#Jimmy Shubert
badmovieihave · 10 months
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Bad movie I have The Italian Job 2003
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film-classics · 2 months
Carmen Miranda - The Brazilian Bombshell
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Carmen Miranda (born Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha in Marco de Canaveses, Porto on February 9, 1909 – 5 August 1955) was a Portuguese-born Brazilian singer. Nicknamed "The Brazilian Bombshell", she was known for her sass and signature fruit hat outfit that she wore in her American films.
Miranda was introduced to a composer while working at her family's inn, and she soon recorded her first single ("Não vá Simbora") in 1929.  She then signed a two-year contract with Rádio Mayrink Veiga, the most popular Brazilian station of the 1930s. Her rise to stardom in Brazil was linked to the growth of a native style of music: the samba.
At the invitation of US show business impresario, Lee Shubert, who saw her perform in Rio's Cassino da Urca, she came to Broadway and starred in hit musicals: The Streets of Paris and Sons o' Fun.
Her fame grew quickly, and she was formally presented to President Franklin D. Roosevelt at a White House banquet shortly after her arrival in the US.
When news of Broadway's latest star (known as the Brazilian Bombshell) reached Hollywood, Twentieth Century-Fox offered her a contract in 1941. Her most memorable film performances are in the musical numbers of films such as Week-End in Havana (1941) and The Gang's All Here (1943).
After World War II, Miranda's films at Fox were produced in black-and-white, indicative of Hollywood's diminishing interest in her. As a result, Miranda decided to produce her own films to limited success. Although her film career was faltering, her musical career remained solid and she was still a popular nightclub attraction. She continued to tour the US, Europe, and Latin America.
After filming a segment for the NBC variety series The Jimmy Durante Show, where complained of feeling unwell, she died at home in Beverly Hills, California from a heart attack. She was 46 years old.
Chosen by former Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas as a goodwill ambassador in the United States
Was the first contract singer in Brazilian radio history; subsequently, the highest-paid radio singer in Brazil in the 1930s
Was Hollywood's highest-paid entertainer and the top female taxpayer in the US in 1945, earning more than $200,000 that year
Has a museum in Rio de Janeiro, Museu Carmen Miranda, established in her honor in 1976
Received the Ordem do Infante Dom Henrique Grande Oficial, a Portuguese order of knighthood, in 1995
Has a square in Hollywood named Carmen Miranda Square with a ceremony headed by honorary mayor of Hollywood Johnny Grant and attended by Brazilian consul general Jorió Gama in 1998
Was one of 500 stars nominated for the American Film Institute's 50 greatest screen legends in 1999
Honored by the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro in 2005 and the Latin America Memorial in São Paulo in 2006 with a Carmen Miranda Forever exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of her death
Bestowed the Ordem do Mérito Cultural by the Ministry of Culture of Brazil in 2009
Was a part of a set of commemorative US Postal Service Latin Music Legends stamps, painted by Rafael Lopez, in 2011
Honored in the 2016 Summer Olympics closing ceremony with a tribute
Was the first Latin American star to be invited to leave hand and footprints in the courtyard of Grauman's Chinese Theatre
Was the first South American honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to motion pictures in 1960, located at 6262 Hollywood Boulevard
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the-masters-pieces · 4 months
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irguardian · 10 months
Cultural Calendar Aug 17-24
ARTS AND CULTURAL Events ~ CCIRC Performances & Events August 18 & 19, Riverside Theatre presents The Comedy Zone offers Headliner Nathan Wallace interacts with the audience, shares off-the-cuff insights, and welcomes everyone into his world with plenty of honest energy. Feature act Nadeem Awad has toured with legendary comedian Jimmy Shubert and has been featured on stage with comics Bret…
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judyreppart · 11 months
L.A. Comedy Club at The STRAT Brings a Packed Comedy Lineup This August to Fill the Month With Big Laughs   Touring comics Jimmy Shubert, Rocky Dale Davis, Kevin Shea, Carlos Rodriguez and Willie
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 years
One Hour Photo (2002) Review
One Hour Photo (2002) Review
Seymour Parrish works as a photo developer in a store and has an obsession with a family who have been using the service for almost a decade, feeling that he is part of the family and collecting the photos of them. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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De Luxe Annie is a play by Edward Clark based upon a short story of the same name by Scammon Lockwood, published in the Saturday Evening Post. It was originally produced and staged by Arthur Hammerstein. It featured Thurlow Bergen, Jane Grey, and Vincent Serrano. It also featured Harold Hartsell, Mary Hall, Dore Davidson, Percy Pollock, Jack McBride, and Minnie Millne.
At one time, Annie was a happy wife and mother. When she receives an Injury that leaves her with a form of aphasia and memory loss, she becomes the business partner of clever swindler, Jimmy Fitzgerald (Vincent Serrano) and together they locate a mark and sell him ‘de luxe’ editions of books. By a strange coincidence, they are stranded at her former summer home and its familiar surrounding bring back her memories. 
Originally, author Clark was the director, but producer Hammerstein took over before Broadway. In mid-April, Rita Jolivet was replaced by Jane Grey in the title role. 
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It opened at Nixon’s Apollo Theatre on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City NJ on May 1, 1917. 
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From AC, the production moved to Allentown PA. The play then took the summer off, resuming in August with Broadway on the horizon. 
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After an engagement at the Shubert New Haven, the play opened on Broadway on September 4, 1917 at the Booth Theatre. After five weeks, it transferred to the 39th Street Theatre for two weeks before finally berthing at the Cort Theatre where it closed after 119 performances. 
After it closed on Broadway, the production went to Boston’s Wilbur Theatre. At the same time, word came that there would be an Australian production of the play. After Boston, it traveled back to New York for an engagement in Brooklyn at the Majestic, then to Hartford’s Parsons Theatre. 
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In May 1918, while the play was finishing up its theatrical tour, a film version premiered starring Norma Talmadge. 
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On June 21, 1918 the film premiered at the Virginia Theatre on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, just a few blocks from where the play began at the Apollo. 
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
🌙 EtLunaInMorte's 🌙
🎻 Fanfiction Music Masterlist 🎻
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1. Franz Shubert's Ave Maria
V could hear, as clear as day, the solemn music that was coming from the other side of the portal. He walked, reaching the end of the dark tunnel, until light enveloped his entire body, giving him warmth. He finally arrived to his destination. But, all of a sudden, he was met with a violent slash of light that almost ripped him in two. If it weren’t for Griffon, who grabbed the collar of his dark, leather vest just in time, he would probably be as good as dead.
“What the hell?!” Griffon screeched, looking around for any sign of Demons.
V looked around, as well, but saw nothing, except for a pastel pink, fur blanket on the grass beneath his feet, an empty basket, and the radio which played the song, “Ave Maria”. He picked up the blanket and immediately noticed that it was still warm, not to mention very fragrant, like the smell of fresh flowers blooming in the morning.
~ III. The Strange Mission
2. Postmodern Jukebox's Sunflower, as sung by Leah Zeger
Your head held high, your posture as perfect as it can be, you were prepared for the challenge ahead. Everything will go according to your plan. The entity didn’t show you anything bad that might happen, what could go wrong?
You suddenly felt eyes directed towards your being, making the hairs on your nape stand. Your (E/C) eyes widened a bit. You looked down to your left and saw, leaning on one of the walls, the man who almost landed on top of you that Thursday afternoon. The man with the markings on his skin.
The man in your visions.
~ VII. The Unexpected Occurrence
3. Tashaki Miyaki's I Only Have Eyes For You
“D - don’t,… leave,…” He leaned in a bit closer, if that was even possible, that he was already feeling your warm breath against his face. “S - stay, please. Stay w - with me,…
… V.”
His eyes widened, his jaw dropped. V could not quite believe that you just uttered his name! And, what’s even more alarming was the fact that his chest almost brushed against yours. His hands were on either side of your head, and your intoxicating scent sent signals down to his very core.
… that were very hard to ignore.
~ XII. The Suspicious Advice
4. Skeeter Davis' End Of The World
“Do you know Titanic, V?” You asked the man.
“I,… ” V began but, then, realized that he didn’t know what you were talking about. “No.”
You were actually surprised by his answer. Who knew he was one of those very few people who didn’t know about the infamous Jack and Rose’s love story?
“Really?” You said in disbelief, then decided to change the movie. “How about Moulin Rouge?”
Hmm! Not even a classic! Something modern, perhaps?“The Fault In Our Stars?”
What in the - ?! “The Time Traveler’s Wife?”
V sighed in both annoyance and disappointment. As much as he wanted to answer your questions, he really had no idea what’s going on in the modern world.
He was stuck too long in the Underworld. For Heaven’s sake, how could he know such things as those?!
“I’m sorry, no.” He simply said.
You crossed your arms, unable to believe that a poor, innocent man such as V still existed in today’s society.
“Have you seen Hachiko?” Okay, no one could resist dogs, or Akitas, that I know for sure,…
To your delight, V’s eyes actually widened as he remembered something very fond, he just couldn’t pinpoint what exactly.
“That,…” he said, feeling proud for once that he had an answer to at least one of your questions. “… I’ve actually heard of.”
~ XIII. Dates And Movies
5. Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody
Griffon was about to join in the apple pie banter when he heard someone calling him. He turned and saw you as you were about to enter the van, drowsily looking at him with one finger held up on your lips.
~ XV. The Diabolical Amalgam
6. Jimmie Davis' You Are My Sunshine
“Ugh, are you really my friend?” You shook your head as you sat up straight and rubbed your temples. “Stabbed, burned, skewered. You name it, I went through it. If it weren’t for this entity inside me, I wouldn’t even be talking to you right now. But, nowadays,…” you sighed, still feeling a bit worn out from the events that took place the last time you were awake. “… I feel,… completely drained. Like, I’m running out of lives to spare.”
“Is that even possible?” Nico asked as she stood and made her way to the back of the trailer to make you a decent meal. “I mean, you’ve been with that entity for ten years, and you never complained about getting tired.”
“Yes but, lately, I’ve been feeling, I don’t know, worn out? Like I’ve been running an endless marathon with hardly any breaks.”
“I can tell.” Your friend answered with a knowing smile.
~ XVI. The Unacceptable Truth
7. Sitti Navarro's Invisible War
“In four days time, two hearts would be ripped open, blood shall be spilled, and emotions will clash upon uneven ground. A Prince will awaken and a King shall rise. The Pale Ones would make their move and engulf the whole world in darkness. Only then would the third and final heart, the one who would regret the most, be stabbed by their own doing.”
“That sounds,… cheerful,…” Nico added sarcastically to somehow lighten the mood. She might have poked fun at you for changing into that light being who can disintegrate your clothes but, she just couldn’t make fun of this particular entity who made unfunny prophecies.
~ XVIII. Aspect Of Future
8. Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah
~ XIX. Tears And Sadness
9. Casey And Ali Edwards' Devil Trigger
“Could you play something more upbeat for a change?!” You asked bravely, ready to face your own death. “Like, with no heartbreaks, or rejections, or douchebags, or what the fucking ever?!”
Nico gasped in fright. “Wow! Sailor - mouth Nero sure made an impact to you, huh, hon?”
“Just fucking do it!”
“Alright! Alright!” The freckled woman said and slammed the jukebox button on. “How about this?!”
Nico nodded. You have become angsty and mad, and at least that’s better than you moping around, tending to your broken heart.
~ XX. Rejection And Heartbreak
10. Rin Oikawa's I'll Be Your Home
Dante cupped your face with his huge hands and made you look up at him.
“If you must, then I will let you go. Once more.” He replied, every drop of your tears painfully driving a nail through his already beaten heart. “But, swear to me that after all this, you will go back home. Back to me, where you really belong.”
~ XXI. He Who Loves
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alcalavicci · 5 years
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tl;dr in case you don’t like reading long court transcripts: Cop with iffy eyesight claims dancers were nude in a few scenes, lawyers question him and make him seem like a total idiot. Magistrate rules show is immoral, taking this to trial. I also added further research at the end to explain what happened in the end.
"The extended monologue of Police Capt. James Coy, the leading man, yesterday prevented the conclusion of the drama 'Are We Immoral or Are We Merely Beautiful?' presented by Earl Carroll's 'Vanities' in Jefferson Market court. Next week: Essex Market court.
"That, in the language of the theatre program, is what happened on the second day of the courtroom run of 'Vanities' special command performance.
"Coy-by-name-and-nature, Capt. Coy stole the show, from the time he said mincing Faith Bacon was 'stark naked from the nape of her neck down to her heels,' until Magistrate Maurice Gottlieb suddenly adjourned the hearing on Wales law indecency charges with the explanation that he had important business to transact.
"If Earl Carroll, Jimmy Savo, the low comedian, and the eight beauties the police are attempting to jail for their antics in the current revue at the New Amsterdam theatre are jealous of Coy's performance yesterday, they must take advantage of their day on the court stage in Essex Market on Tuesday next.
"Coy, kittenish ex-star of 'Pleasure Man's' courtroom run, gave a monologue that for stark realism matched the supposed stark nakedness which caused Wednesday's matinee raid at the New Amsterdam and the arrest of the eight coryphees--Naomi Ray, Irene Ahlberg, Eileen Wenzel, Faith Bacon, Kay Carroll, Constance Trevor, Betty Veronica and Frances Joyce.
"Blushing furiously, Capt. Coy began by identifying Miss Bacon, who not only wore clothes, but even furs in court-a gray fox fur choker, a gray-and-blue sports ensemble and a purple cloche hat.
"Q: 'Now, Capt. Coy, your version, please?' said Assistant District Attorney Louis Wasser. A. 'I bought two tickets for the "Vanities" performance at a ticket agency near the theatre and went to my seat which was marked "M," the tenth row.' " 'Tell us everything you saw in the theatre?' interrupted the magistrate.
" 'But your honor,' said Wasser. 'that will take all day.'
"'Well, then will you continue with the alleged objectionable scenes?' Gotlieb replied. A. 'The first scene I considered objectionable showed a number of females lying on their backs on the stage. The defendant, Faith Bacon, came down the center of the stage, swinging two large fans, and danced. When she turned during her dance I could see her naked body from the nape of her neck down to the heels, from a side and rear view.'
" 'Could you see the front of her body?' asked the magistrate. A. 'No, she swung her fans in such a manner that only her face was showing.'
"Capt. Coy, who objected later to being styled an expert, described the entrance of Miss Bacon onto the stage, clad similar to Lady Godiva, in long blonde tresses and with two fans instead of a white charger.
" 'Was she naked?' Magistrate Gotlieb asked. 'Absolutely and positively,' the captain replied.
" 'Do you wear glasses?' asked Attorney Vorhaus. A. 'Only for reading.'
"Q. Did you notice a gauze curtain between the dancers and the audience? A. Yes, a curtain of thin gauze.
"Q. But still you insist that with eyes that need glasses to read with and a distance of thirty-five to forty feet away you were still able to see whether or not Miss Bacon wore absolutely no clothing? A. Absolutely, she was stark naked.
"At this point the star in question smeared on some lipstick and turned her eyes heavenward in utter boredom.
" 'If I had a couple of fans here I would show how it was done,' said Coy waving his hands in circular motion. The crowd roared but newspapermen recalled the splendid imitations Coy had given when prosecuting Mae West and her cast in 'Pleasure Man.'
"For a time Magistrate Gotlieb considered clearing the courtroom, but officers circulating through the 300 men and women restored order and quieted the laughter that followed Coy's offer to mimic the dainty Faith Bacon.
"Q.- 'Will you admit the stage was darkened?' asked Vorhaus. A. - 'Sure, partly darkened,' said Coy.
"Q. - "Were you shocked, captain?' said the magistrate. A.- 'I certainly was shocked, your honor.'
"Several times during Coy's testimony smill Jimmy Savo would grit his teeth and make utterances under his breath at the captain. Carroll and others in the defense group would laugh and pat him on the shoulder to quiet him.
"Attorney Benjamin J. Rubin, who defended the show girls, was next to cross-examine Coy. He said:
" 'Your honor, it is my intention to show that all stage dances are meant to bring out an illusion.' Turning to Coy, he said:
"Q. 'Do you know what the illusion of a dance is?' A. 'No.'
"Q. 'Have you ever seen Isadora Duncan dance?' A. 'No.'
"Q. 'Have you ever seen Pavlowa dance?' A. 'Yes, at the Metropolitan Opera House, but she wore clothes.'
"Coy then described the scene, 'A Window at Merl's.'
" 'The girls were in a window effect, posing as models when they stepped out of their statue parts and started to talk. Naomi Ray and Savo came on the stage and she said to him: "Now, I'll tell you how to dress a window." She sent him over to Miss Frances Joyce and he started removing her stockings, under her direction.'
"Q. 'Was she sitting?' asked Vorhaus. A. 'No, standing.'
"Q. 'While she was standing did he (Savo) kneel down to remove the stockings?' asked the magistrate. A. 'Yes.'
" 'Then,' when on Coy, 'Miss Ray said, "Do you follow me?" and Savo said, "I'm way ahead of you." Then he went to Miss Kay Carroll and took off her gown--'
"Q. 'Was she--was she standing there then in her--er-er-er-what shall we call it--lingerie?' asked the magistrate. A. 'Yes,' said Coy.
" 'Go on, go on.'
" 'Then, while she was putting on a gown with a fuller and wider skirt her bloomers dropped off and Savo put his head under the gown to adjust the apparel. I could put on the bloomers without putting my head under the dress.'
" 'I didn't,' Savo muttered. 'I did not.' Carroll and the others quieted him.
"Coy was the target of a barrage of questions from Attorney Vorhaus concerning a visit he made to the New Amsterdam theatre on Wednesday a few hours after the raid.
"Q. 'What did you go there for?' asked Vorhaus. A. 'I went to see whether any of the crimes were still being committed and intended to make summary arrests, for the persons were out on bail.'
"With Coy's testimony finished, the magistrate said:
" 'I have important business to attend to, and we'll adjourn until next Tuesday and resume this trial in Essex Market court.'
"Objections by Wasser brought no answer from Gotlieb.
"As though the pale Carroll, who hints that rivals instigated the raid on his 'Vanities,' hasn't enough court troubles already, the Shuberts crashed down on him with an injunction suit yesterday.
"Seeking to force Carroll to discontinue the sensational under-sea ballet-a big feature of the current 'Vanities'- the Shuberts charge he stole the idea for which they paid good, hard cash.
"The Shuberts say they bought the American rights to the idea after they saw the under-sea balley in the famous 'Folies Bergere' of Paris."
Coy, Ex-Elephant Washer, Proves 'Vanities' Lewdness
"This ex-Maharajah of Baluchistan--otherwise Capt. James Coy, official police censor--convinced Magistrate Maurice Gotlieb in Essex Market court yesterday that Earl Carroll's latest 'Vanities' is, or was, an indecent performance.
"Cross-examination of Coy revealed his identity as the ex-maharajah. Before becoming a police officer-and later the moral watchdog of Broadway shows-the captain confessed he had worked for a circus washing elephants for 50 cents a day.
"His laundry work was done in the morning; so Coy was able to pose as the maharajah on the elephant line, when the crowds trooped into the circus grounds for the afternoon performance.
"The captain, who caused the arrest of Carroll, Jimmy Savo, the pantomiming comedian, Faith Bacon and seven other beauties of the 'Vanities' cast, freely admitted that rajahing and washing elephants was the limit to histrionic experience.
"But he so graphically reiterated previous testimony and stuck to his description of scenes 5 and 12 in the 'Vanities' so tenaciously that Magistrate Gotlieb said he was convinced that the 'Vanities' had been a lewd performance.
"He gave Louis Vorhaus and Julius Kindler, Carroll's council, until Thursday afternoon to file briefs, but he said:
" 'I believe that nudity existed in this show, and whether indecency takes place on the stage or any other public place in the jurisdiction of the courts of New York, the defendant must respond.'
"The 'defendant' means Miss Bacon, principal in the fan dance, Carroll and Savo with Irene Ahlberg, Constance Trevor, Eileen Wenzel, Frances Joyce, Kay Carroll, Naomi Ray and Betty Veronica, the latter seven participants in the window dressing scene, considered objectionable by Coy.
"All arguments by defense consel could not change Gotlieb's position and he brought the hearing to a close by saying:
" 'There is much at stake for the defendants, and it will do no good to file a defense here, for it has gone out of my jurisdiction.'
"This remark seemed to indicate that the magistrate had determined to hold the defendants for trial in a court of record.
"Just as he did at the first session of the Vanities courtroom scenes, Coy stole the show from the time he was called to the stand for questioning until he was excused.
"The first question was by Kindler, conducting the cross-examination.
"Q.-Captain, now in your previous testimony you testified that the defendant Savo put his hand under the dresss of the defendant Joyce and his head under the gown of defendant (Kay) Carroll. Is that your recollection? A.-He put his head under the Carroll dress and his hand under the dress of the defendant Joyce. That is true.
"Q.-Can you tell me what hand he put under the dress? A.-Yes, it was the right hand because it was the right stocking he took off.
"Q.-You're absolutely sure of that and even from where you were sitting you can tell us how he did this? A.-Absolutely, if you bring the defendant Joyce here and the court permits it-
"(The Court) 'We'll have no such demonstration as that here. Let that be settled once and for all.'
"After several minutes of wrangling over technicalities in which the court, prosecuting and defense attorneys figuered, Kindler asked Coy:
"Q. Now, in that window dress scene 'A Window at Merl's,' Miss Ray was posing as the owner of shop and was instructing Mr. Savo how to dress a model. A.-That's correct.
"Q. You could see from where you were sitting all right? A. Perfectly.
"Q. But you didn't notice any panels in the dress which you say Mr. Savo stuck his head beneath did you? A. Not to my recollection.
"Q. But you know that Miss Ray took the first dress off the defendant Carroll and put on another dress, don't you? A. Yes, I saw that distinctly and the defendant Carroll was standing on the stage in her underwear.
"Q. And you didn't see any panels in the dress into which Savo might insert his head without placing it under the skirt? A. No, it looked like an ordinary evening gown to me.
"Kindler: Do the panties fall off this defendant Carroll? A. (coyly) Yes, the little panties fall down.
"Q. Does Savo put the panties on? A. Yes, he puts his head under the dress and is concealed from the audience--
"(Court) Do they fit up to the waistlines? Panties do don't they? I don't know much about panties.
"Coy: I saw the defendant Savo deliberately (an objection against this word caused him to leave it out of his answer) take the edge of the dress, and pull it over his head, which disappeared under the dress, and to my mind he put the bloomers back on the woman Carroll.
"At this point, Savo's mouth twitched and his hands were rubbing nervously while Carroll, who sat in a high backed chair, nibbled at his well manicured fingers and a half a dozen wrinkles secured fixtures on his brow.
"Kindler: The dress going over Savo's head might have been an accident, captain? Coy: (half-smiling) Absolutely not accidental.
"At this point, Kindler waved a page from a New York paper in the air and shouted at Coy: 'Did you not give this interview?'
"(Court) Please don't screech or yell.
"Kindler: Did you see 'Lysistrata'? Yes.
"Q. Did you say that, in your opinion, 'Lysistrata' was not obscene because it was an artistic production? A. I don't recall saying that.
"Q. When you saw the Vanities performance was the audience laughing? A. I don't know. I wasn't laughing. I was shocked.
"Here Attorney Vorhaus resumed the cross-examination.
"Q. How old are you captain? A. (after some hesitation) Going on 49 and I've been 20 years on the force.
"Q. You have been referred to here several times as captain. What is meant by that? A. (sarcastically) It means a grade above lieutenant.
"Q. (Vorhaus) Well, does it mean that you're a captain because of your own histrionic ability or talent? A. Because I do my duty.
"Q. But you have been an actor, haven't you, Capt. Coy? A.-Well, I used to be with the circus. (Coy appeared not to like it and his face became flushed.)
"Q. (by Vorhaus) What did you do in the circus? A. Well, I'll tell you. They used to say that I had a big job with the circus. I used to wash elephants. And O, yes, I was the Maharajah of Baluchistan, the High Potentate, but in reality I was merely a supernumerary getting 50 cents a day.
"The answer seemed to stop Attorney Vorhaus for he asked no more than a couple of other questions and Assistant District Attorney Wasser asked:
"Q.-Captain, how many nights did you see the pants drop? A.-On Monday and Tuesday nights.
"Q.-Then it couldn't have been accidental? A.-No.
" 'The people rest,' said Wasser.
"As other defense counsel sought to question Capt. Coy, the magistrate said:
" 'That's all, that'll be all. You can go now captain.'
"Vorhaus moved to have the case thrown out.
"Magistrate Gotlieb responded by telling Vorhaus that a defense in Magistrate's court would be wasted endeavor and in his opinion the dance by Miss Bacon was sufficient to convince him the show was immoral.
"More than 500 persons who gathered at 2nd Ave and 2nd St. were dispersed by a squad of patrolmen who allowed none but those having business in the court building to enter."
I also searched to see what the turnout of this case was. Apparently, Coy went ahead and demonstrated the fan dance during the trial, using his straw hat to represent the fans, but the jury wasn’t amused. The jury would not indict, but Carroll agreed to drop the scenes with almost-nudity from his show. Also, of the women who were arrested, only the ones who were directly involved were held. So that means Betty was soon let go, along with three of the other dancers. 
Also, Earl Carroll was used to flirting with trouble. He’d previously served jail time for exhibiting a naked/half-naked (depending on who you ask) girl at a party in a tub full of (then) illegal alcohol during the 1920s, even though he tried to claim the liquid was ginger ale.
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kritikycz · 5 years
Mr. & Mrs. Smith - Vtipná podívaná na sexy hlavní hrdiny, Brada Pitta a Angelinu Jolie
Mr. a Mrs. Smith jsou názornou ukázkou toho, jak dlouho a v jak velkém se dá žít omylu. Myslíte si o druhém, že vás nemůže ničím překvapit, dostanete se do stádia, že váš vztah začne skomírat, začnete se nudit.- Více na https://www.kritiky.cz/filmove-recenze/retro-filmove-recenze/2019/mr-mrs-smith-vtipna-podivana-na-sexy-hlavni-hrdiny-brada-pitta-a-angelinu-jolie/
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96thdayofrage · 2 years
Jennifer Hudson Is One Step Closer to EGOT Status After Tony Nomination
Hudson, as a producer, earned a nod for top nominee 'A Strange Loop.'
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Jennifer Hudson is one step closer to achieving EGOT status following Monday morning’s 2022 Tony Award nominations.
Having previously won an acting Oscar (for Dreamgirls in 2007), two performing Grammys (best musical theater album for The Color Purple, in 2017, and best R&B album for Jennifer Hudson, in 2009) and a Daytime Emmy (as executive producer on the VR animated film Baby Yaga), the Tony would give her the final major awards show trophy she needs to join the elite award-winning Hollywood club that includes Rita Moreno, Mel Brooks, Audrey Hepburn, Whoopi Goldberg, John Legend, Andrew Lloyd Webber and more.
Hudson, in 2016, was memorably snubbed by the Tonys when she didn’t receive a nod for her role as Shug Avery in The Color Purple, despite initially being the big name-draw around the nominated revival.
This year, Hudson is nominated as a producer for A Strange Loop, which topped the nods with 11 total nominations. The musical from Michael R. Jackson follows a Black queer man trying to write a musical as he grapples with desires, identity and instincts.
The production, which won the Pulitzer Prize for best drama in 2020, is up for best musical, best direction, best lead actor, best featured actor, best featured actress, best original score, best orchestrations and best book, best scenic design, best lighting design and best sound design of a musical.
Hudson is among a star-studded group of producers. The full list follows: Barbara Whitman, Pasek, Paul & Stafford, Hunter Arnold, Marcia Goldberg, Alex Levy & James Achilles, Osh Ashruf, A Choir Full Productions, Don Cheadle & Bridgid Coulter Cheadle, Paul Oakley Stovall, Jimmy Wilson, Annapurna Theatre, Robyn Coles, Creative Partners Productions, Robyn Gottesdiener, Kayla Greenspan, Grove Entertainment, Kuhn, Lewis & Scott, Frank Marshall, Maximum Effort Productions Inc., Joey Monda, Richard Mumby, Phenomenal Media & Meena Harris, Marc Platt & Debra Martin Chase, Laurie Tisch, Yonge Street Theatricals, Dodge Hall Productions/JJ Malley, Cody Renard Richard, John Gore Organization, James L. Nederlander, The Shubert Organization, RuPaul Charles, Alan Cumming, Ilana Glazer, Hudson, Mindy Kaling, Billy Porter, Page 73 Productions, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Playwrights Horizons.
Ariana DeBose is set to host this year’s 75th annual show when it returns to Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The June 12 Tonys will air live on CBS and stream on Paramount+.
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Jimmy Shubert from Last Comic Standing and King of Queens performs in South Jersey   Jimmy Shubert has built an impressive resume as an actor, both in film and on television. As a comedian,...
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ivan-yakingoff · 4 years
Things That Needed to Be Said
"Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships." -- Jimmy Shubert "There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane: Either you have diarrhea, or you're anxious to meet people who do." -- Rich Jeni "My girlfriend always laughs during sex-no matter what she's reading." -- Emo Philips "My cousin just died. He was only 19. He got stung by a bee - the natural enemy of a tightrope walker." -- Emo Philips "I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?'" -- Emo Philips "Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you're in." -- Rich Jeni
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judyreppart · 1 year
L.A. Comedy Club at The STRAT Is Bringing the Laughs with a Sidesplitting July Comedy Lineup    Touring comics Adam Hunter, Landry, Quinn Dahle, Shang, Peter Berman, and Jimmy Shubert will take the Dragon Room stage
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zogotunga · 4 years
On Sept. 9th 2006 the crowd in Camden NJ was chock full of drunken Philly fans for the Opie and Anthony Travelling Virus Comedy Tour. Booing every comic, shouting down big names like Bob Saget, Jimmy Shubert, Ralphie May, and Dom Irrera. And Bill was having none of that. For his full 12 minute set Burr ripped into everything about Philadelphia and why it sucked. Burned down a 10,000+ person crowd. It was the launch of his nationwide recognition, and definitely is worth a listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jMhoGUiIkk
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