#John Fitzpatrick
frenchcurious · 3 months
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Dieter Quester, John Fitzpatrick & David Hobbs - Porsche 956 - 24 Heures du Mans 1983. © Didier Laporte. - source Carros e Pilotos.
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Remember when she was Irish? What about part-Maltese? Oh and how could we forget ADOS BLACK!
Today, thanks to Wannabe Activist & Soho House closet homosexual, Misan Harriman, who has a chip on his shoulders the size of a boulder, the Meg is also NIGERIAN.
Misan's father (Chief Hope Harriman) became a wealthy British - Nigerian businessman who amassed wives and even more children
Perhaps Misan's genealogy is the reason The Meghans feel comfortable denying the existence of any Markle "siblings" as Misan was born to an unacknowledged woman
Although Misan carries his father's last name (Harriman), Misan is never formally named amongst Hope Harriman's children and is viewd as a bastard child of the Anglo-Nigerian
Misan and his Black Activist Sistah Space friend Marlene Headley aka "Ngozi Fulani"
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MEgain pays Misan back for her 'pay to play' debts w/an appearance in her Finding Freebies book. She acknowledged his fledgling website & his job as administrative support to the global BRITISH POLO DAY :
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2014 Divorced, cheating on Chef Cory & making a beeline to the BRF via Sparry
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MEgain rejected the help of every assigned mentor including Lady Susan Hussey
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Misan became a "photographer" JUST IN TIME for MEGXIT & MegFlix. These 2 photos are unedited, doubt they were published by the fraudster, Misan Harriman
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Diversity hire, Soho's Edward Enninful, receives award from NOprah for being a Diversity Hire
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s14e3 the scar (w. robert berens)
all right, here's hoping i can get through this today. tail end (knock on wood) of a bad migraine but i can listen to things with headphones now and not feel horrendous so maybe?
lol just stab him with the archangel blade somewhere non-lethal, see what happens, there's an angel test for ya. still bothered that they apparently have no desire to truly confirm michael isn't playacting dean? whatever
DEAN It’s just every time I think about it, you know. It's like a nightmare. I mean I can’t eat, I can’t sleep - it’s always just there watching me. SAM Dean, it’s just a beard. I’ve been a little busy lately.
absolutely have seen gifs of this whole bit a bunch of times. why is sam's beard watching you while you sleep, the perennial question (has enough time even passed for them to try to sleep? :p)
DEAN So, I’m good. I’m just really, really, happy to be... home.
i watched until this scene when i started this episode a couple days ago and noped out. their home being taken over by all these people continues to give me the heebiejeebies. granted their home is massive and more like a work space than a home, so it's more like it's getting used like it was designed, but they've been so isolated forever basically this is just a lot. (also i'm a jealous asshole in some ways and i'm like oh dean's gotta share sam with all these people now? lol 😬)
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why's bro always getting weird scar things on his person? the hand print, the mark, whatever the fresh hell this thing is
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is it the spear of destiny lance of michael whatever business. doesn't seem nearly wide enough to account for his scar. wonder if this is another episode by that different editor (john fitzpatrick on imdb), reminiscent of those visions of jody dying in 13x09. ding ding ding, it is indeed the same editor. funny. last episode he did was 13x21
speaking of, hey jody! even though i just referenced the episode with her in it i forgot about the whole kaia / dark kaia thing -_-
JODY No, no. I have video surveillance going down at the fair, Claire practically sat shiva down there. There’s been nothing.
shiva reference #3 (7x10 and 8x16)
cas conveniently has to stay back to fix rando hexed girl, so dean and sam can have some arguments on the way to jody. after dean upset jack too of course by refusing to let him go with. which i think was the right call but, you know. do it less dickishly.
SAM C’mon man, this isn’t a joke! Something huge happened and you won’t really even talk about it. Look, this whole Michael thing: we need to deal with it. DEAN I’m going at 80 to deal with it. How can I be running from something when I’m RACING toward it?! SAM I know, kinda your thing. DEAN Ok. SAM I’m just saying. You said you let Michael in, then bang, you’re back in a blink. But for me, you were gone: for weeks. I didn’t know if you were alive. I just need you to talk to me. Slow down so I can catch up. DEAN Call Jody, let her know we’re almost there.
way to talk about your feelings, sam! way to be a jerk, dean. both being able to open up at the same place and time has never been their strong suit. honestly don't have the wherewithal to even ponder why dean's being like this
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LOL very cute. like the little "see dean, people do like the beard!" from sam. also cute little exchange where dean rolls his eyes about sam knowing a serial killer fact and sam makes the wtf bro face
very special episode where jack realizes he can Be Useful in other ways than a rock 'em sock 'em hunter? helping with the hexed girl
DEAN We’ll make better time if we split up. SAM No, Dean we’ll be safer if we stick together. JODY If I get a vote, I’m in team stick together. DEAN Fine.
man i do not enjoy dick!dean :p he gets like this sometimes and i wanna smack him. use your words, asshole, instead of taking whatever out on everyone else
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no one was expecting dark kaia! oh, how i do not care. sorry, girl.
LORA Is that your Dad? JACK One of them, yes.
can i say again i really appreciate how they make it textual that sam, dean and cas are all jack's fathers. it's just nice. doesn't have to mean anything outside of their relationship to him, regardless of their relationships with each other. as it should be
JACK Do you have parents? Or someone we can call? LORA My mom, but she probably hates me. JACK Why? LORA Because I left, I ran away. I hated school, I hated our crappy one star fleet town and I hated her rules. I was sick of being treated like a kid. I thought I could make it on my own but then I met her.
lol this show can be so literal when it wants to make a parallel to a victim of the week and a recurring character's situation. literally laughed out loud when she started "because i left"
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i'm sure the giant necklace gifted by the evil witch is unrelated. i keep looking at her (false) lashes. they're pretty but a little unexpected in the locked up by a witch situation
SAM Or it could have been Michael. C’mon, three vamps in Sioux Falls and not a single civilian death. That’s not an accident. I think they were hunting her. DEAN Why? SAM I think because Michael sent them to finish what he started.
trying to remember what michael had to do with kaia and drawing a huge blank, clearly retained almost nothing of her storyline. imagine how bad i'd be at keeping track if i didn't write these posts.
back when i was watching game of thrones (as it aired so i'd get a week to process between episodes) i would always read recaps/reviews after the episode because they were so densely packed and i knew i missed stuff, but i dunno, i just don't want other people's takes muddling up my feelings about this show in particular. more personal investment or something in it (it's also a *lot* more straight forward, it's just got the overloaded plot/characters syndrome past the first handful of seasons)
did not manage to watch this in one sitting so we're day 2 but i think (knock on wood again), demon migraine was smushed into 2 days instead of 3 and is gone
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way dean is acting reminds me of a little how he was acting, and how i expected him to be acting, directly after purgatory. bro is pissed and gonna make it everyone's problem
losing my mind, just take the necklace off the girl -_- as she writhes around with this giant bauble flopping around where she's actively mummifying
JODY They have a right to know but I can’t. I promised Claire human cases are mine, but anything "monstery" I’d loop her in: this. God. Claire’s been doing so good. I mean anything connected to Kaia, she’s a powder keg. First loves strikes quick, and then to lose it like that.
couldn't remember if that was a thing that we knew about or not lol seriously, brain.
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JODY Well, you two are having a time of it. SAM Yeah, he’s working something out and he’s working it out alone. The only thing I know is he’s not ready for this case. JODY Maybe. Maybe he needs it.
maybe he needs it but also him haring off (practically) alone with not enough information rarely ends well. nonetheless, glad jody's here to support them. my favorite family dynamic on the show, and the one that i don't feel like i need the text convincing me of. it's just there
DEAN That pig sticker she’s hiding, it is the only thing that we know that hurts Michael. I’m gonna do whatever it takes.
literally just raised my hand. um hello, what about the archangel blade?? do we not have one anymore?
JACK Lora’s life force: it’s in here. CAS Jack, are you sure? JACK No... (he smashes the pendant and green smoke twirls its way in to Lora’s pendant and she comes to life.)
this is so goofy :p
SAM Wait a second: you’re a dreamwalker, too? Your powers, they connected you. DARK KAIA Our whole lives, what she saw, I saw. I know where it comes from your anger, your impatience: itvs fear. You’re scared and you’re weak. DEAN Alright, shut up! DARK KAIA Michael hurt you. He hurt me too.
i mean, everyone is doing a good job acting-wise but this is just. ridiculous. so is dean mad because he's feeling guilty about what michael did while using his body against his will? that probably should have been incredibly obvious, i'm just so not connecting with this story 🥴
SAM So Michael wants the spear because he knows it can hurt him? And that’s why his monsters are coming after you?
okie dokie
jody sure gets pretty serious injuries a lot? how about pop back to the bunker so cas can just fix it :p like the... broken leg? was it? hmm, guess it wasn't healed magically there either
from 11x12 JODY Oh, it had to be the leg. I'm gonna need bionics.
DEAN Jody. JODY Dean Winchester, you have nothing to apologize for. DEAN How is the arm? SAM You sure you don’t want a ride to the hospital or… JODY I’ve driven with a broken arm before. I’m more worried what I’m gonna tell Alex when I get there. And then once I get home… SAM Claire. JODY I’m dreading those consequences. She’s got to know, she’s got to know that Kaia’s killer is still out there. SAM You alright? JODY It’s just seeing her face again. Raising three hunters and fearing every day that I might lose one of them. I didn’t even really get a chance to know Kaia before she died - just feel like I already lost before I even ever began.
again, well acted but this is a stretch emotionally, for me
CAS Well, Jules is off. She’s taking Lora back home to her mother. Jack, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know that you have been going through a lot lately:. We’ve all been going through a lot but it’s no excuse. I just haven’t been there for you: not the way I should of. JACK Cas, it’s okay. CAS Well, what you did today made me so proud. You know, learning to hold your own in a fight without your powers. That takes time and training, but today you proved that you have the mind of a hunter and the heart of a hunter. I was thinking, erm, I’ll talk to Sam and Dean, but maybe-- maybe we could go on a hunting trip -- I mean if you want to?
good sentiment but oh so cheesy -_-
JACK (coughing) Yes (coughing again) Sorry. CAS You ok? JACK I’m fine: I’m human now. Must be getting my first cold. CAS Well, I’ll make you some soup then.
LOL not ominous at all. i'm sure it's fine. not a plot relevant illness, just a garden variety cold!
DEAN I put us all in danger today, stupid danger. SAM Dean. DEAN You were right. I just didn’t want to look at it, what Michael used me for. I just wanted to race ahead. You know, skip to the end of the story the part where I get the weapon and I take out the bad guy. The part where I kill Michael. SAM Yeah, I know. DEAN You know I said yes to him because I thought: it was stupid. I was stupid. SAM Dean, you did what you had to do.
just following directive number one, keep sammy safe
DEAN And it wasn’t a blink. I got possessed: I made it sound like that but it wasn’t. I don’t remember most of what Michael did with me because I was under water. Drowning. And that I remember. I felt every second of it - clawing, fighting for air. I thought I could make it out but I couldn’t: I wasn’t strong enough. And now he’s gone: he’s out there putting an army of monsters together. He’s hurting people. That’s all on me, man. I said yes. It’s my fault.
i know i've talked about the moral calculus of it all, the number of people they saved vs the number they've gotten killed by their decisions, specifically to save each other (insert enraged noises that my blog is nigh on unsearchable so who the fuck knows when i actually talked about it). sam more directly gets a lot of credits i think from preventing the (first) apocalypse by jumping into the cage, puts them all in the black possibly indefinitely :p but how many people died because dean killed death to save sam and sam needed to save dean by removing the mark and letting out the darkness. from dean stopping sam from dying to finish the trials and closing the gates of hell.
not even sure what i'm arguing here. get over it, bucko? you've done worse? lol i don't know. round and round we go. we've been down this road too many times and i'm tired. yeah, he said yes. he thought he could make deal with michael that he'd uphold, and he didn't. and we're always gonna swim around in dean's neverending crushing guilt
jack's got the (magical??) consumption apparently
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royalpain16 · 1 year
HARRY TO BE ROCKED Tom Bower Implies Meghan Was Sugar Baby To John Fit...
Megan Markle, sugar baby
John Fitzpatrick, sugar daddy
Rory McIlroy ?
Liam Neesom, I never met Meghan Markle (photo evidence)
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siriusly-sapphic · 20 days
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The West Wing + text posts (19/?)
Okay these are ao3 tags technically but anyway
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pretty-little-fools · 2 years
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Thomas Fitzpatrick, after John Charles Dollman - The march of the white plague, a cartoon from The Lepracaun, 1907.
At the Tuberculosis Exhibition in October 1907, it was claimed that death by consumption in Ireland was 'the highest in the civilised world'.
This rather eerie cartoon, published in the Lepracaun in 1907, illustrates the toll tuberculosis, known popularly as consumption, was then having on Ireland. It also shows, in the guise of wolves, what was thought to be its causes. It would be many years before this scourge was fully dealt with. It was only with Noël Browne-led changes in public health provision and the the introduction of streptomycin and other antibiotics in the  late '40s and '50s that tuberculosis stopped being an omnipresent killer in the Irish context. In "The March Of The White Plague", the artist Thomas Fitzpatrick, who usually drew cartoons in a more whimsical style, created a pastiche of JC Dollman's work, a popular contemporary English artist (Text source here).
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The Omen (2006)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
The Omen has several scenes taking place during thunderstorms with extreme strobe effects. A few scenes have rapid-pattern camera flashes, and police strobe lights at both daytime and nighttime. There are a few moments of rapidly-changing imagery throughout the film.
There is some infrequent handheld camera work in this film, a disorienting orbiting shot, and a brief but violent shake of the camera as a character becomes nauseous.
Flashing Lights: 10/10. Motion Sickness: 6/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: Demonic presence is depicted, and religious threats are made. Religion is used to justify the need to murder a child. There is one on-screen suicide, and a dream sequence depicting a common method of suicide. A character is decapitated suddenly, and a witness gags briefly as he looks. Footage of the 9/11 terrorist attack, the disasters of the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles, and modern natural disasters and real-life wars are shown in the first few minutes of the movie.
Image ID: A theatrical poster for The Omen (2006)
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insidecroydon · 4 months
Seven heavenly seasons' finishes: but which is your favourite?
Eagles for England: (from left) Eberechi Eze, Marc Guehi, Dean Henderson and Adam Wharton reporting for duty for Gareth Southgate’s Euros training camp yesterday. Crystal Palace have more players in the preliminary squad than any other club Was that the best finish to a Palace season ever? As four Crystal Palace players sign-in for the England training squad ahead of the Euros, life-long Eagles…
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rabideyeartist · 10 months
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #456: November 17, 2023
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #456: November 17, 2023 Rabideye presents1000 Tiny Magnets Show #456: November 17, 2023 ** displayed on track list = Explicit Lyrics = warning for sensitive listeners NEW & NEW-TO-ME VOCAL DANCE MUSIC. 📥 DOWNLOAD and prepare to have your ears pinched by rabid pixies Artist, Track Thirst, DRIFTER, Yota Damore, CANCELLARE (CAPITA), brando, LUV, Symmetrik, Dance With…
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frenchcurious · 3 months
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Manfred Schurti (Gelo Racing Team - Porsche 935/77A #930 890 0015) vainqueur avec John Fitzpatrick et Bob Wollek des 1000 km de Nürburgring - Nordschleife 1979. © LAT / Motorsport. - source Carros e Pilotos.
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mybigfattweeter · 1 year
A Rapid Deceleration On Whatever You Truly Deemed Important 3 Seconds Ago
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet. – Bill S. My name is lackluster.  It’s about as interesting as John Smith.  If you’re John Smith and this offends you, my apologies.  Hopefully, though, you’re self aware and understand the banality coursing through your first and last name.  But take solace, Juan.  At least John Smith was a famous explorer who…
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s13e9 the bad place (w. robert berens)
kept shoving my earbuds into my head thinking i just wasn't hearing the mix right but now this weird recap the music is just not mixed at the right level? it starts out okay but then it's just too quiet, maybe because the recap is so dialogue heavy? i dunno. could i bitch about the music any more? and it just keeps going. and we're not even including missouri in the recap to explain about patience. whatever. is she part of the wayward sisters situation?
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good thing quote unquote apocalypse world has these nice distinctive spikes
JACK I didn't know if it would work, but it did. He dreamwalked and I joined him… in Apocalypse World.
snorted. okaaaay
so mary's in the iron maiden-ish thing now. of course.
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right up in dean's face to appreciate his universe tilting moment
i dunno if it was the editor or what but whoever was um, making some stylistic choices this episode. patience's little vision was very... not like how this show usually looks. i guess season 13 you can just start tryin shit
JACK I was scared. I was upset. But… why would I look for him? He's no one to me. You, Castiel– you're my family. DEAN Yes, we are. Finding Mom, you… You did a good thing, kid. You did a real good thing.
trying to remember where cas even is right now 😬 oh right, something something angels...?
JAMES Patience, don't. You go now, you choose that life, you don't come back.
are you kidding me??? pulling a reverse john winchester. what the fuck, bro. you cut out your mom from your life and you're gonna threaten to do the same to your daughter?!
god, searching for the line for john and
4x22 lucifer rising
DEAN No, damnit! No. I gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again. Well, I am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants. BOBBY You don't mean that. DEAN Yes I do, Bobby. Sam's gone. He's gone. I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was. BOBBY You stupid, stupid son of a bitch! Well, boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?! Bake you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family! DEAN I told him, "you walk out that door, don't come back" and he walked out anyway! That was his choice! BOBBY You sound like a whiny brat. No, you sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something. Your dad was a coward. DEAN My dad was a lot of things, Bobby, but a coward? BOBBY He'd rather push Sam away than reach out to him. Well, that don't strike me as brave. You are a better man than your daddy ever was. So you do both of us a favor. Don't be him.
what i was looking for
1x20 dead man's blood
JOHN (Yelling in SAM'S face) You walked away!! DEAN Stop it, both of you. SAM You're the one who said don't come back Dad, you closed that door not me. You were just pissed off that you couldn't control me anymore!
ugh. quality miserable stuff back then.
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it's a cool effect and all but this business just went on for way too long
i couldn't with the weird extra shaky cam and jumpy zooms on the outside scene so i'm including the weird vision too. look and feel is all over the place
really don't like dean yelling and pulling his gun on this poor girl. well as i mentioned when i was watching 4x14 cold open never know when something might poke the DV history button. men yelling is a real life trigger thing.
SAM So now what? We get Kaia to the Wind Caves, and then what? Force her to dreamwalk at gunpoint? DEAN We get Mom back, no matter what. Remember?
le sigh. why are we doing this to dean
woof this episode is.... not great.
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nexus on a boat
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lol okay. mega dino world!
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Marc Silvestri's Soldier Stories cover revealed!
Marc Silvestri's Soldier Stories cover revealed! #comics #comicbooks
Top Cow is giving veterans a platform to share their experiences in the service through sequential storytelling with a new anthology Soldier Stories, coming this November 9th, 2022. With the release less than a month away, Top Cow has revealed the Cover B variant by artist Marc Silvestri. The anthology will feature an excerpt by the late Denny O’Neil, writer and editor of many marvel and DC…
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Rahm und McIlroy gehören zu den bemerkenswerten Spielern, die unterschiedliche Meinungen darüber geäußert haben, ob LIV-Golfer am Ryder Cup | teilnehmen sollten Golfnachrichten und Tourinformationen
Sollten LIV-Spieler an den PGA Tour- und DP World Tour-Events teilnehmen können? Fragen Sie die Trekker, die noch nicht auf den neuen von Saudi-Arabien unterstützten Anwärter gesprungen sind, und die Antwort ist ein nahezu universelles „Nein“. Sie oder wir waren es, und sie wählten sie aus. Fragen Sie dieselben Pro-PGA/DP-World-Tours-Spieler, ob LIV-Golfer am Ryder Cup teilnehmen können sollten,…
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