#Thomas Fitzpatrick
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Thomas Fitzpatrick, after John Charles Dollman - The march of the white plague, a cartoon from The Lepracaun, 1907.
At the Tuberculosis Exhibition in October 1907, it was claimed that death by consumption in Ireland was 'the highest in the civilised world'.
This rather eerie cartoon, published in the Lepracaun in 1907, illustrates the toll tuberculosis, known popularly as consumption, was then having on Ireland. It also shows, in the guise of wolves, what was thought to be its causes. It would be many years before this scourge was fully dealt with. It was only with Noël Browne-led changes in public health provision and the the introduction of streptomycin and other antibiotics in the  late '40s and '50s that tuberculosis stopped being an omnipresent killer in the Irish context. In "The March Of The White Plague", the artist Thomas Fitzpatrick, who usually drew cartoons in a more whimsical style, created a pastiche of JC Dollman's work, a popular contemporary English artist (Text source here).
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A web weaving of codependency plsss
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'To death do us part' in the most literal sense
... I hope you weren't wanting something more romantic, aha. 'This is not a love poem' and all that.
Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel | The Body, Stephen King | Iain S. Thomas | Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë | Crescendo, Becca Fitzpatrick | Kin, Maya Angelou | 2 Truths and a Lie, Angelea Lowes | The Love of the Wolf, Hélène Cixous | Beau Taplin | No Exit, Jean-Paul Sartre | The Sea, the Sea, Iris Murdoch
[text transcription and image ID in alt text]
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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carriessotos · 2 months
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                                  i don't wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you — things will never be the same
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scenesandscreens · 1 year
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Wes Craven Presents: Dracula 2000 (2000)
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Director - Patrick Lussier, Cinematography - Peter Pau
"You made the world in your image. Now I make it in mine."
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kcrev · 6 months
👶🏻 + thomas & nalini
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name: katherine avani fitzpatrick
birthday: dez de abril
personality headcanon: katherine é uma pessoa extremamente inteligente e dedicada, além de muito detalhista. desde criança, é apaixonada por tecnologia e inovação e fez parte do clube de robótica de sua escola. além disso, kate é muito carismática e companheira, tem um ótimo senso de humor e adora passar o tempo com sua família e seus amigos. porém, ela pode ser excessivamente crítica consigo mesma e com os outros, o que acaba prejudicando a capacidade dela de trabalhar em equipe.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: kate tinha pouco mais de um ano quando chamou pelo seu membro da família preferido, ‘arty’. marty, já com seus dez anos, já não era mais tão ativo quanto antes, mas seguia sendo o cachorro mais carismático de bend e kate o seguia pela casa inteira.
did they get in trouble in school: de vez em quando, mas não era muito seguido. kate sempre foi muito inteligente e tirava notas altíssimas na escola, mas era tão dedicada aos seus projetos extracurriculares que gostava de matar aula quando precisava finalizá-los.
movie they watched over and over: por alguma razão, durante a infância kate era obcecada pelos filmes de toy story e os viu dezenas de vezes ao longo dos anos.
what was their favorite toy: kate passou por várias fases. quando pequena, amava brincar de boneca. tinha várias, mas a sua preferida era uma que vinha com diversos acessórios e roupinhas. um pouco mais velha, começou a se interessar por videogames. mas, thomas e nalini não queriam que a filha passasse o tempo todo em frente a uma tela, então a incentivavam sempre a ir brincar no jardim e na rua de casa. por um tempo, foi obcecada por sua bicicleta, depois por um par de patins que ganhou de sua tia sam.
what do they grow up to be: sempre soube que acabaria trabalhando em algo relacionado à tecnologia. assim, fez toda a sua formação voltada à engenharia de software. ela também sonha em abrir sua própria empresa de tecnologia um dia e se tornar um modelo para jovens mulheres que costumam ser desencorajadas a seguir na área.
headcanons: é apaixonada por leitura, especialmente por romances clássicos | assim como sua mãe, kate tem uma coleção de canecas | gosta de andar com um caderninho para anotar ideias em quaisquer lugares que estiver | adora filmes de comédia besteiróis | ama animais, especialmente cachorros | é uma pessoa excessivamente pontual e odeia atrasos | aprendeu programação com quinze anos | ganhou a feira de ciências da escola por dois anos seguidos | ama comida japonesa | é alérgica a amendoim
do they get along with their parents: sim, a convivência sempre foi muito tranquila entre nalini, thomas e katherine. os três têm personalidades mais compreensivas, então desentendimentos eram raros.
faceclaim: kelly gale
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thomasturgoose1: This Is England Christmas nights out 🫶
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just-barrow · 2 years
can't believe I shared this in the Thomas/Chris channel on discord because it's obviously them:
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...and then I put on an episode of Hullraisers I hadn't watched yet and Perry's character is wearing THIS:
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it's been hours and I'm still cackling, tropical vacation dad Chris Webster CONFIRMED 🦩
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I have more hot suggestions for Lady Danbury princess Edwina love interest Nikesh middle actor is for Edwina because we tired of all the girlies having yt men as their only love interest because of Shonda obsession with yt men like it’s 2023 we’ve seen you do the same 2 swirl ships for decades now let it and give us something new plzz something if you can’t fully let go here’s 2 choices for lady Danbury men a yt man and fine black man cool
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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Currently Watching [Hal Hartley Retrospective]
FAY GRIM Hal Hartley USA, 2007
Bonus Shorts:
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re-readingcomics · 1 year
Comics Read 08/13- 20/2023
Over this period I of time I read Rockstars written by Joe Harris, art by Megan Hutchison-Cates, colors by Kelly Fitzpatrick, designer Tom Muller, letters by Michael David Thomas, and edited by Shawna Gor. The edition I read this time was Rockstars The Complete Series as published by Vault. Years ago I read the first arc, “Nativity in Black Light”, in the trade paperback as published by Image Comics. I intended to get the second arc’s trade paperback, “Children of the Beast” as published by Image, but somehow missed it. Anyway, I am glad I got this edition as it encouraged by to reread the first arc which I otherwise remember next to nothing about. The page I scanned to illustrate this post, with its myriad references to our world’s rock ’n’ roll icons and legends may be the part I most clearly remember. 
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A quick search on my tags reveals I have never written about Joe Harris on this blog. This really emphasizes how long it has been since I have read any of his work. I have been writing about all the comic books I read for the better part of four years, and even though I was reading most of what he wrote for a while, none of it was during this time! I first became aware of Harris around 2013, when I was preparing to attend my first New York Comic Con. I went to a signing at Forbidden Planet the same week to get some comic books signed. There were four comic makers there. For some reason I now only remember the two that I was not there to see. One of them was Joe Harris, who at the time was primarily promoting his The X-Files season 10 comics (before the revival meant there was a tenth season of the television show). I have a complicated relationship to TXF. It was the first show I really obsessed over, it’s the first I feel angrily disillusioned over. I’m writing something about it in my other Tumblr for the anniversary.  That night, I bought the trade paperback Great Pacific, one of Harris’s other creator owned comics. I liked it a lot and started following his creator owned output. I bring this up because the lead characters of Rockstars, Jackie and Dorothy, have a Mulder and Scully-esque dynamic. Jackie is driven by his family history and seeks answers through mystical uses of cards. Dorothy is a journalist, and seeks answers that she can safely publish. These two character arcs were not really developed enough either of them, but Jackie gets to a more interesting crossroads. 
More directly relevant to this book, between reading the first arc the first time and reading this all now, I have steeped myself more in rock ’n’ roll legends than I was doing the first time around. Among other things I watched Brian De Palma’s The Phantom of the Paradise which reminded me about how often Faustian bargains and early death have been staples of rock legends since nearly the beginning. The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and “The Big Bopper” J. P. Richardson pretty much solidified this. This event is included in Rockstars, though the way is in questionable taste. (Coincidentally, that plane crash was also important to the plot of a famous episode of TXF.)
The plot of Rockstars, starts with investigating the mysterious deaths of a couple of groupies decades apart. There are ghost gangs of the groupies interfering with the investigation and they tend to be herald by the wrong lyrics of famous songs. The deaths of the murdered ones are related to demonic champions of the bands. Each arc covers a different demon in relation to a different band. The first band is an arch-typical second wave British invasion bad from the 1970s, and the second is arch-typical early hair metal band from the 1980s. I am more familiar with the former than the latter, despite actually living through parts of the 1980s. The plot didn’t really add up for me. But I love a lot of the details in the drawings, nods to famous theories and art. I also am touched by the concept of how generations are bonded because we each go through the same cycles of cultural events. I just wish that Dorothy’s character design wasn’t so close to some of the groupies in flashbacks or ghost form. It was needlessly confusing.
I feel like, of what I have read, the best comic books about loving music are Kieron Gillan and Jamie McKelvie’s Phonogram and The Wicked + The Divine. This isn’t like either of those, and that is a good thing. For all it’s flaws, I wish there was more of it. 
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winterfitzamobi · 2 years
my last and current read ♡
•Sussurro, Because Fitzpatrick
• O Grande Houdini, Kerri Maniscalco
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popfizzles · 1 month
how many of your ocs have full names, like Val?
Probably way less than you think?
Off the top of my head;
Val (Vanilla Valentine)
Boba (his last name is Tea :3)
Fitz (my Pokémon Trainer oc, their full name is Fitzpatrick Aspen. They INSIST that people call him Fitz instead of Patrick).
Most of my ocs under the Broken Few tag (like Thomas Turowski, Avis Calhoun, Keegan Ritter, etc. They're just humans so I sorta figured it'd only be appropriate)
My Neopets kinda? (They all go by nicknames instead of their actual names; Trixie instead of Beatrice, Roxy instead of Roxanne, Rudy instead of Rudolph; but they don't have last names.)
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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carriessotos · 2 months
“how did you even get sick? you look ugly. come here.” thomas&nalini
a rotina instaurada entre thomas e nalini desde a mudança dela para o seu apartamento era tão natural que chegava a ser fácil esquecer como tudo funcionava anteriormente. estavam em uma sintonia ótima e era um conforto saber que chegaria em casa e a encontraria lá, embora thomas ainda não conseguisse por em palavras exatamente a razão - ou simplesmente não estivesse pronto para admitir a si mesmo a maneira com que se sentia sobre nalini. com as semanas de prática e costume, não era nada difícil para um perceber quando ocorria algo com o outro, tão acostumados que estavam a conviver no cotidiano e conversar sobre os seus respectivos dias ao se encontrarem juntos de noite para jantarem. portanto, não era uma surpresa tão grande para thomas a expressão de confusão no semblante da kapoor ao aparecer pela primeira vez na cozinha beirando as onze da manhã, quase três horas após o seu horário usual dos finais de semana, usando um moletom velho com a estampa do mascote de sua universidade e com um semblante extremamente questionável. era óbvio que o fitzpatrick não estava em um de seus melhores dias.
sorriu de canto para nalini em cumprimento, mas não imaginou que seria de grande efeito. por várias razões, thomas se sentia quase verde. “se eu fosse você, saía da casa enquanto pode... tenho certeza de que a minha transformação pra zumbi tá no meio do caminho.” brincou, abrindo um armário e pegando um copo para se servir de água. não estava se sentindo nada bem desde o meio da madrugada, e imaginava que o seu desconforto estava completamente estampado em seu semblante. caso contrário, nalini não teria comentado nada a seguir. “a minha cara não tá das melhores, mas podia ser pior. eu acho que ainda não tá no nível de estourar pipoca dando susto no milho.” fez uma careta assim que as palavras saíram de seus lábios. aquilo era a expressão mais madison que poderia ter utilizado. “então é isso que três horas com a minha prima fazem comigo?” maneou a cabeça em negação, rindo fraco em seguida. largou o copo vazio sobre o balcão e deu um passo em direção à ela. “não precisa se preocupar, nali.” murmurou, ainda que uma parte sua parecesse explodir com a ideia de ser alvo da preocupação dela. o que rapidamente era refutado por outra, que o relembrava de serem apenas amigos - por mais que sentisse um certo arrepio ao sentir a mão dela em sua testa, sentindo sua temperatura. “é sério, só é uma mistura de todos os efeitos de arrependimento de beber mais depois dos trinta. nada que um dia inteiro sem contato com luz solar ou comida muito sólida não resolvam.” disse, com bom-humor. “falando desse jeito, acho até que a minha transformação vai ser pra vampiro mesmo.” revirou os olhos e riu. “mas, fica tranquila. você tem coisas bem mais interessantes pra fazer hoje que ficar pajeando um cara de ressaca. até a nossa saída de amanhã eu fico inteiro de novo.” se sentiu no dever de prometer, detestando a ideia de deixá-la na mão - mesmo sabendo que ela não se importaria. “acha que eu vou te deixar perder a maratona no cinema? nossas sete contas falsas pra votar não podem ter sido por nada.”
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raisedbythetv89 · 1 year
I feel like Logan’s death really commandeers the conversation about how terrible season 4 of Veronica Mars is (understandably so it is horrific) but there’s literally SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT 😭
Veronica isn’t Veronica and Logan isn’t Logan (really NO ONE is truly in character anymore). Rob Thomas clearly has NO IDEA what healing actually looks like so Logan becomes this pop psychology stereotype with no depth or emotion and like Veronica literally says A POD PERSON. And he describes his therapy as controlling his anger so it doesn’t consume him. That might have been the move as a temporary band-aide immediately to stabilize his life after season 3 but what like 12 years later???? When season 4 starts? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Fire that therapist immediately 😭 He should be WELL into the source of his anger. Healing isn’t about control it’s about surrender and acceptance of your feelings and developing healthy coping strategies to process your newly uncovered feelings so you can live WITH them not in spite of them. There’s a reason so many “good guy” characters are so one dimensional and boring it’s because the male writers writing them literally have NO CLUE what a healthy well adjusted men act like 😭 - (Ted Lasso was so rare because we had good men writing good men)
And yes we know Logan punching people does it for Veronica but that’s because it is ALWAYS in defense of her but his safety and well being is always her number 1 priority (he pulls a gun to save her in the Fitzpatricks bar and she screams at him because she doesn’t want him to get hurt or killed in his attempt to defend her and she’s terrified). Him just punching a kitchen cabinet in rage and frustration is NOT the same thing at all and she would show concern in that situation not immediately instigate sex ROBERT.
The idea that Veronica did ZERO growing/healing/processing in those 12 years is so insulting and just not realistic - once she got space and distance she would have come out of fight or flight and been assaulted with all the repressed emotions from seasons 1-3 before law school yet somehow she’s WORSE than she was when she was younger with less stability and support and capacity to handle everything she was dealing with.
Especially after everything established in the movie!
“Are you gonna ask me if I did it?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I thought you did”
THE AMOUNT OF GROWTH THAT SHOWS IN VERONICA IS ACTUALLY INSANE. Miss never trusts anybody, suspect EVERYONE until your can verify the truth - believes Logan and Weevil AT THEIR WORD. Trusts THEIR CHANGE implicitly and picks helping Logan and Weevil BECAUSE SHE CARES not because it’s a fucking addiction as Rob tried to frame it in the movie 💀💀💀 Veronica always helped because she’s SOFT because she has a good heart and can’t help but help when she knows she can which is classic of parentified children - you believe everything is your responsibility to fix if it’s in your capability to fix. Does she get neurotic trying to solve cases? Absolutely! But that is trying to control and fix external problems as a distraction from her own. It was a coping mechanism and taking that coping mechanism away in the 9 years between season 3 and the movie would have caused serious problems for her that would have forced her to confront her issues.
Season 4 could have been Veronica having a complete break down from her always too full plate coming crumbling down trying to help and fix too much combined with logan being gone and always at risk when he is gone, Wallace bringing new life into an increasingly corrupt neptune she can’t seem to save, Mac working for Jake Kane?!!?! I would have loved If instead she was helping Mac deal with the swapped at birth thing they NEVER touched again. Combined with her dad’s health problems and Weevil falling back into his old habits. She is someone who feels responsible for everything and everyone around her because everyone blamed her for EVERYTHING when she was younger and eventually that catches up with you and THAT is what I wanted to see her strength crumble forcing her to be truly vulnerable and instead of asking for favors asking for HELP allowing her to stop acting like a woman written by a man and act like an actual adult woman BY women who actually understand that experience. Rob was SO out of his depth - his portrayal of Leanne in earlier seasons already proved that.
But that’s just one of literally 1 million possibilities that would have been better than the direction Rob chose. He managed to strip away everything we loved about ALL of his characters until they were ghosts of themselves and it makes me SO UPSET 😭 because he literally revived a show just to finish the destruction path he started in season 3, that had started to be corrected in the movie because it was so controlled by the fans.
Rob and Joss - two men who’s success was built upon a largely female audience and then their misogyny caused them to try and destroy everything their audiences loved 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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