#Junya Kaneshiro
bubblebrow · 1 year
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6/20, I know you're blackmailing me but can you please retake the photo
This comic is in Volume 1 of my P5R comic anthology, sold on my online store here! -> https://www.rodi.best/
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p5x-theories · 4 months
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New Yusuke and Makoto art for the second chapter of the P5 Collab, as well as the Shadow Madarame and Piggytron icons, a little Fox mask icon, and the Yusuke trophy!
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personachampions · 9 days
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Life will change. Round 2 continues with Matches 25-32!
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starfirexuchiha · 2 years
Unused Akechi Thieves Den conversations
There are some unused Thieves Den conversations that Akechi had with the other PTs, so I wanted to show them here. This is a long post btw.
Zorro - Yusuke & Akechi convo
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Yusuke: ......
Akechi: You're looking at that Persona rather intently. Is he that intriguing?
Yusuke: Absolutely. It is an unparalleled luxury to lay sight on the physical manifestation of another's self-image. Not just any artist can claim to have borne witness to the likes of Personas, or Mementos. It would be foolish not to use this opportunity to incorporate these concepts into an art piece.
Akechi: I... see. Well, you have fun with that.
Yusuke: Ah, before you go. Would you be so kind as to show me your own Persona? I'd love to use him as a model for one of my sketches.
Akechi: ...I'm going to have to decline.
Goro doesn’t want to model for Yusuke lol
Robin Hood - Ann & Akechi convo
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Ann: Seeing this reminds me of the days you still acted like a prince. Things have gotten pretty dark since then...
Akechi: Complain all you like, but this is who I am. I'm not going to change back.
Ann: I'm not complaining. It's better to know you're being honest and not hiding anything from us.
Akechi: Honest, huh.
I like how Ann is accepting of Goro’s true self.
Robin Hood - Sumire & Akechi convo
Sumire: This Persona is yours, Akechi-senpai? I'm surprised. It's very, um... noble.
Akechi: Ah, that's right. I suppose you've never seen this one.
Sumire: Never! Do you fight with it the same way? You know, "Muahahahaaa! You're all gonna die! Sayonara, suckers!"
Akechi: Heh. Are you mocking me?
Sumire’s friendship with Goro is so adorable!
Robin Hood - Ryuji, Ann & Akechi convo
Ryuji: It ain't fair that he gets to have two Personas. Aren't you kinda jealous?
Ann: Sometimes. Is it something you can train yourself to do?
Akechi: Personas are part of your personality, correct? Why don't you try acting like someone you're not?
Ryuji: Dammit, Akechi!
Akechi: Down, boy. Learn to take a jo—
Ryuji: You're a frickin' genius! Let's do it!
Ann: Good idea! I wonder what I should act like...
Akechi: Hah. And here I thought I'd seen the limits of your idiocy.
Goro was like “Why don’t you try being a wildcard?”. It ain’t that easy though lol
Morgana Car - Akechi, Ryuji & Yusuke convo
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Akechi: This car was a lot more comfortable than I expected. I can't say I mind it.
Ryuji: Dude, have you forgotten how bumpy that shit was in Mementos? I thought my ass was gonna split in half.
Yusuke: Agreed on the bumpiness. It was rather effective at abating my hunger, though.
Akechi: I don't usually ride in cars with such weak suspension. It was a new experience for me.
Ryuji: THAT'S what you call it!?
You learn something new everyday.
Kamoshida Statue - Sae & Akechi convo
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Sae: Honestly, when I heard there was a teacher like this at Makoto's school, my blood ran cold.
Akechi: If it was that much of a concern, why didn't you bring it up with the faculty?
Sae: It's not that simple.
Akechi: You should be more upfront about your feelings. Then again, I suppose you are who you are.
Did Kamoshida had some way of making the students’ parents/guardians not complain about him? Is that why Mishima was like “the parents know but don’t care”?
Kaneshiro (Ruler Form) - Makoto, Ryuji & Akechi convo
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Makoto: Say, Kaneshiro mentioned that there was someone using other people's Palaces to do whatever they pleased...
Akechi: Yeah. I suppose that was me. I'm surprised a petty criminal like him had caught wind of me, though.
Ryuji: But Shido's the one who was takin' advantage, yeah? I thought you were just followin' orders.
Akechi: Hm... It's not quite that simple.
What do you mean by that Goro? Do you have more freedom when you’re in palaces or something because the conspiracy is not aware of what goes on in there?
Shido (Ruler Form) - Akechi & Sae convo
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Akechi: I never thought the scheme would end with Shido. I always assumed some other monster would take up his mantle.
Sae: Even so, I'd already decided that I wouldn't give up on exposing the guilty parties. ...I want to keep my faith in justice.
Akechi: Oh? Something so cliché coming from you is rather surprising, Sae-san. I suspect the Phantom Thieves have rubbed off on you quite a bit.
Sae: That's a possibility. Maybe you could do with some change yourself? Like, drop the "cool customer" act and just live in the moment?
Akechi: Hah! Surely you jest. I'll pass.
Oh Goro is putting up his Detective Prince act on this one.
Interrogation Room - Akechi & Morgana convo
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Akechi: How nostalgic... It makes me sick to remember that day. I can't believe I was so thoroughly tricked.
Morgana: It was quite a gamble on our end. But ultimately, our justice saw the light.
Akechi: Justice, huh... Sure, let's leave it at that.
Sounds like Goro doesn’t believe Morgana there.
Penguin Sniper - Ryuji & Akechi convo
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Ryuji: Pool's pretty fun once ya get used to it. Aight Akechi, let's go a round! It's time for the Ultra Mega Poolin' Schoolin'!
Akechi: Ignoring that ludicrous title... Do you honestly wish to play against me?
Ryuji: I'm a man of my word! I know I got no chance when it comes to brainy stuff, but this? I can take ya. Or what, are you chicken?
Akechi: Heh, of course not. Sure, I'll play a round. And I won't be holding back.
I think Goro is gonna use his right hand, but Ryuji you should still prepare yourself. 👀
Loki - Yusuke & Makoto convo
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(Akechi is not in this unused convo but the convo is about him)
Yusuke: To think we would fight side-by-side with Akechi once more... His personality seems to have shifted, though. It's a far cry from the Detective Prince we once knew.
Makoto: That is true... But somehow, I think it made him easier to talk to. He's honest with us, at least. I don't worry about him hiding things anymore.
Yusuke: Yes... His murderous screeching may be unsettling, but I've come to realize that is simply a part of who he is. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to paint a portrait of him, knowing this...
Makoto: If you do, I'd love to see it. ...I'd like to hear what he thinks of it, too.
Murderous screeching LOL! Again Yusuke, Goro will not model for you 😆
and that’s all of the unused Goro convos in the Thieves Den.
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zachiefluff · 29 days
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Be sure to follow for more Persona 5 Comics every Friday!
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amyfevernight · 19 days
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I'm posting this to my tumblr because I don't fucking trust Twitter with an ironic campaign post for a bit :)
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gerbelx2000-blog · 5 months
i honestly really dislike the palace rulers being treated so drastically different from akechi in the fandom. even though there's still people who refuse to say anything positive about akechi because he's a terrible guy, the majority of the fandom still treats him like a character and read into his backstory, behaviour, and motivations.
but when it comes to the palace rulers, there's not a single ounce of that attitude for them. it's so strange because not even the story itself has such a crazy bias; the same amount of sympathy towards akechi is given towards the palace rulers too. madarame and okumura are my most obvious examples, with yusuke often expressing his conflicting feelings on the matter, and haru learning about her father's motivations through takakura during her confidant.
in that sense, joker and akechi's relationship parallels that of haru/yusuke and the respective father figure; the two mutually love and care for each other, but unfortunately, one cares more for themselves and it causes their bond to break.
the cut backstories for the palace rulers add a lot to their character, and maybe that's why i like them so much. it makes them feel as rounded out as akechi was (in vanilla, i know he's much more humanized in royal's third semester. that might add to the bias, actually) and it makes me feel kind of bad for those sick, twisted bastards.
but obviously, that content was cut, and it's not very widespread knowledge, unlike akechi's backstory which he explains in-game, right in your face, unavoidably.
there's also this thing i've noticed that i call "fandom activism" where any deep analysis into a good-written character that is a genuinely bad person is seen as condoning their actions because WE ALWAYS HAVE TO SHUN THE EVIL GUY!!! WE CAN'T TALK ABOUT THEM IN CASUAL CONVERSATION!!! WE NEED TO HOLD A FICTIONAL CHARACTER ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE NOT REAL AND...... the way we treat them makes no difference in the world? huh.
personally, i was informed that the way i talk about kamoshida makes people uncomfortable. it's not like i said anything creepy about him, all i do is read into him the same way one would with akechi. he's a genuinely good villain, the same way akechi is! and his mindset is really interesting to look into!!!!! i think they're all missing out!!!!!!!!
my last line of defense is that the palace rulers are unfortunately made way less conventionally attractive than akechi is. that's something i don't like about them, and the fact that everyone lets that sway their opinions of them even less. i know atlus pulls the "make the unsympathetic character ugly" shtick a lot and it's suuuuuuuuuuck.
yeah. i'm kind of peeved about this and i thought you were the best person to send this to. kaneshiro isn't a cute twink but i'm still going to love him with the little attention he gets........... :')
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samasmith23 · 6 months
A Study in Justice & Romance: Defending Makoto Niijima's Confidant Line
Regarding the romance options with Persona 5 Royal's confidant lines, I personally decided to have the protagonist, Joker, enter a relationship with Makoto Niijima during my initial playthrough.
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In addition to Makoto & Joker having earnest & adorable chemistry together, but I chose to have the protagonist date Makoto because the latter ended up being my favorite character in the game overall due to her phenomenal arc as an intelligent socially awkward honors student who actively chooses to help victims of injustice as she gains the courage to stand up against the corrupt adults in her life who expect her to unquestioningly conform to societal norms. Developments that are greatly reflected through Makoto’s confidant line, or social link subplot.
While I’m aware that Makoto’s confidant line is not as well regarded by a sizable portion of P5’s fan base despite the character’s overwhelming popularity in general, I personally believe that Makoto’s confidant arc is criminally underrated! I loved seeing Joker spend free time with Makoto as she attempts to be more interactive & helpful to her peers as Student Council President. In particular, Joker assists Makoto’s efforts to help her new friend Eiko Takao escape an abusive relationship with a sleazy club host named Tsukasa. Essentially, Makoto’s confidant subplot functions as a great extension of her character development in the game’s main plot, since it further forces Makoto to reconcile with her past naivety to the interests & concerns of her fellow students despite her obvious book-smarts.
These developments come to a head during the Rank 9 scene of Makoto’s social link, wherein she confronts Eiko after she investigates her boyfriend and learns that Tsukasa has a reputation within the Tokyo underworld for forcing vulnerable girls into debt to exploit them both financially & sexually. Things come to a head though when a desperate Makoto literally tries to slap the lonely & confused Eiko back to reality while trying to convince the latter that her "boyfriend" is just a criminal trafficker. Heck, Makoto even almost attempts to directly physically challenge Tsukasa before Joker intervenes to protect his friend.
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This scene is emblematic of both Makoto’s strong desire to bring about justice for victims of horrific crimes, as well as her own shortcomings derived from her social naivety & brash impulsiveness. Makoto later acknowledges to Joker that her slapping Eiko & trying to physically challenge Tsukasa is reflective of her tendency to not always consider the potential risks or consequences behind her actions in social situations before immediately acting on them. Character flaws that Makoto is determined to overcome after having spent the past several years of her teenage life suppressing her emotions to misguidedly appease authority figures in both her school & family life.
In essence, the Eiko situation is not the first time that Makoto is portrayed as acting so recklessly. Specifically, during the Kaneshiro arc of the game Makoto allowed herself to be captured to discover the location by the aforementioned money-grubbing Mafia boss when he began extorting students at Shujin Academy. Makoto was determined to prove her worth to others after being dismissed as "good girl type of pushover" and "useless" by individuals like Goro Akechi & Sae Niijima respectively, but Kaneshiro exploited Makoto's desperation by blackmailing both her and the Phantom Thieves into financial debt. While the game makes it clear that both Eiko's abusive "boyfriend" and the mobster Kaneshiro are fully to blame for their abhorrent actions, Makoto recognizes in both situations that she can act overly reckless due to having previously bottled up all her emotions to maintain a composed exterior because that’s what Japanese society expected from her as the traditional honors student who obediently followed the orders of authority figures, whether it be Shujin Academy's corrupt principal or her own older sister Sae (plus, I also personally headcanon Makoto’s lack of proper socialization skills and sometimes inappropriate reactions as her potentially being on the autism spectrum, similar to how her teammate Futaba Sakura is heavily autistic coded).
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Additionally, the player learns throughout Makoto's confidant arc that her personal sense of justice is heavily inspired by her late father, who in addition to being a single parent who raised Makoto & Sae all by himself following their mother's passing, was a law enforcer who was tragically assassinated while attempting to shut down a human trafficking ring in Tokyo's red-light district. Makoto grew up with an idealistic perception of her father, seeing him as someone who worked tirelessly to protect the victims of horrific crimes exactly like those that Makoto's friend Eiko is at risk of falling prey to in the present day. However, Makoto briefly lost sight of her justice due to the increasing societal pressures that both she and her sister faced following their father's passing. In addition to Sae being forced to stressfully work up the ranks as a legal prosecutor for Japan's Special Investigation Team (SIU) in a sexist male-dominated industry (and her own sense of justice becoming heavily distorted in the process), Makoto herself misguidedly believed that like she had to be the unquestioningly obedient honor's student to not dishonor her older sister's status (which would only increase Sae's stress).
It's only upon awakening her persona, Johana, during the Kaneshiro arc and discovering her inner resolve as a member of the rebellious Phantom Thieves, that Makoto begins reevaluating her passion for studying. Remembering her father's advice, "The most important part of your life is how you choose to live it," Makoto's confidant line is about rediscovering her idea of justice by actively choosing to become more socially involved with the interests and needs of her fellow classmates. Furthermore, it is Makoto's experiences with Eiko in particular that inspire her to want to continue studying not simply because it’s what is expected of her in a patriarchal capitalist society, but because she wants to utilize her knowledge & intellect to protect her fellow students from the world's injustices. This is a goal that Makoto understands that she can’t achieve if she’s all alone, which leads her to actively choose to have Joker help her become more socially interactive and on the level of her peers. 
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If I did have one criticism of Makoto’s confidant line, however, its her ultimate decision to academically pursue a career of becoming a police commissioner. While I do understand that Makoto simply wants to continue what she views as her father’s legacy of bringing justice to the victims of some of Japan’s most underreported crimes like sexual assault & human trafficking (which is sadly accurate IRL as well…), her wanting to become a police commissioner to achieve that goal does feel somewhat at odds with P5 Royal’s in-depth condemnations of systemic corruption throughout society, INCLUDING law enforcement. Police corruption is reflected in various examples throughout the game, including Makoto’s older sister Sae having a palace in the Metaverse after her heart became distorted when she actively enabled Japan’s infamous 99% criminal conviction rate to advance her own career as an SIU prosecutor, as well as both the Japanese police and SIU being under the direct payroll of one of the game’s main antagonists, the ultra-nationalist fascist politician Masayoshi Shido,
Despite my objections, I do strongly disagree with critics who argue that this single uncomfortable oversight in Makoto’s otherwise phenomenal confidant arc automatically “regresses/undoes all of her character growth.” As overly naive and idealistic Makoto's career goals & perception of her late father are, they do still make sense from both a narrative and character perspective. The core theme Persona 5 Royal is about reforming society through finding the willpower to stand up against & change the hearts of corrupt authority figures & systems. This is something that Makoto repeatedly demonstrates through her actions as a Phantom Thief, whether it be through emulating her late father’s sacrifice when she rescues Eiko from a human trafficker, her changing Sae’s distorted heart when the latter’s sense of justice is negatively influenced by corrupt bureaucracy, to her opposing the aforementioned Shido’s vast political conspiracy. In this regard, I choose to adopt a more charitable reading of Makoto’s future career dreams by interpreting her as continuing to be a Phantom Thief while eventually growing up into a figure like Batman’s Commissioner James Gordon, who is similarly portrayed as actively fighting against systemic corruption within both Gotham City’s police department & its other bureaucratic institutions (in contrast to a negative example like Harry Potter, who never even tries to reform the Wizarding World’s corrupt status quo and ultimately becomes a slave-owning wizard cop after Voldemort’s defeat). After all, Makoto herself freely acknowledges right before the base game’s final boss battle with Yaldaboth (a false god that serves as the physical embodiment of the corrupt status quo itself), that:
“Victory against a single criminal is meaningless… the true enemy is society itself. Regardless, this isn’t a solution with a straightforward answer. But even if there is no clear solution, I’ll just have to make one… with my own two hands. Before [the Phantom Thieves] came along, my life was defined by rules, set on a path of someone else’s choosing… but only a true loser would live such a rigid life! I… I will win… even if it means going up against the entire world!”
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In large measure, it was Makoto's actively willingness to actively strive for positive change within both herself and society as a whole, combined with her keen intellect & altruistic passion for justice despite her social awkwardness & naivety, that ultimately factored into my decision to select the romance option with Makoto’s confidant line. In my playthrough of P5 Royal, I had Joker offer to to become Makoto’s “study partner” when she questions if she’ll ever truly understand romance after a heartbroken Eiko accused Makoto of being doomed to “flunk a test about love.”
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The romance option between Joker & Makoto just felt like a natural progression & culmination of the unique bond that the two formed during Makoto’s Confidant Line after joining the Phantom Thieves. Spending time with Joker whilst fighting against systemic corruption and "those rotten adults" in both the Metaverse and the real world helps Makoto realize her own personal sense of justice that is derived from her passion for studying, rather than distinct from it. Additionally, both Joker & Makoto have natural chemistry with each other as intelligent & capable leaders who possess a strong sense of justice (heck… Makoto rarely left my party during combat missions due to her strategic intellect in identifying enemies’ weaknesses as well as her balanced offensive & defensive abilities). Plus, their romantic dialogue & “studying” euphimisms are just hilariously adorable! It was a welcome change of pace to see Makoto be the one to take initiative and ask for consent in the relationship instead of Joker, since most media sadly still downplays or denies the reality that women have their own agency & desires regarding their sexuality.
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But yeah, I definitely ship Makoto & Joker as my personal canon couple in Persona 5 Royal due to the former's rich character development & heartwarming chemistry with the main protagonist! While Makoto may have started the game as the "pushover good girl type" who blindly obeys the whims & expectations of the adults in her life simply because it is what society expects from her, she quickly evolves into the Phantom Thieves' strong-minded battle-strategist who is motivated by the unselfish desire to provide justice for the victims of society's injustices. Those elements, combined with Makoto's continual willingness to learn & improve upon her personal shortcomings, as well as her social awkwardness despite her book-smarts (which I heavily related to as someone on the autism spectrum who consistently earned all A's & B's back in high school and college), that made her the breakout character P5 Royal for me!
Overall, it was through completing Makoto's confidant line that I was able to gain a deeper understanding & appreciation of the ideals which define her signature "fist of justice," while also having my heartstrings tugged at as she chose to study areas in life that she lacked experience in such as romance.
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 2 months
Do you ship it: My birthday edition
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Kicking it off with this lovely potential husband. I would list his crimes but I would need to add several trigger warnings.
Here i am looking very serious for my new job in the mafia or whatever Kaneshiro does (picrew link)
this one is for you @worlds-worst-ships
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xviistrings · 1 month
hey. hey you. i got a question for ya
you think okumura felt bad when he couldn't get haru a gift on her birthday because every single penny is important? you think he thought of himself? of his father, who told him the very same thing when he was her age?
you think sae yelled at herself for calling makoto all of those horrible things because she's heard the same from the men around her all her life? you think she found it difficult to look her sister in the eye because she sees a reflection of a stranger who scares her to her core?
you think madarame tried his hardest to make yusuke never doubt his skills because he knew how it felt to be put down over and over until you never get up? you think his heart bloomed at seeing his child happy and twisted when he had to pull him down to lift himself?
you think kaneshiro mourned for the kids whose lives he just ruined because he knows about the deep shit they'll be stuck in for years on end, because he's been through it too? you think he calls himself a fool in the fading breath of an insult to them?
you think, deep down, they know it's all wrong? that they should change? or do you think they keep it shoved down, say it's what they need to do to survive, that it's eat or be eaten?
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burningartwork · 9 months
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🪙 The King of Pentacles
All the Pentacle suits will be themed to Kaneshiro''s Palace
There was no doubt in my mind that Kaneshiro was perfect for the King of Coin. A gluttonous man, obsessed with wealth, sits lounging on a stable throne. The bills scatter almost carelessly around him as his 2 pentacles surround him: one in his hand to symbolize that he already possesses riches & one to the right that he (is confident) will possess. Cups tend to symbolize abundance in Tarot so the wine glass should be gripped tight but he's barely holding on to it, marking a person who should be more careful about how he handles his riches because as we know… our Persona 5 Specific Face cards are always, in their true nature, the opposites of their upright meanings.
🃏UPRIGHT: Wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance
🃏REVERSED: Financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, stubborn
🌟 Major Arcana here
🃏 Pentacles:
Ace of Pentacles
2 of Pentacles  
3 of Pentacles  
4 of Pentacles  
5 of Pentacles  
6 of Pentacles  
7 of Pentacles  
8 of Pentacles  
9 of Pentacles  
10 of Pentacles  
Page of Pentacles  
Knight of Pentacles  
Queen of Pentacles  
King of Pentacles 
🃏 Other Suits:  
Cups (Ace)
Wands (Ace)
Swords (Ace)
🃏 Bonus cards:
04 - Constellation (Jose)
00R - Faith Reversed
01R - Councillor Reversed
09R - Hermit Reversed
20R - Judgement Reversed
? - Shido - Hunger
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icespur · 3 months
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larranciaa · 4 months
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personachampions · 16 days
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Here are the results for Round 1 Matches 11-15!
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unidentified-owl · 7 months
I know it is most everyone's least favorite palace, or at least the one considered least relevant, but I think Kaneshiro might actually be the worst person the thieves change.
After defeating him, Kaneshiro tries to bargain, and then goes for sympathy. When that fails, he begins berating them before outright mocking their motives and abilities. The last thing he does before fading is threaten them with the presence of the black mask.
Compare his smug gloating even after his complete lose to the rest of the bosses the thieves change the hearts of
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Kamoshida's resignation
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Madarame's grief over losing Yusuke
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Okumura spends more time being interrogated by the thieves, and his technical last words upon being shot are 'My utopia,' but his last lines of his own initiative before that are begging Haru to forgive him
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And even Shido's shadow admits his culpability even as his real world counterpart tries to stop the change of heart
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More than the conspiracy mastermind, Kaneshiro seems to be the best case study for how effective a change of heart can be.
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rattled-shadow · 8 months
I tried making a mashup of Price (Another Version) and Ark. For @kotopeachii :3
Fun fact: they are both in B minor and have very similar bpms!
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