zlebooks · 2 years
𓂃 xiao + stupid in love .
part two of sorts to this drabble !! this can be read alone, i only wrote this bc some wanted to see y/n and xiao getting together 🫶🫶🫶
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xiao knew he was smart.
he maintains his grades in the top percentile of his class. and even though he rarely participates in recitations, he makes up for it with his excellent written outputs.
he's knowledgeable— he can recite the whole process of mitosis and meiosis on the top of his head. his analytic essays on poems and short stories are always returned with a 'great job!' written on red.
xiao knows a lot of things, but this doesn't mean he's aware of everything.
xiao at 13, did not know kazuha beat up some kids on his behalf. the mean kids had been talking bad about xiao behind his back, and the blond happened to be walking by and couldn't resist connecting his fist to their jaws.
the day after those events, when xiao quizzed the other for his bruised eye, kazuha only shrugs as he says he got it from falling down the stairs.
("your house doesn't have stairs."
"i wasn't in my house, silly. i fell down at your house after doing it with your mom."
"get the fuck away.")
xiao at 14 had no clue that zhongli, his upperclassman whom he looks up to the most, sees him as his little brother.
during lunch, zhongli would always drop by at his favorite underclassman's classroom to give him a fruit— it's always high in vitamin c but xiao always receives a different one each day.
the taller noticed how frequent xiao attends their club meetings with either a cold or a cough. being a concerned senior he is, he starts purchasing fruits potent in vitamin c on the way to school to give it to the younger during lunch breaks. 
("your face is so sour that even zhongli decided to give you a lemon." a certain blond friend says.
"it. isn't. sour. at. all." xiao says in between bites as he tries to remain poker faced the entire time.
"you're a monster.")
xiao at 15 had no idea who's been feeding the stray cat other than him. 
contrary to popular opinion, cats aren't afraid of the green-haired boy. he actually seemed to be a magnet for them— threatening his 'i'm intimidating, back off' persona every once in a while as a bunch of cats follow him.
he met a certain black cat on the streets one day, and every other day, he comes to its spot just to feed it.
however, on a particular afternoon, when he arrives at the riverside to give the black cat some food, he notices an opened canned tuna laying around, and a cat heavily invested in gobbling it up.
he shrugs, before laying down water beside it so the black cat can also get its share of drink. 
it doesn't matter who's feeding the friend he had made— as long as the little stray gets fed, he's absolutely fine with it.
(a particular senior who is allergic to beans coos when he learns that xiao has been feeding the cat alongside him.)
xiao at 16, has no clue why he has a bad case of indigestion.
he makes sure he never over eats, or eats too fast. and even with his mother's homemade tonic, his stomach keeps on juggling uncomfortably. 
for a while, he thought that the problem might be from the pork buns he buys on the way to school, but when he notices it only appears whenever you're around, he thinks it's because he doesn't like you.
his alleged dislike turns into something stronger– hate, perhaps. the funny feeling in his stomach seems to never go away, and now he feels hotter than ever, his temperature heating up as his thoughts are always plagued by you. 
this becomes a problem eventually— a huge one that he had to ask around what he can do in order to keep such an ill feeling on the down low. after all, while he might not like you, he still doesn't want to hurt your feelings, oddly enough. the problem starts to become even bigger, especially now that you two are seatmates. ever since the release of the new seat assignments, which inevitably puts you beside him, the symptoms start to worsen for xiao.
("is it necessary to feel this way when you hate someone?"
"what do you mean exactly?" a kind senior asks, his golden eyes shining brightly in contrast with their uniform's black vest.
"i can barely focus when they're around— i'm always at loss for words whenever we talk." xiao replies, muttering low as he puts his head on top of his fist.
zhongli widens his eyes in shock, but then he reverts to his usual self before the younger catches on. "perhaps you need to reevaluate your feelings; there is a possibility that you mistook such feelings for hate."
the younger shakes his head firmly, "that can't be. i'm pretty sure it's hate."
"are you sure of that, xiao? hate is a strong word." he asks in his rich deep voice and xiao affirms. 
zhongli silently hums as he takes a sip from his water bottle. no matter the outcome, this can be a learning experience from his underclassman. xiao is indeed smart— he's sure that the younger would figure it out on his own.)
(when zhongli recounts the events to a close friend of his, he earns a smack on the back of his head.
"why did you leave things at that, idiot!" a thin frail white-haired woman yells, but her appearance is an illusion as the weight of her hand feels like a ton of bricks being slammed against his head.)
xiao at 17, didn't know better than to approach his best friend of four years for advice.
"how do you know if you like someone?" he remembers asking and the relentless teasing that followed.
maybe he should have known better, really. xiao ponders as kazuha lists off the signs of catching feelings for someone. 
"don't forget about the butterflies in the stomach! it's what makes you shy."
xiao tsks, as if— he never gets shy.
although the moment you went close— too close— to him, he feels like he could have erupted like a volcano.
(kazuha hollers, "how'd you turn so red when y/n came up to you?" the blond wipes tears from his eyes. "you literally have it bad for them!"
"if you don't stop, i'm not the only one who's going to be red." xiao threatens, holding the plastic knife a little too tight.)
6 months later, xiao didn't know what to do when you suddenly confessed your feelings to him. 
he feels as if his feet attached itself to the ground; he could barely move, he can't even bring himself to breathe. 
"i like you."
you tell him out of nowhere while the two of you were left behind in the classroom to clean— he was sweeping the floor while you arranged the chairs. from the other side of the room, you suddenly get the urge to confess which left the other gaping. this alone becomes a huge achievement because xiao never gapes.
xiao thinks you should be charged with attempted murder. 
he thinks with the way you took away his breath and almost sent him into a cardiac arrest, you should be sent to jail. but then he disagrees with that thought— because how will he deal with his feelings without you?
for the first time in his entire life, xiao thinks he finally understands what kazuha meant by 'butterflies in the stomach.' because as he stares at your expectant eyes and upturned lips, he thinks he just felt a flap against the walls of his tummy.
and what his friend said to him came into fruition— he realizes what they meant. 
he likes you back.
xiao was never one for theatrics and yet he can't help but drop the broom he's holding dramatically before running over to you. 
coughing awkwardly and taking deep breaths he says, "i do too."
xiao thinks he knows everything now.
("really? 'i do too'? you do know you sounded like you're saying you liked yourself too, right?" a kaedehara descent teases, earning a tug on his hair.
"shut. up.")
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♥︎ please do not repost or translate without my permission . reblogs are heavily appreciated!
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ryuubff · 1 year
i feel like i'm doomed to not have any online artist friends from genshin like i SWWEEEAAAAAR i have the worst fucking luck
(a lot of personal... vents. packed in this baby)
first kazuxiao person ive talked to. UNFOLLOWED ME ON INSTAGRAM downplayed the situation abt first guy who blocked me and just seemed. really uninterested in talking to me
SECOND KAZUXIAO PERSON IVE TALKED TO. ends up becoming my first boyfriend. turns out to be really mentally ill. breaks up with me and says he wants to be friends! BOOM he cuts me off after he says our friendship will be unhealthy
THIRD KAZUXIAO PERSON I TALKED TO. ends up becoming a friend i really enjoyed talking to WHO THEN BECOMES MY SECOND FUCKING BOYFRIEND MY FIRST LOVE FIRST EVERYTHING and then i fuck it all up after a few months of it going really well because IM THE MENTALLY ILL ONE AND NOW HERE I AM TRYING TO MOVE ON FROM IT WHILE STILL LOVING HIM?/?#??$#$@#$@
and then i project everything on kazuxiao because.
i can
i guess they deserve to suffer sometimes!
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
opinions on kazuxiao
oooo is it ask fae stuff hour now? i had no idea! i'm in a brutally honest mood so this will be fun
anyways. fun, actually! i'm not very invested in it nor have i thought about it TOO much....... but i have thought about it a little. they have their similarities etc etc i like both of them separately but them together also is cool. friendship or otherwise they should definitely talk some time
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dourpeep · 3 years
So like, whose your favorite chars and ships and roles? *rolls all over your blog* I know you like albedo, as you should, but I feel like your big brain hides hidden potential of reasons
Ehe I have a lot to say and a lot of people to go through so...most will be under the cut. Like this is really just going to be me going on about what I like about a bunch of characters.
My works are a love letter to the characters nodnod y'know that quote--
Oh!! Okay okay uhhh here's a few of my faves and reasons:
There's a lot of similar interests-! Also being an alchemist/scientist is my dream.
His personality is very sweet and his interactions with others (like during the Golden Apple Archipelago) are hilarious and endearing. Like...the whole slipping away while Diluc and Kaeya were bickering? His little comment hinting that he had to yell at them while riding Dvalin due to the wind and their volume? Then every interaction with Klee (including his character trailer) are so wholesome uuuuu
Albedo, my beloved-
His outfit!! I want to get Albedo cosplay just for the jacket
Also his movements, attack wise, are very polished and clean-cut! It's pretty obvious that his style is similar to that of fencing, but then you also see that he often will condense his sword into pure geo or thrust it out in a burst of gold!! And his Q???? He snaps and then his burst just---bursts fourth out of the ground???
Man's skilled.
And then ehe...I just really am into the archetype of a smart, gentle, yet modest person and he fits that bill perfectly.
I can't wait to see more about him! We know such a small amount about him since his character story was intertwined w/ introducing Dragonspine and also more about him testing the Traveler--also we didn't get to play as him during it :<<
He is a very gentle character who's been through so much and I admire his ambition and willingness and selflessness
I really like his attacks, too--the fluidity of his movements that ties in with his backstory and just his personality in general
I also want his outfit
There's just something about his character that is incredibly appealing--you see him at his worst with the Karmic Debt, the rawness of his personality due to his blunt way of speaking and the earnestness that he displays
Lots of quiet protection nodnod. You have to talk to one of the NPCs to find this out, but he helped a little girl get her doll back after it'd been taken by Hilichurls. He didn't have to do it because it's not something that people would consider important, but his duty extends beyond that. If he can help it, he will lend a hand
Also the interactions we have?? Like when he saves Traveler (the subtle shift of his grip on their hand, a little offer of stability) and then in Moonchase now?? *chef's kiss*
First off, she's a rockstar who's taken something and made it entirely her own?? Her guitar is of her own design too!! It's made to work with her pyro vision!!! Like how cool is that????
Her personality is strong, down to earth--ugh man she's so cool
I want to be friends with her so bad
She's absolutely strong-I personally built her as a phys dps so her shield doesn't really do much but man does she carry. If none of the boys can handle the job, I swap her in and she sweeps the field clean. Those mobs never stood a chance nodnod
Her aesthetic!! I also want her outfit. I want everyone's outfit.
While her en voice got a lot of questions/hate, I love it. I can't help but feel pumped up and ready when I use her skill and burst and she shouts out "Time to rock!!"
Her dedication to her music and unyielding determination to get her name out there is incredible, I can't help but admire her passion for music.
I just really love music, even if I'm trained more for classical + operatic ehe rock's actually my favorite genre so it's all the more better!
Ah! The first time I saw him I immediately decided that I'd adopt him on the spot nodnod kinda like having a kid brother, y'know?? I think we'd get along well
Also the fact that he's a bookworm??? Again, I gravitate towards people who are considered smart--no matter what it's about! You could be incredibly knowledgeable about snails and only that and I will listen to you go on and on
He's a prankster! Poor Chongyun, being the butt of most of his jokes and all.
But like his character is really cute and I had a lot of fun listening to all his voicelines--there's a lot of funny stuff going on with him like his dislike for carrots, his handwriting-- but then he's also dedicated to his martial arts and helping others no matter the task! Very chivalrous indeed nodnod
A few of my other favorites are: Beidou, Kazuha, Scaramouche (it's a love hate)
Moving onnnn!!
I'll do roles first :DD
My favorite to play, hands down, are full on DPS and Support/DPS. Xiao, Kazuha, Albedo, Xinyan, Kaeya-- there's a lot but these are the peeps that I have, am currently, or would main.
I started off as a hybrid Kaeya main (some phys, some elemental), then Xiao's been my main DPS since!
Kazuha is incredible in tandem w/ Xiao because of his cc as well as his em buffs nodnod. Also Kazuha is just really fun to play in general.
Ngl, I think that getting and playing Xiao basically ruined all other characters for me because you can pry his attacks and burst plunging (very fun) out of my cold, dead hands (/j). The quickness of his attacks and playstyle--lots of poking w/ spear and then dodge + attack at the same time with his skill. 10/10 very fun, absolutely love.
As for support/DPS, this is more fun to do in co-op ehe. I usually end up playing Kazuha, Raiden (her skill gives all party members that passive extra electro dmg whenever you land a hit) or another elemental-based character--
That being said, elemental damage, when paired up to procc reactions is ugh sooo good.
I saved this for last because I know it's not everyone's cup of tea ehe. After all, I'm an x Reader blog!
But that being said--
I like the idea of XiaoVen, but I prefer KazuXiao because I feel like they'd work better together--this kinda goes over why. There'd be a lot of respect between the two.
Though, XiaoVen is really cute because they have complimenting personalities nodnod. Also froggie hat. And the idea of Venti being the one to play the flute that helped Xiao.
BeigGuang!!! Their dynamic is hilarious--not to mention that they do get along well but just so happen to butt heads often because their views are so wildly different-
YanTao! I feel that they'd be really cute together! Also Yanfei would probably make sure that Hu Tao stays out of trouble ehe...
XingYun! Very cute and wholesome--platonic or romantic, either way. The fact that they have matching friendship tassels?? Xingqiu seeking Chongyun out to read to him? OTL
I don't have any NOTPs, at least among the popular ships but I do get a little icky about AlbeRose because of some...unsavory experiences due to someone who overstepped. So ehe. We'll not talk about that.
But like Sucrose is really cute! I love her character and she's very sweet and the excitement that she shows with her research is something I relate to heavily! It's just--ahh the ship itself was ruined for me.
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zlebooks · 1 year
xiao + idiot in love (and part 2) aaaaa your work is so cute!! i love xiao, tartaglia, and wanderer sm tbh
kazuxiao friendship omg>>
thank u! it was my first time writing for xiao and i kinda giggled while writing it 🥹 he had me on a chokehold lmao
AND YES!! kazuxiao friendship sounds so wholesome inside my head
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