rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Bat Appreciation Day 
Bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes a day. Help preserve these crucial creatures by donating to a conservation, volunteering, or spreading awareness.
Bats have a terrible reputation among people because they’re seen as scary bloodsuckers that will spread diseases. However, according to scientists, very rarely do they spread diseases and few species drink blood, but rather eat fruit.
The population of bats has been depleting, and that is a problem because they contribute to the ecosystem more so than people think. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to show love for these flying mammals and teach people the importance of bats in today’s world.
Learn about International Bat Appreciation Day
On International Bat Appreciation Day, we are reminded of the important role that bats play in our day-to-day lives. You may not think that bats have any impact on your life at all! In fact, you may not really give much thought to this animal. However, did you know that bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour? That’s 1,000 fewer mosquitoes that could possibly bite you! As bats are insectivorous, they actually get rid of a lot of annoying insects, and so we have a lot to thank them for. They role in the circle of life definitely benefits us.
International Bat Appreciation Day encourages us to learn more about these species and the role they play in nature. It is a good opportunity for you to learn more about bats, and you will find plenty of information online and in animal textbooks as well. After all, there are some very interesting facts about this species.
You probably know that bats are able to see in the dark and that they use their extreme sense of hearing. But, did you know that they are the only type of mammal that is able to fly in a true and sustained way? Did you also know that bats are pollinators? This means that, along with the likes of butterflies and bees, they provide a critical link in our supply of food.
There are lots of other interesting facts that you can learn about bats on International Bat Appreciation Day. This includes the fact that there are more than 1,200 known species of bat. Around 70 percent of these bats are insectivores. Bats also grow in a number of different sizes. The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat is one of the biggest bats. It has a wingspan as big as five-feet, seven-inches, weighing up to four lbs. Bats also groom themselves constantly, making them very clean animals, which is something a lot of people do not realize.
In the United States, there are roughly 48 species of bats that call this their home. Three states in the U.S. also have an official state bat. The Virginia Big-Eared Bat is the state bat in Virginia. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is the state bat of Oklahoma. Finally, this bat – the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat – is also the state bat of Texas.
History of International Bat Appreciation Day
Bat Conservation International started International Bat Appreciation Day to focus on protecting all the different species of bats. Bats protect ecosystems and help make sure our planet has a healthier future.
Bat Conservation International was founded in 1982 by a group of scientists concerned about our planet’s bats. After lots of research, they discovered that bats are important to help keep nature in balance, and are important to a lot of industries.
Scientists such as Dr. Merlin Tuttle, a recognized authority on bats, formed the organization. He made important progress by teaching more sustainable uses of natural resources that benefit both bats and people.
Bats play a significant role in the ecosystem of the world. There are over 1,300 species of bats in the world. Bats helps control agricultural pests, pollinate flowers and fruit, and create rich fertilizer for landowners, farmers, and local communities.
Without these bats, plants would fail at providing food for other wildlife species and surrounding ecosystems. Bats are one of the most under-studied animals, even though many of those bats are considered critically endangered, threatened, or vulnerable.
Forest depleting, inappropriate guano mining and thoughtless tourism have caused a substantial decrease in the populations of bats everywhere. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to change the perspective on these misunderstood creatures and encourage people to help protect bats everywhere.
How to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day
Want to celebrate these furry, flying creatures of the night? Help support your local bat conservation organization by donating or volunteering to protect these adorable creatures. Share your love of bats with your friends and family by sharing facts about the different kinds of bats out there in the wild.
Take the time to educate people about the importance of bats in the world’s ecosystem. If you’re looking into becoming a biologist to study bats, then organizations such as the Bat Conservation International for career opportunities to help protect the world’s bats from extinction.
You can also expand your knowledge by taking a look online and reading up more about the species. There are also some good bat documentaries, which you can watch online or on television.
Another fun way to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day is to watch some of the Batman movies! This fictional superhero first appeared in 1939 in Detective Comics #27. There have been a lot of different Batman films over the years. This includes the 1989 Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from 2016, the 2006 The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises from 2012, and a number of others! So, get the popcorn in and celebrate this famous bat superhero!
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erwinkoschmidder · 2 months
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gelesen am 28.07.2019
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nobiramone · 1 year
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Solidarität mit SHANI LOUK und Israel Beim Angriff vom #Samstag 7/10/2023 wurden Zivilisten und Zivilistinnen von den Hamas-Terroristen entführt. Darunter auch die 22-jährige Shani Louk, deutsche Staatsbürgerin. Ihre Mutter gibt die Hoffnung nicht auf. • #ShaniLouk wurde von der #Hamas entführt. • Ihre Mutter gibt die Hoffnung auf ein Wiedersehen nicht auf. • Auch weitere deutsche Staatsangehörige sollen in der Gewalt der #Terroristen sein. Terroristische #Soldateska/s der islamistischen und antisemitischen Hamas haben nach Angaben des israelischen Militärs Israelis in den Gazastreifen entführt. Zuvor kursierten in sozialen Medien zahlreiche Videos von israelischen Geiseln. Eine davon war Shani Louk. In einem von CNN verifizierten Video ist eine bewusstlose Frau zu sehen, die von bewaffneten Kämpfern in Gaza vorgeführt wird. Ein #Mann zieht an ihren Haaren, während ein anderer von aussen auf ihren blutenden Kopf spuckt. Die antisemitischen und sexistischen Männer rufen laut «#AllahuAkbar», was «Allah ist gross» bedeutet. Anschliessend rast der #Jeep davon. Bei der Frau auf dem Jeep handelt es sich um Shani Louk (22). PS: Die Zeitung #jungeWelt hetzt und unterstützt den antisemitischen #Pogrom gegen Israel https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/461022.gaza-schl%C3%A4gt-zur%C3%BCck.html #againstjungewelt #IraniansStandWithIsrael #ShaniLouk #IsraelUnderAttack #AgainstEveryAntiSemitism #solidaritätmitisrael #gegenjedenantisemitismus #freegazafromhamas #fckhamas #antifa #zionism #jungleworld #NoAfD #againstputin #israel #Antideutsche #Antifa #againstantisemitism #FreeIran #AgainstMullahs #freegazafromhamas #stopbdshate @zionxhardcore141 #FreeIran #AgainstIslamism http://gruppe8maiweiden.blogspot.com/2023/10/in-solidaritat-mit-shani-louk-und-israel.html
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kitchenlegrecords · 1 year
We are mentioned in this great article about tape scene in Berlin on Jungle World!
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shape · 5 months
Eine Uni, ein Buch, ein deutsches Bedürfnis
Für die Jungle World haben wir einen Essay über den Holocaust relativierenden »postcolonial turn« verfasst, den die MLU in Halle hingelegt hat, indem sie ganze zwei Semester dem Buch »Den Schmerz der Anderen begreifen« von Charlotte Wiedemann und ihrem revisionistischen Erinnerungsansatz mit fakultätsübergreifenden Veranstaltungen gewidmet hat. Als Antwort auf die für das Wintersemester 2023/24 geplante Ringvorlesung »Erinnerung in Komplexität. Weltgedächtnis und Solidarität« hatten wir Anfang November Alex Gruber eingeladen, um seinen Vortrag »Die Shoah entsorgen, um Israel zu kritisieren. Zur Funktion des ›Historikerstreits 2.0‹« zu halten. Der Artikel befasst sich mit den Gründen für die Begeisterung über Wiedemanns Buch und enthält auch eine Analyse des Buches selbst, die verständlich machen soll, warum Wiedemann eine Anhängerin der linken »Schuldkult«-Legende ist. Er kann hier in Gänze gelesen werden:
AG Antifa Halle: Entprovinzialisierung in Halle. Die Martin-Luther-Universität liest Charlotte Wiedemann; Jungle World Ausgabe 2024/17 
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nakshcarpets · 4 years
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"Handmade with Love" "Bring new pet to your home" 🤹‍♂️🤼🤸‍♂️🤾‍♂️🦁🐯🐱🐆🐺🦊🐷🐮🦌🦓🦄 Naksh always deliver our best kids rugs for your kids on which they can play, explore🛠 new learning ideas about new wildlife animals.. For order and quality details please contact us here👇 __ Description: 🇮🇳 Made in India 🌼 100% safe for kids 🍃 Eco-friendly 📌 Made by Order 🐑 premium quality Wool 🍃 Construction: Hand-Tufted technique 🕴 Custom Size 🌈 Custom Color 🚢 Worldwide shipping 🚀 __ Contact Us: 📲 WhatsApp: +65 94453114 ☎ Call On : +91 7376357737 📩 Email: [email protected] 🌎 Website: www.nakshcarpets.com #jungleworld #kidsrugs #kidsrug #kidsroom #kidsroomdecor #babyrug #babyroomdecor #nurseryrug #nurseryroomdecor #boysroomdecor #girlroomdecor #animalrugs #animalrug #elephantrug #handtuftedcarpet #handmaderugs #kinderkamer #childrenrug #childrendecor #nakshcarpets #indiandecor #nurseryinspo #nursery #kidsstore #kidsplay #rugwholesaler #playmats #handmade #handmadewithlove #handmadegift (at Mirzapur, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJSZFOdH8vS/?igshid=qno5540zpk2p
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phexagain · 4 years
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piti2 · 5 years
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“YA TENEMOS 200 VISTAS EN INSTAGRAM” Artículo por David Graaff y fotos Tatyana Zambrano
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bubizitrone · 7 years
Dass Verhütung dann ganz zur Männersache wird, ist allerdings unwahrscheinlich. Denn die meisten Männer werden sich in absehbarer Zukunft ebenso wenig paritätisch an Haus- und Erziehungsarbeit beteiligen, wie sie ihren Nachwuchs auszutragen und zu gebären in der Lage sind – die großen Pharmakonzerne müssen sich also keine großen ­Sorgen machen, dass es durch ein Mittel zur männlichen Verhütung zu gravierenden Umsatzeinbrüchen bei der Antibabypille für die Frau kommt.
Fabian Hennig
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Prompt no. 60 made me think that phantomverse Ivan should be treated to a visit to an (obviously animal friendly and well done) zoo and I would love to see what he would like about the visit
60. "A day at the zoo, is what you need."
Ivan Kaminsky has not had a good week. He is working on a home renovation project for a pair of insipid white middle-aged yuppies who want to earnestly ask him what he, An Actual Russian, thinks about Putin's war (stupid, evil, deranged, and also stupid, how was that not clear), he has had to spend far too much time in Williamsburg as a result, and Rasputin is hacking up truly enormous hairballs and has already cost them a bundle in vet bills as they try to figure out if this is an actual problem. Aside from that, Fedyor has been gone with all the Brighton Beach Neighbors' Association Ukraine Aid meetings he's chairing, because that is Fedyor for you. But Ivan misses him, he's grumpier than usual, and he is just so very tired. About everything.
Thus, Ivan wakes up on Saturday morning and makes his usual grocery shopping run before Fedyor wakes up, then sits at the table with a cup of coffee and a pastry, as Rasputin twines himself around Ivan's legs and meows plaintively. The big grey bastard is far too large to actually sit on Ivan's shoulders, but he climbs up there anyway, purring like a carburetor engine. It's nice, as long as no hairballs make their appearance. Ivan found one in the bathtub last night that was almost the same size as the damn cat.
He's sitting there, moodily spacing out and feeling sorry for himself, when the floorboards creak, and his sleep-tousled husband appears in the doorway. He takes one look at Ivan, raises a dark eyebrow, and says, "Was the week that bad?"
"Yes, actually." Ivan huffs. "Fedya, if they keep trying to talk to me about their stupid Twitter arguments, I am going to lose my entire -- "
"To be fair," Fedyor points out, mouth quirking, "you'd think that no matter what they were trying to talk to you about. Shoo, Ras," he adds to the cat, who regards him vindictively. Fedyor and Rasputin have been engaged in a long-term rivalry for Ivan's love, and Fedyor clearly does not want to contend with twenty pounds of bad-tempered feline while attempting to fix Ivan's bad mood. Once Rasputin has been grudgingly forced to climb down and sit mournfully by his bowl as if he has never been fed in his entire life (there is kibble in it, but apparently it should be fresh kibble), Fedyor sits down next to Ivan, leans in, and kisses the side of his head. "Don't worry," he says. "I have an idea. A day at the zoo, that's what you need."
"The zoo?" Ivan chokes. "Fedya, how old do you think I am? Five?"
"It's fun," Fedyor insists. "The Bronx Zoo always has lots of exhibits, it's one of the biggest and most historic zoos in the country, and it'll take your mind off things. It might be fun."
Ivan looks mistrustful. "Fun?"
"Yes, Vanya." Fedyor kisses him again, to which Ivan submits with only a minimum of grumbling. "Fun."
Ivan, of course, still thinks that this sounds like a horrible idea, but Fedyor is determined, and thus there is no choice. They get dressed and prepared for a day out, then head to the Brighton Beach subway station, just a few minutes from their apartment building on its elevated track. It will take them at least an hour and a half to get all the way uptown to the Bronx (Ivan refuses to pay for a Lyft and then sit in traffic for even longer), and they shuffle through a various assortment of trains and buses until they finally reach the historic gates. Ivan eyes them up and down with patent skepticism as Fedyor pays for their tickets. There are already far too many shrieking children for his liking. Are they going to be here the whole time? Terrible.
They head into the zoo, hand in hand, and start to wander, heading through JungleWorld, Tiger Mountain, Big Bears, and African Plains, among others, before reaching the Butterfly Garden. Ivan stands there patiently as Fedyor looks around, occasionally shooting death glares at the small child screaming behind him. Why, heterosexuals. Why.
After that, they stop for lunch (the cafeteria is overpriced, but fine), then go on the Bronx Zoo Treetop Adventure, which is once more at Fedyor's urging. It is an aerial rope course with ziplines, bridges, ladders, and other swinging things, and they opt for the advanced route so as to avoid all the infants crowding the beginner course. As they monkey around high above the Bronx River, the sun and the wind in their faces, Ivan is forced to admit that as usual, Fedyor was right, and he is enjoying this. Odd how being married to someone for almost ten years, and together for almost twelve, can do that. He resents it. (He is a liar and doesn't resent it at all.)
At last, they come down from the heights, buy an ice cream cone apiece just because it seems like the thing to do, and sit together on a bench beneath the rustling trees, eating it slowly. "All right," Ivan admits. "I did enjoy that. Thank you."
"When are you going to learn, Vanya?" Fedyor leans over and nips a bite from Ivan's cone. He looks so cute that Ivan forbears altogether to rebuke him. "I am always right."
[fic prompts]
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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Bronx Zoo, New York City (No. 45)
Silvery lutungs are diurnal, and travel in groups of around 9-40 individuals with one adult male and many adult females communally caring for infants. They rarely leave the trees, which provide them protection from ground-dwelling predators, and rapidly flee if threatened. Each group occupies a home range of 20 to 43 hectares (49 to 106 acres), although these may overlap with those of neighbouring groups. During the day, individuals may travel up to 500 metres (1,600 ft) through the forest, with some forming all-female subgroups that separate from the group containing the male. The entire group shelters in a single tree at night. 
The social structure of silvery lutungs is matrilineal and harem based. Females remain in the group for life, while males leave shortly after reaching adulthood, living in small groups of their own until they can take over an established harem. Within the group, males dominate the females, and females with young dominate those without. However, there is relatively little aggression within the group compared with some related species.
Because group ranges often overlap, different groups frequently come into contact with one another. The adult male protects his group and territory from competing males, communicating his dominance to other males via vocalizations and fighting. In the absence of males, however, females from different groups are more likely to interact peacefully. The most serious conflicts occur when a male intrudes directly on the territory of another male, which may result in the intruder displacing the resident and taking control of the group. In many other primates, such a displacement would normally be followed by the male killing any infants sired by his predecessor; although this may occur in silvery lutungs, it has not been directly observed, and may be less common than in some other species. 
Although less vocal than other closely related species, silvery lutungs make at least thirteen different vocalisations, with the most common being used by adult males defending their territory. Other vocalisations express fear, anger, excitement, and satisfaction, in addition to various calls made by infants.
Source: Wikipedia
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erwinkoschmidder · 3 months
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gelesen am 30.06.2019
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moonfruitfilms · 5 years
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Guizhou is a wild-eyed, ginger-furred primate. This puppet was made for a music video for the track ‘Primate’, written and produced by WilderBeast in preparation for their album release.
The character of Guizhou is named after the province in southwest China. Guizhou is home to the golden snub-nosed monkeys of which my puppet is loosely based. Guizhou is not like other monkeys, of course. The video will see him undergo a transcendental experience. Aided by hallucinogenic plants, Guizhou will travel through multi-dimensions to the subconscious subcontinent of his mind’s eye (without giving too much away).
To create this stop motion puppet I worked with a ball and socket armature. Full details on my process have been documented in a series of blog posts, which can be found here.
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morethanonepage · 5 years
According to ABC 7, sources close to the snake believe it slithered through the mesh covering on a vent in the JungleWorld exhibit, heretofore its home, and disappeared into the night. Zoo staff do not seem overly concerned about the truant. They've posted a relatively discreet notice on the window of JungleWorld's ticket booth informing visitors of the great escape, and asking anyone who spots the sneak—ahem, snake—to let the professionals know.
“sources close to the snake”
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Vermögen und Reichtum
Vermögen und Reichtum | Ungleichheit und Armut in Deutschland | Eine Klasse für sich | Der verborgene Reichtum in Deutschland JungleWorld Thema 30.7.2020
Ungleichheit und Armut in Deutschland
Eine Klasse für sich | Der verborgene Reichtum in Deutschland
JungleWorld | Ausgabe #31 vom 30.07.2020
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denkenreisenleben · 5 years
Klimapolitik ist Klassenpolitik!
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