#Jjk trio x reader
yae-energy · 28 days
╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ All the ways I love you ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : The Jjk first years and their love languages !
✧˖° cast and crew : Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori & Nobara Kugisaki x Black Reader < 3
.ᐟ content warnings : General tomfoolery and mushy mush cause FUCK THE MANGA.
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : It’s been actual decades since I’ve posted any form of writing….I feel so unseasoned LMAO. This is just a quick lil hc post, nun crazyyy 😽
Megumi “I’ll do it” Fushiguro : Acts of Service king.
Now one thing about Megumi??? He’s gonna hit you with the “I got it” EVERY. SINGLE. TIME without fail. Doesn’t matter what time of day, doesn’t matter what he’s doing, he’s gonna make sure you don’t lift a finger for anythinggg.
Is he gonna complain whilst doing it? Of course.
But that’s just true Megumi fashion. It doesn’t mean he ACTUALLY hates doing things for you. Whether that be grabbing you snacks or completing mundane tasks for you such as carrying your bag or opening doors for you, HES GONNA DO IT EVERY TIME. You don’t even have to ask.
Def brings a “if he wanted to he would” typa vibe to the relationship and obviously you appreciate it ten fold (despite the tough guy act he tries and subsequently fails to put on. He loves him some you.) And what better way can he show that than through actions?
They speak louder than words, right?
Yuji “I love you” Itadori : Words of Affirmation goat
Ok y’all listen here, this boy is a certified yapper through and mf through. ESPECIALLY when it comes to you.
He will never fail to let you— or anyone for that matter, know just how much he loves you and appreciates your presence. You’re like some sort of higher being to him, the best thing since sliced bread if you will.
All day everyday he’s spouting all sorts of “I love you” and “I’m so lucky to have you 🥲” and he’s gonna get emotional EVERY TIME. Like he won some sort of award (the prize being you of course.) And that doesn’t even include the impromptu monologues about how you’ve changed him for the better, and how glad he is to even have someone as amazing as you.
He loves you REAL BAD, why wouldn’t he tell you?
He’d scream it from the rooftops if he could.
Nobara “Look what I got you” Kugisaki : Gift giving queen
Now, I personally consider Nobara to be a mixture of quality time and gift giving, but I’m leaning more with the latter because damn is she a great gifter.
Not only does she love spending money (me too girl, me too.) But, she LOVESSSSS you. Two birds with one stone she’d say, because she loves having an excuse to drop a couple dollars and make you happy in the process.
If she sees you eyeing something while window shopping? It’s yours automatically— whether you actually intended to buy it or not. She’s not good with the whole “lovey dovey” schtick, that’s just not her style. But to make up for it, she makes sure that you have whatever you want when you want it, even if you express she doesn’t HAVE to.
SHE WANTS TO, and you can’t tell her otherwise.
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : - @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @ivanari @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : hey guys…ahahaha…
I also got a new job now so I won’t have AS much time to post and be silly on here (not that I was super active before but yk.)
Anyhow, thanks for reading and putting up with my lying ass 😕🫶🏽
Love y’all BOOTS DOWN
Mwah 💋
- Xoxo, Yves
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nanaslutt · 2 months
editing the jjk characters to look bad in a pic prank
ʚ incl: gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso, shiu, ino, shoko, megumi, yuuji, nobara
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ʚ cont: crack, fluff
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4K notes · View notes
enkvyu · 11 months
12:45am — gojo satoru ;
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“cute earrings, where’d you get them?” shoko asks.
“hm?” still clinging to sleep, you absentmindedly reach up to caress the metal dangling from your ear. the sharp indents of its gem pricks you back into a memory. “oh, these. i got them from a friend last week.”
“friend? or do you mean boyfriend?”
shoko’s words are throwaway, her wandering eyes and yawn a clear indication yet your face warms despite yourself. shaking your head furiously, you exclaim, “a friend! just a friend."
shoko hums, shifting her cigarette to the other end of her mouth. her gaze flickers somewhere behind you and you almost look too, when her words pull you back. “come to think of it, i don’t think you’ve ever told me what your type was.”
“my type?” your mind blanks. “i’ve probably never told you because i’ve never thought about it myself. i mean, being a jujutsu sorcerer and all, romance is kind of off the table.”
shoko keeps looking at you, pressing you without words. you grimace and sigh.
"i mean, i guess, maybe someone good looking? someone who’s not boring? and now that we're talking about it, someone who is fit and athletic too. they'd have to be smart, but not book-smart, like, street-smart." the more you think of it, the more words seem to spill from your mouth. "and someone who has a good sense of humour, someone who will make me laugh.”
“someone good looking, interesting, sporty, smart and funny? that’s too greedy.”
you giggle. “you’re right, there’s no way there’s anyone that perfect. i guess i’ll have to be single forever.”
“you'll always have me.” shoko says, grinning.
you push her shoulder but don’t deny it.
yaga walks into the classroom, cutting your conversation short. you spin around in your seat to face the front, eyes accidentally meeting gojo’s. he turns around too, and you reason that he was probably looking out the window behind you. you see getou snicker and whisper something in his ear, but gojo seemed to be having none of it, blatantly ignoring him.
seeing his face makes you think. didn’t gojo kind of match your type? someone attractive, interesting, athletic and maybe not academic smart, but he definitely carried an air of confidence when it came to fighting. and it wasn't a secret that he lightened the air wherever he went, intentionally or not.
with a start, you look back at shoko. “and someone calm. someone with manners.”
“well-mannered and calm. what insane preferences.” shoko chuckles. “are there any more?"
yaga slams his hand on the table a few times, reluctantly drawing your attention back to the front.
your previous conversation dies and twiddles away into the background, overtaken by droning lectures and predictable missions. by the end of the day, you can't even remember what you had told shoko early that morning.
when you enter the classroom the next day, you’re surprised to find gojo already there, seated at his table. his sunglasses hangs lower on his nose than usual and most curiously of all, a book is held in his hands. you’re not sure if he’s actually reading or not considering that pages were being turned far too quickly for someone reading “ordinary objects” by amie thomasson.
his eyes flicker to yours as you head in. “good morning.”
“morning. what’s with you?”
gojo clears his throat. “what ever do you mean?”
your frown transitions to a grimace. “why are you talking like that? did you break something of mine? was it my potted plant, gojo i told you to take good care of it!”
“i am taking care of it! it’s not dead yet!” he exclaims before pausing uncharacteristically. he sits back in his chair and turns back to his book. “i mean, it’s fine.”
“you sure?”
“i am.”
you narrow your eyes before looking away, dropping into your seat. “it better be. shoko got me that one.”
“speaking of shoko, is she not coming today?”
“i think she stayed overnight at the morgue.”
“is that so? perhaps i should write notes for her. i wouldn’t want her to miss out on class.”
you turn to him horrified. “so you did kill my plant!”
“i said it’s not dead!” gojo bursts. another pause. he clears his throat, adjusting his glasses. “i simply worry for her.”
you stare at him and watch as he fidgets under your gaze. “are you feeling sick? did you eat something wrong?”
“i’m not sick. what part of me looks sick?"
“well you’re usually not this…” you watch him as you wrack your brain, trying to find a word to describe this situation. “c…”
gojo leans forward. “yes?”
he falls back in his chair, groaning, book forgotten and placed harshly down on the table.
you tilt your head. “where's getou, you guys didn’t come to class together? don’t tell me you fought.”
gojo peers up and frowns. “no, can i not show up to class early just because i feel like it?”
“it would be extremely out of character, yeah.” you rest your chin on your hand as you watch gojo mutter to himself, his jaw jutted out and his nose scrunched.
he was clearly unhappy, it didn’t take a scholar to know. it might take a genius to figure out why though.
you had time to kill, might as well take up the challenge. maybe he hadn’t had his morning dose of sugar yet, or maybe his favourite anime had delayed it’s upcoming episode. maybe he didn't save properly on the new game he was playing, or maybe he simply didn't sleep well last night. or maybe he had lied to you and he had fought with getou, leading to this strange attitude.
the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. the way he was acting now was like a mockery to getou's usual behaviour.
“are you trying to be like getou?” you try.
gojo whirs around to face you. “what?”
“well, you’re trying to be composed.” he keeps staring at you and you clear your throat. “like more well-mannered. more calm.”
gojo remains silent but you watch as his jaw drops. you think that he might say something but then his mouth closes, only to open again.
gojo speechless, what a sight. but as good of a sight as it was, you were beginning to feel concerned.
“are you sure you’re alright? what did you eat yesterday?”
he doesn’t register your question. “you think getou is well-mannered?”
“and calm?”
you nod. “more than you, at least.”
“do you think he’s interesting too? sporty? smart? funny?” he pauses. “good-looking?”
the questions throw you off guard and you sit up. “what? where is this coming from?”
“oh my god, you do.”
“no? i mean, i think getou’s great and everything—”
“you think getou’s great?”
“don’t you?”
“you think getou’s hot.” he concludes. “and you think getou’s great.”
"what are you even saying?"
"i don't know. why don't you tell me?"
baffled, you flail for words. “are you jealous of him? that's strange, i didn’t think either of you would ever feel jealous of each other.”
gojo grits his teeth and looks away. with a pout, he says, “me neither.”
the door to the classroom is thrown open and getou steps through, rubbing the back of his neck. he yawns on his way to his chair and it wakes him up, looking between you and gojo as you both watch him enter.
“what did you guys do?” he asks with a sigh.
“nothing.” gojo says and glares at him.
getou blinks.
“okay.” he says slowly, sliding out his chair and sitting. “what did i do then? why are you both looking at me like that?”
“gojo’s being weird.” you snitch. “are you guys fighting?”
“how should i know? i thought we were doing okay. gojo, if i did something, use your words and tell me.”
"i'll use my words to tell you to suck my dick instead."
"so i did do something. you're so predictable, gojo."
you snicker as gojo huffs and glances away, looking away out the window behind your head. his train of sight cuts right past you but you can’t help but feel slightly flustered as he looks on, almost like he was looking at you, so determined to ignore getou’s pestering.
subconsciously, you drown getou out too, your traitorous mind observing the blue in gojo’s eyes. you had always thought it was just one colour, but looking at it now, it seemed more like a kaleidoscope of blues, the many shades sparkling and dimming as he watched birds flutter outside the window, and you watched their shadows through his eyes.
something shifts, in the air or in the skies you don't know, and gojo meets your eye. startled, you hold the gaze and he holds it too, just long enough for your lungs to run out of air.
you look away hastily and inhale.
gojo glances to the front, oddly fidgety.
getou looks between the two of you. “what the fuck was that?”
“nothing.” gojo says.
getou clearly doesn't buy it but though he tries to get an answer out of you, you don't give him one either. cupping your cheeks, your thoughts mirror his question. what was that? it was embarrassing, that's what it was and your realisation is only heightened as a silence fills all four corners of the classroom.
gojo clears his throat. “for me, i like someone who i'm already comfortable with. someone i already know.”
at his words, you look over at him and find him already staring. he frowns as you don't give him any other reaction.
yaga saves you from addressing his statement, walking into the room as the bell for class rang. "oh? you're all early, even you gojo. where's shoko?"
“she’s staying at the morgue because of the recent mission.”
“i see.” yaga nods. “then let’s start.”
your mind fails to work as you turn over gojo’s words, thinking them through. what did they mean? what was he talking about? did this weird confession have something to do with why he was acting so strange?
slowly, you draw connections between your conversation with gojo and the talk you had with shoko yesterday morning. an epiphany shoots through you and you cover your mouth to hide a gasp.
did that mean…?
someone he knew? acting strange? getting mad when you said you liked getou?
you watch gojo’s side profile, hoping he’d turn around. if what you thought was right, he’d turn.
seconds tick past. yaga’s voice drawls on and yet gojo doesn't even spare you a glance.
no, maybe you were wrong after all.
just as you were about to face yaga again, gojo’s head shifts and his eye flicks over to yours. they widen when he finds you, and you’re sure you’re in a similar shocked state.
oh my god, you think, eyes darting between him and the other boy in the room.
gojo has a crush on getou.
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filler imagine based off of that One scene from the manga: "megane tokidoki yankee kun"
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
Gojo falls ill and reader does finishes his missions and her own missions as well do Gojo doesn't have a pile of work waiting for him once he gets better. Gojo gets better. And finds out. Hehehehe Lobe u babes
omg I love this, let's do it hehe
Reader finishing Gojo's missions when he falls sick and he finds out
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Pairing: Gojo x wife!reader
Word Count: 2,3k
Synopsis: When your husband falls sick, you don't think twice about completing all of his tasks in order for him to not be stressed - even if it means multiple sleepless nights for youself. Little did you know that your husband will find out about it and thank you in his own way...
Warnings: pure fluff over fluff so enjoy, Gojo basically being THE husband for y'all, not proofread because it's already darn late here and I'm way too tired
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„Oh come on, don’t tell me the honoured one caught a cold”, you playfully tease your beloved husband.
He’s definitely ill, there’s no doubt in that. The way his forehead is covered in sweat, his unusual pale face paired with his heavy breathing. Let alone the sight of his red and runny nose.
You never thought this is possible. After all, Satoru is one of the few people who are able to use revered technique. Isn’t he able to heal himself, to prevent his body from falling sick?
“Looks like I overdid it those last weeks. My body is catching up on my apparently”, he replies weakly along with a nasty sounding cough.
You know all too well these last weeks were like a trip to hell and back for him. This is actually the first time you saw your husband after one whole week of him running from mission to mission and coming home into bad past after midnight. Being two special grade sorcerers, it is your responsibility to prevent the worst things from happening. Especially during summer, the number of curses triples. And that paired with the stinging fact that jujutsu sorcerers die like flies each and every day…
It’s no wonder his body took a toll on him.
“You’ll stay here for the rest of the week, babe”, you instruct him gently while pulling a blanket up his chest.
“Nah, no chance. I’ll have a pile of work when I get back and-AH.”
It’s frightening, the way he almost chokes while coughing so roughly that it vibrates through your whole body. This doesn’t sound good at all. To be exact, you’ve never seen your husband like this despite the fact that you’ve been together for multiple years by now. If he’s feeling this miserable, it’s definitely time for a break.
“Don’t worry about that. I hold the position while you’re gone.”
Little did he know you meant that.
-a week later-
“It’s far past midnight. Why are you still up, (y/n)?”
His hoarse voice rips you out of your microsleep immediately, lids so heavy they feel like closing by themselves if you don’t pay close attention.
“Oh, just work.”
No, it’s not just work. Apart from the daily drama you have to endure, you made it your mission to complete each and every task your husband would face as soon as he comes back. You know all too well he’ll throw himself fully into work again, not thinking about his own health a single second. And to prevent that, you decided to finish his missions as well, to teach his students, to do anything in your power to prevent Satoru from a pile of work.
Including swollen eyelids, constant grumpy mood, no effort to eat and your shoulders hanging down onto the ground.
You hate to admit it, but you are exhausted. You never realized how much work your husband does during the day. Must be easier for him, though. Teleportation sure sounds nice at the moment…
“I’m worried about you, babe. Are the elders bombarding you with work again? Maybe I need to have a serious talk again-“
“No, don’t think too much about it. I’m just hanging on a bit, that’s it”, you lie.
Oh, Satoru knows it is. After all, you’re talking about yourself. You, so disciplined that you’d never leave work unattended. No, it’s absolutely impossible that you’re “hanging on a bit”. But what else is it? The dark circles underneath your eyes look like valleys in the soft light of a lamp, tired eyes failing to focus on the paperwork in front of you. Usually, this is what you’re doing straight in the morning when he’s still asleep. What keeps you so busy these last days? He has to find out, he-
He almost chokes on himself again, earning a concerned side eye from you. It’s been a week and he’s still sick to the brim. Worry lines decorate your face, palm gently resting against his scorching hot forehead.
“Off to bed with you.”
“Don’t stay up too long, okay? All you seem to do is work these last days”, your husband replies worried himself.
You sigh to yourself. That’s because you do. But leaving your husband to a pile of work after he returns to Jujutsu High only to get sick again? You grab the pen in your hand tighter, force your eyes to fully open. Only a few more days and you’ll be done. After all, you’re doing this for him, right?
Satoru is definitely worth the sleepless nights.
-a few days after-
“Turns out I’m fully back at normal again, babe!”, your husband announces proudly.
You blink against the harsh light of the merciless sun, eyes dry like sand. Only a few hours ago, you returned from a village Satoru was supposed to inspect. Well, minutes turned into hours when a special grade curse appeared out of no where and made your life living hell. The sun already began to rise when you carried yourself back into bed.
But still, you can’t help but smile at him. These last days were rough for him. Him, the strongest, passed out because of a cold. He wasn’t himself all this time, weak body bound into bed with his limbs aching.
“So glad to here that”, you mumble while pressing a gentle kiss onto his lips.
“Sleep in for a while, you look exhausted (y/n). I know you just came back a few hours ago and don’t you dare to lie at me.”
Your eyes widen in an instant, cheeks blushing ever so slightly. You were so careful about leaving and returning, his even and long breaths not giving a single hint that he might be awake.
“I’m heading to Jujutsu High, bet work piled up pretty bad. Wish me good luck and have a good rest princess, I’ll kick their asses if they try to call you!”
With one last loving glance at you, he’s gone. And you can’t help but pass out immediately.
“Guess who’s back to save the day!”, Satoru announces proudly into the room filled with his students and Yaga Masamichi who looks at him with the same disinterest as usual.
“You? Didn’t even know you even exist anymore”, Nobara mumbles while filing down her nails.
“How are you? (y/n) told us you were sick”, Yuji interjects.
“I’m completely back to normal!”
“What a shame”, Megumi mumbles under his breath.
“Sooo, what side of earth do I have to save today? I’m sure a lot of work piled up while I was gone. After all, I’m the strongest.”
Satoru stretches himself playfully, waiting for the director to tell him about all different kinds of missions, curses and teachings he has to deal with these next few days. But instead, he just shrugs his shoulders.
“What? Got nothing to say? Okay, let me guess, what about that special grade curse in the village-“
“Done”, Yaga Masamichi replies dryly.
“The combat training with the first year-“
“Any curses that appeared in Tokyo?”
“Taking care of-“
This can’t be true, the man in front of him has to joke. Apart from you, Satoru is the only special grade sorcerer here at Jujutsu High. No one would ever be able to fulfil some of those missions, let alone teach his students just like that. Not even the director himself is capable of dealing with that special grade curse he was talking about just before Satoru got sick. But who…?
“Didn’t your wife tell you she already managed all those things?”
Oh, he was so stupid that it hurts. All these nights he caught you almost falling asleep on your desk, the multiple times you sneaked out of bed far past midnight, the dark circles under your eyes. All this time, you weren’t only busy with your own missions. No, you actually fulfilled all of his work for him as well.
“Just the amount of work I have to do when I come back. Urgh, being sick sucks.”
“Don’t worry, love. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Yeah, he sure as hell is. But only because you decided to make your own life living hell for two weeks straight.
“Please don’t tell me (y/n) did all of my stuff while I was gone.”
“I’ll never understand how a kind-hearted woman like her ended up with you. She didn’t even stop when I told her to and somehow managed to get information about the missions I prepared for your sick ass”, the director replies dryly.
“Call her in right now.”
Words aren’t enough to thank you for this. No, you deserve way more than that, way more than his mouth could ever give you.
“And let her leave again in about an hour.”
-an hour later-
“Again, sorry for calling you in, (y/n). Now get back home, you’re free tomorrow.”
“Thank you”, is all you’re able to reply, wobbly feet carrying you back into your car and onto the road.
You sigh to yourself. Well, you definitely didn’t expect the director to call you this early when you just returned from an exhausting mission. But who are you to say no to him? After all, it’s your job to do this, it’s your job to protect the innocent.
But…Is it also your job to answer strange questions from your students in the morning?
“Come on, use your brain! You know what the director said!”, Nobara hisses through gritted teeth, the trio sticking their heads together after you were forced to drop your haircare routine to Nobara.
“If you don’t have any further questions, I’ll go-“
“Yes! I have a question!”, Yuji screams so loudly that his voice echoes through your tired brain.
“What is it, Yuji?”, you mutter with your eyes closed.
“How exactly are babies made, (y/n)-san?”
“You’re an idiot…”, Megumi grumbles.
“Really? This is all you have left in your pea-sized brain?”
“What? You just told me to ask her something and that’s what I came up with!”, Yuji defends himself.
“Yeah, but that ‘something’ definitely didn’t include THAT!”
It’s almost as if they were forced to ask you dumb questions. You’ll definitely have a talk with your husband about their strange behaviour when you caught up on sleep. But before that…
You open the door with a swift motion.
Your heart skips a beat, eyes widen.
The usual so modern and clean living-room is now covered in rose pedals and filled with the fresh scent of sakura leaves, your couch unfolded and covered in the most fluffy blankets, pillows and stuffed animals you’re ever seen. And there he sits.
He, your beloved husband, holding up your bathrobe oh so inviting.
“What’s going on here?”, you breathe out.
Suddenly, all the exhaustion you felt earlier disappeared into thin air. Did he really do all of this for you? The candles flickering, the blankets, the strawberries covered in chocolate waiting on the table, him wearing that black t-shirt you love so much.
“Guess what, I found out what you did. Did you really think you’ll get away with stealing my work in silence?”, he teases, love dripping from each and every word he says.
“It was nothing”, you try to brush him off.
But instead, he gets up and grabs your hand in order to guide you into the dim bathroom that is only lightened by a few candles. Again, the lovely smell of sakura leaves radiates from the bathtub filled with bubbles and hot steam. Just the thought of letting yourself sink into that warm water, to finally release the tension in your sore muscles-
Before you’re even able to comprehend what’s happening, Satoru took off your clothes and lifts you off the ground with ease. Your body doesn’t dare to fight back, too weak from all the missions you completed these last days. Just the tip of your toe, relaxing in the water for a few minutes before returning to Jujutsu High…
“Nothing, huh? So you mean doing the stuff I need a month for in two weeks besides your own missions is nothing? Words can’t express how thankful I am to have such a sweet, caring and steaming hot wife”, he whispers against your ear, his fingers starting to massage your back oh so skilled.
You allow yourself to sink into his touch, to rest your eyes for a few minutes. Well, there is no denying in the fact that this was a little too much for you. All the fighting, the paper work, the heart and soul you poured in each and every work.
And then there’s him. Satoru, your beloved husband, who massages your back with his skilled fingers. How lucky you are to call him your husband, that he decided to spend the rest of his life with you. Even though he scolded you ever so slightly for managing his pile of work, you know he’d do the same for you in a heartbeat. What a treasure, how glad you are to know him, how wonderful he is…
“(y/n)?”, Satoru purrs against your ear.
You don’t response, chest rising and falling slow and steady. He can’t help but smile to himself, admiring he beauty of your finally resting face. Carefully, he lifts you out of the bathtub and covers your body in the fluffy bathrobe you love so much. You definitely deserve some rest for all the work you did these last days.
He can’t help but gently caress your cheek, making sure you’re completely tucked you underneath your favourite blanket.
“What a lucky man I am”, he mutters to himself while outlining your parted lips.
“To call someone so wonderful my wife…”
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(this took me forever so if I tagged u be so kind and leave a like/comment/reblog lol)
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rizsu · 14 days
food for thought, except it’s unwanted jujutsu kaisen : fem-reader.
have you ever wondered about a scenario so much that you must ask? well that’s exactly the last thing they’d wish to answer.
+ love ‘su: gojo, geto, itadori + ‘live, laugh, love’ hater final boss ( sukuna )
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gojo satoru ノ refuses to answer.
“do you ever think about how it’d be if we never met?”
“ha— no. don’t even go there.”
satoru stops you there. he doesn’t wish to hear another word from you— especially if it extends your former question. he thinks about it— daily, in fact. it's a scenario that crosses his mind whenever he finds himself drunk on the temporary love he receives from you.
you’ve sung the lyric ‘i’ll love you until there’s no more left’ almost every week for him, silently begging that he gets the concept of genuine love through his head.
“why not? imagine if my friends didn’t make that bet where i either hit on you or pay for the night.” you reminisced, remembering the very night you lost the last touch of shame.
he hums, drumming his fingers on your thigh.
“bet or not, we’d still be fated to meet. next question!”
“anddd what makes you so confident?” you threw another question at him. this time, it's lighthearted.
“mind you, i’m the second coming of an angel. i predetermined this since three years ago.”
glances were exchanged, an expression of a grinning fool met the expression of a glaring responsible person who’s the said fool’s other romantic half.
you should've been familiar with satoru’s ways. it’s your fault for expecting a deep-dive conversation with satoru. not quite his cup of tea!
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geto suguru ノ expects it and tries to escape.
suguru's home was no new, unexplored area to you. you knew his home's blueprint like the back of your hand. if needed, you'd walk through his home blindfolded and still end up in the room you want to be in.
this isn't a good thing to suguru. there are days where the feeling of confusion as to who he is piles up on him, leading him to isolate himself.. until he forgets there's a spare key of his isolation cube in your hold so now the plan goes awry.
that is exactly what’s happening. after he sent the text ‘k bye’ and silenced his notifications, he felt an impending doom. the reason was unknown by then but he should've guessed it was you.
you marched into his home, readying yourself with suguru-loneliness-begone techniques and, of course, the question that's been wandering your mind since you woke up from a dream.
“babe, what if—”
“fuck,” he curses under his breath, too exhausted to put a hand over your mouth.
“what if we were the last persons on earth? would you recreate humanity with me or kill yourself?”
there it is: your special ‘what if’ questions that know no bounds when it comes to absurdity.
“when would that ever happen? please, stop this,” he groans, pleading with his eyes for you to stop.
“that's the thing— you never know! so, what option is it?”
“i'd kill myself a long time ago if possible.”
“so it's the second one?”
“i'm... not cut out to be a good father.”
“i hate an indecisive bitch, my goodness,” it's your turn to complain, a little let down at his grey answers.
suguru's equally offended. you're the one who jumped him with such a question— who even thinks about that?!
“(y/n), baby, has it ever crossed your mind that your thinking skills aren't quite normal?”
“are you calling me stupid?!”
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itadori yuuji ノ just as stupid.
it's mango season— yuuji's most anticipated season of the year. mangoes are to yuuji what your lipbalm is to you. a necessity, a survival item, a lifesaver, an important part of his lore, something he worships.
peeling mangoes and slicing them to equal pieces has never brought him such satisfaction before. it immediately brightens his mood. this must be how his grandfather felt whenever he took a walk around the neighbourhood.
now you appear, yuuji's second most anticipated person. you to yuuji is what mangoes are to him. this causes yuuji's current happiness level to reach its peak today. such a great level of happiness can defeat any evil being with just being in its area.
“say, yuu,” you begin, stabbing one of the mangoe slices with a fork.
he nods, signalling that he's listening but still focused on his current activity. a true mulit-tasker.
“if one of your limbs happen to detach from your body, do you feel the pain or does the pain go with it?”
he stops, allowing the question to sink in. he's never been asked such a.. divine question before. what's the answer? does the pain go with the limb or does it stay?
“oh... i gotta ask nobara this, she'd know,” he suggests, placing the knife down. a question that'll haunt him if he doesn't act quick for the answer.
“yes, yes!!” you encourage his actions, mindlessly enjoying the mango slices. mangoes are truly a blessing.
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sukuna ryomen ノ no. nice try, though! A+ for effort.
“ryo, have you ever wondered if—”
“no, i never.”
“you didn't even let—”
“i haven't learnt since two-thousand years ago.”
“you old fuck, let me finish—”
“it's truly been a while since i've wondered.”
you threw the remote at him, ultimately fed up with him cutting you off before the peak of the sentence. it could've been the question of the year and he'd still dodge it.
sukuna invited himself over since he ran out of entertainment options and you're always there for him. unfortunately, you do not find him as entertainin. he's annoying, arrogant, and attractive so it cancels out the negatives about him.
of course, sukuna caught the remote. his athletic capabilities are its prime despite him being dormant for centuries. it'd be a white lie to say he's not interested in your question, however it is way more benefitting to push your buttons.
he throws the remote back onto your bed, drying his hands with your hand-towel before making his merry way to you.
“your bed's small.”
“well no shit. it's for ME.”
“you mad? you look mad.” his hand holds your chin, turning your head side-to-side to observe your expression.
you rolled your eyes, “i don't get mad that easily.”
“is this how people felt when i told them an obvious lie? i should repent.”
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zzprompto · 8 months
☆ our teachers are gay?!
gojo satoru x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: you and gojo are both teachers at tokyo jujutsu high. your students start catching up on little things about the two of you, coming to a conclusion that their teachers are gay, but is that the truth? (meant to be viewed as romantic, hints at an established relationship.)
the lowercase is intentional !
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satoru and [name] had been teaching at tokyo jujutsu high for a few years now. the two have made memories, had laughs and even arguments during the time. the students loved their teachers, always finding them amusing.
this years first years were a first, though.
"he's definitely gay!" a student yells. "no, he's not! he definitely has a wife and two kids!" another student yells. the person that they were talking about? [name]. itadori and nobara were arguing about whether or not they thought their teacher was gay for their other teacher or not, whilst megumi just sat there listening to their bickering. nobara thought [name] was gay, whereas itadori thought he wasn't.
megumi just sat there, listening to his friends arguing. it was constant, but he knew it was just banter after all. megumi had a small smirk on his face as he listened.
megumi knew the truth, well, half of the truth. he knew of gojo's feelings towards [name], but he never knew of [name]'s feelings towards gojo. megumi and gojo were practically father and son, not that megumi would admit that, so he could tell how gojo felt. megumi was the only reserved first year, so he learnt to pick up on people's emotions and feelings quickly, which included gojo's.
it was clear, by megumi's perception of the world, that gojo was definitely into [name]. gojo always tried to, and not so subtly in fact, flirt with [name]. yet, it always ended up in [name] saying a bunch of curses with a red face. maybe [name] did like gojo back? but, how was megumi going to know? he's not [name] and maybe the red face megumi always saw was just his teacher embarrassed, not flustered.
megumi also noticed how close the two teachers were. there were always together eating lunch or talking or supervising training sessions where they also talked more. perhaps it was because they could only talk to eachother, they were the only teachers there excluding the principal. or.. maybe it was something else? it did seem like there was more of a rivalry going on between the two men in megumi's eyes, but who knew. only gojo and [name] did.
a certain someone clears their throat after hearing all the bickering down the corridor. "and what are you three talking about?" the voice asks, and it just so happens to be gojo. itadori and nobara are in big trouble now.
itadori looks at gojo in horror, already accepting that he's been caught. nobara just looks at gojo with a small, innocent smile, hoping itadori won't mess up and say something wrong.
"uhm.. we were just talking about [name]'s love life-" itadori starts before nobara jabs him in the stomach to get him to shut up. "we were discussing what places we can visit in tokyo during our days off!" nobara cut in. gojo had a smirk plastered on his face. it was so obvious that he knew the truth about what they were talking about.
megumi sighed and he rolled his eyes at his two friends. "you idiots.. look at his face. he knows what you two were talking about." megumi muttered under his breath, shaking his head at how stupid his friends were. "plus.. his six eyes probably sensed you guys were talking about [name] anyway." megumi decides to add his own snarky comment.
"ah, so my suspicions were true." gojo chuckled. "if you really want to find out more about [name], why don't you ask him yourselves? although, he'd probably want to punch me if you told him i suggested the idea.." gojo spoke his thoughts aloud.
as if on queue, [name] steps into the room with a confused look on his face. "what are you all standing around here for? i thought training was meant to start ten minutes ago.." he sighed, a hand resting on his hip. the three first years all look at eachother before rushing out of the room to go to the field.
[name] just shook his head as he watched his students leave. "what were you doing in here with them, satoru? because it definitely wasn't reminding them that training was about to start." [name] said, looking at gojo as he spoke. gojo just shrugged at [name]'s question, starting to follow the first years out to the field.
the first years quickly got to training. they were practicing their cursed technique skills and hand to hand combat whilst [name] and gojo kept a close eye. the two teachers were standing close together, smiling as they occasionally made small talk.
"so, what about that date i was talking about earlier?" gojo pipes up, smiling at [name]. [name] just scoffed in response, punching gojo in the shoulder. "don't ask me about dates whilst we're infront of our students, satoru." [name] chuckled and gojo joined in.
gojo then snaked an arm around [name]'s waist, pulling him in closer and giving him a small kiss on the forehead. "okay, okay. but we're still going on that date after work, right?" gojo asks. "you're not helping yourself!" [name] replies, pushing gojo away with a huge smile on his face.
of course, the three first years saw this play out. when gojo and [name] thought they were being so subtle, they were caught in the act. the three first years stopped what they were doing and stared at their teachers in shock.
gojo and [name] just watched their students with smiles on their faces. gojo still had his arm wrapped around [name]'s waist as he pulled his lover in for a kiss, not caring about their students. they had already been caught, so what was the harm in sharing a kiss in the end?
"see! i told you he's gay! you owe me big time, itadori!" nobara yells out, starting to chase itadori around the field.
☆ author's note: ill try get requests done soon, sorry if you're waiting on one. do request some more, i have barely any ideas of my own.
☆ request ▪︎ masterlist
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junosmindpalace · 10 months
wrote this quick thing to cope with shibuya (and school starting)
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contrary to popular belief, waking up with satoru gojo wasn’t filled with angst or longing.
never were you filled with an overwhelming sense of loneliness or abandonment upon seeing an empty dip in the bed beside you, because never, not even once, had you awoken due to the loss of his warmth around your body.
when satoru rose from bed, so did you, and when you rose from bed, so did satoru. whether that was at five in the morning or one in the afternoon, you and satoru started your mornings together. the two of you never had strict sleep schedules, anyway, due to the demanding nature of your jobs.
mornings were a kinder, more merciful part of your routines. compared to all the violence, mental and physical exhaustion that made up the majority of your day, at least you could have a sense of peace as you rose with the dawn. 
the two of you shift around in your sleep plenty of times, from cuddling to hogging blankets on opposite sides of the bed, to waking up in a tangled mess of limbs. satoru’s mornings start in the crook of your neck, and if not there, then he turns around to bury himself in the crevice. his hair tickles your face and slowly pulls you out of unconsciousness, and for a moment the sensation alarms you. but when you realize it’s only satoru, with strong protective arms wrapped around your waist and face buried against you, you sigh and collapse against him, turning to lay on your back and card a hand through his messy snow locks.
mornings with satoru were not hurried-- not in the slightest. if there was one thing satoru could get away with as the strongest, it was lazing about and being late. and he certainly wasn’t eager to rush out of your comforting arms, and so the two of you take your time adjusting to the morning light that peeks through the blinds, adjust yourself a couple more times in bed, throwing your legs atop of each others (and hissing when one was too cold), and simply taking what’s left of the dark before slowly getting out of bed and into your shared bathroom. 
the whole routine is done slowly, not a single sense of urgency. brushing your teeth, washing your face, patting each other's bed heads down to look just the slightest bit more presentable in the bathroom mirror. 
he’s arguably more groggy than you are in the mornings, which makes him all the more eager to finish up in the bathroom and head to the kitchen to brew himself coffee. by the time you finish up, you’re slowly making your way into the kitchen where satoru stands holding the handle of his mug. he extends your own toward you when you approach, and you graciously accept it with both hands and a mumbled “thank you…”, and the two of you take a minute or two to bask in each others company and in the relieving, energizing warmth of your beverages.
mornings with satoru were not loud or filled with much conversation. in contrast to your usual days and nights filled with teasing and random conversation, it was not uncommon for the two of you to go long stretches in the morning without a word. time taken just to reboot and get into the mindset of the day, but not wanting to separate from each other. all the two of you really need is each others’ presence. the habitual noises that come from your routines--the slight clattering of dishes, the wrinkling of fabric as you got dressed, the whirring of cars from outside as you open your windows to let in fresh air-- was the most sound that filled your apartment in the morning. 
muttered conversation rises as the sun does higher in the sky, when the sleep slowly starts to fade out of your systems. it’s about the weather, it’s about your schedules for the day, it’s about how he kicked you in his sleep, and him giving you an apologetic kiss to make up for it. small, substanceless conversation, but it was enough. 
you take him in in other ways instead. he tastes like coffee and mint in the mornings when he kisses you, a strong combination that you’ve learned to find comfort in. the large white tee he wears to sleep smells of his body wash and softener as you nuzzle your face into the fabric, taking in a couple of extra minutes being enveloped by him before the two of you begin your day. his hair is untameable, sticking out in all directions no matter how much you try to adjust the messy heap into somewhat of a presentable style. he laughs at the small pout on your face as you do so, and takes your hand out of his hair to press a small kiss to your fingertips. he grins and tells you he doesn’t mind and neither should you as he leans into your palm. 
he takes you in in other ways, too. silently listening to your hums as you check your phone to see what you missed out on while you slept, the gentle tune soothing his irritation over waking up from his pleasant slumber with you. he watches you style your own hair after giving up on his own, thinking about how much it suits you through his hazy head. and if he’s feeling just clingy enough, he’ll collapse his head atop of yours and breathe in the product you put in that he loves so much, gently swaying the two of you in place. what originally starts out with a single peck to your pouty lips as he holds your chin delicately turns into another, and then another. you laugh at the satisfied look on his face when he realizes it's your lip balm he loves so much that’s pulling him in, and is reminded to snatch the tube for himself from your bathroom drawer before he leaves (though he’s always disappointed, because it always tastes better against your lips).  
he adjusts the pin on your uniform after you finish dressing yourselves as you scold him to “spend a little more time with the first years today”, and he can only smile and reassure you that he “has something special in store for them”. you help him pull his blindfold over his head and adjust it so it sits comfortably over his eyes, combing your fingers through his unruly hair that now looks even more wild with something holding it up.
you check once, twice, all over your apartment to make sure you aren’t forgetting anything, and satoru chuckles and reassures you that a simple phone call will have him warping to the school to drop off anything you left behind. as you kiss him goodbye before parting ways in front of the school, he mumbles against your lips that he’ll stop by later with a breakfast treat for the two of you to share in the office (because satoru is still greedy, and though he’ll original buy just one for you to enjoy on your own, he’ll not so subtly eye and indicate that he wants a bite). 
and with that, the two of you part your separate ways, and the slow morning transitions into the hectic start of your jobs. but you know that even so, you’ll be filled with a solace reminiscent of the one you two shared earlier when you enjoy your treat in the empty staff room together later. 
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megumimania · 7 months
TRICK OR TREAT - gojo satoru
summary: gojo takes halloween very seriously to the point where he competes against his neighbour for best decorated house in the neighbourhood.
warnings: fluff, married!au, gojo is a bit extra in this, halloween ends when i say so! petty gojo, the trio would definitely go as the plastics, gojo beefing kids, i miss him
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if there’s one thing gojo satoru doesn’t play about it’s the holidays. particularly halloween.
he’d been dragging you out for the past month to different stores for decorations in order to transform your home into a terrifying haunted house. he’d brought out all sorts of candy that he hid around the garden for the annual scavenger hunt that the neighbourhood kids often enjoyed doing. to say he didn’t enjoy halloween was an understatement—he loved it and took pride in it.
“don’t you think this is enough?” you asked, as you placed the last of the decorations down on the front yard. “it’s never enough honey.” he replied in a sing song voice, placing a kiss on your cheek. you grumbled in response but it was hard to stay annoyed at him considering how fine he looked in his costume as gomez addams, even temporarily dyeing his hair black to commit to the look.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” he smirked, before doing various poses which made you giggle. “I don’t think i wanna remember that.” you retorted but your comment fell on deaf ears as satoru was once again butting heads with your next door neighbour mr yamaguchi. you were cordial with the yamaguchi’s and had been invited back to their place for dinner many times unlike satoru who had been invited once and never again.
it’s probably because of his ongoing pissing contest with mr yamaguchi, who like satoru, takes much pride in decorating and the holidays. halloween is a more of a contest than a holiday for them both as they go all out with the lights, decorations and candy as they try to win the bragging rights for ‘best decorated house’. which often leaves these grown men (mainly satoru) to engage in childish and petty antics like stealing decorations, bursting inflatables and defacing pumpkins.
satoru stalks back to the house with a annoyed look on his face, he rests his head on your shoulder letting out a deep breath. “can you believe that he’s hiring actors for his haunted house? that haunted house thing was my idea first and two—thats so exploitative! depriving these actors from experiencing halloween joy, what a cruel world we live in.” he sighed dramatically looking over at the lawn. you’re barely listening, focusing on how cute he looks when he’s angry.
“babe you’re not even listening to me.” he whines burying his head into your chest. “i am!” you protest in response rubbing his back soothingly. “im sorry that he stole your idea that has totally been done before.” you say in a comforting tone, trying not burst into a fit of giggles.“well no one was doing haunted houses before we arrived anyways! so he totally stole my idea!” he continued still pissed at the whole ordeal.
“satoru, honey, you can’t call his idea exploitative when you’re literally paying your students to do the same thing.” you countered brushing the stray hairs away from his face, satoru frowned knowing you had a point but still continued his defence. “megumi, yuji and nobara volunteered their sweet and precious time to help their old sensei out. i didn’t have to bribe them to help me.” he said matter-of-factly denying your claims. you folded your arms giving him a look that told him that you didn’t believe him at all.
he raised his arms as if to surrender. “alright you got me. i had to resort to bribery to get them to help me. i didn’t want to deal with the mean teens this year.” he pouted crossing his arms. “it’s no fun scaring kids who call you an ‘overgrown furby’ or a ‘jack frost reject’.” you let out a small laugh that is quickly shut down by satoru’s glare. “is that why you wanted us to go as gomez and morticia this year?” you asked quickly changing the subject.
“maybe,” he replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “i knew you’d make a fine morticia and i was right.” he takes your hand and twirls you around slowly taking in how gorgeous you look, he still looks at you with the same twinkle in his eyes from when you first met, making you giddy. “can’t believe i married the finest woman in the world.” he smiled softly before pulling you into a passionate kiss. the loud blare of a car horn made you two jump. “oi lovebirds, do you want our help or not!” nobara yelled out from the car.
she stepped out the car a few seconds later with yuji and megumi in tow, all dressed in pink. its clear that they had better places to be than here right now. evident from the bits and pieces you picked up from megumi’s mumbling about ‘missing the party of the year’ and this being a ‘complete waste of time’, you kinda felt sorry for him but you knew that no one was safe from being roped into your husband’s schemes.
“from the all pink outfits im guessing mean girls?” you smiled taking in their outfits. nobara beamed pulling yuji and megumi together. “im regina, yuji’s karen and megumi is gretchen.” apart from megumi’s usual sullen expression that was more prominent after having to wear a shitty party city wig and a thin crop top—a testament to how much gojo spoiled him, you couldn’t deny they all looked adorable.
you gave them a sympathetic smile, as satoru whisked them away to the garden to help them prepare for the scaring they were going to do later. in the midst of your husband’s usual antics you found it adorable how he put so much thought and energy into halloween to make it an enjoyable experience for you both as well as the neighbourhood
halloween night was underway and it was a success, satoru basked in the praise about the decor from the other neighbours and passer-by’s who were in the area, you also received many compliments for your costume. you resigned yourself to trick or treat duty partly because of the cute and creative costumes you got to see every time you opened the door and the fact that satoru brought out his best candy only for halloween that you could snack on.
the doorbell rang again whilst you were refilling the bucket of candy. you ran to open the door it was kei mr yamaguchi’s son aka the son of the enemy. “trick or treat!” he smiled waving his bucket in front of you. he looked adorable in his spiderman costume and thanked you as you filled his bucket with extra candy. you heard a loud gasp from behind you, you let out a sigh as it came from none other than your husband.
“so you’re fraternising with the enemy now?” he said feigning shock. you chuckled at his question, not thinking he’d stoop so low that he’d beef with a five year old. “‘toru he is five years old, i don’t think he has any hidden agenda against you.” you looked at kei who seemed unaffected by the conversation. he looked more interested in the screams coming from the haunted house garden. “can i go into the haunted house now?” he asked clearly not wanting to be stuck in this conversation for any longer.
“of course sweetie, in fact satoru will take you!” your husband stopped mid chew of his candy, opening his mouth to protest but the look on your face made it clear it wasn’t up for any discussion. “c’mon little man let’s go.” he sighed before leading kei into the garden, sticking his tongue out at you as he walked past.
as the night drew to a close, you slumped down against the kitchen island, as the last of the kids left the house. gojo walked in with a smile on his face, “how was it?” you asked with a tired smile as he bent down to give you a kiss on the top of your head. “i’ve practically won halloween this year. mr yamaguchi ain’t got nothing on me!” he says proudly before stifling a yawn.
“i think we should celebrate by calling it a night.” you chuckle looking at his weary expression. he’s ditched the contacts and reverted back to his blindfold, it seems that even the strongest needs to recuperate sometimes after engaging in a month long battle with his neighbour. you yelp as he uses the last remainder of his strength to carry you to the bedroom, bridal style.
“is it bad that im already thinking about what we’re gonna do for christmas?” he whispers in your ear, holding you close against him. on most nights you’d entertain his thoughts but after today’s events you’re too tired to even give him a coherent reply. “satoru it is three am go to sleep.” you groan annoyedly to which he chuckles in response. “just messing with ya babe, goodnight.” he says softly before turning off the lamp.
later whilst he dozes off, you silently thank whoever’s above that you’ve managed to survive the worst holiday of the year before closing your eyes for the night.
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brittscafe · 9 months
JJK men finding you asleep
Reactions to finding you asleep.
Includes: Gojo Saturo, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nanami Kento.
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Gojo Saturo: He leans against the wall with a pride smile across his face as he watches you fast asleep on the couch. He loved how adorable you look right now.
Not a single thing bothering you as your chest goes up and down with each soft breath you inhale and exhale.
Gojo walks over to you and lifts up your head, allowing himself to sit down on the couch. He gently places your head down on his lap and you snuggle closer to him.
Gojo's fingers tenderly brush through your hair, pulling it back and tucking it behind your ears. A smile forms along his face as he watches you peacefully sleep.
Yuji Itadori: He stumbles into his room and his eyes widen. His mouth gapes open as your body is curled up into a ball on his bed, fast asleep.
"Y/N?" he calls out, eyebrows raising.
He completely forgot that you were suppose to hang out with you after his training session with Maki.
Soft breaths are leaving through your slightly opened lips and Yuji carefully stalks over to you. He kneels down to your level and slowly reaches out.
His finger pokes your cheek and you don't respond. A smile tugs on Yuji's face and he presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
Megumi Fushiguro: His breath hitches in his throat as he walks into the room and immediately stops. His eyes rake over you, sprawled out in the bed and he clears his throat.
He carefully walks over to you, trying to not make a sound. Megumi sinks down into the bed beside you, eyes admiring you. He lays down beside you, breathing ever so quietly.
The moment he does lay down, he realizes how heavy his eyelids are and how exhausted he is. Maybe right now is a good time to take a nap, with you.
Megumi snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. He nuzzles his head on your chest, exhaling deeply and letting himself relax.
His eyelids flutter close as your arms wrap around him, lulling him into a deep sleep.
Nanami Kento: You were waiting up for him, having dinner prepared and ready for when he gets home. Nanami swings open the door to your shared apartment suite and he lets out a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry I'm late, y/n," Nanami's voice echoes through the silent apartment.
No response from you.
Nanami walks into the kitchen where is your back is hunched over and your head is on the counter, eyes closed. He lets out a tiny chuckle and his eyes rake over the plates of food, beyond cold at this point.
He runs his fingers through his blonde hair, pushing it back. Nanami wraps his arms around your waist and easily lifts you up from the chair.
Your eyelids slowly flutter open from the sudden movement. You wrap your arms around his neck and cling onto him. You mumble, resting your head on his shoulder.
"The food," you mumble out, still trapped in your sleep. Nanami gently rubs your back and shakes his head.
"Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it," he reassures you, carrying you into the bedroom. Nanami carefully places you down on the bed and pulls the sheets over you.
His knuckles trace over your face as your sleep overtakes you once again. His heartstrings are tugged on and the corner of his lips dare to curl up into a smile.
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mewogrl · 19 days
ɴᴇᴡ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ✧.*
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bestfriend!megumi x f!reader
you get a new friend and your bestfriend megumi notices.
↳˳;; ❝ part of my jealous? me? never! fic, masterlist here ᵕ̈೫˚∗
content: jealousy, reassurance, the amazing megumi nd yuji friendship, start of angst, implied relationship, toge nd megumi rivalry, readers pronouns are she/her, miscommunication
wc: 924
an: this is so short nd i'm so mad i chose to do angst for him.. but i promise it will get better┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
you feel the glare of your favourite dark blue eyes on you and your new friend, inumaki . you glance back at him but quickly look back at inumaki, not trying to seem like your uninterested in the topic he's talking about.
you were tired of megumi yapping about you not being able to get friends and him being your only friend. this was the perfect chance to humble him, and get a new friend.
megumi was walking out of the cafeteria, looking around, in hopes to find his favourite person. his eyes wander to you instinctively and he sees you talking to inumaki.
he was debating whether or not to head over to you and drag you away. not that he's jealous or anything, he just wants to speak to y/n, privately.
after a few seconds of quick back and fourth debate between megumi's brain frequencies, he decides to snatch her from inumaki. he speed-walks away from panda and as soon as he does so, inumaki wraps his stupid arms around you and embraces your warmth.
he feels his face start to heat up, and not from joy. that man pisses him off so much. only megumi should be able to feel your warmth on my body.
once he reaches where they were standing, he grabs your arm and tugs.
he quickly snakes his arms away from her torso and megumi walks off with his hand around your upper arm.
"um megumi-" you stutter, trying to comprehend the whole situation.
he continues walking away with you, heading you guys back to panda. you can almost see smoke bursting out of his ear holes.
you guys finally make a quick stop and he sighs.
"why did you pull me away from toge! you're always bugging me about you being my only friend so i make a new one and you take me away from him?" you continue, "what's wrong with you!"
he looks away, a signal he is about to lie.
"listen, y/n. you know i hate inumaki. so just make a different friend! like nobara!" lied megumi.
it's the most obvious lie ever. he has never mentioned hating toge any moment before you became friends with him. and he always mentions people he hates.
"that's the most obvious lie you have ever told me, meg." y/n replied.
he stares at you with a serious face. for a second, you get nervous and break eye contact.
"y/n, do whatever you want, but please just find someone else. i hate him." he begged. you contemplated it for a split second.
"meg, i'm sorry but he's a really cool person and i wanna get to know him. i'll be the judge to decide if he's really that bad of a person to hate." you asserted, feeling bad.
he gives you a deep sigh and nods his head in understandment.
megumi and panda slowly retreat and walk away in defeat. you glance over at toge and he's just watching. once he see's you look over, he waves and smiles. you do so back.
"no yuji, you don't get it! i was finally going to confess to y/n soon and all of a sudden toge comes along." he cried
feeling bad, yuji stares in concern, plotting on how to help his bestfriend.
"megumi, i may not understand fully but trust me on this! toge doesn't want anything to do with y/n that way." he reassures megumi in a graceful tone.
he stares at yuji, "that's the problem yuj.." he pauses, "he doesn't want anything to do with y/n but he'll make her fall for him. and now she's probably pissed at me for trying to prevent her from making friends."
"i'm sure she's not megumi.. just talk to her. please." yuji pleaded
megumi thinks about it. he really does want to save his friendship with you. in fact, he wanted more with you. he wanted a true relationship. he wanted you to be his and him to be yours.
but now that inumaki had showed up, all hope of that dream of his coming true is now gone.
yuji takes a deep breathe and holds it for nth seconds.
he finally releases his large puff of air and decides to give up. "listen megumi," he starts, " do as you want but at least think about talking to her. i love you guys both deeply and i want to see the both of you happy." he states with a slight smile, starting to walk away.
megumi feels regret, thinking he just pushed his bestfriend away when all he was trying to do was help him but, megumi decides that was what was best for him right now. he needs time to drown in his thoughts.
walking through the halls the next day in school, megumi feels like he has 200 pounds crush down on him when he sees you and toge talking on the bench together.
what really gets him though, is when inumaki hands you a small bouquet of hand-picked flowers and he can visibly see you melt, knowing that you always mentioned you wanted a friend like that and he had never delivered that desire.
he holds his breath and turns around swiftly as he feels little pools of water at his lower-lash line.
before he had turned around, he had seen you notice him and give a sincere look of quick sadness on your face.
he wished he could just get this heavy feeling off his chest and communicate with you.
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@1l-ynn @siythn
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queenendless · 7 months
🍂🍁💝Thankful (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK)💝🍁🍂
A/n: Spontaneous short fiction.
Sequel to Spooky Lovin'.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. To those who don't, well do whatever makes you happy.
Lots of characters/pairings, pure cavity esque fluff, with a twist!
All credit for JJK goes to Gege ... despite what happens canon wise.
*Please don't plagiarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC work. Like, reblog and follow instead, thank you.
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The enriching enthusiasm boomed out throughout your private abode.
You watched in beaming amusement through the open archway at the packed company.
Yuji laughed at what Megumi had to say which made the other smile; both close together on one end of the couch.
Nobara gushed over showing Maki upcoming winter attire releasing on her phone, to which the latter was intrigued, both also bundled closely on the other end of the couch.
Kento and Yu leaning against the wall, drinking apple cider as the latter rambled enthusiastically on their latest endeavor, while Ino popped in, praising a blushing Nanami on his caliber as his sorcerer icon.
Aoi clapping and weeping all up in the big TV showing Takada-chan's live performance in the themed parade happening down South.
Panda and Toge jumping in the leaf piles, a beaming Yuta swinging a giggling Rika around through the whisking leaves. Kamo sipped tea on the front patio as he watched the sunset.
Down the way, a car crossed by, with Shiu at the wheel and Toji eyeing the house with sharp ambivalence. Part of him missing his kids but accepting long ago that this is where they truly belong, nodding for Shiu to drive off.
A tipsy Shoko cuddling up with a blushing smiling Utahime in the hot tub on one end and Mei lounging and sipping on cider on the other end with Ui holding her bagged gear and waiting on her outside the tub, on standby, cause he's just that devoted.
Mai and Momo taking selfies together in the backyard garden before teasing a flustered Kasumi after Kokichi gifted her a flower in her hair.
Yuki and Choso; also in the backyard, napped together on the bench under the tallest looming tree, cozy smiles on their faces.
Kusakabe excused himself just to sneak into the bathroom to try out the jacuzzi.
Nanako and Mimiko braided Tsumiki's hair as they sat at the katsudon, smack dabbed in the center of their spacious living room.
Junpei blushing from Tsumiki noticing him gazing at her, smiling widely in return, to which a flushed Junpei jumped from Megumi's stern-faced warning to which his sister complained for him not to scare him so much and a nervously laughing Yuji consoled his horror buddy by hugging him and patting his back, simultaneously trying to calm down his boyfriend going all overprotective brother mode.
Masamichi made some festive themed cursed corpse dolls that were taking up space on the other couch.
Kiyotaka fumbled with his drink as Akari's beaming smile had him and Arata covering their flushed faces from how pure she looked.
Riko and Misato assist Suguru in the kitchen as they prepare the food.
Suguru, knowing you were still unwell, insisted you take it easy and let them handle the feast.
You had been feeling unwell the past few days.
You called in sick today when you felt something change.
You had to see for yourself.
And when you did, you felt inspired to message everyone you know for an impromptu get together at your place. The word spread via group chats, texts, and calls.
Watching everyone enjoying themselves at your impromptu get together heightened your spirits.
Just not for the festive touch.
But to be surrounded by all their beaming warm faces when —
Satoru warped right before barging through the front door with dramatic flair, exciting a few, scaring some, and annoying the rest.
“Honey, I'm home~!” Dropping the bag of pies on the counter, Satoru smooched Suguru fully on the lips.
The moment he noticed you practically glowing, the Six Eyes told him all that there is and will soon be, straight down to the first traces.
In that moment, everyone inside and outside felt the shifts in the cursed force as Gojo warped right before you, startling you out of your hidden viewing spot, his arms wrapping around your figure to catch you. You imagined his eyes trained on the right spot.
“You … you're …”
You couldn't suppress your smile. “I found out this morning. But I didn't know how to tell you both. I had a feeling your Six Eyes would show you the truth – AAH~!” Your yelp as he lifted you up in the air reverberated throughout the house, grabbing everyone's attention.
“Gojo-sensei?!” His students exclaimed in a jumbled mess.
“Satoru! Be careful – !” Suguru's concerns were cut short when he watched as you tugged down that blindfold just to see Satoru's awestruck eyes with your own.
Tears made his eyes sparkling that much beautifully, sniffling softly, beaming with that lovestruck smile as he lowered you down to embrace you, swinging side to side gently, laughing as he smooched your face with so many kisses.
“Y/n … thank you.”
As he sets you down; keeping you wrapped up in one arm, his other arm waving you two's partner over before intertwining their hands together to pull him in quickly. “Suguru~ We've got the hottest scoop of the year!”
Pressing himself right by your side, Suguru leaned down as you got up on your tiptoes to whisper your secret right in his ear. His stunned face was all you could read as he replayed your words in his mind, but he wanted to be certain. “Are you sure?”
Satoru's closed eyed smile and thumbs up added to the buildup. “These eyes don't lie!”
Burning wetness swelled up in those beautiful almond eyes as Suguru kissed you lovingly, smiling at you in the same smitten manner. “Best news ever.”
“Everyone!” Satoru hollered as his arms became yours and Suguru's thrones, lifting you both up, as he floated for literal joy. “We're having a baby!”
“And yes, it's all true!” You exclaimed boldly, knowing the people would take your word more easily than Satoru's.
First stunned silence. Which immediately erupted into cheers and applause of congratulations.
The twins, Tsumiki and Megumi were the first to get up and hurry on over to embrace you, shedding tears of joy.
Yuji and Haibara high-fiving Satoru who was over the moon.
Nanami shook hands to congratulate Suguru, warning him to make sure Satoru took extra caution with taking care of you and your little bundle before embracing you himself. You personally wanted to deem him as the godfather, just a side note.
As those from out front and out back swarmed in as the announcement shot straight through the roof from the loud groundbreaking importance.
After all the girls in the house fussed over you with hugs, advice and offers to help you through this new adventure, your husbands were in the same boat with almost everyone.
Except Kusakabe who was stuck in the bathroom for a while since the hallway was filled with the rest of your guests.
After embracing and congratulating you themselves, Riko and Kuroi announced the feast was ready.
Exchanging kisses with both your loves, you gave a toast.
Toasting to the new addition to your growing unique family.
Now that is cause to celebrate.
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enkvyu · 10 months
9:45am — gojo satoru ;
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gojo’s giving you one of those looks again, the type of look that is typically followed by nothing good. there seems to be almost no thoughts behind his sleepy eyes as he blatantly stares at you from across the table, and you subconsciously shift at the attention.
though you were drowsy too—checking your watch you realise it was only 9:45am—his gaze wakes you up.
you shove your chopstick in your mouth and around your food, you say, “well? spit it out.”
assuming you didn’t mean the rice in his mouth, gojo swallows and clears his throat. “i know something that might surprise you.”
“oh, okay. what is it?”
“here's the thing though, i can’t tell you.”
you stare at him. “why did you bring it up then?”
“you told me to spit it out.”
“well, that was useless.”
you direct your interest to the sushi in front of you and put a piece of sashimi in your mouth. a few silent seconds pass and gojo is still looking at you, and still very obviously holding something back.
eventually, your curiosity overflows. "gojo, just tell me what it is."
"i just told you i can't."
"why not? is it really bad? is it something serious? who is it about?"
gojo hums in thought. "it's about you. and it's about me."
you raise an eyebrow at his statement. "what the fuck? you have to tell me now."
gojo picks up the last piece of sushi from the plate you were sharing, and pops it in his mouth without another thought. you bristle at the sight. "what kind of person would tell the person the thing is about, the thing? also i'm taking the last piece of sushi."
"what are you on about? also you can't say you're taking the last piece after you've already eaten it! you didn't even give me the chance to scissors-paper-rock it!"
"my bad, i'll make up for it and pay for the food this time around. and i'm not telling you the thing no matter how much you beg me."
"gojo, you can't fool me i know for a fact you didn't bring your wallet today. so like always, it'll be on me. by the way, i'm not begging. i'm demanding you tell me."
"demand all you like, i'm not telling you anything." gojo sneers. "the sushi's already in my mouth, there's nothing you can do about it anymore."
you slam your hand on the table and level him with a stare. "spit it out!"
"i'm not telling you the thing! how many times do i have to say that?"
"i meant the sushi." when you don't laugh after, he realises you're serious. "i was eyeing that piece the entire time. don't you know you have to leave the best bite until the end so you can finish your meal perfectly. that was supposed to be my perfect bite!"
gojo looks at you and swallows. he reaches over for his drink and after a long sip, sighs happily. "well, it's already gone." he says with a shit-eating grin.
you swear passionately at him and he raises an eyebrow.
"did you want it that bad? if you want, i can still give you a taste."
you scrunch your nose at him. "that sounds absolutely disgusting."
"what? how?"
"you offered to regurgitate the sushi?"
he makes a face similar to yours. "no, i meant like, a kiss."
"oh." your grimace deepens.
"good oh or bad oh?"
"what do you think, oh."
he studies your face. "bad oh."
"correct." you take a sip from your drink and sigh, albeit a little unhappily. "i can't believe you dragged me here at nine in the morning just to steal my perfect bite of sushi."
"it's just sushi." gojo says. he looks over at you from above the frames of his glasses, noting the slight pout on your lips and the adorable furrow between your brows. without thinking, he clears his throat. "but because i like you, i'll order you another roll if you want."
you freeze. "what?"
"i'll replace your perfect bite."
"no, the part before that."
gojo smiles but there's something jittery about it. he fusses over his glasses and makes every move to avoid your eye. "that was the thing i wasn't supposed to tell you. i like you. but i guess you really are as demanding as you say since i told you anyway."
"oh." you say.
"was that a good oh, or a bad oh?"
"it's a 'i'm trying to think' oh." and then, after a pause. "oh."
he inhales sharply. "a double oh, that doesn't sound good."
you blink at him in the uncomfortable silence.
looking down, you observe the slides you had roughly put on before heading out at gojo's request to get sushi first thing in the morning. you look at the large shirt you had on, something gojo had left behind in your dorm after a sleepover, and the pyjama pants that you weren't even sure were yours. you look at him again, and he's in a similar outfit to yours. "you're telling me this now?"
"that's why i told you i couldn't tell you! why did you make me say it?"
"you're saying this like i knew what you would say!"
"you kept telling me to spit it out, spit it out, well i did and i still can't win."
"well you, well i actually, well," you clap your hands together. "actually i do like you too gojo, so—"
"you do?"
the two of you stare at each other.
you breathe out. "yeah."
"okay." gojo nods. "okay, that's good to know."
you fidget with your chopsticks, twirling it between your fingers. "what now?"
"i didn't think this far."
"i'm going to," gojo clears his throat when it cracks. "i'm going to order more sushi. that's what you wanted, right?"
you look at him. "yeah."
when he leaves, you stare at the wall in front of you.
"so like, did you guys forget we're also here?"
shoko sips at her milkshake, blatantly staring. at least getou has the tact to pretend to be on his phone. still, it’s impossible to hide his interest and his eyes flicker over to you. “i’m never going to agree to another ‘let’s go get food’ again.”
you open your mouth to say something and shoko patiently waits. unfortunately, the right words do not come to you and you use the opportunity to bring your straw to your mouth and take a sip from your drink instead.
"isn't there something you should be saying to us?" shoko presses, gesturing over to the counter where gojo was ordering.
you glance over too and spot gojo looking over his shoulder at you. something sparks between the two of you and you tear your eyes away to look at shoko and getou again.
"yeah." you say. "we're getting more sushi."
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not proofread, i just started typing w the dialogue “spit it out” and this came about
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bakugokemkatsuki · 6 months
Megumi x Reader
**Just some quick thoughts on Megumi as a boyfriend, note this is NOT proofread and was written quite quickly. Enjoy! **Genre: Fluff **Reader is GN/Fem/M (However you want to imagine them)
**Gojo Version
Megumi was what most would consider a "grump" . He wasn't the best with his feelings, but honestly who really is? What most people never see though is that he wasn't really a grump. At least not around you. He has one of the most beautiful smiles you have ever seen and he is quick to take notice of your mood and be there however you needed him. Whether that was a person to vent to or a shoulder to cry on Megumi was always there for you. His laugh was music to your ears and with you he did that quite often. Megumi wasn't a grump or out of touch with his emotions like most thought, he was just an introvert. You understood this and made sure to make him as comfortable as possible around you. Only you got to see the real Megumi and you cherished that with your whole heart. He was your forever.
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mononijikayu · 4 months
mr. kupido  ― itadori yuji.
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This was much more evident with each passing day that you were around him. Nothing felt right without you. Yuji is shaken by the fact that he cannot live without seeing you wave at him in the morning. He could not go without you greeting him at the training ground. He didn’t feel content without you seeing him off in each and every mission. Every time he saw you, whether it was in the classroom, the training grounds, or simply passing by in the hallway, his heart would skip a beat. A rush of warmth and happiness would wash over him, leaving him breathless and longing for more.
GENRE: Fearsome Womb Arc, 2018;
WARNING/s: Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Banter, Romance, Falling in Love, Young Love, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Curse Hunting, Gojo-Sensei is Cupid;
note: i told myself that i should stop writing and get napping but i got an idea while listening to music, don't mind me please. i'm just really making all the time of semester break matter!!! genmei by the way is my oc from us and them, which im trying to plot,,,,,anyway please enjoy this!!! <3333
listen: mr. kupido by rachel alejandro
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ITADORI YUJI WAS HE NEVER REALLY FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE. In the bustling corridors of Jujutsu High, amidst the chaos of students in the training ground, there was one person who stood out from the crowd – Yuji Itadori. With his infectious grin and boundless energy, Yuji seemed to light up the room wherever he went. But behind that charismatic facade lay a secret that weighed heavily on his heart.
Yuji Itadori had fallen deeply, irrevocably in love. And the object of his affection? None other than you, his classmate. From the moment he first laid eyes on you around Jujutsu High, Yuji was sure that he was never gonna forget about you. Immediately, when you introduced yourself – he was just completely captivated by your presence, your laughter, your every movement. Everything about you just screamed life. And he needed that. 
But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Itadori Yuji found himself consumed with all these overwhelming feelings. Yuji was unable to shake off the want of you, everything of you and it just burns him. It seemed that every waking moment was filled with thoughts of how he could keep this secret any longer, how he could continue to hide the depths of his emotions from you.
This was much more evident with each passing day that you were around him. Nothing felt right without you. Yuji is shaken by the fact that he cannot live without seeing you wave at him in the morning. He could not go without you greeting him at the training ground. He didn’t feel content without you seeing him off in each and every mission. Every time he saw you, whether it was in the classroom, the training grounds, or simply passing by in the hallway, his heart would skip a beat. A rush of warmth and happiness would wash over him, leaving him breathless and longing for more.
As he navigated the halls of Jujutsu High, Yuji grappled with his feelings, torn between the fear of rejection and the longing for something more. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to tell you. To make it clear that there was no one else that had made his heart bigger. Nothing that had become his roman empire more than the thought of you loving him back. And as each day passed, the weight of his secret grew heavier, threatening to crush him under its unbearable burden. 
But despite the turmoil raging within him, Yuji couldn't deny the undeniable truth – his love grows for you every day. And he couldn’t be happier about it. His heart skips a beat at the thought of you. He was consumed by you, and he could never fight it. He didn’t want to. Because he wanted you. He wanted to be happy together with you. 
Yuji stood there, weighing his options. He lets out a deep breath, huffing out frustration in a groan soon after. He knew that he could no longer keep this secret hidden away. It was time to muster up the courage to confess his feelings, to lay his heart bare and hope for the best. He wanted to be brave and put his heart out there. But there was a problem weighing heavily on his mind.
He didn’t want to lose you this way. He had thought about it before. He didn’t have the courage to fan the flames for fear of scorching the delicate fabric of your friendship. For a long time, he had kept telling himself that he was already content having you in his life as a friend. The thought of confessing his feelings to you filled Yuji with a potent mixture of excitement and dread. Megumi had told him that it was time to do it, Kugisaki had told him to stop being a coward.
As days turned into nights, and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Tokyo Jujutsu High campus, Yuji found himself locked in an internal struggle. The words lingered on the tip of his tongue, a confession waiting to be set free into the world, yet the weight of uncertainty held him captive.
His friends, blissfully unaware of the emotional tempest brewing within him, teased and joked about matters of the heart. But they couldn't fathom the depth of the turmoil Yuji was enduring. Nights turned into sleepless introspections, as he replayed the scenario endlessly in his mind, a perpetual loop of 'what ifs.'
He found himself in a ceaseless cycle of self-reflection, meticulously analyzing every possible outcome of the impending confession. A relentless parade of scenarios, each one more daunting than the last, paraded through his thoughts. Would you reciprocate his feelings, or would his declaration become the catalyst for a chasm that would forever alter the dynamics of their friendship?
Yuji, a prisoner of his own overactive mind, navigated the labyrinth of his emotions. A to Z, he scrutinized every conceivable permutation of events, contemplating the consequences of baring his soul to you. What if the words he longed to speak shattered the delicate equilibrium they had cultivated over time?
The fear of breaking the fragile harmony between them haunted him like a ghost, whispering doubts into the recesses of his consciousness. He envisioned a landscape of awkwardness and regret, where the warmth of your friendship would be replaced by a chilling awkwardness, a ghostly reminder of what once was.
The mere prospect of losing you, not just as a confidant but as the anchor of his daily existence, sent shivers down his spine. The shadow of potential regret loomed over him, casting a pall over his every waking moment. It was a paralyzing fear, one that gripped his heart and refused to let go.
As the clock ticked away, each second echoing in the chambers of his hesitation, Yuji grappled with the decision to finally unburden himself of this emotional weight or continue to navigate the labyrinth of uncertainty that lay before him. The battleground was set within his own mind, and the war between desire and fear raged on, leaving him standing on the precipice of a choice that could reshape the course of their relationship forever.
Faced with the daunting prospect of baring his soul to you, Yuji sought solace in the wisdom of one man – Gojo Satoru, the enigmatic and all-knowing sorcerer who seemed to possess an answer to every problem under the sun. With a heavy heart and a stomach full of butterflies, Yuji embarked on a quest to seek Gojo's guidance, determined to navigate the treacherous waters of love with the help of his eccentric sensei.
As Yuji approached Gojo's office, he couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy coursing through his veins. He knocked on the door, his knuckles rapping against the wood in a rhythm that mirrored the erratic beat of his heart.
"Come in," Gojo's voice echoed from within, a playful lilt dancing in his words.
Yuji pushed open the door and stepped into the room, his eyes widening at the sight before him. Gojo, adorned in his trademark flashy attire and sporting his signature blindfold, lounged on a throne-like chair, surrounded by a myriad of colorful plush toys and bizarre trinkets.
"Ah, Yuji my boy!" Gojo exclaimed, a grin stretching across his face. "What brings you to my humble abode?"
Yuji cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Um, Sensei, I... I need your help with something."
Gojo leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ah, let me guess…..is it about young love?" he mused, tapping his chin thoughtfully. Gojo Satoru grins. 
"I've been expecting this moment. Fear not, Yuji! Sensei is here to assist you on your quest for romance!"
Yuji blinked in surprise, unsure of what to make of Gojo's theatrical display. "Um, thank you, Sensei. It's just that... I'm in love with them, but I don't know how to tell them."
Gojo's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he listened to Yuji's confession. "Ah, a classic tale of unrequited love! But fear not, Yuji, for I have just the solution to your conundrum. Consider me your personal cupid!"
As Gojo reveled in his grand plan, the door swung open, and Fushiguro Megumi entered the room with his signature deadpan expression. "This is the worst idea you could have ever had," he deadpanned, his gaze fixed firmly on Gojo.
Nobara Kugisaki followed closely behind, her laughter echoing through the room as she glanced at Yuji. "Gojo-sensei is gonna sink your love life," she teased, her tone laced with playful sarcasm. "Just tell them how you feel!"
Gojo faked a gasp of offense, feigning shock at Fushiguro and Nobara teasing remarks. "You two are so rude! I romanced my own wife, thank you very much," he protested, his tone laced with mock indignation.
But Fushiguro wasn't about to let Gojo off the hook so easily. "Genmei-san didn’t choose you in the first place," he pointed out with a hint of skepticism, his gaze unwavering as he met Gojo's eyes.
Nobara, ever the mischievous one, added fuel to the fire with a knowing smirk. "Yeah, didn’t she tell us that she would have chosen Nanami-san instead of you?" she teased, settling comfortably onto Gojo's black sofa.
A genuine frown crossed Gojo's face, his playful facade crumbling as he defended his honor. "Nu-uh! She didn’t! I’m the one she actually likes!" he insisted, a note of desperation creeping into his voice.
Fushiguro rolled his eyes, unimpressed by Gojo's protests. "Can you just tell us the mission and be done with this mess?" he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest in a display of impatience.
Gojo's pride stung as he awaited Yuji's affirmation, his confidence momentarily shaken by Fushiguro and Nobara's teasing. "I can’t believe this, my own son!" he exclaimed dramatically, feigning betrayal at Fushiguro's casual dismissal.
Fushiguro merely raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Gojo's theatrics. "I'm not your son," he deadpanned, his tone laced with dry sarcasm as he met Gojo's gaze with an unyielding stare.
Meanwhile, Yuji squirmed uncomfortably under their scrutiny, a blush creeping up his cheeks as he attempted to defend Gojo's plan. "Come on, guys, Gojo-sensei knows what he's doing," he insisted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I’m pretty sure he’s romanced Gen-san before! I mean, they’ve been married for a while!"
Gojo's expression softened at Yuji's earnest defense, touched by his student's unwavering trust in him. "Yes, exactly! I am Cupid himself. Tell them that, Yuji!" he urged, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes as he awaited Yuji's affirmation.
With a hesitant nod, Yuji turned to Fushiguro and Nobara, his gaze wavering but determined. "Guys, Gojo-sensei really does have a plan. I think we should trust him," he implored, his voice tinged with uncertainty but genuine belief.
Fushiguro and Nobara exchanged skeptical glances, clearly unconvinced by Gojo's grand claims. But as they watched Yuji's earnest expression and sensed his unwavering faith in their sensei, they couldn't help but soften slightly, begrudgingly giving in to his plea.
With a resigned sigh, Fushiguro relented. "Fine, we'll hear out Gojo-sensei's plan," he conceded, his tone begrudging but willing to entertain the possibility.
Nobara nodded in agreement, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "But if this ends in disaster, Gojo-sensei, you're gonna owe us big time," she warned, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she glanced at the flustered sorcerer.
Gojo lifted a thumb up, an all-mighty grin on his lips. “I won’t fail, don’t worry! Leave it to your great, handsome teacher and Cupid, Satoru Gojo!”
And so, with a tentative truce in place and Gojo's grand plan hanging in the balance, the unlikely quartet prepared to embark on a wild and unpredictable journey of love, laughter, and perhaps a touch of chaos, all under the guidance of the self-proclaimed Cupid himself.
But Fushiguro and Nobara remained unconvinced, exchanging skeptical glances as they watched Gojo eagerly lay out his elaborate scheme. With a resigned sigh, Fushiguro shook his head. "Fine, do whatever you want," he muttered, already bracing himself for the chaos that was sure to follow.
Gojo's heart swelled with pride and excitement as Fushiguro and Nobara reluctantly agreed to hear out his plan. Their skepticism was evident, but the glimmer of hope in Yuji's eyes fueled Gojo's determination to make this grand scheme a success. With a triumphant grin, he turned to Yuji, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes, ready to embark on this adventure of love and laughter.
"Well then, shall we get started?" Gojo exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as he eagerly laid out the intricate details of his grand scheme. His voice crackled with energy, each word infused with palpable excitement. "First things first, we need to set the stage for the perfect confession!"
“And what would that be?” Megumi raises a brow.
Satoru Gojo looked at all his students and grinned at Yuji, “You’ll see!”
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IT WAS QUITE A SURPRISED WHEN GOJO SATORU GAVE YOU A MISSION ON YOUR OWN. You sat there, perched on the edge of your seat, your eyes narrowed with suspicion as you stared at Gojo-sensei. His trademark smirk stretched across his face, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he regarded you with amusement. Something about his demeanor set off alarm bells in your mind, and you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this meeting than met the eye.
Under the pretense of a routine mission, Gojo-sensei had summoned you to his office, claiming that there was a task at hand that required your immediate attention. But as he began to explain the details of the mission, a sense of unease settled in the pit of your stomach. There was an air of secrecy surrounding Gojo-sensei's words, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was hiding.
You raised a brow at him. “Maki–senpai would be more suited for something like this, maybe Inumaki–senpai too–”
"You’re the one I can trust with this mission, it’s why I called for you.” Gojo-sensei says, his voice smooth and casual as he leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled together in front of him. "We have a special mission that requires your unique skills.”
You narrowed your eyes at his cryptic words, your instincts telling you that there was more to this mission than Gojo-sensei was letting on. He was being weird again, you think to yourself. But then again, he's always weird. That's not something that you really can do anything about. You shrugged at him.
"What kind of mission?" you asked, your voice laced with suspicion as you studied him intently.
Gojo-sensei's smirk widened, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's just say it involves something that we highly value." he replied cryptically, a playful glint in his eyes.
Your suspicions only grew stronger at his vague response, and you couldn't help but shoot him a skeptical glare. "And you're not going to tell me what these we highly value, anyway?" you asked, your tone tinged with frustration as you pressed him for answers.
But Gojo-sensei merely chuckled in response, his smirk never faltering as he leaned back in his chair once more. "You'll just have to find out for yourself," he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he watched your reaction.
You sighed at what Gojo-sensei said and nodded. Soon enough you were out into the narrow streets of Tokyo, following the map Gojo-sensei gave you. Much of what you’re going off on was guided by the cryptic instructions he provided. The details were vague, leaving you to navigate the darkened streets and winding alleyways with a sense of uncertainty. An irritated sigh releases from your lips. You should text Megumi about your plot to take revenge on Gojo-sensei. As you ventured deeper into the heart of the city, a palpable anticipation filled the air, mingling with the thick tension that seemed to surround the mission like a heavy cloak.
With each step forward, the sense of unease intensified, as if the very fabric of reality itself was undergoing a disquieting metamorphosis around you. The familiar surroundings of a Jujutsu sorcerer's job began to take on an uncanny and shifting quality. A subtle but perceptible alteration in the atmosphere left you questioning whether this unsettling phenomenon was an intentional part of Gojo's mission, or if it heralded something more enigmatic.
You instinctively reached for your saber, the cool metal providing a reassuring weight against the growing tension. The surroundings, once familiar and predictable, now took on an increasingly foreboding nature. Long shadows twisted and contorted, casting menacing shapes that danced malevolently along the walls. The labyrinthine streets seemed to stretch and coil, as if the city itself was a living, breathing entity responding to an unseen force.
As you continued your journey, hunting down the curses that lurked in the shadows, the palpable feeling of unease persisted. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and the tension became a palpable entity, wrapping around you like a suffocating shroud. Was this a side effect of the mission, or had Gojo intentionally woven this disconcerting atmosphere into the fabric of your quest?
Yet, even amidst the swirling chaos and uncertainty, a fierce determination burned within you. Each curse encountered, each challenge faced, only fueled your relentless pursuit of the truth behind Gojo's enigmatic mission. The glimmer of determination within you shone like a beacon, cutting through the ominous ambiance that sought to engulf you. 
You rush toward the gurgling curse with fierce determination before you feel the curse burst into pieces. You halt and blink at the dead curse in front of you. As you turned the corner, your eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sight before you. There, amidst the swirling chaos of curses, stood Yuji Itadori, his expression resolute as he engaged in a fierce battle against the malevolent entities threatening to overwhelm him.
"Yuji? What are you doing here?" you called out, both surprised and relieved to see him amidst the turmoil.
Yuji's head snapped up at the sound of your voice, his eyes widening in recognition and relief. "Hey! I'm, uh, just taking care of some curses," he replied, a nervous laugh bubbling up as he fought to maintain his composure.
"You? Taking care of curses? Shouldn't you be in class or something? Gojo-sensei assigned this mission to me." you teased, unable to suppress a smirk at the sight of Yuji valiantly battling the supernatural creatures.
"Hey, I can handle myself, you know," Yuji protested, a playful glint in his eyes as he deflected your teasing with good-natured banter. “Besides, shouldn’t it be the merrier?”
"That’s quite a lot to ask of me," you chuckled, shaking your head in amusement as you watched Yuji continue to fend off the curses with surprising skill and determination. “I like doing my job to satisfy my ego, you know? It's not always fun to be the more the merrier!"
Yuji grinned at you. “So do I!”
Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a sense of camaraderie blossomed between you and Yuji. Despite the gravity of the situation, there was an undeniable bond of trust and understanding that united you both in the face of adversity.
"You better pull your punches," you quipped, a playful smirk dancing on your lips as you exchanged knowing glances with Yuji.
"Don’t fall asleep with your saber," he retorted with a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he teased you in return.
As the banter flowed between you and Yuji, a surge of adrenaline fueled your movements as you joined him in the battle against the curses once more. Standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder, you fought with a renewed vigor, each strike and parry a testament to your growing bond and unyielding determination.
With every swing of your saber and every burst of cursed energy, you could feel the rhythm of your heartbeat quicken, the exhilaration of battle coursing through your veins. Having Yuji by your side, fighting alongside you, it made you feel alive in a way you hadn't experienced before. Even amidst the chaos and danger, there was a sense of exhilaration that came from facing the unknown together.
As the mission drew to a close and the last of the curses were vanquished, you found yourself feeling a sense of exhaustion settling over you. Sweat dripped from your brow as you lowered your head to catch your breath, the rush of battle leaving you both physically and emotionally drained.
In that moment of respite, amidst the falling cherry blossoms, Yuji Itadori appeared with a grin on his face, a can of cold drink in each hand. His flushed cheeks and bright smile were a stark contrast to the intensity of the battle you had just faced together. With a warm greeting, he handed you one of the cans, his gesture a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between you during the mission.
Accepting the can with a grateful smile, you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for Yuji. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded you, his presence brought a sense of calm and reassurance. And as you stood together amidst the falling cherry blossoms, sharing a moment of quiet companionship, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, united in strength and love.
With the falling cherry blossoms creating a picturesque backdrop, you and Yuji stood in a moment of quiet serenity, the soft petals swirling around you like a gentle snowfall. The air was filled with a sense of warmth and camaraderie as you shared a silent exchange, the unspoken bond between you growing stronger with each passing moment.
Feeling a surge of courage, you took a deep breath and turned to face Yuji, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared to bare your feelings to him. But as you opened your mouth to speak, the words caught in your throat, and you found yourself suddenly tongue-tied.
Yuji's eyes softened as he watched you, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he waited patiently for you to gather your thoughts. Sensing your hesitation, he reached out and gently squeezed your hand, his touch offering a silent reassurance.
"Hey, it's okay," Yuji murmured, his voice soft and comforting. "You don't have to say anything if you're not ready."
But the warmth of his hand in yours and the sincerity in his eyes emboldened you, and with a shy smile, you took a deep breath and spoke from the heart.
"Yuji, I...I wanted to tell you that...I care about you," you began, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled to put your feelings into words. "More than just as a friend. I...I think I might be in love with you. I felt like this for a while now. But I was…I was waiting for the right time to say something.”
A blush crept across your cheeks as you uttered the words, your heart pounding in your chest as you awaited Yuji's response. But instead of laughter or rejection, you were met with a soft smile and a warmth in his eyes that mirrored your own feelings.
"Hey, I...I feel the same way," Yuji confessed, his voice filled with sincerity as he gazed at you with affection. "I've been wanting to tell you for so long, but I didn't know how to say it. I’ve just been so scared that you’d….you’d reject me, you know? I just, I really wanted to keep it to myself because there was just–”
“Yuji,” You lovingly call out to him, making him look towards you with a flustered look. “You’re rambling.”
As Yuji's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, he stumbled over his words in a flustered attempt to apologize. "Oh, I'm so sorry–"
But you simply laughed, the sound light and full of warmth as you leaned closer to him. "It's okay," you reassured him, a fond smile playing on your lips. "I love that about you."
A shy smile graced Yuji's lips as he looked at you, his heart overflowing with affection. "You do?" he asked softly, his eyes searching yours for confirmation.
Nodding gently, you reached out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from his forehead, your touch sending a shiver of electricity down his spine. "Of course I do," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper as you leaned in closer to him. "I love everything about you, Yuji."
His breath caught in his throat as he looked at you, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the depth of your feelings for him. And in that moment, surrounded by the falling cherry blossoms and the soft glow of moonlight, you and Yuji shared a tender and intimate connection that transcended words. Without another word, he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a sweet and gentle kiss that spoke volumes of the love and affection that flowed between you.
As you melted into each other's embrace, the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you and the overwhelming warmth of your love. And as you stood there, lost in the sweet embrace of your newfound love, you knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
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the end credits at gojo-manor:
Gojo Genmei raised an amused eyebrow as she watched Gojo Satoru pace back and forth in their shared living room, a self-satisfied grin plastered on his face. "What's got you so worked up, Satoru?" she asked, a knowing glint in her eyes. Gojo turned to face her, his expression positively gleeful. "Oh, you know, just saving the day as usual," he boasted, his chest puffing out with pride. Genmei chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "And what heroic deed have you performed this time?" she inquired, her tone teasing. Gojo's grin widened as he launched into an animated retelling of his latest escapade. "Well, you see, there was this little misunderstanding between two of my students," he began, his voice brimming with excitement. "They were head over heels for each other but too scared to admit it. So, naturally, I had to step in and play Mr. Cupid." Genmei arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And how, pray tell, did you manage to accomplish that?" Gojo's grin turned mischievous as he recounted the elaborate scheme he had orchestrated to bring the two students together. He left nothing out. From how he had been noticing Yuji's pining, how you were suffering from 'i'm in love but i won't say anything' sickness. Genmei certainly found it amusing that people let her husband have his way. But well, it seemed to have worked out in the end. That's all that matters, really. "And in the end," Gojo concluded, a satisfied smirk on his face, "they finally confessed their love for each other. All thanks to yours truly, Mr. Cupid himself!" Genmei couldn't help but laugh at her husband's antics, shaking her head in amusement. "You never cease to surprise me, Satoru," she remarked, a fond smile playing on her lips. "But I must say, playing Cupid suits you." Gojo beamed at her praise, his chest puffing out with pride once more. "Well, you know me," he replied with a wink. "Always happy to lend a helping hand when it comes to matters of the heart." And as they sat together, basking in the warmth of their shared laughter, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had played a small part in bringing two young hearts together. After all, what could be more rewarding than helping love blossom?
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i’ll go see you again tomorrow (spring is coming to an end) ; sashisu
[ part 0 - first meeting ]
synopsis; the gradual blossoming of a youth shared with three strange classmates, at the weird, isolated boarding school you all attend. as the seasons of your first year together pass, the relationship between you changes into something you don’t need to put into words to understand.
word count; 1.6k
contents; sashisu/reader (but can be read as either platonic or romantic, or something inbetween!! i wrote it with the latter in mind), gn!reader, no curses au (dw they’re all still a little bit insane and damaged), very shoujo manga-esque, reader is a little bit in love with all their friends, just wholesome comfy vibes :), characters may be ooc but pls bear with me </3
a/n; this is the shorter opening piece of a sashisu/reader series i’m writing and the first out of six planned parts!! :> the rest will be much longer this is just me setting the tone. sorta. i’m extremely normal about sashisu and i wanted to write something summery and sweet so <3
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you first meet them in a sun-soaked classroom, with blue-tinted windows.
the room in question, clearly not having been of use for some time, is just a little dusty. enough that you notice it, nose scrunching up as your gaze trails over the space.
tiny specks of light dance around, meeting and intersecting between the gaps where streaks of sunlight fall and illuminate the floorboards. they’re oddly mesmerizing, a little hard to forget. the flicker of their movement begins to etch itself into your retinas; for some reason, you can’t quite take your eyes off them.
eventually, your attention is caught by something else, coaxing you into moving your gaze towards the translucent windows. they glimmer softly, tantalizingly in the sunlight, reflecting the blue of the sky. through the glass, it’s all you can see at first — a sky so blue that it’s a little irritating. big, white clouds are scattered like splotches of paint across a blue canvas, treading gently over the boundary of your vision. 
in a similar fashion, the ground of the schoolyard is littered with dots of white. for just a second, you delude yourself into thinking that it’s snow; it’s not until you spot the skeletal trees and their pale blossoms that you see them for what they are. soft petals flutter down to the ground eagerly, covering everything in a pure white. 
it really is eerily reminiscent of a snowy landscape, ephemeral in its beauty. it gives you the impression of having stepped over some sort of threshold, into another realm, another world entirely. coated in apricot blossoms, soaked in sunlight.
(it shouldn’t be possible from where you’re standing, behind the windows — but the scent reaches you all the same. everything smells of apricots.)
it’s springtime, and you’re in the prime of your youth. 
a youth you’re about to share with three other kids, all standing in front of you and wearing mildly indifferent expressions as you give each other a brief glance.
you try not to stare too hard, but it’s difficult to resist the temptation. three new classmates, mysterious and just slightly intimidating; two guys, and one girl. the tiny glances you steal at them aren’t very sneaky, but you doubt they’d care, when they’re all doing the same. 
you study their appearances, eager to sate the curiosity clawing at your heart.
the girl is pretty.
the expression on her face is laid-back, almost bored, and she looks a little like she doesn’t quite want to be here. her hair reaches down to her chin, just barely, brown and smooth and silky. estimating her exact height is a little tough; you can tell she’s fairly short, but you don’t know how much of it is exaggerated, courtesy of her placement between the other two. their lanky legs and broad shoulders only make her look smaller in comparison.
her eyes are chestnut-coloured, a little dim, somewhat hazy. there’s a mole under one of her eyes, too, and you’re acutely aware of how charming you find it. you’re relieved to have at least one girl in your class, anyhow. you hope she’s nice.
the boy on her right is pretty, too. 
he’s much taller, and wearing a somewhat serious expression, but something about him feels almost comforting all the same. he seems relaxed, but also sharp, as his eyes trail across the room. his hair is black and silky, and it’s long — or so you assume, judging by the fact that he’s got it in a bun. two things about him stand out in particular; one, the black gauges on his ears, and two, a single lock of hair framing his face. his hair is tied up and neat, prim and proper, with the exception of his bangs. you don’t think it looks bad, exactly, but it’s an odd choice.
at first glance, you think his eyes are black, but when a ray of sunlight falls across his face you realize that they’re brown. a deep colour, oddly soothing, warm. little sparks of amber glitter in the depths of his irises, illuminated only by the sun. it gives you the impression that there’s more to him than meets the eye.
then there’s the other boy. 
he’s the most intimidating out of the three, without a doubt, though you still can’t pinpoint exactly why. he strikes you as particularly unnerving; maybe it’s the expression on his face, that you can’t seem to identify. he’s also tall, very tall, even taller than the other guy — though only by a smidge. he towers over you slightly, and that unnerves you even further. there’s something in the way he’s standing that almost seems a little menacing. his hair is white, and soft, and just a tad messy. and he’s wearing a pair of round sunglasses, even though you’re indoors.
you can’t see his eyes well, behind the black glass, but you get the vague impression that they’re blue when sunlight cascades down the contours of his face and reflects in them.
you take another moment to simply look at them, observing them, as if trying to reach some sort of conclusion about what they’re like. it doesn’t really work, but you do get some semblance of an impression.
finally, your teacher clears his throat, breaking the silence of the classroom — urging you to hurry up and get the introductions done and over with. the impatient reminder snaps all four of you out of your collective trance.
the first person to speak up is the boy with the weird bangs. that alone gives you a sense of his personality; polite, proper, the first to do the thing no one really wants to do. 
”my name is suguru geto,” he begins, well mannered. ”it’s nice to meet you.” his voice is pleasant, somehow. nice to listen to. there’s something comforting about it, that you can’t quite place; it sounds almost familiar, like you’ve heard it all your life.
then, the cute girl chimes in, casual and unbothered as she fiddles with something in her pocket. ”shoko ieiri. just call me shoko,” she says, short and sweet. 
she really is pretty, you muse, bathed in the streaks of sunlight falling haphazardly across the room. and she seems nice, not uptight or obnoxious; the kind of person that’s easy to talk to, easy to be friends with. you think you like her already. but she notices your lingering stare, and so you look away, gaze falling to the floorboards.
finally, after a slight pause, the boy with the sunglasses speaks up. you still can’t get a good read on his expression. ”… satoru gojo,” is all he says, and you can’t seem to grasp his tone of voice, either. 
it irks you, though. you’re not sure why. you almost get the sense that he thinks he’s appeasing you, by introducing himself, like hearing his name is a priviliege. that, and you feel a little like you’re being dissected when his gaze falls on you — like he’s weighing your value, deciding your worth. you think you almost catch a glimpse of his eyes behind the black tint of his glasses, and they strike you as acutely menacing, bright blue and uncanny. you decide that you don’t like him, and that his sunglasses are kinda ugly.
their gazes fall on you, at last. 
you’re the only one whose name they don’t know, now. it’s a kind of power, in a way, the power of mystery. intrigue. their stares feel heavy on your skin, and you feel more than a little nervous; but you’re intent on following the silent cue, all the same. 
and you do so, dutifully, raising your hand up in a silent hello before tentatively saying your name. then, in a voice you hope doesn’t come across as bored or unpleasant:
”— it’s nice to meet you.”
some of them hum in affirmation, as if to say it’s nice to meet you too — others remain silent. even when the introductions are finished, you continue to look at each other, vaguely and discreetly, as if trying to look inside each other’s heads. 
but then your teacher begins to speak, in an authorative voice, and you’re snapped out of the trance, once more. 
he babbles on and on, about something you’re sure is important, something about the school and the classes you’ll be having and the dorms and so on. you try to listen, you really do, but it’s tough — you vaguely get the gist, but all you can really think about is your classmates, still so mysterious and intimidating.
you try to repeat their names, inside your mind, trying to ingrain them into your memory.
suguru geto, shoko ieiri, and satoru gojo.
you still don’t really know what to think about them. shoko will probably be fairly easy for you to warm up to, but the other two are a different story. all three of them seem to have strong personalities, reflected in their eyes; a dim hazel, a deep umber, and a stark azure. you don’t know what’s hidden in them, but you have a strange inkling that you will, in due time.
that’s how the four of you meet. and in this moment, as you look into their eyes for the first time, you have no idea how much your life has changed — how much they’ll change it for the better.
you only know that it’s springtime, and that you’re in the prime of your youth. 
a youth you’re about to spend with these three kids in front of you, who you know nothing about. some part of your soul urges you to find out, for yourself.
maybe you will.
(outside the sun-soaked classroom, through the blue-tinted windows, the world observes your meeting with bated breath and barely contained excitement.)
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part i
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peaches-and-creamm · 20 days
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🖤✨LAST UPDATED 6/11/24 ✨🖤
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✿ = suggestive
☀︎ = fluff
☁︎ = angst/somewhat angsty
♡ = smut
✉ = blurb/drabble
♪ = requested
🍑 = a favorite
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⤷ random texts! p1 ☀︎✿
⤷ random texts! ☀︎✿
⤷ you're drunk! ☀︎
⤷ they're drunk! ☀︎✿
⤷ favorite part of mine? ☀︎✿
⤷ ♪not eating? FAINTED!? ✿☀︎(☁︎)
⤷ can I paint your nails? ☀︎✿
⤷ ♪ random rearrangement ☀︎
⤷ you're injured ☀︎
⤷ ♪ you know I love you, right? (☁︎) ☀︎🍑
⤷ you know that I love YOU, right? ☀︎(☁︎)
⤷ ♪ move in with me? ☀︎✿
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