ofj-art · 1 year
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little concept arts
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bcrncoldx · 3 months
@mischiefxmuses (kida)
With his free time so limited lately, James rarely saw the inside of a museum other than the one he volunteered at. And with that being a particularly niche museum compared to this one, he found himself staring at the guide on the wall. "Excuse me," he gave the nearby staff member a polite smile. "Where would you recommend someone should start? Top and work down?"
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@poeticphoenix || Closed Starter for Genesis and Saruhiko (Final Fantasy VII verse!)
Note: Takes place in ΕΓΛ 0010, following Genesis' reawakening at the end of Dirge of Cerberus. Fushimi is 23yo.
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"Tch..." His typical tongue click had been the first thing to come out of his mouth, the moment his investigation around the broken remnants of Midgar had finally concluded with the discovery of... some new kind of freakshow.
Oh, the WRO would be absolutely enthusiastic about this, won't they? He can already hear Reeve's frantic screeching in his ears.
First thing first, some questions were due. And Saruhiko paid special care to keep his dominant hand on the hilt of his saber as he spoke. "Now, who the hell are you?"
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motohousemx-blog · 4 months
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minceyfresh · 2 years
12/52 — 2023 03.21
12/52 — 2023 03.21
This is more depressing than when Pebble was bought out and then gutted.
Pentax K-01 + Sigma 18–35mm f/1.8 lens
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nightskydragons · 8 months
Icaris Research
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" In the past week, We've made significant progress in our study on Dragon K01. And we made a fascinating discovery. The species is hybrid in orgin with traces of three species with one yet to be given identification. In the samples, we've noticed an odd abundance of a yet to be named hormone found only in the adolescent nightlight (thunder) DNA sample
It's been suggested, due to the hormone effect on muscle and bone growth, that this is the early stage of what the Nordic artifact describes as a " Titan wing". However, further data is required
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hcavyheart · 3 months
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Antes tarde do que nunca, vamos nós para um starter call que pode ser adaptado para ambas as partes do evento assim que eu fizer. Para isso, vocês vão escolher um dos personagens e frases disponívies + um emoji de um lugar na festa + uma atração + o @ do personagemde vocês!
Ex: K01 + 🪩 + Caminho das estralas + @juninhodograu
K01: "Well, this is awkward."
K02: "I'm not interested in company, especially from you. You stay the hell away from me while I'm off duty."
K03: "Why won't you give up?"
K04: "A loving heart is a forgiving heart, don't you agree?"
K05: "Do try and live a little longer for me, hm?"
K06: "Got to say you handled yourself pretty well back there. I can't stay mad after a show like that."
K07: Why am I never proud of you? Don't take it personally."
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M01: "What do you mean, no?"
M02: "Oh, hell. I'm sorry."
M03: "I would very much like to hear the story of how that happened."
M04: "Careful. You almost sounded excited about something."
M05: "You're not even a little bit impressed?"
M06: "What advantage does my anger buy you?"
M07: "You're going to die for nothing?"
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S01: "Go ahead, speak your mind."
S02: "We're all heading towards an unknown destination."
S03: "Take your time, we're not in a rush."
S04: "He may appear distant and cold, but his heart is kind."
S05: "A meeting like this has to have been written in the stars."
S06: "…what? Is there something on my face?"
S07: "Walking the same path over and over will never be the same, there will always be something new."
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Lugares Disponíveis
Caminho das estrelas
Pista de boliche
Pista de rollerskate
Cabine de fotos
Castelo abandonado
Biblioteca dos espelhos
Jardim dos arrependimentos
Roda realmente gigante
Ostras na bandeja
Conversa com animais marinhos
Navio pirata
Competição de cuspe à distância, queda de braço, luta corporal, arremesso de machados e entre outras
Caça ao urso
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grison-in-space · 3 months
I'm still thinking about the dopamine post but I coded for four straight hours and worked out an enraging amount of contour analysis today and my writing ability has been nil for a couple of days which means no researching so far >:( dammit.
I am also contemplating whether I should apply for the underrepresented groups K99 or the K01 for this grant, because if I'm going in as underrepresented I'm going in as disabled and AuDHD—queer doesn't count for diversity points in the NIH and I'm of several minds about that. The K99 would help me transition to having my own lab as a tenure track faculty member over five years, but it's also more competitive, and like... can I demonstrate that shit with my publication track record? I'm a two time GRFP honorable mention who has never actually gotten a grant I applied for, after all.
And I mean, a huge part of the reason I'm feeling underqualified is because my academic record is pretty spotty. My diss left me with enough PTSD that I haven't had the ability to breathe long enough to get the thesis submitted, so my CV has three peer reviewed papers on it in wildly different fields: one from my undergraduate thesis, one very interdisciplinary paper combining queer theory with evolution, one paper about the main topic of my dissertation. I've done a lot of things, but not necessarily in a way that is productive in the narrow sense.
Technically my thesis, I guess, which has two otherwise unpublished chapters that could be two or three more papers, but which I can't really bear to touch: my thesis advisor threw me out as a broken shell during the course of the COVID pandemic as our working relationship deteriorated, and then I scrabbled into an entirely different field from my grad work so I had to absorb a lot of information very fast.
(Yeah, remember when I said I didn't care about being doxxed because I already operate under the assumption that it's happened? That's what I'm working with here.)
I have two papers coming out from my postdoc so far, both of which I'm trying to get submitted by fall. If I'm very lucky and very fast I might swing a third. I just feel very very slow—my phd was eight years long and characterized by being encouraged to go off in weird directions without much support—and not competitive. But on the other hand—well, hell, mine is certainly a perspective you won't see tomorrow if it drops out today, so. Why not?
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szukamznajomego · 5 months
Hej czy znajdzie się tu ktoś chętny na wyjazd za granice? Pracuje od 4 lat i nie mam nic tak naprawdę prócz depresji, a życie w Polsce jest dobijające fajne byłyby jakieś zmiany i spróbowanie czegoś nowego + w de jest już legalne 🍀 :))))k01
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neobiohazardus · 3 months
KaiJune2024 - Day13: ADE-e01 Squat Lobster
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Kaijune 2024 - Day 13 [Reinforced]
This only makes sense to fit with this prompt if you know just how thick deep-water submarines' walls are
[I'm following this prompt list]
===== BIO:
Made to explore deep water caves ever since the discovery Sigophon Ultima, the ADE-e01 "Squat Lobster" (Aquatic Deep Explorer - eco-k (number)) was designed for the extreme pressures at such depths. Interestingly, Eco-K was not the only ones to commission these mechs, as the KDF also has a decent amount (The KDF's Squat Lobsters going by the Acronym ADE-k01 instead of e01). Unlike on the Eco-K Squat Lobsters, the 'back limbs' are outfitted with spear guns instead of lower-powered propellers for more minute movement.
The mechs have been very useful in keeping tabs on underwater kaiju, the vaccum arm allowing them to bring samples up from the deep sea to better understand the various kaiju who live there. As it comes to Sigophon Ultima though, it was found that a vast network of underwater caves stretch out from its central chamber, allowing Sigophon Terras to emerge. Prolonged monitoring of the giant siphonophore has shown that the various morphs they take on regurgitate the contents of food they've melted back onto Sigophon Ultima, though the return rate of individuals was quite low, even for those who didn't venture close to human habitations. It's hypothesized that perhaps Sigophon morphs play an important role in the kaiju ecosystem, as it seems most of them get eaten or otherwise dispatched by other kaiju.
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( cleaner ver. on the right -> ]
- k01-tp!!
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ofj-art · 2 years
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Rift posting
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bcrncoldx · 1 year
"Excuse me!" He called as he straightened up from crouching on the ground. Hmm, it seemed as if she hadn't heard him. James began to weave through the crowd, his eyes on the redhead. "Excuse me, miss!" With his long stride it didn't take long for him to catch up to her. "Miss, I believe that you dropped this."
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@projecth-aileth​ || Continued from here.
Things were changing around the Labs, not that it was something she understood the reason for, only that the atmosphere had been odd for a while.
To those that recognized, the slender figure bore a striking resemblance to both source material and a ‘misplaced asset’ under surveillance. Some conceited attempt to reproduce and improve on a previous project the triumph and failure of his life. However this one had been a source of irritating disappointment nearly from the start. Precious limited materials producing only four specimens. Of those, one survived, and had yet to even reach her predecessors records. Of course, that had nothing to do with being treated as less than a living thing.
Head slowly moving towards the sound of the heavy security door opening; pallid face tilting as she turned, sending silver hair spilling over both shoulders and back. Draconic eyes took in the stranger, their mako colour sparking at something new before suddenly darting to the floor. Any interest quickly, forgotten with the voice over the speakers.
“Good you’re here.” both flat and impatient, they didn’t wait for any response. “By accessing containment, clearance is authorized. Please note Handler safety is priority, however not guaranteed.” Brief and slightly hostile, the speaker abruptly cutting off with a sharp screech. Whatever happens wasn’t their issue anymore; the ones that would be responsible was the Turks now.
There hadn’t been any incidents of late, but the lab technicians still did what they could to avoid the experiment. Putting several measures and methods between her and them. White-coats, the researchers, butchers the ones that did everything, no matter what in hopes of even the tiniest amount of attention from the professor. Then there were the sadists that took great pleasure in dealing out torture, disguised under the name of science; each following directions from the head of the department- present or not.
Not wanting give this Handler an excuse for corrections so soon and drained from the days testing she stayed put as expected but kept eyes low studying the dark attire. It was… different… Being confined inside labs, the humans that frequently visited never wore anything that colour.
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It was a good thing that none of those staff members were physically in the room with them. Or they might have noticed the way the young Turk’s face had drained its color in that instance.
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And questioned it.
That would have been bad. But this wasn’t great either. Just as he’d started to get used to the notion that Sephiroth - the core of his own personal resolution to join ShinRa and take it down from the inside - had actually perished while on a mission in Nibelheim just some months ago, not by Saruhiko’s hand but his own doing, here came another of those things.
A new abomination of Professor Hojo, the man he’d been forsaken by and forsaken himself.
Even without being an expert in genetics or bioengineering, the similarities were too many for his guess to be incorrect.
The agent quickly retrieved his composure, well aware to be under observation even at this very moment. The lips that had pressed into a thin line hid the swallow of an unpleasant knot in his throat.
‘No matter. Just another name to the list.’
He’d take her out like any of the clones he’d identified and silently eliminated without the company’s notice.
It’d just be... far more complicated than those. It was one thing to ambush a sickly figure in a corner of the slums and make them disappear without a trace. A subject personally observed and contained within ShinRa HQ, however...
For now, he’d play along. For as long as the mind behind Project Jenova existed, his position within the company was too important to be put on the line. He’d never been this close to Hojo as here and now.
Play the loyal dog for one more day; he’d waited twenty years, he could wait longer.
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“Right, then...” He muttered under his breath, scanning the girl with blue eyes ever so sharp despite the lazy expression of his features. An unfortunate genetic heritage along with his short-sightedness helped only by his square-shaped glasses.
He saw no restraints of any kind.
“Are you going to behave, just walking with me?”
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
Technically Evie's Ask Extravaganza, The Finale - Allow me to introduce to you...
Evie's Multiverse - The Official™ Prompt List
Send me an ask with the characters and prompts you want
Combining prompts is allowed, including across categories
You don't have to ask for a character and their S/O but lots of these prompts are best suited to write OTPs - use your best judgement to assess whether your prompt is such a prompt
Include any special preferences or details you'd like to see - this also means that you should include the level of smuttiness you want to see if the prompt you sent me could be interpreted in a spicy way
Be nice
What I will write:
Stories for my OCs and their ships, any day, anytime if I have any time and energy to spare
Ships between canon characters - if I know the characters and their dynamics, I can definitely try. If I actively ship them, I definitely will try
AUs, just specify it in your ask
Spicy stuff, including some kinks BUT refer to the rest of the rules
Heavy topics
What I will NOT write:
Explicit smut. I just don’t feel comfortable doing it. Fade-to-black? Yes. But no smut. Trust me, there are other writers who do a better job and you yourself have an imagination ;) Not as much of a rule anymore by now but it might take a while for me to do it. Also, it won't be the sort of smut you're used to but rather the way I write smut, which includes allusions, metaphors and euphemisms and excludes your typical smut words as much as possible - if you don't like that style quirk of mine, don't request smut.
Incest and pedophilia
Most pregnancy stuff
As a general rule of thumb, if you don’t know whether I would be willing to write something, just ask. I've intentionally left some of these rules more or less vague to give the space for interaction. If I find something in your ask that I don't want to write that way, I'll let you know and maybe modify the prompt a little if possible so I can still write something for you without having to fully turn you down. Either way, communication is key!
You can avoid the spicy prompts on this list by just not scrolling down all the way. They're the last block of text. :)
☆ F01: Accidentally falling asleep together
☆ F02: Adjusting the other's necklace/tie
☆ F03: Caught in the rain
☆ F04: Compliments
☆ F05: Cooking as a love language
☆ F06: Cuddles
☆ F07: Described through the eyes of their lover
☆ F08: Falling asleep in the other's lap
☆ F09: Head pats/playing with the other's hair
☆ F10: Humming/singing
☆ F11: Needy for attention
☆ F12: Pet names
☆ F13: Puppy dog eyes
☆ F14: Reading together
☆ F15: Sharing food
☆ F16: Sitting on the other's lap
☆ F17: Slow dancing
☆ F18: Sticking warm/cold hands beneath the other's shirt
☆ F19: "Wait, you think I'm cute/pretty/...?"
☆ F20: "You look beautiful."
☆ F21: "You smell nice."
☆ F22: "You’re an idiot." "But I'm your idiot."
Kiss Prompts
♡ K01: A kiss as an apology
♡ K02: A kiss on the hand
♡ K03: An unexpected kiss
♡ K04: Cheek kiss
♡ K05: Desperate kiss
♡ K06: Forehead kiss
♡ K07: Kiss goodbye
♡ K08: Kissing the tears away
♡ K09: Passionate kisses that leave them breathless
♡ K10: Neck kisses
♡ K11: Sleepy morning kisses
♡ K12: Staring at the other's lips, trying not to kiss them
♡ K13: Wandering kisses
♡ K14: "Kiss me."
♡ K15: "Your lips are so soft...
Whump/Hurt & Comfort
♧ W01: Caring for the other while sick
♧ W02: Finding the other crying
♧ W03: Insecurities
♧ W04: Kidnapped
♧ W05: Nightmare
♧ W06: Patching up a wound
♧ W07: Poison
♧ W08: "Can you talk?"
♧ W09: "Don’t move."
♧ W10: "How many fingers?"
♧ W11: "I can't feel my legs."
♧ W12: "I can't get up."
♧ W13: "I'm fine."
♧ W14: "Is that blood?"
♧ W15: "Please, don’t leave."
♧ W16: "Wake up, damn it, wake up!"
♧ W17: "You’re safe with me."
♧ W18: "You’re doing great."
◇ T01: Domestic
◇ T02: Drunken confession
◇ T03: Forced Proximity
◇ T04: "Oh. Oh."
◇ T05: Secret relationship
◇ T06: Sharing body heat
◇ T07: Song fic - Pick a song from their OC or ship playlist and I'll use it as a prompt
◇ T08: Soulmates AU
◇ T09: There was only one bed
◇ T10: "Who did this to you?"
◇ T11: Wild card - you decide what I write!
♤ S01: Body worship
♤ S02: Pinned
♤ S03: Roaming hands
♤ S04: Touch-starved
♤ S05: "Do you really want to do this?"
♤ S06: "Don’t tease me like that."
♤ S07: "I won’t bite - unless you want me to."
♤ S08: "I'll be very gentle."
♤ S09: "Make me."
♤ S10: "Say that again."
♤ S11: "Tell me how much you want me."
♤ S12: "Touch me."
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kaidanworkshop · 1 year
Workshop Progress: April Update
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We have a lot of information to cover, so we will be splitting it into two separate posts; one covering our current team progress, and another covering our donation drive and budget breakdown. It has now been a little over six weeks since the Workshop went public, and with our casting call out of the way the staff have hit the ground running. As per our respective teams: Creation Kit & Assets Team: There's been quite a lot of progress in replacing the old follower framework, which has also fixed several bugs that affected LivTempleton's Kaidan 1 & 2 original files. It will also allow us to add in new features such as an outfit framework. Additionally, the finalization of a new skin set and facial tattoo has begun. The CK & Assets Team's K01 progress notes have been featured in our developer diary this week, for those who are interested in reading more. Writing Team: After our new members were on-boarded, they quickly fleshed out the remaining sections of our style guide, then created a standardized format that works for both our in-house script production and accommodates Mr. Warren's specifications. After converting the original script into this format, the Writing Team is currently refining the dialogue and making small adjustments (as per suggestions made in our 'I Have An Idea' channel) to prepare for commission finalization. Community Team: We continue to monitor the suggestions made via the Workshop Tumblr and follow up with the other two teams when investigating solutions to the concerns raised in our Bug Report section, as well as the inquiries made in the 'I Have An Idea' channel. After checking with the CK & Assets team about implementation and looking at the budget, we recently set up a new channel for community members to suggest nicknames for Kaidan to refer to the player by. In a week or so, we will place all suggested names into an online poll where users can vote on multiple names. The top 5 nicknames will be chosen for our initial beta, and all other names on the list will roll over into future polls. Interested in joining the staff? We are currently accepting staff applications for the Creation Kit & Assets Team and the Community Team. You can find that info here.
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