#Joshua Graham x courier 6
everydayyoulovemeless · 6 months
Oooh you do yandere stuff?? Can I please have something for yandere Joshua Graham, either headcanons or the alphabet would be great!
Yandere Joshua Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.7k ➼ Warnings » yandere themes ➼ Genre » Romantic, Yandere
Affection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Joshua shows his affection through how he shelters you. He hates it when you leave the camp without him, and does everything he can to ensure you won't end up being a target for the White Legs or any other Legionary assassin that may come for him again. He's fully aware of the influence Ceasar has and would take this aspect of your relationship very seriously. You won't leave without someone else going with you. He simply won't allow it.
Blood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
In a normal relationship, Joshua would be more hesitant to show how violent he can get. But, in this situation, all the drive to hide who he really is goes out the window. He's willing to go as far as he needs to when it comes to you. Anyone necessary. The tribals, your companions, and even Daniel. He'd slaughter them all if it meant you'd be safe. He'd even do it in front of you.
Cruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No. He thinks it's rude. It's not your fault that you aren't as experienced as he is. In fact, the whole reason he'd abduct you is to be able to keep a better eye on you. Making fun of you for something that was inevitably going to happen isn't something he's prone to doing.
Darling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He's going to have you baptized, whether you want to or not, but besides that, he wouldn't dream of forcing you to do anything you didn't want to.
Exposed - How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
There are times when it feels as if you don't even know the man. He's quiet and incredibly closed off, even to you. He'll try to discreetly tell you about himself through bible verses or poetic words, but other than that, he's not jumping for you to learn about his past with the Legion any time soon. He wants you to love and trust him, not despise him.
Fight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He understands it. This world is harsh, of course, your instinct is to fight him. However, after the first week of staying with him, he hopes you’ll calm down and finally just accept that you’ll never get away from him.
Game - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He won’t. If you try and escape the humble home he’s managed to set up for you both in Zion, he’s going to be upset. Even with all the knowledge he’s told you about the White Legs and all those around who want to hurt you, and you still want to try your luck? He’ll be disappointed, to say the least. He expects you to have more instinct than that.
Hell - What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
He's always taken his philosophies seriously, even when he was in the Legion. So, if he ever overhears you saying something he deems to be blasphemous towards his religion, you're going to have a very hard time calming him down. He'll force you to pray out loud to the Lord and ask for forgiveness until he's satisfied. It doesn't matter to him if it takes hours, he refuses to let you be shunned to Hell for a sorry mistake such as the one you committed. What kind of husband would he be if he didn't seek to save you from God's wrath?
Ideals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
If he had it his way, you’d be the perfect housewife, staying home to cook and clean while he went out and did whatever. Some Legion habits never left him, and coming back to a loving spouse who’s prepared to comply with his every whim is one of them. Just the perfect nuclear family.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets very quiet when he's jealous, preferring to be silent rather than blatantly lashing out at whoever is triggering these feelings. He thinks it's stupid that he gets so upset at the tribals for simply being around you. It's not like you'd leave him - not like you could - so why is he so stressed? He'll pray and go on walks to try and combat his jealousy, it's one of the only things he actively tries to work on.
Kisses - How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts as any spouse would. He kisses you on your hands or on your cheeks to greet you, rests a gentle hand on your lower back when you're near him, and does everything he can to take care of you.
Love letters - How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
As he believes any man should: with trinkets and thought-out dates. He wants to court you the right way, even if you’re aware from the start that you’ve got no other choice other than to accept his advances.
Mask - Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
On the outside it doesn’t appear as if anything has changed, however he feels different. There’s an urge now, something that tells him to kill. He’s felt it before during his peak in the Legion, but now it’s come back and he’s not sure what else to do than to quench the thirst of fear that floods him by ensuring your safety. Maybe it’s God's will that’s enforcing him to protect you.
Naughty - How would they punish their darling?
He’d shout and maybe grab your face, but he couldn’t imagine going any farther than that. If he wants to get his point across then he’ll just let you feel the raw fear that getting chased by Legionaries gives you (only once, he doesn’t want you to be actually harmed), but enough to get you to listen.
Oppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He’ll take away your right to leave the tribes camp, your right to your weapons, your right to your opinions, your right of religion - there’s not much he doesn’t have control over.
Patience - How patient are they with their darling?
Joshua thinks he's patient, but he has a clear temper. He'll be kind one moment then angry the next. Although he does his best to not take it out on you, it's still terrifying to witness. Sometimes you wonder if it'd just be best to listen and avoid his fits altogether...
Quit - If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No, he’s got it in his mind that God assigned him specifically to defend you and keep you safe, so if he ever were to fail that, he’d feel as if he were betraying the Lord's trust.
Regret - Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
How could he? You're better off this way. He's sworn to care for your every need. He'll feed you, give you access to water, cloth you, comfort you, bleed for you, house you - why should he feel guilty about doing you a favor? For loving you?
Stigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Joshua has always had this need to worship in his life. It could be seen with how devoted he was to the Legion and the will of Caesar, then with God, and now with you. There's a primal urge within him to commit himself to wherever he feels most desired, and that just happened to be you.
Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It shatters him, especially if you're acting like this because of something he did. He'll sit beside your curled-up form and whisper Bible verses and scriptures as a way to encourage and reassure you.
Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His religion is a massive weak point, and if you can somehow convince him that it was God's will for you to go elsewhere, he may just let you go. Granted, you'd have to be really good at persuading people. He's a logical man and won't just take your word for it so easily.
Wit’s end - Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally, but sometimes he forgets his own strength when it comes to handling you. He likes to brush it under the rug though, best not to think about it.
Xoanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
In his mind, he's already won you over. Of course, he'll still go through the process of romancing you and won't ever stop doing that, but his delusions tell him that you've already fallen for him. One thing about Joshua, however, is that he almost sees you as a second Christ. If you ask him to do something, he'll do it no questions asked. But, in the same sense, he's paranoid that you'll be crucified just like the Lord and is constantly looking out for that certain 'Judas' that will betray you.
Yearn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Like a day. The second he feels different around you compared to others, he's got it in his head that you're a divine being or, at the very least, someone God wanted him to meet.
Zenith - Would they ever break their darling?
He hopes to 'break you in' to his way of life, but he hopes that it won't have to be violent or over the top in any way. He's certain you'll come around to his way of thinking soon enough, even if you need a little shove.
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vaulthistorian · 6 months
Can you do a quick little Male/ Gender neutral Courier x Joshua Graham, where They're both sitting next to the fire and the Courier scoots to sit closer to Joshua? :3
Asks! 🥰 Of course I can, hope you're satisfied.
You'd not been with the Dead Horses long. The Sorrows and Daniel had proved to hold up as allies, and your determination to help the people of Zion grew stronger the longer you stayed. The water didn't suffer the same radiation and the canyon walls were marked with drawings they held close.
But Joshua wasn't as attached to the place as Daniel. In a way you could sympathize; having had few places to truly call home for yourself.
You came back to the Dead Horse camp from visiting Daniel and the Sorrows. The fire they sat around crackled. It was clever how they had separate set ups for food vs. warmth.
You couldn't stop your little smile when you spotted Joshua among the group, sat near the fire, close enough for some warmth but no more.
"And like the prodigal son, he returns." Joshua joked softly, something new you hadn't seen from him.
"You seem lax." You came over and fluffed your duster as you sat a respectful distance from him.
He shrugged, crossing one leg over the other. One of the Dead Horse's came over with a plate and offered it to you.
"Thank you." Your stomach growled and you eagerly dug in.
Joshua found it fascinating to watch you. He saw parts of himself in you, it gave him comfort, and fear. You seemed to be able to have a strong impact on the world. On NCR and the Legion, couriers held more power than they may realize.
You felt his gaze on you, thinking, considering. You moved your plate and scooted closer, sitting nearer to him.
His eyes widen slightly before cutting off his reaction and looking back at the fire.
"You have a lot of responsibility, past Zion. Past the Mojave."
You stuffed the last bit of gecko meat into your mouth and swallowed. "Hey, if I let you take the Dead Horses, The Sorrows, and Daniel out into the Mojave, I'll make sure you're provided for wherever you end up going."
Joshua was quiet.
"So don't think this is all on you." Your hand briefly touched his knee, close enough to him your body warmth collided.
"I'm responsible enough to take care of my problems."
"Oh. A problem, are we?" He turned his head, tilting slightly.
You stare at him, something about only being able to see his eyes makes them more intense and beautiful. You smiled softly, "Well, my problem now. I don't mind."
"Somehow you always find things to say I don't expect from you..."
You lean closer, your warm breath fanning across the bandages on his chin. Before you can do anything stupid you catch yourself, his sharp eyes watching.
"Watch my lips more often, I'm sure you'll figure it out." You patted his thigh, making his eyebrows scrunch briefly.
God, you really had to send this one, didn't you? Somehow... Joshua doesn't find himself complaining. A little smile tugging at his lips. His body is relaxing with your close proximity. Looking down briefly before his eyes drew up to your lips.
Well, if you insisted. He'd pay much closer attention.
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bellonathedragonborn · 2 months
Hey y’all an amazing Fallout Author on AO3 is deleting her stories due to it being used to feed AI. (An AI program mentioned characters from this story).
She gave us full permission to download the story so I downloaded it into a PDF.
So here. Plus her last message to us:
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mildmanneredking · 2 years
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Chip? What chip I don’t remember anything about a chip.
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estoanquez · 3 years
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these arts are founded on the "Up!" and Carl and Ellie's screenshots from there I really feel like my fallout otp's have exactly their vibes full of warm I love them :>
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jt-artsandfics · 4 years
Here's my main 4 fallout charcaters since I've done a re draw of them so I hope you enjoy
Tibyan Coven
Bean the lone wanderer
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Game: fallout 3, but makes an appearance in both NV and 4
Age: 19, 23 and 29
Alliance: brotherhood of steel before once again becoming the lone wanderer.
Sexuality: Gay
Romance: Charon
weapon of choice: is Anti-materiel rifle
Quick history: Bean had a lot of medical skill due to his father teaching him. Due to his father leaving the vault he decided he needed to find him, he meets charon while in the underworld and in turn pays 2000 caps for his contract to free him. All tho it doesnt all go according to plan. along the way he find himself in the company of his childhood bully, a dog he saved from raiders and a 200 year old ghoul who he gains feeling for.
Ceridwen Doks
Courier Six
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Game: fallout New Vegas, makes an appearance in fallout 4
Age: 26, 32
Alliance: NCR turned wild card
Sexuality: pansexual
Romance: Craig Boone, Joshua Graham
Wrapon of choice: ak 47, mine's and bombs
Quick history: six after taking a bullet to the head is now on a revenge mission for the man who has taken everything from them. Six meets Boone along the way and gains a close bond with him until the legion kill the sniper. After this event Six is left with a heavy heart and revenge that has left them hollow, Six eventually goes with the happy trials caravan when they meet Joshua, Six forms a bond with him.
Tika Watson
Sole survivor
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Game: fallout 4
Age: 30, 240
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alliance: Rail road/ minutemen
Romance: Nate Watson, Nick Valentine
Weapon of choice: shot gun, pistols and plasma rifle.
Quick history: Tika is celebrity akin to Marilyn Monroe, she has played in Grognak the Barbarian,the silver shroud and is the original face of Nuka cola. From audio plays, movies and adds for company's she eventually has time off from the big screen to have her son.
After the bombs hit she loses everything and the only thing she is striving for is to find her son and get revenge on the man who killed her husband. Tika meets Nick by accident while snooping around abandoned vaults with dogmeat, Nick Valentine become a permanent residency in her life as she becomes his partner in helping stop crime and he helps her find her son, both of them pass around jokes and references that only each other get.
Alexander Hamilton
General of the Minutemen
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Game:fallout 4 but has an appearance in fallout 3.
Age: 33, 43
Sexuality: pansexual
Alliance: Minutemen
Romance: John hancock
Weapon of choice: laser Weapons of all kinds
Quick history: Alexander is first seen in fallout 3 when he was still human he is trying to make his way from Megaton to Diamond City. He had a quick convosation with the lone wanderer before he isn't seen until 10 years later. In fallout 4 he has transformed into a glowing Ghoul after getting lost at the glowing sea. When the sole survivor meets him, Alexander has found his way to Nuka cola world where he mornes the death of Oswald. He goes with Tika back to Sanctuary where he helps around as much as possible before being appointed General of the Minutemen by both Tika and Preston. This is how he eventually ends up meeting hancock.
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
Fallout Opinion Survey- Results!
Thank you so much to all those who took part! We had 421 usable responses in total :D
One quick note- the nature of the data this time around means that most of the auto-generated charts are usable as they are, which does mean this post will be very image-heavy. I’d be very appreciative if someone who knows how to write image descriptions for charts could add them on!
Without further ado, let’s get into the results...
The Basics:
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Favourite DLC:
Dead Money- 115 (...nice) Old World Blues- 94 Far Harbor- 76 Lonesome Road- 53 Nuka World- 27 Point Lookout- 17 Honest Hearts- 11 The Pitt- 9 Mothership Zeta- 7 Automatron- 3 Operation Anchorage- 3 Broken Steel- 2 Vault-Tec Workshop- 1
Favourite faction:
Followers of the Apocalypse- 146 Railroad- 62 Minutemen- 45 NCR- 23 Kings- 22 Brotherhood of Steel (all chapters combined)- 20 Yes Man/Wildcard Courier- 18 Great Khans- 14 Enclave- 10 Caesar's Legion- 8 Raiders (76, Nuka World and general combined)- 8 Institute- 6 Chairmen- 5 Unity- 4 Atom Cats- 3 Mr House- 3 Boomers- 3 Freeside- 2 Responders- 2 Children of Atom- 2 Ghoul settlements in general- 2 Hubologists- 2 Tunnel Snakes- 2 And the list of those with one vote each: The Family, Think Tank, Reaver Movement, Ciphers, Broken Hills, Powder Gangers, Reilly's Rangers, Acadia, Goodneighbor, Underworld, White Glove Society, Omertas, Jacobstown, post-Legion Ulysses, Cult of the Mothman, 80s, and talking Deathclaws from Fallout 2
Favourite companion:
Arcade Gannon- 75 Nick Valentine- 53 Hancock- 39 Veronica- 38 Deacon- 30 ED-E- 26 Raul- 23 Boone- 22 MacCready- 13 Christine Royce- 12 Dogmeat (all)- 11 Fawkes- 10 Preston Garvey- 10 Charon- 9 Rex- 9 Butch Deloria- 8 Goris- 8 Cait- 7 Danse- 7 Piper- 7 Lily- 6 Marcus- 6 Rose of Sharon Cassidy- 6 Curie- 5 Porter Gage- 4 Dean Domino- 4 X6-88- 3 Strong- 3 Ulysses- 3 RL-3- 3 Ian- 2 Dog/God- 2 Codsworth- 2 Joshua Graham- 2 Old Longfellow- 2 Lenny- 2 Ada- 2 And the 'list of ones': Tycho, Katja, Follows-Chalk, Sydney
The Lore:
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(other titles specifically mentioned in the final question: Metro and Doom)
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Characters headcanoned as synths: The Sole Survivor (by far the most common theory), Sturges, Deacon, Preston Garvey, the Lone Wanderer in Broken Steel, James/Dad, Dogmeat, Three Dog, Parker Quinn, Charon, Courier Six, Tinker Tom, Zeke, Arthur Maxson, Father/older Shaun, Piper, Travis Miles, Mysterious Stranger, Caesar ('cause funny'), Joshua Graham, most Children of Atom, Desdemona, Myrna, Marcy Long, Mr Burke, Vault 76 Overseer, Trashcan Carla, Cricket, many BoS and Enclave members, Reaver Movement members, Redeye, Moira Brown, Dr Zimmer, Ranger Ghost, most birds, Arcade Gannon, Elijah, Lizzie Wyatt, Kellogg, Mama Murphy, Nat Wright, and Sierra Petrovita
(please note I'm not all that familiar with Fallout 4 lore, if any of the FO4 peeps here are canon synths then I didn't know about it lol)
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Fan theories/headcanons from the final question that cropped up repeatedly (in approximate order of popularity):
Vault-Tec started the Great War
Alien involvement with the pre-war US government and/or the Great War
Horses are still around
Talking Deathclaws are still around
Occult/eldritch influence (e.g. the Dunwich building) is widespread
Charon is a survivor of Vault 92
Deacon is a founder of the Railroad and his 'real' backstory was another lie
Veronica and Christine reunite
Sarah Lyons is alive
Gen 3 synths and ghouls still need to eat, drink, sleep and so on
Ghouls only turn feral in specific circumstances (suggestions include prolonged isolation and relying too heavily on radiation instead of food as a source of energy) and it is not inevitable
International travel and immigration continues
Danse and Harkness were sent to the Capital Wasteland by the Railroad together
X person is actually multiple people- suggested for Deacon, Legate Lanius and Vulpes Inculta
The US is the either the only place that was nuked or the only place that hasn't rebuilt and recovered, and the rest of the world is just ignoring them and carrying on as normal
Cass is the Chosen One's daughter
Mama Murphy is the Chosen One
No-Bark Noonan is the Chosen One (lots of Chosen One theories popping up lol)
All subsequent Dogmeats in the series are named after the legend of the original Dogmeat
Father is not really Shaun
MacCready is lying about Duncan being ill (or one person even suggested Duncan existing)
Yes Man overthrows the Courier after being upgraded
The real Lone Wanderer died at the end of the vanilla game even if Broken Steel is installed, and the Broken Steel LW is a synth
Deacon once worked for the Institute
Deacon deliberately leads people to theorise that he is the Lone Wanderer to throw them off
Deacon is or was once a ghoul (also plenty of Deacon theories)
The Mysterious Stranger is a time traveller who protects the various PCs to maintain the timeline
Appalachia was turned into a barren wasteland by the nuclear trigger-happiness of the Vault 76 Dwellers (possibly interesting aside: my brother, who buys into this one, has gone as far as to theorise that the original Great War used very low-yield weapons and wasn't that severe on the environmental level (as far as literal nuclear war goes, that is), and it was the Vault 76ers nuking the hell out of Appalachia that triggered a continent-wide nuclear winter and sent the ecology of the wasteland into the state it's in in all subsequent games)
Glory is not a synth
The (in-game) reason for lore clashes and retcons is that the plot of each game is a retelling  of the story as it's passed around in the wasteland, so some details have been embellished or mixed up
I’ll be coming back to the theories from the final question at some point, but aside from that, that's a wrap! There isn't really much potential for me to play around with the data here like with the OC surveys, so this was more just me presenting the data as it came in without commentary. Still, I hope this is somehow interesting/insightful!
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juniper-tree · 5 years
These Wild Fires
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What’s it gonna take to make her walk away from Zion? masterpost
Read on AO3  
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Fallout: New Vegas - Female Courier x Joshua Graham 
Rating: explicit/18+
Belief wasn't something which came natural to Eddy. Neither did trust. Belief was like a sarsaprilla cap—worth something because everybody said it was. Trust was the rare blue star on the inside. Belief could get you killed, if you were dumb enough not to second-guess. And keep your gun loaded.
And trust? Trust was not a thing—it was a process. A long road, with so many damned curves and breaks you could lose your way.
So she wasn't sure she would ever believe. But she could feel. She felt something when Joshua spoke his word. When he told her about salvation. He was so sure about it, nothing would move him. She wondered what it was like, to be like him.
Maybe she didn't show it, but the things he told her—she thought about them a lot. Forgiveness. Sacrifice.
Forgiving was not in her. And she was fine with that.
At her side, Joshua laid his hand on the rock between them. Inches from her hip.
Here in Zion, the idea had come to her, quietly, like it had always been there: it was not up to her to forgive Joshua Graham.
Or for anyone in this blasted world she had wronged to forgive her. Anyone she'd let live.
People like her, like him—they left a lot of blood in their wake. It stained them as sure as they were breathing. It could not be washed clean, like it was never there, no matter what Joshua's book said.
But there could be a balance. She could give of herself sometimes, and do things right. Like those scales she could pick out in the stars. Weigh the blood against the good.
Could be it was enough to do that, just about half the time. To look for a way to be good. Like Joshua had done.
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Courier 6 x Joshua Graham doodles
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desertbroad · 5 years
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misc. massive headcanon write-up : tvtropes edition. aka some things from fallout: new vegas’ tvtropes page that felt kaj relevant. from here !
1) “ The unique Fatman in Gun Runners Arsenal is called Esther. [...] Esther, much like Gehenna, are named after Hebrew Bible concepts. Esther, both the name of a book in said bible, and the name of the Persian queen of Jewish descent, who helped prevent a Jewish genocide, by convincing the Persian king to allow the Jews to arm and defend themselves. This ended with the death of 75,000 Persians. ”
a/n: kaj parallels a modern esther, having prevented slaughter of her own—or at least, having misdirected it. also ironic, as her nickname in canter was esther due to her bratty, “queenly” demeanor. that said, despite her big personality, kaj is definitely not a fatman user. so it’s even more ironic that they share a name.
2) “ In Vault 11, the vault mainframe tells you that while being a martyr isn't as fun as driving a race car, it's every bit as important. The thing is, driving a race car isn't important at all, and neither is being a martyr. ”
3) “ In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, blood packs heal 1 hit point per pack. In 3, you can get a perk from the leader of blood-consuming people which increases the hp gain to 20. Why do blood packs heal so little hp, when blood transfusions can save people from the brink of death sometimes? Because the player actually drinks the blood instead of replenishing his/her lost blood from an injury. [...] Which drifts into Fridge Logic again when you consider the fact that, after 200 years at least, the blood in those packs has certainly expired no matter what kinds of advances the US had made in preservation technologies. With this taken into account, the Sole Survivor injecting the blood into his veins would do more harm than good. Drinking it would actually be more helpful, which makes sense considering that a high medicine Courier would certainly be aware of the expiration date of blood and the concept of a blood transfusion. ”
4) “ If you take a look at Caesar's SPECIAL stats you will find out that he only ranks 4 in both charisma and intelligence. It first seem like Fridge Logic since he is supposed to be extremely charismatic and possess super intellect. But after you find out that he is suffering from a brain tumor, it makes sense that his skills were being affected as a result of it. Additionally, he acts extremely rude to the Courier, and trusts them, and only them, to deal with a problem, without any way of preventing the Courier from undermining and/or sabotaging his plans. ”
a/n: though kaj prides herself on her manipulation of caesar, it wasn’t really a manipulation at all—just an appeal to his baser instincts that only paid off because of his illness. if he was completely well, it’s waaaaaay more likely he’d see her manipulation for what it is. kaj herself even seems somewhat aware of the precariousness of her position, given her cautious actions around him and unwillingness to vie for more power. it makes sense that she starts trying to take him down from day one, knowing his history with anyone he sees as his equal—aka, a threat. she speeds up the process when she meets joshua graham and realizes exactly what’ll happen if she fails. further elaborated on by the legion ending: “ In the Legion Ending, when the Courier receives his/her reward, she's kneeling before Caesar, but standing before Lanius (if he ends up in charge). This seems odd before you realise it sums up your relationship with character: no matter your competences, Caesar will always see the Courier as a servant/inferior, whereas Lanius sees you as an equal and acknowledges the Courier's worth even if she's a woman. ”
5) “ The two Jokers in the deck, Benny and the Courier, have those cards for more reasons than just being the Wild Cards. First, in Euchre, the Joker is called the "Benny" card. Second, the Joker cards in Tarot have significant meaning, one Joker meaning the Fool, the other the Magician. The Fool, being the Courier, is the spirit in search of experience (although XP might be a better word for it), and represents mystical cleverness, not bound by normal reason, and possessing an ability to tune into the inner workings of the world, and is often represented by a wanderer walking aimless, often one foot hanging over a void, a step away from falling to his death. Meanwhile, the Magician, being Benny, is a man who practices sleight of hand, trickery, and deception, a stage magician with the initial appearance of great power, but later revealed to have no ability of his own, and can also indicate a manipulator, a trickster, and the ego, as well as the pursuit of personal power, and is often associated with the first step in the Fool's Journey, as well as the potential for new adventure. ”
6) “ Why is the courier consistently insulted by legionnaires regardless of what they do for them? To serve as a reminder that they don't necessarily need you. The legion offers you few side quests, most of which are just minor preparations before the battle, because they don't need you to do those for you. In comparison the NCR has a significant amount of side quests including training troops, fixing equipment, rooting out spies, exterminating extra problems like the fiends, and reclaiming territory from the legion. Result: by the end the NCR sees you as a true hero which would lead to them being incredibly polite, to the legion you're just a guy who's quite good at fighting, so they have little reason to treat you as anything more than a very good mercenary. ”
7) “ The Wizard of Oz analogy (in Old World Blues) goes further. In the movie, Dorothy's companions each wanted certain qualities, namely a brain, a heart, and courage. In the game, the surgery done to the courier removes their brain, their heart, and their spine. Stupid people are called brainless, unemotional/uncaring people are often said to be heartless, and cowardly people are often referred to as being spineless. Not to mention the similarity in the methods of arrival to the Big MT and Oz the characters went through. Just like in the movie, the Courier realizes that in spite of their missing organs, they have the qualities they needed all along: it takes a heart to befriend the Stealth Suit, a spine to repeatedly brave the dangerous X-8 facility, and a brain to outwit the Think Tank once and for all. ”
8) “ Why are there no long haired options for the Courier? You're in a desert. Long hair would be rather impractical, especially being a courier. You were also very recently shot in the head. It stands to reason that Doc Mitchell might have trimmed your hair, if it was long before the game started, to make operating easier. Also, long hair is a bad idea if you plan on fighting. If you have long hair, it becomes easier to grab it. The world being what it is, quite a few pragmatists are likely to be around. ”
a/n: inverted trope. though native american culture has been forcibly distorted over the years by white imperialism, kaj’s family has still managed to hang onto some old world traditions, such as the styling and care of hair. as a result, kaj’s hair is extremely culturally significant to her even as an adult. she wears it long as a choice, and it is only cut against her will by the think tank (when normally it would only be cut while she was in mourning; and though she does mourn afterwards, it doesn’t erase the fact that it’s forced on her, not chosen). meanwhile, doc mitchell is considerate enough of these traditions and culturally aware enough to leave her hair alone and, given the placement of her bullet wound, cutting it is not entirely necessary regardless. the cutting of kaj’s hair in old world blues (as well as the violation of her bodily autonomy) is traumatic and painful for her, paralleling real life cultural assimilation—when it grows back out, she is extremely protective of it.
9) “ If you ask No-Bark Noonan if anyone has been acing strangely, he states that he doesn't trust anyone who acts too normal, and his description fits Clanden to a tee. No-Bark: If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive. ”
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everydayyoulovemeless · 8 months
Hehe seeing a lot of NSFW asks, if you're feeling like writing more maybe now the NSFW alphabet for Joshua?
Joshua NSFW Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.2k ➼ Warnings » MDNI ➼ Genre » NSFW, Romantic ➼ A/N » Always in the mood for a good alphabet
A - Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's so kind. He'll scoop you into his arms and carry you down to one of Zion's rivers to wash you. It's peaceful, private, and just fast enough to feel good against your skin. Not to mention how cool the water feels, which is always a bonus when you live in a desert.
B - Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Joshua loves your face. He loves the adoring way you stare up at him or the way your features shift depending on how you feel. He could stare at you for hours. You're the most divine thing he's ever laid his eyes on. He personally doesn't have a favorite part about himself. He considers all of him to be stained with sin, so it'd be disgraceful for him to be drawn to any of it.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He would never dare to cum inside of you. Someone as sinful as him shouldn't be allowed something so sweet. You deserve someone younger - someone who you actually deserve to have children with, or at the very least, cum inside of you. Instead, he just releases himself on the floor.
D - Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes the thought of covering your mouth with bandages to keep you quiet. He won't ever mention it. He thinks it may be too degrading for someone like you, but he does think about it a lot.
E - Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He hates talking about his past experiences, especially around you. Mostly because he finds it rude and unnecessary, but he has definitely slept with a handful of women before you.
F - Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary (haha 'cause he's literally a missionary). It's pretty basic, but he thinks it's the best position to be in when it comes to appreciating his partner. He likes being able to look at your face and trace his fingers over almost any part of your body he wants, but most importantly, it's the most comfortable for him. His burns sadly don't allow much room for experimenting, so missionary is what he sticks with.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He doesn't like being humorous when participating in something so sacred. As a follower of Christ, he takes the deed very seriously and would be ashamed if he ever took you or the act for granted.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He can't grow hair anymore due to the severity of his burns, so well groomed?
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As I've said before, Joshua takes sex very seriously and would do anything in his power to make you feel that. He'll take you by the hand and gently guide you to an isolated part of Zion, where he'll set up a small camp, cook for you, kiss you, and take you to bed. The romantic parts are one of the most important factors to him, and he never fails to make it a priority.
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't masturbate. It can be painful at times and he's too old to be feeling horny all the time.
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He's generally more vanilla in his kinks, but every now and then, he likes to do some light bondage.
L - Location (favorite places to do the do)
In a nice, secluded spot in Zion will do. Usually, in a cave of some sort, but as long as it's private, he'll be happy.
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's motivated by you're happiness and pleasure. It might sound cliche, but the only reason he's still fucking is because he likes being able to make you feel good. Even if it hurts him, he feels that it's his duty to honor and worship you in such a way.
N - No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He refuses to degrade, harm, or humiliate you in any way. He can't ever imagine anyone doing that to the person they love, and he certainly couldn't imagine doing that to you.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to give, one because he doesn't feel he deserves something so sweet from you and second because he can't help but cringe at the feeling of teeth against his burn scars.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers to go at a slower pace, one because he doesn't want to hurt you, accident or not, and second, he likes to take his time with you.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
The simple answer is no. Joshua doesn't like rushing it with you, especially since neither of you really has to, and would much prefer to take you out on a walk somewhere in Zion before properly pursuing you in that manner. He personally believes that these things were meant to take time, so it's safe to say quickies are off the table.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
No, never. Hurting you or risking your well-being in any way is the last thing he ever wants to do.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually, he stops after the first round. He takes his time with it anyway, so it's not like it's disappointing at all. He's just old and struggles to stay horny long enough to please you.
T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think he knows what a toy is, but even if he did, I don't see him using them much at all.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He hardly ever teases you. His number one priority when being intimate with you is to give you whatever you desire. He couldn't ever imagine depriving you of anything or subjecting you to any kind of humiliation.
V - Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Joshua doesn't make much sound, but you'll occasionally hear him grunting above you. It's still pretty quiet, though.
W - Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He likes to pray with you before and after sex. He thinks it's customary to thank God for granting you both the ability to feel and the chance to find one another.
X - X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's a good 6 inches, bald, and covered in injuries. It's not pretty to look at, but that doesn't mean it can't make you feel good.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's not very high at all. He's old, and it generally hurts to do. 'Getting it up' is more of a holiday than an everyday occurrence.
Z -Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn't like falling asleep afterward, instead, he prefers to hold you and caress gentle symbols into your skin. The Lord gave both of you moments like these to cherish, not to ignore.
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vaulthistorian · 3 months
Joshua: You know what? I like you. I like the whole "you do your thing and I do mine" kinda relationship we have.
Six: I can tell you with 99% certainty that no one else on the planet earth feels that way.
Daniel: I could be that 1%.
Graham: Do not give me hope.
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gocatboygo · 6 years
1-50 for Sarsaparilla?
ohhh my god skfjskdf sarsaparilla has no development whatsoever this is gonna be a blast and a half
1) which faction did they side with (NCR, legion, yes-man, or house)?
she sided with the legion from the time she saw vulpes in nipton bc Romam Armor Look Cool, cured caesar of his tumor & everything, and then just before the battle of hoover dam, assassinated caesar and sided with yes-man. she realized about halfway through her work for caesar that siding with the legion was never going to pay off and decided to Fool Him TM and then take vegas for herself
2) preferred armor?
OOF probably like… leather armor sdkfjsdk i dont know. she wore the tribal raiding armor at the very beginning of the game. she doesnt wear the legion uniform but i imagine her w some Legion Accessories TM like a mark of caesar on her chest or something
3) melee, guns, energy weapons, or unarmed?
melee babey
4) highest skills? secondary skills? lowest skills?
her highest skills are melee, stealth, and medicine (she polishes that up real nice when she realizes caesar has cancer). secondary skills are explosives and lockpick. lowest skills would have to be barter and survival :/
5) SPECIAL stats?
im just guessing at this point bc i dont remember them skdfjkd but i would say ST:5, PE:6, EN:4, CH:4, IN:6, AG:9, LK:9
6) what are their perks?
black widow, cherchez la femme, friend of the night, cannibal, scrounger, ninja
7) favorite companions? least favorite companions?
literally no one will hang out w her bc she’s legion ksdfjsd. she takes boone as a companion at the very beginning of the game and then she has to kill him. her fave would probably be cass, or raul, who is the Only Mf who will talk to her
8) any romantic partners? how do these relationships begin and end? are they healthy?
she thinks vulpes is hot for 0.2 seconds but she also thinks that about violet, gloria van graff, and some securitrons so i wouldnt worry about it
9) gender / sexuality / ethnicity / species / etc.?
cis female / bi / asian / human ((i just realized all my couriers are cis even though im trans as hell sdkfjsdkfsdj yikes))
10) where were they born/raised? when/why did they leave?
she doesn’t remember anything from b4 the bullet but she’s from new reno. she left because it’s new reno.
11) when, why and how did they become a courier? how long did they remain a courier before benny shot them?
she needed work after she left home and delivering packages didn’t seem terrible. she did it for like 2 years max before she got shot
12) how did the bullet affect them?
took out most of her memories (including her name) and sort of scrambled her good sense. she doesn’t feel very much fear, restraint, or remorse anymore, which is why she’s been doing All This recently
13) how did they deal with benny?
seduced him, slept with him, killed him in his sleep, and took his roomba yes-man
14) what’s their reputation with the ncr / the legion?
the ncr - fucking horrible she can barely go on the strip sdjfskdsd. pile body upon body babey. / the legion - superb. sparkling. if she weren’t a woman they’d even stop insulting her
15) what do the people in freeside think of them? the followers, the kings, the garrets, the van graffs?
the followers aren’t a fan of her because of all that legion business. the kings like her because she takes care of rex. the garrets generally dislike her. the van graffs like her a lot because she let them kill cass & did all their quests
16) what’s their reputation with goodsprings / novac / primm? (i know primm reputation was cut from the game but like let’s pretend for a minute sdkfjd)
goodsprings: bad bc she sided with the powder gangers kdsfjs / novac: she did come fly with me so its lookin alright! / primm: very mixed bc she’s pro-powder ganger but she also got them a new sheriff (meyer) 
17) what’s their reputation with the khans / the brotherhood / the boomers / the powder gangers?
the khans: she’s a Legion Ambassador… a shining monument of their new allies… Excellent and yet they know fuckall about her / bos: well she did blow up that whole bunker. / boomers: i dont remember / powder gangers: as i mentioned before she sided with them at goodsprings and made meyer a sheriff so they like her a lot. boxcars is happy to see her
18) what do the people on the strip think of them? the omertas, the white gloves, the chairmen, ncr military police, mr. house? do the gamblers like them?
the omertas: she did cachino’s quest so it’s pretty good / white gloves: idolized / chairmen: hey that’s the fink that killed benny / ncrmp: BAD / mr house: well considering the fact that she killed him, not excellent 
19) what is their motive for taking vegas?
literally just ‘she wants to’. the whole point of this courier was that she’s a no rules run, she’s lost a lot after the bullet scrambled her brain and she’s literally just doing whatever she wants to do
20) do they have a theme song?
no :(
21) what do they look like? how tall are they? are they attractive? any piercings, tattoos, scars?
she has black hair in the “blast back” style. pretty short, like 5′4″. no piercings or tattoos (but she probably gets a legion brand at some point w like the mars symbol or something). there’s of course a bullet scar on her head, and a few around her arms and torso.  
22) how old are they? do they know their birthday? if so, what’s their sign?
she’s in her early-mid twenties, very young. im not sure if she remembers her bday (probs not) but she’s a Sagittarius 
23) do they speak any languages other than english?
god no. she doesnt even try to learn latin jhjhkjgfkj she pronounces all of it wrong and caesar’s like please shut up,
24) can they read, write, do math, sing? did they ever receive an education?
she went to school in new reno so she can do all that. maybe not sing.
25) what were their parents like? are they still on good terms with their parents?
i honestly havent given it much thought. her parents were probably Just Okay TM. she doesn’t remember them.
26) what’s their d&d alignment? (bolded bc i really like that one ksdjfksd)
chaotic neutral, leaning into chaotic evil.
27) how’s their karma?
not great
28) how do they feel about killing people? do they try to avoid it?
like i said, the bullet messed w her remorse a lot, so it doesn’t particularly bother her anymore.
29) do they take chems? if yes, when and which ones?
yes, sometimes! usually mentats, buffout, med-x, or psycho.
30) do they gamble? where? is their luck good?
she likes to gamble. usually at the ultra-luxe. her luck is pretty good!
31) where do they usually sleep? do they have more than one home location? do they live with any other people?
she usually stays in the lucky 38, in her hotel room in novac, or in the tent Big C TM hooked her up with at the fort. if it comes to it she’ll sleep in the ncrcf. no one else really lives in her 38 save for the securitrons
32) what are their favorite weapons? where did they get these weapons?
her caesar’s fall collection legion-brand machete babeyyyy, one n only! she’ll also use a pistol (a light shining in darkness most of the time since u know she sides w joshua graham) or a police baton if that’s appropriate
33) do they flirt a lot? is it well-received?
yes she does and no it isnt! she licked vulpes. just. right on his visibly ugly face. one time she tried to climb yes-man
34) do they goof around a lot? do other people find it funny or do they just entertain themselves?
once again yes she does and no they do not! she’s doin it all for her, baby. chaotic neutral here we go
35) what do their companions think of them? are they close? have they done any companion quests?
the companions,, obviously dont think very well of her most of the time bc she’s legion. cass thinks she’s a Real Wild Card and respects her for that at first. raul doesn’t like her very much but he’ll still travel with her from time to time just to see what she Does TM.
36) why did you create them?
i wanted to do a no rules run! like i thought it would be cool to just. do the craziest things i could think of in fnv and do it all with one courier. and thus sarsaparilla was born
37) do they draw, paint, play any instruments?
hell no
38) how do they deal with injuries? do they use stimpaks, healing powder, med-x? does a companion help them? can they bear a lot of pain, or do they need to attend to injuries immediately? when they do have to see a doctor, do they have a preferred doctor, or do they just see anyone?
she uses all 3 depending on how bad the wound is. for minor wounds she uses healing powder because she has an abundance of it from the legion, but since she has fairly low endurance she often just has to use stimpaks & med-x. she’s not very tolerant to pain all of the time? but if she has a lot of adrenaline (which she comes by very easily) she can all but ignore it entirely. she doesnt have a preferred doctor
39) have they ever been irradiated? how did they deal with it? did it have lasting effects?
probably a few times but she just threw up and then took a bunch of rad-away and ended up fine. she’s never been damaged by radiation permanently 
40) in conversation, are they kind? gentle? sarcastic? rude? do they speak warmly and openly with people, or are they more guarded? do they talk a lot?
she’s somewhat talkative, she mostly says whatever pops into her head whenever it comes to mind so her talking is just. a big mess of Thoughts She Had. she likes making a lot of jokes that are mostly for her
41) do they like long journeys through the mojave, or do they prefer to travel more quickly? do they prefer using roads or travelling through the deep desert?
she likes to travel quickly. no time to waste! she’s almost always using the roads
42) name a random fact about your courier.
she thinks it’s really funny to blow vulpes’s cover whenever she sees him undercover on the strip & she almost gets killed every single time. oh holy shit it’s vulpes! vulpes inculta! spelled v-u-l-p– oh my god its the ncr mp quick vulpes take your dick out in this gift shop
43) do they watch movie holotapes? what are their favorites? least favorites?
yes but shes literally only seen blazing saddles, gladiator, and we bought a zoo
44) what do they do with the lucky 38? do they like being there? do they leave their companions there? if they’re a yes-man courier, do they open it back up as a casino?
she doesn’t leave companions there too often, like i said. she likes it pretty well bc of the robots and the hot water? but i think that she really prefers staying in hotels except for special occasions. she doesnt open it back up bc yes-man kills her sldkfjds great transition 
45) what do they do after hoover dam?
yes-man says fuck work and just absolutely murders her. hes like ok enough of this and finds a new human to do what he needs done skdfjksd
46) how do they die? how is their death received, by the mojave and by their companions?
yes-man fucking KILLS her ass! the mojave takes a great big breath of relief knowing they wont have to watch her shenanigans anymore skdjfds
47) what are their vices? are they an alcoholic, a thief, a hoarder?
oh boy literally all of them. she definitely steals a lot but thats literally just. a part of her “do whatever you want” complex that Is TM her greatest vice
48) can they cook, and if so, what do they cook? what are their favorite & least favorite foods?
she absolutely cannot. she likes pizza from the tops dskfjkds
49) did they kill caesar? vulpes inculta? what about prominent ncr figures, like kimball and colonel hsu?
yes she did kill caesar! her securitrons killed vulpes at hoover dam and she was power-tripping so hard she didn’t realize they’d already gotten to him. she probably didnt think about him again before she died. she didnt assassinate kimball herself but she definitely assisted in making the assassination go smoothly, and im sure her robots got to hsu sometime before she had yes-man throw oliver off the dam skdjfskd
50) what’s their happiest memory?
not to be fake deep but all this shit she does obviously causes more adrenaline than happiness. you could say that it’s when yes-man threw oliver off the dam, because that was her most exhilarating moment, or you could say that it was when she woke up in goodsprings, because it was the last time she was calm and being taken care of.
thank u so much if u read all this and thank you for sending me this ask. it took a long time but its a good exercise like i said skdfjsdf. send me more if these if yall have the heart, maybe not a whole 1-50 but like ! & please reblog my fnv courier questions post because i do think its nice, bye
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Joshua SFW Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.3k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He shows his affection through his words. He'll tell you how much he loves your company or appreciates all you do to help him and the natives in Zion. He puts thought and care into every word because he believes speech is the most crucial thing in a relationship.
B - Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Joshua would be very supportive and very protective. He wants you to live as freely and safely as possible. You’re one of the only good things he has left and he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you got hurt. He’s also going to come to you a lot for advice. He likes making sure that he’s making the right decision and not the conclusion he wants to make.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Not particularly. It sometimes hurts to do stuff like that due to his burns.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He 100% wants to settle down with you. He wants to have kids so badly, even though he probably can’t have them, and would kill to live the life of a traditional household with you.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d just be honest about it with you. It wouldn’t be harsh, it’s more or less just a goodbye from him. His goal would never be to hurt you, but to be as truthful as possible about everything.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He has very strong feelings regarding commitment, although, he’d wait for you to show some sign of interest that you’d want the same. He wants to be married so bad, to him, there’s nothing better than devoting yourself to the person you love.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Joshua is incredibly gentle with you and would hate if you were afraid of him in any way. He wants you to view him as a protector of sorts and not as the tyrant he used to be.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn’t like initiating it, but he does like it when you hug him. His hugs are usually very gentle so that he doesn’t irritate his burns and firm so that you know that you’re loved.
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Very fast. He’s thanking God the second you come into his life and he’s not going to ruin this chance he’s been giving. He tells you he loves you any and every chance he gets because he truly means it and he wants you to know that.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn’t get jealous very easily, but he does get defensive. If he perceives someone as a threat then he’ll stand closer or slightly more in front of you.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He loves to kiss the top of your head or your forehead and there always really caring and soft. You can feel his passion for you with every action.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s really awkward. Mostly cause he’s not sure what to say or do when he’s around them.
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He wakes up earlier than you every morning to make breakfast or at least find you some clean water. Then after that, he likes to take your hands in his and pray with you.
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Usually, at night he’ll ask if you want to go on a walk around the canyon with him before you both go to bed. He thinks it helps him connect better with God's land and loves that he can spend time with you while he does so. Then he’ll remove his bandages by the fire, change them out, grab your hand, and go to bed with you.
O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He waits a while before he reveals his past. He knows that people have already told you and that you probably don’t care, but that’s a part of his life that he absolutely resents and needs time before allowing himself to tell the full and honest truth.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn’t get quickly get angered toward you. The only instance he can imagine him being mad at you is if you deliberately put yourself in harm's way or joined the legion.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything about you. He studies your life like the Bible and he’d feel horrible if he ever forgot anything.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moments are when you’re both out somewhere in Zion looking at the stars. He loves how intimate and peaceful it can be.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s VERY protective. Eyes subconsciously glancing around the surrounding area and a hand resting on his gun just in case something might harm you.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He gives you flowers for every occasion possible. Even if they’re all dead and irradiated, he still loves the feeling of handing a bouquet to you anytime he can.
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Forcing his ideology onto you. The two of you are going to have to sit down and put boundaries in place so that neither of you crosses any boundaries regarding religion.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The only thing he’s concerned about of himself is his capabilities in combat.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. He thinks it’s great that he even found love in his fifties and with the past he carries. You not being in his life would feel like him being thrown down the canyon again.
X - Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves listening to you ramble. It could honestly be about anything, he just loves the undeniable trust you have with him that allows you to talk with seemingly no filter.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Any legionary viewpoints or resentment toward God. He feels very strongly about these two topics and would rather not be with you than disagree.
Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Joshua has horrible sleep habits either due to nightmares or because of how much pain he feels when he lies down. He tries to go to bed at 10:00 but he usually ends up waking at around 1:00 am and never goes back to sleep.
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Hello! I hope youre doing well and you're having a good day! I had quite a request but I'm not sure if you write stuff like that, What do you think of Joshua Graham with a male courier?
Considering Joshua is a mormon (We don't exacly know how christianity looks like in the wasteland or if its even simular to how it works now.) you whould Imagine he whould be more reserved(?) about it, or maybe even be somewhat against it. But then as strict as the legion was with homosexuality they still allowed it as long as the men in the relationship had children otherwise they whould be punished.
I'm interested what's your opinion on the matter or if you have any headcanons for it, whould Joshua be somewhat ashamed and maybe even slightly hide his relationship from people back in New Caanan (If he even returns there? Not sure) or whould he simply not care and maybe even base it slightly on his legion views that he claims he abandoned even if you can see in his actions in game that well he hasn't.
So sorry this ask is so long and I'm not too good at speaking english since it's not my first language, I'm always just really curious on this subject since everyone has a diffrent opinion on it!
Joshua Graham With A M!Courier
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » slight homophobia? ➼ Genre » Romantic ➼ A/N » This was so fun to write! Thank you for requesting it!
He definitely has some hesitance toward it. He was one of the ones who helped invent the anti-homosexuality rule in the Legion and still has a strong inner feeling of it being culturally wrong, although, he can't deny what he feels toward you.
It'll take him some time to warm up the idea. You'll notice that he goes off on his own a lot more than he usually would. It's mainly just so he can think as he walks around Zion, wanting to be alone in these moments of self-reflection.
Joshua is angry that he doesn't know how to feel about the matter. He wants to go against everything Ceasar used to preach about, but he's not sure how his family and the other natives would take it. Does God find it just? Would any of his loved ones agree with it? Does he even agree with it?
It won't take long before he makes his way straight to Daniel, with questions he never thought he'd have to ask.
Daniel would be a bit more forthcoming with his opinion, telling him that "the Lord only takes issue with those who harm his land and people".
He'd be a lot more private about your relationship than he would've been if you were a female. He doesn't mean for it to be rude, he's still just not entirely sure how he's religiously supposed to feel about the entire thing. No one in New Canan has ever explored the idea, so he's got no role model to follow in terms of what's expected of him in a situation like this.
One of his biggest qualms is deciding who does what. Joshua has always had the idea of a traditional marriage, but what's he supposed to do with a husband? Do you both provide? Or does one of you play the role of the "wife"? It's one of the things he'll want to work out with you as you both move forward.
Communication is big with him. He genuinely does want to try and make this work, but sometimes it feels like he's just stumbling in the dark. If you have any advice for him on how to feel less awkward around you romantically, please tell him, he wants to show he cares about you, but he can't if you don't tell him how.
Although he might not show very much PDA, you'll notice him being way more affectionate behind closed doors. Holding his hands over yours as you pray, rubbing circles into your shoulders, and even leaving small kisses over the palms of your hands. He tries not to do anything that would undermine you being a man, but he also desperately wants to show that he cares.
Religion will always play a big role in his life, nothing about that will ever change. Being new to this type of relationship, he wants to know more about your thoughts on Mormonism or how the two of you can better understand one another. Honesty is huge with him, just be upfront and tell him what you're looking for.
There'll be times when he refers to you as his 'friend' instead of his 'boyfriend', but it's mainly due to him still getting used to being open about your relationship. It scares him to think others might look down on him because of who he loves, and he doesn't want people to think any less of him than they might already.
He also might be a little pushier with you being a part of his religion, wanting you to get baptized as soon as possible if you're not already.
His heart races a lot when he and you are alone together. He always remembers the Legion and what they'd do to him if they ever found out. It makes your entire affair feel more exciting. Being with you makes him feel rebellious, a foreign feeling that he'll only accept for this particular situation.
If you both manage to make it to see your one-year anniversary, he'll carve a wooden cross out for you to wear as a necklace. (again, a little pushy with his religion, but he means well).
He ends up going to Daniel a lot for direction throughout the whole ordeal. He's constantly checking in to make sure God would be accepting of what he's doing, and Daniel's always there to reassure and talk him through it.
Out of a hatred for the Legion, and want to change, he'd be willing to try the relationship out and hope that God will lead him down his intended path. He prays for guidance in figuring out what is right for him and his future.
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vaulthistorian · 5 months
Fallout New Vegas Incorrect quotes. (Entirely Joshua and Six 😅)
Six: Why did the Brahmin cross the road?
Joshua: I don't know. Why?
Six: To get to the other side!
Joshua: That's not a very good joke. I don't think I get it.
Six: You're kidding, right? It's a classic!
Joshua: No, I'm serious. Explain it to me.
*Six and Joshua sitting near a campfire, just talking. The fire cracking and popping, giving off just enough heat to keep the night cold at bay. Joshua stared silently at the fire with his arms folded. Six was staring up at the sky.*
Joshua: "So what do you think of the desert?"
Courier: I think I love it. The way it stretches on forever, empty and peaceful.
Joshua: Peaceful?
Courier: Well, yeah. Except for the occasional mutated insect or cannibalistic tribals.
Joshua: We can't expect God to do all the work.
Also Joshua: If the Lord has seen fit to bless me with a .45, who am I to argue with Him?
Joshua: Do you get to the Legion often?
Joshua Graham: Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't. I'll have you know there's no PUSSEEEEY!
Courier Six and Joshua Graham are talking about their pasts:
Six: When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a hero.
Joshua: When I was a kid, I dreamed of burning my enemies.
Six: We are not the same.
Six to Joshua: You look like a cut of fuckable meat, are you?
Joshua, unsettled: Are you... are you coming onto me?
Courier Six to Joshua: If I tell you what happens, will you promise to keep it secret?
Joshua: I promise.
Courier Six: I hooked up with a super mutant.
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