tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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transcreamo · 2 years
rage against the machine could sing the names and addresses of LAPD cops and tell you to go smash their windows, and some guys would still be like "well the lyrics are vague and hard to understand so its up to interpretation what the band is trying to say. really it could apply to many political beliefs"
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republikkkanorcs · 2 months
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god so much of the internet has become completely unusable and just makes me fantasize about there being some kind of stasi like organization that will knock on peoples doors for posting the deranged racist imperialist shit i see on a daily basis
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I was watching the movie A Time To Kill, and I thought you all might enjoy this scene (that i condensed a bit) as much as I did.
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 months
I am riding SO fucking high right now over Kamala's VP pick, I can't even tell y'all. It's my bedtime but now all I can think about is that. The future looks just a little bit brighter today.
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Start with Moscow Marjorie’s district then Floriduh and sweep across to Tex-ass.
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shen-mu · 6 months
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C'mon, Ramon, blow out the candles! Make a birthday wish <З
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never-was-has-been · 4 months
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On 31 May 1927, Fred Trump, the father of US president Donald Trump, was arrested at a rally of the Ku Klux Klan in Queens, New York. He was initially arrested for "refusing to disperse" along with six other people after the rally descended into disorder. The Long Island Daily Press reported that all seven arrestees were wearing Klan robes. After Donald Trump was endorsed by David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Trump was questioned about his father's arrest. Donald claimed to journalist Jason Horowitz that "it never happened", despite it being reported in several newspapers. When Horowitz asked Trump if the address reported for his father in the newspapers, 175-24 Devonshire Rd, was accurate, Donald dismissed it as "totally false". However Fred Trump's wedding announcement in the Daily Press listed his address at 175-24 Devonshire Rd. Fred Trump was subjected to legal action by the Justice Department on multiple occasions for racist behavior as a landlord, and one of his former tenants, folk singer Woody Guthrie once wrote in a song mentioning Trump: "I suppose / Old Man Trump knows / Just how much / Racial Hate / He stirred up".
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Naw, she was spittin
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degeneratedworker · 6 months
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"No to racism" Soviet Union 1972
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qqueenofhades · 7 days
I’m thinking it’s more likely this was a legit attempt, but in comparison to the last attempt I think the evidence for it being staged is way stronger. It was on Trump’s own property aka a way more easily controlled environment, the guy was much further away than Crooks was and he never actually got any shots off so no one even got hurt, he survived long enough to be taken into police custody, and this is all happening less than a week after a very bad debate performance and an endorsement from a woman so influential we have the data to name an Effect after her. Like again I think it’s more likely a legit attempt but either way it’s still a nothing burger.
I mean, didn't Trump and Vance just tell us to "get over" gun violence and that it was a "fact of life" in between their busy schedule of inciting racist mobs on Springfield, Ohio?
Did something change between now and then when the MAGAs are suddenly so concerned with preventing white Republicans from having access to guns?
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If they’re this open with their racism and bigotry during the campaign imagine what they have in store for us when they seize power. This isn’t normal.
This isn’t a joke every one of you needs to mobilize everyone you can to vote straight Democratic. Harris as president with a Democratic Congress is the only way to halt this grotesque behavior.
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republikkkanorcs · 7 months
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