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[Nickname: SEAGAMES]
[Nickname: BOSS]
[Nickname: KIAK]
[Nickname: KUN]
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Phu's (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) devotion to Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) during childhood. Continued all the way up to university until Phu (ready to reveal his feelings) saw Nan with Gigi and assumed the worse. Devastated he left a note claiming to be going to Melbourne, Australia to be with his mother (in the mini series)
However in the series. Phu and Nan got drunk. And Nan kissed Phu full on the lips and suddenly Phu decided to flee.
Here Nan is grateful to Phu's highlighting skills as it helped Nan with the test. Nan even thinks Phu got a look at the test beforehand. Phu calls Nan in close to reveal the truth.
"The teacher told us what would be on the test while you were sleep, idiot. 😂😂😂
Solid Friendship.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi ABL! I’ve just watched Our Dating Sim and The Promise and like a lot of people I adored ODS and wasn’t as keen on The Promise… thinking about it though, they have a very similar premise, one guy kisses his friend, panics and runs away and ghosts him for 7-10 years… the abandoned friend is traumatised by this and is very happy when they reunite, and the one who ran away never really has to grovel to get him back…
Why do you think this worked so well in Our Dating Sim and fell flat in The Promise?
They the same premise - Why do we like Our Dating Sim SO MUCH better than The Promise?
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Two BLs, both alike in premises, in fair Tumblr, where we lay our scene, from ancient pining trope to new romances, where sunshine gay makes chaos gay unseem(ly).
Couple of answers.
Time span of existing relationship: ODS set them up as first loves in high-school, but has them start & end in high school. So they didn't know each other well, just fast & intense as teens. The Promise gave us a long friendship since middle school through to college. So when Phu runs away he should have know better: himself, his friend, and their relationship. This makes his character disengeuntions and mistrusting at best, stupid at worse.
Depicted personality of characters: Our artist nerd Lee Wan is clearly closed-off and geeky. He gets rejected (he thinks), forced to move house, and then a death in the family as a 1-2-3 punch. Plus we understand that his personality is to retreat under those circumstances. Phu's personality is more open, he is in the service industry, for goodness sake! He runs away and removes himself from the situation why? Doesn't make sense for his character. And then he lies about it!
The LIEING: Phu lied about where he went and what he did for 10 years. 10 YEARS! ALSO he made OTHERS lie for him. Lee Wan ran away, ghosted, and disappeared but he never lied about it. In fact, his webtoon could be construed as a cry for help, designed to find, exactly who it needed to find, KiTae.
The support characters: Nan is given tons of options in lover who are NOT Phu, options that seem better than Phu (who are better - more earnest, more forthright, more communicative, more open). Neither of the boys in ODS are ever given alternates. The narrative is telling us that they are meant for each other from start to finish.
Character growth: ODS dealt with the resulting fall-out of KiTae's abandonment issues (issues that are the result of Lee Wan's running). It shows Lee Wan realizing what he did and the damage it caused. It shows Lee Wan choosing to stay this time because he has learned and grown as a person and as someone worthy of KiTae's love. Phu never grew.
I had another one but I forgot what it was...
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Currently Watching - March
Just a little PSA - I am on a little hiatus until April the 9th. I have some personal stuff to deal with, but nothing bad 😁 Positive all the way and good for my personal growth!
I won't be able to gif any of the series for the time, but I will watch them and perhaps write down some thoughts 😊 And if you want me to gif some scenes, just let me know and I will get to them when I am finished with my stuff 😊 And of course I will still reblog stuff from all of these wonderful creators on this site!
Please stay healthy and happy!
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 31.03.2023
This may contain spoilers!
1. A Boss and A Babe (5/12 on Youtube)
I am not the biggest fan of ForceBook, mostly because I didn't like Enchanté, but I could help myself and smile troughout this series. Cher is annoying, but it works here, I guess? I don't know what it is. It is fun to watch.
2. Bed Friend (6/10 on iQiyi)
The trauma is strong in this one! As are the tension and longing looks of King. And Uea is beautiful and knows how to play the game.
3. Chains of Heart (6/10 on iQiyi)
Cinematography and scenery - stunning! Really pretty and dark and atmospheric. I guess I get used to the subtitles and the acting improved. So I kind of like this one? I definitely have a weak spot for Mr. Lue.
5. Past Senger (4/12 on Gaga)
What the mess did I just watch? It was boring and funny and cringy and funny and I don't know...Do I like the vibes it gives away? We will see. Episode 2 didn't help! It is really cringy and the acting is...not that good -.-
6. The Eighth Sense (2/10 on Viki)
I like the first two epsiodes. I have a weak spot for surfing ever since the movie Shelter and this is just a dream came true. I am curious about the characters and their developement. But the cliffhanger from episode two was brutal!
7. The Promise (5/10 on WeTV)
I like it. Are there cringy moments? Yes. Are there slapstick moments I can hardly deal with? Yes. Are there plotholes that bug me? Sure...but! I like it. I like Nan and Phu together and I love the slow burn and am I well entertained. I also enjoy little Party being the jealous king he is, who deeply care for Nan and if latter would choose him, i wouldn't be that angry!
8. Tin Tem Jai (5/10 on Gaga)
And we took 45 steps back and the show is kind of annoying like before...Tin can't stop aksing Park to marry him and it gets to a point where it just annoys the crap out of me. But Park can't say a clear word so what do we do here? Just let him date the cute senior.
9. Unintentional Love Story (6/10)
Okay, I am in love with this one. I know it will hurt when the truth comes out, but I am willing to get hurt for them. The chemistry is wild between them and I am looking forward to the second couple!
Finished in March
1. History 5: Love in the Future (10/10 on Viki)
I really don't like it. the plot was stupid and boring. The plotholes big and heavy like black holes. The chemistry...I don't like it either in the end. Vincent was the only reason I was looking forward to this one. And the whole time travel thing was just so stupid and irrelevant! It could have been good, but it wasn't. 3 out of 10 for me.
2. Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (4/4 on Gaga)
I fell in love with Kiyoi, especially in the last two epsiodes. I am curious about the upcoming movie. The season was good and most of all in the end with a kind of good communication. 7 out of 10 for me.
3. Moonlight Chicken (8/8 on Youtube)
I love it! It has everything I can dream of in a series. It has beautiful cinematography and scenery. The acting was top. The story...so good! All the stories were just so good! I love EarthMix and they delivered. And I love GeminiFourth and they delivered too. They had to deal with endings and letting go and new beginnings and angst and grief and hope and joy and happiness and love and everything! Just everything! Definitely a 10 out of 10 for me!
4. Island Part 2 (4/6 - non bl)
It was not as good as the first part, because it felt too rushed and there were some parts that needed more time to explain. Besides that it was a good fantasy/mystical show with some nice effects and a pretty cast. The ending though...I don't know...will there be a part 3??? I give it 8 out of 10.
5. Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (7/8 on Gaga aka The End of the World with you)
It started so strong! I really liked the depressing atmosphere and world ending vibe. But it lost me in the middle of the journey. Suddenly there were some supernatural elements that don't make sense and are not at all explained. And don't get me started on the kissing scenes! There are some really explict scenes, but they kissed like they didn't wanna touch or hurt each other. It was not bad, but also not that good in the end. It is a 6,5 out of 10 for me.
6. Shadow and Bone (5/8 on Netflix - no bl, but queer representation)
I am really shoping for a third season, the cliffhanger was harsh! This is not a perfect series, but I like it and besides Alina, I like every character. And yes, my favorite are of course Wesper! They were cute and had some sweet scenes together and I really want to know if Jesper will train his powers. It is a 9 out of 10 for me.
7. All the Liquors (6/8 on Gaga)
It started promising for me. I liked it. I thought perhaps they are going the road that they learn from each other. one is drinking and glorificating alcohol less and the other is going to be more open to dfferent opinions. But nope, drinking is fine and fun and now our chef drinks alcohol to every meal and I don't like it. Yes perhaps personal reasons play a big role and perhaps the glorification of alcohol triggers my mind a little bit too much. And the kiss...well they could have done better. 6 out of 10 for me.
8. A Shoulder To Cry On (on Viki)
Was it a perfect show? No. Was the acting good? Yes. Was the chemistry believable? Yes. Do I need a kiss in every bl? No. Was there a lack of romance and love? Kind of. Did I like it? Yes, I did. The adaptation stick to the original manhwa and there wasn't big love confessions or depictions of affection. I think the series was fine until the last minute. I liked their own way of love. Not everything has to end with a kiss. I am happy with the story. 8 out of 10 for me.
9. Our Dating Sim (on Viki)
Perfection! I love it. The story was so good. The chemistry was so good. Everything felt so natural. The pacing was believable. I klnow I will rewatch this one from time to time just to have a good time. Oh how much I love this one! Strong 10 out of 10 for me.
10. Jack o'Frost (on Gaga)
Well this was a quiet little gem. I loved how they showed the relationship throughout the different times, how it started, how it progressed and how it ended. There was drama all the time, but it felt real and that is one of the small details I really enjoyed about this one. The story felt real. It is a 9 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
1. The Chronicles of a boy (Homo Phobia) (on Gaga)
Meet Yeong Taek, a young man, who has suffered an absured amount of physical and psychological abuse and has a tendency for strangeling people who did him wrong...There were things I liked about this movie and which were kind of challenging, but overall I didn't like it. And didn't like the protagonist. Would not recommend this one. 4,5 out of 10 for me.
Dropped/On Hold in March
1. Boyband
Because they decided not to air it any longer on youtube, I stopped watching it...It was promising though...
2. Love Syndrome III
I have watched the first half of the first epsiode and I couldn't watch any further. I can't tell how the story will progress, but right now I really can't stand the character of Itt. Why is he always so damn angry and loud?
Looking Forward to in March (with MDL-Links)
The Promise (March 1 on WeTV)
All The Liquors (March 2 on GagaOOLala)
A Boss And A Babe (March 3 on Youtube)
Love Syndrome (March 4 on WeTV)
PastSenger (March 8 on GagaOOLala)
Our Dating Sim (March 9 on Viki)
Future (March 19 on GagaOOLala)
A Shoulder To Cry On (March 14 on Viki)
Unintentional Love Story (March 17)
Make a Wish (March 22)
The Eighth Sense (March 29 on Viki)
Shadow (not sure)
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
The Promise - Ep 8 Thoughts
-HAH. Look at Nan and Party sleeping together limbs entwined. Suck it Phu you deserve this pain. 
-Phu and the dramatic sad music. I don’t care - WAS HE TRYING TO BURN THE LETTER? Gaslighting piece of shit. May all of your coffee beans burn when you roast them from now until forever since you seem fine with burning things that shouldn’t be burnt. 
-Party > Phu. Party is an actual adult ready for an adult relationship and is able to communicate. Phu never progressed past his teenage years and has continuously lied to and ghosted the man he claims he loves. Phu doesn’t love Nan. He loves the idea of Nan and the idea of himself with Nan. 
-I love Party because he says what I’m thinking. And he’s the only one that holds Phu accountable. Not just to Nan but he holds Phu accountable to himself as well. 
-Good looks can’t make up for your shit personality, Phu. Nan is truly too nice. And definitely too good for Phu. 
-Okay here’s the thing about Phu’s Granny. She’s a good person and I like her but she enables Phu and lets herself take the blame for his hurtful actions. Being supportive also means letting Phu face the consequences for his actions. Whether they’re positive or negative consequences, Phu needs to face them. 
-Oh so Dina is telling Nan for Phu because he hasn’t said anything himself. 
-Nan being mad that Phu went back on his words to live with him. Now he’s forcing the issue. I’m glad he’s standing up for himself here but I’m upset that Phu will get to live with him because I hate Phu in case I haven’t made that painfully clear. 
-Oh so Phu gets it from his Granny. She should not be keeping this from him. Her friends are right. She’s depriving him of his ability to choose. She’s depriving him of his ability to spend as much time with her as possible. He did almost exactly the same thing to Nan (minus the illness). The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
-Dear Nan, please cook for me instead of Phupha thank you.
-I take that back he should absolutely cook for Phupha. Phupha deserves this monstrosity. 
-Happy birthday you asshole. I hope this food poisons you. 
-Phu, what makes you feel like you’re entitled to Nan’s answer to Party? Go away I hate you
-There are times I wish y’all could watch these shows with me because I have a very expressive face.
-Oooooo I LOVE this new addition. Khunkhao baby. Be the spark that makes Phu fix himself. Make him be the reason he needs to work for it. Oh bless I’ve only had him for 3 seconds and I adore him already. 
-I am evil cackling. EVIL CACKLING. This is the BEST. I fucking love Party. You know he’s going to enjoy Phu’s pain. I love that for him. 
-I appreciate the show’s commitment to Nan matching Gie Gie’s colors every day. Truly best friends. 
-Stop having a moment with Nan. Phu I hate you. Thank god it’s over. 
-I fucking love Khunkhao. Since I know Nan and Phu are endgame (unfortunately), I’ll go ahead and ship him and Party. 
-Every time Phu opens his mouth I become irrationally angry. I have no sympathy for Phu.
-HOLY SHIT ARE THEY BROTHERS??? Fuck me I didn’t see that coming but I should have. 
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Poor Nan. He's been trying to convince everyone to leave Phu alone but he's being blamed the same as the rest of them by the person who abandoned him for a decade and then came back and is still lying to him... but holds this against Nan? He holds Nan stopping the other people against him when Nan has never held any anger or hurt over being left? Phu gets to be jealous and angry and hold everything against him and Nan just... gets nothing? Nan just gets to walk through life alone again and losing the one person he finally regained... auuugh.
But, ugh, the way Nan just stares ahead after Phu shut the door on him, the emptiness and pain in his eyes as he offers to quit just to try to save Phu when Phu doesn't seem to appreciate any of it.
(Phu chose to leave Nan, is choosing to lie to him, is jealous and upset that his friend of thirty years has made new friends but Nan, who was left alone for a decade, can't do anything but plead for a chance for Phu to stay in his life.)
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loggedtravel · 4 years
Here's Why You Must Travel to Vietnam at Least Once!
When we were planning our trip to Vietnam last December, we did our fair share of research and chalked out an itinerary, aiming to cover a couple of places but the main reason behind planning this trip was to kick-start the new year in a foreign land, greeting strangers and joining their madness! Little did we know that this country would make us fall in love and keep tickling our nerves to head back again!
With its 3,000 kilometres of a tropical coastline, superb food, mind-blowing history, and a fascinating culture, Vietnam is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations in the world. No matter whether you are a beach lover or an art buff, a die-hard foodie, or an adventure seeker- Vietnam definitely has it all in store for you!
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1. Vietnam Is One of the Most Affordable Destinations in Southeast Asia
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Of course, when you think of travelling abroad, one of the first and foremost things to consider is the budget. As it is widely known, Southeast Asia is a backpacker's hub because of its affordability, and Vietnam, surely, is one of the most budget-friendly destinations you can ever come across. With increasing dependence on the tourism industry for their economy, the Vietnamese have set up their country to be as travel-friendly as possible.
You will get several hostels in the big cities and the local transport will save you from getting doomed! Hostels can cost you under $5 a night and beer will only run you a couple of cents! (Yeah you heard us right!) You can afford a meal under $2 while you can enjoy a nice meal for two in just $10.
Go for homestays while exploring the countryside and you will get a sneak peek into the authentic Vietnamese lifestyle.
2. Learn about Vietnam’s Rich and Spellbinding Past
Visit Us At:
Vietnam's history dates back to nearly 2000 years. The culture shows Chinese, Khmer, and Indian influences, as well as effects from the French colonialism. The Vietnam War of the 1970s immensely affected the nationals. Visit the Cu Chi Tunnels to get an inside look at what the war was like for many soldiers.
We took a day trip from Saigon and it was indeed an inspiring journey as we listened to all those stories told by our guide. There are many war museums as well, where you can get to know more about the dark days that the nation has seen. Whether you are a history buff or not, the stories of their past will surely touch your soul.
Many NGOs and international organizations provide support to the underprivileged families affected and are still suffering because of the war. We visited a couple of artisan’s villages on our way to Cu Chi Tunnels and saw how people with special needs are engaging in various kinds of handicrafts, with the help of volunteers. If you have some time, then you can also choose to be a volunteer and contribute towards making their lives better.
3. Vietnam’s Natural Beauty Is Breathtaking
Be it the towering mountain ranges in north (Sapa), lined with lush forests, footed with lakes, rivers, and terraced rice fields, or the turquoise waters surrounding the island of Phu Quoc, Vietnam is nothing less than a paradise! The country is home to a few of the biggest natural caves in the world (in Dong Hoi), and stunning national parks such as Cuc Phuong (around the town of Ninh Binh). Then there are limestone towers and cliffs in the immense Ha Long Bay that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site!
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The beauty of nature will keep you mesmerized throughout, and you probably will not be able to get enough of it. In addition, if you thought that is it, then let me tell you about the sand dunes in red and white hues covering Central Vietnam and attracting curious travellers to the town of Mui Ne. There is a lot more than that, which you can discover during your gap year adventures in Vietnam.
4. The Vietnamese Cuisine Is Too Good to Resist
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From Pho, (transparent) spring rolls, banh mi, sticky rice, to the epic seafood – the Vietnamese cuisine is always tasty, fresh, and healthy! No matter whether you are eating at a street-side stall or a fancy restaurant - you will always get to treat yourself with a delicious meal! Our personal favorites were giant seafood filled pancakes, grilled corn on the cob, and warm banana cake in a coconut milk sauce.
If you are keen on learning how to make a perfect bowl of Pho, then you can attend one of the many cooking classes in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. You cannot skip those street food stalls & eateries at the night market - because they serve the best food in the world!
When you are writing out your things to do in Ho Chi Minh City, make sure to stop for lunch at Banh Mi Huynh Hoa - they have the best banh mi in store for you!
5. Vietnam Offers Endless Opportunities for Adventure Seekers
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There is no end to adventures in this country! You can choose to go for treks or hikes in Northern Vietnam, and explore the gorgeous countryside in Sapa or Ha Giang. Otherwise, rent a motorbike to explore like a local!
Thrill-seekers can trek deep into the cave system at Dong Hoi. Head off to Ha Long Bay, kayak through the emerald waters, passing the limestone karsts, and soak in the freshness of nature. Visit the beach towns of Nha Trang and Phu Quoc if you want to surf or snorkel, or go for scuba diving!
6. The Location of Vietnam Is Just Too Perfect
Visit Us At: https://luxury-tours.in/continents//
Yeah - you heard it right! The location of Vietnam is too good to be true - and the connectivity with the neighboring countries absolutely makes it better. You can actually hop on a bus from Hanoi to travel to Luang Prabang in Laos or Siem Reap in Cambodia. The 'Reunification Express' connects to China's own rail system, which will help you to take the train from Hanoi to the Chinese city of Nanning. You can also get buses that connect Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok!
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All said there, you could also opt to take a short flight to countries like Malaysia or Singapore, which will not cost much.
I am sure all these factors brought some wanderlust in you!
Well, as we told you before, there is no reason to say 'No' to Vietnam! Contemplating travelling abroad post the pandemic scare and wondering where to go? You can surely consider visiting this beautiful Southeast Asian nation with enough of cultural richness, impeccable natural beauty, bustling cities with friendly people and lots more. In addition, Vietnam has dealt with the COVID crisis in the most outstanding manner - so you need not worry much while planning the trip!
Visit Us At: https://luxury-tours.in/
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Episode 4
Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) is a wanted man. By Devonte Men's Skin Care and Nan's boss Ken.
As Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) goes to speak to his friend, an awkward moment between the two is fraught with a certain tension.
Nan is still unaware his best friend that vanished for 10 years is completely in love with him.
And I was right. Phu never went to Melbourne. He was in Thailand the whole time. Avoiding Nan...but why?
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Episode 4
These two men don't know one another well. But they have one thing in common. They are in love with their friend. One man. That man is Nanfah.
As Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) repeatedly turns down an offer from Devonte to be their presenter (think spokesperson or model) due to his stage fright or inability to be in crowds. Nan may lose his job if he doesn't find the perfect presenter. But Party (THAWATCHANIN DARAYON aka BOSS) can't let that happen.
Party reveals Nan's part in securing Phu's coffeehouse and how much Nan cares about Phu.
Making Phu make a different decision to overcome his fear and be there for his best friend.
Both of these men truly love Nan. But only Phu is keeping a huge secret. Will Party be Nan's choice? Or will their long history make Phu the frontrunner?
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Currently Watching - April
I am back 😊
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 27.04.2023
This may contain spoilers!
1. A Boss and A Babe (8/12 on Youtube)
I wasn't a big fan of ForceBook after watching Enchanté, but I really think it works in this drama. Cher is getting an internship at a gaming company. In his free time he runs an ASMR channel and the boss is a big fan of his voice (a thing I can't understand) and they start talking in the evenings so Gun, the boss, can finally manage to fall to sleep.
2. Bokura no Shokutaku aka Our Dining Table (4/10 on Gaga)
Hozumi Yutaka likes to cook and is good at it, but he can't eat infront of other people. Meeting Tane and his older brother Ueda Minoru his life seems to change and he may finally have found what his body and soul were longing for. A true comfort watch right now.
3. Happy Merry Ending (2/8 on Gaga)
As often with korean bls, this one is soooo short! Just 15 minutes per episode. But it was a good first epside. We meet SeungJun and JaeHyun and from the first moment we know that these two really find each other interesting. A wedding singer and a pianist. A wedding singer with social anxienty and trauma. I am invested!
4. My Story (2/10 on Youtube)
Every now and than I like to watch a pinoy-bl. The first episode was a mess and a bit boring, but I have a strong second-lead-syndrome! I love the secondary couple and they just slept together in one bed, but that was so cute! Looking forward to the next episodes!
5. Our Skyy 2 (2/16 on Youtube)
Can I be honest? The first story wasn't my thing. I enjoyed Never Let me Go, but this was not that good. Perhaps it was the time-travel-thing or some of the cringy dialogues...who knows. I am still looking forward to all the other episodes!
6. Step by Step (2/10 on Gaga)
Employee meets boss without knowing who he has met and crushes hard on him, just tells him what everyone thinks about the new boss and is just adorably clumsy infront of him. I like it a lot. I adore the friend group! I hope we get to see them support Pat a lot.
7. The Promise (7/10 on WeTV)
I like it. Are there cringy moments? Yes. Are there slapstick moments I can hardly deal with? Yes. Are there plotholes that bug me? Sure...but! I like it. I like Nan and Phu together and I love the slow burn and am I well entertained. I also enjoy little Party being the jealous king he is, who deeply care for Nan and if latter would choose him, i wouldn't be that angry!
8. Tin Tem Jai (8/10 on Gaga)
And we took 45 steps back and the show is kind of annoying like before...Park has no right to be this jealous...Just let Tin have a sweet first romance. You obviously can't give him what he needs or wants. Just let him date his senior...
9. Watashi to Otto to Otto no Kareshi aka Me, My Husband And My Husband's Boyfriend (4/10 on gaga)
Misaki is married to Yuuki. She nows something is off, because he doesn't really have interest in getting sexual with her. On the day before their wedding anniversary she sees him kissing a man infront of their home. It is her former student Shyuuhei, who also has a crush on her. Now they have to find a way to deal with everything. And I am on board!
10. Zenra Meshi aka Naked Dining - Love, Life and Liberation (2/12 on Gaga)
Everybody has their own way to release stress. Ichijo Futa eats naked. When he goes to his dead grandmother's house, he meets Miki Mahiro, who finds out about his eating preference. I don't know what will happen in those 12 episodes, but it is funny.
Finished in April
1. Unintentional Love Story
I love this one and I will watch it again. The story is good, the acting is good too and I really liked the chemistry of the characters. It felt real and yes, I don't care about the dead-fish-kisses. Do I like them? Nope, but it doesn't smaller my joy of watching the show. I guess I just like series in general which deal with artsy stuff like pottery or books. It has quite a good vibe and a good portion of angst. Highly appreciated and recommended. A solid 9,5 out of 10 for me.
2. Bed Friend
This was a hard watch sometimes. Not just because Uea's life was really hard and full of trauma, but because he overcame his problems because he was loved by another person. Love can heal everything. That is something I don't believe and I can't tolerate in my media. Love can definitely help you, but not heal you. Uea needs help and not just the D. But this is fiction, I get it. 6 out of 10 for me.
3. Chains of Heart
This is one of the most visually stunning shows so far. Really beautiful shots and scenery. Therefor I love it. The plot was confusing in the beginning, but later on it got clearer. Mr. Lue/Din and Ken were my favorites. I loved their scenes together, especially episode 9. But the ending...I had really hoped for at least one talk between those two. Ken can be angry at him and tell him, what he needed to tell and Din could just explain himself and his actions. But no...just an open end where it is implied that they see each other again at the 7th of the 7th month...still not very happy with this ending, but I can make my peace with it...soon, I guess. Still 8 out of 10 for me.
4. The Eighth Sense
Perfection. I have nothing more to say. For me, this was one of the best I have seen so far. I have a soft spot for gay surfer dramas, so me liking this wasn't that surprising for me. But it was a really good series and I will rewatch it soon and often! 10 out of 10.
5. Destiny Seeker
This one gave me so many good, nostalgic feelings! It is such a college bl, but with a twist. And the twist is steaminess! Especially in the later episodes. Really good kisses. Besdes that I love a good enemies to lovers story and the lovers part was just so...cute! Just awww! A nice, short series, which didn't get the attention it deserves! It is a 9 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
The Summer Pasta Recipe
Hee Joon visits his ex-boyfriend Seon Woo. Together they prepare an italien pasta recipe and talk about the past and their relationship. Breakups can hurt and sometimes we need time to get over them and if we manage to look back and be okay with the past, perhaps we can hope for the other person not to forget us. In the end I feel kind of melancholic. 7 out of 10 for me.
2. S.A.M.
This is a UK production. GagaOOLala says this: "A tender exploration of love, sexuality and disability." And that is exactly what you can watch here. It is a quiet short film and shows us, that prejudices can't tell you shit about a person. 8,5 out of 10 for me.
Dropped/On Hold in April
Past Senger (7/12 on Gaga)
It just doesn't get any better. It's just boring and I don't like t that much. There are better things I can do with my time. Perhaps I'll binge it when all the episodes are out. We'll see. For now I don't want to deal with it anymore.
Looking Forward to in April (with MDL-Links)
Chul-soo (April 4th on Gaga)
Our Dining Table (April 6th on Gaga)
My Beautiful Man Eternal (April 7th / no international release date)
The Summer Pasta Recipe (April 11th on Gaga)
Naked Diner (April 14th on Gaga)
My Story (April 15th on Youtube)
A First Love Story (Finally back on Gaga on April 17th)
Step By Step (April 18th on Youtube and WeTV)
Our Skyy 2 (April 19th on Youtube)
Midnight Love (April 22nd on Youtube)
At The Moment (April 24th on Gaga)
Happy Merry Ending (April 27th)
La Pluie (April 29th on Youtube)
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) and Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) has fallen back into old patterns of helping one another. Even without the other's knowledge. Phu is still very jealous of Nan's relationships with other people. In this case it's Party (THAWATCHANIN DARAYON aka BOSS) Nan's co-worker and friend. Someone who also happens to like Nan.
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However given the chance Nan chooses to leave the club with Phu as Nan and Party had a bit to much to drink.
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Phu is thrilled when the property in which he wants to open his coffee has become available (Nan's handiwork as the property had been practically sold)
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As Phu rushes to Nan's office to bring him something he needed. Everyone is mesmerized by the good-looking Phu. And the boss wants him to represent the brand as an ordinary man with extraordinary standards...
Meanwhile in the past. Phu does what Nan can't. Stands up to Nan's strict father to allow Nan to follow his own dream and not his father's.
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The story of friendship, separation, secret love and reuniting and facing the music. Will all they've shared can Nan forgive Phu's broken promise. As the truth will come out. Why did Phu abandon his best friend for 10 years??
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
And it better fucking actually end this week
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