#KC Enders
usafphantom2 · 2 months
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SAC Crew Dog Shenanigans: A Cruel Prank on the Aircraft Commander
It was late May in 1989, a time of year when the sun barely goes down in Fairbanks Alaska. Our crew, R-122, with the 42d Air Refueling Squadron, had flown from our home base, Loring AFB, Maine, to Eielson AFB, Alaska in our KC-135 A model for an Alaska Tanker Task Force tour.
The Strategic Air Command (SAC) was still in control and the KC-135s still used “hard crews.” That meant, you got put on a crew and you stayed there. They were the only people you really flew with. You got to know them well, for better or worse.
We were a young crew, the Aircraft Commander (AC) was a newly assigned Captain who’d previously been a FAIP (First Assignment Instructor Pilot). FAIP went straight to the left seat and never flew as copilots. Our Copilot, who was more experienced than the AC, had around 1,000 hours. The Navigator and I were pretty green, only being recently qualified. Three Officers, AC was a Captain, the Copilot was a 1st Lieutenant and the Nav was a 2nd Lieutenant (or Butter Bars as we called them.) I was a lowly A1C, Airmen First Class.
After arriving, we settled in, getting all our localization briefings. These were so that we knew what we could and could not do while in town, both operationally and just in general. Stay away from the moose which were taking care of their newly born calves, don’t mess with the bears, avoid a DWI at all costs, and of course, don’t screw up any airplanes. We were staying at the BOQ, or quarters, on base for the TDY crews and the one thing I noticed about our quarters was the blackout curtains in all the rooms. We found out, over time, they were definitely needed. Another thing we found out; the unofficial State Bird of Alaska is the Mosquito. Those things were brutal.
Getting around on base wasn’t a big deal as you could usually get a ride, but getting off base could be a problem. There was a “shared” vehicle that a local Boom Operator maintained for the crews to borrow. It was a beat-up old station wagon with wood paneling and sharks’ teeth painted on the front fenders, like they do on fighter aircraft. It worked, if it was available, but demand was high.
We were allowed to take an Air Force vehicle, usually an AF blue 4-door pickup truck, but there were restrictions because it was an “Official” vehicle. One of the more important rules was that you could not park at a bar. Sneaky aircrews had figured out a way to get around this rule. While you couldn’t park at a bar, you could park at a restaurant that happened to have a bar. This was our loophole.
One day, we ventured out around town. The guys wanted to sample the local cuisine, so we found a place with freshly caught and cooked salmon for lunch. Then, we drove up the road to visit the “North Pole”, not the real one, but a very small town north of the base that took about two minutes to drive through. Remember that Garth Brooks song, “Nobody Gets Off In This Town”? Pretty much described the entire area, with one exception… most people actually like it up there, even with all the hardship.
One of the things that amazed us while we were driving around was how much junk was laying around. Along the highways you could see piles of cars, airplanes, equipment and just plain junk, but the scenery was still awe inspiring, even with all the trash.
Towards the evening, we decided to head to a local restaurant that “happened” to have a bar. We planned on having dinner and then over to the bar for a few drinks, maybe even finding some suitable company. Well, most of us anyways, the AC was married and a pretty strait-laced guy, so he was just enjoying the scenery.
Driving under the influence of alcohol was a very big no-no, and the Air Force was really cracking down around that time. A DWI was a career ender for officers and enlisted alike. So, I was elected to be the Designated Driver. It was tradition that the Boom Operator drove and the Officers liked to be chauffeured around. This night, I didn’t mind not being able to drink and was happy to drive the crew around.
So, we sit down to eat, and everybody orders beers, Coronas to be precise, and the conversation turns to drinking stories. I’m not sure why he wanted to tempt fate, but the AC started bragging that he had never been drunk. He drank, he wasn’t a teetotaler, but he’d never gotten drunk.
The Copilot, who was a bit of a prankster, took this as a challenge. So he decided that the AC had waited long enough. He left the table, and grabbed our waitress ask her to add a shot of vodka to every beer given to the AC. She obviously didn’t have a problem with it. Our poor commander never suspected a thing.
Fast forward an hour or two and our prim and proper AC is lit up like a Christmas tree. So much so, he asked me for the keys to our pickup so he could go pass out. Thinking it was unlocked, I told him so, and off he went stumbling out to the parking lot. Unfortunately (for him), I was wrong, the truck wasn’t unlocked, but he was so drunk he decided to just pass out in the bed of the truck. Of course, before he passed out, he’d gotten sick and threw up all over the side of our nice clean, blue “Official” Air Force pickup. Remember that salmon we’d had for lunch, yup, the side of the truck was covered with it. Pink shows up really well on blue.
A few hours later, with the sun still lighting up the sky, we come out and discover him, wake him up, razz him for a bit, and climb in the truck to head back to the BOQ. He takes the normal AC seat when driving, which is the front right seat, with the Nav and Copilot in the back, and, still drunk as a skunk, proceeds to constantly ask us what happened. A few minutes into the drive, a moose walked out on the road ahead of us, but we were in no danger of hitting it. It was still several hundred yards in front of us, but our fearless leader started screaming “Watch out for the moose, watch out for the moose”. Nearly scared me right off the road. He spent the rest of the ride apologizing like only drunks can. He kept saying, “I ate dinner, and I only had a few beers, why am I so drunk?”
He was thoroughly confused and a bit embarrassed for the next few days. He was constantly asking us what had happened and how he had gotten so drunk. He really had no clue. Finally, feeling bad for him, I let him know what had happened. His reaction was priceless, but he really was a good sport about it. He did vow to return the favor to our mischievous Copilot, but in the end, he never got his revenge. Fortunately, he didn’t hold a grudge either.
We had a great six weeks on that trip with many accomplishments. We were able to go to Shemya AFB, on the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. While there we got to fly on an RC-135S, and the AC was able to get his first experience at Receiver Air Refueling. Later, we flew a Russian Bear Bomber intercept mission, and then on the day before my birthday, we flew a mission over the International Date Line, so I got to experience my 21st birthday twice.
We returned to Loring six weeks later, having learned a lot about ourselves, our aircraft, and our jobs.
Note: I didn't take any pictures on this trip, I don't think I even owned a camera at the time, so I've included some relevant patches.
@tcamp202 via X
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bhillson · 6 years
Twist by KC Enders
Twist by KC Enders
Title: Twist Series: Beekman Hills #1.5 (can be standalone) Author: KC Enders Genre: Contemporary Romance, Rom Com Release Date: April 25, 2018 Fun. Flirty. And no follow through. FINN O’MEARA has a slick one-liner for every occasion and loves to talk a big game. Tending bar at McBride’s Public House gives him plenty of opportunities to meet the ladies—to take them home and show them a…
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kaibacorpbros · 4 years
Boarding School
On occasion, Gozaburo would ship Seto off to boarding schools for a couple of weeks at a time. Sometimes this was due to needing specific materials for special subjects (i.e. a chemistry lab was easier to just send him to a school for), sometimes it was to force him to learn how people worked and how to work with them make them useful, and sometimes it was a trick of a test to keep Seto on his toes.
Seto never fit in well with the other kids there, but he was never meant to. Usually, by the end of doing all his assignments, both for the school as well as his tutors/Gozaburo he was too exhausted to do anything else but crash in his bunk and a kid that was asleep half the time was no fun, so he never made any friends.
However, when he wasn't recovering, Gozaburo set it up so the other kids would be against him. Like a teacher's pet, the instructors would talk up Seto's skills in front of the other boys, making them resent him. As well as due to his entire education not being through the school it would appear as if he was getting off with less work than everyone else. And the other boys did act on this resentment of special treatment. They would try to sabotage his work and pick fights with him. Whenever these conflicts happened, this too was a trap with no way to win. Gozaburo orchestrated this to be a catch 22 with no right answer. If he didn’t fight back he’d be punished for not being ruthless enough, something he’d need if he were to be the heir. Yet if he did and it was noticeable, (a couple of boys did get some lasting injuries) then he could be punished for lack of control or lack of obedience if he was caught by the teachers.
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sa-nddd · 4 years
first mcyt post! this is a dream smp one! let me know what you think :)
Dream SMP headcanons: being the villain >:)
basically, reader is the chew toy of L'manburg. everyone uses her, yet treats her like crap. she's tired of being a toy, and finally unleashes her power.
takes place in the dream smp
warnings: strong language, injury, manipulation, explosives, strong themes
not proofread, it's 5am on a school night and I haven't slept :)
gender identity: cis female, she/her pronouns, no use of name
she was tired.
days, months, years of being pushed over and treated like shit, how didn't they see it coming?
it started in L'manburg's fight for Independence.
She was passionate, wanting to do everything to help her 'friends'.
she gave them shelter, weapons, supplies, and care.
thinking back, all she sees is their faces in red.
fast forward a bit, the war was done!
celebrations nightly, and never was she invited.
she didn't mind, thinking they just were distracted and forgot to send her an invite.
she does live a few miles away, anyways.
then came Schlatt's takeover.
once again, she sent pogtopia crates of her weaponry and materials, only wanting to help.
only to get left by herself, preparing to defeat Schlatt on her own.
when she saw them all walk to the battle field together, she was torn.
Once again, she was left to her own accord, almost getting hit with DREAM'S arrows.
Techno, however, pulled her away.
The only person who showed her an act of kindness.
She fought with a new determination that day.
A few days after that fight, Techno heard a knock from where he was farming potatoes.
Looking up, he saw her standing on the bottom step of pogtopia's stairs, holding an ender chest.
she walked up to him, stopping a safe distance away before placing down her e-chest and opening it.
she pulled out a few things, three stacks of pink fireworks, a few wither skulls, and netherite blocks.
he looked at her in confusion, not understanding why she gave him so many things.
he refused at first, which made her confused.
everyone always took her gifts with open arms, why wasn't he?
when he asked her why she gave him such a expensive gift, she ended up explaining her story, how she was unknowingly being used for her materials.
techno was low-key pissed.
he'd keep her in mind, he promised.
fast forward a bit more, and the two became closer.
since then, techno has taught her everything she needed to know.
how she was manipulated, used, and a victim.
after realizing what techno was telling her was the truth, she decided to stop her generous ways, giving less and less things to her 'friends' and more towards herself and techno.
the two became close, bonding over being used and their power.
the two were a powerful duo, finding strength within eachother.
they were attached at the hip, techno not being this close to anyone other than Phil.
it was surprising, but welcomed.
techno would teach her his ways in fights, and they often collected materials together.
they basically lived together at this point.
he was soft
skipping forward to Manburg's last battle, they agreed on something.
anarchy was the best B)
jk, that they would do everything in their power to destroy every government they could.
As the battle went on, they stood with their backs together, protecting eachother.
as they confronted Schlatt, techno pushed her behind him, not wanting her in reach of the mentally unstable man in front of them.
as they walked to the podium, leaving Schlatt's body behind, the duo stood proudly next to eachother.
the first government they tore apart as partners, it felt great.
they watched, their proud expressions slipping into angry ones as they watched a new government being formed in front of them.
"The fuck?" she whispered out, following techno as he stood up straight, preparing to shout his next words.
she pulled out her ender chest, doing quick work of pulling out her soul and and wither skulls, as well as some xp bottles to heal her and Techno's armour.
as techno started his speech, she handed him the materials, splashing potions in preparation for the blast damage they might take.
then, the ground rumbled beneath them.
They reacted quickly, moving away from the explosives.
Techno pulled out his crossbow and fireworks, firing at any one he saw.
she stood in front of him, her shield up, blocking the debris and blasts from them.
once the explosions passed their area, they got to work spawning in a Wither each.
"You want to be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
The withers took off, heads flying everywhere.
As she looked around, she met eyes with a few of her 'friends'.
trey all looked at her with betrayal and anger in their eyes, finally connecting the dots as to why she was being distant.
she just smirked back, causing them surprise.
Techno was done speaking, it was her turn.
"You know, I don't know why I wasted all those years on the wrong side, this is fun."
they looked shocked, not expecting the usually soft girl to be so evil.
"Does the medicine taste good? Cause it didn't for me.
Betrayal is a strange feeling, isn't it?"
"Being used doesn't feel nice. But hey, you live you learn, right?"
She stared them down, eyes glazed over with dark clouds.
"Y'know, I'm a strong believer in Karma.
I'd say Karma comes in different ways for everyone, and we never know what shape or way it'll come to us."
"However, I do know how it will come back to you."
The group let her words sink in, trying to fight off the withers roaming around.
"It's by me!" she chirped.
" and I know exactly how I'm going to do it!" she smiled, pearly whites showing.
"I'm going tear you apart from the inside. just. like. you. did. for. me."
After that, everything was a blur.
she doesn't remember much, only coming back to her senses when Techno pulled her to the lake, pulling out his trident, and passing her her own.
they flew away, going to pack their things and run away.
time skip a few days, her and phil quickly became friends, the same with ghostbur.
Her and Techno are settled down in a cabin far away, having everything then needed.
things were finally good.
She had caring friends, and nice home, and left her old life behind.
it was nice.
time passed, l'manburg with a new plan to take down Technoblade.
would that happen? fuck no LMAOO
Phil was under house arrest, Techno was taken by the butcher army, and she was pissed.
actually, pissed was an understatement.
she was stood behind Phil's chimney, peaking at the scene in front of her.
she wasn't afraid, she knew techno had a totem on him, as did she. (courtesy of sugar daddy dré)
However, that didn't stop her from jumping down and gripping onto Fundy's hair, pulling it back harshly and pressing her sword into his neck.
She wasn't going to kill him, she has morals, but they didn't know that.
while they were distracted with her, Phil tossed Techno a pickaxe.
He got free, pearling away.
Quackity noticed, running after him while yelling. the rest followed, leaving her unattended with Carl. She took Carl, waving at Phil and Ghostbur before riding back home.
Now, when she went down to the basement and noticed a misplaced block in the floor, she didn't think she'd find a human down there.
Especially Tommy.
Then again, that kid is always ending up in weird situations.
she dragged him upstairs, forcing him to stay put till Techno comes back from trading with the villagers.
while waiting, the two bonded over their experiences with manipulation, Tommy apologizing to her for what he did.
She forgave him, not blaming the young one for following in the adults foot steps. He didn't know better.
Boy, Techno did not expect Tommy and her to be laughing when he stepped in, but alas, it is what it is
Time skip the preparations, the day of the festival has come.
The three were sneaking around in invis pots, going over the plan multiple times.
That was, until she witnessed the Community House, or at least what was left of it.
She fell to her knees, the memories flowing through her mind.
It had been there since the beginning, something she helped to build.
kc when things were simple, no fighting, no war, just friends hanging out.
she remembers the nights where the ogs would stay up building it, sleeping in beds pushed up together.
just her, Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Alyssa, and Sam, having fun, building and joking around.
back before the fight, when Her and Dream yelled at each other over something useless.
before she ran off to L'manburg, who hated her for her relationships with the opposing team, but kept her for her things.
Her invis pot ran out, her body appearing.
Techno panicked, trying to get her to drink another, but she told him it was fine, to trust her.
He hesitated, but turned his attention to Tommy. she snuck off, watching as people slow started swarming around.
tears fell down her cheeks.
she looked around, meeting eyes with Bad.
She ran to his open arms, crying into them.
This was the only place that she had happy memories at, before she met Techno.
The only place that kept her sane.
She let go of bad, turning to Callahan, who gave her a small, sad smile and pulled her into a hug.
She looked to the side after a few seconds, meeting eyes with George, who also hugged her.
she felt someone's arms wrap around her, and she turned around, meeting Sapnap's eyes, and leaning into him.
Finally, she turned to Sam, who was staring at the destruction with tears streaming down his face.
The two of them were the most attached to the community house.
She stumbled into his arms, both of them sniffling into their embrace.
They both kept their arms around each other, turing to the scene in front of them. As Tommy and Tubbo started fighting, she knew that's her sign to go back to Techno. she let go of Sam, meeting eyes with her friends, letting them know she'd be back.
she wiped her face, quickly gearing up before jumping down beside Techno. she joined him in splashing tommy with pots.
then things took a turn. suddenly, Dream has the disks, tommy is on Tubbo's side again, and Techno and her are pearling out of a mob.
She was out of it the whole time, the Community House affecting her alot.
she decided then, it's time to take revenge.
It was the day they were going to destroy L'manburg once and for all.
She was prepared, wither skulls and soul sand filled her pockets, stacks of tnt filling chests in the sky, the black structure towering over l'manburg.
She had a smile on her face, letting out all her stress and anger.
as l'manburg went down, she could feel herself feel more alive, more free.
She stood with Phil and Techno on top of the crater that was once l'manburg, laughing gleefully.
It was over.
The thing that caused he the most pain.
now that Karma has come collect it's dept, she can be herself again.
"C'mon, let's go home."
she smiled at Techno and Phil, wanting nothing more than some tea and sweets.
Her job was done.
for now, at least. >:)
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Just a quick post! As a few people have probably noticed, I've been pretty inactive these last few weeks. As a university student who has my final year project due this month, I'm pretty much on a uni work lockdown right now. Still keeping up with HC, just got no time to write currently.
I'm putting my current list of requests under the cut, so people know if I've received them (or, you know, curiosity. I'm not judging.) I will get to them eventually, just. Not for a month or so. Thanks y'all <3
This is ordered how they appear in my inbox, newest to oldest.
Space Outlaws: Casual hermits chatting, KC or Architechs. Requested by anon.
Space Outlaws: ZIT goes shopping to get Zed clothes. Requested by anon.
Magic Misfits AU: How Tango got cursed. Requested by anon.
Scar overworking to find the MycRes HQ and gets pulled away by Bdubs. Requested by annuhnas
Space Outlaws: The Hermit Craft blocks space transit. Requested by anon.
Ender!Zed angst. Requested by anon.
Space Outlaws: KC origin story/interactions. Requested by anon. Started.
Scar's chill makes vines!Bdubs go dormant (Related to 'You Don't Listen to Me'.) Requested by beckyh2112.
Iskall feeds into Mumbo's anxiety during an argument. Requested by anon.
Wels & Hels realise they're both theatre nerds. Requested by lavengale.
Etho hurt/comfort. Requested by anon. Started.
Evil!Bdubs overthrows Scar to take over the shopping district. Requested by anon.
'We Don't Speak of That' continuation. Requested by anon.
Also a few things from scarred I've been meaning to answer forever (゜~゜; My brain has been busy and not very good with creativity recently, sorry scarred! I'll get to them eventually.
Anyway, final summary, I will probably not be posting much this month into next. These are the requests currently in my inbox. I'm happy to take more, just bear in mind I've got a bit of a backlog to work through once I'm finally finished with uni (what a terrifying statement.) As well as my own writing and a few group things I'm really excited for!
Thank you all, hopefully I'll be back to it once I've finished my degree!
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fandomrecycling · 4 years
Am I writing this? Am I doing this? Yes and this isn’t even the worst thing I’ve made.
@anxiousworm @vlanderzine thank u for enabling me
The alchemist blinked from her workstation. From her window, Pax could see it was well beyond night. Grabbing a potion from one of the barrels, she swallowed the entire swiftness potion in less than a minute.
After a beat, she finished another before running up to grab her books.
Pulling out her dozens of notebooks, Pax mummbled to herself in fragmented phrases. “Enchanted? Probably gonna need a table. Damn. Don’t wanna go mining - it’ll be fine but still. Stupid creepers - why isn’t it in here?”
Shoving her arm deep into the bookshelves, her fingers brushed against smooth leather. Glancing inside, she could see the wavering glow and pulled it free.
“C’mon, work with me.” She flipped the book open to a marked page as she climbed down the ladder.
The air around her began to shimmer with the old script she’d been fixated on for the past week. Between the margins were her crude attempts at translation.
She’d made out a few words - this book, for example, had the words ‘protect’ marked several times - but nothing much past that.
Pulling up different notes, she tried to match the arcane script with the other books she’d found with similar markings. Reading some of it aloud caused small effects; shimmering air, items shaking, and an odd headache. Nothing she hadn’t faced before.
Pax finally closed the book. Logically, she knew she should be sleeping, lest she deal with Phantoms. But she was too frustrated to stop and she did want some membrane for new potions.
“Screw it,” she said to herself, pushing herself up and grabbing her bow, “I need air.”
Taking a quiver full of healing-tipped arrows for the flying undead, she climbed down from her mountainside base and sat atop one of the trees. The sky was a saturated, deep navy blue. Below her, she could see dozens of zombies and skeletons wandering the forest floor, clear as day.
Pax couldn’t remember when she didn’t have this clear a vision.
Oddly, some of the trees in the distance looked too be missing most - if not all - of their leaves. Deciding to get a closer look, the alchemist drunk a potion of leaping and with the extra mobility, it didn’t take long to arrive at the border of the strange phenomenon.
It was almost a perfect circle of trees stripped bare of their leaves. And despite the darkness, there weren’t any hostile monsters in the area. In fact, Pax couldn’t see any creatures grazing in this patch of forest.
“Okay?” She muttered. “I swear you weren’t naked before. Ah shit, am I hallucinating already?”
Rubbing at her eyes, Pax decided that the membrane wasn’t worth whatever was going on infront of her. Both potions were already beginning to wear off and as tempting as it was, the alchemist wasn’t about to sleep in a tree.
Making her way back up and towards her base, Pax yawned and rubbed at her eyes as she made her way back to her study to make some notes on what she’d found.
As she turned the corner, she saw someone standing over her desk. A headache suddenly struck her and the figure grew blurry. Then after she blinked, it was gone.
The alchemist carefully notched one arrow as she made her way inside. Thieves weren’t too common in her area and KC knew where she kept her ender pearls.
Eventually, she sighed and tossed her bow and quiver into a corner. “Maybe it was just a bad potion.”
She left a few sloppy words on a spare notebook, then stopped when she saw her enchanted book lying open on the desk. One of her notes was lying over a page she’d been struggling to translate.
“But that mark means - then that means this one was wrong, so it should look like - wait is that right?”
Pax didn’t end up sleeping that night. But a sore back and shadows under her eyes was worth decoding almost a quarter of the text. And whatever looming sensation she felt all throughout, she dismissed as just Phantoms.
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egolido · 4 years
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1 Acar - Ahirette Görüşürüz Rating :100,00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amy4rod8GyY 2 Tuğba Yurt - Geliyo Geliyo Rating :71,31 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvmBbPDbUes 3 Yasin Obuz - Ala Rating :49,67 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2xFknmTucc 4 Bedo - Sana Ne ft. POS  Rating :41,72 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOJw0duMY_o 5 Norm Ender - İhtiyacım Yok Rating :31,60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r777NZbLqfM 6 Gazapizm - Perişan ft. Gaye Su Akyol  Rating :20,78 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZAr-eZuoSQ 7 Yağmur Akoğlu - Nefesimle Oynama Rating :15,12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEJPZ1nb3JU 8 Ben Fero - KRAMP feat. Ezhel Prod. by Bugy & DJ Artz Rating :12,17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKqU8025QJc 9 Zen-G - DELALÊ  Rating :11,58 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cPrEaab87Q 10 Murda & SFB - Napiyon Lan prod. Project Money Rating :11,58 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sepm-bt_zBQ 11 Ceza - Yeni Mesaj  Rating :10,68 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1PuBHUIlO8 12 Patron & Sagopa Kajmer - Siyah  Rating :9,84 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fYi_tYZhnY 13 Ben Fero - 2020 Prod. by Can Volkan Rating :9,33 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfKABxr04j4 14 Ben Fero - ENGEREK Prod. by Ouz Baydar Rating :8,91 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK7ib_bgOeU 15 Murda & Ezhel - Duman prod. DJ Artz Rating :8,04 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wuqe8lPvDXM 16 Hüseyin Kaya & Hande Subaşoğlu - Lavantalar İçinde Rating :7,50 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBPYhi9wxBw 17 Ben Fero - FERHAT YILMAZ Prod. by DJ Artz Rating :7,32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FIwhBAsUnY 18 Sagopa Kajmer & Go-Khan - Saklama Bulurlar 5/5 Rating :7,13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUfX5XMqnTc 19 Tepki X Allame - \EMOJI\ prod. by Glam  Rating :6,73 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4CuH_sSf8s 20 Hande Ünsal - Yorgun Savaşçı Rating :6,64 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1nWUWeyUG8 21 Maral - Reşe Rating :6,13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkAmgQmsXNs 22 Ece Seçkin - Acayip İyi Rating :6,10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrn9fQ95cDA 23 Ben Fero - BENİ ANLASANA Prod. by DIVXRSE Rating :6,07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9bdyK2iEgI 24 Yılmaz Taner - Yalnız Uyuma Rating :5,85 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH3SOo2bQqc 25 Pınar Akın - Son El Rating :5,72 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IokwLmqvTew 26 Murda & Ezhel - Made In Turkey  Rating :5,32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qIKZfHQ-3Q 27 Hande Yener - Bela -  Rating :4,68 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69BML89o2_U 28 Mustafa Yıldızdoğan - Arzum Akustik Rating :4,35 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqHdTF8i7UQ 29 Kardiyak - Fybertest -  Rating :4,22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQJIU4S8blc 30 Metin Çanak - Aşk Rating :4,17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOpsAW-Qauc 31 Koray Avcı - Gidiyorum  Rating :3,90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7uVPfRpNAg 32 KC Rebell x Summer Cem - WOW official prod. by Juh-Dee Rating :3,67 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnCwuhE5wOA 33 Ferhat Göçer - Ağır Yaralı  Rating :3,49 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_-CRXlm_8w 34 Norm Ender - Konu Kilit Rating :3,34 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3KXa0T4OOU 35 Erdem Kınay - Aşk Cezalı Rating :3,27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jYa0z1-bZM 36 SIPO - \EXTRA\ official prod. by Frio & Kyree Rating :3,23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTcwe85-7EQ 37 Serkan Kaya - Yaradanım -  Rating :3,01 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtuCPvKpw7g 38 Ati242 - Kime Sorsan  Rating :2,88 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xqtvg0rS18 39 Haydar Alan - Ciran Rating :2,82 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzkkPo9DVoo 40 Aydilge - Bir Kedim Var  Rating :2,79 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ppJuHBRYX0 41 Sagopa Kajmer & Go-Khan - Korsan 4/5 Rating :2,76 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5yJ1LEsg48 42 İsmail YK - Ayvayı Yemiş ft. TaneryMusix Rating :2,73 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K8BDuqom4w 43 Sagopa Kajmer & Go-Khan - Pankart 1/5 Rating :2,59 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgUTCJ4OqNs 44 Zen-G & Asil - GİRME KANIMA Rating :2,53 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvtmXOAP5Mg 45 Naz - Başkasında Kalmasın Rating :2,38 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETQpeSzs1Uw 46 Ferhat Göçer - Mazlum  Rating :2,35 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8UfOYDjsgc 47 Yaşar Talebi - Yol Ortasında Rating :2,32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBQE5_j4vNU 48 Belma Şahin - Ve Ben Rating :2,24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUva0yiaFYA 49 Sinan Güleryüz feat. Özge Özder - Gidersen Eğer Rating :2,23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiinuOf9J34 50 Tuğba Özerk - Aşk Defteri Rating :1,96 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gxwL3uMLZM 51 Faruk Sabancı & Sagopa Kajmer - Bu Sen Değilsin Rating :1,90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw5Vb89ajD0 52 Koray Avcı - Merdo  Rating :1,83 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpKP9ecY0J0 53 Arda Han - Uçurum Rating :1,66 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knYB7kiKiZE 54 KC Rebell x Summer Cem feat. Loredana - GEH DEIN WEG official Rating :1,61 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPjR6sLARO4 55 Patron - Bıktım Yalanlarından  Rating :1,56 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqTxrSeIVwQ 56 Sagopa Kajmer & Go-Khan - Küreksiz Kayıklar 3/5 Rating :1,53 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI3LSxdM80w 57 Özbey - Nafaka Rating :1,33 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekH7LCGc010 58 Yılmaz Beyaz - Düş Beyaz Rating :1,23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwaZd8EBJh8 59 Heja - Hayrola feat. Maestro  Rating :1,16 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRy9mF8Ykv0 60 18 KARAT -\COSA NOSTRA\ official  prod. by ThisisYT Rating :1,14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN3eepDdJsw 61 Velet & 6iant - Alev Rating :1,11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-KSpCa2jiE 62 Döndüm Durdum - Anıl Piyancı  Rating :1,11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWzf4PMHbmg 63 Nisan Nicole Rona - Gidiyorum Rating :1,10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqPjnB4kg1c 64 Didem Moralıoğlu - Sadece Aşk Rating :1,02 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81kZ9E6bUjg 65 Koray Avcı - Seni Çok Özlüyorum Full Albüm Rating :0,98 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG7dVIEp1os 66 Tepki X Ceza - \YAK\ prod. by 93  Rating :0,94 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZCa-WPqgFk 67 Akın Bayraktar - Gönlü Seyran Rating :0,89 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Phcc350NcE 68 Sagopa Kajmer & Go-Khan - Zamanla 2/5 Rating :0,89 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KahedMOxjho 69 İsmail YK - Yaktırdın Bir Sigara Rating :0,86 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHBffmq4ROA 70 Can Bonomo - Güneş  Rating :0,85 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUKPVG2_5Lc 71 Sena Şener - Affetmem Rating :0,85 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl-BQGNLSZs 72 Candan Erçetin - Sakın Bırakma Sadan Hanım Film Müziği Rating :0,84 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyLzSX6cR28 73 Murat Dalkılıç - Müjgan -  Rating :0,84 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyEQZIjz-rA 74 Cihan Mürtezaoğlu - Martı Ezginin Günlüğü 40 Yıllık Şarkılar  Rating :0,83 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_KaA3ronrc 75 Mustafa Yıldızdoğan - Kim Ne Bilsin Karşılıksız Yar Oldum Akustik Rating :0,81 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMhD05vYXsA 76 Yeşim Mutun - Gemi Rating :0,80 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHsdFYge67k 77 ShyR - Jump Rating :0,78 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXP7ocDeaCg 78 Patron - ÖLÜMSÜZ  Rating :0,78 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgCFwgQotTw 79 Sait Esmeray - Kill 'Em pre video clip Rating :0,73 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8UDE4wtg5o 80 Serdar Ortaç - Biz İstemezsek Rating :0,72 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgViJXw2pcA 81 Ati242 - Şöhret  Rating :0,66 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz3yRjT9NGY 82 Özkan Kef - Çağrı Rating :0,65 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjmwun0SCVU 83 Erkan Erzurumlu - Kalbin Nereli  Rating :0,65 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsZJVBg5kno 84 Bedo - Yalan prod. by Efe Can Rating :0,64 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSJfzD-d4TE 85 Aytaç Erdoğan - Adımızı Kazıdılar Rating :0,64 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlLhQc_eMKg 86 Alone - Bizi Dertlere Sokma Rating :0,61 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWogt3v0nfE 87 Orhan Osman - Yangın Yeri Rating :0,60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3ERRfT8pg 88 Ömür Gedik & Ferhat Göçer - İstanbul Yeditepe Konserleri Rating :0,56 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuLmC-mMuRY 89 Mustafa Açıkses - Çaresizim Çaresiz Rating :0,55 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGGngJ6Tt7c 90 18 KARAT -\GELB\ official  prod. by Young Mesh Rating :0,54 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxApN8iwN5c 91 Koray Avcı - Bir Sevmek Bin Defa Ölmek Demekmiş  Rating :0,53 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SwGJzErtJE 92 S¸AM - SIK EM UP  Rating :0,53 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTyRf8DL8k 93 Tarkan - Kedi Gibi Kamera Arkası Rating :0,52 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eppjDzvrz0 94 Soner Sarıkabadayı - Dibine Dibine  Rating :0,52 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDdTsxJnrc 95 Batuhan - Fırtınalar Rating :0,51 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVMh2HhMEus 96 Cansu Yolcu - Büyük Aşk  Rating :0,50 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-9ChuneQSE 97 İkiye On Kala - Çok Özel Bi Rating :0,47 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8Q1Mo6wGBY 98 Nazlı Vural - Benden Öte Rating :0,46 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ie7T9gmWNM 99 Orhan Sancak Retro - Tutmayın Beni Rating :0,45 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV7yTk-52jE 100 Koray Avcı - İlle De Sen  Rating :0,44 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aalbNdb-c_I
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clarounette · 5 years
Reach out to your favorite author...
... you never know what could happen.
It could be a famous published author, an indie you like, or even your fav fanfic writer. But tell them you like their work.
I’ve done that since I dived deep into indie romance novels, and every encounter has been a blast. Some are friendlier than others, but I’ve always had interesting conversations.
Yesterday, I won a book from Kristen Luciani. I’ve reviewed 3 of the 4 books of her Severinov Bratva series. So I told her I like her books, and my fav is Ravage. We talked a bit about it and its main male character, Alek. I admitted that I had been afraid until the end that she was about to kill him. And she confessed that she almost did, but couldn’t in the end, though it was fitting in terms of character development. So we had a little conversation through messenger, and it was great! (and I got my free book :p )
It has been amazing to exchange words with Mira Lyn Kelly, Kate Meader, Gina L Maxwell (she’s the best, and I sent her a package with some belgian delicacies :) ), KC Enders, Samantha Whiskey, Xavier Neal, Emma Renshaw, Stephanie Brother, and now Kristen Luciani. A few others even offered writing tips.
So send a message to the writers you like :)
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cathygeha · 6 years
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Review and Excerpt Tour for TUNES by KC Enders!
 What’s more cliché than falling for a guy in a band or pinning for the one who got away? Find out in TUNES by KC Enders, a Beekman Hills novel where a no-strings spring break fling turns into something more for Gracyn George and rocker Gavin Keller. Fans of A.L. Jackson’s STAY, DRUMLINE by Stacy Kestwick, and authors Jiffy Kate & Winter Renshaw will love this spicy and angsty second-chance romance.
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 Title: Tunes
Author: KC Enders
Release Date: October 1, 2018
Publisher: Self-published
Series: Beekman Hills #2
Genres: New Adult Romance
Word Count: 73K
Format: Paperback & digital
 What’s more cliché than falling for a guy in a band?
 A no-strings fling is all it was meant to be for Gracyn George. Sun, sand, sex, and then move on. That was before he strummed his way into her life. Each note leaving a tingle in her spine, their lasting melodies burned into her memory.
 What’s more cliché than pining for the one who got away?
 Gavin Keller has sacrificed far too much to chase after the girl who snuck out in the middle of the night and left him wondering, What if …
 No matter how high his star rises or how many sold-out shows he plays, he ends each concert scanning the audience for her.
 What was supposed to be temporary becomes a longing neither is willing to let go. After months of trying to move on, can they sync the tunes in their hearts?
Available on Amazon and FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon → https://amzn.to/2IfUuF7
 Add to Goodreads → http://bit.ly/2oBSoX9
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 TUNES Excerpt
Copyright © 2018 KC Enders
Gracyn’s gone. She fucking left me in the middle of the night, buck-ass naked and in her bed.
I waited more than an hour for her to come back from wherever she’d scampered off to, almost certain that she’d just gone out to grab us some breakfast. Took a shower and threw on my clothes from last night. Well, my board shorts because my favorite fucking shirt was gone, too.
No Gracyn.
No note.
No shirt.
The sun blazes down on my bare shoulders as I walk back to my shitty motel. It’s petty and stupid, but I’m too pissed off to put on a different T-shirt. It’s the principle.
My fist connects with Ian’s door with three solid thumps. The last thing I want to do is walk in on him getting ass when my chick had taken her fill and bailed on me. No fucking way I feel like dealing with his shit over this. I don’t want to hear it.
“Dude, you good?” I call as I hit the door again.
“S’open,” Nate yells. “Hey, didn’t think we’d see you today. She leaves tomorrow, right? That chick you’ve been hanging with all week,” he asks, looking away from the movie he’s watching, head propped up against the headboard of his bed.
“Fuck, man. Forgot we swapped rooms. I’ll—”
Ian looks up from his laptop and leans back, the colorful tats shifting as he folds his arms across his chest. “Jesus, what did she do? Steal your clothes and skip town?” The disgusted look on his face probably mirrors my own.
The door closes behind me as I cross the room and sit my ass down on the edge of the empty bed. I dig through Ian’s pack for a T-shirt. I pull on the first one I find, not caring if it’s clean, and flop back, staring at the water stains blooming across the ceiling by the bathroom. Hopefully, it’s the shower leaking in the room above us and not the shitter.
What the fuck happened? Why did she leave like that?
“Gavin? Seriously, man, what happened?” Nate’s sitting on the edge of his bed, features twisted in concern.
“I don’t know. I woke up, and she was gone.”
“Gone? Or out for a minute?”
“Gone. Left. Bags packed, including my fucking shirt. Just gone.” No matter how many times I go over it in my mind, it doesn’t congeal into anything that makes sense.
“Shit, man. That sucks balls,” Ian mumbles as he goes back to tapping at his keyboard. “What’re you gonna do? You text her yet?”
If only.
I run my hands through my hair, gathering it in my fists, and blow out a frustrated breath. “I don’t have her number.”
“Wait, what? You spent all fucking week with her. How do you not have her number?”
I roll my head to the side, so he can see just how fucking miserable I am. “I spent all fucking week with her. I didn’t really need it … until now.” Jesus, this is the worst. “What time are we playing tonight?”
“Ten, down on the beach. So … nothing? You got nothing? No way to find her?” Nate asks.
“Fuck. No, not really. Just a general idea of where she goes to school, and … no, I don’t even have a last name. I mean, I’m sure I could try to stalk the shit out of her, but she bolted, man.”
“Yeah … I guess she just wasn’t that into you, man. Fucked the rocker on spring break and went back to her Ivy League boyfriend.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, Ian cringes, gritting his teeth and sucking a breath through them. “Sorry, shit. I didn’t mean …”
“Whatever.” I pull out my phone, hoping there’s a message, but this day is nothing but all kinds of disappointments. I pop my earbuds in and pull up my post-show playlist. I crank some old school ’70s disco to clear my mind. And hopefully drift off to sleep.
 Check out these other titles in the Beekman Hill series!
TROUBLES (Book #1)
A chance at true happiness.
Amazon | Goodreads
Amazon → https://amzn.to/2MNfh8u
 TWIST (Book #1.5)
A twist that no one can imagine.
Amazon | Goodreads
Amazon → https://amzn.to/2oCMd5i
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  Enter to win a Signed Set of Beekman Hills books! Plus, five will win a Beekman Hills eBook of their choice!
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  About KC Enders:
 Karin is a New York Girl living in a Midwest world. A connoisseur of great words, fine bourbon, and strong coffee, she’s married to the love of her life who is also her best friend. The mother of two grown men, she is proud to say that they can cook, open car doors for the ladies, and clean up after themselves (you’re welcome, world). Even though her boys no longer live at home, the three dogs she’s rescued have taken up their empty space.
Follow:  Website | Facebook | Reader Group | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub | Instagram
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Tunes by KC Enders
Tunes by KC Enders
About the Book
  Romance, New Adult & College Author; KC Enders Publication Date; October 1, 2018 Pages; 278
What’s more cliché than falling for a guy in a band?
A no-strings fling is all it was meant to be for Gracyn George. Sun, sand, sex, and then move on. That was before he strummed his way into her life. Each note leaving a tingle in her spine, their lasting melodies burned into her memory.
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bhillson · 6 years
Twist by KC Enders
Twist by KC Enders
Title: Twist Series: Beekman Hills #1.5 (can be standalone) Author: KC Enders Genre: Contemporary Romance, Rom Com Release Date: April 25, 2018
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Fun. Flirty. And no follow through. FINN O’MEARA has a slick one-liner for every occasion and loves to talk a big game. Tending bar at McBride’s Public House gives him plenty of opportunities to meet the ladies—to take them home and show them a…
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kaibacorpbros · 4 years
7 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER. rules:  fill this up and then tag people you’d like to know better !
one / ( alias / name ): Mew two / ( date of birth ):   June 22 three / ( zodiac sign ):  Cancer & Gemini cusp but I’m Chinese in heritage so Rabbit four / ( height ):   5′2″ im so freaking smol. not much taller then Moki five / ( hobbies ):  Writing, reading, hiking & herping, video games six / ( favorite color ):  Purple seven / ( favorite books ):  Ender’s Game, Guardians of Ga’Hoole, Percy Jackson series, Magnus Chase (only read book 1 so far), Kane Chronicles, Goo.d omens,  eight / ( last song listened to ):  Devil Trigger by Casey Edwards (DT goes with everything don’t @ me nine / ( last film or show watched ): YuGioh Sevens! ten / ( story behind url ): Pretty self explanatory, the two bros that run KC eleven / ( inspiration for muse ): A lot of pieces of things I like, a bit of san.gatsu no lion, Ender’s game, the anime and manga obs, and also some of my own experiences.
TAGGED BY: @bleachintothemultiverse Tagging: YoUUUUU! Grab it!
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fandomrecycling · 4 years
P-pax meeting KC or Kel?
I get the feeling this is either @vlanderzine or @anxiousworm but if it isn’t... damn didn’t expect peps to really be invested.
Oh by the gods do not leave them together for more than a minute
The two will figure out a way to eat bedrock
Everyone hide your obsidian
Their first meeting might have been KC comming up to Pax’s tower to ask for more ender pearls to snack on and she just went “ಠ_ಠ”
She gave them to him but asked a hundred questions that night
The two get high on potions & kill an elder guardian with the stupidest strategies
“Okay did you remember the gravel and the milk?”
Poor emo bby
He just want to wander the wastes and try not to kill anyone but this dumbass in a blue cloak keeps sticking thermometers in his face
Honestly given how quiet he’s characterized, Pax would have a very hard time getting anything outta him
Might be a little annoyed by her, but that’s not my call he’s not my bby
Pax I could see spending a lot of nights trying to brew some kinda potion that keeps the wither effects back long enough to stand next to him without dying
Or would try to make a wither potion with the roses
The only reason she isn’t dead being around him is that she’s dopped up on healing potions
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booklovingpixies · 5 years
NEW RELEASE - Sweet On You (425 Madison) by K.C. Enders
NEW RELEASE – Sweet On You (425 Madison) by K.C. Enders
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Sweet On You  (425 Madison) KC Enders
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  Everything is absolutely perfect for Layla Dupree thanks to her successful patisserie and Raleigh Jacobs isn’t happy with his temporary assignment in NYC. Find out what happens for these two neighbors when you mix together bubbly and grumbly. Readers will want to turn up the heat with this return to hometown romance from KC Enders. The 425 Madison series is…
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antshellie · 6 years
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Need some dinner ideas? If you love to cook AND love to color, this is the book for you! Get recipes from your favorite authors in pages you can color! And the best part? Sales support an amazing cause! Cooking With Love (Shaded With Love Volume 6) is LIVE and available NOW! Amazon: https://amzn.to/2md5Mjs #CookingWithLove #ColoringForACause #ShadedWithLove Cooking With Love (Shaded With Love Volume 6) Publish Date: July 15, 2018 Covers/Pages Design by: Jessica Hildreth This coloring book, featuring 100 designs and recipes inspired by your favorite authors, bloggers & Editors, is ready to become a part of your library, or gifted to someone who needs a smile! All proceeds from this volume will benefit Dog T.A.G.S. Dog T.A.G.S. (Train Assist Guide Serve), non-profit organization, is a service dog owner training program for veterans suffering from service connected PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and/or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). The veteran trains his/her personal dog with the help of experienced dog trainers. Find out more about Dog T.A.G.S. by visiting their website. (https://www.dogtagsprogram.org/) Contributing Authors/Bloggers/Editors: Aden Lowe ~ Alyvia Paige ~ Amanda Leigh ~ Amber Lacie , ~ Angie M. Brashears ~Anna Edwards ~Barb Shuler ~ Betty Shreffler ~ Bree Dahlia ~ Cassie Graham ~ Cheryl McMahan ~ Chianti Summers ~ D.D. Galvani ~ D.M. Earl ~ Diana Marie DuBois ~ DL Gallie ~ Elizabeth York ~ Emersyn Vallis ~ Gemma Arlington ~ Geri Glenn ~ HJ Harley ~ Jennifer Rebecca ~ Jiffy Kate ~ KA Graham ~ Kara Liane ~ Kathleen Kelly ~ KC Enders ~ Kenzie Rose ~ Kim Deister ~ Kira Berger ~ KL Myers ~ Kristie Leigh ~ Lane Martin ~ Leah Negron ~ Lexi C. Foss ~ Little Shop of Readers ~ M.A. Stone ~ M.C. Cerny ~ Magan Vernon ~ Mareta L. Miller ~ Marley Valentine ~ Michele Shriver ~ Michelle Iannarelli - ~ Michelle Rene ~ MIssy Ann ~Morgan Campbell ~ Nikki Sparxx ~ Renee Dyer Author ~ RP Fischer ~ Samantha A. Cole ~ Sheila Kell ~ Susan's Books I Like ~ Sweet & Spicy Reads ~ Sylvie Stewart ~ Taryn Steele ~ Tonya Clark ~ Tracie Delaney ~ Xana Jordan ** ❤ Previous Shaded With Love Volumes are available on Amazon! https://www.instagram.com/p/BtlDkUTgROp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=157nmfuqxf01y
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