#Jupiter adept
tiny-sugar-dove · 1 year
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Sheba Sketches that I finally colored🌟
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bombomdubbie · 2 years
Set 4: More Golden Sun (inspired by Fire Emblem Heroes) throwback stuff with Sheba [Star from the Skies] and Piers [Lemurian Explorer]
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gameboyhamazing · 7 months
I can’t believe there’s not a single crossover I can find of golden sun and avatar it would be so fun
someone out there understands the vision I have, I know it
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lunarlianna · 10 months
Planets in retrograde in natal chart
Planets in retrograde in natal chart and what they mean. Now you need to take into consideration and in which house this planet reside and also what aspects are being made. One thing I may need to clarify in astrology the Moon and the Sun never go into retrograde motion. Some of us have more planets retrograde, others a few and some none of them. When planets are in retrograde in the natal chart, they shouldn't be stigmatized but more to understand where we may face difficulties in some shape or form also, I’ll be talking a bit about karma and the retrogrades in the natal chart. Retrograde planets turn energies inward, leading to a slower external manifestation. Those with retrograde planets tend to deeply contemplate these energies, a trait associated with geniuses and leaders. I may make a different post on the big asteroid in retrograde as well, comment if you want to see that.
Mercury retrograde turns inward, urging revisits and intuitive learning. Born during this, you're bright and adaptive, excelling in communication. Relationships embrace diverse views, but overthinking occurs; seek enriching connections, travel. Those with Mercury retrograde unconsciously access collective wisdom, sometimes facing communication struggles. Finding solace in non-verbal forms like music and art resonates with Mercury retrogrades—imagine musical geniuses. Past-life whispers sway relationships, seeing others as echoes of bygone connections.
Venus retrograde suggests challenges in freely sharing affection due to a sense of emotional scarcity. Life events can be filtered through a longing for love, often internalizing and magnifying hurts in relationships. This may stem from past-life pain, leading to a fear of vulnerability and difficulty fully embracing love. This retrograde can manifest as shyness and fear of intimacy, needing trust, or even as self-centeredness, requiring self-love and healthy affection expression. You possess a passion for pleasure, creativity, and visual arts. Adept in hosting, fashion, decor, and cooking, making everything delightful.
Mars retrograde guides your energy inward, sparking introspection into past moments and affecting how you perceive current connections. Prioritizing spiritual desires may unintentionally overshadow physical well-being; focusing on your holistic growth is important. While intimate experiences might differ due to internalized energy, nurturing, deep bonds can bring forth a more natural expression. Mars retrograde karma hints at efforts to reenact moments from the past, attempting unspoken wishes and sometimes reacting strongly to unmet hopes. Embracing self-assertion and risk-taking, despite challenges, forms a vital part of your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.
Jupiter retrograde directs expansion inward, fostering profound inner growth, often through spiritual studies. There's a tendency to over-plan, leading to inaction at times. Embracing a spiritual path offers fulfilment, but mundane pursuits might leave you unsatisfied. Deja-vu experiences are common, and you're drawn to guiding others through counselling, teaching, or the law. While generous and hopeful, avoid over-giving or idealizing situations. Late-life marriage or parenthood is possible; be cautious of seeking to "fix" partners.
Saturn acts as a guide through challenges and life lessons, ultimately granting wisdom and compassion. Saturn retrograde signals a chance to revisit life, feeling the weight of two lifetimes simultaneously. Doubts about self-worth and capabilities arise, but you've grown through past struggles. Embracing Saturn's discipline leads to tapping into vast wisdom. Born during this phase, you're diligent, precise, and skilled, yet remember not to be overly critical. In relationships, avoid co-dependency and prioritize healthy boundaries, understanding you're not accountable for others' actions.
Uranus retrograde can make it challenging to fully embrace and express your unique self, sometimes leading to a reconnection with ideas from the past. Feeling a strong responsibility for personal growth, you're a visionary deeply attuned to life's complexities. Your authenticity is precious; it urges you to explore the uncharted and share your ideas, even if they're not easily understood. Karmic ties to family and society can bring struggles, reshaping your unconscious. In relationships, your inner conflicts might create turbulence; focusing on intuitive wisdom over emotional turmoil can guide you. It can lead to a fear of change or a longing for the familiar. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.
With Neptune retrograde in your chart, your imagination is vibrant, leading you to seek solace in dreams. Deep spirituality resides within, though expressing it can be a journey. At times, these struggles could lead you towards challenging paths, such as wrestling with addiction or assuming the role of a martyr. On a brighter note, this retrograde might bestow upon you finely tuned psychic sensitivities, allowing you to glimpse beyond the veil. However, your heightened emotional sensitivity can render you vulnerable to negativity, emphasizing your need for regular solitary moments to rejuvenate and shield your emotional sanctuary.
For those with Pluto retrograde, its transformative force delves deeply within, illuminating your inner world ahead of its outer expression. Past-life psychic abilities are present, meant for positive impact. You sense humanity's struggles within, embracing responsibility for collective awakening. Karmically, you owe humanity from a particular era, repaid through selfless service, offering the chance for profound spiritual growth and liberation from rebirth. Pluto's inner battle involves suppressed anger and control issues, concealing a powerful potential for profound transformation and insight. Handle with care, as betrayals can ignite their intensity.
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13lunarstar · 3 months
The ninth nakshatra ( closes the first cycle of 27 nakshatras)
Degrees: from 16°40' to 30°00' of Cancer zodiac sign
The ruler of nakshatra: Mercury (Budha)
Nakshatra's guna: tamas (demonic)
Ashlesha keywords: transformation, hidden potential, deception, cunning, strong family ties, intuition, mysticism, manipulation, emotional intensity, healing, rebirth, ancestral connections, strategic thinking, spiritual awakening, kundalini energy, inner growth
Symbol: a coiled serpent, representing transformation and hidden potential; a serpent's poison representing healing capabilities
Ashlesha in various planets
Sun in Ashlesha: brings intensity and depth to one's personality. There may be a strong drive for transformation and self-discovery, but individuals may also struggle with hidden subconscious fears or insecurities that need to be addressed. Individuals are driven by a desire to uncover hidden truths and explore the depths of their own psyche. There may be a strong desire for power and influence. These individuals may be drawn to positions of authority where they can assert their strength and leadership abilities. A good placement for studying and delving into esoteric and occult sciences.
Moon in Ashlesha: enhances emotional sensitivity and intuition as well as inner charisma & magnetism. Individuals may rely heavily on their gut feelings and inner guidance in making decisions. People with this placement may have strong family connections and may be deeply nurturing and protective of their loved ones. Moon in Ashlesha can indicate psychic sensitivity and a strong connection to the subconscious mind. These individuals may have vivid dreams or psychic experiences and may be drawn to mystical or occult subjects, as well as healing practices.
Mars in Ashlesha: can intensify one's desire for transformation and change. There may be a tendency towards manipulation or power struggles if the energy is not channelled constructively. Individuals with Mars in Ashlesha may experience emotions more intensely and may have a strong need for emotional connection and intimacy. They are fiercely loyal and will go to great lengths to defend and support those they care about. Mars in Ashlesha can signify a period of healing and renewal, where individuals confront and overcome deep-seated emotional wounds. They may find strength and resilience in their ability to face and overcome adversity.
Mercury in Ashlesha: enhances strategic thinking and intuitive abilities. Individuals with Mercury in Ashlesha may have a natural gift for understanding non-verbal cues and picking up on subtle energy shifts in their environment. individuals are adept at analyzing complex situations and coming up with creative solutions. They may excel in fields that require strategic planning, negotiation and sales skills, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Ashlesha is also associated with deception and manipulation, and Mercury here can indicate challenges related to communication and trust. Individuals with this placement may need to be mindful of being overly secretive or manipulative in their interactions with others.
Jupiter in Ashlesha: fosters spiritual growth and inner wisdom. Individuals with Jupiter in Ashlesha may possess emotional wisdom beyond their years, with a keen understanding of human emotions and motivations. They may be skilled at offering guidance and support to others in navigating through emotional challenges. Jupiter in Ashlesha signifies a deep spiritual journey. Individuals with this placement may feel a profound connection to the mysteries of life and may seek spiritual truths with great dedication and devotion. They may be drawn to mystical or esoteric teachings that offer insights into the nature of reality and consciousness.
Venus in Ashlesha: enhances emotional intensity and sensitivity in relationships. Ashlesha Nakshatra can bring a tendency towards idealization of love and romance, and Venus here may amplify this quality. Individuals with Venus in Ashlesha may have high expectations for their romantic relationships, seeking a deep soul connection and unconditional love. Venus in Ashlesha may bring a strong intuitive attraction to certain individuals. These individuals may feel drawn to partners who resonate with their emotional needs and who offer a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Saturn in Ashlesha: emphasizes the importance of ancestral connections and family responsibilities. Individuals with this placement may feel a strong sense of duty towards their family & heritage and may work diligently to preserve family traditions and values. Saturn in Ashlesha may bring a stoic demeanour and an ability to withstand emotional challenges with grace and maturity. However, Saturn's influence in Ashlesha may inhibit emotional expression at times. Individuals with this placement may struggle to openly express their feelings or may feel a sense of heaviness or burden in their emotional experiences. Overall, Saturn in Ashlesha signifies a potential for transformation through hard work and perseverance.
Rahu in Ashlesha: can amplify desires for power and control. Rahu's presence in Ashlesha signifies karmic lessons related to emotional attachment and manipulation. Individuals with this placement may need to confront and overcome patterns of behavior that stem from unresolved emotional wounds or past-life experiences.Despite its challenges, Rahu in Ashlesha offers the potential for spiritual transformation and growth. Individuals with this placement may undergo profound inner changes as they confront their shadow self and strive to integrate their desires and emotions in a healthier way. Also, Rahu in Ashlesha can signify intense and transformative relationships. Individuals with this placement may experience dramatic highs and lows in their romantic partnerships, with themes of obsession, possessiveness, and power struggles.
Ketu in Ashlesha Nakshatra: encourages spiritual growth, intuitive thinking and detachment from worldly attachments. Individuals with this placement may seek inner transformation through introspection and self-discovery. Ketu in Ashlesha can signify a release of past emotional wounds or karmic baggage. These individuals may experience a profound sense of emotional liberation as they let go of attachments to people, places, or experiences that have been holding them back. Ashlesha Nakshatra's association with mysticism is amplified by Ketu's influence. Individuals with Ketu in Ashlesha may have a natural affinity for spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing.
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thaumana · 5 months
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Sketch of Sheba and Felix from Golden Sun (ninja class) ☀️🎍
Ninja was one of my favorite classes in Golden Sun, and I remember, for a long time, I didn't know that Jupiter adepts were able to get access to the Ninja skill system like Mars and Venus adepts, as well.
If we ever get a remastered or a remake version, it would be cool if each class change or clothes will be reflected in the character sprites during the fights like the weapons, as well. I always wondered how the characters would look like with all the Eastern themed equipment.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Jacob’s Ladder
The story of Jacob’s Ladder is an ancient allegorical biblical tale, describing the alchemical process of reaching complete Gnosis, or what some may call Sainthood, Buddhahood or enlightenment. A symbolic ladder that we all must climb if we wish to reach the spiritual heights of the divine in the heavens while we are encased in physical matter here on earth. As we climb, we must purify ourselves, our thoughts, habits and actions, so that we may reach that seventh and final step of our ascent, in order to activate all of our seven senses and DNA.
The first step of Jacob’s ladder is the personal purification of your body, mind and soul that is represented by the moon. The second rung on the ladder is education intelligence managed by Mercury. The third step is beauty represented by Venus. The fourth rung is the sun, which is the life-giver. The fifth is competition by mars to help us fight the good fight. The fight against darkness with light. Against lies with truth. The sixth rung in the ladder is Jupiter which is the symbol of intellectual maturity and judgement. The seventh and last step of the ladder is Saturn which represents the true sage, adept and master of Wisdom. The perfect balance of spiritual and material laws. All greatness is service and we must obey the laws of leadership. --Manly P. Hall
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Jacob's Ladder
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saylessastrology · 1 year
Saylessastrology Observations - Libra
1. Sun in Libra: Individuals with the Sun in Libra are known for their diplomacy, harmony-seeking nature, and love for balanced relationships. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice and often act as mediators in conflicts. They value partnerships and strive for harmony in their personal and professional lives.
2. Moon in Libra: With the Moon in Libra, emotional fulfillment is often sought through harmonious relationships. These individuals have a deep need for balance and fairness in their interactions. They may struggle with decision-making, as they often weigh both sides of a situation. They are natural peacemakers and have a strong desire to create harmonious environments.
3. Mercury in Libra: Mercury in Libra individuals possess excellent communication skills and a knack for diplomacy. They are skilled negotiators and excel at finding common ground. They value intellectual stimulation and enjoy engaging in thoughtful discussions. They may have a tendency to overanalyze situations, weighing the pros and cons before reaching a decision.
4. Venus in Libra: Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, feels at home in this sign. Individuals with Venus in Libra are known for their charm, grace, and romantic nature. They appreciate beauty and harmony in all aspects of life, including relationships. They have a strong desire for partnership, and their approach to love is characterized by fairness, equality, and compromise.
5. Mars in Libra: With Mars in Libra, individuals express their energy and assertiveness through cooperation and diplomacy. They are skilled at finding middle ground and avoiding confrontations. They strive for balance in their actions and may hesitate to make impulsive decisions. However, they can sometimes be indecisive and may struggle with asserting their own needs in relationships.
6. Jupiter in Libra: Individuals with Jupiter in Libra have a strong sense of justice and fairness. They believe in equality and may advocate for social causes or strive to create harmony in their communities. They possess a natural ability to see both sides of a situation and often act as mediators. They have a generous and optimistic outlook on relationships.
7. Saturn in Libra: Those with Saturn in Libra have a deep sense of responsibility when it comes to relationships and partnerships. They value commitment, loyalty, and long-lasting connections. They may have a cautious approach to love and may feel the need to establish stability and security before fully committing. They strive for fairness and balance in their relationships.
8. Libra Ascendant individuals have a charming and graceful presence. They possess a natural sense of balance, beauty, and harmony in their appearance. They often have symmetrical features, a pleasant smile, and an overall pleasing aesthetic. People with Libra Ascendant exude a sense of refinement and elegance. They pay attention to their personal style, and their fashion choices tend to be tasteful and aesthetically pleasing. They have a keen eye for aesthetics and may have an innate sense of what looks visually appealing. Libra Ascendant individuals are diplomatic and socially adept. They have a talent for creating harmony and establishing connections with others. They are skilled at mediating conflicts and finding fair solutions. They strive for fairness, equality, and justice in their interactions, and they have a strong sense of empathy.
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for Pluto
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In Astrology, Pluto symbolises regeneration, transformation, and spiritual rebirth. This planet represents subconscious forces, ruling all that is below the surface. A Starseed origin in alignment here is the origin in which you're most connected to in the underworld. This is your 1st and 2nd dimensional origin expression. 
Pluto is a generational planet that changes signs between every 12-31 years, and governs the sign of Scorpio.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological placements for the planet Pluto* "I Empower"
Sagittarius: (1995-2008) great prophetic abilities were stimulated during Pluto's time in Sagittarius. These natal chart holders were born with natural visionary abilities and a faith in human nature. Especially if Pluto is in alignment with Lyra or the Shaula Starseed origin which run along the Sagittarius degrees.
Scorpio: (1983-1995) these natal chart holders were born with a strong intuition and a great psychic ability that is likely to be well-developed. Especially if Pluto is in alignment with the stargate Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel) which runs along the Scorpio degrees. Pluto is most comfortable here in its home sign, but since Pluto is a generational planet other psychic/intuitive aspects/natal placements are needed to activate it.
Pluto in 1st house: intuitive. These chart holders radiate intensity naturally and are likely to have well-developed instincts. Especially if Pluto is running along an Aries degree (regardless of what sign Pluto is in) which is connected to the stargate Pleiades.
Pluto in 3rd house: mystic, intuitive, and prone to prophetic visions. Especially if Pluto is running along a Gemini degree which is connected to the Orion stargate. These chart holders have a very analytic mind and they instinctively search for hidden meanings. They are very observant and they learn through observation of others.
Pluto in 5th house: intuitive, creative, and possess powerful visionary capabilities. These chart holders act as creative catalysts for the collective and they possess powerful creative impulses. Especially if Pluto is running along a Leo degree which is connected to the Regulus Starseed origin (The Family of Archangel Raphael.)
Pluto in 8th house: these chart holders possess a strong intuition and are possibly clairvoyant. They're likely to experience more unusual events than others due to their fascination of all that is hidden, taboo, or "dark." They are gifted with great healing abilities that come naturally to them. Especially if Pluto is running along a Scorpio degree which is connected to the stargate Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel.)
Pluto in 9th house: intuitive, drawn to psychology and/or occult topics, very mystical. These chart holders possess a great inner depth to them and a profound, unique inner wisdom. Some of these chart holders make for the greatest spiritual teachers/leaders. Especially if Pluto is running along a Sagittarius degree which is connected to the Lyra and Shaula Starseed origin.
Pluto in 12th house: possess a deep healing power, intuitive and mystical in nature. Especially if Pluto is running along a Pisces degree which is connected to the Andromeda Galaxy. These chart holders are inclined to go deep, explore the meaning behind their dreams, and analyze their personal psychology. They are quite adept at comprehending others' motives, and it's possible that they discover they have healing powers and tune in quite quickly to others' struggles and vulnerabilities. Understanding more than most. They have a strong empathy with a sense that we are all capable of good and evil. (This goes for most 12th house placements, though. Especially Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and/or Pluto in this position.)
Note: not all astrological placements for Pluto are listed. If your Pluto house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house/sign is your Pluto in? Note below! Mine's in 5th house Sagittarius! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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rayleearts · 2 months
Sooo excited to see an actual birth chart! I can see there's a lot of work put into it! But... wouldn't Elowen be a Cancer rising? According to the image, Cancer takes their 1st house, and Sag takes their 6th. It can be that the chart is rotated and I'm misreading things ofc.
Mind you, their Cancer house is still empty, and their Sagittarius house contains Jupiter, a great benefic and THE Sagittarian planet, so I can still see them being adept at fire magic. :3
I had to work backwards to get their birth chart so I might’ve messed up along the way 😭 it took me so long to figure out how to get things to line up right that I could’ve used the wrong screenshot to work from or I missed a detail
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tiny-sugar-dove · 1 year
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HEY !!!
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arieskorra · 1 month
AtLA Characters and their Zodiac Sun placements (according to me)
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Libra: Cardinal air       Ruler: Venus
Keywords: Diplomacy, Balance, Justice, Partnership
Functional Expression: Impartial, balanced, gracious, refined, artistic, relationship-oriented, charming
Dysfunctional Expression: Indecisive, insecure, pleasure-seeking, people-pleasing, passive-aggressive
Leo: Fixed fire        Ruler: The Sun
Keywords: Creativity, Love, Warmth, Self-Expression, Leadership
Functional Expression: Confident, self-expressive, loyal, honourable, affectionate, regal, romantic, fun
Dysfunctional Expression: Vain, selfish, arrogant, hedonistic, dictatorial, extravagant, superficial, snobbish
Cancer: Cardinal water       Ruler: The Moon
Keywords: Nurturing, Enclosing, Protecting, Intuiting
Functional Expression: sensitive, emotional intelligence, nurturing, psychic, family oriented, empathetic, reliable
Dysfunctional Expression: hyper-sensitive, overly emotional, extreme selfishness, fearful, overprotective, smothering
Aquarius: Fixed air      Ruler: Saturn/Uranus(lol)
Keywords: Idealism, Community, Liberty, Equality, Science
Functional Expression: Socially aware, humanitarian, egalitarian, civilized, impartial, outgoing, unconventional
Dysfunctional Expression: Cold, critical, aloof, overly rational, erratic, blinded by science and reason
Capricorn: Cardinal earth     Ruler: Saturn
Keywords: Authority, Mastery, Completion, Organization
Functional Expression: Capable, hard-working, serious, practical, prudent, trustworthy, fun
Dysfunctional Expression: Miserly, restrictive, cold, unsympathetic, reckless ambition, fearful
Suki & Azula☀️
Sagittarius: Mutable fire     Ruler: Jupiter
Keywords: Inspiration, Truth, Expansion, Meaning
Functional Expression: Inspired, visionary, fortunate, purposeful, philosophical, adventurous
Dysfunctional Expression: Unprincipled, narrow, fanatic, reckless, gluttonous, coarse, rude, amoral
Taurus: Fixed earth   Ruler: Venus
Keywords: Stability, Structure, Security, Reliability, Sensuality
Positive Expression: Steadfast, loyal, calm, affectionate, practical, productive
Negative Expression: Stubborn, unreasonable, overindulgent, stingy, rigid, dull, materialistic
Ty Lee☀️
Gemini: Mutable air   Ruler: Mercury
Keywords: Communication, Interaction, Exchange
Functional Expression: Lighthearted, cheerful, intelligent, adept, versatile, responsive, dexterity, sociable, engaged
Dysfunctional Expression: Superficial, silly, gossip, unfocussed, nervous, unemotional, cold, erratic
Pisces: Mutable water        Ruler: Jupiter/Neptune
Keywords: Service, Sacrifice, Compassion, Mysticism
Functional Expression: Empathy, intuition, sensitivity, service, imaginative, extremely creative, devotional
Dysfunctional Expression: Ungrounded, victim, suffering through sacrifice, addictive, critical, afraid, lost
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It slipped my mind that I kind of promised a making-of post - sorry @notabuddhist, who so kindly gave me permission to bind One of Many Great Fires for @pleasantboatpress!
I've tried to include as many making-of photos but sometimes i am just a shit photo taker so I am very sorry in advance.
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Step 1: Stitch a text block and planning, Endband making
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Anyone who knows me knows I love a good rounded book. I started rounding books from my third bind and haven't looked back.
I took a little while to get to this as it required colour printing and I don't have a colour printer at home. I finally got off my ass close to the end of Binderary and went to the printer I usually go to to print my coloured prints - luckily they didn't read my gay porn or ask me about it, though I've been getting increasingly pointed questions about what exactly i'm making.
glue round number 1 and trim with my guillotine, and then i take my trusty hammer to the spine to do some rounding.
So, okay, anyone who's read this fic knows it takes place on Vulcan. And i've seen enough imagery on star trek to know Vulcan is endless red sand and heat and oh boy, i feel hot just thinking about it.
I knew red would be a colour that fit thematically and I had recently found lovely marbled paper that really looked so much like the gas giant appearance of Jupiter but red. I then pulled out my trusty colibri cranberry bookcloth to do a couple of colour match checks- i love colibri and will never not recommend it.
Usually at this point, I do my endbands - and I did a simple two colour front bead endband because when i started this, that was all I knew how to do.
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Step 2: Case making
I recently found out that what i usually do for books is called the square back bradel bind (though technically this is not square back), but you get my meaning.
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Case is made, and then glued to bookcloth. Look at those crisp edges, yum yum. I'm generally a messy glue user, so you can see all the bits of paper stuck to the back of the half-done case, also with big F and Bs drawn on them because i never remember which side i want the front and back to be. The case looks pretty good with nary a glue stain. (I did a good job with glue management this time, phew)
Step 3: Decorative steps
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My usual go-to is HTV because I'm not quite adept at other arty decorative methods like paint or usage of the foil quill. I decided to go with vulcan calligraphy on the back - with a river binding strip of marble paper in the middle. To make it look extra fancy, i made little silver HTV strips to border the river binding strip, though it warped a little from the heat because it was so ridiculously thin.
Step 4: Casing in
No photos of this because i'm usually hopping on one foot doing things on speedmode with PVA.
Shall pay tax with this photo - I love taking photos of my bookshelf and I really loved the burst of colour of the bookshelf after Binderary'23 was over.
I have made something like 21 case binds, but nearly 30 book binds (inclusive of coptic and stab) in total. that's a pretty decent number for someone who's only been binding for the last 9 months.
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happyk44 · 4 months
Stayed up until 3:30 envisioning my daughter of Zeus OC from childhood that I crafted into an original original character having a nervous breakdown because the sky is loveless and law is loveless and order is loveless and at some point the love she has in her heart won't be enough
"the ocean is a possessive bastard that never wants you to leave, and the earth loves you so much it provides so you can live, and the dead are coated in love from grief, and homes are where love first sprouted, the warmth of the fire, and what is the core of family and marriage if not the love between people, but the sky?
the sky doesn't love you. you jump and it doesn't catch you, it will watch you plummet to the ground. the higher up you go, the harder it is to breathe. the sky does not want you, it does not love you. and the law does not love you. it doesn't care about you, who you are, how you are, the why's behind the rule you broke. it will structure itself how it sees fit, based on its own feelings of what is and isn't correct, and it will throw you away for the slightest infraction. it will kill you for not acting the way it demands.
and I am the daughter of the sky, I am the daughter of law. at some point love won't be enough to stop me from executing every person who so much as breathes wrong. my love is superficial. it is not authentic, it is not genuine, it is a thin, thin blanket covering my cold empty heart and I will not get to the point where it is ripped away! I will not be my mother, and I will not be my father! I REFUSE!
so please just let me die"
Naturally I tried to figure out how to sculpt this into a Jason monologue because who gives a shit about OCs, esp ones they've never heard of, lol, but it was 3:30 and I needed to sleep, and I was like meh it's not possibly for jaybird anyway, he's got that wolf in him
But Jason has also been continuously abandoned by every family he's ever had - his mom, the wolves, camp jupiter when they didn't go looking for him, leo and piper, probably more and so on, and I HC to be suicidal and actively self-harm himself
and you know what, I think it would be neat if everyone was like "Jason, you don't have time for friends, you need to learn to be a leader, you need to focus on training, blah blah blah" and he's desperate to see if he can have both and somehow someway he summons dead siblings to ask advice from or maybe he prays for advice and receives a dream from my stressed out baby girl who's basically like "I had so much love in my heart, it was slowly killing me every single day because my rules were small and stupid but they mattered so fucking much and people broke them all the tim and the intense need I felt to hurt them as punishment for their wrongdoings made me want to kill myself and the only reason I couldn't is because my friends kept catching me. don't befriend a child of Pluto or Mors, they're annoyingly adept and weirdly stubborn about you dying when they don't want you to"
ofc Jason is desperate. He wants people, he wants community. But she just shakes her head. "you're the oldest child of Jupiter here. You're the only child of Jupiter here. You have no choice. I was the youngest of my siblings. If I were in line to be praetor, if I were in line to be charge of my cohort, I would've tried so much harder to die because love and leadership are incompatible for us. Maybe it works out for other people, but not for us.
Abandon your affections, Jason. Crave friendship but never seek it out. It will hurt you less when it comes time to discipline those who break the rules. You are a tornado waiting to happen, you are a lightning storm. Your discipline will not be gentle and it will not be light. Do you want to be feared by those you love?"
and he shakes his head, wishing he was a softer person, one who shocked rather than electrocuted, one who didn't bear their teeth, and played with the breeze instead of manifesting gale.
"then love no one. because the fear will come no matter what, but love? that's what you have to work for. and it has no place with us"
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
💔Most difficult placements
🫧These are the placements that I think are the most difficult in general to go through and are harder for the people around them to understand.(But I would say that there are a couple of them that are also heavy).The more deeper and heavier placements you have the more you will feel different or alienated from people who don't have it. I will always feel better with someone who has the same or similar placements that I have because this person will understand me better. 🫧
✨Saturn in 1st house- These people may have struggled already in their early childhood with lessons, authority. They need to grow up fast and carry a lot of the burden on themselves. You're ambitious, but taken too far, this crowds out the lightness of being. However, they may have problems expressing their individuality and allowing themselves to be as original as possible. You can feel like you're never enough and find it hard to love yourself.
🌧Neptune in 4th house- because they always feel that nowhere is their home. They feel alienated from family, they can always feel unsafe everywhere they go. Many times you can feel like you are alone.
🌙All lot of Oppositions in chart - because the person feels like they are always at odds with their emotions, actions, things they do and people in general.
🧚🏻Saturn in 11th house- these people have struggle to keep friends and people in their lives. Whenever they think these are their friends, they disappoint them. They have a hard time making friends. Maybe they can also feel excluded from society. And because of that, they find it hard to accept people in their lives. They are always afraid that people will betray and deceive them.
💙Moon in 8th house - People always keep their emotions to themselves. They never talk about them or very rarely. They are emotional and intense so it’s very likely they will be surrounded by contradictions and some conflict. The Moon makes them emotionally unstable, needy for cuddles and nurture, feeling like they have to take care of others themselves. These natives want to deeply connect with people. But it’s hard for them because they feel like no one understands how they really feel.
🌊Pluto in 12th house- The power of these people is invisible and hidden. You are inclined to go deep, explore the meaning of your dreams, and analyze your personal psychology. You're also quite adept at comprehending others' motives. They are so very loyal and committed to a friendship that they have high expectations as well. These people tend to repress their emotions and keep themselves hidden from the rest of the world. But it is very difficult for them to accept a loss, it can leave a big mark on them. It may take years to forget someone or you may never forget them because they may always be in your subconscious.
🫀Venus retrograde natal- love is hard to express and a lot of people feel like giving a lot of themselves but they don't really know how to show as much love as they would like. Relationships can be a problem for them. They have a different idea of ​​how to love and how they show love. Maybe it’s hard to show them that they really care.
🎲Jupiter retrograde natal- you can feel that luck is never on your side. It's hard for you to find happiness in general. In the earlier years, they might find it harder to share their gifts with the world for reasons including lack of opportunities, self-confidence, and self-doubt.
🦋Pisces stellium- these people feel a lot! Their feelings are everywhere but it is hard for them to put emotions in only one thing. They feel energy everywhere. And they often feel emotionally drained. However, many times people do not notice this.
🐚North node in 12th house- All their lives they may struggle with what to follow and in what way. You know you have a path, but it's just harder to find. Maybe you are always fighting between reality and dreams. These people should look deep into their subconscious. I think that this is also related to the family, that there can be many strange and unusual things in the family. In fact, these people constantly struggle with the subconscious and the conscious. These people have to learn to believe in universe.
🧁Uranus in 7th house- your relationships start and end immediately. They happen unexpectedly. And sometimes you don't know how to keep people or find the right relationship for yourself. Because you can always feel that you don't belong in the relationship or that you can't find a place for yourself there. You meet people but you feel that you are different from them, that your views and expectations are different from them. Because wherever you have uranus it can make you feel like you don't belong in there.
👄12th house Mercury- people with mercury here think a lot, but they don't know how to share their thoughts with others. It is difficult for them to share what they are thinking about and this can make them feel like people are not hearing them. Daydreaming, thinking about the future, idealistically so, evidently, occupies all their time.
🧸Saturn in 3rd house- fear of expression and speaking. Usually it's with people you don't know or aren't close enough to you. Authority people, people in high positions. It can be a constant fear of speaking your mind. You feel like everything you say will be wrong or weird. You may feel that what you are about to say will be disrespectful or too rude. Sometimes you feel like you want to express something but you don't know how or in what way. And it's hard because the people around you aren't always kind and you still feel like you should be nice to them.
🏹North node in 8th house- your life is based on depth and understanding depth, darkness, emotions, taboo topics. Lots of transformations and stuff related to new chapters and endings. You want to understand people on a deep level and generally understand the world around you. Indicates a strong interest in spiritual experiences like sharing one's soul with another human being, sexual connection, and similar forms of intimacy. Motivated to build meaningful human connections. You want to be loved and accepted in all your flaws. You see people through their dark sides and want to see people through their souls and understand the dark inside them. And it can be difficult for you when others don't see it and don't understand it. However, you are often anxious about letting people see the vulnerable side of yourself.
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13lunarstar · 3 months
Purva Phalguni
The eleventh nakshatra
Degrees: from 13°20' to 26 °40' of Leo zodiac
The ruler of nakshatra: Venus (sans. Shukra)
Nakshatra's guna: rajas (human)
Purva Phalguni keywords: romance, sensuality, creativity, social charm, dramatic expression, luxury, generosity, recognition, devotion, passion, pleasures, beauty, glamour, magnetism, social gatherings, self-indulgence, leisure, artistic talents, loyalty
Symbol: a bed or a hammock, representing relaxation, enjoyment, and sensual pleasure
Purva Phalguni in various planets
Sun in Purva Phalguni: brings strong natural leadership abilities where individuals are often drawn to positions of authority where they can exert influence and make significant contributions. Here Sun allows to excel in fields such as performing arts, visual arts, design, or creative writing. Natives have a knack for self-expression and may use their creativity to shine brightly. Purva Phalguni signifies romantic inclinations and a deep appreciation for beauty, comfort, pleasures and luxury. These individuals enjoy indulging in romantic experiences and may have a flair for romance and courtship. Sun in Purva Phalguni natives also possess diplomatic skills and tactful communication abilities. They are adept at navigating social situations and may excel in roles that require negotiation, mediation, or conflict resolution.
Moon in Purva Phalguni: creates a romantic and affectionate approach. Individuals have a deep need for emotional connection and may prioritize relationships and love in their lives. Natives often have a natural talent for the arts, including music, painting, or performing arts, and may find emotional fulfilment through creative pursuits. Moon in Purva Phalguni individuals have a strong desire for recognition and appreciation for their emotional depth and talents. The placement can enhance emotional intensity and drama. These individuals may experience highs and lows in their emotions, with deep feelings of passion and longing. Moon in Purva Phalguni people value loyalty and commitment in relationships. Once they form emotional bonds, they are dedicated and loyal partners who prioritize the well-being of their loved ones.
Mars in Purva Phalguni: brings drive, passion and desire. Individuals with this placement pursue their goals with competitiveness, intensity and determination, often throwing themselves wholeheartedly into their endeavours. Good placement for excelling in fields such as music, dance, theatre, or visual arts, channelling their fiery energy into creative projects. Mars in Purva Phalguni individuals may have a magnetic allure and may be drawn to passionate and dramatic relationships. Very often these individuals may be prone to impulsive actions and decisions. They may act on their desires without fully considering the consequences, leading to moments of recklessness.
Mercury in Purva Phalguni: indicates a gift for artistic communication. Natives may excel in writing, poetry, or public speaking, where they can express themselves eloquently and creatively. Mercury here enhances creative intelligence and imaginative thinking. These individuals may have innovative ideas and solutions, particularly in artistic or creative endeavours where they can think outside the box; also they usually pay attention to detail, particularly when it comes to matters of aesthetics and visual presentations. Besides that, these natives may exhibit flirtatious charm and playful banter in their interactions. They enjoy engaging with others in lighthearted conversations and may use their wit and humour to captivate attention.
Jupiter in Purva Phalguni: amplifies generosity and benevolence. These people often use their resources and influence to support artistic endeavours and creative pursuits. They may be patrons of the arts or involved in philanthropic activities that promote cultural enrichment. Individuals possess a philosophical and expansive approach to creativity, beauty, and romance. Jupiter in Purva Phalguni symbolises romantic idealism and a belief in the power of love. These individuals may have too high expectations for relationships and seek partners who embody qualities of nobility, grace, and refinement. Overall, these people are seekers of beauty and harmony. They are drawn to experiences that evoke a sense of aesthetic pleasure and may surround themselves with art, music, and literature that uplifts the soul.
Venus in Purva Phalguni: combines the sensual and aesthetic qualities of Venus with the creative and romantic energies of Purva Phalguni. These natives radiate romantic sensuality and charm and have a keen appreciation for beauty in all its forms. They are passionate about love, beauty, and pleasure, and may seek out romantic experiences that awaken their senses. An auspicious placement for such fields as music, dance, visual arts, or fashion design, expressing creativity through aesthetics. Venus in Purva Phalguni individuals value relationships and prioritize the cultivation of emotional connections. They are devoted partners who strive to create harmonious and loving relationships.
Saturn in Purva Phalguni: brings a disciplined approach to creativity. These individuals may excel in artistic endeavors that require patience, persistence, and attention to detail. Saturn's placement suggests a tendency towards delayed gratification. Individuals with Saturn in Purva Phalguni may work diligently towards their creative goals, knowing that their efforts will be rewarded in the long run. Natives may have structured social interactions, preferring quality over quantity in their relationships. They may have a small circle of close friends or associates whom they trust and rely on. This placement sometimes suggests emotional restraint and self-discipline. Individuals with Saturn in Purva Phalguni may have a reserved demeanour and may struggle to express their emotions and creativity openly. Therefore, they may approach romance cautiously, preferring to take their time before committing to a serious relationship. They may have high standards and may be selective when choosing a romantic partner.
Rahu in Purva Phalguni: creates a strong desire for recognition and may pursue fame, status, or prestige in their creative pursuits. Rahu in Purva Phalguni individuals may engage in risk-taking behaviour, especially in pursuit of their creative or romantic desires. They may be willing to take chances and push boundaries to achieve their ambitions. Natives may have a taste for opulent surroundings, fine food, fashion, and other luxurious indulgences. However, sometimes this placement can indicate a fascination with drama and excitement. These individuals may be drawn to dramatic situations or may create drama in their lives to feel alive and engaged.
Ketu in Purva Phalguni: individuals may view creative expression as a means of spiritual exploration and self-discovery. They may use their artistic talents as a tool for introspection and inner transformation. These people may exhibit emotional detachment in their relationships and interactions. They may prioritize spiritual growth over emotional attachment and may struggle with intimacy or vulnerability. Ketu in Purva Phalguni natives may have unique artistic visions or may express themselves in non-traditional ways.
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