elaianna · 6 years
Now Hiring
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Mission Statement
With recent expansion and new holdings, the Anchor Trading Company is in need of fresh and capable individuals to fill the existing and newfound contracts of trade. It is the mission statement of the Anchor Trading Company to operate from a position of lawful standing, impeccable integrity, and close-knit relations. Whilst a business, there is no small measure of family within the ranks. Those seeking mere salary of gold may find more than they bargained for, with loyalty and hospitality being returned in thrice-kind. As a primarily naval trading group, the Anchor Trading Company puts great value on seamanship, ethic of work, and determination to brave the unpredictability of our world. Avenues of employment are available both at home and abroad. Those taking interest may make swift and easy contact with any postal messenger that operates within the avenues of the Eastern Kingdoms and its Northern territories, care of Lady Elaianna Nesbitt-Stalsworth, Lord Thomas Stalsworth, or Miss Sabine Hadley. Titles of standing do not affect regular postal marked rates. For expedited responses to queries of interest and employ, please contact a Boralus stationed Anchor Trading Company representative at 312 Anchordrop Lane.
Our Out of Character Mission
Our guild was made with the original concept of being a safe environment for guild members, before all. We are like a family, close knit and always looking out for one another. To this day, we will always work to be sure our members are safe and comfortable, before we push any roleplay plot or interactions. When it comes to roleplay, we view it as an organic and leisure task. A hobby. We do not want anyone to feel stressed, and as if the guild and roleplay opportunities within it are a job OOC. We are a Company employing characters IC, but you are not our employees OOC. OOC you are our friends and co-writers.
What We Are Looking For
Our Alignment: Lawful Neutral We are a law abiding guild IC and expect any character that joins us to follow the laws. If they break a law, remember that IC actions have IC consequences. Where to find us: Office outside of the amphitheater of Unity Square, Boralus (look for the flag posts) Anchor Trading Company is looking for individuals who share a passion for driving plot forward. People who make opportunities for themselves, and take opportunities provided to them. We will not hold anyone’s hand and drag them through roleplay. You get what you put into it. Character wise, we are looking for a plethora of characters ranging from sailors to merchants to security to house staff (more information on these roles/ranks on our Guild Ranks page). Individuals must find themselves able to take jokes (and no when the jokes should end) and understand that this is a no drama area. Anyone that is seen looking for, and causing OOC drama repeatedly is not the type of person that will thrive in this atmosphere.
How We Recruit
We do not require an OOC interview, as our way of recruiting is more organic. We encourage you to interact with members, roleplay and get to know us. Write to us, let us know you are looking to apply for work as your character with the Company and we will organize an in character interview with one of our in character officers. With that being said, we realize that many guilds have an age restriction due to the nature of guild chat. While we like to cut up and have fun, we tend to keep things less on the mature side (in more ways than one as we are a bunch of hooligans). We allow players aged 16 and over in our guild. We do expect a certain level of maturity and respect in all our members. If you are interested in joining us and are below the age of eighteen, we ask that you notify us for your protection and ours. Failure to do so could result in removal.
Our tumblr website is still under construction, but many things from ranks, to member expectations and member blogs are up and running. We encourage perusing the site to get an even better idea about us!
Thank you for considering us!
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boralusrp · 6 years
The Low-Level Guide to Boralus: Horde Edition
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So you’ve seen in previous posts that Boralus is accessible to low level Alliance characters (spoilers: you can take the boat from Stormwind at any level), and can even explore some locales outside of Boralus.
But what about low level Horde characters? Can they explore Boralus?
The answer is: yes, as long as you don’t mind dying a lot.
The biggest problem is how to get to Boralus at all.
If you have a BfA-level character, you can just hop over to Boralus the same way you get anywhere on Kul Tiras, like if you need to do your WQs or whatever.
But that only opens up once you’ve completed quests, and obviously low level toons can’t get those toons.
The only other way to get there by yourself (note: you could get a warlock and friends to summon you over) is to catch the same ship from Stormwind that your Alliance counterparts take.
You’re probably thinking, “Wait, is that safe?” right about now. And no! It’s not!
If you are allergic to death or rez sickness, you probably want to stop reading this post right now.
Okay, for everyone else:
1. Remember, you need Battle for Azeroth to be access Kul Tiras.
2. You need to get to Stormwind. I went from Orgrimmar to Ratchet to Booty Bay to Westfall.
3. Yes, Westfall. You don’t want to go in the front gates of Stormwind, that’ll just eat up time.
4. Instead, head north from Westfall, past the murlocs, along the shoreline. Hug the cliff to avoid fatigue.
5. You’ll soon see Stormwind ahead of you, or properly, Stormwind Harbor. With piers, a lighthouse, ships, and all that fun.
6. Now you die for the first time. Swim up to the end of the first pier you come across.
7. You should be able to jump up on some boxes or something, to get up on the dock.
8. Then you die instantly as a Stormwind guard kills you.
9. Release now. You’ll find yourself seemingly miles away, in the eastern part of Elwynn Forest, in front of a spirit healer.
10. Don’t rez at the spirit healer. It’ll take some time, but start running to your corpse. This time you can cut through the front gates of Stormwind, you’re dead already.
11. When you get to the harbor, run out along the pier to the end, but don’t rez yet.
12. Wait around for The Relentless to show up. It has a round-trip travel time of 4 minutes 26 seconds.
13. When it arrives, go on board the ship and rez.
14. Surprise! You just died again! Don’t panic.
15. This time, don’t release.
16. The ship will start to move, and you’ll see the travel map for Kul Tiras.
17. Congrats! You are now in Boralus! You’re dead, but you’re in Boralus!
18. Now you can release.
19. You’ll be looking at a spirit healer at about (54, 22). Take the rez sickness and rez here.
20. If you go north, east, or south, you’ll probably get killed by Boralus guards, Go west, across the water.
21. Cross under the bridge, and swim down around past Proudmoore Keep and the academy. It really helps if you have a water mount. As long as you don’t get too close to hostile mobs, you won’t die again.
22. But who likes to just float around in the middle of Tiragarde Sound? Boring! So prepare to die some more.
23. We can go to Fireside Anchors, which is the home of our friends over at The Violet Tap! Sounds fun, right?
24. Circle around the shore near the keep, go past the academy and its obstacle course, and soon you’ll see the lower dock beneath Pinky’s Groggery. There are a couple boats tied up here.
25. Let’s talk about hostile mobs in Boralus, if you’re Horde. Not only are there the normal hostiles that Alliance has to put up with, but there are Boralus guards who will shoot you on sight.
26. You meet one of these once you climb out of the water and run up the stairs beside Pinky’s. Bang! You dead!
27. It’s okay, the spirit healer isn’t far, not like in Stormwind. Run back to your corpse, come back to life, and probably die a few more times.
28. However, unlike most Alliance towns, most of the mobs won’t actually attack you, or shout for guards. The vast majority of the red-named mobs won’t attack you if you don’t attack them.
29. Be careful, though. The guards will kill you, and so will any other NPC that has a PvP indicator on their tooltip. It’s really humiliating to be one-shotted by a freakin’ bag merchant.
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^^^ Selma Crump, killer bag lady.
30. By the time you make it to Fireside Anchors, you are now safely out of line of sight of Boralus guards. Huzzah! Snap some selfies, grab a brewski or something, and enjoy your stay in scenic Boralus!
... just watch out for Selma Crump.
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dredpanther · 3 years
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Wow Check out the new hoodies   Be the reason some one smile 😃 One Click Away to enjoy #KTRP #merch #fashion #contentcreators #tshirts #bra #sportsbra #love #clothingbrand #clothes #blessed #design #fashionstyle #Hoodies #gamers #Poshmark #HoodieGang https://www.dredpanther.com/product-page/gamers-unisex-hoodie https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ2cHf3JevT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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selyse-carlisle · 6 years
The Inquisitor’s Alignment
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Lawful Neutral - A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. Lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society. Detailed Results: Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (24) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (23) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (27) True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20) Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13) Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15) Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXX (11) Chaotic Evil ---- XXXX (4) Law & Chaos: Law ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13) Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9) Chaos --- XX (2) Good & Evil: Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14) Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXX (11) Evil ---- XX (2) Thank you @k-sunrael​ for the tagging me!!  Lots of people to tag so I want to invite all my fellow Azerothians to take the test!
Test Here
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sushitr-sh · 8 years
it's 12:30pm i'm so tired goodnight see y'all in 8-12 hours
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elaianna · 6 years
The Boralus Summit
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[ Below is Elaianna’s pre-written speech for at the Summit this evening ]
“There have been many rumors spreading throughout not just Kul TIras, but the Alliance lands as well. There have been articles posted in the Royal Courier. There have been lies fed to not just the people of Kul Tiras, but those beyond. I am here to set the record straight.
Shortly after my return to Kul Tiras, after my official coming to Stormhollow, I received a missive from the Lord Stormsong. It was a demand for me to hand over the people of Stormhollow en masse for labor camps, for shipyards. To work in the deplorable conditions that far too many have now suffered through. Following my refusal to the Lord Stormsong's 'request', one of his Lord's, Umbert Highshoal, placed me under arrest for false charges to be rid of the one thing standing between the people and, to be blunt on the subject, slavery.
For the month that I was held in dungeon, the people of Stormhollow, and other lands within Stormsong Valley, were volunteered, and-or taken away by force to these labor camps to build ships for the Lord Stormsong. After Lord Stormsong's death, the Lord Highshoal took flight and ordered execution of those who would come after him.
Fortunately, the Proudmoore Admiralty stepped in and ordered a cease and desist on those actions.
Many people have been wronged. Many Kul Tirans have been hurt, or worse. There are still camps yet to be liberated, and a Lord that has turned his back on the good people of Kul Tiras.
I believe in a Kul Tiras that is FREE. A Kul Tiras that is prosperous. A Kul Tiras that can not!-- will not!-- be intimidated! A Kul Tiras that will not sit idle to slavery!
We are doing everything in our power, but it is not up to just us! I stand here today to encourage the people of Kul Tiras, and her allies, to stand up against this tyranny! To rally together to liberate the people of Kul Tiras still under the grasp of slavery. I urge you to not just consider the outside threats to the land that the Storm's Wake speak of, but of the threat within it. The threat of those still loyal to the deceased Lord Stormsong. To the threat of those that are still running these labor camps.”
@atc-wra​ @boralusrp​
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boralusrp · 6 years
New URL for Boralus RPing!
Your new destination for roleplaying in Boralus city is ... http://boralus.city
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dredpanther · 3 years
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#REMEMBER You are one Click Away to #subscribe Check dredpanther.com #fotnite #itemshop #victoryroyal #KTRP #contentcreators #gamers #gamergirl #YouTube #retweet #love #squad #Epicgames #EpicPartner #FortniteLeaks #livestreaming #bestfollowers https://youtu.be/LJjCj03UCDg https://www.instagram.com/p/CZnQWIJJBzD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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selyse-carlisle · 6 years
Selyse Aesthetics
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tired eyes. coffee stains on the table. listening to the bustle of the city. unmade beds. loose ponytails. sunlight seeping through the curtains.chapped lips. walking barefoot across the floorboards. dusty dictionaries. black and white reruns. huge sweaters. the ticking of the clock. hearing birds in the morning. fireplaces. falling asleep during class.
freckles. the sun rising. watching the sea. taking shots of the city. historical museums. bright eyes. looking up at the clouds. walls covered in artworks. drawing in the middle of lessons. tracing your fingers on the sand. painting for hours. staying in uncrowded coffee-shops. worn paperbacks. messy braids. going to bed with your socks on.
dark hair. a little sophisticated. always observing the world around you. intricate designs. high ceilings. extravagant musical pieces. dim lights. colourless photographs. fancy furniture. pale skin. hearing soft footfalls coming from outside the room. mischievous looks. bitten nails. candlelight dinners. dark shades of lipstick.
chandeliers. the clinking of a teacup. laced clothing. modern architecture. light hair. watching the view from the terrace. hidden birthmarks (scars).drinking tea in the morning. wandering about in an empty building. botanical gardens. old films. ancient marble sculptures. expensive perfume. breakfasts in bed. reading about mythology.
compassion. short writings on scraps of paper. blushed cheeks. a bouquet of roses. reading collections of poetry late at night. loose hair. carpeted floors. attending operas. faint music playing in the background. staying under the covers until midday. the night sky. streetlights. picking flowers. dancing around in silk dresses. scented candles. Tagged by the beautiful: @leywalkwithme Tagging: @thetidemaiden @drustvar-dragonfly @dasia-kendall - And anyone else who wishes to do so!
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evachantilly · 11 years
What is with this place?!
Why am I still here? I have no idea! I mean, really, I should get going to the first Gym already. My Seel will wipe out all those rock Pokemon for sure!
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I also heard that Viridian City has a place for training. Not, of course, that I need it.
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dredpanther · 3 years
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Hey @everyone if you guys want to have a nice warm #coffee or #tea, you are one Click Away from #cup #mug #drink #love #panther #blue #hideout #Enjoy #cappuccino #KTRP #Latteフォト #nice #fresh #contentcreators #ecommercewebsite #ecommercebusiness https://www.dredpanther.com/product-page/blue-baby-panther-mushroom-hideout-mug-with-color-inside https://www.instagram.com/p/CZJ-S28uSH2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dredpanther · 3 years
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The new Awesome T-shirt is up You are one click away to have it #KTRP #redpanther #dredpanther #fashion #tshirts #hoodies #tshirt #tshirtprinting #contentcreators #bluepanther #ecommerce #TheFashionDemoCrazy #free #LINK #merchandise #merch https://www.dredpanther.com/product-page/blue-baby-panther-mushroom-hideout-short-sleeve-unisex-t-shirt https://www.instagram.com/p/CZGRctMtIFO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dredpanther · 3 years
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@everyone the new fashion merch is on stock for Sportive ladies Be the reason some one smile 😃 One Click Away to enjoy #KTRP #merch #fashion #contentcreators #tshirts #bra #sportsbra #love #clothingbrand #clothes #blessed #design #fashionstyle https://www.dredpanther.com/product-page/ktrp-sports-bra https://www.instagram.com/p/CY64K2Nlgvw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dredpanther · 3 years
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happy love day in advance Be the reason some one smile 😃 Valentines Fashion merch is here One Click Away to enjoy #KTRP #merch #fashion #contentcreators #tshirts #bra #sportsbra #love #clothingbrand #clothes #blessed #design #fashionstyle https://www.dredpanther.com/valentine-s-day https://www.instagram.com/kikitheredpanther/p/CY63i_uudz4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dredpanther · 3 years
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#REMEMBER You are one Click Away to #subscribe Check dredpanther.com #SpiderMan #SpiderManNowWayHome #SpiderManNoWayHomeleak #cutscene #MrBean #SpiderVerse #SpiderManRemastered #KTRP #contentcreators #gamers https://youtu.be/8Di3rp9onAE https://www.instagram.com/p/CYheMc_pUmD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dredpanther · 3 years
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Online Dating with Michael Scott #online #dating #onlineshopping #KTRP #contentcreators #gamers #michaelscott #michael #scott #lalafell #love #LoveStory #TheOffice #TheTourist #GAMERGATE #redpanther https://youtu.be/d7TL54IVPhk https://www.dredpanther.com/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CYSb9n0rsKb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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