#Juliette je t'aime
natsukashii-naa · 1 year
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Maison Ikkoku (1986)
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tina-chou-17 · 7 months
Hey bonjour tout le monde,
non je ne suis pas morte, je suis toujours là, mais avec bcp moins de temps.
voici une petite liste de manga anciens (avant 2000) à regarder.
Marc et Marie
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Planète Jeunesse - Marc et Marie (planete-jeunesse.com)
Ranma 1/2
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Ranma ½ (nautiljon.com)
Sakura Chasseuse de Cartes
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Card Captor Sakura (nautiljon.com)
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Argaï, la prophétie | Wiki Doublage francophone | Fandom
Juliette je t'aime
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Juliette je t'aime | Wiki Encyclopedia Anime | Fandom
Max et Co
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Max et compagnie (série) : Saisons, Episodes, Acteurs, Actualités (ecranlarge.com)
Signé Cat's eyes
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Cat's Eyes - Série | MYTF1
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Papyrus - Série TV 1997 - AlloCiné (allocine.fr)
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Saiyuki (manga) - Wikipedia
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Yu-Gi-Oh! | Netflix
Les malheurs de Sophie
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A regarder sur youtube, il y a aussi des compilations
Sailor Moon
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Même si la série est hyper longue, il y a sans doute quelque part une série Kai
Où regarder la série Sailor Moon en streaming (justwatch.com)
Hunter X Hunter
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La première série vaut encore le détour. Publié sur Youtube, je ne sais pas si elle y est encore.
Princesse Sissi
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(1) 01 Sissi n'en fait qu'à sa tête - YouTube
Sophie et Virginie
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(1) Sophie et Virginie - Episode 27 - Une réunion de famille - YouTube
Les misérables
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(1) Les Misérables - Épisode 1 - L'auberge des Thénardier (1992) - YouTube
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chouuchou · 1 year
Je te baise mille fois, Juliette bien-aimée, dans toutes les parties de ton corps, car il me semble que partout sur ton corps, je sens la place de ton coeur comme partout dans ma vie je sens la place de mon amour. Je t'aime, tu es ma joie.
Lettre, à Juliette Drouet, janvier 1835 de Victor Hugo
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fcllederage · 9 months
Juliette, je t'aime, Juliette, je t'aime, TADADADADA DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAA
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suis-nous · 1 year
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #86
The best of the week: ‘The Ear’, ‘El Dependiente’, ‘Él’, ‘Romance’.
4 films about bookstores:
🍿 ... “It was a busy Saturday afternoon, late in August, and a guy who I don’t know walks up and says “I see what you do. You sit in that chair all day long, surrounded by the things you love most in the world. And all you do, all day long, is talk to people about the things you love most in the world. And the only time you get interrupted is when someone wants to give you money”...
30 years ago, I would place the documentary Hello, Bookstore on my all time 5 best films of all time. It’s about a little, indy bookstore in small town Lenox, Massachusetts and its erudite and friendly owner. 7/10.
🍿 Funny Face (1957), a flat, old-school musical by Stanley Donen. 58-year-old fashion editor Fred Astaire and shy 28-year-old Audrey Hepburn, who runs a bohemian bookstore, fall in love. She looks and talks like she’s 20, and this May-December Romance is glossed over by some middling Gershwin tunes, and some uninspiring dance numbers, which are still the best parts of the film.
🍿 It’s hard to make a pitch-perfect romantic comedy about a single father widower with three young girls who meets Juliette Binoche in a quaint seaside bookstore. Even if your first book was ‘What's Eating Gilbert Grape'. So Dan in Real Life is far from original. Still it’s a sentimental, sweet rom-com with Juliette Binoche. 6/10.
🍿 My second by Spanish director Isabel Coixet (after ‘Paris, je t'aime’): The bookshop, another romanticised tale of a book-loving widow who decides to opens a small bookstore in a picturesque English village. Ray Bradbury and Nabokov’s Lolita play parts in the development of the story. Surprisingly, the cliched and meandering plot ends on a mostly unhappy ending. 4/10.
Adding these to the list of ‘Films About Bookstores’ that I've seen, like ‘The booksellers’ (!), 'The big sleep’, ‘Hugo’, ‘You’ve got mail’, Etc.
The Ear (1970), another enchanting discovery of a little-known masterpiece. A highly-stylized tour de force from Czechoslovakia, it was banned by the communist regime after completion, and had not been seen for 20 years. Like Albee’s ‘Virginia Woolf’, it tells of a married couple’s tumultuous night after a high-stake political soirée.
‘The Ear’ is their nickname for the Secret Police’s tiny listening devices, which they know are hidden everywhere in their apartment, and which enable the police to listen to their most intimate conversations. They are always under surveillance, and can always made to disappear in a purge. A Kafkaesque paranoic psychodrama. Highly recommended - 9/10.
El Dependiente (The salesclerk, 1969) by Leonardo Favio, a classic film from Argentina. A strange, Lynchian story of a meek and lonely man who’s been working since childhood at a small hardware shop. The man, Fernández, dreams of inheriting the corner store when the old owner of the store dies, but then he falls in love with a lonely woman, whose mother might be mad, and whose brother is an idiot. It starts as a slow, unsettling slice of life drama but it ends in him pouring a whole bag of rat poison into their lunch soup. 8/10.
First watch: Buñuel’s Mexican classic Él ("Him”) about a paranoid husband who goes insane of extreme jealousy for his young wife. 8/10
2 period dramas by Benoît Jacquot, both starring Léa Seydoux:
🍿I wanted to see Buñuel’s 1964 Diary of a Chambermaid with Jeanne Moreau, but couldn’t find a copy. So instead I watched the 2015 version with the beatific Léa Seydoux as Célestine. Life of a young female servant at 1890 consisted of sexual exploitations, daily humiliations and indignities. Tragic and unexpected. 7/10.
🍿 Léa Seydoux is like Greta Garbo to me: I’m completely enthralled whenever her radiant face fills the screen. In Farewell, My Queen she’s the “Reading Maid” to Marie Antoinette in Versailles during her last four days in power. Told through the servant eyes, it’s an interesting take of the French Revolution, with a bonus touch of same-sex infatuation. 6/10.
Romance (1999), my first art film directed by Catherine Breillat. What a surprise! A nuanced psychological study of a sexually-frustrated young woman, with explicit unsimulated sex scenes (including a couple with Italian porn star Rocco Siffredi). I've been looking for "mainstream” erotic movies that include hardcore, “real” but non-porn sex, and this is it. I loved it. It tells of a woman who lives with an asexual boyfriend, so she starts exploring the boundaries of her passions, and that leads her to adultery, submissiveness, sado-masochism, rape fantasies, and other adventures. It even includes a real birth, which eventually helps the woman to find some closure. Complex and intelligent! 7/10. 
Georges Méliès’ influential 1902 A Trip to the Moon, beautifully restored & colorized. One of the earliest science fiction films.
Daniel Brühl X 2:
🍿 Daniel Brühl’s directorial debut Next door is a tight 2-men German drama. He plays a famous movie star who stops at the local bodega, before taking a taxi to an important meeting. But there he meets an older man who knows too much about his private life, having lived across the yard from his apartment. Sharp and absorbing. 7/10. 🍿 In Good Bye, Lenin! young Brühl plays an East German son in 1989-1990. His mother is devoted to the socialist regime, and she falls into coma right before the fall of the Berlin Wall. When she wakes up after 8 months, the son conceals the news from her in elaborate schemes. 🍿
The Godmother of Rock and roll, Sister Rosetta Tharpe (Photo Above) is a nice documentary about the great gospel singer and legendary guitar virtuoso who influenced so many musicians, from Little Richard, Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley to Eric Clapton and Keith Richards.
(Today I also learnt, that in 1951 she staged her 3rd wedding at a DC stadium, and sold 25,000 tickets to fans who enjoyed the ceremony. Although the nuptials were a initially a PR stunt, she stayed up married for 22 years.)
Loving Vincent was created by 125 actual oil-painters who painted the 65,000 frames into a van Gogh style animated feature. First time when I saw it, I loved how unique and ‘artistic’ it seemed. Watching it again, I couldn’t help noticing that it’s a fictional murder mystery (’Who killed poor tortured genius Vincent?’) and that the oils were painted over frames of the movie after it had been shot. But the story itself is over-dramatic and not very interesting.
I finally saw Jordan Peele’s recent love-letter-to-Hollywood, his UFO spectacle Nope. Atmospheric and well done when describing the relationship between taciturn brother Daniel Kaluuya and his vivacious sister Keke Palmer. It left me unsure what exactly happened and what did it mean. 
2 with Per Oscarsson:
🍿 The night visitor (originally called ‘Papegoja’n, i. e. ‘The Parrot’), is a 1971 Swedish gothic thriller. It opens on Max von Sydow running in his underwear in the snow as he escapes from an insane asylum [which reminds me that you never / hardly ever saw him exerts any physical efforts in his roles, besides talking, frowning and looking miserable!].
This is a terrible movie on every level including the insanely murderous von Sydow, his lame sister Liv Ullmann, and her inept husband Per Oscarsson. The fact that it was badly dubbed into English didn’t help. 1/10.
🍿 In the original Swedish version of The ‘Millennium Trilogy’, Per Oscarsson (Memorable as Knut Hamsun in ‘Sult’), played Salander’s kind legal guardian Holger Palmgren.
I loved the ‘Millennium Trilogy’ when it came out, I read all 3 books, also saw the films quite a few times. In re-watch, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was smooth and violent: investigative journalist Michael Blomkvist and young Goth hacker Lisbeth Salander join forces to solve a 40-year-old murder-disappearance. The Swedish title was ‘Men who hate women’, and yes, it was more about misogynist and brutal fascist men than just about detective work and revenge.
...”You mean, we’re smoking dog shit, man?”...
The original Stoner Film Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke, promoting unabashed and enthusiastic marijuana use. I forgot that the Mexican border crossing scene from ‘We’re The Millers’, and The Big Lebowski’s Roach in the crotch’ scene were both exact copies of scenes from here. Banned in South Africa during apartheid. Censors there said that the film "might encourage the impressionable youth of South Africa to take up marijuana smoking".
The Devil's Advocate at 25 is re-emerging as a modern morality play with ‘Winning and Losing’ replacing ‘Good and Evil’. Tony Gilroy co-wrote a supernatural Rosemary’s Baby clone, and Keanu Reeves played “Kevin”, who goes against Pacino’s “John Milton”, of ‘Paradise Lost’. Unsatisfying re-watch about satanic lawyers, who represent only guilty people and always win.
First watch: Black Swan. Until the end credits came on, announcing that Natalie Portman starred in it, I was certain that it was Anne Hathaway who played the ballerina descending into madness. Either way, even before she got transformed into a “real” swan, I hated everything about this hi-brow/lo-brow ballet story. My first Darren Aronofsky film, and probably also the last.
Aloys (2016), a rare Swiss film about a sad and lonely private investigator who find himself being ‘watched’ by a mysterious woman. Vaguely reminiscent of Harry Caul, he starts hallucinating about ‘what could have been’ and ends up in a mental hospital. However, unlike ‘Coppola’s ‘Conversation’, it was tedious, confused and pretentious. 2/10.
Dugma, The Button, is a Norwegian documentary from 2016. It’s an intimate portrait of four normal al Qaida members in Syria as they train to become suicide bombers, martyrs for Allah and to “push the button”. The trailer.
I loath all religions equally!
Throw-back to the art project:
Adora with Buñuel.
Van Gogh Adora.  
(My complete movie list is here)
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Edition Tonkam en bon état général paru en 2000 Maison Ikkoku (めぞん一刻, Mezon Ikkoku?) est un manga de Rumiko Takahashi. Il est prépublié dans le magazine Big Comic Spirits de l'éditeur Shōgakukan entre 1980 et 1987, et est compilé en un total de quinze tomes. Plusieurs rééditions ont ensuite vu le jour. La version française est éditée par Tonkam dans une édition en dix tomes. Il a été adapté en anime, connu en France sous le nom Juliette, je t'aime. Yusaku Godai, jeune « rōnin » (étudiant ayant raté ses concours d'admission aux universités), décide un jour de quitter la pension de famille dans laquelle il vit car ses colocataires, Mme Ichinosé, la fêtarde alcoolique, l'impudique Akemi Roppongi et l'énigmatique Monsieur Yotsuya, font tous les soirs bruyamment la fête dans sa chambre, l'empêchant de réviser. Mais ce même jour arrive Kyoko Otonashi, la nouvelle concierge. Elle est veuve à seulement 20 ans. Yusaku tombe immédiatement amoureux d'elle. Mais il va bientôt avoir pour rival Shun Mitaka, un séduisant professeur de tennis, beau et riche. Le cours des sept années que dure cette comédie sentimentale sera rythmé par des quiproquos en série et gags à répétition. #oiseaumortvintage #melodieensoussol #butindechine #retourdechine #librairie #libraire #librairiemarseille #librairieindependante #librairiedoccasion #librairieenligne #livresdoccasion #onlinebookstore #bookstore #livrerare #vintage #vintagebook #maidonikkoku #juliettejetaime #tonkam #rumikotakahashi https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuYl7dMVzy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeanetjeannepatin · 2 years
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Mercredi 20 juillet 2022 à 19H, nous allons retrouver une émission précédemment diffusée, autour d'extraits du livre de Maurice Constantin Meyer, Un homme se penche sur son passé, autour du film éponyme tourné à l'ISDAT en 2013 avec Yannick Méric et Bastien Abrioux à la caméra. On peut retrouver le film ici : https://vimeo.com/106171622 Il s'agit ici de la déclinaison radiophonique avec lecture du livre agrémenté de quelques morceaux. A l'époque on pouvait penser à un adieu aux bibliothèques, ce qui donne une ambiance un peu automnale à l'émission. Cette émission est diffusée en hertzien, Toulouse : 106.8 Mhz ou en streaming https://www.radioradiotoulouse.net/ et pour tout le reste du temps sur les podcasts de mixcloud.
Programmation musicale : 1) Ta vie ne fut pas un voyage (Jean-Marc Le Bihan) 2) Josy (Henri Tachan) 3) Sirventes (Joan-Pau Verdier) 4) Je garde les chiens (Claire Diterzy) 5) Micheline (Albert Marcoeur) 6) The letter (Pascal Comelade) 7) Monsieur Paquette (Colette Magny) 8) Bande à Jacky (Giedré) 9) On va tous crever (Môrice Benin) 10) Je t'aime (Michele Bernard) + lecture d'extraits de Un homme se penche sur son passé de Constantin Meyer par Juliette
Pour ceux qui auraient piscine indienne, ou toute autre obligation, il y a une possibilité de rattrapage avec les podcasts de la PBF : https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioRadioToulouse/un-homme-se-penche-sur-son-passé-la-petite-boutique-fantasque/
Allons-y gaiement et sans mollir et sus aux Béotiens !
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highonfilms · 5 years
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Paris, I Love You (2006) ; Paris, Je T'aime
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natsukashii-naa · 2 years
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Maison Ikkoku (1986)
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ulrichgebert · 4 years
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Weil es gerade so schön war mit dem Episodenfilm, und schon wieder viel zu lange keine Vampire vorkommen. So geht es nachts in Paris zu. Andererseits ist dies wahrscheinlich eher eine der unrealistischeren Episoden von Paris je t’aime, den wir irgendwie gerne anschauen, obwohl wir Paris eigentlich gar nicht so lieben. Vielleicht wird es ja dank diesem Film beim nächsten Mal besser. 
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artdelivre · 6 years
« Veux-tu savoir ce qui me rend folle, injuste et méchante ? C’est la crainte de n’avoir pas la première place dans ton cœur. »
« Que je vous aime, que je t'aime ! »    | Juliette Drouet, Mon grand petit homme : Mille et une lettres d’amour à Victor Hugo
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davidrl · 6 years
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bordeleaubeau · 2 years
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liked by brendan.brisson, lhughes_06, _owenpower, and 18,980 others
thombordeleau_: soo... mother's day had a little bit of a surprise today. little one wasn't due for another four weeks, but she decided to come a little early and make sure we celebrate mother's day officially this year! meet juliette belle bordeleau, born 3:32am on may 8th, 2022.
this now doubles as a mother's day post for my beautiful y/n. mon ange, you are everything beautiful in this world and more. words cannot even begin to describe how excited i am to start this new chapter and journey with you, and to grow our family in the future. you are incredible. je t'aime mon amour, you are my real life fantasy.
view all 1,729 comments
youruser: i love you thomas
jadebordeleau: oh mon dieux. felicitations mon amour<3 @/your user ↳ youruser: je taime auntie jade<3
_owenpower: OH MY GOD
lhughes_06: sooooo when do we get to babysit? ↳ youruser: never. ↳ thombordeleau_: she's joking lukey ↳ youruser: no im not<3
kentjohnson.13: congratulations you two!!!!
mattybeniers10: holy shit!!! visiting asap ↳ audrey: hey.... matthew..... ↳ mattybeniers10: no.
mackie.samo: congrats brother!!
nblanks98: little man isn't so little anymore huh. congrats bords, sending you two my love ❤️ ↳ youruser: miss you blanks<3
sanjosesharks: alexa, play baby shark! congratulations, bordeleau family!
audrey: congratulations my two favorites!!!! if you need a babysitter you know who to call, just don't tell matty<3 ↳ youruser: you're the first on my list auds<3 ↳ lhughes_06: this is so fucking rude
_owenpower: luke baby fever #confirmed ↳ lhughes_06: shut the fuck up
happy mothers day<3
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thehappyegg · 3 years
1, 4, 10, 22?
1 what song makes you feel better?
Abba, n'importe quelle chanson de comédie musicale (hamilton, Six, Wicked, Roméo&Juliette, ...)
4 what flower would you like to be given?
J'aime les lys, les roses et les tournesols. Mais je préfère les plantes en pot.
10 what’s something you’re excited for?
Cuisiner des biscuits de Noel avec toi <3
22 what would you say to your future self?
Je t'aime. Ca valait le coup. Tu as tellement grandie. Je suis fière de celle que tu es devenue. Non, tu n'aurais pas pu faire mieux, ni plus vite, ni plus. J'ai hâte. J'aurai fait pareil. J'ai hâte de les rencontrer puisqu'ils comptent pour toi. Oui, je suis heureuse. Rappelle lea si iel te manque. Continue, on va y arriver. J'ai confiance en nous.
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