#Jude & Zero
k-wame · 2 months
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Jude + Zero HIT THE FLOOR | Drama, Basketball, LGBTQ+
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armedteens · 3 months
caldre in another universe
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dear-mrs-otome · 4 months
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Get yourself a man that'll curbstomp another for laying a hand on you.
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lonelyvampx · 25 days
⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's always the blond and the brunette
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castial · 5 months
the greatest in the league
where's the trophy?
he just comes running over to me
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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you gave me a house, i want to give you a home.
[Image ID: eight gifs of Jude Kinkade and Zero from Hit The Floor episode 3.10, "Possession." They are in Jude's bedroom, after Zero explains why he won't reach out to his sister. They are sitting together on the bench at the end of the bed:
GIF 1: Zero shrugging as he explains why he's okay if he doesn't reach out to Laura, saying, "Besides...I realized...I already have a family." Jude turns his head to look at him.
GIF 2: Zero looking affectionately at Jude as a small smile flits across his face. He says, "You." The shot shifts to Jude, who looks at Zero in surprise.
GIF 3: Zero holding up a key that he digs out of his pocket, staring at it as he says, "This is the house I grew up in. It still has the sledgehammer I put in the wall. I bought it." Jude looks at the key with him.
GIF 4: A shot of Zero looking at the key, then back up at Jude as he continues to explain, "I put it under both our names. I figured we could renovate it and make that neighborhood the new place to be...if you want." Jude straightens as he inhales, Zero's words beginning to sink in.
GIF 5: Jude looking at the key, laughing incredulously and shaking his head as if Zero even needs to ask, looking back at his boyfriend to say, "Of course I want, stupid." with a happy expression.
GIF 6: Jude leaning forward to kiss Zero, holding him in place with a hand on his jaw. The shot pans to show them as they separate slowly, Zero looking slightly dazed.
GIF 7: Zero smiling as Jude takes the key from him, looking down at it.
GIF 8: Zero tugging Jude into his side as Jude's smile widens as he stares down at the key. Zero kisses the top of his head as his arm slings around Jude's neck.
/end ID]
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thesweathouse · 2 months
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focsle · 5 months
Listen I know that I’m saying this because I was completely spoiled by Anthony Minghella’s Talented Mr. Ripley, and I shouldn’t measure the netflix miniseries against it because that’d be comparing an adaptation to an adaptation which isn’t valid or fair but…….the miniseries looks completely beautiful but I think the chemistry between the actors is SO bad and so offputting.
If I hadn’t seen the 1999 film it probably wouldn’t bother me (since I could accept it as simply having Bad Offputting Vibes rather than the excellent undercurrent of Gay Obsession in the former) but since I Have and it’s one of my Favorites I like…spend my entire time watching the miniseries being like ‘gorgeously shot but I want to turn this off and watch the movie instead.’
I kinda felt that way watching Saltburn too lol. ‘I could be watching the 1990s Talented Mr. Ripley instead’.
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ioveiy · 5 months
who at abc do i need to bribe to get a bucktommy kiss like this zero/jude scene, huh? WHO?
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
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k-wame · 2 months
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me & who
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want2fucku-blog · 2 years
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dear-mrs-otome · 8 months
Jude's 'Love Kiss' from CE
The shitbrained summary version, definitely inaccurate somewhere but you'll get the gist:
Opens on Kate all, OOOH PRETTY FLOWERS Lovely summer breeze, this is heavenly, I could stay here forever 😍
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Then the lovely scene is interrupted by a voice bitching that she can't laze about there and never pay them back, and Kate's thinking, nani the fuck, is that Jude's voice? Crap he's right I can't be in debt to him!
She jerks awake and promptly chokes up a shitload of water, looking around all blearily. BEAUTIFUL PLACE GONE :( Ellis is there, banging her on the back asking if she's okay and such, and she says ya she's alright. Ellis tells her, dang girl you nearly drowned!
She's thinking, holy crap was that garden THE AFTERLIFE? If not for Jude's voice, she might still be there, DED. The idea is kinda freaking her out tbh, so she hugs herself.
Jude sighs that it's bit cold for a swim ffs, and Kate's tells him she wasn't swimming, there was this child drowning so she wanted to save them??? She's panicked a moment over whether the kiddo is okay, and Ellis assures her they are - they went off to a doctor to get checked out but seemed fine, just cold. She's relieved and asks, did Ellis save her then? He sets the record straight though, telling her nope, not me, I didn't get here in time - Jude hauled you back to shore and gave you mouth to mouth.
Cue Kate all…..Jude????
She finally notices that he's soaking wet too, and Jude offers her a smarmy line about how it sucks for her she didn't get kissed awake by a ✨prince✨ - she got the wizard. Kate says, no actually thanks a bunch but record scratch wait. Mouth to mouth?????
Jude: That's usually the standard first aid when someone's drowned duh
Then Jude bitches at her for getting all blushy over something like that and how she's gonna make him look stupid for saving her dumb ass. Finishing with exasperation, all …ugh whatever, I'm soaking wet and I'm going home, get ur ass to the doctor just in case. He chucks his jacket at her with a comment about how she's putting on a show (cause her clothes are wet and plastered and see-through) and it'll cause him problems and look bad to be seen with her like that so cover up. She's swimming in the jacket when she puts it on but it's warm and dry and smells like him and she has to scold herself BAD HEART NO SKIPPING BEATS.
Just about then Ellis tells them both to look up, and Jude's startled to see there's some leftover Christmas decoration or something in the tree above, with some mistletoe. Kate's thinking, oh dang, isn't there some superstition about how if a couple kisses under the mistletoe they'll be together forever?? DOES MOUTH TO MOUTH COUNT?
From the look Jude's giving her as he glances at her it seems obvious to us that Kate's every thought is probably plain as day in her expressions. He rips the decoration down, shoves it at Ellis and tells him: Burn it.
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Ellis takes off immediately to do just that, and Kate begins all, uh….soooo…. Jude….
He stops her though and says, you don't actually believe in that superstition right?
Kate: PFFT N-NO >.> why, do you? Jude obesrves that she's a shit liar, before grabbing her arm and saying that he's gonna shove a new superstition into that ditzy head of hers. And with that he yanks her in and kisses her for real this time…but she can't help noticing how there's no warmth to it, not with the both of them freezing cold from the river and such. When he finally pulls back pointedly, Kate is thinking the icy kiss was like proving there's no love between them.
Jude proclaims that kissing under the same spot NEGATES the first kiss, so there - Cancelled. Nulled and voided.
Kate just….okayyyy. Clearly she knows he's just made this up, and she's wondering why the heck he would even bother kissing her again to make up for HER superstition. Does he hate the concept of it THAT much? Because, obviously, they aren't a couple. It wouldn't even apply. They're clearly not making some FOREVER PROMISE to each other.
…But it still kinda stings for some reason she can't explain.
She's chalking it up to the discrepancy between how glad she'd felt that Jude had saved her, and the NOPE attitude here, but Jude says that basically, just a kiss isn't worth it/enough to pledge TOGETHER FOREVER over. Clearly offended by the very idea. Kate's all, what, is a vow that bad??
And Jude simply says:
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There's no such thing as forever.
It takes her a second to figure out how that's an answer to her question, and then it clicks. It's not that Jude dislikes the idea of a promise. It's that Jude always keeps his, and if 'forever' doesn't exist like that, he's not going to make that promise because he can't keep it. Nothing is forever, ergo a promise of eternity is bound to be broken, and therefore Jude would never make it. And Kate's thinking, GDI that's actually really sincere of him. People can lie to themselves too, about love and 'staying together forever'…but even if it's just a silly superstition, Jude never makes a promise he can't keep.
She wonders to herself if… someday, he might find someone he wants to pledge forever to. And she's musing how despite bitching and everything, he didn't hesitate to save her. She's spent enough time around him by now to know that he's not a bad man at heart. How behind all his ruthlessness and arrogance, he's not truly cruel at all.
…Someday, someone's going to notice that side of Jude and snag him. And that thought unsettles her, for some reason she can't explain.
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Listen! Maddie throwing the bouquet, hitting Buck and landing on Eddie... and then they realize that they are meant for each other.
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ps. jude and zero deserved better, even though james larosa did his best to give us a zude endgame, i miss them so much.
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castial · 1 year
any survivors of the zude fandom... do you guys know where I can watch the series? or at least the parts of their story (with subtitles or not) thanks uuuu <3
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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JUDE KINKADE + letting zero fall apart to put him back together again
(for @bedhadakdiaz)
[Image ID: ten gifs of Jude Kinkade and Zero from Hit The Floor episode 3.07, "Killer Crossover." They are at Zero's old foster home, which is rundown and ready to be demolished.:
GIF 1: Zero slinging a sledgehammer through a counter with his rage.
GIF 2: Jude watching Zero vent with a worried, but resigned expression.
GIF 3: Zero swinging the sledgehammer into the chandelier before kicking the dining table, expression twisted with rage.
GIF 4: Zero slinging the sledgehammer into the counter on the other side of the dining room. In the back, Jude watches with crossed arms, careful not to get too close.
GIF 5: A close-up shot of Jude watching Zero break down the walls, looking worried.
GIF 6: Jude shifting on his feet, arms still crossed across his chest as he peers up at Zero rounding the couch.
GIF 7: Jude watching Zero about to destroy the couch before stepping up behind him, reaching for the sledgehammer. Zero stops in his tracks, and Jude wraps his arms around Zero's shoulders from behind, resting his forehead on the back of Zero's head to ground him.
GIF 8: Zero dropping the sledgehammer, the rage giving way to tears at Jude's embrace as he leans back into him. Jude shifts his arms to hold him tighter.
GIF 9: Zero dropping his chin on Jude's arm, giving in to the comfort offered by him. His expression twists with tears as he tries to keep them at bay.
GIF 10: Zero lifting a hand to wrap around Jude's arm, which is still wrapped around him. Behind him, Jude quietly holds him through his pain.
/end ID]
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