#british polo day
Remember when she was Irish? What about part-Maltese? Oh and how could we forget ADOS BLACK!
Today, thanks to Wannabe Activist & Soho House closet homosexual, Misan Harriman, who has a chip on his shoulders the size of a boulder, the Meg is also NIGERIAN.
Misan's father (Chief Hope Harriman) became a wealthy British - Nigerian businessman who amassed wives and even more children
Perhaps Misan's genealogy is the reason The Meghans feel comfortable denying the existence of any Markle "siblings" as Misan was born to an unacknowledged woman
Although Misan carries his father's last name (Harriman), Misan is never formally named amongst Hope Harriman's children and is viewd as a bastard child of the Anglo-Nigerian
Misan and his Black Activist Sistah Space friend Marlene Headley aka "Ngozi Fulani"
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MEgain pays Misan back for her 'pay to play' debts w/an appearance in her Finding Freebies book. She acknowledged his fledgling website & his job as administrative support to the global BRITISH POLO DAY :
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2014 Divorced, cheating on Chef Cory & making a beeline to the BRF via Sparry
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MEgain rejected the help of every assigned mentor including Lady Susan Hussey
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Misan became a "photographer" JUST IN TIME for MEGXIT & MegFlix. These 2 photos are unedited, doubt they were published by the fraudster, Misan Harriman
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Diversity hire, Soho's Edward Enninful, receives award from NOprah for being a Diversity Hire
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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The Prince and Princess of Wales at Guards Polo Club for the Royal Charity Polo Cup || 6 JULY 2023
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rowanhoney · 1 year
I think growing up around so many people who excelled in their sports was super damaging to me in a way I can’t quite explain
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
Neil Gaiman and Roz Kaveney at the British Library event Why We Need Fantasy 20.11.2023 :) ❤
Neil: Good omens Season One was, for me, an exercise in adaptation. I'd taken something, and I wanted to turn it into something else. Good Omens Season Two, on the other hand, was just an absolute joy, because now I knew I have Jon Hamm, and I can get him to do this stuff, and he's going to be walking naked through Soho at the beginning, and everybody is going to think they're going to hate him, and instead, he's going to be this marvelous, goofy figure that they will all love but kind of hate themselves for loving, but not know if he's a bad guy, but they'll love him anyway. And over here, I will have my Crowley, and I know that I can get David Tennant to do anything now, there is nothing that he will not go for. And so I can ask him to do things that are even more ridiculous. And then over here, I've got Michael Sheen, and everybody in the whole world just wants to..., you know, it is now forgotten by humanity that once upon a time, Michael Sheen was thought of as that actor who plays the really creepy people.
Roz: Yeah. I saw him in Kingdom of Heaven the other night and thought, oh, that was Michael Sheen.
Neil: That was Michael Sheen.
Roz: The evil priest that gets killed.
Neil: He used to play... I mean, he used to play creepy people, and everybody knew that if you want a good, slimy serial killer person, you go for Michael Sheen. Currently - I got a phone call from him the other day - a little Marco Polo video message from him with the strangest haircut I've seen, and I get strange messed... you know, hair, but this one, and he's playing Prince Andrew, so he's absolutely capable of still bringing in the creep. But, you know, Michael having just become this cuddly, cinnamon roll creature of pure love and joy and knowing that everybody was just going to want to cuddle him for six episodes until I let him break their hearts. I'm sorry. Perhaps he will-
Audience member: No, you're not.
Neil: Not even the tiniest bit. There is no sorrow in that.
Roz: I was in hospital when I saw Good Omens Two and the moment I finished watching it, I texted you and said, 'You magnificent bastard.'
Watch the whole event here :).
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The Lady - 2
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Eddie Horniman x Female Reader
Summary: After fifteen years away, a step-daughter returns for her Duke step-father's funeral, only to inherit a staggering 8 million pound debt and strike a risky deal with a criminal underworld figure.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , -
Your ongoing support means the world to me! Reblogs are a fantastic way to help spread the word about my work. I'll do my best to reply to all your comments. Thank you for your continued encouragement!
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Bucky leaned back in his chair, studying her reaction keenly. "I understand your concerns," he said, his tone surprisingly understanding. "But trust me, this is a business matter. We're not in the business of hurting innocent people."
"If someone died, I'd probably get deported," Bucky added casually, his tone belying the seriousness of his words.
"You're American too?" you blurted out, your voice tinged with disbelief. It was only now, under the stress of the moment, that you noticed Bucky's lack of a British accent.
"Yup. Just like you. So we have something in common," Bucky replied, his smile masking the underlying tension between you.
Leaning back in your chair, you feigned deep contemplation, buying yourself time to process the weight of Bucky's request. "After thinking thoroughly, it's not gonna happen," you finally declared, your words a thinly veiled refusal.
Bucky's easygoing demeanor vanished instantly, replaced by a steely resolve that sent shivers down your spine. Drawing closer, he rested both arms on Rupert's study table, his gaze piercing you unwaveringly.
"Your Grace, because of my friendship with Rupert, I'm giving you this last chance," Bucky declared, his voice low and commanding.
With a swift motion, he produced a business card from his suit pocket and slid it across the table towards you. "I'll be waiting for your call."
As he retreated, you couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding creeping over you. The stakes had never been higher, and you knew that the choices you made in the coming days would shape the course of your future in ways you couldn't yet comprehend.
The weight of the situation pressed down on you like a suffocating blanket as you surveyed the room, your eyes landing on the familiar photos adorning the walls.
Among them, a small picture frame caught your attention, capturing a moment frozen in time: you and Rupert, smiling at a polo game.
Your voice faltered as you addressed the silent figure in the photograph. "Why did you choose me?" you whispered, the weight of the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. "Dad."
Feeling lost and overwhelmed, you pondered your next move. Should you confront your mother, who seemed to have kept secrets hidden all along?
Or seek answers from the twins, who had already distanced themselves from the burden?
After careful consideration, you decided to turn to your childhood friend, Eddie, for guidance. With a sense of determination, you grabbed the car keys and set off for Halstead estate, hoping that Eddie might offer some much-needed clarity in this sea of uncertainty.
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As you stepped onto the familiar grounds of Halstead estate, memories of summers past flooded your mind. Despite the initial awkwardness of being left behind by your mother, the warmth of Eddie's family soon enveloped you in a sense of belonging.
The memories of summers spent here flooded back. Your mother left you behind, as the twins didn't want you to join the holiday. So, your mom left you here since Eddie's manor was closer to you.
Initially awkward, but it became enjoyable with Freddie always cracking jokes and Eddie, the adventurous one.
Reminiscing about fishing trips, horseback riding, and clay shooting, you couldn't help but smile at the fond memories made in this idyllic setting.
Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through your reverie, and you turned to see Freddie, Eddie's brother, approaching with open arms. Despite the passage of time, Freddie seemed unchanged, his jovial spirit shining through.
"Y/N! Come here. Give me a hug."
You embraced him. It had been 15 years, and he seemed different, almost radiant.
Freddie said, "I'm sorry about Rupert. I lost my dad last year too."
You replied, "I'm sorry too."
"So, it's obvious you're not here for me. You want to see Eddie?" Freddie asked.
"I am," you confirmed.
"He just finished a conversation with a guest. Let me take you there," Freddie offered, leading the way.
When you walked into the study room, you heard an elegant female voice saying, "I'll give the info later."
As she walked out, you noticed her stylish demeanor and sensed a mysterious aura around her. There was a hint of leadership in her presence, but what struck you as odd was the faint smell of weed lingering in the air.
She smiled at you before departing.
"I didn't expect you to come here so soon," Eddie remarked with a smile as you turned to face him. Seated in a leather chair, he exuded the air of a true duke.
"I didn't know where else I could go," you replied.
Freddie cleared his throat. "I'll leave you two alone."
Eddie offered you a seat and poured a drink, which you gratefully accepted.
"I heard you got the title. Congrats," Eddie said, raising his glass in a toast.
You chuckled softly. "The title is useless when all I've got is debt."
Eddie fell silent for a moment. "I went through a similar situation myself. What kind of problem are you having right now?"
"Do you know Bucky Barnes?" you asked.
Eddie clicked his tongue in response.
Crossing your arms, you continued, "So you know him. That means you knew about my stepdad's weed business."
Eddie leaned back in his chair, thoughtfully swirling the amber liquid in his glass. "Rupert got into the business earlier than me," he began, his tone reflecting a mix of resignation and regret. "The woman you saw before is Susie Glass."
"He had a business with her," Eddie continued, his voice tinged with disapproval.
You clenched your jaw, the realization sinking in.
"I didn't know much about the details, but your father was on the list that worked with the Glass," Eddie explained, his expression troubled.
"He wanted out," you interjected, your voice firm with determination.
Eddie nodded grimly. "And that's where Barnes came in. He's a syndicate, setting up a branch in the UK from New York. His business was unique and deadly."
The dimly lit study seemed to take on a more sinister atmosphere as Eddie spoke, shadows dancing across the walls like flickering flames. The air was tense, each word carrying the weight of unspoken truths and hidden dangers.
"Rupert owes Barnes 8 million pounds," you stated, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
Eddie hesitated for a moment before responding, his expression thoughtful. "That's..."
"I know, it's insane," you interjected, your voice tinged with frustration.
Eddie met your gaze, his eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and determination. "I could pay off your debt," he offered quietly.
You recoiled slightly, taken aback by his proposal. "Then what? I'll still in debt. It never ends," you countered, a note of bitterness creeping into your voice.
You sighed, the weight of Rupert's decision heavy on your shoulders. "Why did Rupert choose me?"
Eddie nodded in understanding, his expression reflective. "I asked the same thing when my dad chose me instead of Freddie."
Your brow furrowed in confusion as you looked at him, prompting Eddie to chuckle softly. "Problem solver," he explained simply.
You nodded slowly, considering Eddie's words. "Both of us did join the military. Is it because we went through difficult situations?"
Eddie leaned forward, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with you. "Probably," he agreed, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "But I'm sure you could handle it. If not, I'll be here to help you."
A warmth spread through you at his words, and you felt a slight blush creeping up your cheeks. "Thank you," you murmured gratefully, appreciating his caring demeanor.
You nodded firmly. "I've got all I need. I'll go now," you declared, trying to maintain composure as you turned to leave.
Eddie nodded in response. "Sure. I'll see you next time," he replied, his tone gentle and understanding.
As you walked away, you couldn't help but feel a swirl of emotions inside, like a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and feelings. You tried to keep a cool facade, but deep down, your heart was racing.
Meanwhile, Eddie watched you go, a flicker of concern crossing his features. Then, a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Did she notice?" someone asked quietly.
Eddie glanced over, meeting the gaze of the speaker. "Not yet," he responded softly, his expression thoughtful as he contemplated the situation.
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You drove for what felt like an eternity until you finally arrived back at your own manor. As you stepped inside, you noticed Hugo playing in the living room with Susan. Ignoring your mother, your focus was solely on your little step-brother.
You were just ten years old when you first met Rupert, and he had quickly become the best father figure you'd ever known. During the eight years you spent here, you learned to appreciate Rupert's love for his legacy and the history of the manor.
Sighing heavily, you knew you were about to make a risky decision.
Heading to Rupert's study again, you picked up Bucky's business card and dialed the number. After just two rings, his voice filled your ears. "I've been waiting for your call, Your Grace," he said smoothly.
Rolling your eyes at his confidence, you replied, "Just one job and you clear the debt?"
Bucky chuckled, his tone dripping with assurance. "It would be a big explosion. They'll think it's a terrorist attack. But no, Your Grace. Five small explosions, and we're done."
Bucky's voice crackled through the line, his tone both humorous and tinged with an unmistakable edge. "Think of it as fireworks, Your Grace. Except instead of pretty colors, we'll be making a statement."
You couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, the gravity of the situation juxtaposed with Bucky's nonchalant demeanor. "And what kind of statement would that be?" you asked, trying to match his casual tone.
"The kind that says, 'Don't mess with us,'" Bucky replied, his voice dripping with a dangerous charm. "We'll leave 'em scratching their heads and scrambling for cover."
Despite the seriousness of the conversation, you couldn't deny the thrill of adrenaline coursing through your veins. "And you're sure this will work?" you inquired, a hint of skepticism creeping into your voice.
Bucky's confidence was unwavering. "Trust me, Your Grace. When it comes to making a scene, I'm the best in the business."
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theroyalsandi · 2 months
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British Royal Family - Prince William of Wales watching his father, the Prince of Wales, playing Polo at Cartier International Polo Day in Windsor, England. | July 23, 1989
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Becoming Human
Summary: Adam heard you're feeling lonely, so his grand idea was to be a human (literally) to try and make you feel like you were at home.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Adam Warlock x female reader
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"Whoa, whoa, wait." Quill put his hand up, stopping Adam from explaining his point. "You want me to teach you how to be a human?"
Adam nodded. "Please."
"Well first of all, Midas, no human on Earth is gold, so.. we're gonna.. have to change that."
"My name is not Midas. That's a funny name."
"That's-- Nevermind." Quill sighed. "Why do you want to be a human anyway?"
Adam pursed his lips. "Research.. purposes?"
Quill could tell he was lying, but decided not to ask any further. Whatever kind of stupidity Adam was doing, he wanted no part of it.
"Alright, I know a guy. Just sit tight and I'll bring him over."
"Thanks, bro."
Quill frowned, Adam was clearly trying to act more human but it didn't work. "Never say that again."
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You joined the Guardians of the Galaxy when Thor decided to join them too. It didn't take long until Thor left again, but you decided to stick around.
You and Thor are good friends, you stayed through all of his ups and downs. But eventually you realized you needed to figure out who you were, and you can only do that yourself.
Rocket joined you in the diner, which you worked so hard for to get it approved. You loved diners back on Earth, and smash burgers was what you missed most. You introduced it to the team, and they've loved it ever since.
"Are you... dipping your fries in milkshake?" Rocket asked, a big hint of judgment there.
"Don't judge me. This is my comfort food."
Rocket grabbed a few fries and dipped it in the shake, following you. "Alright, it's not that bad, but I am definitely judging you."
He grabbed his own milkshake and sat on the counter.
"How you holding up?"
"I'm okay."
"It's been a while since you last visited Earth. Your Earth." He said, "If you ever want to go, we can take you."
"Thanks, I really appreciate it."
"Alright, no problem." He nodded. "Now- What the fuck is that??"
You turned towards the door where Rocket was looking and almost dropped your milkshake.
"Oh God-" You covered your mouth. Was it a laugh that was going to come out? Just shock? You had no idea how to react when you see Adam walk in the diner wearing Quill's polo shirt and.. looking like a proper British man -- especially with his accent.
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"Uh," Adam swallowed thickly.
Rocket took it as a sign to leave, but also he did not want to deal with whatever's going on.
Adam approached you slowly. You, who's still covering your mouth in shock, but a grin is slowly forming underneath.
"You're freaked out." He stated. "I.. don't know why I did this.. now that I think about it, this was such a bad idea..."
"No, no," You quickly interrupted him. "You look good, really good. I just.. I was not expecting this."
Adam had a smile on his face after seeing your ear-to-ear grin. "Actually, I overheard you talking to yourself the other day. You said you felt lonely, and to make you feel better I thought you'd feel less lonely if you're with another human-" he rambled on, "and so I asked Drax -- which I now realize was a mistake."
Chuckling, you fixed the collar of his shirt. "So you did this to make me feel less lonely?"
He shrugged. "Is it working?"
"Adam," You held his hands, your smile unable to fall from your lips. "I do feel lonely sometimes, but it's not because I'm not surrounded by other humans. It's just a feeling that comes and goes."
"But," you continued, "Just being here with everyone, with you, makes me feel ten times better."
You nodded. "This was very sweet of you."
Adam let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you feel that way."
"But how did you do this?" You asked, asking him to turn around.
"Quill knew a guy.. he made a very strange looking liquid." He chuckled. "Should wear off in a couple of hours."
You placed your hands on his face. "Good. I like the real you better."
Adam pecked your lips. "Quill said I'd make a good.. himbo. What's that?"
You giggled. "It means someone dumb but beautiful."
"Oh," He considered it. "That's not so bad."
He kissed you again while you were laughing.
"You made my week, Adam."
He hummed just so happened to notice himself in the mirror behind you. "I do look great as a human. Maybe I should do this more often."
"No. Please."
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a/n: idk why I've been in love with Will Poulter these past few days.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
But one thing for certain - the story of William being spotted popping into a local pub for a beer with Carole really poked a lot of holes into Harry's claims that the UK isn't safe. If The Prince of Wales can go out for a beer with a friend and no one bothers them, his irrelevant little brother can certainly go out for a church service.
He doesn't care, neither does the world poke holes in his stupid claims, haven't you seen the photos from polo where they're flanked by security? they just love to show off
Oh, no, Harry cares. He cares a lot. He cares only about which makes him look important and equal to William, especially as the Americans perceive it. That's why he's surrounded by security all the time; because it makes him look important and it makes him look equal to William, who's very protected and rarely without security in the photos/images that get published here in the US.
What Harry and Meghan are trying to do is gaslight Americans into thinking they're as important as the Prince and Princess of Wales so that we'll fight for them when the BRF strikes back.
Which is why it's so damaging when stories like William going to the pub for a drink or Kate popping out to a music festival for spicy margaritas or the two of them grocery shopping together get out and start circulating around the US. It contradicts Harry's messaging that being the son of The King is so dangerous that he can't do ordinary everyday things despite all of his PR claiming he's just like us.
So when this does happen, when William does show that Harry's security concerns about the UK are overblown, Harry reverts back to his military "I fought the Taliban" self which he thinks will get him bonus points in the US because we love our military and we love our veterans...right?
Wrong. Let me show you a little perspective. In 2010, the National Academy of Sciences published a study conducted in April 2009 that determined 1.9 million US military members deployed at least 3 times to Afghanistan and Iraq for at least 30 days each deployment. Of the 1.9 million, 582,733 of those people were active-duty US Army soldiers; another 125,595 soldiers were Army Reserve; and another 295,336 soldiers were Army National Guard. That's a total of 947,664 US Army soldiers deploying to Afghanistan and Iraq at least three times between 2001 - 2009.
In 2010, the British Army was 142,000 people: 113,000 active-duty soldiers and 29,000 reserve soldiers.
Let me louder for the people in the back. The entire British Army, in which Harry served and deployed to the War on Terror with, is FIVE TIMES SMALLER than the number of US Army soldiers that had deployed three times to the War on Terror by 2009.
Here in the US, Harry is not the special apple he thinks he is. He wants a ticker tape parade here in the US for his military record but what exactly has he done that's worth it? We don't care that he was the some other country's head of state's grandson when he deployed. But he doesn't get that, the same way he doesn't get that we don't like a foreign immigrant trying to become our military's ambassador. He thinks the work he did and the status he held in the UK is automatically transferrable to us over here here in the US.
It's not. He thinks it is, and Meghan thinks it is, but it's not. Which is going back to your original point, Harry does care. He cares a lot about optics and making sure that if he's not seen as equal to William, he's seen as better than William. So when William does these very normal, very average, very everyday things and gets praise for it, it's discombobulating for the Sussexes. They don't understand how being so common is so likeable, which makes the security fleet they surround themselves with look so tone-deaf and outrageously narcissistic.
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Les aspirations les plus absurdes et les plus téméraires ont parfois conduit à des succès extraordinaires.
- Vauvenargues
St. Moritz has been a famous health resort in Engadine since the 19th century. At first, it was only frequented by spa guests, before the village developed into a high alpine sports centre, and for a time it was a playground for the rich and famous. There’s still some of that element present but not as in its hey day of the 70s. For nine months of the year it’s just another picturesque village in the gorgeous Swiss Alps, with Lake St. Moritz lying at its heart.
Crucially it is quietly forgotten by the outside world. Residents can breathe and go about their daily chilled out lives. For those precious nine months it was great to hike and ski there as my boarding school wasn’t too far away from getting there. But the other four months of the year, the high season, it gets flood with skiers and altogether more showy crowd.
The frozen surface of the lake, which can only be described as a desert of snow, now serves as a symbol of the resort itself. From nine months of natural bliss to four months of chaos and madness. Every time the ice lends its surface to polo tournaments, horse races, and the wealthy and beautiful make the pilgrimage down the mountains from their grand hotels, St. Moritz seems to transform. St. Moritz’s newest ‘gimmick’ for the past three years or so has been to serve the International Concours of Elegance St. Moritz - or The ICE St. Moritz - as a kind of classic car museum with an adventurous character.
Since the first ever The ICE St. Moritz in 2019, historic rally cars have been exhibited to the sports car-crazy public on the opening day, before demonstrating their horsepower on the ice racetrack on the second day of the event. However, the fact that The ICE is taking place on Lake St. Moritz, of all places, is no coincidence. In 1985, a group of Scottish and British sportsmen drove their vintage Bentleys to St. Moritz to celebrate the centenary of the Cresta Run (an eccentric and high spirited toboggan amateur race). As part of the festivities, they drove their cars on the racecourse across the frozen Lake St. Moritz.
This year, however, the ICE St. Moritz evolved slightly differently. For the first time, the event was held on two days: Friday 24 and Saturday 25 February. On the first day, the lake was transformed into an open-air museum, where the jury evaluated the cars on display from an aesthetic perspective. Then, on the second day, the actual race took place, whereupon the jury evaluated the classic cars from a performance perspective.
This year there were five category winners. In the ‘Open Wheels’ category, the 1958 Maserati 420M/58 “Eldorado” held its own. Meanwhile, the ‘Barchettas on the Lake’ category crowned the Ferrari 500 Mondial Series II from 1955 as the winner. My personal favourite, the aforementioned Ferrari 250 Testarossa ‘Lucybelle’ emerged as the winner in the ‘Le Mans 100’ category. As expected, Lancia Strato’s HF Zero of 1970 came out on top in the ‘Concept Cars & One Offs’ category. Last but not least, judges crowned the 1958 Bentley S1 Continental Drophead Coupé as the winner of the ‘Queens on Wheels’ category.
The evening gala took place at Badrutts Palace, which towers over the city like a castle with its high stone walls. In the stimulating semi-darkness and under shimmering candlelight, riders, collectors, enthusiasts, the public and media from all over the world celebrated the conclusion of one of the most anticipated competitions in the Engadine. Overall it’s spectacular fun and contrary to what one might believe it really does draw the car enthusiast crowd rather than the snob mob. It’s a very chilled event and bags of fun.
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hedwig123 · 3 months
Ranking The Quarry Counselor Outfits By Late-August Practicality
OK, so. This has been bugging me. I blame SMG's British-ness for this, but so many of the counselors' outfits are just... ridiculous for late August.
(Apparently the weather in the area- West Kill, NY- that day was a high of 75, a low of 68, and humidity was 100 FUCKING PERCENT. So. My concerns are not unfounded.)
So now I'm going to rank all the character outfits by how likely I think it is that normal human people would put them on during the latter half of August, tyyyyyyyy
Excluding Max & Laura because the only time they got to pick their own outfits was June- which, still not great, but. I'll let it slide. Also excluding Emma's overalls, because again, she didn't pick them.
So of the other 21 AUGUST outfits:
21. Nick's 80s Outfit
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Dead fucking last is the letterman jacket. Aesthetically it looks cool, and I want to give it bonus points for being a Matt Taylor reference, but I can't. That's a coat. A coat, SMG.
20. Jacob's Modern Outfit
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First can I just say how weird it is that Jacob doesn't have a single 360 look uploaded? In ANY of his outfits???
Anyway. This was going to be a little higher because I thought he was wearing a sweatshirt, but looking at it in the close-up that is a fucking sweater. NO!!!!!
19. Nick's 50s Outfit
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That is just a full-on nearly-cable-knit sweater. The only reason it ranks above Jacob is that it's at least not visibly layered. But still.
18. Abi's 50s Outfit
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Listen, I love that they made Blygbank into Velma & Daphne as much as the next person, but Abi's still wearing a turtleneck in August. They couldn't at least shorten the sleeves? Or pair it with shorts?
17. Emma's Modern Outfit
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OK, so I love this outfit out of context. But. Even as a crop-top. It is a turtleneck sweater. With jeans, no less! Jeans, no less!
16. Kaitlyn's Modern Outfit
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Why the layers. Why. It's cute, sure, but August.
15. Dylan's 80s Outfit
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I'm told this is a rugby shirt, which people do play some sports in. So it's almost passable. But the slacks... the sleeves... the shoes...
14. Ryan's Modern Outfit
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Again, almost passable. The shirts look thin, even if there's two of them. But the two shirts combined with the skinny jeans & shoes would just... suffocate him :(
13. Abi's 80s Outfit
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This outfit is awesome, but not pictured here are the COMBAT BOOTS SHE'S WEARING ON HER FEET.
12. Dylan's 50s Outfit
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OK, listen.
I love this outfit. You love this outfit. That shirt was made for him.
But the pants!!!
11. Jacob's 50s Outfit
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T-shirt good. Pants BAD.
10. Ryan's 50s Outfit
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Same as Jacob's 50s outfit, the shirt is fine. The WOOL PANTS are a no.
9. Ryan's 80s Outfit
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This one is almost acceptable. Despite the dark colors, the material looks light. The shoes are OK (not great, but OK). The t-shirt is perfect!
But the vest. The vest. Does he look good in it? Of course. But NOBODY ADDS LAYERS IN AUGUST!
8. Emma's 80s Outfit
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We have reached the Acceptable Eight.
I love this outfit. Really the only things putting it at the bottom of the top 8 are the lipstick and the socks, which like... who cares? But these things have to be considered for the ranking.
7. Nick's Modern Outfit
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There's nothing wrong with this outfit. The only thing putting it at 7 is the sleeve length, but. It's fine. It's acceptable.
Leagues better than his other 2 outfits.
6. Emma's 50s Outfit
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This outfit is great. The shoes are light. The pants are open on the side. The shirt is cropped and tied off!
Only thing edging it out of the Top 5 is the scarf. It's cute, I love Daphne!Emma with my whole heart, but it would get hot.
5. Kaitlyn's 80s Outfit
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5th through 2nd place was a toss-up. They're all perfectly appropriate August attire.
This one's great. The jeans are light wash and ripped at the knees. The polo is perfect. The only thing that might give me pause are the converse but honestly??? They're fine too.
4. Abi's Modern Outfit
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This outfit's great too! The only counselor outfit with shorts besides #1. The tights don't bother me, they look very light and breathable. 10/10 good job modern Abi!!! (Give 50s Abi some tips she's gonna die of heatstroke)
3. Dylan's Modern Outfit
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Another great choice. Light t-shirt, skinny jeans that aren't too tight, and vans. ✨10/10 great job Dylan✨
2. Kaitlyn's 50s Outfit
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I don't even care that it's just a peep toe, I'm fucking counting it
Jacob's 80s Outfit
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Was there ever any doubt?
Honorable mention goes to:
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Nakey Jakey. Honorable mention only because he didn't reeeeeeally pick it as an OUTFIT outfit.
But still.
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey support. Quick question. Lately this group of guys on campus has been gravitating toward me in a kinda weird way. They’re super preppy guys: polo shirts, cologne, pressed khakis, conservative haircuts, that whole sort of thing. They’re really nice and honestly very handsome—prettyboy faces with some nicely toned muscle—but, frankly, the way they all talk the same, always hang out together, and have the same (properly preppy) interests kind of freaks me out. They’re like pod people. Idk why they’ve taken such a curiosity in me: I’ve never been very preppy or stylish at all. Anyway, they invited me over to their dorm tomorrow, but I saw one of them carrying a chronoviac…any idea what I should expect if I go? Should I go?
Well… In my opinion, you should definitely go there. From what I see in my files, these guys are virtuosos in the use of the Chronivac. You can look forward to the results.
You put on your clothes that are most likely to pass for "preppy". You comb your hair. And go on your way. Another student is waiting in front of the house. Similar appearance as you. Pretty average. Quite preppy. But could just as easily pass for a member of the chess team. The door opens and an immaculately dressed frat guy invites you in and leads you into a library. There are two tables, each with an iPad on it. You may sit down. There would now be a small entrance test for the fraternity. If you pass, you will become probationary preppies. Otherwise you will leave the dorm and will not get a chance to repeat the test.
Hey, you think to yourself, that's great. So, worst case scenario, nothing happens. Let's do it.
The test only takes a few minutes. You are to enter for four abbreviations what they stand for. Please use the iPads for this. You and the other candidate look at each other, shake hands and take your seats. The first abbreviation is BMW. Fuck! "Bavaria" and " Motors" is what you guess. But W? Ways? Your tutor congratulates your competitor. Yes, it stands for "Bayerische Motoren Werke". You look enviously at your opponent's iPad. Did he already have manicured fingers? You look at your hands. Okay, the nails aren't exactly clean. And you have quite a few horny calluses.
The next question is what "bt" means on an invitation. You have no idea… You've never read it. You write beer time. Fits BMW somehow. The tutor congratulates the other guy again. The solution was "black tie". Who should know something like that? The idiot grins over his clean-shaven face. You're itching your three-day beard. Shit, now you have to try harder!.
Now they ask for LVMH. What the hell? LVMH? Might have something to do with the British king. Long Vita Majesty Highness? Shit, time's up. Of course the other guy knew it stood for Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy. You don't even know what that means. You scratch your tousled hair. Your opponent, grinning, corrects a less-than-perfect strand of his slicked hair.
We come to the last question. Your last chance not to make a total fool of yourself. But you're getting tired of these stuffy wimps. What does Snob stand for? Hehehe! That's a trick question. Snob is not an abbreviation at all. You write that down. To learn that it stands for sine nobilitas. Fuck!
A few other preppies enter the room and ask your opponent to come along. He puts on his expensive looking jacket, nods at you once more and turns around.
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Your tutor says he's sorry, but unfortunately you have no chance of being accepted into the frat. You scratch your hairy six-pack and are relieved. You'd rather be throwing some balls with the other guys anyway.
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"Nah worries, bruh. It's been fun. See you on campus" you reply, grabbing your glove and ball and you head out of this boring house.
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piratefalls · 7 months
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oh my god this got obscenely long. you're welcome?
list one. list two. list three. list four.
Any Beat of Your Heart (Gets Me Through the Night) by stellarmeadow
Alex throws out the first pitch at the Opening Day baseball game, but things go horribly wrong.
kiss me once 'cause you know by ninzied
Of all the things they’ve been to one another—sometimes-rivals, reluctant allies, tediously cordial seatmates at international events—Henry never thought that he and Alex would end up being something like friends. (In which Alex sort of moves in and they don't talk about what it means.)
Mr. BodyPillow by inexplicablymine
“It is hard enough trying to get a date out here when all I really want is to curl up with someone’s head on my chest and play with their hair” “I could do that for you sweetheart” _______ Two boys cuddling on a couch right on top of each other because they are in fact very gay™. Inviting over a complete stranger for cuddles because you are touch starved might be the worst idea Henry has ever had, or the best.
Little Moments by politics_and_prose
Five significant moments in Alex's political career and one in his personal life.
The Case Of The Fucking Curse by everwitch
Henry gets inflicted by a deadly royal curse. The only way to break it is to have sex with a person who possesses the correct physical compatibility, so the crown puts out a desperate plea for people meeting the right criteria to enter a screening process. You’ll never guess who turns out to be the final candidate at the end. Or: the most wholesome Fuck Or Die you’ve read in your life.
You Got Me, and Baby I Got You by princebutt
Alexander Claremont-Diaz, charismatic center for the NHL's Dallas Stars, is completely and utterly smitten with the posh British librarian he met by complete accident. Tonight is the night, and he's got a plan to completely woo Henry and get his man.
cowboy like me by stutteringpeach
Alex was looking for money tonight. And with Henry Mountchristen-Windsor, the gorgeous young heir to the Windsor Group, he sure as hell found it. If Alex is looking to charm someone out of their millions, it might as well be someone he’s going to enjoy stealing from.
but if you could see us from a distance, you'd know i've always been so close to you by anincompletelist (soldouthaz)
Objectively, standing half-soaked from rainwater with a stitch in his side and an uncomfortable, raging hard-on outside his worst enemy’s door is not Henry’s finest moment. It’s not even on the list. -- or, henry is afflicted with a curse-gone-wrong that stipulates that only his sworn enemy, alex claremont-diaz, can touch him.
(did my love aid and abet you?) by alasse
That night in Kensington Palace, Henry told Alex to leave. Eleven years later, Alex watches on the news as Henry comes out, and abdicates. A story of what came before, and what comes after.
It’s been eleven fucking years, and Henry is finally free.  It’s been eleven fucking years, and Henry is finally out.  It’s been eleven fucking years, and Alex Claremont-Diaz still hasn’t learned how to be normal about Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.
it's a scene (and we're out here in plain sight) by annesbonny
"I don’t want us to be in the press for anything other than how good I am at polo, and how charming you look in that shirt.” Henry just wants the Fifth Annual Okonjo Foundation Polo Match to run smoothly, but that's harder than it seems.
lover, tell me if you can by loyaulte_me_lie
Henry has a wobble on their first anniversary. They practise healthy communication and everything ends happily.
Debasing the Prince (And Other Inappropriate Decisions) by orphan_account
Henry in a suit and tie turns Alex into a combination of the heart-eyed and drooling emojis. He can't help it that the goddamned prince of England looks glorious all dressed up. So he meets him in his bedroom and does super inappropriate things with the tie and the prince. This is basically Tale of the Debauchery of a Prince™.
Soon You'll Get Better (Because You Have To) by wafflesandkruge
Two nights after the shooting, Henry receives an email with a pre-recorded video from Alex. He gets one every night, and although it breaks his heart to see Alex happy and alive, he's terrified of when they'll stop coming.
(when you look like that) i never ever wanted to be so bad by hipsterchrist
“How many times have I told you now?” Henry asks, voice still quiet. “In the bedroom, we’re equals.” Alex knows a door left ajar intentionally when he sees it.“ But we’re not in the bedroom, are we?” he mutters. Henry smirks and turns away. Alex nearly falls over trying to follow the loss of Henry’s hand on his face. “It certainly would seem that way,” Henry says, loud and clear, leaning against the wall again. “And so I will have to insist on some degree of deference. Do you think you can manage that?” Or, Alex has a fantasy involving a tack room and Henry's polo uniform, and Henry is all too happy to fulfill it.
if i ever saw you try to be a saint by inmoonlightigetseasick
He turns back, waiting for further instruction from Luna when Henry actually gets up and approaches him to talk. “I must apologize about the hour,” he says, faking sincerity so well Alex recants his doubts about Henry’s acting chops, “this was my fault, I have a shoot for a music video later today and after that I’m on a flight back to jolly old England as it were, loads of publicity for the latest album.” “You sound like a busy guy,” Alex says, with a small, tight smile, “sure you’ll have time for our little movie?” “I will make the time,” he says, his eyes are a bottomless blue, they shine, deceptively truthful, he turns to Luna, “I cannot tell you how great an honour it is to be considered for this role. What you’ve done here,” he gestures to his script, “I think it’s amazing.” Alex hates that Henry is right. -- AU in which Alex is an up-and-coming actor slated to star in in-demand director Rafael Luna's highly anticipated queer coming-of-age film. For Alex, keen to share his own bisexuality with the world, it's the perfect project to be his true starmaking vehicle -- but for one thing-- his nemesis Henry Fox, a wildly popular rock star, might end up playing his love interest.
searching low in the night by saltfics
“Just say it's okay. I just need to hear you say that.” Henry steps outside for just a second, but when Alex goes to find him, he finds only empty streets and an excrutiating feeling of dread in his place.
whenever you're ready by perfect-porcelain (tedddylupin)
“Pez. Please, will you stop tagging me in TikTok thirst traps?” Henry asked as he stepped into his friend’s car. Pez lowered his Gucci sunglasses on his nose, looking at Henry without anything obscuring his vision and just laughed before pushing them back up with his middle finger. “Don’t fucking lie to me, I know you love them.” Or: the one where Henry falls in lust with a TikToker making pottery and leaves drunken thirst comments
hold me close (when the cameras are off) by viciouslyqueer
Henry Fox is a very well-known model. It’s hard to name a magazine he hasn’t been on the cover of, or a photographer that isn’t ready to drop everything just to book a shoot with him. Now he’s barely smiling, slightly parted lips, yet somehow still looking kind as the photographer behind the camera takes picture after picture. His pristine blond hair is delicately styled so it doesn’t fall out of place, and the cherry blossom flowers next to him and beige background give him an angelic look that makes people in the studio stop what they’re doing just to watch. He looks beautiful. Alex hates it. — When models Alex and Henry have to pose together for a shoot, Alex realizes he might not hate Henry after all.
it was you he gave me by coffeecatsme
The tattoo artist traces Alex’s thigh with a gloved finger as she grabs the needle, brows furrowed as if she’s trying to make sense of the lettering. “This is beautiful,” she says, awe in her voice. Alex feels a sort of pride surge through him. “Who’s the poet?” Alex smiles. “If I tell you, can you keep a secret?” Or, Alex finds a pen in their sex toy drawer and Henry finds a use for it.
yours for the afternoon by railmedaddy
“Another day then, tomorrow? Or Saturday, I can do Saturday, I’ll give you my number,” Hunter says, starting to reach for Henry’s phone. Henry knocks it off the table and prays it doesn’t crack. Christ. Is he going to have to leave the coffee shop to get rid of Hunter? He bends down to pick his phone up and when he rights himself, Hunter is waiting expectantly with his hand out for Henry’s phone. He drops it into his bag under the table. “Very kind of you Hunter, but I’m really quite booked up and—" “Sorry I’m late, sweetheart,” comes a drawl Henry vaguely recognises. OR Henry is quietly minding his own business in his favourite coffee shop, when he’s rudely interrupted by an insufferable man attempting to flirt with him. He’s rescued by none other than Alex – a fellow cafe regular who he’s long admired from a distance – posing as his date.
Háblame dulce by QueenKatelynTheAristocrat
"Alex gently drew Henry back to the waking world on a lazy Tuesday morning in their brownstone with a kiss, a cup of Earl Gray, and the words, “Hoy, hablamos español.” Also known as: Henry is learning Spanish for Alex, and Alex is happy to help him.
5 Times Alex Went Viral (+1 Time Henry Did) by clottedcreamfudge
Alex downloads TikTok on a Saturday and by Monday he's completely obsessed. Henry is clearly a little bewildered by this, but he doesn't seem to mind when Alex starts singing sea shanties and trying - with limited success - to harmonise with himself in the shower. *** aka FicTok (aka ‘Five times Alex tested TikTok trends on Henry and one time Henry got his own back’) (aka 'Five times Alex made life hard for Henry and one time Henry just made Alex hard' - you can blame ifyoustay for that one)
Slide, Crawl into the Shades of Light by Mags (sparklepocalypse)
Eventually, they part long enough to buckle their seatbelts, and then the car eases forward in the direction of Kensington Palace. Alex reaches across the seat and cups Henry’s cheek. “You’ve been biting your lips again,” he notes, rubbing a thumb over the rough skin. “When we get back to the apartment we should run a bath, and maybe after, I can make you some tea.” Henry smiles – and it nearly reaches his eyes – and covers Alex’s hand with his own. “That sounds wonderful,” he murmurs. “It’s been a long week.” (Post-movie; Alex and Henry doing that transcontinental couple life thing, and Henry's had a shit week. Alex gives him several orgasms about it.)
A Tiny Shred of Hope by cmere
Henry reacts in the immediate aftermath of his first kiss with Alex.
Most Cordially Invited by aldiara
In which a formal invitation is extended, a royal mirror is defiled, and Alex cusses a lot.
The Bet by bleedingballroomfloor
Looking back at it, it's all Nora's fault. Or, the time Henry and Alex bet on who can last the longest without sex.
Play Me a Song by allmylovesatonce
Every night, like clockwork, Alex's upstairs neighbor plays the piano for two hours, giving Alex the motivation to sit and do his own work so that he can listen. One night, he leaves a letter for his neighbor to thank him for the music. When his neighbor comes to his door to thank him for the note, he finds it's the same cute guy he's been running into in the lobby.
Speak for Yourself by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates)
Alex could have walked out of the Williamsburg apartment at any time. Instead, he decides to sign up to twelve months of Henry. OR Alex makes a rash decision and Henry inexplicably runs with it. (The "accidental housemates" AU that literally no-one asked for).
london bridge has fallen down by indomitablelove
Alex can feel the eyes of the room on him as Shaan approaches his side. Then, Shaan quietly murmurs in his ear. They’re words he’s thought about before, distantly wondering about what might happen when they were finally uttered. How their lives might change. There’s nothing that can prepare him for the reality of it though, nothing that can prepare him for how his breath hitches when Shaan speaks. ‘London Bridge is down, Sir.’  --- Queen Mary is dead. Henry doesn't know how to feel.
i wouldn't stop for red lights by matherine
There are flowers on Henry’s desk when he comes into work. They’re pretty, really – chosen by someone who knows him, because there are hydrangeas and white roses and daffodils, and certainly not enough baby’s breath for the bouquet to have been cheap. Not that Henry would make assumptions, nor that he’s the sort of person that would look up the cost of a gift, but he knows who put it here. Even before he looks at the little card attached to a rose’s stem, he knows, because he gets flowers every April 15th.
Water over Blood by happinessofthepursuit
5 times a member of the British Royal Family was in love with Alex + 1 time they loved Henry
The Prince of Sex: A Collaborative Nightmare by aceinadeck, fairycat, ifigo, MaikkaPakka, ohgaywarden, Princess_Nales
"Alex is waiting for his lover Phillip, when he arrives in the bedroom Alex's jaw drops. Philip is wearing a pair of tight leather pants the outline of his massive horse cock is clearly visible and Alex can't wait to have it pump thick squirts of warm cum inside him and his butt." *** It started as a joke, something that Pez found in the depths of Real Person Fiction on Wattpad that none of them really wanted to explore too much. But he brought it up as a drinking game, something that would get all of them absolutely wasted since this was the first time they were able to get together in almost four months.
An Open Heart by absoluteaudacity
"But, and I hope you’ll forgive me for taking so long to get to the point, they listened and hugged me and told me they loved me no matter what. I gather they feel very guilty that I felt I had to keep my sexuality a secret. Mum had to stop Dad from going straight down to Buckingham and yelling at Gran; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry. They’ve agreed that we’ll keep it to the family for the moment but they’ve made it clear I have their support if I ever want to come out publicly. We’re a long way from that, I think, but at least I know the way is partially clear for us. At least I don’t have to pretend anymore."
It's Getting Hot in Here (So Hot!) by Celaestis
Henry’s firm and unwavering belief in Alex’s hetrosexuality does wonders for their relationship. He can coexist with Alex in the same lobby for entire half-minutes at a time while checking for post, he can make solid eye contact during glances in the hallway. Alex is still the most beautiful man he’s ever beheld, and maybe Henry’s hook-ups are tending towards the Latino types more than they ever did in the UK, but still. Alex is straight. Henry is fine about it. Really.
i'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around by karish
Suddenly, Alex feels like he’s gonna throw up and he feels cold all over. Because this sounds like a goodbye. It sounds like a suicide note. Fuck. God. Please no. AKA: Alex wakes up to find a note from Henry and jumps to the worst possible conclusions.
Wedding Talk by maritinkerbell
“You know, H, I’m not sure anything is going to give me greater pleasure than forcing all your homophobic cousins to smile and make nice while I put a fucking ring on it.” OR An upcoming family wedding leads Henry and Alex to discuss marriage for the first time.
Little Secrets Grow Up To Be Big Lies by DracoWillHearAboutThis
Henry meets Alex in a café as he's hiding from the Crown, the media and the public in general. But Alex is charming and alluring and draws him in right away. Alex also has no idea that he's a Prince.
Give Me Comfort, Give Me Help by dwell_the_brave
“I’ll be back by Thursday,” Philip promises, giving Martha a hand up the jet’s steps. She gives them a brief wave from the top of the stairs before disappearing. “Make sure you don’t ski off a cliff!” Bea calls after him as he follows his wife into the jet. He waves a hand dismissively at her and then withdraws into the darkness of the cabin. That’s the last thing any of them say to him. - Philip dies, and Henry becomes heir.
i could be a better boyfriend by bananzie
It wasn't that Alex didn't like telling people about Henry—quite the opposite, actually—it was just that no one ever believed him when he did. An AU in which Henry is one of England’s most famous rugby players, Alex met him during an exchange year, and they’re so in love it’s sickening, but no one believes him.
Just like that. by myheartalive
“I’m so glad my subpar sexual encounter has fed the brain worms. Something’s got to keep the little guys going.” Henry’s more relaxed now that he’s teasing Alex, and looks a lot more like his normal self. It feels a little easier to talk to him, to actually say what he’s thinking. “It’s just… I realised if that was me, I also wouldn’t know how to do it. How to find your…” “Prostate?” “Yeah. That.” — When Henry comes home from a date frustrated by the guy’s lack of expertise, Alex starts having thoughts. And then, because he’s Alex, he sticks his big foot in his even bigger mouth.
Kinda think that I might be his type by kiwiana
“Bea.” He clambers onto his knees, grabbing her hands in his own. “Bea, take me to Thanksgiving with you.” Bea blinks. Blinks again. “What?” “Bea, I could terrorise your gran until she’s begging you to stay single forever.” Or, Alex agrees to be his friend's fake boyfriend for a weekend. He is not prepared for his friend's brother.
until next wednesday! if you want me to tag you in future lists, let me know!
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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9 JULY 2011 || The Duchess of Cambridge attended the Foundation Polo Challenge held at the Santa Barbara Polo and Racquet Club in which Prince William was playing in Santa Barbara, California on Day-10 while on their tour of North America.
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mydaddywiki · 21 days
Andrew Parker Bowles
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Physique: Average Build Height: 5'10"
Brigadier Andrew Henry Parker Bowles OBE (born 27 December 1939) is a retired British Army officer. He is the former husband of Queen Camilla, now the wife of King Charles III. Andrew came from an aristocratic family. Due to these links, his parents were friends with the Queen Mother, and Andrew reportedly served as a page during the late Queen's coronation.
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Andrew was educated at the Benedictine Ampleforth College and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and following his graduation, he joined the Royal Horse Guards. He served in the military for a total of 34 years, rising through the ranks and eventually obtaining the rank of Brigadier in 1990, four years before he eventually retired. Highlights of his career involved being awarded the Queen's Commendation for Bravery in Zimbabwe and for three years he was the colonel in charge of the Household Cavalry, even serving as the late Queen's Silver Stick.
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An incredibly cute guy, Parker Bowles was an amateur jockey who rode in the 1969 Grand National, finishing the race in 11th place. He played on Prince Charles's polo team during their younger days.
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The twice married, Parker Bowles was married to now Queen Camilla for 22 years and even welcomed two children together. After divorcing in 1995, just a year later he married Rosemary Pitman. The couple stayed together until her passing in 2010. And before that, Andrew also dated Princess Anne. Although their relationship never went anywhere, the pair remain close friends and Andrew is even the godfather to Anne's daughter, Zara. Damn… the British royals seems more… intermingled then ever.
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jbaileyfansite · 2 months
Jonathan Bailey's Interview with British Vogue at the Met Gala (2024)
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“I’m very calm,” Wicked star Jonathan Bailey told Vogue just hours before he walked the red carpet at the Met Gala tonight. Of course, he was in a suite on the eleventh floor of The Mark at the time, “in my ivory tower”, he joked. “I hear it’s chaos downstairs… apparently there’s a two-and-a-half-hour queue for the lift!”
To the relief of fashion (and Bridgerton) fans everywhere, Bailey ultimately made it through the crush in the lobby to take up his spot on the steps of the Met tonight, wearing a white double-breasted jacket with a black satin lapel and black trousers by Loewe. So far, so classic – but this wouldn’t be a Jonathan Anderson design without a twist: in this case, the addition of a hand-painted metal peony with a “sugar crystal texture”. A straightforward nod to the dress code (“The Garden of Time”), the metal flower embellishment is also ideal “for someone who has extreme hay fever”, Bailey quipped.
The actor explained it was designed to take the place of the traditional bow tie, heaping praise on both Anderson and his stylist Emma Jade Morrison (“She’s a winner”). As for the secret flower on his trouser pocket, concealed by his white jacket? “That was my idea.”
Loewe feels like a natural choice for Bailey, who is fast becoming a fixture on Jonathan Anderson’s front rows. The designer has become the unofficial outfitter of the internet’s favourite dreamboats – think Heartstopper’s Kit Connor and Joe Locke, both of whom, like Bailey, have worn Loewe’s powder-blue sequined polo. Tonight, though, the Spanish house’s tailoring takes centre stage. “It’s stunning,” said the actor of his look. “It celebrates a sort of classic Old Hollywood minimalism, but then right at the front and centre is innovative design.”
Working with Anderson and his team over the past few months felt “organic and natural”, said Bailey. “It’s amazing to understand how someone like Jonathan works, to see how he’s inspired by art, but also [to work with] Loewe, as a fashion house that really prioritises craftsmanship. It’s really exciting: today feels very much like I’m a canvas for other people’s work – I’m taking a back seat!”
This is Bailey’s second Met Gala, so he has some experience of the famously intense red carpet. “Everyone talks about waiting to go on the red carpet – fashion purgatory,” he recalled of his first time at the ball. “But by chance I was in such a lovely little group of people that I knew, so it was actually quite relaxing.” One of those people was his Wicked co-star Michelle Yeoh. “That year I went straight from the after-parties to my flight [to resume filming], and the next day Michelle and I were sat next to each other in the make-up trailer. That was a whirlwind.”
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rbbtruther · 1 year
To this day one of the funniest fucking things to happen in this fandom was the collective British 1D fan realization that American 1D fans had absolutely zero context about the lyric “hole in the middle of my heart like a polo” and we all just sort of accepted it like yeah sure I can make that make sense
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