#Andy Rolfes
dalsimoravskyblog · 5 months
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: Vyřazovací kolo
Skupina 2 (do turnaje postupují 3 osobnosti)
Rolf Wanka | Marie Rosůlková | Anny Ondráková (vpravo)
Olga Scheinpflugová | Ladislav Hemmer
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Propaganda pod perexem!
Rolf Wanka (1901–1982)
Pohlédněte do jeho očí. Ne, reálně, týpek původně z Vídně (asi, nikdo to dodnes neví přesně), ale uměl skvěle česky, takže velké kudos pro Rolfa. Sexy hlas, samé kladné role. Filmy: Sextánka, Srdce v soumraku, Lízin let do nebe, Krok do tmy.
Marie Rosůlková (1901–1993)
Podívejte se na ni! (zcela vážně, dosud jsem ji znala jenom z rolí starších žen, ale pak jsem se podívala na wikipedii. Vypadá, že by mě svedla na scestí, a já bych ji nechala.)
Anny Ondráková (taky Anny Ondra) (1902–1987)
Hvězda němáků, doporučuji hlavně Milenky starého kriminálníka nebo Příchozího z temnot, to je velmi sledovatelné i dnes. Kromě českých režisérů (čti "milion filmů od Karla Lamače") hrála třeba i u Hitchocka. A byla překrásná, takže nominuji proto, obočí bohužel poplatné své době.
Olga Scheinpflugová (1902–1968)
zatím bez propagandy :(
Ladislav Hemmer (1904–1949)
V Ducháček to zařídí je to naprosto okouzlující Štramák, naprosto rozumím Ducháčkovi, že mu mohlo srdce utrhnout, že už u něj v kanceláři nemohl více štemplovat.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
CITV's presenters and stars in a photoshoot on 2/4/1991. (Source: Alpha Press.)
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Cool picture.
Front Row L-R: Geoffrey Hayes, Bill Oddie, Rolf Harris, Tommy Boyd, Michaela Strachan, Keith Chegwin, Grotbags Carol Lee Scott, Julia Sawalha, Dexter Fletcher.
Middle Row L-R: Andrea Boardman, Evette Fielding, Neil Buchanan, Womble, Andrew Andy Crane, Rainbow Bungle, Danger Mouse.
Back Row L-R: Dungeon Master Treguard Hugo Myatt, Count Duckula, Rupert the Bear. 
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craftyandy · 6 months
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Lots Of Mistakes T-Shirt and Plagiarism video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZKi73_vKzM HbomberGuy's Plagiarism Video Hit My Brain Like A Brick thanks #plagiarism #jamessomerton #iluminaughtii
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Trading Site Reopening and Gifting Spree!
So. After weeks of work (*insert alpaca scream here*), my trading site is open for trading! To celebrate, I decided to gift a few audios and videos from Phantom of the Opera, a few audios from Les Misérables, two cast recordings from Elisabeth das Musical, and a cast recording for Sweeney Todd. Enjoy!
(If you're the master of a listed audio/video, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want me to remove your stuff from the list.)
POTO audios
Michael Crawford, Rebecca Caine (alt.), Steve Barton October 10, 1987; London Michael Crawford and Steve Barton's last in London. Soundboard, very good quality, and this one is complete. And Rebecca Caine sounds amazing in it (as she always does). https://www.mediafire.com/file/pttrjfqzb84gatm/POTO_West_End_10-10-1987_-_Crawford%252C_Caine%252C_Barton.rar/file Steve Barton, Rebecca Luker, Gary Lindemenn (u/s),  Marilyn Caskey, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Leila Martin September 26, 1990; Broadway Soundboard audio. Because Steve Barton was almost as good of a Phantom as he was as Raoul, and Rebecca Luker is a legend (RIP). https://www.mediafire.com/file/xc9ywojtdesptje/POTO_Broadway_26-09-1990_-_Barton%252C_Luker%252C_Lindemenn.rar/file Davis Gaines, Tracy Shayne, Matthew R. Jones, George Lee Andrews, Jeff Keller, Lelia Martin October 5, 1996; Broadway Davis Gaines's last performance. Because Davis Gaines has one of the best voices I've heard in the role. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w1ybvl8v6e4ex6r/POTO_Broadway_05-01-1996_-_Gaines%252C_Shayne%252C_Little.rar/file Brad Little, Lisa Vroman, Tim Martin Gleason, Kim Stengel, DC Anderson, David Cryer, Patti  Davidson-Gorbea, Kate Wray, Jimmy Smagula December 5, 2003; Los Angeles Lisa Vroman’s second-to-last performance as Christine. Both she and Brad Little are glorious vocal-wise. https://www.mediafire.com/file/muavx4ocvs62eav/POTO_US_Tour_05-12-2003_-_Little%252C_Vroman%252C_Gleason.rar/file Anthony Warlow, Julie Goodwin, John Bowles, Andrea Creighton, John O'May, Derek Taylor, Jackie Rees, Nadia Komazec, David Rogers-Smith August 15, 2007; Melbourne Not the biggest fan of Anthony Warlow acting-wise, but he does not disappoint on the vocals - and neither does Julie Goodwin. https://www.mediafire.com/file/3pm0ksips30n3it/POTO_Melbourne_15-08-2007_-_Warlow%252C_Goodwin%252C_Bowles.rar/file John Owen-Jones, Katie Hall, Simon Bailey, Angela M. Caesar, Andy Hockley, Simon Green, Elizabeth Mars, Hannah Cadec, Vincent Pirillo September 29, 2012; Edinburgh Not the biggest fan of the restaged tour, but... Katie Hall's "Tears of HAAAAAATE" is pretty great. And John Owen-Jones! https://www.mediafire.com/file/00vtvziy172lpkv/POTO_UK_Tour_29-09-2012_-_Owen-Jones%252C_Hall%252C_Bailey.rar/file Hugh Panaro, Elizabeth Welch (u/s), Jeremy Hays March 3, 2014; Broadway Great trio overall, but Elizabeth Welch is a standout (to me at least). https://www.mediafire.com/file/1hc1ozi96vok5pd/POTO_Broadway_03-03-2014_-_Panaro%252C_Welch%252C_Hays.rar/file Dmitry Ermak, Tamara Kotova, Eugeny Zaytsev, Irina Samoylova, Alexei Bobrov, Yuri Mazihin, Elena Charkviani, Valeria Migalina, Rustim Bahtiyarov (u/s) July 16, 2015; Moscow A lovely production that I miss - Tamara Kotova in particular is great. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w56tx5d7fkh4kse/POTO_Moscow_16-07-2015_-_Ermak%252C_Kotova%252C_Zaytsev.rar/file John Owen-Jones, Celinde Schoenmaker, Nadim Naaman, Megan Llewellyn, Michael Matus, Christopher Dickens, Jacinta Mulcahy, Alicia Beck, John Ellis September 7, 2015; London First performance of the 2015-2016 cast. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5hswf44ldku6ngm/POTO_West_End_07-09-2015_-_Owen-Jones%252C_Schoenmaker%252C_Naaman.rar/file Peter Jöback, Emmi Christensson, Anton Zetterholm, Karolina Andresson, Glenn Kjellberg, Rolf Lydhal, Sanna Martin, Tehilla Blad, Sindre Postholm March 19, 2017; Stockholm Given Christine is from Sweden, it's only fair to include the recent Stockholm production. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zkl38t9388gcvh7/POTO_Sweden_2017-03-19_PJ_EC_AZ.wav/file Tim Howar, Amy Manford, Jeremy Taylor, Kimberly Blake, Ross Dawes, Alan Vicary, Jacinta Mulcahy, Georgia Ware, Paul Ettore Tabone September 7, 2019; London This one is different from the one listed as NFT (so don't get mad at me, haha). Last performance for Amy Manford in the West End production. https://www.mediafire.com/file/vf60ie1er18rkon/POTO_West_End_07-09-2019_-_Howar%252C_Manford%252C_Taylor.rar/file Ben Crawford, Meghan Picerno, John Riddle October 26, 2019 Because we all love a Christine with opera chops. https://www.mediafire.com/file/9gji0khgfoazjqd/POTO_Broadway_26-10-2019_-_Crawford%252C_Picerno%252C_Riddle.rar/file 
POTO videos
Earl Carpenter, Rachel Barrell, David Shannon, Wendy Ferguson, David Lawrence (u/s), Sam Hiller, Emily Harvey (u/s), Heidi Ann O'Brien, Rohan Tickell January 2006 VOB format.  If you want to see Earl in London right now but can't... this video is the best quality overall that features him, and Rachel Barrell is a fantastic Christine - one of my favorites in the role. https://mega.nz/folder/u09GQKyR#gjNHj4Letd9YInTsuLowjA Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer, Kim Stengel, John Jellison, DC Anderson, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, Kate Wray, John Whitney April 6, 2006; Dallas VOB format.  For my Eristine moots (I see you!): Gary Mauer and Elizabeth Southard were (and as far as I know, still are) married while performing as the Phantom and Christine, and you thought Ramin and Sierra's chemistry was off the charts, think again. https://mega.nz/folder/PtExxS5A#D4yyf2g_lXoN-cIDPkMU2Q Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Geena Jeffries Mattox, John Leslie Wolfe, Lawson Skala, Tina Walsh, Brianne Kelly Morgan, Larry Wayne Morbitt August 8, 2008; Las Vegas VOB format. This is the Las Vegas Spectacular production, which is abriged compared to the original but totally worth seeing. If you want to understand why I love Meg Giry so much, Brianne Kelly Morgan is one of the best I've ever seen in the role. Also, if you’re meh about Raoul... with Andrew Ragone, think again. He’s one of the most Superman/Clark Kent Raouls I’ve seen. And I really like Kristi Holden’s Leroux-esque Christine too.  https://mega.nz/folder/Sh1zxSAB#twtXau8Y8pd_L9tMQLa4Mg Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Samantha Hill, Greg Mills (u/s), Michele McConnell, Tim Jerome, Richard Poole (u/s), Ellen Harvey, Kara Klein, Christian Sebek March 9, 2013 VOB format. Missing part of Act 1 (‘Stranger Than You Dreamt It’ to Il Muto), but otherwise complete. This is one of the best trios I've seen on Broadway, and Samantha Hill is just a fantastic Christine overall. https://mega.nz/folder/y1slyJRD#OP1Tp5Cj_fMk9LbAWJMqAA Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, Christian Lund, Louise Fribo, Carl Christian Rasmussen, Sebastian Harris, Elisabeth Halling, Imogen-Lilly Ash, Rasmus Jupin March 2019; Copenhagen VOB format. This one is more recent, but given it's been uploaded on YouTube, I guess it's fine to gift it (again, if you’re the master and you want me to remove this, please let me know).This one has one of the best casts ever caught on tape. Seriously. Everyone in this is a star. https://mega.nz/folder/q40hTagI#Zui14MWo-F2YSQ0gNdaL6Q

Les Mis Audios
Colm Wilkinson, Roger Allam, Patti LuPone, Alun Armstrong, Sue Jane Tanner, Michael Ball, Frances Ruffele, Rebecca Caine, David Burt 1985; London Preview at the Barbican Centre. This is interesting since it includes Cosette's song "I Saw Him Once", which has been cut later.  https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbedqiemuk9qnd1/Les_Mis_West_End_1985_-_Wilkinson%252C_Allam.rar/file Symphonic recording (1989)  Gary Morris, Philip Quast, Debra Byrne, Michael Ball, Tracy Shayne, Kaho Shimada, Anthony Warlow, Barry James, Gay Soper https://www.mediafire.com/file/n7gp30jcpnjfkf7/Les_Miserables_Symphonic_Recording.rar/file Kyle Jean-Baptiste (u/s), Earl Carpenter, Erika Henningsen, Chris McCarrell, Samantha Hill, Brennyn Lark, Max Quinlan (u/s), Gavin Lee, Rachel Izen August 13, 2015; Broadway For Kyle Jean-Baptiste, who was an amazing performer gone way too soon. RIP. https://www.mediafire.com/file/fzj2qubunkrrfhc/Les_Mis_Broadway_13-08-2015_-_Jean-Baptiste%252C_Carpenter.rar/file John Owen-Jones, Michael Ball, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Craig Mather (u/s), Lily Kerhoas, Shan Ako, Bradley Jaden, Matt Lucas, Katy Secombe, Earl Carpenter October 16, 2019; London All-star concert! https://www.mediafire.com/file/nh28zdry93vhry2/Les_Mis_London_Concert_16-10-2019_-_Owen-Jones%252C_Ball.rar/file
Elisabeth das Musical
Original Cast Recording (1992) Pia Douwes, Uwe Kroeger, Ethan Freeman, Andreas Bieber, Viktor Gernot, Else Ludwig https://www.mediafire.com/file/fagi9ctooeq2y11/Elisabeth-Original_German_Cast.rar/file Vienna revival cast recording (2006)  Maya Hakvoort, Mate Kamaras, Serkan Kaya, André Bauer, Fritz Schmid, Else Ludwig https://www.mediafire.com/file/7wpqbotp8oszzz3/Elisabeth_-_2006_Vienna_Cast.rar/file

Sweeney Todd
2000 Concert Cast Recording George Hearn, Patti LuPone, Davis Gaines, Heidi Grant Murphy, Paul Plishka, Audra McDonald, Standford Olsen, Neil Patrick Harris, John Aler Pretty sure this isn't on Spotify, which is a real shame given its cast. So enjoy! EDIT: Someone pointed out to me that the recording is incomplete - probably a result of the Great Hardware Crash of 2016, so until I get the full version, this will probably stay incomplete. Sorry about that! https://www.mediafire.com/file/ywoiqe5bnlzr7bs/Sweeney_Todd_2000_New_York_Concert_Cast.rar/file
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 months
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Flowers & Mushrooms
Essays by M. Harder, M. Moschik, T. Teufel, P. Weiermair, V. Ziegelmaier et al.
Hirmer Verlag, München 2013, 256 pages, 24x28,5cm, ISBN 9783777421605
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Flowers and Mushrooms takes readers inside the rich and diverse symbolism of its eponymous subjects. Flowers have at times stood for freshness and fertility, transience and death. In addition to its ubiquitous and much-maligned image as a hallucinogen, the mushroom has throughout history signified health and life and served as an important symbol within religious ritual. In recent years though, flowers and mushrooms have become a focus in contemporary art, with artists manipulating the many clichés that surround them and adapting their representation to produce new and unexpected layers of meaning, from social criticism to feminism and the conceptual framework of the erotic. Among the leading plant portraitists are the Swiss duo Peter Fischli and David Weiss, whose series of forty photographs epitomize the potential to shed new light on familiar objects by presenting them in unusual context.
The exhibition at MdM Museum der Moderne - Salzburg presents works from Nobuyoshi Araki, Anna Atkins, Eliška Bartek, Christopher Beane, Karl Blossfeldt, Lou Bonin-Tchimoukoff, Balthasar Burkhard, Giovanni Gastel, Georgia Creimer, Imogen Cunningham, Nathalie Djurberg, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Peter Fischli/David Weiss, Sylvie Fleury, Seiichi Furuya, Ernst Haas, Carsten Höller, Judith Huemer, Dieter Huber, Rolf Koppel, August Kotzsch, David LaChapelle, Edwin Hale Lincoln, Chen Lingyang, Vera Lutter, Katharina Malli, Robert Mapplethorpe, Elfriede Mejchar, Moritz Meurer, Paloma Navares, Nam June Paik, Marc Quinn, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Zeger Reyers, Pipilotti Rist, August Sander, Gitte Schäfer, Shirana Shahbazi, Luzia Simons, Thomas Stimm, Robert von Stockert, William Henry Fox Talbot, Diana Thater, Stefan Waibel, Xiao Hui Wang, Andy Warhol, Alois Auer von Welsbach, Michael Wesely, Manfred Willmann, Andrew Zuckerman.
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shadowjackery · 1 year
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This post was brought to you by Parts of the Body and the letter H.
Continuing the train of thought from: https://www.tumblr.com/shadowjackery/709801424218963968/pick-a-live-action-movie-keep-one-human-actor?source=share
Design sketches and casting notes after the cut.
The token human is Hamlet. This seems obvious to me.
Bert and Ernie are Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. Their doppelgänger are what-not muppets, who turned out looking a lot like Andy Candy and Eddie Spaghetti from "Captain Vegetable" on Sesame Street.
Gonzo is The Player. Again, this feels perfect to me. The death-challenging artiste! Gonzo turned out to be surprisingly tricky to figure out how to draw well.
Piggy would demand to be Queen Gertrude, so Kermit has to be King Claudius. Mirroring her, Link Hogthrob in drag is the Player Queen. And for the Player King, Camilla, also in drag, to stay in theme.
I never got around to casting the Ghost of Hamlet's Father. Maybe Rolf? You could talk me into Uncle Deadly, or a bedsheet ghost, or that Jim Henson muppet they used in the ol' jugband numbers, or the hideous CG recreation of Jim himself with a machine AI voice.
In Stoppard's text, the youngest player, "Alfred", plays a Queen. I changed that here: Elmo plays Alfred who plays a Princess, mirror to Ophelia, and for her I just made up a girl monster because the girl monsters on Sesame Street seem too young to be fooling around with college boys. Though, yes, now that you mention it, Elmo is also far too young to be pimped out by Gonzo, but that part of the play is supposed to be transgressive, and anyway have you ever seen Elmo interviewed on a late night show? He and Gonzo would love the joke. They would conspire to make it somehow worse.
Last minute thought that I never drew: Ophelia could also be played by a fish, because she drowns.
Laertes: "...How?!" Claudius: "Well, it's too complicated to go into here. This play is long enough." Laertes: "I understand entirely. Shall we continue?" Claudius: "Please."
Sam the American Eagle is perfect for Polonius, and I invented a different bird for his player equivalent.
Grover plays Laertes cranked up to 11, and I think that's Harry Monster or someone similar as his player equivalent.
Scooter could be Horatio. I did think of Rizzo the Rat at one point, but he would not put up with Hamlet's shit for very long, while Scooter would shrug and roll with it, which is more true to the text.
I never quite figured out castings for Osric and Fortinbras, who don't appear in these drawings, because I honestly like Sweetums for either part and couldn't decide. I think I tend toward making him Osric ("A palpable hit!"), because the Swedish Chef playing the Norwegian Prince could be hilarious:
Fortinbras: "...Wat du hey?!"
Horatio: "What is it ye would see? If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search."
Fortinbras: "De chicky cri un hackensvacken! O Morp, Wat festen toward yer unendinlindinlindin cell Ther thoo soo muchen kingen in un kaboom So bludili hast stroock?"
(My apologies to Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians...)
And, naturally, the Gravediggers who gleefully desecrate the grave of a certain much-despis'd court jester couldn't be anybody else but Statler and Waldorf.
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lightvsdark18 · 1 year
I would make so many jokes if I could edit!
Vines covering your vision: "Ah, you're finally awake." Or "You Have Died."
Seeing Malleus's overblot: "Krist, where the fuck are we?"
Silver calling out to the darkness: Rolf showing "There's many doors, silver boy."
Malleus covering our vision with vines again: appearing in backrooms.
*plays "I always feel like someone is watching me"*
Edit: "Hello darkness, my old friend."
Edit 2: "Andy is coming!" Or "Everyone do the flop!" Then everyone falls to the floor asleep.
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splashtail · 2 years
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two eene monster au designs, for a little au ive been working on with some of my close friends, min, andy, & patrick !! jimmys a faun (which i know is just, roman satyr, but it gets easier to say than “deer satyr”) & rolf is a gargoyle! (i should note the spots on rolf arent freckles or anything, theyre sorta like the lil divet spots in stone!!)
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lennies-blog · 2 years
* 7 days to go! *
Updated Line-Up for Champions for Charity 😊
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Since they added so many new players I categorised them and I'll update this list if more are being added! (Source: X and X)
P.S. As it's a football match I provided a bit more information on the football players 😉
Formula 1 / Motorsport:
Mick Schumacher (F1)
Sebastian Vettel (F1)
Mika Häkinnen (formerly F1)
David Coulthardt (formerly F1)
Stefano Domenicali (CEO F1 Group)
Timo Bernhard (Endurance Racing)
Maximilian Götz (DTM)
Maro Engel (DTM)
Kelvin van der Linde (DTM)
Felipe Fraga (DTM)
Football (Soccer) / Amer. Football:
Mats Hummels (active German football player; Borussia Dortmund and German National Team)
Lukas Podolski (active German football player; Górnik Zabrze and formerly German National Team)
Kevin Trapp (active German football player; Eintracht Frankfurt and German National Team)
Timo Werner (active German football player; RB Leipzig and German National Team)
Christoph Kramer (former German football & German National Team player)
* Felix Kroos (former German football player and football coach)
Gerald Asamoah (German football manager and former German football & National Team player)
Stefan Kießling (former German football player)
Simon Rolfes (former German football & National Team player)
Uwe Bindewald (German football manager and former football player)
Rudi Bommer (German football manager and former German football & National Team player)
Ervin Skela (former Albanian football player)
Laura Freigang (active German football player; Eintracht Frankfurt and German National Team)
* Patrick Esume (German American Football coach & commentator, former player)
Pirmin Schwegler (former Swiss football player and head scout for FC Bayern Munich)
Sami Khedira (former German football & National Team player)
Giovane Élber (former Brasilian football and (Brasilian) National Team Player)
Florian Neuhaus (active German football player; Borussia Mönchengladbach and German National Team)
German Sportsperson:
Dirk Nowitzki (Basketball)
Blacky Schwarzer (Handball)
Gerd Schönfelder (Paralympic Alpine Skiing)
Moritz Fürste (Hockey)
Fabian Hambüchen (Gymnastics)
Timo Boll (Table Tennis)
Karla Borger (Beachvolleyball)
Felix Neureuther (Alpine Ski Racing)
* René Casselly ([Circus] Artist & Ninja Warrior)
Pascal Hens (Handball)
Dominik Klein (Handball)
* Martin Schmitt (Ski Jumping)
* Thorsten Margis (Bobsledding)
* 'Gurk Brothers' (Andi & Chris Gurk) (Football Freestyling)
Pascal Roller (Basketball)
Film, Music & Media:
Evren Gezer (German Radio Host)
Musical Act:
Giovanni Zarella 
* These people were not listed (yet) as players on the Champions for Charity website.
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snowbatsims · 1 year
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Finally, Rune and Morten woke up.
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Rune didn't really sleep that well, so he's doing a dark meditation on top of it...
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While Morten woke up fairly well-rested, and is just kind of annoyed. Like, what the hell. They're a coffin sleeper now??
He does not know how to feel about this.
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Well, well, well. Look who decided to shoot Rune a text as soon as he opened his Social Bunny: Andreas Ojo, his old ex.
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He hasn't heard from this man in actual years. Probably because Andreas was a total cheating bastard, but it has been a while, and they've both moved on since then.
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ANDREAS: Rune! Oh man, it has been so many years, and now I suddenly spotted you on my social bunny feed. Would you like to come over for like, a cup of... uh, blood or something? No I'm not a vampire, but I know you are, so hey, let's at least catch up a bit. RUNE: Alright.
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It looks like he lives in Henford-on-Bagley these days. Rune does wonder what he's up to, and against his better judgement, he agreed to go.
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RUNE: You rang? RUNE: Boy, how many years has it been now? You've gotten all grey already! ANDREAS: Quite a few, yes. Maybe even twenty. Hello!
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RUNE: Soooo.... how has life been treating you? I see you at least managed to get out of that shack at the bluffs! ANDREAS: Ah, yes... yes. Well, it wasn't quite rags to riches for me, but at least I can say I got myself out of that hole and found a nice place to live here comfortably. RUNE: Oh, good!
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ANDREAS: But I gotta say.... I have been craving more. RUNE: Like what? ANDREAS: Time. Money. Adventure... ANDREAS: You.
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RUNE: Woww, wait, hold up there. RUNE: Me??? ANDREAS: My feelings for you never went away, just please- RUNE: No. RUNE: No no no, we are absolutely not rekindling that trainwreck of a relationship. ANDREAS: Aw, come on- RUNE: No. I'm over you. I'm sorry.
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RUNE: And besides, you're married. ANDREAS: 😰 RUNE: Supernatural hearing, remember? I can literally hear your current wife and kid inside the house. RUNE: I know what you're doing.
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ANDREAS: I could always divorce her... RUNE: No!! ANDREAS: If I become a vampire, I could outlive her. We could- RUNE: Still no.
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RUNE: Listen here Andy, I only showed up for a visit, for a bit of catch-up, and maybe hang out at a local bar or something, as mere friends... RUNE: After all, it's been twenty years since I last saw you, so of course I'd hoped you had changed at least a little since then. I'm not here to unknowingly help you cheat again. That's not happening. No. ANDREAS: Aw..... not even a little smooch? RUNE: No. Please respect my boundaries on this, alright?
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ANDREAS: Fine.... Fine. ANDREAS: But listen, I've been thinking.... I recently heard one of my oldest sons died in a fire. He was about to get married and everything... ANDREAS: It truly makes me realize how fragile life itself is. To be snuffed out so early... RUNE: I thought you just had a daughter? ANDREAS: Ah yeah, but I also had three children with this woman called Billie Jang, before I got together with Masami, the vampire who caught us in the act. You remember that, yes?
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RUNE: All too well... ANDREAS: Yeah. ANDREAS: Anyway, I'm thinking about my son Rolf. He's dead now. I don't want to die too, there are so many things I haven't gotten around to, I-- ANDREAS: ....... ANDREAS: I want to be a vampire. Alright? RUNE: ....
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RUNE: WHAT??? ANDREAS: It's just a simple bite and then some of your vampire blood, isn't it? Come on, man. You know me. RUNE: It's not "just a simple bite"!! RUNE: And besides, I have never done this before, and just- No. I cannot turn you. ANDREAS: Ah. RUNE: Being a vampire isn't even all that it's cracked up to be!! And I just never had the choice in the first place, having been born like this. RUNE: You'll be forced to be nocturnal, you can't eat food anymore, the sun will hurt and you won't have as many opportunities. You'll be mostly closed off from the mortal world, Andy. Didn't you hate sleeping in coffins?? ANDREAS: Not a problem. I've thought about this for a while now and I don't think I'll mind this stuff all that much. I'll still take all that, over not having enough time to do anything at all. RUNE: Er... alright, suit yourself?? But I really don't want to be the one to sire you like that. It does not feel right. ANDREAS: Fine. ANDREAS: I just thought you still loved me. RUNE: Andy- ANDREAS: Can't I at least have a hug before you leave? RUNE: I guess...
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RUNE: ... RUNE: Promise me you won't try to become immortal, alright? ANDREAS: .... RUNE: Andreas Ojo-
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RUNE: (idiot.....)
bonus chapter ->
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dalsimoravskyblog · 5 months
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: první kolo, 28
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Propaganda pod perexem!
Ita Rina (1907–1979)
narazila jsem na ni náhodou a nebyla to Češka, ale mjsím ji prostě nominovat
Rolf Wanka (1901–1982)
Pohlédněte do jeho očí. Ne, reálně, týpek původně z Vídně (asi, nikdo to dodnes neví přesně), ale uměl skvěle česky, takže velké kudos pro Rolfa. Sexy hlas, samé kladné role. Filmy: Sextánka, Srdce v soumraku, Lízin let do nebe, Krok do tmy.
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ashesandhackles · 2 years
Any headcanons you want to share about Sirius? I love him 😭. Life's soo unfair for him 😭😭
- Aromantic. Has fleeting relationships/flings but they don't last because his priorities are on his found family + war.
- Alphard was still a blood supremacist, but he was fond of Sirius cos of his spirit. Which is why he was posthumously disowned for helping Sirius out.
- this one I came up with @artemisia-black (actually it was largely her, but I was there to bounce ideas off) - Harry was able to inherit the Grimmauld Place because Sirius made changes to Primogeniture magic by naming him as a son.
- He appreciates brooms from a distance, and much prefers his flying motorbike.
- he was the one who drew the Marauders Map, and he recreated the map of Hogwarts on his Azkaban cell (much to chagrin of Ministry officials after his escape).
- would have gotten along with likes of Charlie, Rolf Scamander because he too is an animal whisperer.
- Called Andromeda "Meda". None of this Andy business 😤
That's all I can think of for now :D and yes, he is a pretty tragic character.
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craftyandy · 6 months
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The first time that Harry held Teddy Lupin, only a few months old, his throat closed up and his eyes prickled, and he couldn’t do anything besides sit silently with the sleeping baby for the better part of two hours. Andromeda left them alone, content to look every so often, but she knew all too well the kind of heartache that kept Harry quiet. Her grandson’s godfather could take all the time he needed to sit and mourn in her household.
Over the next several years, Harry did everything he could to be an ongoing presence in Teddy’s life. He visited for dinner, babysat on weekends, spent the night during holidays. When Andy reluctantly permitted it, he’d take Teddy out to parks, both local and far afield, letting the little boy explore to his heart’s content.
Harry’s only intention was to be there for his godson, to make certain a fellow orphan knew he was still loved, above all else.
He didn’t mean to give anyone ideas.
“Mate, if I knew why they wanted you up there, I would have said,” Ron flatly told him, when Harry arrived at St. Mungo’s, a couple hours after word went out about the newest Weasley to be born into the world. “Go on, George is waiting.”
Bewildered, but nonetheless touched, Harry went. In the maternity ward, George met him by the elevator, grinning broadly despite the dried tears on his face. First and foremost, he pulled Harry into a tight hug. Then he led the younger man to a room where Angelina rested, toying absently with the bits of fluff already springing up from their new son’s head.
“Hey, Harry,” she greeted, smiling as they came in. “Got ourselves another troublemaker.”
“I can see that.” He eased down into the closest chair. “What’s his name?”
“Fred,” George answered, nearly choking on it, but still grinning. “Fred Harry Weasley.”
Harry froze.
“We want you to be his godfather,” Angelina added, shifting so she could ease her son up and over. Stunned, Harry still automatically held his arms out, accepting the small bundle and immediately tucking the baby close to his chest. He stared at both his former Quidditch teammates, unable to respond.
Little Fred made a soft noise. With the practice that came of handling the four Weasleys born before him, Harry adjusted his grip, and stroked a finger against the back of Fred’s tiny hand. It seemed to do the trick, and he settled again.
“...you’re sure?” Harry asked in a whisper.
Angelina’s expression turned firm as she nodded. George’s went soft, instead. “Yeah, Harry. We’re sure.”
What could he do except agree?
Afterward, the rest of the family took turns bustling in and out, and eventually Harry had to pass the baby over to his actively crying grandmother. Ginny joined him at that point, laughing softly as she watched her parents and new nephew, one hand absently resting on her own baby bump. “This’ll be our turn, in a few months.”
Harry smiled, standing up to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “I can’t wait.”
It happened again, a year and a half later, but at least Harry got some warning before the day itself. Hermione wanted everything planned as much as possible in advance of her and Ron’s first child, and that included locking down godparents before the third trimester.
“You asked us for Jamie,” she insisted. “Now I’m asking for Rose.”
James Sirius and Fred Harry, rapidly becoming known as Jamie and Forge, were already a massive handful to mind, and clearly learning how best to put woebegone expressions to work for their begging tendencies. Harry wasn’t sure how he and Ginny were going to handle their next one, due not long after Hermione’s, let alone another godchild on top.
But he didn’t say no.
The next godson Harry didn’t know about until a month after the fact.
“Oh,” Luna airily said, the first afternoon he was around to visit following the birth of her twin sons. “Rolf’s brother and cousin are Lysander’s godparents; you and Ginny are Lorcan’s.”
“We are?”
“Of course, Harry. I want them looked after by family, in case Rolf and I find a mystery we can’t return from.” She smiled at him, then immediately changed the subject to her latest Quibbler article, without giving him a chance to object.
Not that he would have, but still. At least Ginny felt just as surprised when he shared the news at dinner that night.
The last request to be a godfather came when he was once again at St. Mungo’s, but this time in his own room.
Teddy and Delphi were spending the night at Andy’s place, Jamie and Remy at the burrow under Molly’s care with their closest cousins. Harry would collect all of them later in the morning, at a more reasonable hour, but- he couldn’t bring himself to get any sleep before then. Not with a brand new daughter in his arms.
A few visitors had been in and out already, so it didn’t come as a surprise when Neville knocked on the door before sticking his head inside. Harry made a soft shh sound, standing up and silently walking over, trying not to wake the exhausted Ginny. He stepped out into the hall and grinned. “Hey, Nev. Meet Lily Luna Potter.”
“She’s beautiful.” His friend and coworker smiled, lifting a hand to gently touch the thick head of red hair Lily already sported. “Bit surprised this didn’t come out black, but- not that much.”
“Nah, me neither. Besides, we needed another redhead in the family.” They shared a brief grin before Harry went on. “I didn’t get around to asking before, but- will you be her godfather?”
Neville took a deep breath. “...yeah. Yeah, I will. If- if you do the same.”
Hannah was due within the next six weeks. Harry swallowed. “Still planning to name her Alice?”
“Alice Augusta, yeah.”
“Guess I’d better accept, then. Bring us full circle.”
A crooked grin took up residence on Neville’s face, and he clasped Harry’s shoulder. “If I had a drink, I’d offer a toast.”
“Tomorrow night,” Harry offered, looking back down at his daughter. “New Year’s Eve, we’ll toast to them both, and their grandmothers too.”
“Works for me. And Harry?”
“Thank you.”
Emotion swelled. His throat closed up, and his eyes prickled, but Harry still managed to say, “‘Course. It’s what I’m here for.”
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ulkaralakbarova · 4 days
When a virus leaks from a top-secret facility, turning all resident researchers into ravenous zombies and their lab animals into mutated hounds from hell, the government sends in an elite military task force to contain the outbreak. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Alice: Milla Jovovich Rain Ocampo: Michelle Rodriguez Matt Addison: Eric Mabius Spence Parks: James Purefoy Chad Kaplan: Martin Crewes James “One” Shade: Colin Salmon J.D. Salinas: Pasquale Aleardi Dr. Lisa Addison: Heike Makatsch Mr. Grey: Ryan McCluskey Ms. Black: Indra Ové Mr. Red: Oscar Pearce Dr. Green: Anna Bolt Dr. Blue: Joseph May Dr. Brown: Robert Tannion Clarence: Jaymes Butler Mr. White: Stephen Billington Ms. Gold: Fiona Glascott Medic: Liz May Brice Commando 1: Torsten Jerabek Commando 2: Marc Logan-Black Red Queen: Michaela Dicker Dr. William Birkin (uncredited): Jason Isaacs Film Crew: Writer: Paul W. S. Anderson Producer: Jeremy Bolt Producer: Bernd Eichinger Producer: Samuel Hadida Camera Operator: David Johnson ADR Editor: Matt Grimes Casting: Robyn Ray Production Design: Richard Bridgland Casting: Suzanne Smith Editor: Alexander Berner Line Producer: Albert Botha Associate Producer: Mike Gabrawy Executive Producer: Victor Hadida Executive Producer: Daniel S. Kletzky Executive Producer: Robert Kulzer Executive Producer: Yoshiki Okamoto Co-Producer: Chris Symes Original Music Composer: Marco Beltrami Original Music Composer: Marilyn Manson Art Direction: Jörg Baumgarten Set Decoration: Penny Crawford Hairstylist: Björn Rehbein Hairstylist: Friderike Roessler Hairstylist: Valeska Schitthelm Makeup Artist: Christina Smith Art Department Coordinator: Ingeborg Heinemann Assistant Art Director: Anete Conrad Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects: Pauline Fowler Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects: Martin Gaskell Supervising Art Director: Tony Reading Construction Coordinator: Ulf Sturhann Carpenter: Philipp Hübner Location Scout: Marion Gerhardt Production Illustrator: Ravi Bansal Sculptor: Colin Jackman First Assistant Camera: Adam Quinn Steadicam Operator: Jörg Widmer Still Photographer: Rolf Konow Prosthetic Supervisor: Barrie Gower Additional Music: Tom Holkenborg Choreographer: Warnar Van Eeden Driver: Susen Jarmuske Makeup Effects: Andy Garner Post Production Supervisor: Christine Jahn Production Office Assistant: Mirjam Weber Property Master: Danny Hunter Set Medic: Frank Guhn Special Effects Supervisor: Gerd Nefzer Stunt Coordinator: Volkhart Buff Stunts: René Bellmann Technical Supervisor: John Kurlander Unit Production Manager: Silvia Tollmann Unit Publicist: Francois Frey Visual Effects Editor: Paul Elman Script Supervisor: Caroline Sax Color Timer: Andreas Lautil First Assistant Editor: Franziska Schmidt-Kärner Best Boy Electric: Udo Kowalczyk Electrician: David Reppen Gaffer: Edgar Auell Production Accountant: Helga Ploiner Production Coordinator: Sammi Davis Visual Effects Coordinator: Muriel Gérard Researcher: Ian Frost Boom Operator: Alois Unger Music Supervisor: Liz Gallacher Sound Designer: Marco Raab Sound Editor: Frank Casaretto Sound Mixer: Roland Winke Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Kranz Supervising Sound Editor: Stefan Busch 3D Supervisor: Phil Bignell Visual Effects Producer: Richard Yuricich Art Department Manager: Astrid Kühberger Software Engineer: John Charles Dolby Consultant: Norbert Zich Unit Manager: Esther Fischer Key Grip: Dieter Bähr Key Makeup Artist: Hasso von Hugo First Assistant Director: Jan Sebastian Ballhaus ADR Supervisor: Bjørn Ole Schroeder Draughtsman: Philip Elton Grip: Glenn König Animatronics Designer: Chris Coxon Second Assistant Director: Simon Emanuel Negative Cutter: Patricia Ferbeck ADR Voice Casting: Louis Elman Assistant Production Coordinator: Kerstin Biermann Casting Assistant: Natasha Ockrent Foley Editor: Noemi Hampel Costume Assistant: Claudia Maria Braun Costume Assistant: Elke Freitag Costume Assistant: Sparka Lee Hall Costume Assistant: Astrid Lafos Costume Assistant: Anette Tirler Negative Cutter: Renate Siegl Negative Cutter: Sandra Stier Animation: James Furlon...
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olko71 · 4 months
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New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2024/02/cameron-government-knew-post-office-ditched-horizon-it-investigation
Cameron government knew Post Office ditched Horizon IT investigation
By Andy Verity
BBC economics correspondent
David Cameron’s government knew the Post Office had ditched a secret investigation that might have helped wrongly accused postmasters prove their innocence, the BBC can reveal.
The 2016 investigation trawled 17 years of records to find out how often, and why, cash accounts on the Horizon IT system had been tampered with remotely.
Ministers were told an investigation was happening.
But after postmasters began legal action, it was suddenly stopped.
The secret investigation adds to evidence that the Post Office knew Horizon’s creator, Fujitsu, could remotely fiddle with sub-postmaster’s cash accounts – even as it argued in court, two years later, that it was impossible.
The revelations have prompted an accusation that the Post Office may have broken the law – and the government did nothing to prevent it. Paul Marshall, a barrister who represented some sub-postmasters, said: “On the face of it, it discloses a conspiracy by the Post Office to pervert the course of justice.”
Why were hundreds of Post Office workers prosecuted?
Senopathy Narenthiran, known as Naren, a convicted sub-postmaster from Ramsgate in Kent who joined the legal action, wiped away a tear as he learned about the information that might have helped his case.
“By knowing all this, why do we waste all our time in the prison and separate from our family? I don’t know,” he told the BBC. “I’m 69 years old – too old to go through all these things.”
The secret investigation was uncovered through a BBC analysis of confidential government documents, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, from a time in 2015 and 2016 when the Post Office was under growing pressure to get to the bottom of sub-postmasters’ claims of injustice.
Hundreds of sub-postmasters had been prosecuted and jailed for cash shortfalls which were in fact caused by the Horizon IT system. They had long suspected that remote tinkering may have contributed to the problem.
The documents show how the secret 2016 investigation – looking into Fujitsu’s use of remote access from 1999 onwards – had come out of a review by former top Treasury lawyer Jonathan Swift QC. The Swift review had been ordered by the government, with approval from then-business secretary Sajid Javid.
It would conclude that it had found “real issues” for the Post Office.
Mr Swift had found a briefing for the Post Office board from an earlier review in 2014, carried out by auditors from Deloitte and codenamed Project Zebra, detailing how Fujitsu could change branch accounts.
Having seen that evidence, the Swift review said the Post Office must carry out a further investigation into how often and why this capability was used.
Deloitte returned in February 2016 to begin the trawl of all Horizon transactions since its launch 17 years earlier.
Ministers, including Mr Javid, were told this new work was under way to “address suggestions that branch accounts might have been remotely altered without complainants’ knowledge”.
But in June 2016, when sub-postmasters launched their legal action, the government was told through Post Office minister Baroness Neville-Rolfe that the investigation had been scrapped on “very strong advice” from the senior barrister representing them.
There is no evidence in the documents that then-prime minister David Cameron knew about the investigation or that it had been ditched.
It meant that over two years, the Post Office had spent millions of pounds on three separate reviews into remote access – Project Zebra, the Swift review and the 2016 Deloitte investigation – while publicly claiming it was impossible.
But all three were buried by the Post Office. Neither the Swift review nor Project Zebra were disclosed to sub-postmasters, depriving them of vital information that could have helped them in court; and the Deloitte investigation was halted before it could deliver its findings.
Project Zebra, the first of the three reviews, was described as a “desktop review”. The Post Office board had hoped it would give “comfort about the Horizon system” to them and others outside the business who had concerns about it.
The consultants examined Horizon documents and talked to employees at Fujitsu and the Post Office to check how the system was functioning and whether it was achieving its objectives.
Unredacted documents obtained by the BBC show that in April 2014, members of a sub-committee of the Post Office board discussed Deloitte’s Project Zebra work.
The sub-committee included chief executive Paula Vennells, general counsel Chris Aujard and Richard Callard, a senior civil servant at the government body which owned the Post Office.
The next month, Deloitte submitted its full report and in June it wrote a briefing for the Post Office board, which outlined two separate ways Fujitsu could alter branch accounts. Extracts from the board briefing are quoted verbatim by the Swift review but the briefing itself has not been released.
It said the auditors had learned that authorised Fujitsu staff with the right database access privileges could use fake digital signatures or keys to delete, create or amend data on customer purchases that had been electronically signed by sub-postmasters. Fujitsu staff could then “re-sign it with a fake key”.
Deloitte said Fujitsu staff had also been able to correct errors using an emergency process known as a “balancing transaction”, which can “create transactions directly in branch ledgers”.
It noted the process “does not require positive acceptance or approval by the sub-postmaster”.
Yet the findings of Project Zebra were never disclosed to investigating accountants Second Sight who, since 2012, had been publicly tasked by the Post Office with looking in to sub-postmasters’ claims.
The Post Office continued to claim for a further five years that it was impossible for remote tinkering by Fujitsu to alter cash balances in Post Office branch accounts.
In 2015, it lied to BBC executives as it sought to prevent the broadcast of the first Panorama expose of the scandal, briefing them that there was “simply no evidence” that remote tinkering by Fujitsu could have caused branch losses.
The documents that have now been analysed by the BBC reveal that following the Panorama broadcast, Post Office minister Baroness Neville-Rolfe wrote to the incoming chairman, Tim Parker, asking him to give the concerns about possible miscarriages of justice his “earliest attention” and take any necessary action. Business Secretary Sajid Javid approved the letter.
Mr Parker said he would undertake a review of the Horizon system and “various claims that sub-postmasters had been wrongly prosecuted as a result of faults in the system”, according to a briefing sent to Mr Javid on 20 November 2015, which was heavily redacted in the released documents.
Mr Parker appointed Jonathan Swift QC and barrister Christopher Knight. They were so concerned about the implications of the Project Zebra documents, they said it was “incumbent” on the Post Office to find out how often these two means of altering branch accounts had been used, “in the light of the consistent impression given that they don’t exist at all”.
The Swift review, dated 8 February 2016, noted that the Post Office “had always known” about the balancing transaction capability.
It also said the Post Office may be obliged by law to show the documents to postmasters who were seeking to overturn their convictions.
In response to a recommendation in the Swift review, Deloitte was asked within days to return to the Post Office to carry out a full independent review of Horizon, following up on its work on Project Zebra.
The mammoth and expensive task was to trawl back through all the transactions since Horizon began operating – work which was anticipated to take three months.
In a letter of 4 March 2016, Post Office chair Tim Parker wrote to Baroness Neville-Rolfe about the Swift review’s findings and recommendations. That included informing her about Deloitte’s follow-up work.
He said it would “address suggestions that branch accounts might have been remotely altered without complainants’ knowledge” and review “security controls governing access to the digitally sealed electronic audit store of branch accounts”.
He added that he had “commissioned independent persons to undertake the necessary work”, and in a later briefing informed the minister that this was Deloitte.
The letter did not explicitly mention Project Zebra or Deloitte’s earlier findings about how branch accounts could be remotely altered.
In April, the Post Office notified the government that the sub-postmasters had begun their group legal action against it. Baroness Neville-Rolfe and Mr Javid were sent a briefing, updating them on the investigation’s progress and discussing how the legal action would affect it.
The briefing, sent before a meeting with Mr Parker, was heavily redacted when it was released under a Freedom of Information Act request. But it said Mr Parker was on track to complete the follow-up work by the end of May and would update Baroness Neville-Rolfe on its progress.
However, the documents seen by the BBC reveal that in June, Deloitte’s three-month investigation was suddenly stopped just before it could be completed.
On 21 June 2016, Tim Parker told Baroness Neville-Rolfe he had taken the decision on the advice of an unnamed senior barrister for the Post Office.
He told her the detailed work being carried out by Deloitte was “complex, costly and time consuming” but that good progress had been made. “I had hoped that by now I would be in a position to draw my investigation to a close,” Mr Parker wrote.
“However, given the High Court proceedings to which I refer above, Post Office Limited has received very strong advice from Leading Counsel that the work being undertaken under the aegis of my review should come to an immediate end… I have therefore instructed that the work being undertaken pursuant to my review should now be stopped.”
In response to the BBC’s questions, Mr Parker said he had “sought and acted upon the legal advice he was given”, but said it would not be appropriate to comment further while the public inquiry into the Horizon scandal was ongoing.
Baroness Neville-Rolfe told the BBC she had said publicly that she had instructed the Post Office chairman to commission an independent review, but declined to comment further while the inquiry was ongoing. Mr Javid also declined to comment because of the public inquiry.
In his High Court judgment at the end of the sub-postmasters’ legal action in 2019, judge Sir Peter Fraser found the Post Office’s defence claim – that Fujitsu could not insert transactions in branch accounts – was “simply untrue”. He said the Post Office had “expressly denied” that remote access was possible “and that denial is now shown to be wrong”.
The barrister who represented a number of wrongly prosecuted sub-postmasters, Mr Marshall, told the BBC it looked as though the Post Office had conspired to pervert the course of justice.
“The important feature of all of this is that in 2014, it appears that the Post Office board was alive to the true position – that remote access by Fujitsu was possible,” he said.
“And yet the Post Office board was responsible for maintaining and advancing the Post Office’s defence to the sub-postmasters’ claim in 2019 – that it was impossible. That was false – and, it would appear, known to be so.”
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Paula Vennells, the former chief executive of the Post Office, did not respond to the BBC’s requests for comment. Chris Aujard, then Post Office general counsel, and Richard Callard, the civil servant who represented the government on the board, declined to comment while the public inquiry was ongoing.
UK Government Investments (UKGI), the government body which owns the Post Office, addressed what the board knew about these successive reviews and investigations in an opening statement in 2022 to the ongoing public inquiry into the Horizon scandal.
It said there was no indication in the minutes of the Post Office board meeting in June 2014 that the board had received the Project Zebra briefing. UKGI said Mr Callard “does not recall ever receiving such a briefing”.
The statement said the board had not asked for a copy of Deloitte’s full report at the time of Project Zebra. UKGI said the board had been given an executive summary by the Post Office general counsel Chris Aujard, which was “focused on Deloitte’s approach to the review but importantly did not set out its findings”.
It said the board had also never received the 2016 Swift report, nor been briefed in detail on its findings. The statement said Tim Parker did not send Swift’s full report to the Post Office Board and that his letter of 4 March 2016 to Baroness Neville-Rolfe did not make clear how serious the Swift review’s findings were.
The revelations uncovered by the BBC also raise serious questions for the public inquiry by Sir Wyn Williams, as to whether it is adequately scrutinising what the government knew about the Post Office’s internal investigations.
In UKGI’s 2022 statement to the inquiry, there was no reference to Tim Parker’s letter to Baroness Neville-Rolfe of 21 June 2016, notifying her he was calling off Deloitte’s investigation.
In 2018, two years after completing his review, Sir Jonathan Swift, formerly First Treasury Counsel – the top civil lawyer at Her Majesty’s Treasury – was appointed to be a High Court judge. He received a knighthood in the same year.
However, in the list of upcoming witnesses at the Williams inquiry, his name is absent.
Timeline: What ministers knew and when
June 2014: Deloitte submits a briefing for the Post Office board on Project Zebra, outlining how Fujitsu can alter branch accounts or change records of transactions remotely.
10 September 2015: Business Secretary Sajid Javid approves a letter from Post Office minister Baroness Neville-Rolfe to Post Office chair Tim Parker, urging him to take “any necessary action” about Horizon, after a Panorama whistleblower reveals how Fujitsu can remotely alter postmaster’s accounts.
20 November 2015: Mr Javid is briefed that Mr Parker is undertaking a review into the Post Office IT system to look into claims that sub-postmasters have been wrongly prosecuted as a result of faults in the system.
8 February 2016: The resulting report by Jonathan Swift QC and barrister Christopher Knight recommends a full independent investigation into how often and why Fujitsu altered accounts and records “throughout the lifetime” of Horizon.
4 March 2016: Mr Parker tells Baroness Neville-Rolfe and Mr Javid he has commissioned “independent persons” to address “suggestions that branch accounts might have been remotely altered without complainants’ knowledge”.
21 June 2016: In a letter, Mr Parker tells Baroness Neville-Rolfe that in the light of the sub-postmasters’ group legal action, on “very strong advice from leading counsel”, the investigation by Deloitte has been immediately stopped. It never completes its work.
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