#Julie Herne
travsd · 2 years
James A. Herne: "The American Ibsen"
Time was, all American theatre-goers knew the name of James A. Herne (James Ahearn, 1839-1901), not just a few scholars. Herne ranks with figures like Dion Boucicault and Steele MacKaye in the ranks of America’s top pre-O’Neill playwrights. After O’Neill, theatre people tended to sneer at these earlier figures but in recent decades their reputations have been partially restored if only for the…
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misshoneyimhome · 1 month
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Better In Time I Frederik Andersen
[Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6]
Summary: You and Frederik spend another day together with Henry, and the deep connection between you both is undeniable. Frederik feels a strong desire to be a part of his son’s life, even though he knows it’s a long shot. Still, hope lingers as he introduces Henry to his family in Herning.
Tropes & warnings: Frederik Andersen x reader, friendship, best friend!Freddie, dad!Freddie
Word count: 3K
July 2023
Two days later, you felt a tightening in your stomach as the car approached the familiar house that had once been like a second home. The streets of Herning blurred past, but your focus was solely on the growing heaviness in your chest. Your palms grew clammy, and the cool leather of the car seat did little to ease your discomfort as you glanced at Henry in the backseat, his innocent curiosity completely unaware of the emotional turmoil within you.
Facing Charlotte and Ernst with Henry by your side was a strange mix of anticipation and apprehension. They had been like a second family to you, welcoming you into their home countless times and offering warmth and care when you needed it most. But now, bringing Henry to meet them felt like opening a door to a past you had long kept shut. It felt as though you had been deceiving them for years, keeping them in the dark. Well, you had. But technically, you hadn’t lied—you had just kept the truth from them.
Frederik, sitting beside you in the driver’s seat, gave you a reassuring look, sensing your discomfort. He knew how much his parents had always loved you, viewing you as a second daughter. But he also understood that secrets like these were not something they would easily accept.
Frederik had taken the news of having a son much better than you’d feared. Although he was disappointed to realise what he’d missed out on, after many long discussions where you explained your reasons, he eventually came around. He understood your choices, even if he didn’t entirely agree with them.
So, all you could do was hope that his parents would react in a similar way.
The following night, after you’d shared the news with Frederik, you had decided it was time to tell Henry the truth as well, with Frederik’s approval, of course, following another afternoon spent together all three of you.
You weren’t entirely sure if Henry would fully grasp the situation, but after seeing how happy your son was around your childhood best friend and his biological father, you couldn’t ignore the bond that was slowly developing between them. So, it felt like Henry deserved to know the truth.
Your father had even pointed out the similarities—not just Henry’s strawberry-blond hair and freckles, clearly inherited from Frederik, but their personalities as well. Mostly, that is. Frederik had always been more calm and reserved, while Henry was eager to chat and share every detail he could think of. Yet, Henry seemed to bring out a cheerful and genuinely excited side of Frederik—a laughter and a smile you had missed for so many years.
Henry was completely enthralled by the NHL goaltender, eagerly sharing his own hockey dreams. And Frederik was nothing but sweet and kind, sharing his stories with the child. So, you hoped that revealing Frederik as his father would ease Henry’s curiosity and bring him comfort.
“Darling,” you said gently as you tucked Henry in for the night, “there’s something I need to tell you.” The young boy looked up at you with curiosity. “You know Freddie, my best friend from when we were very young? Well, he’s also your dad.”
Henry’s initial silence was followed by a soft question. “But… then why did he leave us? Doesn’t he like me?”
The question nearly broke your heart. “Oh no, sweetheart, of course he likes you. You see, Freddie didn’t really have a choice about staying with us. When I first found out I was having you, I… I didn’t give him a choice,” you explained, your voice trembling. “I’m sure that if he had known about you, about us, he would have stayed. He cares about you very much. But… he had a different life elsewhere.”
You knew Henry had many more questions swirling in his young mind, trying to process the news. However, the excitement of the day had left him weary, and soon he fell into a deep sleep.
And now, here you were, about to introduce Henry to the family who could have known him from the start.
After you and Frederik had discussed everything, he was eager for his parents to meet their grandchild. He wanted Henry to feel like a true part of the Andersen family, just as you had been. It was clear that Frederik already saw Henry as a treasure, and if the universe allowed, he hoped to be an active part of his life—perhaps even one day openly calling him his son.
But Frederik also knew that it would take more than just hope, as the reality of your situation was undeniable: you and Henry lived in Denmark, with Henry about to start school after the summer. You had a life, a job, and a home there. Meanwhile, Frederik’s career was firmly anchored in the NHL in Raleigh, with a few seasons left to play. And the significant distance between your lives was a gap that couldn’t be easily bridged.
He hadn’t said it outright, but you understood what he was contemplating. For Henry to be part of his everyday life, Frederik would need to move closer, or you would have to relocate. One of you would need to make a significant sacrifice, perhaps even the ultimate one for an athlete of his calibre. And you weren’t sure you could agree to that.
So, as the car finally pulled into the driveway, you took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. The house looked exactly as you remembered—warm, welcoming, and full of memories. But now, it also felt like the stage for a life-changing moment.
Frederik turned off the engine and reached for your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice soft but tinged with underlying tension.
You nodded, though your heart was racing. "As ready as I’ll ever be."
Frederik had visited his parents the day before to break the news privately. He wanted to gauge their genuine reactions first, in case they weren’t as positive as he had hoped.
And to Frederik’s immense relief, his parents were overjoyed with the news.
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Charlotte had exclaimed the moment Frederik reached the part of his long-winded story where he revealed how the two of you met at the local grocery store. “I can’t believe we have a grandson! Your son—and with y/n? Oh, how amazing!”
“Really?” Frederik asked, intrigued. “You’re not disappointed at all? I mean, you seem a bit too pleased about the fact that y/n has secretly had my child for six years without telling me or you.”
“Oh, can you blame her?” Charlotte laughed. “Of course, we would have loved to have been a part of it all, to help out and see your son grow up! But… we all know how demanding and tough your hockey career has been. And trying to figure out how to raise a child with all that? I have to admit she might have made the right choice. Besides, this isn’t just some girl you met in a bar and… had a fling with. This is y/n.”
Frederik chuckled softly. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Maybe it’s for the best,” Ernst added. “She’s allowed you to focus on your career, Freddie. Being happy and free—that’s a kind of love too.”
Frederik nodded in agreement.
There was a brief pause as they all absorbed the news before Charlotte broke the silence with a chuckle.
“So, when can we meet them? Oh, let’s invite them over for dinner! If they’re up for it, I’d love to see y/n again and meet Henry!”
Frederik chuckled, having anticipated his parents’ enthusiastic response. “I’ll ask her in a moment.”
Meanwhile, you had been a bundle of nerves all day, pacing back and forth in your father’s living room, anxiously awaiting Frederik’s return. When he finally walked in, his calm demeanor provided you with a sense of relief.
“They’re thrilled,” he said, his eyes alight with relief. “They can’t wait to meet him.”
Standing at their front door, you felt a surge of apprehension. This was the moment you had both dreaded and anticipated.
Frederik knocked, and almost immediately, the door swung open to reveal Charlotte, her face lightening up the moment she saw you.
“Oh, y/n!” she exclaimed, stepping forward to give you a warm hug. “It’s so wonderful to see you!”
You embraced her, the warmth of her hug bringing tears to your eyes. “It’s good to see you too, Charlotte,” you whispered, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions as you held her close.
When Charlotte finally pulled back, her gaze fell on Henry, who was standing beside you, holding your hand. “And this must be Henry,” she said, her voice filled with awe and affection.
Henry looked up at you, seeking reassurance, and you gave him a gentle nod. “Say hello, sweetie,” you encouraged softly.
“Hi,” Henry said shyly, offering a small wave.
Charlotte’s eyes welled up with tears as she crouched down to Henry’s level. “Hi there, sweetheart,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. “I’m Charlotte. It’s so wonderful to finally meet you.”
Ernst appeared behind Charlotte, his face reflecting pride and warmth as he took in the scene. “Welcome,” he said, his voice deep and kind. “It’s good to have you here, y/n. And it’s an honour to meet you, Henry.”
Frederik placed a comforting hand on your back as he then guided everyone inside the house. The air was charged with emotion, but there was also a sense of relief, as if the burden of the secret had been lifted. And as you stepped into the familiar living room, memories came rushing back—laughter, holidays spent here, and the warmth this house had always provided.
Charlotte and Ernst quickly made Henry feel at home, their initial nervousness melting away as they showed the natural affection of grandparents meeting their grandchild for the first time. Charlotte pulled out some toys she had saved from when Frederik and his brothers were children, and Henry’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he eagerly explored them.
Meanwhile, you and Frederik sat together on the couch, watching the heartwarming scene unfold. It felt surreal to see your son being welcomed by the family you had once been so close to.
Then, in a moment of tenderness, Frederik’s hand found yours, his fingers intertwining with yours as he leaned in closer. “Thank you for this,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “For letting them be a part of his life.”
You gave him a tender smile, your heart swelling with warmth. “Of course, Freddie. It was time.”
The evening turned out to be absolutely delightful. The warmth of the summer night enveloped you like a comforting embrace as Frederik’s family gathered in the house filled with cherished memories. Even his younger brother, Sebastian, and his girlfriend, Amalie, made a special effort to join, greeting you with the same open arms that had welcomed you into the family years ago.
When Sebastian and Amalie learned about Henry, their faces lit up with surprise and joy. They quickly engaged with him, their natural warmth helping to ease your son’s initial shyness. Frederik’s younger sister and second brother also joined in, and soon the house was alive with the sounds of laughter, clinking dishes, and the easy flow of conversation, just as it had been so many times before. Even your father joined the dinner as well.
And as the evening progressed, your heart swelled with a bittersweet joy. It was a moment you had secretly longed for but never truly believed possible. Henry, your bright and curious son, was running around the garden with his father and uncles, lost in a world of playful competition.
Inside the house, Charlotte and Ernst were bustling around, clearing the dinner table and tidying up the kitchen along with your dad like the old friends they were. Their faces were radiant with happiness, and occasionally, Charlotte would glance out the window with a look of pure adoration as she watched Henry. It was evident that she was already smitten with her grandson.
Meanwhile, on the patio, Sebastian’s girlfriend, Amalie, sat beside you, her hand resting protectively on her growing belly. As she and Frederik’s sister chatted about preparations for the baby, there was a palpable excitement in the air. Amalie was due in early December, and the anticipation of the new arrival only added to the evening’s joyful atmosphere.
Your heart felt overwhelmingly full as you took in the scene before you. It was everything you had dreamed of but never truly believed would happen. Yet, despite the profound sense of happiness, there was a familiar knot in your stomach—a tight, uneasy feeling you couldn’t quite shake.
You knew this moment wouldn’t last forever. Once you left Herning, reality would set in. You’d return to your daily life, and so would Frederik. The miles and responsibilities that had kept you apart for so long would still be there, waiting to remind you of the distance between your worlds.
“Hey, are you okay?” Amalie asked gently, her concern evident as she noticed your distant expression.
You blinked, pulling yourself from your thoughts, and offered her a small, reassuring smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just… overwhelming, I suppose,” you admitted softly. “I never thought this day would actually come.”
A tear formed in the corner of your eye, a blend of joy and bittersweetness. You had introduced Henry to something so wonderful, a family that was embracing him with open arms. Yet, you knew it was fleeting. The time you had together here was precious, but it couldn’t last.
Amalie gave you a sympathetic look, gently squeezing your hand. “I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to keep this to yourself for so long,” she said with kindness. Though you hadn’t had many chances to get to know her due to the distance between you and the Andersens, you already felt a connection. Perhaps it was the shared bond of impending motherhood or simply her compassionate and understanding nature. “But no matter what happens next, I’m sure Freddie is living for this moment.”
Your gaze drifted back to the garden, where Frederik was lifting Henry onto his shoulders. The boy’s laughter filled the air as he reached for the last rays of sunlight. The bond between them was unmistakable, a connection that had been waiting to emerge for years. Seeing Frederik with his son warmed your heart, even as the reality of your separate lives cast a shadow.
There was no doubt that on the grass, Frederik fully embraced the role of a father—a role he had longed for but had only now fully realised. He had always supported his younger brother’s journey into fatherhood, but sharing this experience with Henry added a new depth to their relationship. It was as if a missing puzzle piece had finally fallen into place.
Frederik had always channelled his energy and focus into his career as an NHL goaltender, leaving little room for anything else. In contrast, Sebastian’s path had been different, never reaching the same heights in his own career. 
But nothing could compare to the joy Frederik felt in this moment. As Henry darted back and forth across the grass, a football bouncing between their legs, Frederik realised how much he had missed out on—and how deeply he wanted to be a part of Henry’s life moving forward.
As they paused to catch their breath, Sebastian chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you and y/n actually slept together,” he said, a teasing glint in his eyes. “I mean, we all knew there was something between you two, but this?”
Frederik laughed, “Yeah, I guess no one ever thought it would actually happen.”
“No way,” Sebastian replied with a grin. “But at least it’s y/n. Mum loves her, always has.”
Frederik smiled, finding comfort in his brother’s words. “I know,” he said softly, just as he heard your voice calling for Henry.
“But I’m not tired!” Henry protested, trotting over to you on the patio, his steps slowing as his energy began to wane.
“And we both know that when you say it like that, it means you’re definitely tired,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around Henry. He leaned into you, his small body relaxing as you gently ran your fingers through his hair, offering the comfort he needed.
“But I’m having so much fun! Freddie’s going to teach me to be a hockey goalie…” Henry’s voice trailed off, his words slurring with the weariness he was struggling to deny. His eyes fluttered, heavy with sleep, and it wasn’t long before your father gently lifted him, carrying him inside to the sofa where he could rest.
You remained seated on the patio, the warm night air wrapping around you like a soothing embrace. The Andersens stayed nearby, their expressions soft with affection. The evening had brought everyone closer, and the unspoken bond that had always existed between you and this family had only deepened.
“He seems like a good kid, y/n,” Ernst said, his voice radiating warmth that made your heart swell. Hearing those words from him meant more than you could express. Ernst had always been a significant figure in your life—your father’s best friend and the father of your best friend. His approval, especially regarding your son, felt like a seal of acceptance, a validation that you had done well.
“Thank you,” you replied, your voice thick with emotion. “That means a lot, Ernst.”
He gave you a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with the wisdom of someone who has witnessed many moments like this over the years.
As the night went on, conversation flowed effortlessly among the Andersens,and the stars began to twinkle above, painting the sky with a deep blue canvas that stretched over the peaceful scene.
Frederik’s hand found yours once more, a silent gesture of support. You turned to him, your eyes meeting in a moment of understanding. No words were needed; the love and respect between you spoke volumes.
The evening might not last forever, and the challenges of your separate lives still loomed ahead, but in this moment, surrounded by family and the quiet joys of a summer night, everything felt right.
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chelseafcwmemes · 1 year
I assume most of you won’t have access. So while I can still use this magic trick, here’s the translated version
The desire for a new adventure and German discipline lured Harder to Bayern
Pernille Harder is leaving Chelsea this summer to return to German football. This time for Bayern Munich, where she hopes to complete the trophy list. Pernille Harder is one of the world's very best soccer players, and there isn't a major European club that wouldn't want to have her on the team card. Her presence alone seems to guarantee championships. She has won the national championship eight years in a row in three different countries. In mid-May, she announced that it was time for a new adventure after three years at Chelsea.
- I think it's exciting to enter new cultures and new clubs and to be in the phase where you join a new team and have to get to know a lot of new people and become part of a new culture, says Harder about the decision.
Several sports managers in the world's top clubs have undoubtedly stuck out a feeler. But what new adventure did Harder want after spending time in Sweden, Germany and England? Try the southern sun and crowded stands in Spain or Italy? The big teams PSG or Lyon in France? Or maybe the US? None of the parts. Together with his Swedish teammate and girlfriend Magdalena Eriksson, Harder signed a contract with the newly crowned German champions from Bayern Munich.
- I feel comfortable in Germany. Everyone works hard for the team, and you arrive on time. There is that "ordnung muss sein" approach and you are like a family on the team. It's cool, I think, says the Danish star striker.
Bayern Munich does not have a great history in the women's Champions League, but in recent years the team has played its way up to the top of Europe. The quarter-finals were the final stop in the last Champions Leauge season, but for the second time in three years they brought home the German championship in front of Pernille Harder's former club Wolfsburg. Bayern are currently fifth in the European rankings, and ambitions are high in the German club. Otherwise, the urge for German discipline would not have been enough to lure Harder back to the Danish neighbor to the south.
- There is no doubt that I want to play in the Champions League. I want to be in the tournament, and when I am in the tournament, I will do everything to win it, says Harder.
Three times she has been in the final, twice with Wolfsburg and once with Chelsea, but each time she has had to watch the opponents lift the trophy under the rain of confetti. Although Bayern beat eventual winners FC Barcelona last season, there are a small handful of teams who are still considered heavy favorites to triumph in the tournament. But that may very well change in the coming years, believes 30-year-old Harder, who has signed a contract with the southern Germans for the next three seasons.
- The club's goal is to win the league and the cup tournament and also get up to where you can win the Champions League. That is the goal for the future, says Harder.
These days she is gathered with the rest of the national team in Herning ahead of the WC finals in Australia and New Zealand, which begin on 20 July. On July 5, Denmark plays a test match against Spain in Gladsaxe, while the first match for Harder and co. at the WC will be July 22 against China. Then England and Haiti await in the group.
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yharnamesque · 2 months
I'm consolidating all of my lore posts into one! Much nicer to have them all in one place that's easy to edit and reblog as and when new stuff gets added. All separated by game with a small summary of what each post entails and the date that it was created!
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Chalices: The Vex Analogy (January 10th 2022)
A quick look at how the chalice dungeons might function by using the framework of the Vex in Destiny and their use of the Infinite Forest on Mercury
The Failed Evacuation and Protection of Yharnam (November 6th 2022)
A glance at the chaos of Central Yharnam's abandoned carriages and sprawling luggage and how perhaps the people were more aware of their situation and the consequences than we think
The Altar of Despair: It's Not Rom On There (November 15th 2022)
My argument as to why the creature we see dead beneath a mourning Ebrietas at the Altar of Despair is NOT our beloved Vacuous Spider like many believe it to be
Mini Thought: Beasthood + Blood-Drunk ≠ Mutually Exclusive (July 4th 2023)
Bloodborne Observation Notes (July 12th 2023)
I went through the ENTIRE GAME (minus root chalices due to their randomised nature) and documented every observable thing I could see with the odd question peppered throughout. Written over a long period between July 1st 2018 and 12th July 2023. Secret cat pictures hidden within!
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So Why Does Godwyn's Corpse Look Like That (July 19th 2024)
A look at the body of Godwyn the Golden and considering whether or not he was slowly turning into a different kind of Magma Wyrm post death
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morbidology · 2 years
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On the 16th of July, 1995, the body of a man washed ashore on an uninhabited island north of the Netherlands. He was estimated to be anywhere between 20-years-old to 55-years-old. He had dark hair and stood at around 5 feet 9 inches tall. Weeks earlier the remains of a wooden yacht washed up on the same island. It was theorised that the man who washed ashore had been sailing the yacht before falling overboard and drowning. The man carried no identification. However, the sail of the yacht had the initials “HB” which led to speculation that the sail came from Herne Bay sailing club in England. A DNA profile was extracted from the man but still his identity remains unknown.
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john-bracket · 1 year
Significant Jother Prelims!
The prelims for Jacket 4 will come in two waves after the winner’s bonus poll ends on Sunday, so get your votes in there.
First, there will be the prelims to decide between love interests for Johns/Jacks/Variants who had multiple submitted. There are eight of those matches, and they will be released throughout the day on Monday, July 10.
Then, there will be the prelims to decide which single nomination significant jothers will make the bracket. If a nomination was submitted multiple times as the only love interest, they are already in. There are 11 polls of four significant jothers, and the winner of each will make the bracket. Prelims were seeded by submission order, and those polls will be released throughout the day on Wednesday, July 12.
Match-ups below the cut!
Monday Match-ups: Who shall win the jand?
Prelim #1: Martin Blackwood (11) vs Georgie Barker (1) for Jonathan “Jon” Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Prelim #2: Jason Mendoza (5) vs Derek (1) for Janet (The Good Place)
Prelim #3: Mercymorn (2) vs Alecto (1) vs Augustine (1) vs Mercymorn + Augustine (0 but throuple rights) for John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Prelim #4: Zatanna Zatara (2) vs King Shark (2) for John Constantine (DC)
Prelim #5: Nisha Kadam (2) vs Moxxi (1) for Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Prelim #6: Brad Majors (2) vs Frank-N-Furter (1) for Janet Weiss (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Prelim #7: Shayera Hol (1) vs Mari McCabe (1) for John Stewart (DC)
Prelim #8: Rafael Solano (1) vs Michael Cordero (1) for Jane Villanueva (Jane the Virgin)
Wednesday Match-ups: I don’t have a funny name
Prelim A: Phryne Fisher for Jack Robinson (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) vs Kitty for Johnny Thirteen (Danny Phantom) vs Marguerite Baker for Jack Baker (Resident Evil) vs James “Jamey” Emerson Fletcher for Mary “Jacky” “Bloody Jack” Faber (Bloody Jack)
Prelim B: Naomi Herne for Evan Lukas (The Magnus Archives) vs Pete Tyler for Jackie Tyler (Doctor Who) vs Agnes Montague for Jack Barnabas (The Magnus Archives) vs Eric Bittle for Jack Zimmermann (Check, Please!)
Prelim C: Anna Bates for John Bates (Downton Abbey) vs Rose DeWitt for Jack Dawson (Titanic) vs Wendy Torrance for Jack Torrance (The Shining) vs Samatha Carter for Jack O’Neill (Stargate SG-1)
Prelim D: Joan of Arc for JFK (Clone High) vs JFK for Joan of Arc (Clone High) vs Elvira for Don Juan (Moliere) vs Pocahontas for John Smith (Pocahontas)
Prelim E: Penta Roujeat for Jack Wright (Namesake) vs Jethro Bodine for Jane Hathaway (Beverly Hillbillies) vs George Jetson for Jane Jetson (The Jetsons) vs Peter Parker for Mary-Jane Watson Parker (Marvel)
Prelim F: Thor for Jane Foster (Marvel) vs David Read for Jane Read (Arthur) vs Marla Singer for Jack/The Narrator (Fight Club) vs Sophie Aubrey for Jack Aubrey (Master and Commander)
Prelim G: Jay Nakamura for Jon Kent (DC) vs Satinder Hall for Ivo Keys (Shaderunners) vs Edward Rochester for Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre) vs Co Bao for John Rambo (Rambo)
Prelim H: Rosemary for Jack/Raider (Metal Gear Solid) vs Vriska Sekret for John Egbert (Homestuck) vs Maddie Fenton for Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs Minnina for Jonathan Ratker (Dracula Starring Mickey Mouse)
Prelim I: Clary Fairchild for Jonathan Christopher “Jace” Herondale (The Mortal Instruments) vs Marisol Garza for Jonathan “Jon” Cartwright (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Jo Lupo for Zane Donovan (Eureka) vs Robert Martin for Janet van de Graff (The Drowsy Chaperone)
Prelim J: Rebecca St. Claire for Jack Secord (Warehouse 13) vs David for Giovanni (Giovanni’s Room) vs Lucy Moderatz for Jack Pullman (While You Were Sleeping) vs Petra Solano for Jane “JR” Ramos (Jane the Virgin)
Prelim K: Scott Summers for Jean Gray (Marvel) vs Hessa for John the Baptist (The Wife of John the Baptist) vs Helen Wick for John Wick (John Wick) vs Patrick Bateman for Jean (American Psycho: The Musical)
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pedaalridder · 1 year
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Op een dag in 2001, welke dag het precies was weet ik niet meer, maar wellicht zo'n maandag waar het in die tijd op straat opvallend vaak naar aangebrande karbonades met bonen rook, fietste ik naar mijn fietsenmaker en daar werd het onheil geveld over 'Mister Comanche', zoals ik mijn fiets noemde. Kort en bondig zei de fietsenmaker "hij is op.“ Ik moest afstand doen van mister Comanche. Mijn fietsenmaker deed of als het om een levend persoon ging.
Nou had ik ook best het één en ander met deze fiets meegemaakt. Na eerst drie jaar met een 'gewone‘ fiets op vakantie geweest te zijn kon ik in 1992 na lang sparen eindelijk een fiets aanschaffen waarmee ik comfortabeler op reis kon… een groene Batavus Comanche.
In augustus ’93 ging ik met hem naar Denemarken. Een voor mij nieuw land waar bleek alleen chocolademelk in blik werd gekocht en de overige dranken in teveel wegende glazen flesjes. Opmerkelijk genoeg begreep ik meestal de Deense opschriften goed. Zo hing in een jeugdherberg een bordje waarop stond: ’din mor arbedjer ikke her‘, oftewel 'je moeder werkt hier niet, ruim je eigen pröttel op.' Helemaal geweldig vond en vind ik het woord: 'tak!‘ In variaties met mange en tusind (uitspraak: toesen) waar bedankt en hartelijk dank mee bedoeld wordt. Ook bleek als je het Deens niet machtig was dit net zoals overal in Scandinavië geen probleem te zijn omdat toen al het Engels daar algemeen in zwang was.
Voor het eerst ging ik ook naar Kopenhagen. Hoewel ik meteen erg onder de indruk was van de stad, was ik echter ook bedrukt. Ik was er vanuit de stad Herning dat in het midden van Jutland ligt met de tog (= trein) naar afgereisd. In die tijd best nog een avontuur. Midden tijdens de reis stapte opeens iedereen uit en ik begreep niet waarom. Wat bleek? We zaten op een ferry zonder dat ik dat door had. Tegenwoordig is Jutland met Sjaelland waarop Kopenhagen ligt verbonden met een brug, maar toen dus nog niet. De reden dat ik bedrukt was, was dat even daarvoor mijn fiets gestolen was, gelukkig bracht de politie hem terug, maar toch had het geen goed uitwerking op mijn gemoed en ben ik eerder dan gepland was naar huis gegaan. Uiteindelijk werd het een grote bron van inspiratie voor het volgende jaar waarop ik besloot meer van Kopenhagen te gaan genieten.
En daar ging ik op zondag 24 juli 1994 op pad vanuit Enschede naar Kopenhagen, om er op 4 augustus aan te komen. Nog altijd kijk ik graag terug naar dit avontuur, waarbij ik uiteindelijk 4 weken op de fiets onderweg was. Rond de Deense hoofdstad ligt het kasteel 'Sorgenfri', en dat was zeker op deze reis van toepassing.
Vele omzwervingen volgden, mooie reizen zoals ook deze vakantie door Noorwegen, Zweden en Denemarken. En zo belandde ik afgelopen zondag, de tiende september die heet begonnen was maar geleidelijk afkoelde bij Amalienborg, het 'optrekje' van de dronning…koningin Margrethe. Een opmerkelijk personage die het niet kan schelen hoe ze is uitgedost is, haar oudejaarstoespraak nog gewoon van papier voorleest en zelf poppen en wandbekleding maakt. Zoals ik tijdens de voorgaande keer dat ik in Kopenhagen, in de herfst van 2013, ervaren heb. Daar hing in het koninklijk paleis een wandkleed met gebeurtenissen uit de geschiedenis van Denemarken. Ook Anders And was er afgebeeld. Niemand minder dan Donald Duck! De maakster van dit kunstwerk…de dronning.
Of de dronning zondag ook thuis was weet ik niet, misschien was ze ergens in Kopenhagen onderweg net als ik. Op de fiets werd het een feestje want er is zo ontzettend veel te zien. Veel mooie muurschilderijen, pracht behuizingen, water, bruggen, havens. Zo rond de binnenstad leek het wel even op Amsterdam met al die toeristen die niet fietsen konden, een uitzondering was een klein meisje met een helmpje op, hoe zij kon trappen naast haar moeder! Eenmaal in andere stadsgedeelten kon je prima terecht. Heel mooi om te aanschouwen was de Grundvingtskerk en de aanpalende huizen rondom een hof. Om op het hof te komen moest je enkele treden op, toen ik een foto wou maken bemerkte ik dat een klein wit hondje achter mij had plaatsgenomen. Het was nogal koddig omdat het beestje moest uitrusten, de bazin begon een gesprek met mij, en ik raadde waar het over ging. In de wijk Nørrenbro was één straat totaal bevolkt met motorrijders, zoveel had ik er nog nooit gezien. Zo fietste ik langs een demonstratie tegen dierenmishandeling en nu dit. Je mening verkondigen is in Scandinavië een groot goed. Alweer snel was het avond geworden, een machtig klokkengeluid dwarrelde over de straten. Het einde van de rit was in zicht. Ik smeerde mij nog maar eens in met zonnemelk. Een regenjas en zonnemelk was ik vergeten mee te nemen vanuit huis. Eerstgenoemde bleek niet nodig, laatstgenoemde had ik gelukkig bijtijds in Zweden gekocht. Zo ging ik als een niet uitziende Comanche de avond in, over straten waar het gelukkig niet naar aangebrande karbonades met bonen rook.
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Rip Sinead O’Connor 🌹🕊
Dublin, Ireland ~ 26 July 2023 (aged 56)
Herne Hill, London, England
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tim-hoe-wan · 1 year
How long are you staying? Also is it your first time or what are you particularly interested in?
I’ve been in London on a high school echange a couple of years ago so I’ve visited the main tourist attractions. That’s why now I want to see some less touristy spots :) I’m staying for 4 days and thanks for matcha recommendations :)
Sorry! Was pretty busy yesterday!
I don't know how many museums you've been to for school, but I always find the British Museum, Natural History Museum, the National Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, and the National Gallery to be worth a visit. Museums that are less known but I would recommend: The Wallace Collection, Two Temple Place, Kenwood House, Sir John Soane's Museum
I think Richmond and Greenwich are pretty underrated but I love just walking around. I personally love Richmond park
Netil Market - loads of people though
Muswell Hill
Fan Museum - not for the museum, but it's a little hidden afternoon tea gem
The Sky Garden
Herne Hill on a sunday
Nine Elms market
Chinatown and general and find some really tasty desserts
Parks and Gardens:
Mayfield Lavender fields - depends on the season, but around July if I'm correct the place is in full bloom
Cannizaro Park
Morden Hall Park
Kew Gardens 
Painshill Park - this is outside London though
Pergola gardens in Hampstead Heath
Rose Garden, Regents' Park
Golders Hill Park
London has a lot going for it but here are some I rarely ever hear from tourist or recommended to tourist but I enjoy going to. For places to eat or pubs, best if we know where you're staying
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OTC and Dorchester Court!
Starting off summer 2023! 
We've got two great gigs coming up in Herne Hill and with our brilliant new lineup - the first indoors on 16th June in Off The Cuff (Railton Road) and then on 8th July outdoors for the always amazing Dorchester Court Summer Party! 
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Great bands lined up for both - featuring HOTMOTEL, Dan Cross, Orchestra Fantasma and The Barbarian Horde!
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Here’s a map so you can find your way to Dorchester Court. The Summer Party takes place in the garden centre of DC with events all day and into the night. As one of the organisers Rupert Ingham (HOTMOTEL) says: “it’s even better at night”. Can be tricky finding it ... 24 Herne Hill is a rough address.
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Look forward to seeing you there!
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gushingabtlove · 2 years
when ur bfs are all a little funny silly brain <33
this goes out to not even half of my fruity little oc boyfriends who i love very very much <33
lava lamp (+ briar), boombox, kaleidoscope, bathbomb, glowbi, jellyfish, daddy long legs, custard, retrogade, loomy, jewelry box, cream pie, butterbread, sparkler, nightlight, honeycake, campfire, gummyworm, discoball, paintbrush, 8-ball, firefly, artboard, slushie, beanbag, paintball, shutters, fortune teller, landmine, jewelmine, bombasm, magic marker, glitter pen, matchbox, funnyface, shadow mask, bubblecup, domino, axeman, jester, reverse, goggles, clock-out, tapestry, king, streets, crutches, discotheque, vhs, vm, quip, camera man, statiklis, hotline, cutcord, wiresaw, powerline, record, fillter, sey, logbook, researcher, delivery, mandyl, casting, orbee, milkyway, valan, herring, styxo, ruler, error, buttons, cryogen, daydream, ikbo, marbles, ozzy, zz, dollie, claw machine, carnival, sewing needle, gameboy, bendy, bowtie, starfish, firecracker, cotton candy, birthday, cupcake, portrait, fair, cakewalk, balloon, ocean eyes, goldie, smiles, post-it, blondie, wannabe, hushpuppy, pseudonym, drearie, softie, lockbox, memory, eternity, zenith, vigor, spider eyes, monday, tsunami, ragdoll, mixtape, dj, erase, zipper, newsie, cigar, knots, signal, analog, iq, broker, album, techy, radar, algorithm, candlestick, milkshake, raspberry sorbet, strawberry lemonade, honeycomb, whipped cream, bon-bon, cocoa, grape soda, fizz, cornbread, fruit punch, poprocks, pb&j, blackberry pie, popsicle, icing, gingerbread, peach crumble, teacake, sprinkles, cheesecake, peanut butter, rollcake, sugar cookie, toffee pudding, dropper, slim-jim, parka, nasty, paparazzi, oxy, dickie, party, seldom, noddles, needles, vodka, molly rose, infrared, coke, injection, re-al, pill, addict, mr. prescription, rubs, bandages, naughty, birthday candle, flamethrower, wind chimes, streamers, delicacy, quake, licorice, peach blush, frostbite, hyperthermia, sandglass, snakebite, bambi, vignette, waffle iron, somnophobia, viperpop, lightbulb, wallflower, ariel, cyanide, ghastor, peril, mirror shard, angelita, the doctor, lazuli, siderite, plasma, amnesia, pepper steak, anndy, neo, cat eye, apology, gumdrop, inkwell, think 101, aim, look at the stars.crp, twisted.exe, hedonism, lotus, phantasm, legacy, shivering, vil.exg, alzen, rose, bowie, mars, june, elzen, january, july, cake, lumi, neptune, alix, pyro, distortion, death, ecstasy, equity, wisp, determination, alastor, nate, zest, vinn, valarian, xest, vesper, marcy, k2, anonymous, anxiety, norman, adel, anna, xexter, oz, amon, azrael, brandon, cordon, chaim, camron, river, zap, sick, unknown, pumpkin head, ethan, damien, unstable, glitch, seren, kayan, core, spice, lisp, wisp, marsh, liam, logan, daniel, rylo, karl, cinder, kindle, break, saturn, gem, lonnie, eleven, thirteen, nine, twelve, vason, aster, toxicity, darling, pyromania, cross, infatuation, dis, angel, cobi, alice, bonnibel, ray, conifer, phantom, rot, teeth, cheezit, casino, twist, mania, bruxism, yohan, lucifer, chimes, morphine, foxglove, slumber, fear, pallid, gossamer, kenny, pepper, sour, sweet, quincey, jack (+jackl), phoenix, swiss, borealis, bicchiere, juno, pond, opium, eve, esque, petrichor, elysian, sheep, saeran, blue, thirtyfour, sea, gorge, corette, popgoes, nabu, penumbra, daffodil, remedy, silkra, polaris, nabbi, stitches, patchwork, sunkiss, spindle, uri, bride, evangelion, corpse, petunia, swan, melatonin, chorus, tempest, gold, heartwood, wyx, wik, chavell, hern, zin, sonna, esconder, oakley, jonquil, jules, kaz, valentine, savel, alifer, hexikiah, flair, orion, roman, aurelius, lio, supernova, hyperburst, xale, reino, karami, amaiera, vinnie, sylvester, ghost, amoxie, thyme, khai, leno, tyrian, amaranth, wish, valley, jockoline, knife, cubbie, keys, patchwork, clay, fran, ricky, starburst, matrix, richie, koen, fantasia, treasure, saint, rem, sunflower, law, dice, spade, brione, klahoma, klub, juxapose, shark, coast, pearl, fable, canopy, queen, fae, xyin, anomaly, december, november, t, haunterly, kiss, sixteen, five, veil, pom pom, laine, winlei, estan, raby, sachele, cj, null, ziggy, lanton, sannette
passion, masky, rosibene, nonsense, decay, salem, lockie, sugar, limin, spitts, everett, soda, fitz, bō, daughtry, hao, kastlane, afternoon, lucas, louise, mimmy, yusef, equinox, anthemion, três, viridian, celadon, faigan, radio, syrup, rise, elowen, veraine, axe, creep, vanity, yellow, boston, kain, riles, quick, hydraon, nessie, mousse, ecto, beastly, worship, cannibalism, stalking, abandon, ketamine, pretender, hypocrisy, quixotic, opulence, opportunity, sensuality, sobriety, rage, apocalypse, negligence, irrationality, cube
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misshoneyimhome · 2 months
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Better In Time I Frederik Andersen
[Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]
Summary: Seven years have passed since you last saw Freddie. Yet, when you unexpectedly run into him at a grocery store in your hometown of Herning, your summer plans take an unexpected turn.
Tropes & warnings: Frederik Andersen x reader, friendship, best friend!Freddie, dad!Freddie
Word count: 2.6K
July 2023
The memories of that summer in Toronto still lingered, a bittersweet reminder of the connection you once had with Frederik. You had crossed the ocean to visit him, eager to reconnect and see his new life in Canada.
However, as time passed and Frederik’s rapid rise in the NHL took off, you felt a growing distance. Despite your best efforts to stay in touch through messages and occasional calls, Frederik's increasing fame and your career in Copenhagen gradually pulled you apart. Your conversations became less frequent, distant echoes of a once-strong friendship.
It was no secret that you missed Frederik deeply but hesitated to intrude on his newfound success. He was finally achieving the recognition he deserved, and you didn’t want to be a distraction.
And back in Copenhagen, you threw yourself into work and embraced the city's vibrant culture, and Frederik’s presence slowly faded. What had once been regular communication dwindled to sporadic interactions on social media. And amidst the demands of adulthood, your bond was reduced to occasional likes and comments on social media posts.
It had been seven years since you last saw Frederik at Toronto Pearson Airport. But then when you suddenly turned around in the grocery store in Herning on this insignificant day in July, his unmistakable fiery red hair caught your eye. His imposing figure stood out among the other shoppers, and when he then came to look your way, his gentle smile felt like a warm embrace. Despite the time apart, seeing him felt deeply familiar. 
Running into him in the aisles of your local grocery store on a random summer afternoon was the last thing you expected. But there he was, just a few metres away, his gaze fixed on you with a mix of surprise and recognition. You froze, feeling the tension in the air as you locked eyes with your childhood best friend. Time seemed to slow down as you took in the sight of him, memories rushing back - your first kiss, the first touch, the second, and the third…
Your heart skipped a beat as his lips curved into a soft smile, breaking the heavy silence between you. It was a tentative gesture, acknowledging the years that had passed and the distance that had grown. Yet, beneath it all, there was a spark of something familiar, a connection that refused to fade despite the time apart.
With a sharp intake of breath, you found your voice, a subtle quiver betraying the emotions swirling inside you. "Freddie," you whispered, barely audible over the din of the supermarket.
He nodded, his gaze fixed on you as he took a few steps closer, gradually closing the gap between you. "Hi, y/n," he murmured, his voice soft but warm.
The air seemed charged with anticipation as you both stood there, in a moment that felt suspended in time. For a brief second, it was as if the world around you had vanished, leaving just the two of you linked by shared memories and unspoken feelings.
Clearing your throat, you did your best to find your voice. "Hi Freddie, didn't expect to run into you here," you said softly, managing a friendly smile despite the knot of nerves in your stomach. Clinging a bit tighter to your basket handle, you couldn’t shake the slight discomfort that came with this unexpected encounter.
But Freddie simply laughed at your comment, and you felt a wave of relief. Maybe, just maybe, you could get through this meeting without revealing the truth that had been troubling you for years.
"Yeah, it’s the off-season, so I figured I’d spend some time with my folks," he said with a wry grin, his easy-going manner helping to calm your nerves.
And just then, the brief silence was interrupted by the sweet sound of a child’s voice, bringing you both back to reality. "Mum, can we have pancakes for dinner?" The young boy bounded into your arms, his wide smile infectious as he looked up at you with excitement.
Chuckling softly, you affectionately ruffled his strawberry-blonde hair. "Pancakes for dinner, huh? But Grandpa’s firing up the grill, so you can have all the spareribs you want," you teased, returning his smile with one of your own.
"I love spareribs!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm, his excitement clearly spreading to you.
"I know you do, sweetheart," you replied, a warm feeling spreading through your chest as you gently stroked his hair and pulled him in for a hug.
And as your son then turned his gaze towards Frederik, a look of confusion crossed the goaltender’s face, his brow furrowing slightly. "Mum?" he asked softly, his eyes darting between you and the young boy.
You nodded in confirmation, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, a lot has happened over the past few years," you murmured.
But Frederik simply responded with a surprised, yet genuinely happy, "Oh wow… that’s – well… congratulations." His attempt at a smile was tinged with confusion, but he set aside his own feelings to focus on your news.
"Thanks…" you replied softly. 
“Mum, who is this?” your son asked, shifting the focus of the conversation. Taking a moment to steady yourself, you replied timidly, "Oh sweetheart, this is Freddie, one of Mum’s good friends from when I was younger," you said with a fond smile, gesturing towards Frederik. "Freddie, this is my son, Henry."
Frederik's expression softened as he looked down at Henry, a warm feeling spreading through him at the sight of the young boy. "Hi there, Henry," he said with a friendly smile, extending his hand towards the curious child. "Nice to meet you."
Gradually, the tension in the air began to ease, like a knot slowly loosening. Frederik's introduction to Henry added a warm touch to the atmosphere, smoothing out the lingering uncertainty between you.
And as a few more minutes passed, the awkwardness seemed to fade, giving way to a tentative sense of ease. Yet, just as you were about to say goodbye to Frederik and move on with your day, he stopped you with a question that slipped out before he’d even fully formed it.
"How about dinner tonight?" he asked, his words carrying a blend of spontaneity and curiosity. “I mean, what are the chances of running into each other like this…”
The unexpected suggestion caught you off guard, and you scrambled for a response. "Oh, um… sorry Freddie, but we’ve got plans…" you stammered softly, the words coming out in a rush. Though a sense of relief washed over you at the thought of avoiding the situation, a pang of disappointment tugged at your heart.
Frederik’s expression shifted briefly, a shadow of disappointment crossing his face before he gave a resigned nod. "Right… the spareribs, yeah, sorry," he murmured, his voice carrying a hint of letdown.
Another brief silence stretched between you until Henry’s sweet voice cut through it.
"Why don’t you just come and eat with us?" He suggested, his offer simple yet heartfelt. His green eyes sparkled with excitement as he looked up at Frederik, completely unaware of the complexities of the situation. And the unexpected invitation from Henry caught both you and Frederik off guard, momentarily easing the tension between you.
Frederik’s brows knitted in surprise as he glanced between you and your son, a faint smile forming on his lips. "Oh, uh, I wouldn’t want to intrude," he said, his tone hesitant but warmed by the genuine kindness of the offer.
But before you could respond, Henry's eager voice filled the air again. "Please, Freddie! It would be so much fun to have you join us," he pleaded sweetly and politely, his eyes wide with enthusiasm.
You hesitated for a moment, caught between the need to uphold the boundaries you had set and the desire for the familiarity and connection that Frederik’s presence could bring.
And noticing your uncertainty, Frederik gave a tentative smile. "Only if it’s not too much trouble, I’d really like to join you for dinner," he said, his voice soft yet sincere.
So, with a sigh, you gave in, the weight of your secret momentarily forgotten in the face of Henry’s innocent excitement. "Alright then, dinner it is," you said, a small smile forming on your lips as you looked at Frederik.
"Why… why did I invite him for dinner?" you muttered rhetorically, frustration edging your voice as you set the table outside, your father by your side at his house.
"Well, technically it was Henry who invited Freddie," your father chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye as he turned the ribs on the grill.
"It’s not funny, Dad…" you replied, your mind still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions triggered by Frederik's unexpected appearance.
“Oh, come on y/n… you and Freddie have been close friends since you were kids – it’s only natural you’d want to spend some time together now that you’re both here,” your father said, his voice filled with gentle encouragement as he turned to you with a reassuring smile.
But you shook your head, a heavy sigh escaping as you met his gaze with a troubled expression. "You know that’s not what I’m talking about…" you murmured softly.
Despite the understanding look in your father’s eyes, he crossed his arms and sighed. “Maybe this is a sign that you need to tell him…” His words lingered in the air, a gentle but firm nudge towards the truth you had been avoiding for too long.
“I don’t know… isn’t it strange now that so much time has passed?” you asked, your brow furrowing as uncertainty crept into your voice.
“And whose fault is that?” your father raised an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s kind of Tom’s fault since he convinced me I might jeopardise Freddie’s career by telling him. We all know he’d be a stand-up guy, torn between choosing his career and the responsibilities of… an accident…” you explained, your words tumbling out with frustration.
"Hey, don’t call my only grandson an accident… just because the two of you were irresponsible…” your father said playfully, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“You know what I mean, Dad… besides, this was my choice, not Freddie’s…” you sighed, the weight of your decisions pressing heavily on your shoulders.
“Well, maybe you should just tell him anyway… y/n/n, he deserves to know, and it’s not like you expect anything from him…” your father said, his expression one of gentle encouragement.
But before you could say anything more, Henry’s enthusiastic voice cut through the air as he dashed from the living room to the hallway, eager to greet your guest who rang the doorbell.
“I’ll get it!” Henry called out, his excitement clear as he welcomed Frederik into his grandfather’s home with open arms.
As always, Frederik was the picture of kindness and thoughtfulness. With a wide smile, he handed you a bouquet of your favourite flowers and a six-pack of your father’s preferred summer beers.
"It’s great to see you again, Freddie," your dad greeted him warmly, pulling him into a hearty hug.
It was well-known that your father had always had a special fondness for Frederik. Despite the age gap and the fact that he saw Frederik more as a son figure than a potential romantic interest for you, he had been fully supportive when you confided in him about Henry’s real father.
And as you all settled in for a lovely summer evening meal, the conversation flowed smoothly, filled with laughter and shared memories. Henry, especially, was brimming with excitement, eagerly sharing stories about his Ninjago LEGO collection and his dreams of becoming a pro hockey player, just like his idol.
"So, what position do you play?" Frederik asked with a playful smile, genuinely interested in encouraging Henry’s passion for the sport.
"Right now, we don’t really have positions… I mean, I’m pretty good at scoring goals… but I also really want to be a goalie one day," Henry explained with a sweet smile, his eyes gleaming with determination. “But mum and Grandpa sort of don't want me to be that just yet.”
Frederik chuckled warmly, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Oh, don’t worry, my parents said the same thing to me! How old are you, Henry?"
"I’m six!" Henry declared proudly, holding up six fingers to make his point.
"Well, you’ve got plenty of time before you need to decide on your final position," Frederik reassured him, his tone gentle and encouraging. "And who knows, maybe I can help persuade these two," he added with a wink, nodding towards you and your father.
Henry's eyes sparkled with excitement at the idea. "That would be awesome, Freddie!" he said, his enthusiasm palpable as he bounced in his seat. "Mum! Can I show Freddie my hockey cards?"
Despite the tiny lump in your throat and the growing sense that Frederik was beginning to piece things together, you couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at Henry's excitement. "Of course, sweetheart," you replied with a nod, your heart weighed down by the truth you were about to confront.
Henry quickly leapt from his chair and dashed to his room to fetch his small collection of NHL hockey cards. Meanwhile, Frederik couldn’t help but smile, clearly touched by the sight of the little boy you had raised with such love and care.
"He’s a sweet boy," Frederik commented warmly, turning to you with a gentle smile.
You returned his smile with a nod and a soft look. However, as the conversation shifted to a more serious tone, the smile faded from your lips, replaced by a sense of unease.
"Is there no dad in the picture?" Frederik asked gently, his tone both caring and inquisitive.
Your heart tightened at the question, knowing that the moment had finally arrived to reveal the truth you had been carrying for years. So, with a deep sigh, you gathered your thoughts, struggling to find the right words.
“I think I’ll go and help Henry,” your father said gently, sensing that you needed privacy with your old friend.
And left alone with Frederik, you took a deep breath, bracing yourself for the difficult conversation ahead. “Um… Freddie… I, um…” you started, your words stumbling as you fidgeted with your hands, the weight of the truth heavy upon you.
But before you could continue, Frederik’s puzzled expression stopped you. His brows furrowed in confusion as the pieces began to fall into place. “Wait… he’s six?” he asked, his smile fading as the realisation sank in. 
With a heavy heart, you nodded silently, your voice barely a whisper. “Yes… he was born in May 2017… after… I was in Toronto… visiting you.”
Time seemed to stretch endlessly as Frederik absorbed the weight of your revelation, his expression unreadable as he grappled with the enormity of what you had just shared. You held your breath, your heart racing as you waited anxiously for his response.
Then breaking the heavy silence, Frederik finally spoke, his voice quiet yet filled with emotion. “So, that means…” he trailed off, the unspoken implications hanging in the air.
You met his gaze with a gentle nod, your own emotions swirling as you confirmed his unspoken question. “Yes… Freddie, he’s your son…” you admitted softly.
The moment was a mix of relief and apprehension as you finally revealed the secret you had kept for so long. Yet, Frederik’s reaction was hard to read; his face was a mask of conflicting emotions that left you on edge.
And as you sat across from each other, the reality of your shared past settled between you, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.
Yet, before the tension could stretch any further, Henry's enthusiastic voice cut through the silence, redirecting your attention. “Look, Freddie, look!” he exclaimed, his eyes alight with excitement as he proudly showed off his cherished hockey cards.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy 80th birthday to Willie Carson, born in Stirling, 1942.
Willie’s father was a Fyffes banana packer called Tommy and his mother was a waitress named May. Racing was not in his background at all. There were no horses in the family, as a teenager Carson started taking riding lessons at a stable in Dunblane. He says that “The horses kept kicking and biting me! They’re funny animals and it took me years to understand them.”
Willie served his apprenticeship with trainer Gerald Armstrong in Yorkshire between 1958 and 1962. In his first race, on May 18, 1959, he came fifth at Redcar on Marija. His first win was on Pinker’s Pond at Catterick on July 19, 1962. His career really took off when he received his first retainer from Lord Derby from 1967 until 1975, although his most successful partnership was with Major Dick Hern, trainer of the Queen’s horses at West Ilsley.
During his racing career Willie Carson was champion jockey five times and won 17 “Classics” . At just five feet tall and riding at an easily maintained weight of 7 stone 10 pounds (49 kg) Carson was much in demand as a jockey up to his retirement in 1996 at the age of 54. He had a total of 3,828 wins making him the fourth most successful jockey in Britain, and easily Scotland’s most successful rider.
Since his retirement he has became a TV star and a top breeder. Now 75, he lives in Gloucestershire with Elaine, his wife of 34 years, and has three children by his first wife, Carol.
In an interview a couple of years ago he said “I’d like to live healthily for as long as I can, and I’d like to be remembered as a hard-worker who did his best.”
The “action” pic of Willie winning a race also has a Scottish connection, the thoroughbred was called  Dunfermline. She won two classics, The Oaks against other fillies in June and in September St. Leger, the horse was owned by Qurrn Elizabeth. 
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thebowynntradition · 12 days
The Bowynn Year and Holidays:
The Bowynn calendar is different from most Pagan calendars and certainly bears no resemblance to the Gregorian calendar. The start of the Bowynn year falls on September 1st and the last day of the year falls on August 31st.
During all 12 of the larger months there is one sacred holiday, though there may be a few secondary holdays. Despite this, Bowynn view every single day of their lives as sacred and celebrated not just verbally but spiritually. So its common for an individual to celebrate the worship of a deity on any and all days of the year. Holidays are celebrated for 3 days. The first day of a holiday is reserved for decorating, cooking, cleaning, cleansing and evening worship.
September ( Maeano )
1 Then Ohenn - New Years Day. The first day of the new year. Dedicated to Ohenn and the Nauidd. Also to Tymora. Fig cake, bundles of summer seed are offered to the gods
20-22 Tsa'kora - Holiday of the month of September, it celebrates the first day of Autumn. The Epiphany of the goddess Kora and Ryan. Also honoring Brea, Amaetheon, Deanna. The holiday celebrates the wedding of Deanna to Amaetheon. A time of great feasts and celebrations.
October ( Tombra )
29-31 Ky'kora - Holiday for the month of October. Mournful celebration to honor the death of Herne, to save all of humanity.
November ( Haedmor )
15-17 Emberfest - The great feast day honoring the gods Kane, Io, Hyu, Amaetheon and Deanna. A holiday for thanks of abundance, health, home. Hearths, homes and ovens are cleaned, and special meals are left just for the gods.
December ( Ellesmor )
20-22 Tsa'myliea - holiday of the month of December. The first day of winter. Devoted to Morrighynn, Arn and Myliea. On this day the goddess Morrighynn weeps for her lost love Herne and promised by Bia that her love will be back soon enough. Lanterns lit in Herne’s and Morrighynn’s honor.
January ( Banu )
14-16 Lenaea - Holiday of the month. Celebration of abundance for making it this far into winter. Devoted to Io, Amaetheon, Hyu, Deanna, Tymora and Daekk. Homes, people and animals are blessed with the seeds gathered from the year before. Great costumed parades are held to bring prosperity to all.
February ( Paola )
1-3 Ky'myliea - Holiday of the Month of February. Devoted to Myliea, Arn, Herne, Brea and to the wind god Arn, A winter festival. Celebration of the conception of Herne to Brea and making it halfway through winter.
March ( Aeven )
20-22 Tsa'quilla - Holiday of the month. The first day of spring. Devoted to Herne, Brea, Quilla and Lyan. On this day Quilla appears on the east and Herne is born to the world. Kii are also honored this day.
April ( Prana )
15-17 Tau Mystaraa - The Great Mysteries. Holiday for the month of April. Devoted to Mystara, Mauro and Ehlrik. Though really, it is devoted to ALL the gods. Celebrated as the great cleanings and initiation of new mages into the groves. 3 nights of great Magic, Spiritual and divination practices and a day for new practitioners to start.
May ( Auma )
1-3 Ky'quilla - Mid-Spring holiday and Sabbat of the month of May. Devoted to the reunion of Herne and Morrighynn. Also celebrated are all the Kii, Lyan and Quilla. Lovers holiday as well as the second blessing of gardens.
June ( Dellet )
12 Founder’s Day - Holiday celebrating the conseption of the Bowynn Tradition. Summer celebration. Dedicated to Anhur, Rhya, Briathenaea and Aleglea. Celebrating a time of joy of summer. Fun, food, games and frolic. Part of the Migration celebrations. Also a day for introspection of ones self, who they are.
20-22 Tsa'tarna - First day of Summer and the holiday of the month of June. Dedicated to epiphany of Tarna, Saphon and the wedding of Herne and Morrighynn. No meat is eaten during the first two days of the holiday.
July ( Iona )
14-16 Briathenaet - Holiday of the month of July Great celebration to the goddess Briathenaea and Aleglea as our patronesses and saviors. Celebrated with the cleansing and blessing of her icons and temples. followed with great games and contests that last for 3 days.
August ( Olten )
1-3 Kytarna Mid-Summer holiday of the month of August. Dedicated to Io, Amaetheon, Hyu and Deanna. Celebrating the sacred wedding of Tarna to Saphon. It also celebrates the first harvest.
31 Anj Ohenn - New Years Eve. The last day of August and the year. Dedicated to Ohenn and the Nauidd. Great pots and bundles of tall grass and cattails are offered, laid about the icon of Ohenn. Images of the 12 Nauidd are made, gifted and hung about.
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horseweb-de · 2 months
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Denmark roster
Kirstine Danstrup-Andersen (Copenhagen)
Simon Hansen (Herning)
Ida Karstoft (Lemvig)
Lisa Pedersen (Copenhagen)
Katrine Koch-Jacobsen (Ballerup)
Viktor Axelsen (Odense)
Anders Antonsen (Aarhus)
Kimmo Astrup-Sørensen (Copenhagen)
Anders Skaarup-Rasmussen (Copenhagen)
Mathias Christiansen (Copenhagen)
Mia Blichfeldt (Solrød Strand)
Maiken Fruergaard-Sørensen (Hvidovre)
Sara Thygesen (Frederiksberg)
Alexandra Bøje (Copenhagen)
Nikolai Terteryan (Vejle)
Lasse Madsen (Solrød Kommune)
Victor Aasmul (Rudersdal Kommune)
Morten Gravesen (Copenhagen)
Magnus Sibbersen (Hvidovre)
René Holten-Poulsen (Sakskøbing)
Frederikke Hauge-Matthiesen (Høje-Taalstrup Kommune)
Emma Aastrand-Jørgensen (Bagsværd)
Mikkel Norsgaard-Bjerg (Copenhagen)
Michael Mørkøv-Christensen (Kokkedal)
Mads Pedersen (Tølløse)
Mattias Skjelmose-Jensen (Copenhagen)
Carl-Frederik Bévort (Copenhagen)
Tobias Aagaard-Hansen (Odense)
Niklas Larsen (Slagelse)
Rasmus Lund-Pedersen (Odense)
Simon Andreassen (Odense)
Sofie Pedersen (Aalborg)
Rebecca Koerner (Herlev)
Cecilie Uttrup-Ludwig (Frederiksberg Kommune)
Emma Bjerg (Silkeborg)
Amalie Dideriksen (Kastrup)
Julie Norman-Leth (Aarhus)
Caroline Bohé (Hillerød)
Malene Kejlstrup-Sørenson (Randers)
Daniel Bachmann-Andersen (Sønderborg)
Peter Tersgov-Flarup (Viborg)
Andreas Schou (Kolding)
Nanna Skodborg-Merrald (Kirke Hvalsø)
Cathrine Landrup-Dufour (Kirke Hvalsø)
Nicolai Højgaard (Aarhus)
Jacob Olesen (Dubai, U.A.E.)
Emily Pedersen (Copenhagen)
Nanna Koerstz-Madsen (Nørrebro)
Niklas Landin-Jacobsen (Gladsaxe Kommune)
Magnus Landin-Jacobsen (Gladsaxe Kommune)
Niclas Vest-Kirkeløkke (Ringe)
Emil Manfeldt-Jakobsen (Kerteminde)
Rasmus Lauge-Schmidt (Randers)
Emil Nielsen (Aarhus)
Magnus Saugstrup-Jensen (Aalborg)
Hans Lindberg (Høje-Taastrup Kommune)
Mathias Gidsel (Skjern)
Henrik Møllgaard-Jensen (Bramming)
Mikkel Hansen (Helsingør)
Lukas Lindhard-Jørgensen (Lejre)
Lasse Bredekjær-Andersson (Copenhagen)
Simon Hald-Jensen (Aalborg)
Thomas Sommer-Arnoldsen (Skanderborg)
Simon Bogetoft-Pytlick (Thurø)
Sandra Toft (Gribskov Kommune)
Sarah Aaberg-Iversen (Nykøbing Falster)
Rikke Iversen (Nykøbing Falster)
Helena Hagesøe-Elver (Copenhagen)
Anne Hansen (Glostrup)
Kathrine Brothmann-Heindahl (Rudersdal)
Line Haugsted (Skive)
Althea Reinhardt (Aarhus)
Mette Tranborg (Aarhus)
Kristina Jørgensen (Horsens)
Trine Østergaard-Jensen (Skanderborg)
Louise Vinter-Burgaard (Esbjerg)
Mie Enggrob-Højlund (Voldum)
Emma Uhrskov-Friis (Herning)
Michala Elsberg-Møller (Aalborg)
Lærke Olsen (Hørsholm)
Sverri Sandberg-Nielsen (Tórshavn, Faroe Islands)
Marie Hauberg-Johannesen (Solrød Kommune)
Julie Poulsen (Odder)
Astrid Steensberg (Sorø)
Clara Hornæss (Copenhagen)
Sára Johansen (Tvøroyri, Faroe Islands)
Nikoline Laidlaw (Dunblane, U.K.)
Karen Mortensen (Fredericia)
Caroline Munch (Bjæverskov)
Nanna Vigild (Copenhagen)
Sofie Vikkelsøe (Copenhagen)
Frida Werner-Foldager (Roskilde)
Sofie Østergaard (London, U.K.)
Hedvig Rasmussen (Frederiksberg)
Fie Udby-Erichsen (Hobro)
Frida Sanggaard-Nielsen (Copenhagen)
Johan Søe (Aarhus)
Johan Lundgaard-Schubert (Aarhus)
Nikolaj Hoffmann-Buhl (Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune)
Daniel Nyborg (Copenhagen)
Mathias Bruun-Borreskov (Skanderborg)
Andrea Schmidt (Aarhus)
Johanne Schmidt (Aarhus)
Natacha Saouma-Pedersen (Odense)
Anne-Marie Rindom (Søllerød)
Jesper Hansen (Bjegsted)
Rikke Mæng-Ibsen (Herning)
Stephanie Scurrah-Grundsøe (Roskilde)
Viktor Solmunde (Copenhagen)
Thea Blomsterberg (Birkerød)
Martine Damborg (Kastrup)
Elisabeth Sabroe-Ebbesen (Skanderborg)
Schastine Tabor (Copenhagen)
Julie Kepp-Jensen (Hvidovre)
Helena Rosendahl-Bach (Holstebro)
Signe Bro (Copenhagen)
Table tennis
Anders Lind (Hørsholm)
Martin Buch-Andersen (Rudersdal Kommune)
Jonathan Kjaer-Groth (Albertslund)
Edi Hrnic (Brøndby Kommune)
Clara Tauson (Kongens Lyngby)
Caroline Wozniacki-Lee (Miami-Dade County, Florida)
Emil Holm (Frederiksberg)
Alberte Kjær-Pedersen (Aarhus)
Turpal-Ali Bisultanov (Copenhagen)
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