#Jolivia was never real
so-idialed-9 · 2 years
As someone with the benefit of having been entirely disengaged/out sick for the Jolivia drama over the past week or so, catching up all at once, this is what stood out as truthful in the whole mess -
1. Olivia is addicted to the fantasy and will do anything to avoid living in reality, which includes the reality that Holivia was never anything real
2. Olivia only does things for how they make her look - adopt a dog, shelter kids, pose with kids, shield H from the messy truth, say whatever to the nanny to reassure her, string Jason along (she knew what she was doing), even openly tell Jason she wanted to closet their relationship bc he wasn't cool/young/hot enough for her to benefit from....what kind of a person tells their new boyfriend that?!
3. Olivia will do anything, absolutely anything, to keep this going. There will never, ever, ever be any end that she agrees to or doesn't fight with every single ounce of her being. If Harry's team is waiting to negotiate or even force a peaceful end, I think it is very clear there will be no peaceful end, ever.
Even her ex-fiancee who loved her admits she is a "mediocre actor, mediocre director" and "not relevant." 'Dating' Harry is her only opportunity at relevance and fame, and, as a narcissist, fame is her reason to exist.
As former PR gfs have said, the less famous person never comes out of the relationship better off after the stunt. She knows that.
There is no level of bad PR they can put out that will persuade her to disengage. Bad PR means she is famous and relevant.
She will withstand any amount of bad press, drama, making fun of her, anything, because once it is gone, she has no reason to live. She has no future, no family, no friends, no jobs, no fame, no respect outside of this.
I think Harry's team severely underestimates what she will do to keep things how they are. She isn't regular level Hollywood narcissist. She is so far beyond that and they seem to struggle to get that.
If Harry's team is looking for a path out might I suggest something she might go for -
Olivia becomes the new poster child of some kind of mental health issue she gets treated for to explain her behavior, 'writes' a self-help book and goes on the talk show circuit where they call her 'brave and honest.' She launches a new brand around that. Lots of mileage around lifestyle guru for toxic Hollywood and mental health - food, fitness, self esteem, girl boss, whatever.
Theeaten that H will date a young, cool person now and the stories will talk pityingly about her in old lady terms or say H was never into her. Withstand the negative stories she will leak - we already know she has teed up drug addiction and cheating. Spin it and take it as a lesson.
Or if not, may I suggest Olivia is placed in a cannon and shot into the surface of the sun, bc that is the only way you will ever get rid of her.
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yourquirkygirl · 4 years
On the drivers license drama:
My theory is that Olivia and Josh liked each other and it seemed like they might become a couple. But run he started liking Sabrina and dates her instead. Let me *emhpasize” that Olivia and Josh never dated. This is simply my opinion, but the song really does seem like it is about Josh and Sabrina.
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butterflyrry · 2 years
I assume similar pics to hers and Jason’s at the beach in September 2020 are about to come out. Only difference will be that they’re at a lake but expecting the same shenanigans. In the water „frolicking“, her legs around his waist while in the water and of course some 💋pics to show it all. Same shit different day. Can we already move on before those pics will drop? Because we all know they’re coming so let’s just laugh at how predictable and ridiculous they are
It wont be surprising. Of course, Jolivia broke up not long after those pics came out so here’s hoping for a similar outcome 🙏🤞🏻
And yes, let’s laugh at this spectacle…no need to get upset because you have to remember that if this was real, we’d never know about it.
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x01 Review
New Year’s Eve was a great way to return to HSMTMTS especially after such a long gap. Let’s dig in!
Vladimir Lenin once said that, ‘’ there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen". It’s been almost a year and half since S1 ended but this past week has seen revelation after revelation as the fandom has resurrected itself and promotion for S2 kicked into high gear: Joshua Bassett came out, Frankie and Joe confirmed that they are a real life couple, Larry seemingly confirmed that S2 will only have 11 eps rather than the 12 initially ordered, and perhaps most importantly Olivia revealed that she and the main cast are under contract for 4 seasons and made clear that she’s leaving the show as soon as her contract is up.
I really enjoyed this premiere, it felt like picking up right back where we left off. I’m guessing that S2 was originally supposed to premiere around Christmas or New Year’s but the holiday decorations and real Utah snow add a charming aesthetic to the ep. Tim Federle deserves credit for giving HSMTMTS more of an ensemble feel which is no easy feat with a cast as large as this show has. It likely won’t last due to covid restrictions  but at least for tonight we got to see all the characters hanging out together acting like a real group of friends.
The dialogue tonight really reminded me of Glee and I think I mean that as a compliment. Miss Jenn in particular seems to be doing her best April Rhodes impression minus the alcoholism. 
The rini scenes tonight were lovely. Perfect gift was a great song and I loved the rini duet during the music in me as the world faded around them leaving just the two of them. The Harry Styles reference is funny in light of Josh’s coming out interview. Of course, it’s hard now to separate Nini and Ricky and Olivia and Josh. Their chemistry shines through as 2x01, 2x02, and possibly parts of 2x03 were filmed pre Jolivia breakup which seems to have happened around summer 2020. Whether they can keep that same chemistry later on in S2, not to mention future seasons, remains to be seen.
A major theme tonight was communication and clearly Rini need to work on theirs. Poor Ricky had to learn that Nini’s moving to Denver the night before she leaves town which has to remind of him of his mom effectively abandoning him. Ricky saying that he’s never gonna breakup with Nini ever again sure sounds like foreshadowing for a disaster though the odds that this time Nini initiates the breakup are pretty good. 
I’m glad that the show is continuing to delve in the Bowen’s divorce story with their house being sold and Ricky and his dad having to move into an apartment. Divorce is expensive and the division of assets typically leave people less well off. Mike Bowen needs to work on his communication skills but he’s rocking that beard; it takes him from depressed divorced dad to depressed divorced daddy.
Seblos was cute and in a nice change of pace Disney doesn’t seem to be cynically teasing them then cutting their scenes. It was refreshing to see them just being a couple and to hear Carlos casually refer to himself as gay. In that regard tonight’s ep didn’t seem like it was a Disney show at all and it’s major progress that there are now two main gay characters on HSMTMTS. We learn that Carlos is rich which seems likely to be a source of conflict with Seb who comes from a large farming family.
Bet on It was really fun and I liked that Ricky apparently couldn’t stop singing it. The medley of HSM 2 songs was fun but I’ll be real with you wildcats, I never thought HSM 2 or 3 were nearly as good as the first movie so I’m not sad that they’re doing something else this year.
Wild that Big Red’s mom also calls him Big Red. Salt Lake Slices seems poised to be a big part of S2 both as hangout spot and work location for some of the characters. Redlyn are sweet together but sometimes Big Red comes off as a closeted gay guy which isn’t ideal for a het pairing that is supposedly a big part of S2.
Nice to see Gina so excited to have sleepovers with Ashlyn. We know from 2x03 that Gina contends with being single on Valentine’s day and from her glances at Ricky tonight she’s clearly not over him. Tim’s playing with fire and I can only hope he knows what he’s doing. I liked the little detail of Kourtney having AOC on her vision board, it feels true to the character (hopefully AOC gets elected president one day if the USA doesn’t collapse into a fascist dictatorship or civil war before then). EJ’s beard has got to go but I like that he seems committed to being a better version of himself; very doubtful his plan to go straight to Duke like his forefathers doesn’t change by the end of the season. 
Derek Hough did a good job of playing Zach as a subtly condescending man who managed to swiftly undermine Miss Jenn’s confidence, we’ll see what he and North High bring to the table.
Looking Ahead:
Next week are auditions for Beauty and the Beast, we know Ashlyn gets the role of Belle and EJ has conveniently removed himself from the running for Beast which presumably clears the path for Ricky to take the lead. There’s been some controversy over the casting choices and I’ll save my comments about it for the 2x02 review.
We get to see Lily who looks like a meaner version of season 1 Gina, we’ll see how much depth she actually ends up getting. Howie is introduced in 2x03 and Antoine likely shows up later on. Jack likely shows up towards the end of the season.
Howie seems to have a connection with Kourtney though the character synopsis does say he gets close to a wildcat or two which certainly leaves room to slide him into Gina’s plot. We know Antoine is into Ashlyn so that’s another love triangle to look forward to. Jack was described as having wanderlust and most of the cast seems not to have filmed with him so I think it’s likely that he plays a role in convincing EJ to take a gap year rather than head straight to Duke. 
A translation leak on TikTok reveals that in 2x03 Gina is sad that she’s only gotten a Valentine’s Day gift from her mom. A brief clip from the promo shows up her on her porch at night holding a heart shaped box of chocolates. If that’s supposed to be from a secret or semi-secret admirer than it has to be from either EJ, Ricky, or Howie. If it’s a platonic gift then it could be from anyone, we’ll see what Tim has up his sleeves.
Nini moving back to SLC is a question of when not if. It’s going to be very difficult to bring her back in a way that’s justified and also doesn’t leave the time she spends in Denver looking like a total waste. Frankly, I’d rather the show just bite the bullet and bring her back with as little fuss as possible.
We’re possibly around a quarter way through HSMTMTS given that the mains have 4 season contracts and presuming that the show is not cancelled earlier. At the very least the show will be radically different after S4 if they try to continue it as Olivia has made very clear that she’s going to leave asap to pursue her burgeoning music career full time (notably she’s only done the bare minimum of promo for S2). 
Looming over the remaining seasons of HSMTMTS is what the professional relationship between Olivia and Josh looks like especially since in many ways the show is built around Ricky and Nini. Off screen relationships have often caused on screen problems and dating a co-worker is rarely a good idea since even clean breakups leave lingering resentments. Obviously the Jolivia breakup was not clean, Driver’s License, Deja Vu, and Good 4 U (which is a certified bop) were clearly written from a place of hurt and in some ways were written to hurt. It’s no surprise that Joshua has dropped his duet with Sabrina Carpenter from his EP; someone on his team at least is trying to stop the damage to his reputation. There’s a decent chance that Olivia’s songs becoming such hits has irreparably damaged Joshua Bassett’s reputation among the same pool of largely young women that he’s targeting his music towards thereby cutting off his music career at the knees. If nothing else this behind the scenes drama should keep things entertaining for a while.
Until next week Wildcats 
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daydreamrry · 3 years
yes, harry doesn't like to be followed which is why he would never expose a real relationship like he is doing now and would never agree to do pap walks unless it's for a purpose and in this case, it is. he is just as responsible as olivia. he knows what he got himself into, he agrees to do these pap walks, and he agrees to be seen with her.
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rethesun · 3 years
Different pov's floating around about Harry. Regarding holivia specifically and why that is. I wanted to write them down since I can't keep up, nor do I want it in my head anymore: a thread if ya feel like reading.
Let me preface this by saying, these are surface-level impressions; my guess is as good as the next person. Theories, ≠ solid facts, so please read with a big grain of salt. No matter what, H deserves to be happy, whatever that looks like, regardless if he's in a relationship and who he's with.
POV(S) regardless if the relationship is a stunt or not + why: 
Paparazzi/fan pics are both invasive by not getting consent and partially or mostly preplanned by h/o teams.
It's being used just for promo for his movie(s).
H has to appear in a committed, loving relationship with a woman, so when my policeman press tour comes around & the topics are on closeting, he can doge a formal coming out parade from the world and keep living as he has without the world boxing him in.
H has to appear in a committed, loving relationship with a woman, so when mp press tour comes around & the topics are on closeting/sexuality, he can protect Louis to keep many ppl from posing questions to Louis (regardless if larry is/was real) if harry does a formal coming out. 
Why Louis? because L is the only man harry has been rumored (primarily by fans + harry confirmed it in the early 1d days) to be with while the public has hardly batted an eye to a concept where harry is with a he/him, and we don't see him with anyone secluded except for a woman and that one guy Xander? (apparently just were/are friends, I think I heard he is straight, who knows)
POV(S) if the relationship is real: 
Harry is a homewrecker and person who would sleep with his boss/they are getting married? /j (hopefully bogus nauseating clickbait press)
Update: engagement is bogus (I’ll try to act surprised)
Update: According to Jason whos benefiting from the press confirmed a timeline that makes Harry out to be a homewrecker, sheesh how do het believing harries cope? 
Update: Harry is not a homewrecker because h & o wasn't interested in one another until after things broke off with Jason, but harry is still sleeping with the woman that directed his movie.
Update: Harry is not a homewrecker because h & o weren't interested in one another until after things broke off with Jason, but harry is dating the woman that directed his movie; he fell in love with her.
The only other possible scenario is Jolivia’s relationship was entirely dead and Jason wasn't blindsided he just played that part for press
Harry values his privacy however people can change their minds/get fed up over time. Maybe Harry is tired of giving a f about some things so he stopped caring that the paparazzi are taking pictures of intimate moments.
Harry and o do not need relationship gossip for the film(s) to be successful, + promo hasn't even officially begun.
POV if the "relationship" is just a stunt: 
It's about closeting.
Promo for his movie(s).
Both 1 & 2
Trying to seperate from his management by changing his image.
O and Jason are separated and it doesn’t have to do with Harry or the stunt in any way.
O and J are still together, and J's new RS is fake. 
[BTW, regardless of fan theories, we know for sure that Jason's new GF is friends with Harry's ex Camille Rowe. Odd that the coincidences are endless.]
Update: Apparently J and the girl are not dating or never were and are just long time friends?
A post explaining why no one is above pr and why this holivia “relationship” exists if it’s a stunt: Link 
My personal opinion ties to that link^ whether h & o are genuine or not, I don't put it past the music/entertainment industry to not use the circumstances for something like image/promo/protection/closeting whatever. Even if fans are completely wrong and it’s as small as the press making an extra buck on exaggerations. Though I think that's a naive approach. The industry follows what brings in the most money and usually without regard for the people involved. This situation isn't seeming to do Harry any short term favors but maybe it will work out long-term. Much of the GP is beginning to have an awful impression of him as well. If it is not Harry's choice to change his image, I worry about him. Harry is cable and grown; it’s the industry that concerns me not him. 
This shouldn’t need to be said but friendly reminder: You don’t have to like someone or agree but there is no need to send hate to anyone, famous or not. Thank you. 
[#’s are for exposure and may not correlate]
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
Do you think the olivia/josh situation could be PR?
it is very clearly being leveraged for pr but i have no judgement on how real or fake it is yet. i think it’s interesting it was never confirmed by either of them but it’s a m/f pairing. i am still taking it all in and working on my official Take for jolivia and the love triangle. i think we’ll do a main pod ep on it soon!
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The thing that doesn't get me about the stunt is what makes me question is why would she leave the father of her kids for a stunt I think that's the only thing that is making people believe that its real that she wouldn't drop everything for a stunt
Ok, first we need to clear something up bc you seem to be confusing things:
A stunt is not real. Harry and Olivia aren’t actually together. They are not actually dating. They just have articles that claim they’re dating. But it’s all a lie. As such, Olivia DIDN’T “leave the father of her kids for a stunt”. So even if Jolivia broke up, Olivia is still single. And if Jolivia never broke up, she didn’t “drop everything for a stunt” bc the Harry+Olivia ‘relationship’ IS FAKE.
And whether or not Jolivia broke up, Jason knows about the stunt, he knows it’s promo and he’s in on it.
So there are 2 options for how things could have gone down:
Option 1: 
Jolivia never broke up, they’re still together. The stunt was just a few pictures and a bunch of articles. It’s work, it has no bearing on their personal lives. Everyone involved knows it’s all fake and they’re all getting promo, Jason included - they all had meetings and signed contracts for this. She knew she was gonna be busy filming so Jason had the kids while she’s at work. They’re filming in different locations so she’s not home. Sometimes she brings her kid to set bc her kid is in the movie. They have a nanny that travels with them when needed. *If* Jason was actually living at a separate house like the articles implied, maybe it’s just their 2nd house/a temporary rented house to sell the stunt. OR he never moved out and the articles just said that to sell the story. They knew Jason would be going to England to film season 2 of his show in January, so he takes the kids bc Olivia is still filming and it’s good for the kids to travel and whatever.
Option 2:
They did break up so the stunt wasn’t a personal issue for her or her family. Jason knows it’s all fake and for promo and he’s getting promo himself. Harry and Olivia are still not *actually* together. Olivia is still single.
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jolivia-things · 3 years
Part of me (a small part, but there nonetheless) almost wants Holivia to be real, and last for a little bit with undeniable proof, just to fuck over the Larries and Harries who thought the stunt was for Ted Lasso to get attention, and thought Jason gladly played the role of cuck for that same reason, and that he and Olivia never broke up. They think they’re so clever, but they’re not even clever by half. Like when they thought because they filmed interviews in the same room they were still together? Absolutely no critical thinking. They came in and fucked up perfectly good fandoms of Jason fans and Olivia fans and Jolivia fans and Ted Lasso fans who were perfectly fine never dealing with Harries/Larries/1Ders. And then they have the audacity to act like they’re using Harry or they’re the ones being bothered by their existence? (“I never want to hear either of their names ever again.”) (So many of them have been consistently proven wrong too!) That’s the problem with massive fandoms like Swifties and 1Ders and so on- they’re so disruptive and disrespectful to all other fandoms. Like when Swifties rallied against that Netflix show because of that joke about Taylor when the show specifically made that joke to make a point about teenagers and their humor and also their hatred, and actually the show was very good and empowering. And don’t get me started on Larries. Grown ass women (some in their 50s and older, which is even creepier) shipping men (and who were once boys) who have repeatedly stated they do not enjoy the fanfics or the art or the speculation or the harassment. Ship it in your head, fine! But have some respect for the people you claim to idolize.
/end rant
That is the annoying thing about this stunt, it's feeding the L@rry narrative so much because of its pure ridiculous nature.
It also means it's hard to be discerning about it because they're all crying about how much it's false so people like me look like L@rrys.
The most annoying thing by far though is Harries genuinely thinking that Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence and Apple TV+ need Harry Styles to help them with their TV show promo.
The football boys on TL generated more press with their incidental interview at the FA Cup than the entire stunt.
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
I’m part of team Jolivia never broke up. I think H and O are only business partners trying to keep fans interest in the movie because his fan base support is critical for the movie worldwide internet extra promo and his relationship are always an easy way to get the fandom invested. imo Olivia was doing the Holivia thing alone through SM she was getting headlines only with clicks and hints and att Harry involvement was not necessary but after TMZ exposed Olivia’s living with Jason than Harry has to participated again to control the narrative until the movie is out. They’re pulling the longevity card to make their “relationship” more respectable and movie promo.
They got backlash and O would be the loser out of this situation, she needs to save face from the imminent media backlash and the GP jokes when HO break up hit the media and Harry doesn’t want to look like a fuck boy or unprofessional. Why they decided to play this whole on set romance and cheating the way they did? I had no idea what happened bts and why they though HO was a good idea while she was in a serious relationship with kids, I know she’s trying to get more fame, Harry’s changing his image and their teams are PR experts; they got media attention and riley up fans maybe since their pov this is a successful strategy. TBH they should slow down a bit specially Olivia’s team they’re too aggressive and she’s looking desperate.
They turned Holivia in a parody and fans are sick of her…not a good look also maybe take a few minutes to understand the fandom you’re dealing because no matter If you think ho is real or not the general perception is that HO is using their “relationship” for PR.  This kind of deal/romances to promote projects is normalizing in the industry is a routine, Harry and Olivia are not the first or the last celebs to do something like that for promo, I’m personally analyze this situation in a different way to me it’s shown the downside of celebrity lifestyle, how celebs goes so far to mantain a perception of an images is crazy, I would not change any aspect of my life in exchanges of money, fame and privileges If that means I had to fake my life, my relationships, a cheat, a break up and uses my friends and family members to make the situation looks realistic. They play all this lies in the name of showbiz but this lies become their reality it's a toxic and sad life,  as a fan I think Harry is too deep in that dark side of Hollywood or play too hard the fame game.
I agree. I wonder if Harry’s morals are all skewed now that he’s been propelled into the depths of Hollywood. I hope not but idk it’s disappointing.
Also curious what PR strategy is going to go into play soon with Harry. David Dawson just came out as part of the LGTBQ+ community. Seems like everyone in the movie is part of it openly, aside from Harry. Not saying he has to come out but I think we should keep an eye out on what happens with movie promo and his PR team since he’s gotten shit on so much for MP
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
Jason called the paps for sure, they don’t just hang out at random parks.
So, I do agree with this quite a bit. But the park is literally at the end of their street. There’s been quite a few pap shots of Jason with the kids or Jason and o (suitcase pics) that never made it to press. I think the paps are around them a lot but don’t always get to sell the pictures for whatever reason. My theory is that the press have no desire for pictures of jolivia or the kids because Harry is the real click bait, not 2 ex’s and their kids.
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jolivia-things · 3 years
https://jolivia-things.tumblr.com/post/663555794470649856/httpsjolivia-thingstumblrcompost663407054684: yeah but to be real here . Not every Pr relationship is like that . Olivia is not liked by people with out a reason . Everything she and Harry are doing us so over the top . Like I seriously can’t stand behind what they are doing . I never met the woman for once or harry in that instance . But there us such a strong dislike for what they are doing . I don’t know why Pr teams or Hollywood think I’m obligated to Love and support pr relationships? Like why how ? I don’t care how long those existed or how many stars are doing it year in year out . I think Hollywood culture is pretty sick and twisted !
I think the problem with PR relationships is that they need to be done well and the people involved have to have chemistry.
Tomdaya are a perfect example. As are Bennifer 2.0. Both of those couples have chemistry together, they look good together and you'd believe they were f*cking. Are they PR? Possibly. But people don't care as they like it.
PR relationships done right are just an extension of the film or TV show they're meant to be promoting. Harry and Olivia just ain't it.
My initial point though was I think she's just trying to make it seem real as if she matched his energy they'd look like two people who legit hate one another.
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
Their entire love-triangle between Olivia/Josh/Sabrina was exaggerated in the media, like that’s just... facts... whether they were real or not. It was definitely manufactured a bit lol like both.. can be true?
i don’t understand why it matters like yes the media spins things and makes things louder than they need to be maybe? but obviously olivia was heartbroken over all this for a minute like her songs aren’t fictional and obviously josh and sabrina are emotional over it too, spotted our fighting and crying and releasing their own response songs. olivia got so petty she said she could never write a song about sabrina because she didn’t know who she was and then released deja vu like a few days later. these kids are dramatic and petty and tbh i don’t think it’s exaggerated that much. like jolivia dated, had an ugly series of breakups, and olivia wrote a whole album about it while jabrina wrote their own songs about the drama. what exactly has been exaggerated?
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jolivia-things · 3 years
I’m part of team Jolivia never broke up. I think H and O are only business partners trying to keep fans interest in the movie because his fan base support is critical for the movie worldwide internet extra promo and his relationship are always an easy way to get the fandom invested. imo Olivia was doing the Holivia thing alone through SM she was getting headlines only with clicks and hints and att Harry involvement was not necessary but after TMZ exposed Olivia’s living with Jason than Harry has to participated again to control the narrative until the movie is out. They’re pulling the longevity card to make their “relationship” more respectable and movie promo. They got backlash and O would be the loser out of this situation, she needs to save face from the imminent media backlash and the GP jokes when HO break up hit the media and Harry doesn’t want to look like a fuck boy or unprofessional. Why they decided to play this whole on set romance and cheating the way they did? I had no idea what happened bts and why they though HO was a good idea while she was in a serious relationship with kids, I know she’s trying to get more fame, Harry’s changing his image and their teams are PR experts; they got media attention and riley up fans maybe since their pov this is a successful strategy. TBH they should slow down a bit specially Olivia’s team they’re too aggressive and she’s looking desperate.
They turned Holivia in a parody and fans are sick of her…not a good look also maybe take a few minutes to understand the fandom you’re dealing because no matter If you think ho is real or not the general perception is that HO is using their “relationship” for PR.  This kind of deal/romances to promote projects is normalizing in the industry is a routine, Harry and Olivia are not the first or the last celebs to do something like that for promo, I’m personally analyze this situation in a different way to me it’s shown the downside of celebrity lifestyle, how celebs goes so far to mantain a perception of an images is crazy, I would not change any aspect of my life in exchanges of money, fame and privileges If that means I had to fake my life, my relationships, a cheat, a break up and uses my friends and family members to make the situation looks realistic. They play all this lies in the name of showbiz but this lies become their reality it's a toxic and sad life,  as a fan I think Harry is too deep in that dark side of Hollywood or play too hard the fame game.
Fame is a dark game generally, it's been said you have to be a particular type of person to actually want to be famous. It's not just about loving acting or loving performing, because you can do those things without the fame.
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