#Jin cheon hee
immortalgothgirl · 2 years
Seojin: We’d make beautiful babies
Yoonhee: What?
Seojin: I said get away from me before I catch rabies
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Drama Review: Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938
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Source: Google Images
An unexpected case leads Lee Yeon back in time to 1938, where he reencounters Ryu Hong Joo. Once a guardian spirit of the mountain in the west, she's now the owner of a high-end restaurant in the capital city of Gyeongseong. He also meets his younger brother Lee Rang. Meanwhile, another former guardian spirit and ex-friend Cheon Moo Young has become hostile. Lee Yeon struggles to return to the present, to his loved one.
Source: MyDramaList (2023)
One of the Most Unserious Dramas Out There
Before we start: I did not watch the first one and am not planning to watch it at all. Going into Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 I admit I had to do a Q&A with my sister to understand what happened between the Lee brothers in this drama's modern world. However, one does not actually need to watch the previous drama to watch this and honestly speaking, from what I saw and knew about it, Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 is a whole lot more interesting and fun.
That being said, lets get on with how I felt about this drama. I am not kidding when I say, this is the most unserious drama for a drama anyone would think to be serious. Practically half of this drama was comedy and that is a praise. The comedy bit plays a part in making Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 so darn interesting and fun. Yet, this show also pulls on your heartstrings be it the brothers, the best friends or the best friends' righthand people.
I understand romance was a huge part of the first instalment but in this, it was just a tiny bit and I believe that is why I freaking loved watching this drama. In terms of what romance there was, I have no complains too. I mean, I adore the mermaid and the only complain I have is that I wished we could have gotten more scenes with her powers. When Rang said he liked someone who's stronger than him, he was not lying. The way Yeohee was written was right up my alley, she may not be as powerful as Rang but she saved him more times than he saved her and even when she was in danger, she still did not back down on a losing fight. For that reason, Yeohee is I really thought I would dislike the mermaid but nope, I love her.
Another thing I seriously love about Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 was the friendships. Any friendship in this drama was a pleasure to watch. Obviously, the friendship among our three mountain gods was my favourite. Don't get me wrong, Yeon is extremely lovable but in this trio, I need to worship my lady, Hongjoo and lovingly protect the cinnamon roll, Mooyoung. These three portrayed my kind of friendship where they were tight as children, still tight as adults and even with unfortunate circumstances, they might hate but they love each other more. Of course, the friendship among the roommates was a delight too. I only highlighted my top two favourites but I am not lying when I claim that this show did friendships so well.
Now, now. We have a problem though. At the beginning of this drama, Taluipa told Yeon even if he changes something in 1938, it does not affect 2023. I think its safe for me to say that we do not want that to be true, right? I am just willing to believe that what Taluipa said meant that Rang would still be dead in 2023, nothing Yeon did in 1938 changed Rang's decision in the future. I would even go as far to say that, everything Yeon did in 1938 further encouraged Rang to make that choice in the future. That is all I am willing to believe because I hear there's a third season and I need my best friends and roommates reunited to fight (without a doubt) the original mountain god. Yes, I know I said all I am willing to believe is that Rang is still dead but that's because I am sure there will be no Nine-Tailed dramas without both Lee brothers alive.
When the next instalment comes out, I will watch it as long as Hongjoo and Mooyoung are still around (if Jaeyoo, Miyeon and Yeohee are too, even better). I don't even care if there will be more romance although I wish there wouldn't be.
Rating: ★★★★★
P.S.: Anyone else felt that the big bad villains were so pathetic as compared to the smaller villains?
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jiaminying · 8 months
Korean Drama Review My Demon
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I wrote a review. I have finished “Let’s fight ghost, Goblin, Lawless Lawyer(Dropped), The Secret Life of My Secretary(scanned through), Mystic Pop-up Bar, Forest, Flower of Evil(scanned through), 18 again, More than friends (scanned through), True Beauty, Sell Your Haunted House, The Devil Judge(scanned through), The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim,…
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 2 years
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
ALIENOID (2022) ★★★★☆
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shady-swan-jones · 5 months
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kdramamilfs · 7 months
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oh yoon hee & cheon seo jin / the penthouse s2 (2021)
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My old Sageuk script, revised! ----- Madam Jung : Where is Yoo-hwa? She should have been here by afternoon. 유화가 어디냐? 오후까지 왔어야 했는데. Myeong Ae: She's in the palace today I think the Prince has taken a liking to her. 유화가 궁에 있아옵니다. 세자저하께서 언니한테 관심이 생겼다는 소문을 들었아옵니다. Madam Jung : I see. I hope she doesn't get swayed by the Prince to stay at the court. 그리하구나. 세자저하께 교태전에 남아있으라는 말 안듣게... Mi Hee : Why? If the Prince likes her, she might receive a lot of money. And maybe she will become his concubine! 왜 그렇습니까? 세자저하께서 언니를 좋아하신다면, 돈을 받고, 어쩌면 저하의 첩이 될지도 모릅니다! Madam Jung : Not every gisaeng's path leads to the court. Yoo-hwa is too naive to get into politics, and is too skilled to be an entertainment to the Royal family. 모든 기생들의 길이 궁까지 가야 할 필요 없다. 우리 유화가 너무 흔들리기 쉬워서 궁정과 정치에 멀리서 있어야 해. 또한, 왕실의 오락거리일뿐이 되기에는 얘가 너무 숙련되어있는데. Jin Yi : I've heard that the Consort Hee of the Jang family is a very greedy woman. Yoo-hwa would suffer a lot if she gets in that woman's way. As someone who has seen her since she was young, I am worried. 장씨 희빈마마께 욕망이 많은 여자라고 들었어요. 유화는 그 분에게 방해가 된다면 큰 고통을 겪게 될 건데. 얘를 오랫동안 보는 분이라서 걱정이 되옵니다. Jang Sook : Consorts are always greedy. I don't understand why. The court is splitting like a watermelon, the nation is being attacked on the shores, and these women give birth to four of five babies for what? For the land they receive? For their son to be the next king? So they can be the Queen Dowager and order their own son and the court around? 빈궁들은 항상 욕심이 많군요. 왜 그런지 이해하지 않아. 우리 궁정은 수박처럼 갈라지고 있고, 우리 나라는 해안에 심한 공격당하고 있는데도, 이 여자들은 무엇 때문에 계속 4명이나 5명의 아기를 낳습니까? 받는 땅을 위해서요? 아들이 생기면 그 불쌍한 아이가 다음 왕이 되기 위해서요? 대비가 되어 아들과 궁정을 명령할 수 있기 위해서요? Madam Jung : (raises hand) We are no one to judge someone else's situation and decisions in life. All we can do is live with it and give the children an example of how to,nor how not to, lead life. 우리는 다른 사람의 상황과 결정을 판단하는 사람이 아니다. 우리가 할 수 있는 것은 우리대로 먹고살고 우리 아이들에게 삶을 사는 방법에 대한 예를 드는 것일뿐이다.
Madam Jung : Cheon-geum-ah? 천금아? Cheon-geum  : Yes, mother 네, 어머님 Madam Jung : You are the closest to the age of 16 among the training gisaengs. Am I right? 여기 아이들 중에 16세 넘은 아이 너냐? Cheon-geum  : True, mother. 맞사옵니다 Madam Jung : Then, have you decided on a gisaeng name yet? 그럼, 기생이름을 선택했느냐? Cheon-geum  : No, mother. 아니옵니다 어머님 Madam Jung : Why so, when I have reminded you mamy times? 몇 번 말을 했던게요, 그럼 왜? Cheon-geum : (stutters slightly, in a quieter voice) I- I intend not to take on a gisaeng name, mother. 저- 저는 기생 이름을 생기는 생각이 없아옵니다, 어머님 Wol-hyang : (looks at Eui-hye with a look of worry) Madam Jung : May I know the reason? 이유를 좀 전할할 수 있을까? Cheon-geum  : (voice becoming more firm) My mother gave me a name that I think is fitting to me. I want to be a heavenly lyre player even when I'm a gisaeng. Please understand this young girl's wish, mother. 이 소녀의 애미는 저에게는 잘 어울리는 이름을 지으셨다고 생각을 하느니, 기생이 되도 지금 이름대로 천상의 거문게꾼으로 유명하고 싶은 이 소녀의 순한 마음을 이해주십시오 Soon-ryeon : (leans over to Wol-hyang and whispers) when is her birthday? In how many months? 얘 생일 언젠데? 몇월? Wol-hyang : ( noticing that Madam Jung jas noticed Soonryeon whispering, signals with her hand, 2 fingers. SR gives a look of "well, whatever" and continues eating.) Madam Jung : (slightly angry) So you think these reasons give you the freedom that your friends don't have? What makes you think you have a choice? 그럼 네 친구들이 없는 자유가 네가 갖고 있는 줄 알았느냐? 선택이 있는 생각을 어떻게 들 수 있느냐? Cheon-geum : (quiet but firm) None of the other girls were born to a gisaeng and raised to be one. I have never known anything else but being a gisaeng. How can I change my name? 다른 얘들은 기생의 몸에 타어나지 않았고 기생이 되기 위해 키웠던 게 아니옵니다. 이 소녀는 기생의 삶 밖에 모른데, 어떻게 온 인생이 담긴 그 이름까지 버릴 수 있는 겁니까? Madam Jung : (breathes in sharply) Listen here, child... 아이야, 한 번 들어봐 Mi-hee : (signals to Madam Jung to let her deal with it) Cheon-geum-ah, think again. All of us have gisaeng names. 천금아, 또다시 생각해보렴. 우린 다 기생이름은 있다. Hwa-myeong : I am also the daughter of a gisaeng. I know that you're proud of your name, but I'm sure your mother would appreciate it if you followed the tradition. 저도 기생딸이라서 이름이라는 것에 대한 자랑스음 아주 잘 알아. 그래도, 우리 기생민의 전통을 따라하면 좋겠다. Myeong-ae : ... it is, in the end, what she did too. It wouldn't be wrong to do so. 천금양 어머니도 결곡엔 그렇게 했느니, 니 잘못이 아니라단다... Hwa-myeong : You think it would be disrespectful to your mother, isn't it? 이름을 바뀌는 것은 어머니에게 무례할 거라고 생각을 하냐?? Cheon-geum  : (nods timidly) Mi-hee : I can assure you, it isn't. In fact, I'm sure your mother, if she were here, would tell you to leave your pride behind and do the same as all your seniors, and be a honourable gisaeng. You understand? 장담할건대, 그렇지는 않아. 천금애미께 여기 계셨다면, 자존심은 버리고 모든 선배들과 똑같이 하고, 훌륭한 기생이 되라고 말씀하실 거예요. 이해했나? Cheon-geum  : (lowers her head at the sudden interjection of the seniors, embarrassed) I understand. I will think about it. 알겠아옵니다. 생각을 할 겁니다. Madam Jung : Lift your head up. I will give you time until the day before your 17th birthday. Have you understood? 고개를 들어라. 17번째 생일의 날까지 시간을 줄게. 알아들어시게. Cheon-geum  : Yes, mother. 네, 어머님
Jang Sook : Madam, isn't it commonplace to name the girls as soon as they enter the gyobang? 마님, 평소에는 이런 소녀들에게 교입할때 기생이름을 지우는 것은 맞습니까? Madam Jung : You are right, Mrs. Jang. But I feel like a child should be able to enjoy her name before having it taken away from her. 맞는 말씀이십니다.그렇지만, 이 아가들이 자신의 이름과 그것의 뜻을 알고 즐기는 시간을 주고 싶다고 생각하옵니다. Jin-yi : This gyobang really seems like the only one in the kingdom to do so. 온 왕국에서 이 교방은 이것을 하는거 유일한 것 같죠... Jang Sook : I have heard of another gyobang in the Pyongyang region, where they allow the girls to choose which field they study in, isn't that good too, madam? 평양쪽 또다른 교방에서 교입하는 소녀들에게 각자의 공부의 길을 선택하는 것을 허락하는 게 들었는데, 그리하는 것도 좋아하지 않습니까? Madam Jung : I disagree with that. I know that some of the best gisaengs especially in dancing and singing have come from that gyobang, but the gisaengs there lack an all-round education. A gisaeng should be able to do anything. 아닙니다. 저 교방 출신 기생들은 특히 무용과 창으로 아주 유명하지만, 모든 필요한 실력을 갖이지는 아니다. 기생이 모든 게 잘할 수 있어야 됩니다. Myeong-ae : I agree, mother. There is no reason a gisaeng who excels at poetry would also excel at dancing. 동의하옵니다, 어머님. 시를 잘 쓰는 기생은 무용을 잘 할 리 없네요. Soon-ryeon, Eui-hye and Hwa-jung : (look at  Wol-hyang with a smile, almost as if taunting her for her two left feet.  Wol-hyang lets out a sigh and stuffs her mouth with rice) Mi-hee : (notices  Wol-hyang, smiles) Mi-soon-ah (referring to Myeong-ae by her gisaeng name) , to realise you're wrong, you don't need to look far. 미순아, 잘못의 말씀을 했던 게 이해하기 위해 멀리서 보지마오. Wol-hyang : (even more embarrassed, she cowers and keeps on stuffing rice into her mouth) Mi-hee : I'm sitting right here, am I not, mother? 저 여긴 앉아 있지 않으나요, 어머님? Wol-hyang : (surprised at the sudden relevation, looks up) Madam Jung : I remember. 기억하단다. Mi-hee : (continues) There were days I practiced until my legs bruised, and I thought of Yoo-hwa (Yi-rin's gisaeng name) and cried, because I wasn't even as good as her toenail when it came to dancing. 유화의 발끝만큼도 춤을 못출 수 있단 것을 생각하며 울었고, 제 다리가 다쳤을적까지 연습하는 나날들이 있었군요 Myeong-ae : (laughs) And weren't there days I made the floor wet with my tears, as my voice cracked at all the songs, Geum-wol? 나도 노래할때 이상한 소리가 내서 내 눈물로 바닥을 젖은 날들이 있었다, 기억하나, 금월아? Hwa-myeong : I remember crying while playing the drums - I hit my head with a drumstick. (laughter erupts across the room) . I got a big red boil on my head like an egg. It's practice, practice and again practice, that made us to be as skilled as we are. (turns to Wolhyang) There's no need to worry at all. If there is a will, there is a way. 나는 복을 치다가 울었던 기억이 난데요 - 복에 내 머리를 부딪쳤다고... 이마가 겨란처럼 빨갛게 부어올랐어요. 역시, 연습, 연습 그리고 연습이 우리를 이렇게 만들어. 월향아,너 걱정하기가 필요없다. 너 이젠 마음 먹었으니 길이 발견될테니. (Wolhyang : bends her head, half in shame, half in relief. The seniors and Madam Jung smile, and everyone continues eating)
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kdramaqween · 9 months
To finish off the year, here's my TOP 23 Ships from dramas I watched in 2023
1. Kim Doo Shik ♥ Lee Mi Hyun
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2. Cha Jin Woo ♥ Jung Mo Eun
Tell Me That You Love Me
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3. Seo Do Guk ♥ Han Yi Joo
Perfect Marriage Revenge
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4. Xin Qi ♥ Min Hui
The Love You Give Me (C-Drama)
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5. Choi Kang Ho ♥ Lee Mi Joo
The Good Bad Mother
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6. Dongfang Qincang ♥ Xiao Lanhua
Love Between Fairy and Devil (C-Drama)
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7. Jung Ki Ho ♥ Seo Mok Ha
Castaway Diva
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8. Moon Jang Yeol ♥ Bong Ye Bun
Behind Your Touch
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9. Gu Won ♥ Cheon Sa Rang
King the Land
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10. Cho Yong Pil ♥ Cho Sam Dal
Welcome to Samdalri
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11. Yoo So Joon ♥ Song Ma Rin
Tomorrow With You
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12. Kang Hee Shik ♥ Kang Nam Soon
Strong Girl Namsoon
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13. Dong Go Yun ♥ Jung Da Eun
Daily Dose of Sunshine
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14. Gong Tae Gyeong ♥ Oh Yeon Doo
The Real Has Come
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15. Jang Seon Gyeol ♥ Gil Oh Sol
Clean With Passion for Now
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16. Cha Min ♥ Cho Se Yeon
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17. Heo Joon Jae ♥ Shim Cheong
Legend of the Blue Sea
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18. Kim Tae Hee ♥ Baek Dong Joo
May I Help You
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19. Jung Gu Won ♥ Do Do Hee
My Demon
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20. Nam Si Heon ♥ Han Jun Hee
A Time Called You
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21. Jang Tae Sang ♥ Yoon Chae Ok
Gyeongseong Creature
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22. Lee Kang ♥ Moon Cha Young
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23. Cha Eun Ho ♥ Kang Dan Hee
Romance is a Bonus Book
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seouldramaspot · 2 months
The Penthouse: War in Life - A Riveting Korean Drama
"The Penthouse: War in Life" is a South Korean drama series that has taken the K-drama world by storm. Known for its intense plot twists, multi-layered characters, and high-stakes drama, this series has captivated audiences across the globe. Let's dive into a review of each season, the talented cast, and the unforgettable soundtrack that adds to the show's dramatic flair.
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Season 1 Review
Plot and Themes: The first season of "Penthouse" introduces viewers to the lives of the elite residents of Hera Palace. The show centers around the fierce competition, betrayals, and secrets that define their luxurious but tumultuous lives. At its core, the series explores themes of ambition, revenge, and the lengths people will go to protect their children.
Key Characters:
Shim Su-ryeon (Lee Ji-ah): The elegant and seemingly perfect queen of Hera Palace, whose life is turned upside down by tragedy and deceit.
Cheon Seo-jin (Kim So-yeon): A ruthless and ambitious woman who will stop at nothing to secure her and her daughter's position at the top.
Oh Yoon-hee (Eugene): A woman from a humble background who fights tooth and nail to ensure her daughter can rise to the elite status.
Reception: Season 1 was praised for its gripping storyline and cliffhangers that kept viewers on the edge of their seats. The strong performances of the cast, especially Kim So-yeon as the villainous Cheon Seo-jin, received high acclaim.
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Season 2 Review
Plot and Themes: Season 2 picks up the pieces from the explosive finale of the first season. The residents of Hera Palace continue their quest for power and vengeance. The season delves deeper into the backstories of the characters, revealing more secrets and unexpected alliances.
Key Developments:
Revenge and Retribution: Characters who faced injustices in the first season seek to settle scores.
New Entrants: New characters add more complexity to the plot, making alliances and betrayals even more intricate.
Reception: This season kept the momentum going with even more shocking plot twists and character developments. The performance of Uhm Ki-joon as Joo Dan-tae, the manipulative real estate mogul, was particularly noteworthy. Viewers appreciated the fast-paced narrative and the emotional depth of the characters.
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Season 3 Review
Plot and Themes: The final season brings the long-running conflicts to a head. The characters face their ultimate challenges, and the consequences of their past actions come to the forefront. The season is marked by intense showdowns and a resolution to the series' central mysteries.
Key Developments:
Resolution of Major Arcs: The show ties up loose ends, providing closure to many character arcs.
Intense Drama: The stakes are higher than ever, with life-or-death situations and emotional confrontations.
Reception: Season 3 received mixed reviews. While some praised the dramatic conclusion and the resolution of major plot points, others felt that certain storylines were rushed or left unanswered. Nevertheless, the strong performances and high production values remained consistent, making it a memorable conclusion to the series.
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Talented Cast
The cast of "Penthouse" is one of its strongest assets. Each actor brought depth and nuance to their roles, making even the most outlandish plot twists believable.
Lee Ji-ah: Her portrayal of Shim Su-ryeon showcased a range of emotions, from serene grace to devastating grief.
Kim So-yeon: As Cheon Seo-jin, Kim delivered a powerhouse performance that made her one of the most memorable antagonists in recent K-drama history.
Eugene: Her character, Oh Yoon-hee, was the heart of the series, and Eugene's portrayal earned her critical acclaim.
Unforgettable Soundtrack
The soundtrack of "Penthouse" played a crucial role in enhancing the show's dramatic atmosphere. Key tracks include:
"Crown" by Ha Hyun-woo: This song became synonymous with the series' intense and suspenseful moments.
"We All Lie" by Ha Jin: A haunting track that perfectly encapsulated the show's themes of deception and betrayal.
"Goodbye" by Ailee: A powerful ballad that added emotional weight to many of the series' climactic scenes.
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"The Penthouse: War in Life" is a rollercoaster of emotions, packed with drama, suspense, and stellar performances. Its exploration of human ambition and the dark side of luxury living makes it a must-watch for fans of intense, character-driven storytelling. Whether you're drawn in by the intricate plot or the phenomenal acting, "Penthouse" is a series that leaves a lasting impact.
Honest Comment:
It has mixed emotions because of the intense of the drama. All I can say is that its a masterpiece I will not spoil much but the acting was so good and how they portray their roles you can feel the vibe of each character THE BEST!!!
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kdramafeeds · 1 year
Emergency Couple Masterlist
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Emergency Couple funny moments 
Emergency Couple moments
Emergency Couple OST 
Emergency Couple quote
Oh Chang Min x Oh Jin Hee 
Oh Jin Hee x Gook Cheon Soo 
Han Ah Reum x Im Yonggyu 
Oh Chang Min moments 
Oh Jin Hee moments 
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tintysun · 8 months
My Demon └ Characters
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While there are a few inarguably amazing characters, many are teeming with comic relief. Or they are or seem like the bad guys. Relate if you're brave!
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There were plenty of memorable characters after all! A couple of which stood out for me as untrustworthy. But I'll just have here the ones who stood out for me as allies.
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Do Do-hee. An orphaned person who somehow finds herself in situations that threaten her safety. Romantizices feeling safe and being saved. Need I say more? Still independent enough to not be too desperate, though.
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Jeong Gu-won. Overpowered demon that isn’t completely inhumane and actually connects with and develops his humanity relatively fast when he wants to. Still and forever a demon, though!
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Joo Cheon-sook. I never tire of granny. Such tough yet gentle love. And so wonderfully and multifacetically human, too. I don’t think she fully realizes how much of a pillar of strength she is to Do Do-hee. Imagine how vigourless she would have been if she hadn’t taken her in to guide and shelter her.
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Jin Ga-yeong. My heart goes out to this type of character more often and more intensely than you’d guess. I was worried things would get seriously bad between her and Do Do-hee, but she’s such a kind and emotionally mature person that she was able to de-escalate issues despite her own desires. I hope she finds the love of her life or lives the best life possible.
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Park Bok-gyu. This guy is so shamelessly loyal to Jeong Gu-won that it’s adorable. Regardless of how many times he screws up or goofs around. I hold that he’s a nice complement to Jeong Gu-won and humanizes him to some degree  (i.e. makes him less scary).
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Homeless Lady (a.k.a. God). I love that cap that says both “Good” and “God”! Cryptic lines and insightful views will never get old.
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bk-reviews · 2 years
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Hello Everyone!
The second show that I'm gonna be talking about is The Penthouse which is quite popular in South Korea. The show has 3 seasons as of now but I have only watched 2 so far. The reason for that is my short attention span, every episode is like 1 hour and 20 minutes long.
A short introduction to the series (from MyDramaList): The residents of Hera Palace, a luxury penthouse apartment with 100 floors, have many secrets and hidden ambitions. Shim Su Ryeon, who was born into wealth, is the queen of the penthouse apartment. Cheon Seo Jin, the prima donna of the residence, does all she can to give everything to her daughter. Oh Yoon Hee comes from a poor family background, but she strives to enter high society by becoming the queen of the penthouse, the pinnacle of success in her eyes. A battle for wealth, power, and prestige at Seoul’s most coveted penthouse begins.
The genres of the series are Suspense, Drama, Crime, Revenge, Thriller and Mystery. It can be also called as a Makjang drama (exaggerated drama) because of the out of control happenings, unrealistic and abnormal situations, that are being portrayed as normal. Some of the most common storylines for this genre include absurd birth secrets, murders and crazy revenge plots. As you may have already thought, all of these are present in The Penthouse. A lot of K-dramas have elements like the theme of rich vs poor, hierarchy, the elites' influence and power, however, this show takes that to the next level. All the secrets and continuous plot twist make sure that the viewer won't get bored.
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The characters in The Penthouse are surely interesting. Everyone does the thing that's the best for them, acting really selfishly, but there's something that always kicks in, in crisis situations. And that is their parental instincts. All families in the series have at least one child. The parents have a lot of work to protect their children and to cover up for their crimes. But don't get me wrong; the kids are not the villains here. It's the people, who taught them to act this way, who showed them the worst possible examples, who were only driven by money and success. The people who have brought them up. The adults are completely rotten characters -apart from rare exceptions-, who try to solve their problems in the worst ways possible. The parents do hate one another (openly or secretly) but different situations make them work together.
Some people in the show are close to psychopaths and sociopaths. It portrays really well how the longing for success can make people go insane. The constant yelling doesn't do this justice either. They are incredibly smart though, always trying to one-up each other.
The person I hate the most in this series is probably Joo Dan-tae. He's truly a mastermind, a very abusive one at that. He's one of the few that doesn't care about his children, only himself. Backstabbing is his speciality if it means that he can safely stay in his penthouse, whether that involves betraying his wife, beating someone up or using people for his benefit.
My favourites are Shim Su-ryeon and her stepson Joo Seok-hoon (who is also Joo Dan-tae's son). Family is the most important for them, Seok-hoon always protects his sister from their abusive father, and Su-ryeon acts as a great mom for both of them. The boy doesn't care about status and falls in love with the main character's daughter, Bae Ro-na, who is bullied by his friends from the penthouse. Su-ryeon also becomes friends with Ro-na's mom, Oh Yoon-hee, and in my opinion, she is undoubtedly the most intelligent character of them all.
What I really like about this series is the use of classical music. The kids are attending Cheong-ah Arts School (Cheon Seo-jin('s father) is the head of it) where they learn classical singing, but this kind of music also plays an important role in making the show more suspenseful.
All in all, I think The Penthouse is great if you love angst but it's not exactly for the faint of heart. It can be a little overwhelming sometimes but it's pretty addictive. Once you start watching, you just want to know what will happen next.
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leekimdramas · 2 years
The Golden Spoon Review
Is the emptiness I’m feeling because I just finished a drama or because I’m disappointed?
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Lee Sung Cheon meets an old lady who offers a golden spoon that will change his life for 30,000 won. 
However, if he wants to be finally rich Sung Cheon will have to switch his parents... But it’s just a little price to pay for a better life, right?
I think this is yet another 2022 drama that starts great, we have a storyline that is intriguing, and we have amazing actors and seemingly interesting characters.
But with that comes a big disappointment as you the plot of the drama just goes around in circles and as you would think, things are changing, everything settles back to that circle.
It’s always Sung Cheon missing his parents and trying to help them, but they somehow find out and refuse the money. 
Something else happens and Sung Cheon rethinks his decision but ends with the same path every time. 
Rather than that, we could have seen the bodyguard with Sung Cheon’s sister. They seemed cute together.
Maybe more of what happened in the USA and a little bit more screen time with Yeo Jin (second fl), though I understand, if we saw them getting closer and writers would still pick Ju Hee (fl) I would riot.
I’m just saying there are so many things to focus on and that would make the story more developed. (Even the forgotten Tae Yang’s mother could be used somewhere)
I really enjoyed Sung Cheon and Yeo Jin as individuals and as a couple, they’re very gray characters and some viewers will hate them but I think we can find a little bit of ourselves in them.
They were more complex and Yeo Jin didn’t feel like she was just there to make Sung Cheon’s life complicated.
While on the other hand Ju Hee, who is the female lead, seemed to be just that. She’s there for Sung Cheon to sometimes think that he wants his old life back.
Ju Hee seemed interesting at first, why was the rich kid working at the convenience store? We get the idea that she’s more of a rebel because she was expelled from the previous school (or ran away I don’t remember).
But as the series moved on we never really saw those traits? She was boring and yes they try to give her the story of the dead parent but I just felt annoyed with her. 
Mostly because just like with the plot, she always moved in a circle. It’s hard to find evidence but she only blamed Tae Yong and never looked somewhere else.
I think the real Tae Yong was the most normal character, lol. As a rich kid, he was a dick but as a poor guy, he was more likable.
At some points, I was happy that now he had this little family, and personally, I think everyone ended up where they belonged when the real Sung Cheon was Tae Yong and the real Tae Yong was Sung Cheon. Somehow it fitted right.
Overall, I was enjoying the drama a lot maybe till like the middle when it just became boring. It was still amusing at parts but I think the ending was disappointing and I just felt absolutely nothing.
There were also those random characters that used the golden spoon. At first, I liked the foreshadowing that he’s not the only one but the homeless lady got annoying pretty quickly. 
And the gardener was so out of place that you could see what is going to happen at the end. Why they were even there??
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springsheep · 26 days
Webcomics/Webnovels Masterlist
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Doctor's Rebirth (의원, 다시 살다)
Doctor's Rebirth Wiki Fandom Page *not mine*
Images Masterlist
Jin Cheon Hee x Yeo Halyun Masterlist
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Coming Soon!
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luvymelody · 5 months
who/what i write for!
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i write female, male and gender neutral reader. i prefer writing female but i can still write male and gn if requested!
i will not write the following: scat, piss kink, feet kink
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avatar, the last airbender
sokka, jet, zuko, azula, katara, aang
avatar, legend of korra
korra, mako, bolin, asami
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karasuno tanaka, sugawara, kageyama, hinata, tsukishima, yamaguchi, nishinoya, daichi, yachi, kiyoko, ukai
nekoma kuroo, kenma, lev
aoba johsai oikawa, iwaizumi, hanamaki, matsukawa, kyotani
date tech aone, futakuchi, koganegawa
fukurodani bokuto, akaashi, konoha
shiratorizawa ushijima, tendou, semi, goshiki, shirabu
inarizaki kita, aran, atsumu, osamu, suna
other sakusa, terushima, daisho
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duty after school
kwon ii-ha, wang tae-man, jo jang-soo, kim chi-yeol, do soo-chul, im woo-taek, woo hee-rak, yeon bo-ra, lee na-ra, lee choon-ho
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assassination classroom
karma, isogai, sugino, chiba, terasaka, nakamura, maehara, itona, asano, sakakibara
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maze runner
minho, thomas, newt, gally
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ouran highschool host club
tamaki, kyoya, mori, kaoru, hikaru, haruhi
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the disastrous life of saiki k
saiki, kuboyasu, kaidou, teruhashi, saiko, mikoto
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across the spider-verse/into the spider-verse
miguel, miles, hobie, peter (mcu)
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jujustu kaisen
gojo, geto, nanami, yuta, itadori, megumi, shoko, nobara, choso, toji
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all of us are dead
nam on-jo, lee cheong-san, choi nam-ra, lee su-hyeok, han gyeong-su, oh joon-yeong, jang wu-jin, yoon gwi-nam
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avatar + avatar, the way of water
neteyam, lo'ak, aonung, jake
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boku no hero academia
class 1-a iida, ojirou, kaminari, kirishima, shoji, jirou, yaoyorozu, todoroki, sero, bakugou, midoriya
class 1-b kuroiro, awase, kendo, monoma, tetsutetsu
pro heroes best jeanist, kamui woods, eraserhead, present mic, edgeshot, hawks
other shinsou, hatsume, tamaki, nejire, mirio, shindo
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attack on titan
eren, mikasa, armin, hange, levi, erwin, sasha, jean, connie, miche, porco, bertholdt, reiner, annie, nicolo, ymir
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one piece (live action)
luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, buggy, sanji
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daniel park, vasco, zack lee, jay hong, jace park, vin jin, eli jang, warren chae, jake kim, eugene, yuseong, dg/james lee, gun park, goo kim, johan seong, samuel seo, taejin cheon, jihan kwak, jichang kwak, gitae kim, xiaolung, seongji yuk
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high & low
sword masaki amamiya, hiroto amamiya, cobra, yamato, rocky, koo, murayama, takeshi, p, smoky, hyuga, jesse
the worst fujio, tsukasa, nakagoshi, yasushi, todoroki, shibaman, tsuji, sachio, odajima, shidaken, sawamura shoji, rao, kamui, binzo, yamaguchi, amagai, ryo, sameoka shoji, reiji
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harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, dean thomas, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, theodore nott, cedric diggory, victor krum
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