a rush of ideas ran through your head, unsure of what to say in that moment as you hadn’t thought what to say after. Quickly you began to think of anything that was relevant for humans. Money, cars… food.
And as much as you hated human food, you knew this might be your only chance.
Locking eyes with him, you began to fidget with your thumbs underneath your desk. “I was wondering,” you muttered. “If you wanted to grab lunch with me – you know, as a way of saying thank you for the notes.”
In that moment Jaehyun looked at you in pleasant surprise, fond of the idea in an instant.  “Yeah sure,” he answered in a friendly manner.
For a second you were sure you heard wrong as you snapped your head at him. “Really?” You asked and he nodded his head with a reassuring smile. “Yeah, why not.” He added and you beamed excitedly.
“Okay, it’ll be my treat,” you promised while you grabbed your belongings and began to walk out with him. You could feel your heart pounding out of your chest as the two of you made your way down the hall, sheepishly smiling while clutching your books against your chest.
You were finally taking a small step forward and in all these months, you never thought it would be so easy. You felt like you were a teenager again, crushing on the most popular guy in school and feeling like you were living a dream come true as you sat in front of him at a little café nearby.
“Have you ever eaten here before?” You asked Jaehyun, taking note of the curious way he looked around the joint. “Surprisingly, no.” Jaehyun responded. “I’m from this town but I had yet to check it out.” He added with a humorous chuckle. “It seems like a historic café.”
You admired the naïve look on his face as he eyed everything in sight, taking in the small café and locals that surrounded the two of you. You could feel your heart pounding with excitement, feeling the need to blurt out anything relevant to keep the conversation flowing.
“Yeah, I knew the owner. His name was Pete,” you thoughtlessly gushed and he raised an eyebrow at your remark.
Jaehyun stopped looking around for a second and that cute curious look that adorned his face was now one of bewilderment. “It says Pete passed away in 1932 though?” He asked in a raised tone, leaning forward to look into your eyes. “…It’s 2017 now…?”
That’s when it dawned on you.
At that moment you stopped all action as you set down your water glass and looked up to the man. He had a much more serious expression than his usual smiley demeanor as he stared at you.
Meeting his gaze your eyes then followed his as he nodded behind you, causing you to look back in return.
And just as you did, you spotted an old black and white portrait of Pete himself, with his name written underneath and time he lived clearly written on the rustic brick wall.
With a short breath, you inhaled as you suddenly felt sick to your stomach. You wanted to pinch yourself for being so carless with your identity. Now you had put yourself in a weird position with the one guy that mattered.
Turning back around you could feel as time had almost stopped as you stared at Jaehyun. “I-I can explain,” you muttered while attempting to come up with an excuse before his intimidating expression suddenly faded.
“Relax, I’m just messing with ya’!” Jaehyun exclaimed, allowing his eyes to crease on the sides as he grinned and laid back in his seat. “You’re pretty funny, I like your sense of humor.”
You let out an awkward smile as a bead of sweat dripped down your forehead. The room suddenly felt hot and for a second you debated on whether or not he really believed it to all be a joke.
With a stumble of words you failed to properly continue the conversation as Jaehyun began to look at you worriedly, pondering if he had said something wrong. “Hey, you look a little startled. Was it something I said?” He muttered before you rapidly shook your head. “No, not at all.” You tried to persuade with a fake grin before the chime of the door suddenly rang.
In an attempt to break away from the conversation you snapped your head to the side – curious to see the newcomer
…until you realized who it was.
Your eyes nearly shot out of their sockets upon seeing Taeyong standing at the doorway. He was standing lean and effortlessly flawless with simple jeans and a shirt. His darkened locks flowed seamlessly against his forehead and his eyes locked with yours as soon as he entered.
He was surprised to say the least and when he walked in further he cocked his head slightly and realized Jaehyun was sitting with you. The corner of Taeyong’s lip curled up with an annoyed snarl just before Jaehyun turned around when he caught your attention somewhere else. “Y/N,” the man exclaimed. “Isn’t that your friend?”
“Y-yeah. That’s my friend,” you lazily mumbled, staring ahead as you watched the sly girl from earlier suddenly appear beside Taeyong. You kept your eyes glued to her, watching as she latched onto the man’s arm with her own as the pair was then led by a hostess.
“Hana seems to like him,” Jaehyun quickly added and your attention snapped towards him.
“Hana?” You repeated and he nodded his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. “Yeah, she’s in my economics class. She’s practically friends with everyone here because she’s so friendly.” He felt the need to add and you cocked an eyebrow in distaste.
“…Maybe a little too friendly,” you grumbled.
“What was that?” Jaehyun surprisingly asked, snapping you out of your death gaze towards the couple being seated at a table near yours.
“Nothing.” You quickly stammered before returning to the plate of human food you so highly despised. You twirled your fork around the pasta, watching as it collected onto the fork in messy swirls of marinara. Watching Jaehyun devouring his food in front of you, you attempted to follow suit and at least attempt to eat as well.
Bringing the fork closer to your mouth, you held your breath as you suddenly bit down and scraped the food off the fork with your teeth.  Immediately chunks of sauce and pasta coated the insides of your mouth and you instinctively brought a hand up to your mouth to cover the look of pure disgust as you chewed.
From the corner of your eye, you spotted Taeyong simply drinking a glass of water and watching you from the table nearby, pressing his lips together in a failed restraint from laughing as he knew you were struggling.
Damn him.
With furrowed brows you shot him a glare and kept your mouth covered until you had finally managed to swallow it. “Oh my god,” you couldn’t help but gasp while reaching for the half empty glass of water in front of you.
Jaehyun watched as you downed it in less than a second and a loud thump was heard as you set the now empty glass down.
“Something wrong with the spaghetti?” He curiously asked.
Despite your true feelings you shook your head and attempted to revive the conversation that had easily gone dry between the two of you.
“Anyways,” you started in a friendlier change of tone. “I just wanted to show a little token of my gratitude for earlier.” You announced as you spotted the waiter coming over with the check.
With another bite of his crepe, Jaehyun quickly chewed and wiped his mouth clean, “You’re sweet, but there’s no need.” He said while pulling out his wallet from his back pocket, proceeding to hand the waiter his credit card as soon as he arrived.
You were caught off guard for a moment, merely grabbing your own card before the waiter left and Jaehyun continued to eat.
“I told you it was my treat,” you offered with a pout and Jaehyun chuckled.
“It’s on me,” he replied in a polite mannerism.  
With a bashful smile you tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear and muttered a thank you before you suddenly heard an annoying dolphin-like laugh coming from the table by the window.
Narrowing your eyes in the direction of the obnoxious laugh, you found it was none other than Hana nearby. She was laughing uncontrollably at one of Taeyong’s grandpa jokes and you could hear from afar that one of the ones he was telling her was a repeat of the same crap he used on you back in the day.
“Oh brother,” you groaned under your breath, complete with a signature eye roll.
With every ounce of decency you had within you, you tried hard to ignore the girl and Taeyong; not even bothering to look their way anymore as you kept your attention solely on Jaehyun.
Don’t look at them, Y/N. You told yourself. That’s what he wants.
So you leaned forward, placing your elbows on the table and propping your head on top while Jaehyun began to nonchalantly talk about a frat party this weekend.
You knew that parties were the typical thing people his age were into these days and you tried to acknowledge it every once in a while with a small nod or a fake “Yeah me too,” type of answer when he would ask questions concerning normal human things.
But as he continued talking you found yourself becoming lost in the sight that was his eyes. They were so mesmerizing, lighting up and even showing his trademark dimpled smile every time he brought up an interesting yet funny hangover story he or a friend experienced.
And with each glimpse of his smile, you somehow wished you could be the reason his lips upturned in that same loveable way.
“How about it?” He suddenly asked.
You blinked a few times as you leaned back, feeling attacked by his sudden question as you had soon realized you zoned out of the conversation minutes ago.
“How about what?” You stammered as the waiter came back with Jaehyun’s receipt.
“The party,” he repeated with a chuckle. “A group of friends and I are going Friday night. Wanna come?” He informed while signing the dotted line on the flimsy paper.
“I-I don’t know….” You sighed, initially hesitant on the idea.
“It’ll be fun,” Jaehyun promised. “Everyone in our class is going. The more, the merrier.” He tried to persuade and you found yourself fidgeting with your thumbs once more.
But as your eyes seamlessly wandered back to Taeyong, you suddenly remembered the bet.
He was chatting it up with Hana, not having a care in the world about you as he held her hand from across the table and glided his thumb over the top of her hand affectionately.
You found yourself huffing with jealousy at the sight, nostrils flaring and lips tight before you turned to look back at a patient Jaehyun. Friday had marked the end of the bet and if you weren’t sure before, you were sure as hell now determined to win.
By Friday, you would sneak away from the party with Jaehyun and have your way with him afterwards.
“Alright,” you replied. “Count me in.”
~*~ That same night you found yourself cuddled up in your bed and watching the shitty late night soap operas that aired every night. It was re-runs of the same ones from decades ago, but yet cable networks still insisted on showing things nobody wanted to watch. “Why is there nothing good ever on,” you groaned while flicking through numerous channels.
At that moment you happened to land on one specific channel that was showing a low budget Dracula movie from the 1940’s. In addition to the low quality and undeniably unbelievable special effects, the acting was horrendous and it displayed the heroic human saving the day by killing the so-called “blood sucking monster”.
Growing more irritated, you set down the remote and reached for the glass of O negative beside you. Taking a slow sip as you delved in the taste of animal’s blood – letting it refuel your body with each ounce as the wretched aftertaste of spaghetti was still lingering in your mouth even after hours of vomiting and brushing your teeth countless times after.
“A human’s blood will get rid of the taste.” You suddenly heard a voice enter your bedroom.
Setting the glass down, you licked your lips free of the blood while slowly looking up. Your brows crinkled as you found none other than Taeyong stalking in from the hallway.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped just as he entered.
Ignoring your question, his predatorily gaze diverted from you to the television. “Watching a classic I see,” he scoffed at the sight of ‘Count Dracula’.
With a startled gasp, you snatched the remote from beside you and turned off the television. “How did you get in here?” You demanded.
“I’m a vampire Y/N,” Taeyong huffed. “You should know that locks don’t really apply to our kind.” He added while carelessly dropping the ripped off door knob to the ground.
You rolled your eyes at his remark and silently noted to get that fixed later on. “Well then what are you doing here?” You further asked and he smirked.
“I thought I’d pay you a visit,” he sarcastically announced while stepping closer. “See how you were doing, what books you were reading, shows you were watching … find out why you were at that café…”
You quickly caught the tone when he said that last part, causing you to sneer at the interrogative way he was speaking. “I was having lunch. Why else would I be at a café?” You countered and he seemed intrigued by your answer as he messed with the little knick-knacks that stood atop of your antique dresser.
“That’s funny that you say that,” Taeyong hummed while looking back to you. “Because I know for a fact that you can’t stand the taste of human food…”
“I know,” you frowned. “But Jaehyun seemed to like the place.”
As soon as your lips uttered the name, Taeyong’s jaw clenched, showing off his sharp line against his neck. “How sweet,” he merely uttered – tone sounding much harsher than he intended to.
“And what about you? Mr. Interrogator – why were you there?” You barked.
“I was on a date,” Taeyong clearly declared and you were surprised at how easily he admitted it.
“…that was of course until you ruined it,” he felt the need to add and you crossed your arms over your chest as a sarcastic laugh left your throat.  “Umm as I clearly remember, Jaehyun and I were there first. You and that bimbo were the ones that followed.”
“You could have left.”
“I did leave,” you insisted and he rolled his eyes.
“Where did you go afterwards?” Taeyong demanded, stalking closer towards your bed.
“What’s it to you?” You harshly spat.
“I’m just curious, that’s all.” He added and you laughed.
“Curious? You mean jealous?”
“Hey don’t make assumptions like that.” Taeyong swiftly interrupted with a horrified look. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you shooting death glares at poor Hana earlier.”
“Poor Hana? I only looked at her like that because she was being over dramatic and laughing ridiculously.”
“Almost as ridiculous as the way you were pretending to like the human food in front of Jaehyun.” Taeyong hissed and you gasped.
“I wish he knew how much of a sacrifice I made for him today. That food was disgusting,” you said with defeat and Taeyong let out a surprised laugh. “Of course you think it’s disgusting…humans probably think blood tastes disgusting as well.” He chimed in while sitting on the edge of your bed.
He had a point there.
“Touché,” you concluded with a snorted laugh, poking fun of your shameless mishaps and causing Taeyong to join you as you couldn’t help but burst into a laughing fit with one another. It was hard to believe that you had gone to such great lengths for a human already as you had once swore you would never try human food again.
“Fucking human lover,” he teased and you pushed his shoulder.
“Shut up,” you playfully scolded. As soon as the laughter started to die down, you suddenly caught Taeyong staring at you. It caught you by surprise, catching the subtle glint in his mesmerizing eyes. And even upon seeing you he couldn’t contain his own grin, feeling like your smile was contagious as he looked at you lovingly.
“Taeyong…what is it?” You curiously asked with a smile.
Your sudden question quickly snapped Taeyong out of his daze, causing his cheeks to turn a light shade of crimson as he embarrassingly looked away. “Nothing,” he blurted while clearing his throat. “It’s nothing.” He repeated and as if on cue, the large town square clock located outside your apartment started to chime, signaling that it was now midnight.
A brief moment of silence suddenly came over the two of you, letting the booming chimes of the clock be the only sound you heard while your heart pounded against your chest. With each chime, you felt like it was a pound of pressure on your chest, weighing you down as you knew that this meant you only had two days left to attain Jaehyun’s blood.
And within the silence Taeyong began to get lost in his own thoughts, feeling anxious to say the least as he couldn’t help but wonder if you were actually going to go through with the bet. “Guess its Thursday,” Taeyong bluntly announced with a break of the silence. “Not much time left until our bet is over.” He added with a faked surge of confidence.
Looking into the male’s eyes you shielded the uneasiness and doubt that was sinking into your mind.
“I’m not worried,” you countered and he cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh really?” Taeyong teased, showing a liking to this newfound confidence of yours.
“Mhm,” you purred. “In fact, I’m even seeing Jaehyun on Friday night.” You teased while playfully sticking out your tongue and getting out of bed.
“Not so fast,” Taeyong hissed, catching your hand and yanking you back to him. From the sudden pull your body jerked backwards, causing you to stumble onto his lap just as he wanted.
“Taeyong!” You scolded, slapping his chest before he inched in closer.
“I don’t think I heard you clearly,” Taeyong’s deep voice grumbled against your ear. His cold breath sent shivers down your spine and yet you so daringly tilted your head to face him within this close of proximity.
“…I think you did.” You countered, lips inches away from his as you didn’t care to back down.
Keeping his eyes locked on yours, Taeyong’s lip twitched a little, snickering with an intimidated expression before his hand gently caressed the apple of your cheek. He took the precious time to admire your beauty, gazing at your soft skin as he felt it along his fingertips.
“Sweetheart,” he cooed, keeping your attention while snaking his other arm around your waist. “What’s so special about Jaehyun? Why do you like him so much?”
“Hmm,” you hummed while cheekily imagining the adorable, dimpled face human. “He’s funny, he’s nice, and he’s cute…”
“That’s it?” Taeyong rudely butted in and you frowned. “What do you mean that’s it?” You snapped, mimicking his obnoxious tone while backing your head away from him. You soon felt a cold, anxious void along your skin, silently regretting and missing Taeyong’s touch as soon as you backed away.
In response the vampire rolled his eyes and placed two fingers against the side of his forehead, feeling rather annoyed by your answers. “There has to be more than that, so what else?” He repeated loud and clear.
Growing annoyed yourself you immediately opened your mouth to speak, ready to shut him up once and for all with a response he couldn’t argue with.
But as you tried to think of any other reason you had become so infatuated with Jaehyun, you suddenly became silent – pausing to scrape up any reason you could think of. Months – all these months you had become obsessed with this human, determined to seduce him and take his blood soon after.
But yet within all these months, you couldn’t even come up with at least one other reason for your liking.
And moments later you found yourself still silent, completely lost for words as you failed to think of a least one other reason.
“I-I don’t know.” You admitted and Taeyong simply nodded.
“Sounds like a little crush then,” he corrected and you gazed down, not sure whether you were disappointed within yourself or him for revealing the harsh truth.
Taeyong seemed to read your solemn expression in an instance, feeling somewhat guilty for being the bearer of bad news. “Hey,” he said in a much more calm and caring tone while slowly lifting your chin up. He brought you up just enough to where your eyes were leveled with his, making sure there was no lack of intimacy between you two.
 “You want my advice?” Taeyong further asked.
 You found yourself hesitantly nodding your head, silently dying to know the answer before Taeyong said: “Forget him.”
And as soon as he said that your eyes went wide, giving him that same innocent, doe-eyed look that drove him absolutely crazy.
But unlike last time, Taeyong wasn’t able to control himself.
His romantic eyes found their focus on your lips, gaping at them with a hooded gaze while leaning in closer. It was as if a spell was casted on the vampire, not being able to resist your beauty any longer as he was desperate for a much needed kiss.
And as he moved in you found yourself voluntarily staying put, not moving a single inch as you eagerly awaited his bold move. Butterflies began to burst in your stomach and your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest and within the thick silence, you wondered if Taeyong could somehow hear it.
However, as soon as he pressed his lips against yours, it felt like time and everything else in the universe had ceased.
Out of your hundreds of years of living, the two of you had shared many kisses in the past, but this one was different – much different.
It was soft, romantic, and slow – completely opposite to your rough smooches that usually ended up with hot, sweaty sex against the wall or the couch.
And as much as the idea of those times turned you on, you found yourself completely entranced in this newfound mood of Taeyong’s. He was holding your face against his palm and kissing you with so much passion and ease you never wanted him to let go.
Your body reacted in a simple yet provoking gesture, craving more as you straddled his waist and pressed your chest against his for closer contact. 
As if on demand, Taeyong used one of his large hands to grip your exposed thigh – sensually massaging it up and down while simultaneously moving further towards your lace panties.
With a small slip of your tongue you were met with his own, running against each other in circular motions and gently sucking on the soft muscle with the plump surface of your lips.
Taeyong groaned against your mouth and you placed your hand on the crook of his neck as the kiss deepened further, with gentle sucks now becoming much more rough and playful as you explored each other’s mouths.
It was as if you couldn’t get enough of each other, both hungry for more as Taeyong’s plush lips explored your neck. He pressed sloppy, wet pecks along the curve, not missing a single inch as he knew exactly what you liked and enjoyed most. Your eyes rolled back and you leaned your head against his broad shoulder, dwelling in pleasure as he began to suck and bite along your collarbone.
You could feel his teeth grazing your skin, nipping the delicate spots until he found your weak spot against the crook of your neck. Within seconds you let out a muffled moan against his skin.
Hearing this, Taeyong suddenly halted his actions and glanced at you, seeing the pleasure ridden on your expression as you bit down on your bottom lip. “You thought I forgot about that little spot didn’t you?” He sexily hummed against your ear.
Afraid another moan would escape, you simply nodded your head in response, giving him the satisfaction he wanted as a low chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Silly girl,” he muttered. “How could I ever forget about you?” He admitted.
“It could be 25 years, 50 years, or even a 100 years and I still wouldn’t forget about you – about this.” Taeyong’s deep voice added before suddenly moving back in and pressing another lustful kiss against your sweet spot.
“Oh god,” you heaved, gripping onto the thin material of his t-shirt as you clung onto his back.
The sudden movement caused friction against Taeyong’s bulge and it caused him to hiss in response. “Baby,” he let out. “Do that again.”
Obeying his orders, you slowly rolled your hips against his crotch once more. “Fuck,” he groaned with a heavy breath, only encouraging you to repeat the action. “Little excited aren’t we?” You teased, grinding yourself harder and creating more friction between your panties and his bulge clad jeans.
“Just a little,” he whimpered with sarcasm in return, eyes dark and hooded before you decided to connect your lips once more. You hadn’t expected to kiss him with so much eagerness and force as you did, attempting to fill that void of secretly missing him all this time by making up for it now.
Taeyong responded just as eagerly, not giving a damn if both of your lips were swollen and bruised as they made contact. While kissing him, your hands snaked their way under his shirt, taking charge and letting your fingertips graze against his toned abdomen and up to his chest.
He stayed perfectly still, watching in a daze before you oh-so gently pushed him back against your mattress. His back hit the surface with a subtle thump, laying perfectly for you as you soon came over to give his body a little more attention.  
Lifting up his shirt little by little, you began to hunch closer. You continued to run your fingers along the definition of his abs, smoothly trailing up and down before pressing soft, gentle kisses along the wide expanse.
You started from his naval and ever so carefully made your way up his chest again, leaving a trail of lipstick smudged kisses along the way. Taeyong groaned as you pressed your body against his, feeling the soft mounds of your chest draping over his bare skin while you laid atop of him.
Soon you felt his hands rake through your hair, stroking the smooth strands before finding his way down to the curve of your back.
Immediately melting to his touch, you arched a little more, inviting his hand to keep caressing as he then slowly made his way to the curve of your ass.
It had been long – far too long since you and Taeyong had been this intimate and you found your body reacting to his every touch. You began to kiss the crevice of his neck and sweet kisses quickly turned into hot, sloppy sucks as you soon found yourself leaving purple bruises along his skin just as he had done to you.
You continued your show of affection along his jawline, tracing every sharp inch with your lips as he groped your body with his large hands.
You could feel his length hardening beneath you, begging to be pleasured as it created a tent within his jeans. Your hands instinctively moved downwards, palming his bulge and he hissed as he pressed you tighter against him, creating friction that you couldn’t resist.
Coming into contact with him your panties began to pool and you let out a small whimper while your lips made their way up his jaw.
But as soon as you did, you were finally able to lock eyes with Taeyong – suddenly catching a glimpse of his expression. He was now in his natural vampire state, with beautiful auburn eyes staring into your own. His dark hair laid flat against his forehead in wispy strands and his piercing red lips were full and parted, taking in slow, heavy breaths that tickled your skin.
What was supposed to be a quick glance actually turned into a seductive gaze as he couldn’t bring himself to look away from you. Just like him, you were now in your true vampire form, with the two of you only being in the room, there was no reason to hide. Your own eyes were golden and filled with lust while your hair beautifully draped along your face as you lied over him.
Needless to say the two of you found each other absolutely irresistible and you stayed still as he ran his hands through your hair once more; keeping the intimate contact while he held you close.
Staring at him, you inched forward, aiming for his lips with your own while you instinctively came closer. Your body was practically screaming for him, begging that you connect them in an instant so you could continue to take things further.
Taeyong was helping matters as he himself leaned in, wanting nothing more than to kiss you again as he caressed the crook of your neck.
However, just as you did, you found yourself suddenly stopping just before coming into contact, knowing that as soon as you kissed him, things would quickly heat up and it was a point of no return as you both couldn’t control yourselves around one another.
And that’s when your inner fear started to sink in.
“Y-you should go.”
Taken back, Taeyong furrowed his brows in question. “Y/N,” he simply muttered before you tucked some hair behind your ear and climbed off. Your heart was pounding uncontrollably and your head felt like it was spinning as a whirlwind of emotions came crashing down on you all at once.
But knowing you far too well, Taeyong butted in.  “We need to talk,” he demanded while pushing himself off your mattress and heading straight for you.
“No.” You countered and he huffed.
“Y/N. We need to address the elephant in the room,” he argued accusingly. “There’s something more between us.”
“That’s your hormones talking.” You hissed in a weak attempt to blow him off. “You’re just in need of sex.”
Knitting his brows together, Taeyong looked almost offended as he eyed you from the other side of the room. “…If I wanted just sex, don’t you think I’d be with Hana or any other girl right now?” He claimed and you shook you head, ushering him towards the exit with your hand.
But growing far more irritated, he couldn’t help but speak his mind. “C’mon, you and I both feel a connection so why won’t you just admit it?” He stopped to argue.
“Goodbye Taeyong!” You shouted, taking him out with one final push.
With a groan, he threw his hands up in the air in defeat before you shut the door on him. From the other side you could hear a few excited gasps of randomly passing girls nearby, surprised to see a shirtless Taeyong suddenly in the hall.
But moments later he was gone – leaving you in your thoughts and you couldn’t help but feel like a piece of you was missing as soon as he was gone.
And with a final groan you buried your face in your hands as a feeling of guilt swallowed you whole.
When the next day came around, you found yourself in history class and sitting in your usual spot. Professor Kim was lecturing while asking the same study questions from the review while no one else but Jaehyun would bother to answer.
“That’s enough Jaehyun. I’d like someone else to answer,” the professor declared with a stern look before glancing around the room.
But of course, just like every other day, the response was the same as people were completely passed out on the edge of their desks, including Mina who hadn’t learned her lesson from last time.
With a look of disappointment, Professor Kim put his hands on his hips and angrily shook his head. “Do I have to get the ruler out again?” He threatened before spinning around and bending towards the bottom drawer of his desk.
“Y/N,” Jaehyun suddenly whispered while turning around to you. With a small tap on your shoulder, he caused you to slightly lift your head up and look at him with hooded eyes. He gave you that look – that same pleading one like last time as if begging you to blurt out the answer for the sake of the class.
Blinking a few times from a distance you could spot the now red-faced professor looking rather irritated as he pulled the ruler out and braced it for impact against the desk. 
For a moment you stayed silent, recalling the question he had asked a few minutes ago before coming to an answer. “It happened in the 1800’s,” you called out just as the professor was about to swing.
“Who said that?” He snapped with wide eyes, using the ruler to point amongst the tiers of students.
“Me,” you declared with your hand lazily raise and he didn’t look surprise in the least as a small ‘ah’ left his mouth.
“Once again, my two best students are the ones who answer.” Professor Kim let out with a sigh before glaring among the rest of the sleepy students. A small growl left the man’s throat and with a final urge of resistance he still felt the need to slap his ruler against his desk.
“If you all are going to sleep, why even bother to come to class!” He yelled again, causing everyone to shoot their heads up in reaction to the loud noise.
Jaehyun winced in response and you couldn’t help but crack a smile upon seeing his reaction. He was cute – far too cute and you found yourself admiring the man yet again. You noticed his caramel colored hair was falling over his eyes as he continued to write in his notebook, concentrating too hard not to care about each strand that was slowly falling out of his initial part, piece by piece.
Just the way Taeyong’s hair did.
You put your palm against your lips, keeping your smile from growing any bigger as the disheveled look kept your attention. The longer you looked, the more you started to think of Taeyong. You became lost in daze, thinking of the certain vampire and the moments that transpired last night.
You soon found your cheeks growing hot at the thought of it and suddenly missing the way he touched you last night. It was so romantic and soft yet the look in his eyes was of pure lust and love.
And just like that the smile that once adorned your face suddenly faded into one of stoic and grim as you recalled how it ended.
The sudden image of hurt in his expression felt like a stab wound to your heart – one that you yourself had put in. The feeling left you in a state of confusion as numerous what if’s clouded your mind.
What if you hadn’t stopped the two of your from going further last night?
What if you told him to stay?
…What if he told you he loved you?
Love: The idea itself seemed so foreign to you, yet it created a glow of heat to scorch across your cheeks and you could feel your body temperature quickly rising as sweat started to bead down your forehead.
You suddenly felt overwhelmed and your heart began to rapidly race and pound itself against your chest as you weren’t sure how you would even respond to such a confession from him.
Within all these years of knowing the fellow vampire, you had never thought about such a thing as your meetings would only consist of quick, in the moment sex. The two of you would often confess your deepest and most sexual desires to each other in the heat of the moment, but never any mentions of love.
But then again, he never looked at you like that before.
“Jaehyun is just a crush,” Taeyong’s words haunted your mind. “Forget him.”
And it was those thoughts that kept you bewildered for two days until Friday evening.
The bell had already rung and students were quick to rush out of the classroom like animals bursting out of their cage. Papers were scattered across the floor and within all the ruckus, and chair screeching Professor Kim was trying to make one more last minute announcement before anyone else could run out.
But of course, with his luck no one bothered to pay attention and instead the professor ran a hand through his thinning hair and exited the room himself.
Soon enough you were in the hall too, dragging your feet along the cheap tile floor with your backpack slung around your body. You paid no attention to the hundreds of humans that surrounded you, passing by like herds of cattle as they attempted to run to lunch or their next class.
 But as you made your way through the crowded hall, a certain someone caught your attention.
It was Taeyong, walking down the hall with a single book in hand and smiling as he teased a frustrated Mark who was following nearby. “Give it back!” Mark ordered, attempting to snatch the book from Taeyong before he raised his hand higher.
An amused Taeyong simply chuckled and proceeded to open the book and read a few sentences aloud.
“Top 5 ways to track a vampire. Number 1: Make a solution of lemon water and garlic at exactly 12 o’clock midnight…” He began but stopped to scoff with a ridicule expression. “Again with the garlic?” He groaned. “Listen kid, didn’t your parents tell you not to read garbage like this when you were younger?”
“It’s not garbage!” Mark argued with a scowl. “I know you’re a vampire and I’m going to prove it!”
“Sure, buddy.” Taeyong simply replied with a smirk before coincidently spotting you in the distance.
And as soon as he did, his signature smirk was quickly gone as he locked eyes with you. His attention had wavered from Mark and the younger took this as an opportunity to snatch his book back and run in the opposite direction.
You hadn’t seen Taeyong since that night and now suddenly seeing him made your heart skip. He was standing there within the crowd of people, hair falling over his eyes in light wisps while simply gazing your way – lips parted almost as if he desperately wanted to say something.
So you slowly began to walk towards him, making your way passed the humans to see Taeyong. You looked at him with that same longing gaze and an apology slipping from your lips as you neared closer…
“Hey Y/N, you coming?” Jaehyun asked from behind.
The man’s sudden voice caught you by surprise, making you snap back into reality as you remembered you had previously agreed to the party.
You hesitated as you tore your gaze away from Taeyong, looking back to a cheery Jaehyun who stood nearby.
“Y-yeah.” You hesitantly answered.
“Cool, let’s go.” He smiled while waving you over.
You stumbled as you slowly dragged your feet up, feeling like you were going in the wrong direction as you strayed away from Taeyong.
But you continued to follow Jaehyun, even picking up the pace as you attempted to catch up to him. However, you found yourself looking back once more, locking eyes with Taeyong as he looked at you from the other end of the hall…distaste clear in his expression before walking off in the opposite direction.
The music was blaring in your ears, leaving your eardrums to nearly bleed as you stood against the roaring speakers. The music was causing the walls of the frat house to vibrate and hundreds of people were crowding the room, all dancing and acting like drunken fools amongst each other.
Dressed in a simple strapless top and jeans, you stayed silent for most of the party, merely glancing amongst the party-goers while you carelessly carried a red solo cup in your hand for the sake of fitting in with the humans.
You didn’t bother to interact and all throughout the night you had wanted to leave, not feeling in the party mood as the only thing on your mind was Taeyong.
“Hey, I was wondering where you went,” Jaehyun called as he strode towards you.
“I’ve been here,” you explained with an unamused smile, glaring at the nearly empty beer dangling in his hand. By the look in his eyes, you could tell he wasn’t drunk like the others, merely just buzzed as the surface of his cheeks were tinted a little red from the alcohol.
“It’s my first one,” he explained, quickly noticing your response to his drink.
You nodded and he leaned in closer, bringing his lips near your ear as he spoke. “You don’t seem like you’re having fun – something wrong?” He asked against the blaring music.
Having him this close, you could practically smell the strong scent of his pure blood, causing you to bite down on your lip to resist the urge as you sneakily eyed his neck. “No,” you answered while slightly backing away for his own sake. “…Just not much of a party person.”
Ruffling a hand through his hair, Jaehyun simply nodded before letting his free hand fall to the crevice of his neck, unknowingly taunting you as your eyes hungrily dragged along his pulse. You knew tonight was the last before your bet ended. In fact it would be the night of all nights as your initial plan of seducing Jaehyun was going to take action all along.
And with that thought in mind, you surprisingly didn’t even crack a sheepish smile or feel the butterflies flutter in your stomach like how they used to – no. Instead your plan seemed more like a chore to you, one that you were not anticipating anymore, despite Jaehyun being right here with you.
The thought of taking his blood suddenly seemed barbaric to you, not even knowing how you could want to do such a thing to him in the first place as this was a man with a whole life ahead of him. Friendly, smart, kind: they were all qualities in a human that you admired but yet who were you to kill him for the sake of just drinking his blood?
But what would you tell Taeyong?
You would lose the bet and he would surely be after the human in a heartbeat, not thinking twice about killing him.
But looking at Jaehyun, you realized it wasn’t your inner emotions that led you to become infatuated with him, but rather your vampire desires. You looked at Jaehyun not with love but with lust – lust for his blood.
And your assumptions were only proven to be true when you saw a petite girl in a simple white tee and jean shorts walking towards him. She had long blonde hair, a result of bleach and hair dye as you could see from the peak of her roots was black hair instead. However, the golden looks suited her skin tone well, giving her a glowy and fresh appearance as she stood out amongst the humans.
You caught her with a sly smile on her face, blushing as she crept behind Jaehyun before suddenly putting her hands against his eyes from behind. “Guess who!” She squeaked with excitement and a huge smile came over his face upon hearing her voice.
“W-what. No way!” Jaehyun winced before taking her hands off and turning around.
“Surprise!” The girl announced with a cheery laugh.
“I thought you weren’t going to be able to make it,” Jaehyun exclaimed, tossing his beer aside and focusing all his attention on her. “I stopped by last minute,” she answered before Jaehyun wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight and slightly picking her small frame off the ground in excitement.
“Babe! I’m so glad to see you,” he admitted before putting her down, remembering the two of them were with company as you stood there awkwardly.
“Ah! Sorry,” he blurted while facing you. “I didn’t even introduce you two. Yeri this is Y/N – Y/N this is Yeri, my girlfriend.”
Your face nearly fell flat upon hearing the word “girlfriend.” Feeling like a complete idiot for not realizing sooner. Months – after all these months of your attention focused on Jaehyun, you hadn’t even pondered the thought of him being in a relationship.
“Hi,” Yeri smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Oh, you’ve heard of me?” You raised a brow while shaking her hand in a friendly manner.
“Yeah, Jaehyun told me about your crazy professor and how you and he always have to answer the questions in class.” She giggled while looking at her boyfriend.
“Yeri attends the university across town so we don’t get to see each other much,” Jaehyun admitted while holding her close. “I was hoping to see her tonight and introduce her to my friends.” He added while motioning to you.
With a small grin you looked at them in awe, with not even a tinge of jealousy or sadness filling you – but instead a sign of gratitude in a way as you took this as your signal to finally leave.
“It was nice meeting you Yeri,” you commented. “But I just remembered I had plans to meet with someone tonight.” You gushed looking rather excited yourself as the thought of Taeyong filled your mind.
And just like that you were off, leaving the couple as you headed to the person you wanted to see most.
You stalked down the hall of Taeyong’s house, walking by the familiar paintings. Each one being at least a century year old as the man was one to collect unique paintings over the years. His house was clean as usual, with not a single item out of place as you continued to walk throughout the large house. Everything had its own place, with not even a speck of dust in sight.
“Neat freak,” you huffed before suddenly finding him in the kitchen.
He looked surprised to see you, brows furrowing on sight as he stopped pouring himself a glass of blood. “How did you get in here?” Taeyong snapped, his voice low and annoyed.
A small smirk crept on your face as you eyed him from across the counter. “Oh, Taeyong. I’m a vampire. You should know that locks don’t work on our kind.” You repeated in a teasing manner, dropping the door knob to the ground and he frowned.
“Should’ve known that was coming,” he muttered before taking a sip of his drink, downing it like a shot of strong whiskey as you stared at him.
“O positive?” You simply asked as he set the glass down on the counter.
“Of course, my favorite.” He answered in a simple hum before pointing to the mason jar filled with dark red liquid.
“I take that isn’t animal blood though…” you added, already knowing the answer as you could smell its distinct human scent from the afar.
Taeyong scoffed at your comment, giving you a dumbfounded look as he spoke. “You didn’t think I’d take Hana on a date if there wasn’t something in it for me, now do you?”
“Of course,” you added with a sarcastic laugh. “For a second I actually thought you liked her.”
“Eh she’s nice I guess,” Taeyong casually admitted with a shrug. “…Which is why I didn’t kill her.”
Your eyes went wide, opening your mouth to ask a million questions before Taeyong silenced you with two words: “Blood drive.”
With a simple nod, you crossed your arms over your chest as Taeyong eyed you from the other side of the counter, leaning down with his elbows resting against the cool granite surface. “So what are you doing here?” He couldn’t help but ask. “I thought you’d be with him?”
You suddenly felt uncomfortable with his sudden question, immediately remembering the deal as goosebumps began to rise on your skin. “…I was,” you honestly answered.
“Was?” He repeated, staring intently. “So he’s dead?”
Your lip started to quiver in hesitation, feeling the tension rise as you confessed, “No. I can’t kill him, Taeyong. I can’t bring myself to do it.”
As soon as the words left your lips, Taeyong’s eyes blared wide, eyes now in their natural vampire state and filled with jealousy and rage as he snapped up and stomped past you and down the hall. He knew this was it – he knew despite his threat, you had really fallen for Jaehyun and chose the human instead.
“I’ll do it for you then!” Taeyong declared as he yanked his jacket near the door and swung it open.
Within seconds you ran after him, panicking as you attempted to stop him from leaving. “Taeyong no!” You pleaded. “Leave him alone! He’s just an innocent human, we can’t kill him!”
“That’s never stopped us before!”
“Will you just let me finish!” You begged, tugging onto the sleeve of his jacket with all your strength as he tried to leave.
“Why! So I can hear you say you want to be with him?” Taeyong said through gritted teeth while snapping his head back towards you. “Is that what you came here to tell me?”
“No! Just let me talk!”
“Remember when I just wanted to talk? Remember how well that worked out?” He retorted and you paused.
You stared at him, eyes glazing over his angered and raw state as he looked at you with nothing but hurt in his eyes. Despite the venom in his voice and the jealous threats you had come to realize that he was pained on the inside – as he; Lee Taeyong who was once a carefree bachelor, had now turned into a lovesick fool.
And you, the bachelorette who always fought the idea of love, had finally lost the battle.
“…I’m sorry.”
Suddenly hearing you speak again, Taeyong opened his mouth to shout once more – to fight back any mentions of Jaehyun he was prepared to hear you say until it dawned on him.
“What did you say?”
You found your knuckles turning white, grasping onto his jacket even tighter than before as you fought back the shakiness in your voice and said, “I’m sorry.”
“The other night…I shouldn’t have thrown you out like that.” You stuttered. “I-It’s just that this – me and you thing we got going on…It was supposed to be a no strings attached agreement remember?” You reminded and he pressed his lips together before vaguely nodding in response.
With a deep breath you took a small pause, letting your emotions fully settle in as you spoke. “…But even though we made that agreement, I seem to have become attached – no matter how much I refused to admit it.”
“What about Jaehyun-”
“If I wanted to be with Jaehyun do you think I’d be here with you now?” You admitted, throwing your hands up and taking a few steps back. “I’m telling you this not because of the damn bet or Jaehyun, but because I’m afraid of commitment. In fact a part of me still is…but losing you frightens me more.”
In that moment he casted his gaze to yours, eyes locked and steady as a few pieces of fringe aligned over the brim of his big amber eyes. “You know, this isn’t easy for me either, I’m new to this too.” He confessed, keeping his voice low and steady. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone else before.”
“Me neither, but I want to take the risk – I know what I want.” You admitted.
Taeyong’s stare burned into your own, looking at you from the doorway as it stayed cracked open to the outside.
“And what is that?” Taeyong dared to ask.
He watched as you suddenly stalked towards him, your shoes hitting the cold floor of the hall as you made your way across. He didn’t bother to move, but instead eyed you until you stood directly in front of him – never letting the eye contact falter between your auburn orbs as you said: “You.”
With a weak smile, you snaked your arm around the nape of his neck, bringing him down to lock lips as you kissed him tenderly before slowly breaking apart.
“Thank god,” he added with another kiss, this time with more urge and passion as he hooked his arm around your waist.
You squealed as he suddenly shut the door behind him, creating a loud banging noise within the house.
In an instant the two of you were stuck like glue once again, attempting to move out the hall before barely making it to the living room. Without an ounce of hesitation you landed on the confides of Taeyong’s leather couch, pulling him by the collar of his shirt down with you as you practically begged for his kiss once more.
Like the pleaser he was, he instantly obliged, even going above and beyond as he gripped your thigh with one hand while lowering himself against you.
From the surface of his lips you could taste the faint reminisce of the sweet blood he drank earlier, letting it linger on your own before you grew hungry for more. From each kiss you found yourself savoring the taste, coming from both Taeyong and the blood as you enveloped his plump lips, each time lasting longer than the last as even your partner himself was beginning to crave for more.
You parted your lips the moment he slid his tongue against your entrance, allowing him to lace his tongue against yours with long, succulent strokes. Before long your moans were filling the room, each muffled by Taeyong’s mouth as he would teasingly suck on your bottom lip before letting his lips fully attack your own.
Soon your hands found their way to the zipper of his jeans and you wasted no time in palming over the bulging surface, growing excited by the second while you fumbled with the buckle. Taeyong brought his delicious lips to the crevice of your neck, meeting the skin with a hot and wet smack of his mouth while you hastily removed his belt.
With a small thump you heard the belt carelessly fall to the floor beneath you as your hands continued to explore the depths of Taeyong’s jeans. He could hear the faint sound of his zipper becoming undone amongst your exchange of moans and pants and proceeded to suck on your nimble skin as you pleasured him below.
A low grunt of approval escaped the vampire’s throat as soon as you dipped a single hand beneath the confinements of his boxers, grazing your way through the material and soon coming across his hard length beneath.
Starting from the base and wrapping your hand around his shaft, you began to stroke your way along his length, encouraging low moans from Taeyong just as you reached the head. As soon as your thumb landed over the tip, you swirled it against beads of pre-cum peeking out ever so slightly before stroking him more.
Taeyong’s groans rumbled against your neck as he sunk his head in further and began kissing over your collarbone and down your chest. His eyes glazed over the sight of your cleavage peeking out from the confinements of your strapless top, making sure to give extra care and attention to the soft mounds as he moved the delicate fabric downwards.
You let out a shuddered breath as his hand ghosted over your now bra-clad breast, teasing you ever so slightly before you gave his member a tight squeeze below and he hissed. “Growing a little impatient are we?” He added with a smirk before suddenly snaking his hand beneath you and unclasping your bra.
With a loud gasp, you ceased all action on his member as he placed his mouth over one of your hard peaks, tongue flicking in circular motions and sucking before moving to the next one. “Oh my god,” you moaned, hand fleeing his pants and instead gripping onto his hair while his tongue worked wonders.
Your back had arched against the leather couch and Taeyong held you close, sucking at one of your breasts while his free hand felt up and down your side, stroking in sensual motions that were enough to make you moan louder each time.
It would be a lie to say that you weren’t completely under his control, loving every minute of it while he pleasured you. “Taeyong,” you breathed, looking down at him with lust in your eyes before he brought his lips back to yours.
You kissed him with just as much passion as he kissed you, running his lips against yours in sweet sweeps of lust and need and letting your tongues explore one another as if it was the first time you were kissing.
Within the kiss you began to roll your hips against his, grinding your already soaking core against his bulge for a much obvious hint that you wanted him now.
And as much as the idea of taking you right there on his couch turned him on, he knew the two of you needed a much bigger space for what he had planned tonight.
“Not here baby,” Taeyong groaned in a heated kiss, taking your bottom lip between his teeth before saying, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
With a simple nod, you looked at him, auburn eyes soft and hooded while he suddenly moved off the couch and picked you up bridal style. Walking a few steps further and with a kick of his door the two of you entered the confinements of his bedroom, dark and with nothing but the city lights overlooking the large bed.
Sitting on the edge of his mattress, you proceeded to kick off your jeans, leaving you only in your thin panties before Taeyong came over and leaned you back against the plush surface. “I wasn’t done,” you laughed at the mention of your underwear before Taeyong shushed you with his mouth.
“I’ll do the honors,” he smirked in between kisses before throwing his shirt off and pushing you further on the bed.
With one last kiss Taeyong then moved down to your underwear, biting his lip at the feeling of your wet core beneath his palm. “Baby,” he whispered in low groan. “You’re so beautiful.”
You felt a slight blush creep upon your cheeks, scorching the skin as you eyed him from below. He took his time feeling up against your stomach and thighs, peppering kisses every few seconds before hooking his finger against the fabric of your underwear.
In a soft sweep, he removed the flimsy material, taking it down your bare legs before throwing it off completely. With a low hum Taeyong began to rub a finger down your wet slit, coating it in your sweet juices before coming forward with his mouth.
And without warning he suddenly slid his tongue over the surface, earning a low moan from you while he continued. You called his name again, only this time in stammered breaths as your chest heaved up and down with pleasure.
Taeyong’s tongue continuously flicked against your clit – combined with one hand gripping onto you thigh and the other teasing your entrance you were sent in a sensation unlike ever before.
He then inserted a finger, slowly pumping into you while your hips rolled along with the delicious motions. “Taeyong,” you moaned once more, eyes fluttered close and fingertips gripping onto the pillows above you as you arched your back for him.
Without hesitation the vampire then slid a second finger inside, pumping with quicker and rougher thrusts while your body buzzed. You clenched your teeth together trying to stop yourself from moaning uncontrollably before you suddenly felt your stomach tighten and your release grow near.
“Taeyong,” you whimpered. “I’m so close.”
Before you could say anymore you felt his fingers hit your sweet spot, curling up and filling you well and good as he continued his sensual thrusts inside. Your hands found their way to his hair once again, tangling in the brunette locks and gripping onto him as his tongue pleasured your clit.
And with a final scream you became undone, hitting your high and seeing the stars as your hand fell back and your eyes went half lidded. Your breaths were erratic and uneven, matching Taeyong’s after he lapped up every last drop with his tongue and pressed a gentle kiss to your sensitive core.
“Come here,” Taeyong ordered with his index finger, sitting up on his knees as he seductively motioned you towards him.
Catching your breath you came forward, sitting in front of him while he licked his fingers clean of your juices. Looking at him, you caught a small glimpse of his vampire teeth peeking out, the small pointy ends looking similar to your own as he eyed you back. 
Your hair was a mess but yet you still looked so beautiful to him – with vampire features fully out on display as your auburn eyes were glistening and your sharp teeth out; craving for lust and blood as your natural senses were heightened.
And frankly, so were his.
So you broke the intimate eye contact as you closed your eyes and kissed him once more, this time more slow and sinful while you lowered him back down.  His fingers dragged along your back as you pushed your hair all to one side and began kissing his bare torso.
You pressed your lips against the toned surface, the smell of his own blood filling your senses as you began to draw back near his neck, sucking hard at his pulse point and letting your sharp teeth drag along the surface.
“Tempted?” Taeyong teased in a low tone, almost chuckling at your instincts.
“Just a little,” you smiled while kissing him once more. “It’s hard to resist.”
Taeyong brushed his hand against your cheek, grinning to himself at the sight of your beauty, “Then don’t.”
Without another word, you looked at him with those bright eyes, excitement and that faint look of innocence that drove him insane before you leaned in and sunk your teeth into his flesh. He let out a groan and his eyes rolled back, finding surprise pleasure out of it as you sucked hard.
His blood was good – far too good and you found yourself becoming addicted with every drop you tasted. Soon enough you brought your mouth from his neck and back to his lips, allowing him to taste his own blood as your tongues caressed.
Taeyong’s dark hair was wet with perspiration and stuck against his forehead as he kissed you, wrapping his strong arms around your body and holding you against him as you continued to kiss. Taking the chance, he lowered his lips back to your breasts, sinking his teeth just above one of your soft mounds and fulfilling his blood lust.
You gasped at the feeling, loving it instantly and begging for more as he continued to suck. The taste of a vampire’s blood was unique and rare, becoming a new favorite of yours and Taeyong’s as the biting went on.
You left tiny teeth marks along the vampire’s chest while your free hands roamed his body, finding his hard length beneath his jeans once more and becoming intrigued.
Seeing this, Taeyong attempted to help you remove his bottom clothing – ready to be rid of it before you stopped him with a single wave of your finger. “No,” you countered. “I’ll do the honors.” You slyly grinned as he cocked a brow your way – amused by the familiar words you teased him with.
Without an argument Taeyong allowed you to finish the job, watching as you rid him of his jeans and boxers. He sucked in a deep breath as you wrapped your hand around his shaft, rubbing in up and down in tantalizing motions before you eagerly placed your lips over the head.
The prominent taste of pre-cum hit your senses first and a loud curse left Taeyong’s lips as you started sucking, bobbing your head up and down his length while taking in as much of him as you could.
You then puckered your lips as you finished him off, rubbing him a little more before lowering your entrance over him. Taeyong gripped onto your thighs, with arm veins protruding and holding you taut against him as you began rolling your hips in sweet, sensual motions over his member.
“Faster baby, please.” Taeyong begged in between gruffs, sweat coating his body and looking ever so sexy as he filled you up. His muscles were prominent and his sharp jaw was tight as he clenched his teeth together.
Bringing your ass up, you then slammed back down and moaned from the sudden impact. You repeated the action and much to Taeyong’s delight; went even harder and quicker as you rode him. His raspy voice let out low moans and mutters of your name, becoming music to your ears as you continued to move your hips in sync with his.
Your hands clawed against his chest, scratching and digging as he sat up for better access and began thrusting further in you. With your body slapping against his and remnants of blood still visible on your lips, Taeyong hooked a hand behind your head and brought your mouth back to his – demanding for a hot kiss as he couldn’t get enough.
You whimpered against his mouth and linked a free arm around his neck, holding on tight while he pumped deep into your core.
But soon enough you felt that same tight feeling in your stomach return, meaning you were reaching you high for the second time that night and it was all due to a certain vampire. But little did you know Taeyong was reaching his limit as well, his breaths becoming uneven and sporadic just as yours had moments before.
Your screams met his moans, filling the room with the most carnal of sounds.
And despite the two of you nearly becoming undone, you kept going – creating friction that sent both of you to euphoria as you came almost simultaneously.
Rocking your hips against his, you began to slowly finish out your high as you felt his warm liquid fill you up. Taeyong himself was battered as well, pulling out afterwards and falling limp beside you on his large bed as the two of you attempted to regain your breaths.
“It was different,” you suddenly mumbled, looking up at the ceiling as your chest heaved.
“What?” Taeyong asked with a short breath, raising his thick brows at your words as he looked at you from beside.
Looking away from the ceiling, you locked eyes with him. “This,” you clarified. “The feeling – It was unlike anything we’ve ever done before.”
Taeyong simply laughed at your comment, “I think it’s because you quit being tenacious and finally admitted your feelings for me.” He added with a kissy face.
“Oh shut up,” you hissed while shoving his face away from your own with a laugh. “You were the same way.”
“But I realized how I felt before you did,” he admitted and you grinned.
“So what you’re saying is we’re stuck together?” You giggled, biting your lip in the process before he shushed you with another heated kiss.
“Mmm. You catch on quick,” Taeyong replied before pausing and taking a good look at you, making sure you could see the sincerity in his eyes. “I know relationships are new to us, but I’m willing to try if you are.”
Your sight never faltered as you simply nodded in response with a reassuring smile. “If it means getting kissed like this every day, I think I can get used to it.” You answered and he laughed before cupping your face in his palms and kissing you once more.
But he suddenly broke the kiss and got out of bed, nude in all his glory as you sat up confused.
“Where are you going?” You demanded – watching as he found his boxers.
“To find Jaehyun – I still won the bet remember?” He casually answered and you frowned.
“Seriously?” You scolded and he couldn’t help but crack a smile as his serious expression soon faded.
“Alright, fine.” He huffed before climbing back into bed and wrapping his arms around you as he said,
“I guess the human gets to live another day.”
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Queen Anne's Revenge Crew — Blackbeard’s crew are all cryptids
Whether it was intentional, or because cryptids are the only ones robust enough to survive Ed’s idea of piracy, by the time the series starts Blackbeard and his crew are 100% different flavours of non-human. Blackbeard’s legend has only been enhanced by him and his crew really being able to do supernatural things. Keeping outsiders from finding out goes without saying. Humans are so quick with the torches and pitchforks.
Stede and his people are entirely human (except for Buttons, who is a sea witch natch), just for one reason or another not able to properly live their best lives in regular society. The Revenge became a refuge. Found family vibes abound.
Ed is completely besotted with Stede and enamoured with the way of life on the Revenge, and since he’s feeling so safe and happy he eventually just kind of… outs himself and his people to the humans. Izzy takes it about as well as can be expected, because what the hell were the last [however long they’ve been together] years even about if Edward’s just going to spill everything the second he falls in love? Fang is possibly not thrilled either, considering his thing with Lucius and Pete.
+ Jim may or may not be a hunter, but something about them sets off those vibes with Blackbeard’s people. The humans are kind of baffled as to why these big, bad pirates are giving the resident stabby gremlin such a wide, respectful berth.
+ Before the reveal, Frenchie is absolutely convinced Something Is Up with Blackbeard and crew. None of his friends pay him much mind, because it’s just Frenchie being Frenchie, y’know?
+ Izzy’s preoccupation with survival at the cost of actually living is taken up to eleven in this universe, since at this point in his life he’s a career criminal (and a deserter if we assume he was in the navy) AND a non-human. 24/7 threat assessment of everything that moves and most things that don’t.
Any and all ships welcome. Dealer’s choice how common knowledge it is that cryptids exist in this universe.
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Fang/Lucius/Pete/Izzy — Modern AU, Fluff, Mall Santa And His Elves
Fang signs up to be the Santa Claus at his local mall every year because he has the time and likes making kids happy. Lucius is one of Fang's helper elves this year as part of his community service for getting caught pickpocketing. Pete is one of Fang's helper elves because he showed up as moral support for Lucius. Izzy is one of Fang's helper elves because he lost a bet with Fang. Somehow this leads to all four of them ending up in a polycule.
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Fang/Lucius/Black Pete — Being cute
Doing literally anything. Hanging out, cuddling, working together, bathing, going on a date, whatever. I loved the part where Lucius was about to get his finger amputated and his boyfriends were so concerned. Adorable.
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Izzy/Any — Bloody/messy kiss
After a raid, Izzy is messy. Maybe some gunpowder on his face but mostly blood. Other people's blood primarily but maybe he did get a minor cut.
Izzy is aware he's a mess, personally doesn't see it as an issue. It's a risk of the trade.
But he does make an effort when his bf comes up to lay a kiss on him. A brief effort before happily reciprocating.
Fill: Messy [Izzy/Everyone] Fill: Crimson and Shadows [Izzy/Lucius/Black Pete]
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Izzy/The Crew — The Crew Seducing Izzy
The crew make a bet to see which one of them can seduce Izzy, they all take turns trying their techniques, and Izzy is weirded out by their behavior.
Bonus: If Izzy figures out what is going on, and tries to turn the tables on them.
Fill: None Fill: Tumblr Art Post
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idolimagines · 7 years
Bad Intentions Pt. 2 (Preview)
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(Gif not mine)
Read Part 1 here
Vampire Taeyong x Vampire Reader
Genre: College au!, fantasy, smut, fluff
Here’s a short preview of part 2 of Bad Intentions! The full thing is still currently in the works (word count I’m at right now is 8k before smut) but I thought I’d let you read a little preview of what’s to come! Thank you all for being so patient and I hope to have the full fic out asap! It’ll be worth the wait I promise!
You felt the curve of your lip twitch and you glared at him just as the bell began to ring. The two of you stayed silent as students began to walk out of the classrooms; quickly filling the once empty hall. With a quick glance behind Taeyong, you spotted Jaehyun in the distance; casually walking towards your way with his books in hand.
“Y/N,” he called upon noticing you.
In an instant Taeyong turned around as well, his vampire features completely gone as his eyes were now dark brown. He kept his fangs hidden and stared as Jaehyun came closer, looking rather irritated by the human’s presence already.
But the friendly Jaehyun didn’t seem to be bothered by the other’s intimidating glare, instead focusing all his attention on you as he spoke up. “I noticed you weren’t in class Y/N.”
You raised your brows at his sudden comment, feeling rather surprised that he actually recognized your absence. “Yeah, I-I’m not feeling well,” you stuttered and Taeyong shot you a knowing glance.
With a simple nod, Jaehyun scrounged in his bag before taking out a spiral notebook. “Here,” he said. “These are the notes from today – you can have them.”
Your mouth formed into a small ‘o’ and you thanked the man as he kindly handed it to you. “But these are yours, I can just copy them and give it back Jaehyun-”
“No it’s fine, don’t bother.” He eased with that same cunning smile. “Feel better alright?” The man said with one final wave before glancing at Taeyong next to him. You didn’t bother to introduce the two as Taeyong was too busy giving Jaehyun death glares the entire time before he finally left.
“Will you stop,” you scolded Taeyong as soon as Jaehyun was gone.
“Stop what? I didn’t say anything.” He argued like a whiny teenager while crossing his arms over his chest. Looking at the time, you stuffed Jaehyun’s notebook in your own bag before heading outside the building with Taeyong.
“You didn’t need to,” you sassed. “Your face said it all.”
Taeyong crinkled his brows as the two of you walked amongst the lunch crowd. “Well excuse me for not liking the guy.”
Hearing his words, you stopped mid step; causing him to do the same as you suddenly faced him.
“Taeyong, are you perhaps jealous?”
As soon as you asked he cocked his head forward and his eyes grew wide as he then looked around, making sure no one heard you. “Jealous?” He repeated in a huff. “Why would I be jealous of a human?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” You quickly countered and he crinkled his nose.
“I’m not jealous Y/N. I don’t get jealous,” Taeyong tried to convince as you continued walking down the sidewalk.
“Mhm,” you mocked. “You don’t have a reason to be anyways – remember no strings attached?” You simply teased and he shot you a cocky look as his hair came out of its part and fell right above the rim of his eyes.
“I know,” he taunted before looking over a crowd of girls striding past you.
Even in that short moment you could see the numerous looks from people nearby, all gawking at the man next to you. Needless to say Taeyong was used to these types of looks, being as gorgeous as he was he never had trouble getting any girl he wanted.
…and he used it to his advantage more often than he admitted.
“So many humans,” Taeyong commented. “It’s like a buffet.”
You snorted at his sudden remark and as if on reflex smacked his shoulder. “Where’s your self-restraint? They’re people, not food.” You scolded and he rolled his eyes. “Oh c’mon Y/N. Even you have to admit human blood tastes a thousand times better than an animal’s.”
With that you stayed silent for a second before looking back to him, “Okay that’s true.” You shamefully admitted. “…But I’m only after one human’s blood,” you added with a smirk.
“Ugh. How could I forget,” Taeyong added in annoyance before a certain human girl caught his attention. She had been looking at him just long enough for him to notice and a sly smile appeared on his lips as he eyed her back from afar.
Quickly noticing the exchange you cocked a brow. “Oh god,” you huffed while looking back to the girl. She was on the other side of the courtyard standing under a large tree, sleazily waiting for Taeyong to approach her.
Not taking his eyes off her, the vampire took a step forward. “What?” He simply asked before shooting you a sexy smirk. “We said no strings attached remember?” He added, lamely trying to back up his argument by proving he didn’t need you.
And with that you were speechless as he then left you and started on his way for the girl. You continued to watch as Taeyong coincidently passed by Mark; who was glaring at him with a garlic clove in hand.
“Hey buddy,” Taeyong spotted him as he waltzed by, laughing at the garlic and playfully smacking the younger’s ass.
Mark’s sour expression quickly turned into one of embarrassment as he then jumped and covered his lower cheeks; backing away from the scene while Taeyong casually continued on his way.
“Y/N you saw that?” Mark gasped as soon as he realized you had been watching.
Holding back your laugh, you covered your mouth while uttering a, “nope,” and quickly walking away from the scene.
~*~ It had been three days – three days since you had made the deal with the infamous Taeyong. The confidence that was held within you then was starting to wear out as the days went by, realizing you still weren’t getting anywhere with your plan of seducing Jaehyun.
You were currently stuck in class and only a few feet away from the very man you desired, but yet couldn’t bring yourself to do anything about it. He was taking notes as usual, paying close attention to the lecture while you curiously eyed him. What’s wrong with me? You silently thought to yourself. It’s not a big deal. Just ask him out after class.
But as your professor dismissed class, you found yourself hesitating once more; unable to properly muster up the courage to speak to him until you nervously said, “J-Jaehyun…”
Just then the man halted all actions and turned to you, “What’s up?” He casually asked.
Soon a rush of ideas ran through your head, unsure of what to say in that moment as you hadn’t thought what to say after. Quickly you began to think of anything that was relevant for humans. Money, cars… food.
And as much as you hated human food, you knew this might be your only chance.
Locking eyes with him, you began to fidget with your thumbs underneath your desk. “I was wondering,” you muttered. “If you wanted to grab lunch with me – you know, as a way of saying thank you for the notes.”
In that moment Jaehyun looked at you in pleasant surprise, fond of the idea in an instant.  “Yeah sure,” he answered in a friendly manner.
For a second you were sure you heard wrong as you snapped your head at him. “Really?” You asked and he nodded his head with a reassuring smile. “Yeah, why not.” He added and you beamed excitedly.
“Okay, it’ll be my treat,” you promised while you grabbed your belongings and began to walk out with him. You could feel your heart pounding out of your chest as the two of you made your way down the hall, sheepishly smiling while clutching your books against your chest.
You were finally taking a small step forward and in all these months, you never thought it would be so easy. You felt like you were a teenager again, crushing on the most popular guy in school and feeling like you were living a dream come true as you sat in front of him at a little café nearby.
“Have you ever eaten here before?” You asked Jaehyun, taking note of the curious way he looked around the joint. “Surprisingly, no.” Jaehyun responded. “I’m from this town but I had yet to check it out.” He added with a humorous chuckle. “It seems like a historic café.”
You admired the naïve look on his face as he eyed everything in sight, taking in the small café and locals that surrounded the two of you. You could feel your heart pounding with excitement, feeling the need to blurt out anything relevant to keep the conversation flowing.
“Yeah, I knew the owner. His name was Pete,” you thoughtlessly gushed and he raised an eyebrow at your remark.
Jaehyun stopped looking around for a second and that cute curious look that adorned his face was now one of bewilderment. “It says Pete passed away in 1932 though?” He asked in a raised tone, leaning forward to look into your eyes. “…It’s 2017 now…?”
That’s when it dawned on you.
At that moment you stopped all action as you set down your water glass and looked up to the man. He had a much more serious expression than his usual smiley demeanor as he stared at you.
Meeting his gaze your eyes then followed his as he nodded behind you, causing you to look back in return.
And just as you did, you spotted an old black and white portrait of Pete himself, with his name written underneath and time he lived clearly written on the rustic brick wall.
With a short breath, you inhaled as you suddenly felt sick to your stomach. You wanted to pinch yourself for being so carless with your identity. Now you had put yourself in a weird position with the one guy that mattered.
Turning back around you could feel as time had almost stopped as you stared at Jaehyun. “I-I can explain,” you muttered while attempting to come up with an excuse before his intimidating expression suddenly faded.
“Relax, I’m just messing with ya’!” Jaehyun exclaimed, allowing his eyes to crease on the sides as he grinned and laid back in his seat. “You’re pretty funny, I like your sense of humor.”
You let out an awkward smile as a bead of sweat dripped down your forehead. The room suddenly felt hot and for a second you debated on whether or not he really believed it to all be a joke.
With a stumble of words you failed to properly continue the conversation as Jaehyun began to look at you worriedly, pondering if he had said something wrong. “Hey, you look a little startled. Was it something I said?” He muttered before you rapidly shook your head. “No, not at all.” You tried to persuade with a fake grin before the chime of the door suddenly rang.
In an attempt to break away from the conversation you snapped your head to the side – curious to see the newcomer
…until you realized it was none other than Lee Taeyong
   Stay tuned for the full fic~    
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