#chef cory vitiello
Remember when she was Irish? What about part-Maltese? Oh and how could we forget ADOS BLACK!
Today, thanks to Wannabe Activist & Soho House closet homosexual, Misan Harriman, who has a chip on his shoulders the size of a boulder, the Meg is also NIGERIAN.
Misan's father (Chief Hope Harriman) became a wealthy British - Nigerian businessman who amassed wives and even more children
Perhaps Misan's genealogy is the reason The Meghans feel comfortable denying the existence of any Markle "siblings" as Misan was born to an unacknowledged woman
Although Misan carries his father's last name (Harriman), Misan is never formally named amongst Hope Harriman's children and is viewd as a bastard child of the Anglo-Nigerian
Misan and his Black Activist Sistah Space friend Marlene Headley aka "Ngozi Fulani"
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MEgain pays Misan back for her 'pay to play' debts w/an appearance in her Finding Freebies book. She acknowledged his fledgling website & his job as administrative support to the global BRITISH POLO DAY :
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2014 Divorced, cheating on Chef Cory & making a beeline to the BRF via Sparry
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MEgain rejected the help of every assigned mentor including Lady Susan Hussey
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Misan became a "photographer" JUST IN TIME for MEGXIT & MegFlix. These 2 photos are unedited, doubt they were published by the fraudster, Misan Harriman
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Diversity hire, Soho's Edward Enninful, receives award from NOprah for being a Diversity Hire
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Bower's Revenge: Confirmed
Harry supported or endorsed Meghan's Vanity Fair article. (But we all knew that anyway because he didn’t dump her when it came out.)
"Contrary to Omid Scobie's assertion that Meghan wanted 'to tell the world "I'm in love" and did the 'interview with Harry's blessing,' Kashner arrived in the pouring rain at Meghan's home knowing that his interviewee was under strict orders from both Harry and Keleigh Thomas Morgan. Aware that Diana and Sarah Ferguson had destroyed themselves in interviews, Harry had ordered Meghan to maintain tight-lipped silence about sensitive subjects - Donald Trump, race, their relationship and especially himself. He was not to be mentioned." (p157)
Meghan is a kleptomaniac.
Bower writes that she took the shoes from the Reitman’s photoshoot. He also kinda dances around the possibility that she may have taken items from her time with the royals for future profit – whether hers or others’ – which the BRF knew about or suspected, hence why she never got any substantial loans from The Queen or William (for Diana's pieces).
Meghan hated her engagement ring from the word "yes" and has wanted to redesign it immediately. #noshitcaptainobvious
“Harry gave her a ring that he had commissioned, with two of Diana’s diamonds set in yellow Botswana gold. He was particularly proud of his design. Meghan did not conceal her excitement, even though she was secretly determined to have the ring redesigned as soon as possible.” (p156)
Meghan convinced Harry to go off his meds and stop therapy.
Bower confirms that Harry was in therapy or receiving mental health care that was working well before he met Meghan and that Meghan either convinced him to reconsider or introduced him to more holistic homeopathic remedies for his mental wellness.
Meghan cheated on Cory with Rory/other golf players.
“’I saw Rory McIlroy. I walked over and he was with Meghan Markle…’ By midnight, as the golfer and Meghan were photographed sitting close together, Fitzpatrick was hosting a party of 20. The following morning, McIlroy arrived at the Ringwood golf course 30 miles away to play in a new competition. Worse for wear after a hectic night, he fell back to 101st place. Nevertheless, he refused to sleep as usual near the golf course to be ready the following day. Instead he drove back to New York to see Meghan. His performance suffered. ‘I wasn’t quite on my game,’ he confessed. ‘I was enjoying myself.’” (p67)
“Asked by Cory Vitiello whether she was having a relationship with McIlroy, Meghan insisted their time together was innocent.” (p68) #birdsflyandmeghanlies
“Meghan left the hotel for dinner with Rory McIlroy at the upmarket restaurant Fade Street Social. She was spotted looking ‘smitten,’ gazing intently at McIlroy. ‘They sat beside each other looking very cozy and chatted all night,’ reported Alexandra Ryan in a newspaper gossip column. That was Meghan’s third night in Dublin. On a previous night John Fitzpatrick would describe his dinner with her, and later implied that she and McIlroy had secretly met. Meghan’s Irish friends assumed that she and McIlroy had also met unseen, earlier during her visit.” (p70)
Meghan wanted to be a sports WAG; Harry was a last option when the athletes weren’t interested.
Bower confirms that Meghan went after several athletes while dating Cory, including both Rory McIlroy and Ashley Cole.
Meghan wanted to be a TV chef/foodie so she hooked up with Cory to achieve legitimacy in that realm.
“…Nick Ede, a fixer paid by Sunshine Sachs to book her appearance at the TV gala, had also arranged for her to meet Jonathan Shalit, a successful and likeable TV agent. ‘I want to be a TV celebrity chef like Gordon Ramsay,’ Meghan told Shalit in his office. Or, she volunteered, she would be happy to appear in any other non-scripted TV show. Shalit was excited. She was charming, good-looking, and admired by the small audience for Suits. He was unaware that while Meghan liked eating good food, her cooking skills were limited. Other than blender-made vegetable soup her specialties were plain pasta, roast chicken, barbecued hamburgers and steak. The rest of her food was bought ready-made. Rather than cook, she imagined fronting a TV program to tour the world tasting food.” (p61)
Meghan demanded many versions of the banana bread for the Aussie block party from Admiral House’s kitchen team and passed it off the next day as her own bake.
See above.
Meghan doesn’t really have any Hollywood friends. They are all PR acquaintances with quid pro quo.
“Over the next few days, [Sam Kashner, the VF author] called those who Meghan had recommended as her friends. Serena Williams denied she was Meghan’s friend but just an acquaintance.” (p159)
Harry adopted Meghan’s American wokeism personality, which lost him all his friends.
Harry proposed LONG before the engagement was announced.
Bower writes that Harry proposed while the Queen was at Balmoral and before the Vanity Fair interview, which would’ve been sometime July 2017. They received the Queen’s formal approval for the engagement in late October 2017.
Which is a verrrrry different story than the one Harry tells in Spare…Harry says he proposed in October after getting the Queen’s approval and they announced it 2 weeks later.
Direct quotes from Bower in the inconsistencies post 4 posts back.
Harry and Meghan intended for the Sussex Royal charity to be profitable and pay for their lives.
Bower writes that how the foundation was organized went against Meghan’s intentions, which caused a tantrum because it removed her from the foundation’s direct oversight and leadership. Bower also alleges that Meghan was angry over not having any say in who the foundation’s appointed directors were.
Meghan is a fauxmanitarian, doesn’t really believe in supporting humanitarian causes altruistically.
Bower writes that Vanity Fair couldn’t confirm or substantiate the charity work Meghan claimed in the interview she did and therefore did not include her charity work in the article. The VF author agreed and supported this after Revenge was published.
Meghan never intended to be a part of the BRF, she always wanted to cut and run as soon as she could.
“Unwilling to grasp that she could not share the spotlight with the Queen, Meghan had accelerated her return to California.” (p380)
Meghan has and has had several aliases on social media.
Meghan schemed and entrapped Harry by preying on his emotional vulnerability.
“Since she had carefully researched Harry’s life, Meghan kenw exactly how to make him feel loved and appreciated. So long as she looked at him with intense affection and trust, she would not trigger his insecurity or paranoia. To reassure him that he was admired for himself she would tell him what he wanted to hear, especially about the importance of his ambitions and principles.” (p122)
Meghan pockets the donations to Archewell for herself.
Bower writes that the secrecy of Delaware’s laws for charities and foundations meant that owners/creators are in control of any money used, earned, received and that foundations/charities have no obligations to report any monies received. Bower also specifically says that they intended to use Archewell as their income.
Meghan cheated on Cory with Harry.
Bower says that Meghan was furious at Sunshine Sachs over the VF article printing that she met Harry in May 2016 and demanded they fix it. VF later issued a correction that the Sussexes met in July 2016.
Bower also says that Meghan broke up with Cory after spending time with Harry and “Two weeks later [from the bananagram IG photo on 3 July 2016] Harry secretly flew to Toronto. He stayed for about one week in the house of a friend of Meghan’s, probably Jessica Mulroney. With Cory still sharing her home, the situation for Meghan was tricky by manageable.” (p122)
Meghan manipulated Harry to release the KP statement by preying on his fears and anxiety of Diana being harassed / stalked to death by the paps.
“For her part Meghan knew by then that she was pushing a man eager for revenge against the media and his family. … Even more pertinently he blamed Diana’s death on the media. Feeling ‘deeply disappointed’ that he had been unable to protect his mother he eagerly declared war against his enemy – the newspapers – to protect Meghan. Nothing could be done without the assistance of his key aide, Jason Knauf. ... In order to pacify Meghan’s anger, Knauf agreed to issue a statement on Harry’s behalf damning the media for their description of Meghan. Harry dictated the sentiments for Knauf to fashion into a statement. Committing Knauf to a conundrum, Meghan demanded that the statement should reflect the parallel between her potential fate and Diana’s. Knauf suggested that over-dramatizing Meghan’s distress would backfire but Harry was adamant. If Meghan’s wish to be equated with Diana was not satisfied, insisted Harry, he would probably lose her. Knauf acquiesced.” (p135)
Meghan wanted a bigger, emerald tiara for the wedding.
“No member of Buckingham Palace’s staff is closer to the Queen than Angela Kelly…Kelly’s many duties included caring for the royal collection of tiaras. Invited to the palace’s secure room, Meghan alighted on a tiara sparkling with emeralds. Her choice was approved by Harry. Kelly suggested that its Russian origin made it unsuitable. Harry became angry.”
Also confirmed by Harry in Spare.
Meghan never wanted to do the Fiji market visit. She wanted to lay out at the hotel with Jess all day but was forced to keep the engagement. She bailed after 10 minutes for “security” purposes.
Bower writes that Meghan had some kind of falling out with UN Women and was angry that they were involved in the Fiji market or were supporting her visit.
It sounds like Meghan wanted the same UN Women gig that Emma Watson had and quit the partnership when it didn’t happen.
Meghan was emotionally / verbally abusive to Charlotte during bridesmaid dress fitting.
“[Meghan] was uninterested in royal tradition [girls wearing tights]. Her insistence was supported by Jessica Mulroney, present as an advisor and the mother of another bridesmaid, Ivy. Some would say that Meghan compared Ivy favorably against Charlotte. Others were surprised by Meghan’s close attachment to Mulroney.” (p189, iPhone version)
Meghan yelled at/bullied Cambridge staff.
“By then, Kate was irritated by complaints of Meghan bullying her staff.” (p189, iPhone version)
Harry and Meghan bungled Archie’s birth announcement to earn a profit from it.
“To build up Meghan’s profile in America, Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King had an exclusive agreement with Meghan to produce a glowing CBS TV documentary about her first year of marriage. It would be transmitted at peak time, soon after the birth of her baby. In exchange, Meghan guaranteed that no other TV network would get access to her or the child…Harry agreed that Buckingham Palace be given no choice. CBS would be given the exclusive rights to film the Queen being introduced to baby Archie.” (p262, iPhone version)
Charles fled Windsor after Philip’s funeral to avoid dealing with Harry.
“After [Philip’s funeral] service, eager for signs of reconciliation, the media seized on Kate’s maneuver to engineer a conversation between [William and Harry]. Cameras followed them as they walked up the hill towards the castle....The three princes spoke briefly before Charles drove to his cottage in the Brecon Beacons in Wales. William was handed the burden of rescuing the monarchy from the damage caused by his brother” (p.356-357, iPhone version)
Harry’s Home Office lawsuit will be used as an excuse to avoid the Jubilee and/or public acknowledgement of the Sussexes’ demotion.
“Although the Queen had invited Harry and Meghan to join the nation’s extravaganza [Platinum Jubilee], the couple appeared to seek reasons to avoid humiliation. As private citizens they could not expect to be invited on to the Buckingham Palace balcony or ride in the carriages. Isolated on the periphery, the image would undermine their royal status in America. To forge a valid excuse, Harry applied to the High Court in London for an order to compel the Metropolitan Police to provide protection for himself during his visit or allow him to pay for police protection. Predictably, his $400,000 case failed. As a private citizen harry was told he could not force the government to provide police protection.” (p371, iPhone version)
Harry to betray his family in memoirs.
“Most Britons could not understand Harry’s hostility towards his country and family…No one realized how his hostility had grown during his conversations with John Moehringer, the ghost-writer of his memoirs. To secure vast sales and recoup the huge advance, the publishers had encouraged Harry to criticize his family in the most extreme terms possible. Easily persuaded, Harry edge towards betraying his father, Camilla, the Cambridges and even the Queen. And then the deed was done. To earn out the publisher’s advance, nothing and no one had been sacrosanct.” (p.372, iPhone version)
And alllll of Spare.
Sussex children to be used for access / prominent placement at the jubilee.
Bower writes, “But festering was their fury that the Palace had refused all of their demands for a prominent role at the Jubilee in return for returning to Britain with their children.” (p379, iPhone version)
Secret Windsor meeting in April 2022 to discuss return for the jubilee.
“To achieve this goal [Harry and Meghan to appear on Buckingham Palace’s balcony with the Queen during Jubilee celebrations] Harry badgered the Queen’s resistant advisors. When this failed he asked the Queen if he could visit her in Windsor on his way to the Netherlands. To secure her agreement, Harry appeared to give the impression that the meeting would offer an ‘olive branch’ to ‘clear the air’…[It] was civilized but failed to resolve the fraught relations created by their Oprah Winfrey interview.” (p378, iPhone version)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
Meghan's Merchandising: a failure from the start by u/EleFacCafele
Meghan's Merchandising: a failure from the start While everyone discusses the Logo and the Instagram page, very few have looked at what exactly Madam wants to sell.One line of business would be selling Cooking Shows. She has no training, no knowledge or experience in catering but thinks herself as a Chef who can sell shows. This area on entertainment is highly competitive and to succeed, you have to sell something original. Madam's only cooking experience was a recipe stolen from Cory Vitiello and presented as her own. What exactly is she bringing to persuade people to watch her show on a long term? She did not film a single episode to see what is her original entertaining point. Do you remember another nepo celebrity, the Beckham boy, who claimed to be a cook and the laughing stock he became?Another proposed business (of Mama who doesn't seem to know much about commerce) is selling tableware, cutlery, decorative objects, stationery, bird and pet food, and other unrelated junk and bric-a-brac. Except the pet /bird food selling which needs some veterinary knowledge, all those items listed are not subject to many repeat orders. How many cutlery and plate sets, decanters and other table and kitchen stuff can you buy? Only a few during lifetime. I am not sure how many people may want stuff with a pseudo-royal logo. I still use many of the items above, which were wedding gifts 30 years ago. How many jams, ketchup and other perishable food you can sell without reaching their expiration date? If customers don't like the taste, they will never buy again. Not to mention sugary food is avoided by people with diabetes, obesity and other health problems. To be successful in sales, you need saleable products with many repeat orders and a large customer base.Does she have a business plan and money or backers to finance the business? Madam think she can sell just by owning a luxury brand. It is not easy.Finally, does she have a business plan and financial backers for her project? Who will pay for producing, manufacturing and selling all above? Who will do it? A commercial enterprise is vastly different from endorsing poo drops as an Influencer on Insta, a la Tig whatever. post link: https://ift.tt/dPreN98 author: EleFacCafele submitted: March 16, 2024 at 10:44AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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parodyroyalle · 2 years
Hi Parodyroyalle, i found your post via Skippys blog. what do you mean by : The maths would then lead me to believe the timeline reblogged about Tom Bowers book is correct. He is a great investigator. He pin pointed Canada being the place and the time before Harry. what do you mean by Canada being the place? the place for what? and what is the timeline in TB's book? i have sooo many questions, and i hope you have the time to answer. Tysm.
Hi Anon
Thank you for your ask.
We have been compiling lots of data for years.
By maths we are referring to the timeline.
The observation that recently sufficed in TB book came from the Piers Morgan interview I believe this was rebloggd. It was featured in a live that may be available. Let me go grab link. Here you are:
9:03 in:
TB reminds the Public that the genesis took place in Canada before Harry. This is one, a reference to Markle's relationship with Tom Markle and additionally, if you have been following the Skippettes, you may know about Soho House Toronto. Ex relationship with Cory, the Toronto reports featuring Markus Anthony and others.
This is an example of one of the many gems dropped because it confirms what we know and that is major twist in plot took place and the location reads Canada. Canada is the place where the police report was made that prompted the engagement enouncement and protection from Harry. Skippy's blog most likely has the reblogs still from this time period. There were a lot and this is merely my quick summery over years of recap. So what clicks for me may not click for you. I reblogged a link on the time line that relates to the above for refresher.
Seems to simple to fit into anything until paired with the timeline.
A most recent example of the Timeline and Canada being mentioned again by online sleuths such as Skippy, Skippettes and Anon's is the photos from the Platinum Jubilee where the never before seen public photos were shown re Markle and 'Birthday Party'. The cushions were noticed to be from... you guessed it... Canada and more specifically, Toronto. We were able to get a photo from the public domain and many reblogs that confirms cushions in background at time Markle was allegedly acting in Toronto. I tried to find something from archives so here is an old gem dropped:
TB's book helps bridge the gap on the timeline making it a definite Canada location example Toronto and then the years which comes back to 2016.
We then took the timeline of CV and the Anon drop about the Money or alleged payment and applied it to KC.
Cory and Markle are reported to have met in 2014 as per google search which brought up the link above. This confirms the timeline of 2014 onwards.
Now, we circle back to the connection of KC where Jal and Markle and branch out the connections from there. The other reblog can confirm how many people are inside Jal's sphere of influence and then take a look at Markles first public reported A list friends and cross reference with the list to wedding.
By this we can see that not only was Jal helpful with World Vision and other philanthropic connections, there is a major step up in circle of connections. What strikes interesting is Jal is never mentioned and World Vision has since changed their website. The question is why would someone who matches all the criteria: activist, inspirational leader with A list contacts reportedly 'inspire' Jal at the same time where social posts show Jal balancing work in Toronto and UK during the same timeline Angelina is seen in the video reblogs with Jal.
The above is an example of a new narrative being peddled about why Markle allegedly cut ties but who is also linked to them? Jal.
The above is an interview.
The above is more info re ONE YOUNG WORLD.
Does that sound familiar? It should.
Thank you again for finding me. I stand by my opinion Tom Bower is a great investigator. I hope this helps answer how the country Canada fits in, more specifically, Toronto. Apologies for the quick summary. Ask us any other questions and we will fact find. A reminder that this is a mix of opinions linked to open source fact hunting on the web. I can't same I am good at math haha but this is a quick timeline. We are in class today so any follow up questions will be answered later.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Mirroring Tanya Kim!  Thank you so much!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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- In November 2008 Tanya Kim became a spokesperson for international humanitarian charity CARE Canada
- Meghan Markle became a Global Ambassador for World Vision Canada, and she advocates for gender equality and the empowerment of women with the UN.
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 .  Tanya Kim with rescued Dog..
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Tanya Kim and her partner Cory Vitiello - split in 2014…
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...At some stage in 2014, Cory Vitiello and Meghan Markle started dating and became something of a stealth power couple in Toronto… Markle fell for Vitiello after she and some cast members dined at his Toronto restaurant The Harbord Room and was smitten by the fact he was a celebrity too. ..
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His mother Joanne Vitiello explained that soon stayed together at Meghan’s rented townhouse that is located close to his restaurant….“They were serious as they were living together in the townhouse and they were in their thirties so they were not kids.”...https://radaronline.com/—–> okay then..  
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Tanya Kim & Bel Mulroney
Tanya Kim lost her job on the 10th of November 2014 -  …Bell Media, which runs CTV and a raft of speciality channels, confirmed Monday that both Kim and “The Movie Network” host Teri Hart had seen their positions eliminated. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/11/11/tanya-kim-teri-hart-ctv-layoffs_n_6138966.html
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Prince Harry’s new girlfriend Meghan Markle was still dating a Canadian chef when she reportedly met the Prince for the first time, it has emerged…. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/31/prince-harry-met-new-girlfriend-while-she-was-still-dating-celeb/
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picture above - April 2016
picture below - May 2016 with Cory Vitiello  –> first blind `booty call`date with PH  
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http://www.foxella.com/he-is-going-to-say-he-was-dumped-after-he-confronted-her-about-dating-the-a-lister/  –>
..Apparently this foreign born celebrity chef is about to publicise a correct timeline. Right now, it appears in tabloid accounts he was dumped by this B list mostly television actress before she started dating this A+ lister. He is going to say he was dumped after he confronted her about dating the A+ lister. It was only then she moved out. He is also going to say that as a payment, she hooked up with the guy who introduced her to the A+ lister which she also did while living with the chef…
Celebrity chef: Cory Vitiello  Meghan Markle A+ lister: Prince Harry The guy who introduced them: Markus Anderson
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Markle: It’s so interesting because we talk about it now and even then, you know, because I’m from the States, you don’t grow up with the same understanding of the royal family. While I now understand very clearly there is a global interest there, I didn’t know much about him and so the only thing that I had asked her when she said she wanted to set us up was — I had one question. I said, ‘Well, is he nice?’ Because if he wasn’t kind, then it didn’t seem like it would make sense. So we went and met for a drink then, I think, very quickly into that we said, ‘What are we doing tomorrow? We should meet again.’
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Celebrities at the Global Gift Gala dinner and auction event in London at the ME Hotel on November 20, 2013. - Stars at the Global Gift Gala in London..
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1st of April 2020…. ;)
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formerlyroyal · 4 years
Meghan’s next relationship was perhaps more glamorous but less serious than her marriage. A newly minted celebrity in Toronto, and a self-professed foodie, she was always going to be an attractive proposition for Canadian celebrity chef Cory Vitiello.
He’s handsome, well regarded and extremely well connected in Toronto.
Meghan met him through mutual friends in 2014 and they swiftly ascended to the status of a power couple. When they started dating, he was running a successful restaurant called The Harbord Room.
Keyword: extremely well connected. And has lots of money. Same MO. "Introduced by mutual friends & immediately became power couple"
Another of her fantasy stories she wrote.
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mia-soufi2018 · 5 years
Meghan Markle Cheating Rumors Resurface: Did She Date Harry, Ex-Boyfriend At Same Time?...😮😮
By Camille Heimbrod on 12/14/19
Meghan Markle was recently accused of cheating on her ex-boyfriend with Prince Harry. On the ... Sandringham estate, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will spend Christmas with Meghan's mother this year. ... Duchess of Sussex dated Prince Harry and her celebrity chef ex-boyfriend at the same time. “Meghan’s wish ...
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reginamuses · 5 years
Cory Vitiello: The man who nearly stole Meghan from Harry
MAY 27, 2019
The story of Meghan and Harry’s whirlwind romance is well known, but before they met on a blind date she was with someone else, and it was serious.
Little Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor should be grateful for a lot of things.
He will get to enjoy piggybacks from none other than charmer extraordinaire Prince Harry. His mum, the Duchess of Sussex, is a hugger par excellence. And, lastly, that a certain chef in Toronto and his girlfriend split way back in 2016 because without that breakup, Archie would not be here.
That man is Cory Vitiello, Canada’s version of Jamie Oliver (sans failed restaurant empire) and Meghan Markle’s former boyfriend of two years. A boyfriend she only parted ways from a matter of weeks or months before she and a certain roguishly charming royal started dating.
But, let’s rewind shall we?
In 2014, Meghan was living in Toronto, working incredibly long hours on Suits and recovering from her divorce from her first husband Trevor Engelson. She was very close to her co-star Gina Torres, and the pals regularly hit up some of the city’s cooler joints for vino and dinner. On that list was the Harbord Room, owned by hot (in every way) chef Cory Vitiello.
Cory was quite the catch: He was wealthy, very successful and very connected. Reports vary about how exactly Cory and Meghan got together. Some say they were set up by a mutual friend (Megs clearly loves a set-up clever girl) and others that they got to know each other when she popped by the restaurant for a plate of pasta.
Either way, at some stage in 2014, he and Meghan started dating and became something of a stealth power couple in Toronto. For her 33rd birthday that year, the Suits cast and crew gathered at, where else, but the Harbord Room to toast the actress’ big day.
While she was the star of a hit US TV show, according to the Daily Mail, “Vitiello was the real celebrity in his home city.”
Basically, in Canada, Cory was the bigger deal, and he provided Meghan with an entree into the upper echelons of Canadian society.
Theirs was a very low-key romance. She would go to his restaurant after a long day of filming and wait for him to finish. Neighbours have reported spying them wandering around a local supermarket shopping together, and they rarely attended fancy society shindigs together. (There is pretty much only one photo of them together taken at an event.)
It was through Cory that Meghan met Markus Anderson, the global membership director of the exclusive Soho House who would go on to become one of her best friends. (He would also be responsible for arranging Meghan and Harry’s very private first date at the London outpost of the famed members-only establishment.)
By Christmas of 2015, things between the couple were so serious Cory took her to spend the holidays with his parents who were reportedly somewhat taken aback when she turned up with her beloved dogs Bogart and Guy.
His mother Joanne Vitello has told the Daily Mail: “We are very fond of her. She is a lovely, lovely woman. Very smart, very bright, very caring. She’s a warm personality, very sincere.”
Quite at what stage things started to sour for Meghan and Cory is uncertain. However, The Sun reported things ended for the couple in May 2016 — the same month Harry visited Toronto to promote the Invictus Games.
What better way to get over a breakup than a girls’ trip to Europe? At this time, Meghan packed her bags and headed to London, Madrid and the Amalfi Coast with good mates producer Lindsay Roth and designer Misha Nonoo, according to royal biographer Katie Nicholl.
Some stage on that trip Meghan and Harry enjoyed their first date, and the rest is glorious history. There are two main theories how this fabled evening came to pass. The first is Nonoo played fairy godmother as her husband Alexander Gilkes is a good friend of Harry’s.
The second is Meghan knew Ralph Lauren PR Violet von Westenholz. Violent has known Harry for years — her father, Olympic skier Baron Piers von Westenholz, is good mates with Prince Charles. There is a very good chance Violet was cupid and, at some point during that fateful European holiday, arranged for the couple to meet up for drinks.
What makes this so intriguing is the gap between relationships (Cory and Harry) is not huge.
The Telegraph has reported Harry and Meghan met while she was still dating Cory. The same story also alleged it was only a matter of weeks between Meghan calling time on her relationship with Cory and being in contact with Harry. At that stage, he is said to have started following her on Instagram using an account under a pseudonym.
No matter the beginnings of the Sussexes’ history-making romance, today their love and commitment is apparent whenever they appear in public together. (Never has there been a royal couple who enjoys getting quite so touchy-feely in public. Bless.)
Don’t worry, things ended well for Cory too. Last year he had his first child — a son he adoringly posts about on Instagram — with his partner, singer Martina Sorbara.
And obviously things ended perfectly for Harry and Meghan. And Archie? He has several weeks in 2016 to thank for his parents becoming an item and thus his being here at all.
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heavyarethecrowns · 5 years
It's about time! So sad and shocking to see there is so much jealous, hostility and bullying directed her way.'
Joanne Vitiello mother of celebrity chef Cory, whom Meghan dated for two years before meeting Prince Harry on twitter responding to news that 72 MPs have signed an open letter in support of Meghan. The tweet has now been deleted. 
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Why we love Kate, not Meghan
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I’ve been seeing the “If you love her (Catherine) you don’t need to hate her (Meghan)” meme going around on IG. I had to clear things up for myself and anybody this resonates once and for all. Let me first start off by saying my feelings for Meghan Markle are not of hate. I find her and Catherine beautiful in their own respective ways. I only abhor Meghan’s behavior, actions, total disrespect for the Royal Family hierarchy, trying to curry favor with the public through her PR attempts, and blatant sense of entitlement.
We are only typing words online making it difficult to decipher a tone of voice. Since there is none to be heard or facial expressions detected, you can take it much more worse, dramatic, and catty than it really is. I try to write as clearly as I can to convey my meanings as fast I can churn it out for everyone to read. I do it so my opinions are not misunderstood to be of jealousy, hating, bullying, or racism. I feel I have to restate this as I’ve gained many new followers and likely new spies or just plain curious folks. It would be truly wonderful to meet everyone I interact with online, follower, spy, or passersby. That human interaction is missing from this very anti-social media platform.
So, let me say I am none of those four things above. In fact, I was quite enthusiastic initially with Meghan Markle’s debut into the royal scene. She of course is a far cry from the typical posh British blondes Harry dated. It was refreshing and new. She was a Californian, ethnic, and American just like me, who came from a disjointed family. She was a breath of fresh air as a new addition, but that quickly turned into mush when that engagement interview revealed her domineering, controlling, and insincere personality with the camera. I took her saying she didn’t know THAT MUCH about Price Harry, not that she didn’t know him or the royal family. This is often restated incorrectly. Her statement during the interview came off as if Prince Harry’s royal-ness wasn’t a big deal to her. That they’re equally on the same plane and their names hold the same weight as far as that statement went. That initial interview showed her ego on display and the Vanity Fair magazine she interviewed for as a tell all after it was revealed she was Harry’s girlfriend. Shortly before that, in November 2016, she had Harry write a foolish statement asking the public to leave her alone after she made a false report of someone breaking into her Toronto home. Then she goes on to do that Vanity Fair magazine. The hypocrisy. Harry could never turn back after that. It was more binding than a wedding if you ask me.
Even her ex-best friend Ninaka Priddy told DailyMail, “I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating. She had one of Princess Diana’s books [Diana: Her True Story] on her bookshelf, and even when she was with Trevor she told me she wanted to go and stay in London for at least a month. I can’t remember exactly when this was, but she was married to Trevor and starring in Suits. She mentioned about wanting to go to London a couple of times. I wasn’t shocked or even surprised to hear about Prince Harry. I know she used to love The Princess Diaries — films about a commoner who becomes part of a Royal Family. She was very taken with that idea.”
Meghan would relish the thought of living a real life Princess Diaries scenario. Everyone in her family circle knew she was infatuated with the idea of being a modern day princess with power. She admired Princess She-Ra. In her defunct Tig blog she wrote, “I, for one, was all about She-Ra, Princess of Power. And grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate.”
That was a huge red flag to me. Her best friend knew her since she was 11 and they were inseparable like sisters, like family. So, I take her words seriously as to who Meghan really was. She stopped talking to her after three seasons of Suits. Fame got to her head. She left her then husband Trevor, who helped her get on the show. She was out for a more “empowering” position in life. She used who and what she could to get where she is today. She downplayed her knowledge and awareness of the royal family big time and it really came back to bite her.
Meghan had her sights set on expanding her name and fame somehow someway since Suits was wrapping up with her supporting role being axed soon. Unhappily, her marriage to Trevor Engelson ended abruptly by her (mailing her rings back my mail), after almost 10 years of supposed true happiness finding The One. According to her ex-best friend she knew since she was 11 years old. She left him for Corey Vitiello, a highly celebrated chef in Toronto after her career took off some with Suits. Corey was also cooking for Prince Harry when Meghan first met the royal. He runs a chicken restaurant chain called Flock. Roast chicken, anyone? Yes, Meghan has commented time and time again her specialty is roast chicken. She picked up this talent likely from living in common law marriage with Corey in Toronto. That’s also what she was cooking when Prince Harry proposed? Gosh, what a coincidence. The Sun said, “The pair split in May 2016 - with the Telegraph reporting that Meghan was still with Cory when she first met Harry. The prince was in Canada to promote the Invictus games in May 2016. The chef refused to comment on the rumours that the Prince was part of the reason their relationship ended.” Hmmm, also a suspicious coincidence.
I don’t knock her for watching out for herself and trying to put her name out there. It’s a dog-eat-dog world in the acting industry. She was only successful in Toronto with Suits. Hollywood was the ultimate goal and dream. Her father Thomas Markle was a successful Emmy winning lighting director for Married with Children. She basically grew up on set and likely salivated at the fame and attention she would get being one. As a narcissist, this would feed her ego majorly. She was never going to be more famous than an extra in those random comedies or low-budget made for TV movies. She was pushing nearly 40. That’s the career death age of actresses in North America, maybe everywhere. She wasn’t a Meryl Streep or Viola Davis. She had to think fast. She did. Man, did she hit the jackpot with Harry. Apparently, their relationship wasn’t even revealed to Harry’s family until 6 months into it. All that time, Thomas Markle kept his mouth shut about it. He was loyal to his favorite daughter and paid for her expensive upscale schooling her entire life, even some in college. She ghosted him for making a foolish mistake with the media when he didn’t recieve an invite to the wedding. This time period was key to her sinking her claws in to Prince Harry’s vulnerability, weaknesses, broken and damaged self. She does want to be another Diana, but all she is now is a mother-wife to Harry. As her ghosted former best friend said, she is very calculated.
Using others as a stepping stone or tool to get where you want is extremely cold-hearted, but that was her MO. There is a reason a trail of ghosted, dejected lovers, family and friends have come out of the woodwork since Harry said his family was the one she never had. HAH. Cry me a river. Samantha only came out when that was openly said. What a stupid, hurtful, foolish statement Harry. This was during the Christmas Service at Sandringham she attended when they were only engaged. That’s unheard of. Even Catherine Middleton, wife of the heir didn’t even get invited to any outings until they were officially married. I commend Prince William for his caution as he had much more to lose than Harry with his choice of a wife.
Prince William was extremely worried about the tabloids and press doing what they did to his beloved mother to Kate. They chased Kate around and staked out their cameras at her flat. They followed her to work. They shoved cameras in her face getting in and out of cars. She was very chill about it. Alarmed, but civil. It was chaos. She was a BIG DEAL. She was marrying the heir to the British monarchy. Prince William was a dreamboat. Many of us were very fascinated by who his choice was. When they married, there were years and years of ridicule with comments about her “Waity Katey” nickname. He made sure she has as much time living a normal private life before becoming a royal. She needed to withstand the public scrutiny as his on and off again girlfriend first. It wasn’t a matter of him getting coldfeet. He was protecting her. They were college friends first then fell in love over the course of 6 years or so. They had a solid foundation.
She even had a few incidents where her skirt flew up too high revealing too much as well as her chest. It’s all trivial superficial things, I know, but it matters as a royal. We do the same with Meghan. It’s the optics that need to be taken into consideration. I’m fine with critiquing dress style, as there’s a certain decorum needed in a royal family. She, Kate, needed to dress more prudently to avoid mishaps. There were several in her first few years. She has improved beautifully and has her style down to science. Kate had many of the criticisms Meghan shares as far as entering in the royal family goes being a commoner having to do with dress code and keeping her mannerisms appropriate at events. There are many comments on old articles saying how Kate was smiling way too much at this same event years ago. How her hair was too long. She needed to stop twirling it and have some respect for her role and the dignity of the event. It was the Remembrance Day Sunday event at Whitehall in 2013. The two years before that, she garnered the same scathing reactions from the public.
Kate has really come into her own despite the awful criticisms and judgement on her class. She has bore the years and years of cruel digs to her with great decorum and stride. She has NEVER COMPLAINED. She has come in to her own identity as a mother, wife, future queen consort, charity patron, and most importantly a genuine person with the public. I quote The Sun highlighting past labels calling her a "work-shy social climber, the lucky girl whose sole job in life was to sit around looking pretty until William proposed." That's all turned into something solid and magical.
She has an ease with others that makes them comfortable in her presence you don't expect from such a senior royal. She has bloomed. We love her for that and how she lets Prince William shine by supporting his role as heir through their duties and appearances together. She also shines equally if not more than Prince William. Her children are absolutely gorgeous and a delight. We have all come to adore her because she has earned it. Yes, with the public you have to earn our love.
With Meghan, it seemed as if they were marrying then having a baby at warp speed before Harry decided to change his mind without knowing her family and past. They weren’t allowing the public to let us see Meghan in a positive gradual light, but a social climbing one with all her past history written online for all to see; also through the testimony of friends, families, her attention-seeking Instagram posts, colleagues etc. She hadn’t proved herself worthy yet to the public like Kate. It was hitting the ground running to be her own brand and name through Harry’s family.
On a superficial level, Kate and Meghan are not fashionistas or supermodels. But they are always photographed with what brands they’re wearing for all to see. That’s the fun part of watching all royal women, their outfits and accessories. But with Meghan it goes PAST and BEYOND outfits and style. It’s an entire plethora of reasons. She’s a whole different “beast” as she likened her unfair treatment in that Africa interview. All that have nothing to do with her ethnicity. The criticisms we non-Markle fans share with her are as followed:
• ghosting those friends and family members she used to put a notch on her belt
• using Princess Diana’s name to beautify her tainted image
• using Harry and his weaknesses to crawl her way into the royal family
• portraying such an affected manner in which she speaks, interactions with others, and overall pretending to be royal instead of being herself
• wearing inappropriate revealing attire to events, not adhering to dress code
• being rude and demanding to royal staff and even film and restaurant workers before marrying Harry
• constantly stepping in front of Harry as if he was the non-royal at events, inserting herself in conversations and trying to be the center of attention, a know-it-all
• making herself out to be a self made millionaire when she was more like a thousand-aire after Suits owning no real estate, cars or possessions to note beside an expensive heel collection
• taking credit for things that she did not do entirely on her own but passing it off that she did
• upsetting Duchess of Cambridge who she should have allied with for assimilation
• planting her PR stories to try and break up the image and marriage that the Cambridges have naturally built
• constantly trying to one-up the Cambridges while they go about their duties, her seething envy is quite evident by trying to take the light away from their causes
• inconsistent stories of how she and Harry met, supposedly it's Misha Nonoo, but who knows
• implying she was pregnant, all but announcing it with that navy blue coat halfway open at Princess Eugenie's wedding
• overly flicking her coat open constantly and prancing around with her hand on her ever changing bump (whether real or not we will never know)
• embellishing her character by feeding us accolades of herself every chance she gets, especially on Sussex Royal
• rarely ever using the titles of more important senior royals, but overusing her HRH on herself
• having famous Hollywood friends constantly speak for her and how amazing she is, many whom she had NEVER met prior to marrying Harry, but invited to the wedding anyway; leaving out her own family members (especially her loving father who made a foolish mistake) on both sides who did nothing to warrant such cold-heartedness
• preaching about carbon footprints, only having two children, and saving the environment all the while jetting around in private jets around the world sparing no expense
• portraying this image of a humanitarian when she herself is seen constantly in astronomically priced bespoke, couture, and designer clothes and accessories that taxpayers find (well over a million now dollars as the 6th in line’s wide); paid or not by designers to advertise for them
According to The Star, “It’s a figure so staggering it’s worth revisiting. According to estimates — based on totalling up the approximated or stated retail values of everything she’s been seen wearing since November 2017 — the number is hovering around the $1.5 million mark. On her and Harry’s official visit to Ireland this spring, for instance, Markle wore over $52,000 worth of fashion in just two days.”
They also stated “The majority of Markle’s expenditure this year went toward her two wedding dresses: That Givenchy ceremony dress is thought to have cost around $330,000 and her Stella McCartney dress (or the capsule collection’s 46 replicas released after the wedding, at least) sold for $5,800. That’s a bargain compared to the $93,000 she spent on the Ralph & Russo frock she wore for some of her engagement shoot. Add in a $6,500 Oscar de la Renta dress to a wedding here, a $5,000 bespoke Carolina Herrera frock to a Trooping the Colour there, and well, you get to that million mark pretty quickly.”
• then there’s the vacant Forgmore Cottage that wasted taxpayers money if $3 million to renovate; apparently they don’t even live there as she’s in SoHo accommodations and he in his Nottingham Cottage
• playing media games with the facts and dates surrounding the birth of Archie and never allowing him to be photographed until it was on African soil for a docu-drama
• pleading for privacy over and over then showing up unannounced at events uninvited,
• filming a tone-deaf tactless documentary in Africa, revealing how she felt she's didn't have a fair shake in the royal family, the absolute nerve of she and Harry
• suing the press for racism and hate stories when she herself courts the press daily (she did pap walks in London right before it was announced she was Harry's girlfriend), when she has herself and Harry to thank for all the negative press as there's not one story pointing out criticism of her ethnic background
• lastly, there are the extreme fans called the “sugars” who go around defending MM every chance they get in a rageful manner like packs of rabid dogs if we comment on how we don’t like her style of dress or try to reason with a differing opinion to theirs on a certain news story
Have I missed anything? Likely so. I’m still new to this whole Markle debacle so excuse my errors and typos. The soap opera does go on and there are so many details and shady ways Meghan has portrayed herself past and present. From what I’ve seen, heard, and read from her own mouth and those who knew her well, “she’s a witch” as Candace Owens put it bluntly. I truly wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to her when she kept shooting herself in the foot.
She is NOT where Kate was when she married Prince William either. Kate was 29, unmarried and very close to her family with no previous marriages. Today, her family appear to be her rock solid support outside of Prince William. She assimilated well with the other royals who she now calls family. She listened to counsel, respected the centuries of tradition the monarchy had always followed. She won our hearts. Through and through, she can credit her great inner strength she possessed to overcome the constant ridicule to become the well loved future queen consort of Britain. That is no easy feat.
Meghan was 37 and many times divorced (one annulled with Joe Giuliano, an attorney she married after college), so maybe three if you count the common law marriage with Cory in Canada. Trevor was her first official one. So Harry may be her 4th! She had lived many lives before with connections to SoHo, being a yacht girl, then there are her ties to the wretches Jeffery Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Weinstein and their global agenda machine I would have to write a dissertation on to explain.
She appeared to have used her first official husband Trevor, a successful producer in his own right (she got a cameo in his film Remember Me with Robert Pattinson) to get her role on Suits as he’s done excellent for himself in the film industry as a producer. Meghan was somewhat popular in Toronto from the supporting role. She was being phased out soon after her relationship with Corey started as well. She needed a plan, along came Prince Harry one fine clucking night. Then, she set her sights on getting setup with him by Markus Anderson or Misha Nonoo; who knows with all these conflicting stories.
I said good for her at the start. At first it was incredible to see an ordinary girl from LA had married into such a high profile family, to a real titled Prince, no less! It was inspiring and fun to fantasize. Nevertheless, Meghan’s actions listed above, the various first-hand testimonies of people who were family and friends pre-Harry, her hellbent PR attempts to heighten her name, her lack of honesty, her contrived behavior pretending to be a coy ingenue, the scary desire to be Princess Diana by hunting Harry like a sport, and all the stories coming out about how she was searching for a famous British man to elevate her profile, and likely so much more to come, are why we are here with these accounts today.
Hate is such a blanket word overused nowadays in the media. But she has earned that word all on her own. We’re here to disprove and retort the stories churned out daily by her team Sunshine Sachs that continue to deceive the public. Everything is out there to see. Her character is out there to decipher online. You just have to stop reading the fluff and self-promotion and find her true nature pre-Harry to see her scheming social climbing insincere self-serving ways. So, please don’t make us out to be hating, racist, jealous, bullies because we don’t love her like we do Kate. Move past that because we’re tired of hearing it. There’s no other argument anymore for her sugars it seems. Excuse me for not buying Meghan’s pseudo feminism and humanitarian image. She is far from that of a humanitarian. Everything is written on the wall for her. She only has herself to thank for it.
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Meghan Markle Sussex is "manifesting" again 🥣
One of my fondest memories in the pre-megxit community was our roasting of Meghan Markle's How to COOK Toast 🍞 video. Good Times!🤣
She combined apple butter with /ree-COAT🥼-a*/ cheese & jam 🍓
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Mask slipped by end of video.
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Jessica Mulroney also appeared in this same kitchen as they were both seeking to niche as celebrity influencers.
Jessica actually did receive a bit more press with a 1x nutritional cooking spot for busy familes.
Chef Cory also secured a 1x spot on Chopped Junior for his ungrateful, cheating girlfriend.
*Meghan Markle's mispronunciation of /rĭ-kŏt′ə/ ricotta cheese. Much like Tignanello & Lettuce.🤡
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Edited to include 1 copy of the ridiculous "show"
Daniel Boland roasts Meghan Markle's Toast 15:00
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When MMS began to "manifest" a 2024 cooking show, the Toronto Toast videos (& comments) disappeared from YT. A new video was uploaded by a sussex sewer squad member: Akorful Studio. Posted Feb 21, 2024 just in time for a re-brand. Please don't give Akorful the views.
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Oh so that Cory Vitiello (Meghan's ex chef boyfriend) reply was supposed to be for someone who replied under one of your other asks. It was under the ask that said Meghan seems to really like basic looking white guys lol. The person who replied said something along the lines of "Cory V isn't basic looking and that we don't have the same taste in men" or some shit like that lol
Ah ok. I don’t get notified about replies consistently. I usually do if I follow the person but otherwise I’ll sometimes get a notification and sometimes won’t so I often completely miss stuff. I googled him and yeah. I don’t find him particularly attractive. He’s handsome in an obvious way but that’s not really my type. I don’t like guys you’d describe as clean cut. I like a bit of scruff and charisma and not a ken doll type. 
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Dont give it 5 minutes if you cant give it 5 years. Meghan Markle next phase heres how I think its going to pan out by u/WorthSpecialist1066
“Don’t give it 5 minutes if you can’t give it 5 years.” Meghan Markle next phase, here’s how I think it’s going to pan out So Megxit was in January 2020.I think January 2025 (Catherine’s Birthday, naturally) will be the big announcement of Meghan’s conscious uncoupling from Prince Harry.She gave it 5 years to become a Hollywood A-lister and basically everyone has shunned and laughed at her. Netflix is dumping her. With any luck the King, Prime Minister and Prince William are figuring out how to get rid of the Sussexes. Definitely no titles for Meghan to monetise in the case of a divorce.Hence she will rebrand herself and the Kids, Meghan Sussex. (No more Markle association for her,)I think the Instagram account sussxroyal (with it’s currently 9 million followers (at one point I think it was 11 million) will be taken out of mothballs. Meghan has been busy changing colourful outfits in Nigeria and Colombia in anticipation of curating her social media content. (All she’s ever been is an influencer). She will start flogging those kids: Lily and Archie Sussex.Harry will get his £7million from the Queen Mother when he turns 40in a few weeks. That is literally the last payday.im sure she’s made sure that all their money is comingled for their California 50/50 divorce. i think,she’s got her eye on some billionaire with a charitable foundation, who is against the UK. Probably Chinese or Russian. Hence all the flashy, skin baring outfits on the latest trips. Harry is literally and metaphorically being edged out of the picture. The discard is happening, The penny dropped when I saw this video linked on another thread.https://youtu.be/YXfvuxPKUOU?si=Gy5F_KM2CkUtINn2around the 20 minute mark, they talk about how she reinvented herself as a “foodie” to get with Cory Vitiello. Who at the time was a “hot chef” in Canada. ( I hadn’t realised how targeted it was as being British, I’d never heard of Cory.)So she did the same thing: reinvented herself as a Humanitarian in India and Rwanda to bag the thick Prince.So now, she’s rebranding as a diplomat to bag someone else up the food chain. She's not insisting on her title so much in her paid for puff PR pieces. Thoughts sinners? post link: https://ift.tt/sIe4zgU author: WorthSpecialist1066 submitted: August 24, 2024 at 08:24AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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worldroyals · 6 years
A definitive list of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s exes and which former lovers have secured invites to the royal wedding
- Amy Duncan Thursday 22 Mar 2018 10:27 am
Prince William will have plenty of easy material for his speech at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding, seeing as a string of the couple’s exes are on the guestlist.
Ghosts from Harry and Meghan’s dating pasts have reportedly been invited to celebrate the happy couple’s big day in just under two months’ time.
While it looks like Meghan just has the one ex going, three of Harry’s – the former most eligible bachelor in the world – have received invites.
So, to keep you updated, here we have the definitive list of Meghan and Harry’s exes, including which VIPs have received a royal invite (and which have not).
First, let’s start with Meghan’s…
Before Trevor, Meghan is reported to have been in a serious relationship with Joe Giuliano for two years.
Is Joe attending the wedding? There’s is little that has been reported about Joe, with Meghan having dated him before she found fame. He’s very unlikely to be at the royal nuptials.
TREVOR Engelson
Fourteen years ago, the Suits actress met American film producer Trevor Engelson, who she went on to fall in love with and marry.
Trevor was born on October 23 1976 in New York City. At 41, he is five years older than Meghan.
Trevor produced the 2010 film Remember Me, which starred Robert Pattinson and featured a cameo from Meghan.
Trevor met Meghan in 2004 and the pair became engaged six years later in 2010. They went on to marry on September 10 2011 at the Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
Their ceremony took place in front of 102 guests and it fell over four days.
Pictures of their wedding show it looking like quite the wild affair, with the couple throwing a beach party for their friends, doing shots on the beach and partying long into the night.
A source has previously said: ‘The ceremony was over very quickly, in about 15 minutes. Then everyone hit the dance floor. It seemed they all just wanted to party.’
However, by August 2013, the pair had divorced, citing ‘irreconcilable differences’.
According to insiders, it was the strain of a long-distance relationship – with Meghan working in Toronto, Canada on Suits while Trevor was in Los Angeles – that saw the end of their nine-year relationship. And Meg hunger to be high profile who could make her famous.
Is Trevor invited to the wedding? It’s one thing inviting an ex-boyfriend, but an ex-husband? It’s highly unlikely Meghan will have extended an invite to Trevor and it’s highly unlikely he’d attend, even if he were asked.
While this romance was never confirmed, it was widely rumoured in August 2014 that Meghan and professional golfer Rory McIlroy had enjoyed a brief fling.
Speculation mounted when they did an Ice Bucket Challenge together in New York City, followed by dinner dates.
(Her Cover up with whom you going on dates)
However, Meghan downplayed any rumours that they were dating at the time, decalring: ‘I’ve just stopped reading it. I think that’s probably part of the value of that.
‘We’re going to have dinner this week and I’m sure people are going to go crazy over that.
‘It’s funny too because when we did the Ice Bucket Challenge he told me that he nominated me,’ she said.
‘He sent me a text and I just said, “I’m in New York and I’m going back to Toronto and I’ll do it then,” and it happened so seamlessly and he was like, “I’m in New York right now, let’s do it together.”’
Is Rory invited to the wedding? According to reports, golfer Rory is all set to go to the wedding after receiving an invite in the post.
Meghan dated celebrity chef Cory Vitiello in 2014 and it’s understood they were dating right up until the time she met Prince Harry.
Not much is known of their romance as they appear to have kept  it quiet  but it they lived together in Toronto, Canada.
And while there are no PDA selfies of them on Cory’s Instagram account, he did post a rather cute snap of Meghan’s two dogs – Bogart and Guy – from his days living with the former actress.
The snap, taken in March 2016, was captioned: ‘Morning kitchen party happening! Neighbour’s dogs heard the food bag open
and came crashing in the back. #muttlife.’
That same month, Cory had gushed over how proud he was of Meghan for being named the Global Ambassador for Word Vision.
According to The Telegraph, Meghan met Prince Harry when she was still with Cory in May 2016. Meghan and Cory were apparently going through a ‘tough time’. It’s believed they parted ways as they both put their careers before their relationship.
Prince Harry eventually won Meghan’s affections after he ‘besieged her with texts until she agreed to a date.’
Meghan and Harry both revealed how they were set up by a mutual friend.
Now it’s Prince Harry’s turn…
Chelsy Davy was Harry’s first serious girlfriend, with the pair dating on and off from 2004 to 2011.
The Zimbabwean national was believed to be ‘the one’.
Chelsy studied at the University Of Cape Town, before moving to Leeds University to study Law to be closer to Harry.
It’s believed she’s now working for ethically-sourced jewellery company, Aya Africa, in Zambia.
Is Chelsy invited to the wedding?Yes, Chelsy has apparently received an invite– she stayed friendly with Harry after their seven-year romance fizzled out.
(Even Chelsy harry dates for just seven years while meg Trevor for eight or nine still meg treated him like shit. At least Harry and chelsy respect each other)
Later that year, Harry dated actress Cressida Bonas from 2012 to 2014, apparently introduced by Princess Eugenie in May 2012.
Their romance hit headlines in 2012,
She is an aristocrat herself, the granddaughter of Edward Curzon, 6th Earl Howe.
They split in September 2015 with reports suggesting she had ditched Harry to focus on her acting career.
She also made headlines for posting a rather cryptic message in the wake of Harry’s engagement news.
Cressida posted a meme to her Instagram account, captioned ‘Truth’, which read: ‘No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells it all.’
By Metro
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/legit-court-documents-revealed-nervous-exhaustion-for-duchess-of-sussex/
Legit court documents revealed nervous exhaustion for Duchess of Sussex
Legit court documents revealed nervous exhaustion for Duchess of Sussex
Report by popular new portal claimed that the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle felt “unprotected” by the Royal Family. Some court documents obtained by various media houses in the backdrop of current lawsuit of Meghan against the Mail on Sunday revealed all these. Her lawyer also said to the press that Meghan and her friends felt silenced due to the customs and prejudice of the British Royal family has made. There is an ongoing legal battle between Meghan and the Mail on Sunday which has made into top trending news. The said document says she became the target of the popular British tabloid. The accused publishing house was publishing fake articles on her that were emotionally damaging. Also there was breach of privacy and confidentiality. The friends of Meghan said that she felt unprotected by the British Royal institution. These friends their concern as she was emotionally drained during her pregnancy.
There is another background of the story. Prince Harry informed the Duchess that one of her anonymous friends defended her against the infamous article of Mail on Sunday on another competitive media house People. It was People which published a personal letter of Meghan written to her father describing the agonistic impact of Mail on Sunday. This news became one of the top trending national news stories. All these have raised questions on the close proximity of the unnamed friend of Meghan and People. If reports are to believe, the Duchess also knows the identities of these friend or friends. But she keeps referring to them as A, B, C etc. The big fat weeding of Prince Harry and Meghan generated £1bn as revenue tourism which is far more than the British Royal family spent on the wedding. The event became popular among interesting travel stories. So the Duchess lashes out at the opinion that the documents were reveled for public interest as the revenue generated was more than the expenditure of public money.
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex was born in United States of America. On 4th August 1981 she was born to Doria Ragland and Thomas Markle Sr in California. Her father is a retired director of photography and currently lives in Mexico. Meghan’s parent separated at her age of six. She stayed with her mother till her marriage. Meghan always expressed pride on her heritage of being half black and half white as her father is Caucasian and mother is an Afro-American.  She sees herself as flag bearer of independent, confident and proud mixed –ethnicity woman.
She started acting in commercials at the age of eleven. She changed schools starting from Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse to Immaculate Heart High School. During university days she was inclined toward community service. She did an internship in American Embassy also. Meghan is having bachelor’s degree with double majors. She took interest in acting in dramas quite earlier. She started off playing small roles in TV series and films. She portrayed an attorney names Rachel Zane in the popular TV series Suits. The show ran from 2011 to 2018. Meghan quit the show prior to her marriage in British Royal family. In 2011 itself, she married Ocho Rios. This marriage lasted till 2013. Meghan’s rumored relationship with celebrity chef Cory Vitiello lasted up to 2016. In June 2016 she started dating Prince Harry. Later in November 2017, news of their engagement was made public by Kensington Palace.  This news was so significant that it ranked among current political news stories of that time.
Meghan also took up blogging as one of the professions. She was the editor and founding member of the fashion –lifestyle website The Tig which was available from 2014 to 2017. She demonstrated her blogging skill, writing about fashion, beauty, and travel food. In one year the website started fetching considerable revenue. She expanded the content coverage including the experts from various fields like yoga, dieting etc.
She is also known for her notable charitable and philanthropist work. She was and has been part of numerous charitable organizations worldwide. Some of them are:
One Young World
United Service Organization
Clean Water Campaign
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Hubb Community Kitchen
Queens’ Commonwealth Trust and many more.
Meghan is an outright feminist and always has a strong political opinion. She was vocal supporting Hilary Clinton for 2016 US presidential election. Meghan also expressed her disappointment with 51% of English population voted supporting Brexit.
After the high profile marriage with Prince Harry, she became the Duchess of Sussex, got entitled to Royal Highness. Also numerous customary entitlements went her way. It was in early 2020 when Meghan decided not to use Royal Highness Title and decided to step back from Royal duties. That decision did not go down well with British Royal family. Many say it was the beginning of today’s increasing tension.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Very interesting read on SOHO House
Also do a search for SOHO House for more articles. https://torontolife.com/searchgc/?q=soho+house
The insider dish on Soho House: who made the cut and who didn’t at the city’s new, exclusive private club
Soho House, the exclusive London-based members’ club, has gambled $8 million on a Simcoe Street outpost that’s the surest place in Toronto to bump into celebs
By Courtney Shea |  October 29, 2012
The founding members were first allowed into the club on September 15, when Soho Toronto hosted its inaugural party. The fact that the Brazilian Ball (for decades the biggest ticket in town) held its final bash on the same September night provided an almost eerily perfect metaphor for this changing of the guard. The new kid pulled out all the stops—three floors of free cocktails and food, live music and DJs. And of course the everyone-knows-everyone nature of Toronto was on full display: Ben Mulroney and his wife, Jessica, hung with their usual crowd of socialite friends; the Harbord Room golden boy chef Cory Vitiello was there with his new squeeze, Citytv fashion plate Mary Kitchen; the MTV VJ count was high, as was the tally of CBC talent. The first-floor library bar turned into a high-octane dance party, one that topped TIFF festivities on the reckless abandonment scale: Jeffrey Remedios, Kirstine Stewart, Susur Lee, National Post society reporter Shinan Govani, CBC host Jian Ghomeshi and socialite dentist Ken Montague all cut some hardcore rug to Whitney Houston’s anthem “How Will I Know?
Thank you....interesting isn’t it....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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