#Julia Braid
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choiceofcrow · 1 year
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more-than-ideas · 8 days
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Julia Hetta
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braidpoll · 10 months
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just-a-tiny-goldfish · 11 months
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Racing Au where Orellia and Julia are still not together—smh you go missing for 7 years and your girl gets with your lil bro the nerve
@gonesoft-ish love that you agree Ortega is a mess—but like—what she gunna do? Dump oros bro 🥺 Orellia would be so upset if Julia hurt his feelings
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glitchy-npc · 10 months
I've always paired Tegan with Ricardo but lately I've been thinking about Julia. Because the dynamic of tall, gorgeous, muscular woman inexplicably attracted to short, greasy, rat man is just *chefs kiss*
(Ricardo just has bad taste but Julia has good taste and chooses Tegan anyway)
Tegan wouldn't push back against Julia like he does Ricardo, there'd be less of that rivalry, tho all the same snark and messing with each other. But Julia is way more likely to get away with picking Tegan up in a hug than Ricardo would. He'd let her do whatever.
Plus I like the headcanon of Tegan helping her into a ridiculous dress she's forced to wear for some Rangers promotional shoot and its fine cuz they're friends. Just friends. And if his hands brush again her skin as he's zipping up the back its fine. Totally fine.
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disastersteps · 1 year
hi you can ignore this sdmgsmd, i'm having Thoughts about my own recent comic and the two versions I drew back in 2019 & 2020.
i will... put the readmore for further thoughts on my old thoughts and current thoughts when i drew these!
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heres the comparison between three-
2019, 2020, and 2023 in the order. The idea remains the same since i imagined anita literally do That everytime i re-read that scene (it is one of my favourites.)
and now thinking about the way i had changed how i genuinely viewed their relationship. putting readmore msdgmsd from here on!
2019 - this was when i was fairly new to FHR irrc.
Ortega's expression was... more happier? I honestly don't know why I drew that- maybe it was because I imagined she was happy to see someone she never expected to see?
And Anita's? I think this was also when I still made them a 100% soft step, so Anita there being all smiling? It's them pretending to be surprise to see her, but it blurred into a genuine surprise to actually See her in flesh.
2020 - Now! this is just me redrawing it for fun and also learning Ortega had wore a white suit so I drew that.
Now, Anita is less happy and more shocked and confused to how she shows up. Just confused. Had finally broke the hidden rule for themself, 'avoid Ortega at all cost' - failed.
2023 - Annnnd three years later, I finally redraw it because I still love this comic- it was one of the early comics I made and I still like drawing Anita with that kind of shock- but this time.
Ortega is now how I actually imagined she must had feel. Seeing a ghost alive, existing, and..... here. Truly here. Which is why she's just "how are you here? You died years ago. how? why? when?"
And Anita's? They're horrified. They're horrified that the one person they had tried their best to avoid because they don't need one more attachment and it was in the form of a former best friend, a secret crush, and someone who used to believe in you.
Horrified, confused, and annoyed that she found you so soon. This wasn't in their plans, and now they could feel a wrench had finally throw into the cogs in their mind and they hated it.
Also this time, let their hands burnt a bit- /joking
(no really, anita actually cool it a bit so it wasn't too hot sdmgsmdgm)
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dspd · 2 months
What if Gerry knew Jon from Jon's college band days when he would go wandering at night to get away from his mother and wandered into the pub they were playing at? What if Gerry had a crush the kind of kind of gangly guy who had long, nimble fingers on strong, hands and a perpetually chapped lower lip that got caught between slightly upper teeth when he ripped out a heavy bass solo. What if Gerry was thinking about talking to him and had finally worked up the courage to do so one night but a confident black woman with a million micro braids in her bob brushed past him and greeted Jon, one hand coming up to rest on the sliver of skin peeking out between Jon's tee and the waistband of his ratty jeans? What if Gerry thought Jon was straight and, before he had time to find out Jon was available and had been looking back, Mary ruined everything by mangling herself with the skin book? What if they both recognized each other when Jon summons Gerry, mere feet away from Julia and Trevor, but neither says anything because what difference does it make? Gerry is dead and Jon might as well be his murderer.
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morganski-19 · 3 months
The One with the Child
Robin and Nancy walk into the café after a long day of work. Stopping when they see Jonathan sitting on the couch reading a book with a toddler sitting next to him, playing with a toy. They share a confused look before walking around the couch.
“Hey Jon,” Nancy leads.
Jonathan looks up from his book. “Oh, hey guys. How was work?”
“Uh, fine,” Nancy says, still confused. “Just one, tiny, quick question.”
“Whose child is that?” Robin points at the toddler looking up at them with big eyes.
“Oh, right, this is Argyle’s niece, Stella. He’s in the bathroom, so I’m watching her for a minute.”
Robin flops on the armchair. “Oh, thank God. I thought that was just a random kid.”
Jonathan gives her a weird look. “Did you think I just stole a child? What gave you the impression that I would do that?”
Robin shrugs. “Someone could have just left the child here. You don’t know. That happens. You would be surprised how many times Steve has had to stay afterschool to sit with a kid whose parent forgot to come pick them up.”
“To be fair, my mom did that a few times when I was a kid.” Nancy pulls one of the other chairs closer. “Only a few times though.”
“My mom did that too. Happens when you’re a single mom.”
Argyle comes back from the bathroom, hair braided down his back. “Hey dudes. You meet Stella?” He sits down on the couch, Stella grabbing his arm and hiding behind it. “She’s a bit shy.”
“Robin thought I stole her.”
Robin makes a high-pitched noise. “I did not. I thought you were picked by a lazy parent to be entrusted with their child. That is far different than stealing.”
“Still doesn’t make it any better.”
Robin rolls her eyes, getting up to go order a coffee at the bar.
“Which sister is Stella’s mom?” Nancy asks, trying to change the conversation.
Argyle tries to get Stella to loosen her grip on his arm but fails. “Julia. She has a job interview in the city today so I’m watching her.”
“And you brought her here?” Robin sits back down with her coffee.
“Hey, this is a family friendly establishment until seven and by then she will be back with her mom. She should be done soon to come pick her up.”
Eddie walks into the café, waving as he orders a coffee at the bar. Doing a double take when he sits down, eyes wide.
“I know I’ve only known you guys for like a year but none of you had a secret kid, right?”
“No, this is my sister’s kid. I’m watching her for a few hours.”
Eddie relaxes in his seat. “Oh, thank God. I could not have dealt with that twice in one week.”
Nancy perks up. “Twice?”
“Yeah, remember my buddy Jeff from high school. Apparently, him and his girl are expecting. Sent me into a whole crisis.”
“Oh, that’s why you were cleaning your room a few days ago.”
“I’m offended that’s why you think I was cleaning, but you’re correct.”
“Why were you having a crisis?” Robin asks over her coffee. “It’s not like we’re not at an age where people we know start having kids.”
Eddie makes a large gesture. “That’s why I was having a crisis. It was the first one of my friends that is taking that next step in life. While I’m still stuck between two jobs, not in a relationship, and a giant fucking mess. Sorry,” he apologizes to Argyle.
“She’s two, she doesn’t know what that word means,” Argyle assures.
Steve comes into the café and sits on the chair next to Eddie. Covering his face in his hands. “If I see another first grader, it’ll be too soon.”
“Bad day.” Robin gives him a sympathetic look.
Steve nods. “Three kids had to be sent to the nurse because they were sick. Three, like visibly sick. They shouldn’t have even been sent in at all. And then the rest were just on edge and didn’t want to settle down after recess. And.” He finally spots Stella on the couch. “One of your sister’s kids?”
Argyle nods. “Yeah. Her mom should be here soon, so don’t worry.”
“I said first graders for a reason. They are monsters. What’s her name?”
“Stella. Do you want to say hi?” he asks her. Stella gives Steve a small wave.
Steve melts a little bit. “You have just made my whole day, Stella.”
A woman who looks a little like Argyle walks into the café. Argyle notices her and stands, picking up Stella from the couch. “Hey, Jules. How was the interview?”
“Pretty good. Thanks for watching her again, I appreciate it.” She takes Stella out of Argyle’s arms. “Did you have a good time with Uncle Argyle?” Stella nods into her mother’s shoulder. “Hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
Argyle shakes his head. “Not at all. Right Jon?”
“Yeah, not at all.”
Julia nods, finally realizing the rest of the group.
“Oh right, Julie, these are my friends. You’ve met some of them. Dudes, this is my sister Julia.”
The group gives a mix of greetings before going back to separate conversations. Julia says hello back before Argyle walks her out of the café.
“It was seriously no trouble watching her, it was nice to see her. And you.”
“I know. Wish I could stay more, but we got to get back.”
“If you need a place to stay, you can chill at our place. I’ll take the couch so you can have a bed.”
Julia shakes her head. “That sweet but I didn’t pack an overnight bag. If we leave now, we might make it before the next rush hour. I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you and Jon.”
“Nonsense. You know you’re always welcome at our place.”
“When are you two finally going to cut the crap and get together already. The whole family’s been waiting for it.”
Argyle groans. “Tell me there’s not a betting pool.”
“You already know the answer to that.”
“Jesus. I’m not sure we even ever will. He’s like the first best friend I’ve ever had, I don’t want to lose him over some stupid feelings.”
Stella coos, grabbing at her mom’s hair. “We should go before she starts getting fussy. For what it’s worth, I don’t think you will. You might not believe me, but there’s more hope than you think there is. From an outsider’s perspective.”
“So, I can blame you when everything goes up in flames. Nice.” Julie gently slaps his arm. “Call me when you get back, alright.”
“I will. Wave goodbye to Uncle Argyle, Stella.”
“Bye, bye,” Steve whispers with a small wave.
Argyle smiles. “Bye, Stella. Nice seeing you both.”
They walk down the street to where Julia parked as Argyle returns to the café.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low, @thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady, @apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic, @fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging, @potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1
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writingstoraes · 1 year
daughter blues 🌨
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread hehe lmk what u guys think! first time doing a dad!charles content 🫣
about: you and charles have a bit of a hard time sending off your daughter to preschool.
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liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, lilymhe, and 604,334 others
ynleclerc today is julia's first day of pre-school! we had a hard time deciding whether she wanted braids or not 😴 here she is checking what i was baking for her because she's bringing some to school.
you grow up so fast, my baby. mommy's a little sad sending you off to school, but we know you'll do such a good job there!
lilymhe Beautiful girl ❤️ Tell her her favorite aunt misses her!
ynleclerc will do! come visit soon please 😘
carlossainz55 Uh oh how's the dad doing 🫣
yourusername worse than me, he wants to stay outside of jul's room the entire time she's there
charles16 Julia daddy's girl indeed ❤️
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen, pascale_leclerc, and 1,220,579 others
charles_leclerc Pre school is a bit uncool for taking you away from me so fast. Can't believe you're off to school now, it's as if it was just yesterday when I held you for the first time. I wanted to wait till your classes ended but your mommy said no and she also said no when you wanted to wear a ferrari shirt today 🤕
ynleclerc i am not going let my only daughter wear a ferrari shirt on her first day of pre-school, charles 🤦‍♀️
charles_leclerc How else will she know her dad is an F1 driver and will race any boy that has a crush on her?
ynleclerc you told her to tell people her dad is a racer when she introduces herself
leclercfamz Y/N and Charles giving us a glimpse of what goes on at their home is so funny 😭
pierregasly I hope you weren't the one who prepared her snacks or she's going to have a bad day
charles_leclerc You don't even know how to fry eggs
pascale_leclerc Julia my favorite girl ❤️
scuderiaferrari We wish Julia an amazing first day of pre-school! 📚
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liked by lilymhe, pascale_leclerc, isahernaez, and 750,234 others
ynleclerc first day of not being with our favorite little girl, but also first day of being home alone with charles since we became parents 😴
alex_albon23 Home alone with Charles? 😏
ynleclerc yeahhhh we drank wine and will be cleaning the entire house, how fun 😏
pierregasly Yeah! Go get it, parents!
charles_leclerc You are so weird mate
yukitsunoda0511 I remember when I used to be your favorite son 😥
ynleclerc im so sorry son, its your dad's fault - hes always wanted a girl
charles_leclerc just posted a story!
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trans: My two treasures.
tagging: @slytherheign 🩶
notes: dad!charles just makes me cry 🤕 tysm for reading! lmk what u guys think hehehe
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kit-walk3r · 1 year
The Evans as parents
Here’s something a little different 🙈 Enjoy!
I hate to break it to people but Tate would not be too involved as a dad
He’d probably be one of those dad’s who pops up every once in a while to do something fun then drops the kid back off at home and disappears for another 6 months. Obviously he can’t do that because he’s, ya know, dead but you get the vibe
Ooo, maybe Halloween is the day he does something with his kid. Since he can leave the house Tate goes somewhere, maybe the park, and meets them and they spend the day together before Tate has to go back to the house. Honestly it’s the child’s favourite day of the year and even though they do notice that their father never ages they don’t ask questions because they’re just happy to be with their dad, and Tate is happy to be with them (since it’s just one day he can have fun with them without full parental responsibilities)
⬆️ If the kid isn’t Satan. If that child is anything like Michael then Tate isn’t interested and will continue spending his days being miserable in the murder house
Isn’t it obvious? Father of the year
Kit spent a good few years as a single father between Grace and Alma’s deaths, Jude moving in (and then dying ☹️) and remarrying and let me tell you, he was the best father to those kids there could ever be
He’s mother and father to those kids. He does everything for them. He makes their lunches for school every morning, braids Julia’s hair, cooks them dinner, makes sure their clothes are washed and ironed etc., everything a mother is expected to do. He plays games with them both in the backyard, as well as with their trucks and dolls, he helps them with their homework, reads them bedtime stories. Anything those kids ask him to do he will do
When he remarries Kit is hesitant about going back to sharing parental responsibilities because he’d spent so long being the sole parent to Thomas and Julia but he slowly lets that go and welcomes you to into the family as a mother figure to the kids
He’s still the only one allowed to braid Julia’s hair though
Kyle tries to be the best dad he can be. He didn’t have a great relationship with his own dad since he walked out on him and his mum (which Kyle hates him for since it was a catalyst for what his mother did to him) so he wants to offer his kid a much better childhood than he was given
He doesn’t have the money to buy them expensive gifts or take them on days out or vacations but he tries to make up for that in any way he can. Almost every weekend is spent out doing something that is free, like park or perhaps a museum when they’re older. He just wants to give his kid fun memories that will stick with them
Kyle’s a young parent, barely twenty, with not much life experience so he’s not perfect and he’s going to make mistakes. He has some days where he acts more like a brother than a dad which can often lead to some trouble but he’s doing his best and that makes him a good dad
He completely cuts ties with his mother after his baby is born. He can’t allow her in his life anymore when he’s caring for someone so vulnerable
Jimmy’s probably the most scared of being a dad, mostly because he’s scared that his kid will have hands like him and will face the prejudice and hate Jimmy has faced his whole life and that he won’t be able to protect them from it
His kid has his hands? Jimmy will teach them from day one that they have nothing to be ashamed of and that there is nothing wrong with them. He’ll instil into them that they should be proud of who they are and that they’re special.
His kid doesn’t have his hands? It sounds mean but Jimmy can’t help but feel a slight bit of relief knowing that they won’t be subjected to the things Jimmy was growing up. He’s still as protective over them as he would be if they did have his hands (especially if they’re a girl) but there’s other things he has to worry about (like someone breaking his little girl’s heart because Jimmy is that sort of a father)
Jimmy would make sure your family live a stable lifestyle. No travelling all over the country as a spectacle like Jimmy did growing up. No, you’d all live in house in a nice, safe neighbourhood where the kid(s) can make friends and have a fun, happy, loving life
The child would be his pride and joy but let’s be honest, James is rich and from the 20s. He’d have someone else do most of the parenting
James has plans for the child to become his little protege once they’re old enough and he wants to show them all the perfect ways to kill someone (like how he taught the other serial killers from Devil’s Night)
Even if they were just a few months old James would talk to the child as if they were an adult. He refuses to do baby talk and finds it demeaning. No child of his will be spoken to in such a way
Would definitely name that child after himself if they were a boy. James March Jr. If it’s a girl you can choose, he doesn’t necessarily care
The ‘fun parent’
Rory is essentially a big kid himself so the most caretaking he does for that child is playtime, and at the most inconvenient times. You’ve just got them settled for bed and then Rory comes in and suddenly there’s a game of hide and seek or tag playing
Rory uses his kid to help him rehearse for auditions. If they’re a baby then he’ll just sit them in front of him whilst he practices his lines and pretend they’re the casting director but if they’re older he’ll give them a copy of the script and have them play the other part
Rory will invite his kid to set all the time, much to the director’s frustration. He says it’s because they want to see what their daddy does but it’s really because he likes to show off to them, but also give them a fun day. He’ll let them meet all the other actors and stuff, give them a really fun day
Rory is definitely the type of parent who does matching halloween costumes with his kid
Kai finally has his Messiah baby
He has a rota for all the girls of the cult to take turns taking care of the child as that’s the woman’s job
He will spend time with the child and will be their dad but he won’t do any of the actual proper parenting stuff. He’ll occasionally read a bedtime story but it will be about some cult leader or something else traumatic which really isn’t appropriate for like a 4 year old but Kai decides that the kid needs to be toughened up straight away
Although he’s quite angry with everyone else, Kai tries to keep his temper to a minimum around the kid. He still clearly resents his own father and the anger and abuse he inflicted on the Anderson family and although Kai has very questionable morals he doesn’t want to be such an awful figure to his child and cause any sort of emotional hurt that could have a lasting effect on him
Even if he wasn’t taking the pill Austin would have enough inspiration from his child, who would become his muse
This kid would be so impeccably dressed, all their outfits would be perfect every single day. Austin is a fashion icon, why can’t his kid be?
Austin’s self control gets a little better once he becomes a parent. Kids are very accident prone so Austin has had to deal with his fair share of cuts and bruises, meaning he’s had to learn to control himself around blood so he doesn’t do anything stupid (like suck the blood out of their finger like Harry did)
When he’s taken the pill and is writing a new play Austin can be a little… distant. Not neglectful, just that he is so focused on his play that everything else around him is kind of irrelevant? It’s not as if he leaves the kid alone, they’re being looked after obviously, but they’re just not his number one priority when he’s in writing mode :// when he’s not writing he’s the complete opposite and that child is his world
Austin and his kid definitely do karaoke together. Move over Belle, baby Sommers is Austin’s new partner
Peter’s like Rory and is the fun parent. Remember what he was like with Billy and Tommy in Wandavision? He’s like that 24/7 with his own kid
Good luck if that child ends up a speedster like Peter. They’ll rarely be around. Peter will be racing them all the time. Sometimes he’ll let them win and then act really sad that he’s been beaten by his like 7 year old
If his kid doesn’t have super speed then once they’re old enough Peter will run around with them on his back to make them feel better about it. He even gives them their own mini goggles so they can feel more like dad 🥺
Yet another Evan character with daddy issues who wants to make sure he’s there for his kid since his dad was never there for him
Colin’s not necessarily the fun parent but he’s the softer parent
He’s the parent the kid will go to whenever they want something because they know he’ll say yes. He’s kind of a pushover like that. He can’t say no to them. He tries to, honestly. He tells himself ‘no more. I’m not letting this kid walk all over me’ but fails every time. All they have to do is pout and suddenly Colin is down $20 or is driving the kid somewhere you’d not let them go
He does have his stricter moments, but they’re rare. If the kid does something pretty serious then this side of him comes out and he will be dishing out punishments like grounding them but he hates doing it and feels awful afterwards, even though he knows it has to be done
He’d do anything for his kid and has considered quitting being a cop just so he can be at home and see them more. Honestly, he kind of struggles being a cop after becoming a dad anyway. He thinks about some of the stuff he’s seen in the past and knows he wouldn’t be able to stomach that if he saw it now he’s a parent
He’s pretty protective, but not overbearing. He’s seen how cruel the world can be and just wants his child to be safe
Dad!Colin fic based on this here
A couple of these I feel like would make cute fics. Would anyone be interested in me fleshing some of these out into oneshots? Let me know!
Taglist: @jellyluvr @howtobesasha @dewberryobssesed @luv4evan @kaismanwich @violetharmonstwin @daylas-life @mariefics
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canirove · 5 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 5
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"Rúben!" Julia screamed when I opened the door. 
"Hello, little one" he said, picking her up with those arms of his. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you!" she said. "I'm Queen Elsa and she is Anna."
"Oh... Is that why you are wearing those braids? I like them."
"Thank you" I said, feeling my cheeks getting warm. Why was I blushing? We had been able to have a proper conversation earlier, and now...
"So if you are Elsa, and she is Anna... Who am I?"
"Kristoff! He is Anna's boyfriend."
"Is he?" Rúben said, looking at me with a cheeky smile before putting Julia down. He was giving me a cheeky smile. Me. Because Kristoff is Anna's boyfriend and I'm Anna and he is Kristoff and... 
"He is! You'll see, we are watching "Frozen" tonight! And we have popcorn, and chocolate, and gummy bears!" Julia said, grabbing his hand and taking him to the kitchen. "Look!"
"Can you eat any of this? You probably have to follow a very strict diet to look like that" I said, my eyes going all over his body, something that he definitely noticed. "In shape I mean. For football." 
"I can eat some popcorn, don't worry. And if I eat too much, I'll make sure to burn it tomorrow during training" he replied, this time with the same smirk from when we first met. Oh, dear Lord.
When we sat down on the sofa to watch the movie, Julia was between us, the popcorn on her lap. While I had my arms crossed over my chest, trying to not freak out, Rúben was feeling himself at home, one of his arms stretched over the back of the sofa, his fingers just millimeters away from my neck. My exposed neck because of the braids. If he moved just a bit, he could touch it, and I would probably melt just as Olaf does in the movie.
Thanks to Julia's constant comments I was able to stop thinking about it for a while, but during one of the songs I looked at him and he was... singing? Rúben Dias... was singing... "Love is an open door"? What? And he also sang "Let it go". Word by word. He said he was a Disney fan, but this? This was unexpected. 
"Can we watch "Frozen 2" now?" Julia asked when the movie ended.
"It's bed time."
"But it's a Friday! C'mon, please" she said, looking at me with puppy eyes. 
"We'll leave it for next Friday."
"Will you come?" she asked Rúben.
"If I can I will."
"Yay!" she said, giving him a hug. "Anna can't be without Kristoff."
And what was Rúben's answer to that? Another smirk. While looking at me.
"Let's go get you changed, Julia" I quickly said, getting up from the sofa.
"Rúben, can you take me flying to my room?" she asked him, already climbing into the back of the sofa.
"Wait, Julia.” But before I could say or do anything else, she was jumping, Rúben catching her and making her fly as if she was Supergirl. 
"Look, I'm flying!" she giggled. "To my room!"
"Ready for landing?" Rúben asked her when the three of us made it there. 
"One... Two... Three!" he said before throwing her into the bed, Julia bouncing when she landed, her laugh echoing around the room.
"You already landed, it can´t happen again. Now it's time to get changed."
"Boring" she pouted.
"I'll wait outside."
"But you are coming back to say boa noite, aren't you?"
"Of course" Rúben said, closing the door behind him but coming  back later so they could say goodnight to each other in Portuguese. And maybe, just maybe... I was melting like Olaf while watching it all.
"Next time you have to make her fly" Julia said, pointing at me. "She's a guardian angel but she doesn't have wings."
"She may be scared of flying..." Rúben said. And yes, he was smirking again.
"She isn't, she's been to Spain."
"Then I'll make sure to make her fly." And the way he looked at me, the way he smiled at me... That told me that he wasn't talking about carrying me around with those stupidly big arms of his. He was thinking about something else. Could have I been imaging it? Maybe. Maybe my brain was playing tricks on me because I thought he had been flirting with me earlier. But what I was feeling all over my body was too real to be just my imagination. 
"Let me help you clean everything" he said once we left Julia in her room.
"You don't need to, you should probably go rest too. Aren't you playing this weekend?"
"On Sunday. Why don't you come?"
"You and Julia. You said you are spending the whole weekend with her, right?"
"I am, yes."
"Then come to the game, I'll get you tickets. We are playing against Chelsea at 5 pm. When you get home she'll be so tired  that she'll be asleep before you put her to bed."
"I'll have to ask Lucy first."
"Yes, of course" he said, the popcorn ball and all our leftovers on his hands while he walked into the kitchen. "But if you come, can I get you both my shirt? Or is that too much for an Arsenal girl?"
"I'm not an Arsenal girl" I said, following him. "I mean, yes but no."
"How so?" he said, letting everything he was carrying on the kitchen's counter and leaning against it. But not like normal people. No. He did it on the sexiest way possible.
"I... I've never really been into football” I finally said, focusing on looking at the clock behind him. "My grandad has been taking me to Arsenal games since I can remember, and when I was eight I actually started playing. My feet weren't made to kick a ball, but my hands were really good at stopping it."
"Were you a goalkeeper?"
"For a year I was, yes. They gave me a medal and everything. But then my dad got scared because I could injure my fingers or wrists, which would mean no more piano, and piano was the only thing that mattered. Not if I was happier playing football."
"He made you quit?"
"He didn't make me. He forced me to. And after that I kind of stopped caring about football because it made me sad. I still went to some games with grandad, but it wasn't the same."
"I'm sorry" Rúben said. He had moved forward without me noticing and was standing very close to me. Very close. 
"Thank you" I whispered, my eyes fixed on the floor. If I looked up, that was it. It would probably faint, die, or both things at the same time. But that could still happen without looking at him, because his hand was moving towards my face. No, it was on my face. His thumb was on my cheek and... 
"Fuck!" I screamed when the phone rang, my heart on my throat.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes, yes. I just wasn't expecting to hear the phone."
"Me neither" Rúben chuckled. And when I finally looked up... There it was. Another smirk. 
"I better pick that up, it probably is Lucy checking in."
"I asked her about the game" I said to Rúben after talking with Lucy.
"She said yes."
"Great" he said with a big grin. He looked so... Happy? But it was because Julia was going. He clearly loved that kid. "I'll send you the tickets tomorrow. Can I get your number or your email? Maybe both? Just in case something happens."
"Perfect" he said after I wrote both things on a paper. "I'll see you on Sunday, Anna."
"Elsa and I will be there, Kristoff." 
And he smiled, and I smiled. And after he left, I was still smiling. And oh, my God. Had all that been a dream? Had I imagined it all? Or had Rúben spent half the day flirting with me?
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just-a-tiny-goldfish · 11 months
I added stuff to the first chapter and i was like ehhh ill post it since I’m almost done wrapping up the second
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kraken17 · 7 months
In honor of the late great Raul Julia and your awesome fics, especially Woe & Saint-Clair. A little ficlet for you.
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It was a proud dark and dreary day for one Gomez Addams, the day he got a phone call from Nevermore about his darling daughter's ghastly inappropriate behavior.
To say he was worried about Wednesday was an understatement. Months had passed and not a peep from law enforcement about her time at school. No begging letters to remove her from the school from parents of her peers.  He had been expecting at least 3 murder attempts and an arson case by now.
It was deeply unsettling.
No amount of time on the torture rack with his beautiful wife could stop his worry. So much he kept eyeing Puberts silky dark locks to make sure the bouncing blonde curls hadn't made their reappearance. Sadly he and his beloved saber never had the chance to charge into the school grounds to rescue his heir from the clutches of whatever is causing her such..melancholy.
Now entering the office of a rather fetching enraged tall blonde, Gomez couldn't stop the grin on his face.
His little Wednesday Addams, caught “fornacating” on school grounds with another girl. Impaling the teacher who found them with forbidden cursed knives.
A chip of the old Addams block!
He looked to the two figures sitting in front of the desk that now housed one furious shape-shifter,  whilst helping Morticia sit in the spare chair next to Wednesday.
Wednesday sat as regal as ever, every inch  her mothers daughter. Her hastily thrown on uniform however was telling a different story. Black school tie now accidentally replaced with a blue one, buttons hastily buttoned up in the wrong order, blazer missing entirely and various red hickeys standing out gravely against a porcelain throat. Finally Lips that were trying hard to stay in a straight line were swollen and bruised.
Her paramour sitting in a relaxed carefree manor, her arm around the back of Wednesday's chair. Long fingers playing with the stray hairs that had escaped Wednesday's usually immaculate braids. Fingers that were surprisingly still attached to her hand thought Gomez.
The young scoundrel's uniform matching Wednesday's in disarray, but somehow worse. The few buttons she had left on her shirt, only buttoned up enough to not cause her poor principal an aneurysm. Black tie partly hanging out her trousers pocket. Brown hair resembling a bird's nest more than anything else. And a cat that got the canary lazy grin on her blushing face.
Gomez decided at that moment that the Addams family surely had found a new member.
Oh my God… this is absolutely perfect 😍 Thank you so much!
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emeralds-city · 27 days
Desperately need a scene of Syd getting her braids. Does she do them herself? She's dead broke it wouldn't be too far fetch to assume she braids her own hair in her cramped apartment bathroom pacing back and forth down the hallway as she braids murmuring to herself about the how the night went. Berating herself for leaving a sauce on the stove a second too long as she fights a tangle in the extension. And then cut to Carmy on his couch-pbj in hand- trying to watch a Julia rerun but his mind keeps drifting back to Syd in the kitchen and the few defiant curls that kept falling from under her scarf
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