#Local Author
mercerislandbooks · 4 months
A Celebration of Robin Oliveria
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Now, several of you will likely recognize the name Robin Oliveria. This may be because she's a wonderful local author, or because we've had the honor of hosting her several times, or because you're a lover of historical fiction. However it is that you know her, she'll be here at Island Books once again on Thursday, February 15 from 6:30 to 7:30, to celebrate the release of her newest book, A Wild and Heavenly Place! We are always excited to welcome friends and supporters of the store who happen to be amazing local authors as well *wink*, and love having them for book signings and Q&As.
A Wild and Heavenly Place is a historical fiction that begins in Glasgow, Scotland with the happenstance meeting of two individuals from very different walks of life. Hailey MacIntyre, the daughter of a rich banker, has everything. Samuel Fiddes, on the other hand, is raising his sister in the tenements of Glasgow while trying to survive. But when Samuel saves Hailey's younger brother from a runaway carriage, their lives become intertwined. When Hailey's father impulsively moves them across the world to the burgeoning coal town of Seattle after the City of Glasgow Bank fails in 1878, Samuel follows. As they try to make a life for themselves in this unfamiliar place, their roles reverse and they have to deal with the many challenges that come from living in a rough frontier town. Full of Seattle history and featuring Newcastle and the San Juan Islands, this is a book I can't wait to read!
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Robin Oliveira is the New York Times bestselling author of My Name Is Mary Sutter, I Always Loved You, and Winter Sisters. She got her BA in Russian and an MFA in Vermont. If you want to learn more about her and her love of the places she's lived, check out this recent Seattle Times article (which provides some excellent behind-the-scenes looks into her inspiration). You can preorder A Wild and Heavenly Place now, and we'll have it ready for you on February 13 when it is released. Or you can pick it up when you come for the event on February 15, where there will be chocolate, bubbles (both of the alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties), and books galore. We can't wait to see you there!
— Becca
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justinkennonbooks · 2 years
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I'm going to be here selling and signing my books. If you are able to make it, come on over and say "hi."
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jennacitrus · 1 year
The word “they” isn’t going away..
Join our main character, Swee, on a beautiful adventure of understanding centered around normalizing gender neutral vocabulary. This is the perfect #pridemonth read or gift for a friend. Available on amazon & kindle. Reflection journals are also available. :)
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escondidolibrary · 2 years
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Biblioboard is an awesome eBook platform that allows you to read eBooks by local authors! You can also download the Biblioboard app for Android and Apple devices!
Are you thinking about self-publishing your own book? You can now create, edit, format and generate print-ready and eBook formats for your book—no matter how far along it may be by using the Pressbooks service by Biblioboard!
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retconnc · 2 years
We are excited to announce that Aaron Christopher Drown will be a guest at Ret-Con 2023! An author and
award winning graphic artist, check out the Guest Q&A below to learn more.
If someone was interested in your work, what would you recommend they check out first?
My new short story collection, The Gods Must Clearly Smile, would be a good place to start. It
runs the gamut of genres and I think makes for a decent primer on my work.
What is your most popular or best-reviewed work?
At the moment, The Gods Must Clearly Smile.
What are you working on right now, and will it be out by Ret-Con (the last weekend of February
I’m working on the follow-up to my first novel, titled The Book of the Hated One. And no, it won’t
be ready by Ret-Con. In fact, I’m pretty sure my publisher thinks it will never, ever be done.
Who or what are your influences or inspirations?
My father loaned me a copy of the first novel I ever read, Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey, which
enthralled me. After that, Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. But the book that set me on my path was
“The Sleeping Dragon,” by Joel Rosenberg. Ray Bradbury is a key influence, as is Fredric
Brown. And the work of Joseph Campbell is a constant source of inspiration.
What are you reading, watching, listening to, playing, or otherwise enjoying that you'd
recommend to Ret-Con attendees or your own fans?
Just finished The Night Circus by Erin Morgensten, and before that Project Hail Mary by Andy
Weir, The Once and Future King by T.H. White, and Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon
Meacham. I’ve just started This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger. On the flatscreen I’m
enjoying Severance, and despite the argle-bargle I’m thoroughly appreciating The Rings of
Power. On the music front, I’ve just discovered the band Wet Leg and can’t get enough of them.
Is there anything you'd like to share with our social media followers that isn't included above?
I’d never deny anyone the freedom to arrange their bookshelves by color, but if you do then you leave me no choice but to offer regular sidelong suspicious glances.
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wellesleybooks · 1 year
Did you read about Laura Zigman's new book in the Globe?   Laura will be here on Thursday February 9th at 7pm to discuss Small World. It's a heartfelt novel about two offbeat and newly divorced sisters who move in together as adults—and are finally forced to reckon with their childhood. Laura will be in conversation with Joanna Rakoff, author of My Salinger Year and the upcoming memoir, The Fifth Passenger.  
Your $5 ticket can be put towards a copy of Small World bought at the event. Alternatively, you can buy the book and receive a free ticket. Either way, buy tickets online through Eventbrite by clicking the button below (fees apply), or by phone at 781-431-1160 (no fees).
  If you don't want to attend the event but would still like to buy a copy of the book, you can do so by scrolling down and adding the book to your shopping cart. Just remember that buying the book alone is not the same as buying an admission ticket.  
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Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair - Event Video
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Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair event video (heavy on authors and Artist Alley) Thanks to the staff of Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair, to the volunteers, authors, artists (including Laura Smith Art, PastelKoala, and Eddie.Illustration), creators, cosplayers, merchants, and clubs for making April’s event enjoyable. (Again.)
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kristinawkelly · 2 months
This Saturday! Will I see you there?
I’m joining nearly 60 authors and literary organizations for Hamilton East Public Library's #HEPLLocalAuthorFair2024. The event will have authors available to sign books, a chance to win prizes, and more! The event will be held on Saturday, April 20 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM at the FORUM Events Center, 11313 USA Pkwy, Fishers, Indiana. I’ll be reading from 2:50-3:00 Can’t wait to see you there!
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
I've had a couple of messages over the last few days from folks saying things like, "Sorry, I can only afford to get your book through the library," and I need you to know I am gripping you by the shoulders, I am shaking you gently, and I am begging you stop apologizing for using library services.
After Amazon and Payhip, the quarterly checks I get from Overdrive/Libby are my biggest and most reliable source of income.
My readers have been nothing but feral in their quest to get Hunger Pangs into as many libraries as possible, and while library lending pays an exceptionally modest amount, if enough people do it (which many of you evidently are), those pennies add up.
I am guaranteed at least $20 a month in library lending royalties. That might not sound like much to some folks, but to me, that's my b12 supplements covered for the month. That's the thing I need to keep me alive paid for.
I will never resent anyone who uses libraries instead of buying books.
I'm a disabled author who lives month to month at the mercy of my medical expenses. Even though I have incredibly generous patrons and supporters, I know what it's like to not be able to afford things.
Use the library. Please.
Use it guilt-free. You're helping the library and the authors, probably more than you realize.
And if you're in the US and haven't signed up for a @queerliblib free library card yet, you should! it doesn't matter what state you're in, the Queer Liberation Library offers free access to their catalogue of queer media across the US.
And if you've got the means, maybe help them out with a little donation. They're only able to expand their collection via the support of their patrons, and the work they're doing is hugely important.
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genieinanovel · 10 months
Review: On Air With Zoe Washington
Two years ago, Zoe Washington helped clear Marcus’ name for a crime he didn’t commit. Now her birth father has finally been released from prison and to an outpouring of community support, so everything should be perfect.When Marcus reveals his dream of opening his own restaurant, Zoe becomes determined to help him achieve it–with her as his pastry chef of course. However, starting a new place is…
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
The Return of Cookbook Book Club!
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As many of you know, it has now been several years since our Cookbook Book Club has been able to meet. I wasn't in the area when it initially began, so I am thrilled to be able to participate in our first returning book club meeting next Thursday, February 16 at 6:30 PM. To whet our appetites, I interviewed Lisa Odegard, author of our featured cookbook and a long-time member of the book club! Cast Iron Desserts: Indulgent Recipes for the Modern Kitchen is her debut cookbook and full of delicious-looking recipes I cannot wait to try.
Becca: Laurie tells me that you are a long-time member of our Cookbook Book Club. What do you love most about it? Lisa: I love being part of Cookbook Club. A friend recommended it to me and I’m so glad I joined! I love Island Books' warm and cozy atmosphere, and it’s wonderful to meet other people that love food as much as I do.
Becca: What are you looking forward to the most with your cookbook being featured this month? Lisa: I love that my book is being featured, but I’m most excited to meet the cooks who are interested in cooking from this labor of love. Becca: I know my husband and I are really looking forward to making the strawberry peppercorn donuts, as well as several other recipes. How do you go about coming up with such unique flavor combinations?
Lisa: I adore desserts, but I lean more towards savory so trying new flavor combinations with a little bit of savory and sweet is my jam. For example, my marionberry pie has a subtle hint of rosemary. I grew up in the Willamette Valley so marrying these two flavors was second nature for me as I learned early on in my cooking career that what grows together, goes together. That rule applies to land and sea, which is why pinot noir is a perfect complement to wild salmon, and steel fermented sauvignon blanc is a fantastic foil for goat cheese and hazelnuts. The bright acidity in both applications compliment and cut through the richness of each pairing.
Becca: What set you on the path of writing your own cookbook, and why cast iron? Were there any other themes you tossed around?
Lisa: I’ve always loved cooking from as far back as I can remember. Often cooking with my mom, stuffing pasta shells, making lasagna, baklava, chicken cacciatore, Pasta e fagioli, homemade pizza and fried egg rolls. Food is the one thing that consistently interested me, so naturally, I graduated with a B.S. in Nutrition in Business and three years after college, I graduated from The Culinary Institute of America in New York. I knew I would eventually write a cookbook; it was just a matter of the right timing. 
I currently work for a cast iron company out of Portland and often while visiting my accounts, I’m asked the common question: what can I make in cast iron besides meat and eggs? There are so many things you can make, but that is when I discovered that desserts are often overlooked. I couldn’t find much past the standard apple crisp, Dutch baby pancake, or a cobbler. I stumbled into an underserved niche that I never would have noticed if I did not work with cast iron every day. Because I couldn’t find the kind of recipes that piqued my interest, I decided to make my own and that is how writing this book began.
Becca: I love that! And I've heard so many times that you ought to write the kind of book you want to read. What was the most challenging part of producing a cookbook? Lisa: The most challenging thing about writing the book was something that I didn’t see coming. Dealing with imposter syndrome and near crippling self-doubt. I initially brushed it off because a chef mentor of mine told me that if I wasn’t a little scared before dinner service, I was underprepared, so I let the uneasiness fester. I have 25 years of professional cooking experience and know that I’m fully qualified to write a cookbook. Throughout the writing process, I talked to other authors that are traditionally published and self-published. All of them told me that they fought the same internal battle, though most authors don’t acknowledge it publicly. Becca: I believe that. I'm honestly impressed by anyone who manages to get a book out into the world, since it is such a process, creatively, logistically and emotionally. Do you have a favorite recipe in the book, or is there a particular one that you're especially proud of? Lisa: My favorite recipes in Cast Iron Desserts are: Mexican Hot Chocolate Soufflé, English Cream Scones, Hazelnut Ba-Bombs, Yuzu Thyme Cookies, Strawberry and Pink Peppercorn Donut Holes, Pear and Ginger Coffee Cake, and Marionberry Pie w/ Rosemary. Becca: And was there anything that you loved that didn't make the cut? Lisa: Creme brûlée. For the life of me, I couldn’t get the right consistency. Becca: Having done it once (writing a cookbook), would you do it again? Lisa: Yes, I would absolutely write another cookbook. It was a great learning experience and I’m so thankful I pushed myself to finish it.
We're glad she finished it too, since everything inside sounds amazing. Lisa will be in attendance for the Cookbook Club meeting to chat with us and sign books while we sample some recipes from her book. If you haven't joined us before, visit the Cookbook Book Club page on our website to sign up! Pick up a copy of Cast Iron Desserts, make a recipe that catches your eye, and bring it to share. We can't wait to see you all again!
— Becca
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nikkirimizi · 1 year
I know it's late but happy Imbolc! I hope all your goals are reached this year. 🌙
The season of love is upon us, and that also means showing our love and appreciation for everyone in our lives, not just romantic interests.
One way to show your love for this season (and staying out of that horrendous cold front) is to curl up with a romance novel of the ages.
And if you enjoyed it, let me know what you think and leave a review! 💖
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frombehindthepen · 2 years
On the Bookshelf of the Library, I am Found
On the Bookshelf of the Library, I am Found #PublicLibrary #Literacy #WeArePoetry #KymGordonMoore #Poetry #Education
Image Credit: Union County Public Library | Monroe, North Carolina (third row) Oh my gosh! I am tickled pink with poetry! When I received an email from Amee Odom, MLIS, MA, Senior Librarian for Reference & Information Services with the Union County Public Library, my heart skipped many beats before I began to read. A media kit for my book was submitted to our local library. Upon receipt, Amee…
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escondidolibrary · 1 year
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Meet local authors at the “Once Upon A Book Fair” this Saturday, June 3, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Escondido Center for the Arts! Directions here: https://artcenter.org/about/directions-maps-parking/
Tanya Ross, our Escondido Writers Group facilitator, is one of the event hosts. https://jolietunnell.com/once-upon-a-book-fair-2023
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retconnc · 2 years
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Attention all superhero and horror fans!
We are excited to announce that Samantha Bryant will be a guest at Ret-Con 2023! Check out our Guest Q&A below to learn more about her novels, her biggest inspirations, and her recommendation on what to check out at Carolina Theater's Retro Film series this year. - - - - - ____________________ If someone was interested in your work, what would you recommend they check out first? - Since my novels are a series, readers should definitely begin with Going Through the Change, the first one. You can meet Flygirl, Fuerte, Flamethrower, and The Lizard Woman when they were Jessica, Linda, Helen, and Patricia, before the resident mad scientist Cindy Liu stepped in to “help” and changed their lives forever. If you want to try on the series at a lower commitment, The Good Will Tour novella stands alone well, too. ____________________ What is your most popular or best-reviewed work? - Besides the Menopausal Superhero series, I also write short form horror. One of my most universally praised stories is “His Destroyer” in Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire from Mocha Memoirs Press. It takes place during the 10th plague of Egypt, my Passover vampire story. It chilled me to write, and many readers find it disquieting. If you’re a horror fan, you should definitely check it out and all the other fine work in this unusual collection. ____________________ What are you working on right now, and will it be out by Ret-Con (the last weekend of February 2023)? - I’m writing the fifth and final novel in the Menopausal Superhero series. It won’t be out by Ret-Con, unfortunately, but readers can get the other four and the collection of shorts from Falstaff Books. Once I finish that, I’m excited to get back to my Gothic romance. I love trying on new genres and styles. Keeps the writing fun! ____________________ Who or what are your influences or inspirations? - My earliest influences were the tales of the Brothers Grimm and the Old Testament, mostly as recounted for me by my grandmother and great grandmother, who didn’t believe in sanitizing the stories for little Samantha. Later, I discovered Shirley Jackson. At the same time, I was reading comic books stolen from my uncles or bought in the used comic bin in my small-town bookstore and watching all the 1970s hero shows (and older ones in re-runs), with my dad. So, I’ve always had a mixture of horror and hero running through my literary veins.
I’ve been fortunate to have some great writing mentors in my life, too. Writer-teachers who gave freely of their time and energy in my college years, workshops through organizations and my public library, and countless supporters and friends found through convention life and publishing connections. I’ve been very lucky. ____________________ What are you reading, watching, listening to, playing, or otherwise enjoying that you'd recommend to Ret-Con attendees or your own fans? - I’m finally watching Supernatural. I know, I’m late to the party, but what a party it still is! I’m also finishing up some of the new speculative fiction programs out there: Stranger Things, Sandman, She-Hulk. On the big screen, I’m a devotee of the Retro Film Series at the Carolina Theatre in Durham. They’re having a Kaiju Quest this season!
I’m also an enthusiast of board games. Some recent favorites: Azul, Ascension (all the Ascension!), Gloom, Riftforce, Ticket to Ride, Lanterns, Qwirkle, Horrified, Forbidden Island. When I married my husband, I really leveled up in the games department. You should see our game hoard!
In terms of music, I have a teenager, and I let them choose what we listen to a lot of the time. Thanks to the kiddo, I’ve been getting into Will Wood (Dr. Sunshine is Dead). His music is sort of punk-klezmer. I’ve also been enjoying Penelope Scott (Lotta True Crime), and The Stupendium (The Fine Print). I’ve been revisiting Dolly Parton here lately, too. She’s still amazing. We could all do well by asking ourselves What Would Dolly do?
As for reading, I help run the classics book club at my library, so I read one classic novel a month. Recent choices were David Copperfield, Anna Karenina, and Sense and Sensibility. Otherwise, I try to keep up with some new releases, both on the indie and the mainstream front. Recent great reads: The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish, The Beautiful Ones by Sylvia Moreno Garcia, Akata Woman by Nnedi Okorafor, The Princess and the Peonies by Lucy Blue, and The Half Life of Ruby Fielding by Lydia Kang. ____________________ Is there anything you'd like to share with our social media followers that isn't included above? - I’m a nature enthusiast. Follow me on instagram (@samanthabwriter) for pictures of flowers, mushrooms, and other small beauties seen on my daily walks. Find me at Ret-Con to talk about Universal monsters, baking, superheroes, old movies, board games, books, and writing.
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fictionadventurer · 14 days
I love libraries.
I'm browsing the WWI shelves (as you do) and notice a very old book about the war. I glance at the first pages that talk about how one day the war will be over and we'll look at this place and not see any signs of the battlefield.
Then it hits me. And I check the publishing date.
This book was printed before the war's end. Not written. Printed. The physical object was created in 1918, while the war in question was raging and the end was as yet uncertain.
Now I'm standing on the other side of the apocalypse, with this physical link to that era in my hands. I'm living proof that the war did end and life did go on and we can all look at the end of the world as a long-ago memory.
Reading old books is cool enough, connecting our minds and hearts through the ideas of people who lived long ago, but there's something extra profound about holding a copy of the book that comes from the time that it was written. It's a physical link between the past and the present connecting me to those long-ago people. A piece of the past come into the future that gives me the chance to almost take the hand of some long-ago reader, to hold something they could have held, connecting not just mentally but physically to their era, a moment of connection across more than a century.
Excuse me while I go weep.
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