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[Nickname: SEAGAMES]
[Nickname: BOSS]
[Nickname: KIAK]
[Nickname: KUN]
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Khunkao: I know Phu's back in your life now, but it's as a friend. I want to be back in your life as more than a friend.
Nan: ...
Phupha: ok, shit then. I guess I will finally just spit it out
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heretherebedork · 1 year
So, Phu is the worst and I truly believe that, at this point, Nan could have gone through with his confession and gotten turned down because Phu simply cannot handle actually being honest about anything? That Nan would have given him that note about loving him and Phu would still be in this refusal stage because he simply refuses to see reality.
(Nan broke my heart so badly when he put that note away, when he stopped himself, not because he stopped himself but because he loves Phu so much and Phu refuses to see any of it and just runs, runs, runs.)
Nan literally steps outside of his comfort zone for Phu, cooks for him without any pressure, injures himself trying to do that, and the only time Phu steps out is with not just a pile of pressure from the outside but also with Nan coaching him every step of the way.
Consistently, Nan gives up things and does things for Phu without being asked or thinking of himself, thinking only of trying to keep him at his side and trying to keep him with him while Phu is so focused on trying to recreate a childhood life without worries that he doesn't care at all about who they are now.
Both Khunkao and Party want to create a future with Nan but Phu is living in the past and refuses to even consider the future.
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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This is basically for myself, I got enamored with this pair with the airing of PHUPHA (AUGUST 2022) and NANFAH (NOVEMBER 2022) on the DEVONTE296 OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Thinking that was all there was to be until at the end of the NANFAH mini an announcement for an upcoming series.
Now in the NANFAH mini Phupha has already left after being unable to confess to Nan after seeing Nan with Gigi in what he thought was Nan becoming a couple with Gigi. But Nan and Phu's landlady made Nan aware of Phu's feelings so Nan began a 10 year search for Phu.
This series is comparable to many series in my opinion like My Only 12% (because of the close friendship from childhood except See-iw and Cake were basically together since birth) or Our Dating Sim (where one ran away from the other for multiple years except Lee Wan confessed then ran because it seemed to be a rejection)
At the end of the 2 minis Nan came to realize he was in love with Phu. But the series didn't pick up with that, it instead chose to go back to the close friendship even after Phu's disappearing act.
So this story wasn't a story at all, it seemed to be a commercial for Devonte Skincare for Men and two reunited friends promoting this brand as it was Nan's job and soon to be Phu's job as he was pursued as a presenter or brand ambassador. Until the end of Episode 5 when Nan learned Phu lied about his whereabouts for 10 years. Then the drama ramp up as Nan declared I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN YOU LYING DECEIVING DUPLICITOUS ASSHOLE.
Then a Hiatus until April 19...a month away
What was expected upon the return, Phu trying to explain why he ran off for 10 years or at the very least groveling at the feet of Nan begging for forgiveness but no it came back to Nan still stressing as Phu ran to check on his grandmother making Nan think he lost Phu once again and literally suffering because of it.
If that didn't prove how much Nan loved Phu what else could. Because Nan had options. But he could not and did not let go of Phu mentally (when Phu wasn't there) or physically (when he was there)
Nan never got an apology even when he asked for one when he went after Phu after their Episode 5 blowup.
Then there is the bombshell that Khunkhao (another guy in love with Nan) and Phupha are half brothers as they share the same mother but they don't know that.
So the series throws out that Nan doesn't believe in dating a friend because it would ruin the friendship so this further pushes Phupha into his shell as far as a love confession.
It further pushes Phu into this shell when he watches as Party confesses to Nan and Nan reiterates that to him friends are just friends.
Furthermore Nan and Phu are two healthy grown men and neither had a relationship with someone else in the entire time of being apart? That's pining.
Phu seemingly disappointed Nan over and over and he had a chance with a stud like Party and and Khunkhao yet he did not show the slightest interest.
Then Episode 9..Phu's Confession was so out of character. Phu is an introvert. He keeps all his feelings inside (think Khabkluen in STAR IN MY MIND)
Phu doesn't like social interaction. He has crippling stage fright in front of people yet he confesses to Nan in a club in front of their friend Joe and ALL of Nan's work colleagues and the brother he never knew. If that isn't out character.
Then Phu learned his grandmother has died. For Phu he has only been close to 3 people. His father, his grandmother and Nan.
So one episode left. But the story such as it is, is over what else is left.
My prediction is...Phupha meets Khunkao in their official capacity as Brothers. Perhaps including Phu and Khunkhao's mother. And the actual lovemaking of Phu and Nan for the first time. And possibly Nan deciding if he's moving to China for this promotion with Devonte. May 24 ends The Promise pushed back from May 19. Will WeTV and Devonte show the last episode on the same day?
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
At this point I want Nan to go back to Melbourne and just hang with Thip & Khunkao, who he met in the special ep, and just have a good time for a few weeks... or maybe even hm... Idk a DECADE!
I haven’t seen the special episode, and at this point I’m not sure I want to. If Phu is in it at all, I don’t want to watch. Especially if he’s being…well…himself.
But I agree that Nan should also pull a disappearing act even if it’s for a little bit. He won’t but he should. I actually think Patty should kind of force Nan into a disappearing act and for Phu to lose his mind. Phu has no idea. He hasn’t once seen the consequences of his actions. He hasn’t once even considered the hurt at being the one abandoned. Then he did it again. If anyone deserves to just leave for a bit and have no one be able to contact them, it’s Nan.
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Episode 9
Phu's Long Awaited Confession...PUBLICLY
Part 2
As Party and Khunkao self medicate as the man they both love accepts the love of the man he's known since childhood.
There are more stunning things.
Nan has learned that Khunkhao is Phupha's little brother. The brother Phupha knows about but never met.
And while Phu is securing the man he loves he gets a message. A message he doesn't want.
His beloved grandmother has passed away leaving Phu feeling like he has no family left. And he's heartbroken. Absolutely devastated.
However, he does has family left. Family he barely knows. His mother and his little brother. And perhaps a stepfather if his mom's second husband is still with her.
What awaits in the finale next Wednesday (May 17, 2023 on WeTV.)
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Episode 7
Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) can't seem to hold a grudge against Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) for his transgressions.
In Episode 5 Nan learns Phu lied about his whereabouts for the last 10 years. Furious Nan says he never wants to see Phu again.
In Episode 6 Nan goes to see Phu for the sake of his career as Ken wants Phu to be the Devonte Presenter again only to discover Phu has run again. Yet this time Nan goes after him. Even though Phu hasn't been answering or returning his calls, but he answered Dina's call giving Nan his location.
In Episode 7 Nan and Phu are riding the ice cream cart like when they were children in middle school. And feeding one another as Nan has decided to help Phu market the coffee farm as Phu is clueless to how to do it. Which makes no sense as Phu studied Advertising/Marketing with Nan at university and according to Nan himself without Phu he wouldn't have graduated.
Spoiler Alert: Episode 8 has the return of Khunkao (if you watched the mini series, he's the Thai guy that Nan confused for Phu in Melbourne)
A hint was dropped that Phu and Khunkao may have a surprising connection.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Did you watch the special Phupha | Nanfah eps of The Promise? Because not only do I want Party fawning over Nan, I want Khunkao to come back and try to stake his claim as well. I want Phu to know that there are other men out there, who would love to be with Nan and not abandon him for a decade, so he better get his act together.
I hope so.
I think I watched them but, like, when they first came out. So I don't remember details.
But also, oh man, Nan deserves so much better and I wish he could see that rather than just be so hung up on Phu. Like, this boy is basically a walking angel and self-sacrificing to a fault and all Phu does is feed it off it.
Nan is just so loving and forgiving and everyone pushing him towards Phu are assholes who just want to use his kindness against him and that's especially including Phu.
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