#Julian Hawke
transfenris-truther · 2 years
Totally wrong numbers i meant 51 but you know ill take em all ;)
Oh boy! Here's an excuse for me to do some little baby drabbles lol. Thanks!
What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
"Let me run you a bath," Julian murmurs.
"I don't need to be coddled."
"I can tell when the lyrium stings, you know. The heat always helps."
Fenris sets aside his book, even that small gesture setting the metal in his skin to aching, "I am only doing it for your comfort."
"Of course you are," Julian smiles and the heat from that alone starts to relax away the harsh sting under Fenris' skin.
When Julian wakes, there's a paper on the bedside table and no Fenris in his arms.
He blinks sleep out of his eyes, picking up the paper and reading a short line in Fenris' precise, neat handwriting.
Gone for pasturies paestu pestary sweets. Back soon. Do not worrie. -Fenris
Julian smiles and tucks the note away between the pages of his diary. The first Fenris has ever written.
Julian lights an extra candle in the Chantry, solemn in a way he isn't usually. Fenris knows he's not a strict Andrastian, though he may believe a little more than he pretends.
When Julian goes to see Carver, Fenris follows wary of the risk of Hawke visiting the Gallows no matter how briefly. He keeps his distance while the brothers talk. When Julian leaves the Gallows courtyard looking even more serious and sad then he had been going in, Fenris follows him home.
He holds Julian's hand in the privacy of the library, and asks Hawke to tell him a story of Carver and Bethany as children. By the end of it, Julian can muster a weak smile. Fenris never finds out if it's the anniversary of Bethany's birth or her death.
There are always apples in their packs. Four years on the run and Julian somehow manages to find them no matter how far north they are. Fenris can't imagine how much they must have cost to buy imported all the way up here in Seheron. He takes a bite of one. It's soft and watery. He savors it anyway.
Fenris wakes with a start, lighting up the room in a flash of blue. His chest is heaving, his heart is racing. Julian touches his hair, but doesn't try to hold him. He knows by now it's too soon after the nightmare for touch. He slips from the bed. Gone for only a few moments, he returns with a glass of water, which Fenris takes with gratitude.
The dog follows at Julian's heels, sniffing to make sure everyone is alright. When the glass is empty and the dog is laid protectively across the threshold to their room, Fenris' shoulders relax. Julian smiles and lifts an arm, offering for Fenris to lay with him. Fenris rests on Hawke's chest and closes his eyes.
They've done this a hundred times. Sometimes he does it for Hawke. Sometimes Hawke does it for him. Hawke’s arms close around him and Fenris finds he can't remember the dream that woke him.
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darlingshane · 2 months
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wet beast wednesday 🐻
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lucy-sky · 25 days
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Jon Bernthal as Julian Kaye in American Gigolo S01E04: Nothing is Real But the Girl
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room-people · 12 hours
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huge-because-trade · 3 days
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food-reality · 5 days
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transfenris-truther · 2 years
Romance asks: 1, 5, 7, 11, 17, 21-25, 30, &31 for fenhawke pls :)
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took so long. Writer asks below the cut.
1- What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
For Julian, it was crush at first sight. He watched Fenris tear the heart out of a slaver and make his smooth entrance and was immediately smitten. He likes a man who can defend himself and is cool under pressure. Meanwhile Fenris was having some of the most anxiety inducing moments of his life.
For Fenris, he noticed that Julian was gentle, for a mage. He was a good listener and he asked very astute questions. He seemed thoughtful and it also didn't hurt that he was very pretty.
5-How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Fenris responds well to creature comforts, and Julian loves to spoil him. Hot baths, warm sheets, big comforting meals. Sometimes an upset Fenris doesn't want to be spoiled, or even seen, and Julian has to sit on his hands and wait for Fenris to be ready. he hates to see Fenris lean on old, unhealthy coping skills, but he knows they'll always be there.
Julian can often be joked or teased out of a bad mood. Almost always the reason he's sad is loneliness or thinking about the family he's lost. Fenris will make time with their friends, schedule time to get out of the house, or even out of Kirkwall. Mostly he just tries to be there for Julian, to remind him that he still has family.
7- Favorite date activity?
Camping. They're on equal footing out in the wilderness and it's a great escape from the bigotry of people who don't like to see elves or mages among the rest of society.
11-Do they have any inside jokes?
"This one's going in the book," or "Another one for Varric."- said sarcastically by Fenris whenever something happens that Julian would absolutely NOT want to have in "Tale of the Champion"
"Fenris will vouch for me." - said by Hawke when he's lying his ass off about something. Fenris will always back him up in the least convincing way he can manage.
"The finest vintage in Kirkwall." - said when one or the other gets blood, muck, or some other disgusting thing in his mouth.
They have a dozen inside jokes, all of them very stupid.
17-Their ways of expressing their love.
Julian for Fenris- Apple pastries stocked in the pantry, extra clothes lying around for Fenris to cover up when he's cold or doesn't want to be touched, running hot baths, leaving trashy novels and obscure histories in the library, fresh flowers, massage, minimal complaining when Fenris warms cold fingers and toes on him. "I love you."
Fenris for Julian- Affection and care for the people and animals Julian loves, hot tea brought up to bed in the morning, sex, honesty, vulnerability, thinking before he speaks, whispering secrets like a teenager at a sleepover late into the night, accepting healing and affection. "I am yours."
21- Personally, do you think they are a good couple?
I think they get better with time. Initially they're terribly co-dependent and they have to learn to communicate better. Fenris struggles a little with jealousy and Julian has to get better at understanding that Fenris' touch aversion isn't something he can love or heal away.
I don't know if Fenris ever gets over the codependency, or he just gets better at hiding it. If Hawke gets left in the Fade, Fenris will do whatever it takes to get him back.
Ultimately, I think they're good for each other. Fenris grows a lot with Julian and finally relaxes enough to be happy. It means a lot to him that Julian has never ever made him feel ashamed of himself or his past. Julian falls for someone who loves him for who he is and accepts him after feeling for a long time that his family's love was conditional. They have the same humor, and the same values, even if they enjoy debating the details.
22- From the outside looking in, what is their dynamic like?
Depends on who's looking. Unfortunately, there's a lot of racism in Thedas.
At a glance, most nobility see Fenris as a servant. Julian is having none of that. Fenris, on the other hand, is totally unbothered. The opinions of nobility mean next to nothing to him.
Elves routinely ask Fenris if he's in danger from the big human mage. Both Julian and Fenris are offended by that.
Kirkwallers see their relationship as "local madman celebrity and his muscle."
To those astute enough to acknowledge them as a couple assume it must be an opposites attract thing. They're only partly right.
23- Did you tailor your OC for the other in the romance?
It's more like Julian tailored himself lol. He matures a lot in Kirkwall. He stops believing he knows best all the time. He's a little less rash. He gets quieter. Kirkwall takes a lot out of him. If he and Fenris had started seriously dating when they were first attracted to each other, they would have had a relationship ending fight fairly quickly. But they both mature and become more compatible. Mostly because they both become more patient, flexible and accepting.
24- Is there any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt?
When Julian wakes up for the first time and Fenris is still asleep in his arms. He's so used to Fenris leaving, trusts him to come back each time. But finally having that trust and vulnerability means so much to him. For both of them, it's a sign that they're finding safety together.
25- Share any head cannons about their relationship.
They travel a lot together after they leave Kirkwall and see important places from each other's past. Fenris strongly dislikes Ferelden weather and food. Hawke feels the same about Seheron.
31- Share anything you would like about the couple!
Hawke tries to learn Tevene but his accent is TERRIBLE. Secretly Fenris likes that he sounds like a foreigner.
Neither of them can cook. It's an ongoing problem. Fenris is better at it, but even at his best, tavern food or Orana's cooking is better.
For a long time, Fenris is insistent that Hawke do a noble's duty, be polite to Kirkwall's gentry and at least try to find a woman to marry for appearances. Then Hawke demonstrates how fun it can be to baffle and offend the nobility and Fenris realizes for the first time in his life that he's protected from retaliation. Then he really starts to enjoy himself at parties.
30- How does their love change as they get older?
They talk way less. When their relationship first starts, they're desperate to discuss every little thing. They have to have a lot of serious conversations, and they flirt a lot as well. But as they get older and are together all the time, they say as much with expressions as with words.
Hawke saves the first note Fenris ever leaves him, but it's lost when they leave Kirkwall.
Fenris insists upon wearing Hawke's favor for the rest of his life, but he cares less and less about his house crest over time. The crest represents Hawke's nobility and that's not really what Fenris loves about him.
Hawke loves to do little slight of hand tricks as flirtation. Fenris finds them VERY funny and once he softens on magic, he really enjoys it when Hawke uses slight of hand to make excuses to Templars. He thinks it's hilarious.
They have a silly voice they do for the dog. They get caught doing it once by Sebastian who they swear to secrecy.
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darlingshane · 11 months
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Let me tell you, Jon Bernthal, if he’s around food, he eats it. Season 1, there were Italian sausages and he ate all of them. Then this season, I see him in the kitchen with Jamie [Lee Curtis], and they’re just eating the meatballs.
– 'The Bear' Culinary Producer Courtney Storer on Jon Bernthal
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rosalie-starfall · 4 months
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Sally Phillips & Tamsin Greig
Green Wing
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kwistowee · 2 years
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transfenris-truther · 2 years
33, 37, 41 for the OTP asks! Julian and Fenris obvs obvs
Obvs Obvs! Thanks for the ask!
Who’s the better cook?
They're both pretty bad, unfortunately. Fenris eats mostly travel rations long after he stops being on the run.
Julian never really learned to cook. He's fairly basic when it comes to flavors he likes and isn't a very adventurous eater.
They both get better on the run. Fenris, because he can't justify feeding Hawke the cheap garbage he eats himself. Hawke because he's gotten a bit spoiled by Orana and can't just live on plain potatoes forever. Ultimately, Julian is better. His food is bland and a little boring, but Fenris can and will create something truly inedible.
Which is more likely to swear?
Julian, in Common. Fenris by any other measure. His swearing vocabulary encompasses four languages at least and he's happy to break out the polyglot when necessary. Julian is far more likely to say "Fuck." Fenris is a little inclined to self-censorship, but it expresses itself by cursing in a language he's not currently using instead of not cursing at all.
Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
Julian, hands down. He's always far warmer. Plus Fenris is considerably smaller than him. Fenris doesn't even own a jacket until he co-opts one of Hawke's.
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darlingshane · 1 month
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Julian and his car. AMERICAN GIGOLO (2022)
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xoxogabriella · 1 year
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Come with us now on a journey through time and space... to the world of Stranger Things
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teenageoaffireknight · 2 months
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samuel vincent
sam vincent
october 5, 1971
aerrow and dark ace-storm hawks
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ben-sushi pack
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