justanotherstory · 5 months
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Well I wanted the first post of 2024 to be something grand, exciting perhaps I wished to post a year rewind which is still in my drafts folder incomplete.. But now it's just a random thought or maybe its a result of an ongoing situation idk...if I'll post this or will stay in my drafts folder yet again...
So usually when I think rather overthink about something, I write it down somewhere, maybe on a piece of a torn notebook paper in a gibberish handwriting that no one else could read...or I just post it on Snapchat like a random snap..But Idk why but let's just write it down here only..
Okay so, imagine like sitting in a room lit with bright lights all around, and suddenly the power goes off..and everything turns dull and dark..and it's not like for a couple of minutes or soo... So obviously you start to panic, and its like pitch dark you cannot see a thing .. naturally you'll start searching for a source of light, even a tiniest source of light.. suddenly you realise you have your phone so you switch on its flashlight..its not that bright and can't lit up the whole room but now you feel a bit relaxed, and for the next few hours or till the time power returns this flashlight is your only support . But suddenly the power comes back , everything is back to normal..bright and clear.. The room is so lit up now that the flashlight is now useless..Even if you switch it on or switch it off..its doens't make any difference its worthless now..and slowly you start forgetting about that flashlight which helped you cope the dark times..
This is how I feel these days..I feel like the flashlight who tried its best to bring light in someone's life but all its efforts were just not enough..Yeah, I'm happy that they have something brighter now, they are now in a better place but what about me? Did they forget that I exist??
You know they say a person cannot choose his family, his parents his relatives but out of the  only relations he can choose the most important ones are his friends. And now me being the most indecisive person to ever exist can't even choose the correct set of friends!!
"People in friendship talk about being besties forever, and till infinity but little did I know that sometimes forever is just couples days or years and some infinities are smaller that the other infinity.."
Yeah..soo that's it thats it for the day.. Ik..Ik. its very raw and "random" and not something that I usually post but ..who cares....this is how I have been feeling and wanted to vent and so I did!! This was' Just Another Story '.
And this is me,
Signing Off !! <<33
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To be a great writer!
I always had this notion that to be great I had to be tortured. All the greats always seem to have been tortured. They have some crazy backstories of how things were super bad and at times unbearable to a point that they decided, instead of dwelling in the darkness, they would draw from it and become great writers🤓 That is why artists like Donald Glover and to an extent Dave Chapelle fascinate…
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galacticrambler · 5 months
Just Another Story: A Graphic Migration Account | Comic Review
Just Another Story: A Graphic Migration Account | Comic Review #JustAnotherStory #NetGalley
I recently had the pleasure of reading Just Another Story: A Graphic Migration Account from Ernesto Saade, and I really enjoyed it. Based on true events, the book tells the story of the difficulties and dangers that come with immigrating to the United States from Central America. It’s a beautiful story, and I hope you read it.
The structure of the book follows Ernesto from El Salvador who is visiting his cousin Carlos and aunt Elena in San Diego. When Carlos picks Ernest up at LAX and they head to San Diego, Ernesto asks Carlos to tell him about their journey from El Salvador to the US. Carlos mentions that he’s never talked about what he and his mom went through with anyone before. Then, our story takes off.
Just Another Story is a grand reminder that the sacrifices and dangers faced by immigrants just to get to the USA are rarely in the “immigration debate” had in this country. Dealing with the smugglers, gangs, and crooked cops is a dangerous path that many do not survive.
At the end of the book, Elena is considering her future. While she loves her son and the life that they have been able to build in the USA over the last decade, she misses her family and El Salvador. However, until their visa situation is officially settled, they would not be able to return to the USA if they left. She has a wonderful bit of dialogue in a conversation with Ernesto while they watch Carlos surf in the ocean:
“People tell me that going back would be like admitting I made a mistake. Some kind of failure. But I don’t see it that way. My son is doing well. He has a bright future ahead of him. I believe I already accomplished something. And I’m not going to apologize nor feel shame for trying to find my own happiness.”
Just Another Story: A Graphic Migration Account – digital page 211.
I loved the way that Saade illustrated this book. It’s split into three different styles, so you always know where you are in the story. When the book is following Carlos and Ernesto, the book emphasizes the blues, greys, and greens. When we transition to Carlos and his mother Elena’s journey to the USA, the book has the full pantheon, edging darker when a dangerous situation is involved. When another character is telling a story such as Peligro, the colors are more bold. It made it easy to know who was “talking” at any given point.
Saade wrote and illustrated an excellent and moving story, and I highly recommend it.
Thank you NetGalley and Lerner Publishing Group for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.
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gettrulylifted-blog · 5 years
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When we see the lights, we take flight. #life #preach #justanotherstory #ripnipsey #restinpeace #readyforwhatever https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_pYXEBfpR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gttjr9lp04xh
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djta-shi-blog · 5 years
Just Another Story 👮‍♀️ DJ Ta-Shi Blend Mix 🎧 Who wants !? DM me 📩 . 簡単なブレンドミックス作りました♪ 欲しい人居たらDM下さい📩 . #justanothercase #childrenstory #cru #slickrick #justanotherstory #djtashi #remix #acapella #instrumental #djmix #recording #editmix #studio #serato #djlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B3lzAbyFcel/?igshid=i3pmipw1lwjw
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L'avenir nous tourmente,le passé nous retient,c'est pour ces raisons que le présent nous échappe
Gustave Flaubert .
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indianchicdotin · 7 years
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D A R Y A G A N J 🏰 "I am an ancient soul caged in a young body." Old city charm captured at Daryaganj on my way to other parts of Delhi. I don't know when was it built, I have no clue if someone still resides there. I have no idea if there was someone looking at me from that window in the middle of other two. But it boosted my curiosity to another level. It was so calling that I could not avoid stopping by and admire the broken windows and damaged walls telling some story which on usual basis we might not be interested in. 🤦🏻‍♀️And I was planning the world tour when my city tour isn't yet over. 🚧 __________________________________ #Indianchic #KiranKhokhar #JustAnotherDay #JustAnotherClick #JustAnotherStory #SoDelhi (at Daryaganj)
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amyrahmii-blog1 · 7 years
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Sesederhana yang kamu mau, . Sederhana saja Sederhanakanlah Sesederhana yang kamu mau Bukankah yang sederhana jauh lebih istimewa? . Berceritalah Ceritakan dengan sederhana Tentang satu pertemuan Di persimpangan jalan itu Ketika rindu menyeruak di dalam kalbu, Dan ketika tekad menepi segala ragu, . Ketika langkah dan do'a berpadu, Dan harapan menetap di dalam kalbu, Sejak hari itu . Sederhanalah Sederhanakan kisah itu #Laut #JustAnotherStory
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melissaoverman-blog · 7 years
All About Me.
Let me start with the basics. 
My name is Melissa Overman and I’m about 2 weeks shy of 29 (writing this). Overman is my third last name by age 23. Maiden name is Becker. First new last name Norton. Now... Overman. At least they were all relatively easy. 
I grew up in a “small town” area. Everyone you meet is related to someone you know, or knows someone you’re related to, or knows your first grade teacher who’s retired, but still subbing because honestly... there’s not much else to do. In the Wyoming Valley, we are known for our pizza, our drug overdoses, and the fact that Scranton has a really large celebration for Saint Patrick’s Day where bars open at 7am and close at 2am... Just for that day. 
To explain the context of my family has always been rather complicated. I have a mom. My mom raised my two full sisters and I when she divorced my alcoholic bio-dad and he left us. All of us. I have a half sister I never met from his first marriage, a half sister and brother from his second, and my mom was his final. I have a father. “Step Father”, to be accurate, but he’s my father, and a step brother. To me... they are all my brothers and my sisters, but to explain how it all works always seems to be a complex discussion. I have three nieces and three nephews. 
I have a four year old daughter and he name is Brooke. To say she is my world is an understatement. To say she is just like me is a lie, because I see myself and her father in her. The only reason my last name is still Overman is because it’s her last name... and quite honestly, I’m on the road to bio-dad and I’m totally fine never getting married again.
By the age of 25, I was a mom, a wife (for a second time), and in 2014 I made, personally, about 70k. Pretty much unheard of in this area for someone who doesn’t have a degree, let alone barely finished an entire semester of college. 
Shortly after turning 25, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. Three and a half years later, I still get those reminders that I still have a very long road ahead of me. 
Shortly after turning 26... I was a survivor of domestic violence. That’s a whole other “one of these days” blogs. Right now, it’s just telling all of you who I actually am.
At 28... I suffered a major episode of anxiety followed by one of the deepest depression episodes of my life. Majority of March 2017... I hardly left my home. Then... I chose to start a business. I lost my youngest sister with that decisions, but to be honest, she has a tendency to be a bit of a... self righteous bitch, for a lack of a better way to put it, so it wasn’t entirely a loss. For someone to tell someone who has actually been diagnosed with a depression disorder that they question their own life just to downsize the fact that they literally have an actual disease is not entirely the type of person I want in my life anyway. 
I’m turning 29 in two weeks. Every time I find myself getting out of a “relationship”, I end up with another cat. My daughter blows my mind. I’m a business owner before my dirty thirty. I have a new-found attraction to gingers. My “abuser” is currently one of the greatest friends I could possibly ask for. My entire family thinks I’m insane.
When everyone else takes the straight and narrow, I find the hardest way to still go that way, but learn every possible lesson from every pothole (because it’s COMPLETELY normal around here) I hit along the way. I enjoy life, but I still feel. I put myself in really fucked up situations. As one of my best friends just said to me yesterday “you literally find the biggest assholes to fall in love with” and she’s pretty right about that. 
Everything I write will have it’s own meaning. I’ve been told I’m a pretty good writer.. another “wasted” talent, as some people would say, but again... I never take the easy way out. The past ten years of my life... there was one subject I made sure to major in that didn’t have me sitting behind a desk reading books and writing reports.
I majored in experience, love, loss, fear, problems, solutions, adventure, craziness.. I mean, it goes on and on...
Because I’m majored in life. And life isn’t over until it’s over. 
Nice to meet you. I’m Melissa. 
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tryagainsweety-blog · 6 years
She slips away to herself
She holds the cure oh so close
She knows her pain is about to end
A toast,
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justanotherstory · 1 year
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This is me Anushka and it's my very first blog (if you don't consider the one I wrote for some school assignment), so I don't know the rules of this game tbh and that's why I decided to create my own set of rules! Ezzyyy!!!!
First things first, let's start with some introduction. I am currently a student who is on the verge of passing 10th standard (I have just finished the "BoArDs eXaMs" , awaiting my results now.) So, after my exams are over, I usually take up some new hobbies or just some craft work, so this time I decided to take up blogging as my "official new hobby".
I have had crazy experiences in my life and by crazy I mean getting burnt , losing a gold chain, a road accident, and so much more. I don't want to waste all this content, hence, blogging came as a solution.
Now let's talk about the upcoming blogs. Honestly, I don't know if I'll be regular with it or not and don't know how long I'll continue this (I get bored of stuff really easily).
(PS: dunno if the blogs will be in English only or Hindi or both)
Also, I have thought of a nice way of ending the blog. At the end of each blog I'll attach a design/poster (or whatever you call them) designed by me in accordance to the overall mood/emotion of the post, so more than the reader, I myself enjoy the post and can relieve the moment.
Here's the poster for this blog :)
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Soo yeah..I guess that's it for the first blog. Coz I can't think of anything else at the moment.
If anyone's reading it, I hope you enjoyed it although it was just an intro, but as srk says “Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost", this story will continue and I will be back with 'Just Another Story'.
This is me,
Signing off!! <3
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amyrahmii-blog1 · 7 years
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. Kamu, tak usah repot menyodorkan aku sepasang gembok dan kunci, Apalagi kamu, bersusah payah mengukir nama diatasnya, Tak perlu, Sebab aku tidak membutuhkan itu, . Jarak antara Langit dan Laut adalah laksana kening dan sajadah, Yang bisa dipersingkat dengan melangitkan do'a dalam malam-malam panjang . Rindu antara Langit dan Laut adalah kidung sepi yang melengking dalam dekapan harap Mimpi yang akan menjadi nyata ketika seutas tanya dibalas seutas jawab, . Jadi, bagaimana jawaban mu? Kapan kamu akan menjawab? Ternyata, sepotong jawab itu membutuhkan upaya yang tidak main-main bukan? . #Laut #JustAnotherStory #donttakeseriously #TerapiPikir ((: . Loc: Gembok Cinta, Bandung
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davidrflores · 8 years
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"A bullet to the head is a lesson learned." #Jamiroquai #justanotherstory #returnofthespacecowboy #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #michaeldouglas #karlmalden #digitalart #art #artist #acidjazz #sicmonkie
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seeshiroma-blog · 8 years
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jasjustanotherstory · 8 years
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Mazara del Vallo / 2016
JAS just another story
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