#Jinana's Birthday Shenanigans
the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @vissentasenadz
TFW you about to send that gurl into subspace right there in da damn club (ft. a special closeup to show off lil Scorp collar :3 ♏)
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luasworkshop · 2 years
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Belated Jinana @the-iron-orchid birthday shenanigans - boopersnoot for great justice!  I honestly love Anjali - big goofy caracal/lynx beast, she’s perfect.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @vesuvian-disaster
Hugs for Pasha! 💗 LBR who knows more about the trials of putting up with her brother lmaoooo
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @featherwurm
Continuing the tradition of Awkward Renders with Valerius: Jinana poking fun at him for being HoverHands McMike 😂
(Compare and contrast with this one, lmaooo)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested by: @joasakura
Tsedi and Courtesan!Jinana in some of the most cyberslutty outfits in my library. 😁
Join The Morale Corps!
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza!
Requested by: @fullyfunctionalapprentice
The sandwich everyone wants to be the meat in, Jissana 😂
I was hoping we’d get to see more cleavage, but all those arms just get in the way, lmao
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Requested by: @fullyfunctionalapprentice
Turel effortlessly lifting this tiny binch for a birthday neck-smooch!
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested by: @xx-sharpfawngz-xx
Miloš and Jinana get up to some swing-dancing shenanigans in the goth club. 🦇 ( @vesuvian-disaster says that clearly Marcus Aquila dressed eir husband, lmao)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @vissentasenadz
There’s no heterosexual explanation for this
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @vesuvian-disaster
Jinana gets a piggyback ride from Hjordis! 😆(Hjordis is looking rather competitive, maybe it's a race...)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Jinana’s Birthday Renderpalooza! 
Requested By: @vesuvian-disaster
Marcus Aquila and Jinana get a nice dance in, in coordinating black-and-silver.
(Fun fact: Marcus Aquila is 5′11 and Jinana is wearing some serious heels lmao)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🎁 ~ Lua and Aleis arrive with little flair, cheerfully offering their birthday wishes and producing a decently sized corked bottle, tied off with a sparkling ribbon, filled with a deeply colored liquid, simmering with a faint iridescence. Lua whispers something about it's use looking emphatically from Jinana to Julian at the bar - mentioning it's transformative abilities, tentacles, probably using it near a body of water, and that they and Aleis hope Jinana can put it to good use.
Jinana snickers, while Julian gives a mildly puzzled smile of innocent unknowing from his place behind the counter-turned-bar, deftly pouring from three bottles simultaneously to form a liquid the color of Vesuvian canal water. (This drink is apparently called a 'Vampire Eel Bite', and hits like one.)
"Oh, I'm certain this will find good use." Jinana gives each of the pair a friendly peck on the cheek, giggling. "It's just a matter of setting the scene..."
Asra manifests over Jinana's shoulder, with an arched brow and a sly smirk. "I do happen to know a place with a very private pool," he murmurs quietly, and s/he grins.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
It’s Jinana’s birthday weekend, and your OCs are invited! 🎂🎉
The door of the Scarab and Lotus is open all weekend for a birthday bash! Julian is manning the bar, Heron and Portia are keeping the hors d’oeuvres coming, Asra is... uh, somewhere, and Nadia will no doubt be making an appearance when her schedule allows. (Muriel is probably up in the rooftop garden, all the noise gets to be a bit much for him...)
Send in a prompt and the OC(s), and I will write a little scene for you:
Send 💌 to send a birthday note!
Send 🎁 to give a present of your choice!
Send 💋 to give (or get!) a birthday smooch!
Send 🥂 to share a birthday toast!
And, of course, birthday Renderpalooza requests are still open!
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Alexander sets a small box in front of Jinana, tied neatly with gold twine. He gestures for hir to open it. Inside is a little brass and silver creature, on spindly yet strong legs articulated with hinges and cogs. A spider, around the size of Alexander’s palm. Its body is patterned with swirls and details, like lace woven into the metal itself, and the surface seems to shimmer.
“I designed it and did some spell work, Nadia helped me put it together,” he explains softly, “and…”
He lightly brushes a stripe down the bronze abdomen, and the spider shivers, the metal of the hinges glowing a slight blue. Then, the hinges and cogs spring to life and the spider crawls across the table, a little clumsily, but somewhat endearingly so.
Then, when it stops after Alexander strokes a stripe in the reverse direction, he traces a star shape and the abdomen and cephalothorax pop open,
“A jewellery box,” he says, “I hoped it might come in useful.”
He turns to face hir, a smile wrinkling the corners of his eyes,
“Happy birthday, Jinana.”
Jinana watches raptly as the automaton makes its way across the table on jointed legs, clicking lightly across the polished stone surface. "Oh my god, it's so cute!"
Hir eyes widen as Alexander displays the secondary function, revealing the little velvet-lined space inside.
"Right now I just leave all my rings in a pile on the chest next to my bed," s/he confesses, laughing. "This will be so much better! It's just perfect." S/he leans in to place a brief kiss on his cheek, before murmuring, for his hearing alone: "Thank you, Laal."
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🎁 Ell arrives looking marginally less uncertain of the crowd than they did last year- some of these are familiar faces now. They find Jinana and offer over the silk- wrapped parcel with a little smile. "I was going to get you another journal, but then I found these..." The silk scarf conceals a small box containing a set of three artistically blown-glass bottles. It's difficult to tell if the shifting colors are an effect of the glass or their contents. "I've been assured of their... efficacy."
Jinana lifts a brow, peering at the bottles with hir magical sight. "My goodness," s/he says, chuckling. "These are bound to add a certain something to those special moments, hmmm?"
"What's this, darling?" Julian folds his long self into a seated position at the low table, doling out three mugs that (thankfully) contain a pear cider, rather than the cocktail of the moment.
Jinana gives him a sidelong look. "Oh, just a few bedroom dreams come true, through the wonders of magic." S/he laughs as the tips of his ears steadily begin to burn red. "Now thank Ell'iandyr for the thoughtful gift."
He coughs, the redness spreading to his cheeks. "Ahem. Er, yes, thank you, we'll be sure to, uhm... ohgodIcan'tdoit" He sinks to the surface of the table in a pile of blushes and defeat, while Jinana laughs, patting his back.
"He tried."
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🎁 🥂 - Hjordis weaves through the crowd of party guests, with two drinks in one hand and a large box in the other. Withing the box is a case she had made, holding a mounted horse skull with several carrion beetles mounted on it's surface. She offers Jinana one of the drinks with a broad smile, "Happy birthday! I'm glad I could make it this year." - vesuvian-disaster
Jinana's face lights up as the tall figure comes into view. "Welcome! I'm so glad your travels lined up this year." S/he accepts the drink, clinking hir glass against Hjordis' with a smile and taking a sip of the tasty sparkling mead inside. (Nothing against Julian's concoctions... but some of them could peel paint.)
Despite their fearsome name, the beetles themselves are not very frightening to look at - perhaps an inch long, with striped backs and little club-shaped antennae. "Aw, they look right at home," Jinana laughs. "Maybe I can get Heron to let me hang it in the shop - it's educational!"
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