bunny584 · 1 day
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Part II of this cute lil ask right here
A/N: Shit. You just graduated med school. And today…people expect you to…doctor? Mom come pick us up, we’re SCARED (real thought on my first day of residency).
S/N: Meet your first year surgical residency class. Undifferentiated little stem cells. The bottom of the surgical food chain. First shift last 36 hours and you work every second night until you drop. 
All you know is that you like to cut. Where/what/how that cutting comes will be decided later. Everyone has an idea of their subspecialty but…shit happens, preferences change and sometimes the spleen just bleeds for no fucking reason at 4 am when you’ve gotten 30 minutes of sleep in the last 3 days and you have to—what? Sorry. Forgive me. 
Let’s get into it.
For the love of God, interns — pick up your pagers. 
Dr. Yuji Itadori 
Specialty Interest: ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY 
Don’t tell Dr. Sukuna about this but who here is shocked. This sack of muscles THROWS SUVS AT HIS MORTAL ENEMIES ON A RANDOM TUESDAY NIGHT??? Please???? He also does shit like watch Wormo-Man parts I-V and this is peak orthopod behavior. Yuji definitely has contests with his patients on rounds who can crush the cranberry juice or protein shakes the fastest. Spoiler, he always lets the patient win.
Everyone thinks he’s just joking around but it’s his way of getting post op patients to get their nutrition in. He’s a very thoughtful doctor, even though people assume he’s no thoughts just vibes between his eyes. 
Dr. Megumi Fushiguro
Specialty Interest: HAND SURGERY (can be achieved via Ortho or plastics)
Hand surgeons are a different BREED. Do me a favor and google “hand anatomy.” Not only will you find like 400 bones, there are 7,000 tiny tendons, lumbricals, digital arteries, veins and nerves all packed into the little mitts we take for granted. And to add insult to injury — all of the muscles and tendons are in latin. Like whoever decided that please take your seat on this one way train to hell :)
Nevertheless, Dr. Geto spotted Dr. Fushiguro on day ONE of intern year. How meticulous and neat he is. How intelligent he is in the O.R. As an intern, Megumi broke the record for the fastest carpal tunnel release for residents (4 minutes, 35 seconds — not faster than mine though, 3 mins, 52 seconds over here big dawg). Suguru is Megumi’s mentor within the first week. Two peas in one moody brunette, pod. 
Dr. Nobara Kugisaki
Specialty Interest: TRAUMA SURGERY 
Nobara is 100% resistant to the Satoru Gojo, MD charm. Unlike the rest of the residents, she isn’t squeezing into Dr. Gojo’s trauma ORs just to graze his gloved hand with theirs. Or make eyes over the surgical masks. No, Nobara did her first cricothyrotomy and became HOOKED. The day she had to climb on the gurney to tie off a patient’s external jugulars because after coding and ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) they were SPURTING out of the large pipes in their neck — she was sold. Trauma surgery through and through.
Real story btw. It was insane. Whirlwind of a day from the trauma bay to the OR to the ice cream we all scarfed down after because we won that day. And you don’t win every day. So the days you get to tell the Angel of Death to fuck off, you savor them. 
Dr. Maki Zenin 
Specialty Interest: VASCULAR SURGERY 
Little known fact about vascular surgeons is that they are gangster as fuck. Hear me out. They like the blood PAPER thin, right? Small, rusty pipes need to get fluid through, so thin the fluid out as much as possible. Meaning patients are on aspirin, lovenox, heparin, and every other anticoagulant known to man.
Everyone else with a working amygdala is scared to DEATH of these patients bleeding because you look at them sideways and suddenly hemorrhage everywhere. Not vascular surgeons and not Maki Zenin. “Aorta ruptured..? No prob, just sew it up with a couple stitches. What—like it’s hard?” - Every Vascular Surgeon ever. Maki just gives unhinged-unbothered-let-them-bleed energy to me. Plus vascular surgeons do all of the amputations. Maki is doing that with her cursed tools and scrubbing in with hand sanitizer only. Period.
Dr. Yuta Okkotsu
Specialty Interest: TRANSPLANT SURGERY 
The OG lover boy is NO different in this AU. He is sentimental. He cries with patients. Dr. Nanami met him during the first month of his residency and immediately took him under his wing. Yuta is always the last to leave the anatomy lab, making sure to stitch the donors completely closed — even though no one will see. When asked why he spends hours post call doing it, he says: “Because they deserve respect until the very end.” Nanami And Yuta are a perfect match. After Yuta’s first liver transplant, Nanami takes him to the same hill he lays on by the airport. They both say goodbye to the donor together. 
Dr. Toge Inumaki
Specialty Interest: ….he switched to PSYCHIATRY, still tight with the surgical interns though.
Hello, please this is also obvious. Inumaki is the only one in the group who can listen intently for hours without interruptions lmao. He saw that aggressive surgery shit and said absolutely not I’ll take my talents ELSEWHERE 😂
And you know, funnily enough, a good majority of surgeons ALSO were torn between picking surg vs psychiatry. My mentor told me that its because its as invasive, just without the scalpel. The rest of us meatheads just like the scalpel a little too much to put it down. 
Specialty Interest: N/A
He is the hospital emotional support animal. 
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E/N: Alright interns. Do your best not to kill anyone. And if your chief resident (me) is sleeping, don’t page me. And if you do page me the patient better be knocking on heaven’s gates. And if they are knocking on heaven’s gates, they better not have crossed into the bright light before I get there. 
Real E/N: Kidding. I am so full of shit lol. I am the senior that brings my juniors cafecitos and treats and takes their pager to let them get some well deserved rest. 
Don’t be late to your OR cases, Shoo!
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forest-hashira · 1 day
Day Off
hi everyone! this is my first request fic for @ficsforgaza, requested by the lovely @yutaleks! he asked for a day off with maki + flustering her a little. as i tend to do, i got carried away, so this is over 2k words instead of being a 500-700 word drabble, whoops. i hope you guys enjoy!
read on ao3 | wc: ~2.1k | cw: no pronouns used for reader but sort of implied fem!reader, fluff, maki & reader spend the day at the arcade
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“Kugisaki, come on, Maki’s waiting for us!”
You’d been knocking on your classmate’s door for over five minutes, and that was after you’d spent ten minutes trying to get her to answer her phone. You’d both agreed to meet Maki at the entrance to campus, since it was the weekend and none of you had a mission to complete, but now your fellow first year was apparently ghosting you.
“Go away!” she shouted from within her dorm, not bothering to open the door. “I look awful! Itadori fucked up my hair, I can’t be seen in public like this!”
An exasperated groan escaped you, your head thumping against the door; there was no use arguing with her, and you knew it. It would be a miracle if anyone saw her out of her room for the next six business days. “Fushiguro and I told you not to let him near your hair with bleach.” Yuji meant well, he always did, but when the words “I’ve never done this, but how hard could it be?” had left his lips, Nobara should have thought twice.
Whatever. She was dealing with the consequences of her decision now.
“I’m going to meet Maki now,” you told her, already stepping back from the door. “I’ll see if I can find you a hat that goes with your uniform while we’re out.”
“Don’t you dare get me something ugly!”
“Yeah, yeah!”
Already running late, you hurried out of the dorm building and down to the torii gates, where your senpai was waiting, phone in hand. You called out to her, waving as you jogged over to meet her.
She looked up at the sound of your voice, glancing behind you and arching a brow when she realized you were alone. “Where’s Kugisaki?” 
“Not coming,” you sighed. “She thought it would be a good idea to let Itadori help her touch up her roots last night.”
The expression she made in response was borderline comical, her nose crinkling up and her brows furrowing together as she frowned. “What made her think that?”
“No idea, Fushiguro and I both told her not to but she didn’t listen.” You shrugged slightly, stepping past Maki to make your way off campus. “I promised I’d buy her a hat while we’re out.” You made it down the first couple steps that lead off campus before you realized she wasn’t following you, and you paused.
“Aren’t you coming?” you asked, turning to face her.
“We’ve never gone anywhere without her,” she replied, glancing back in the direction of the dorms for a moment.
You arched a brow slightly. “What, you afraid I’ll bite without Kugisaki around to keep me in check?” 
Maki turned back to face you as you spoke, and when she saw your cheeky grin, she rolled her eyes. “If either of you needs to be kept in check it’s her.” Finally, she walked forward to join you, and you made your way down the stairs side by side. “Just feels weird leaving her behind, is all.” 
“A little bit, yeah,” you hummed in agreement. “But without her here, we don’t have to spend all day shopping. We can go somewhere else for once.”
“Like where?”
There was a brief silence as you took a moment to consider her question. Your first thought was the movies, but you were fairly certain that was where Yuji had dragged the others for the day, so you reconsidered. “The arcade?”
Maki looked as if she was going to argue, so you were quick to keep talking. 
“Come on, it’ll be a good time! I’m really good at the claw machines, I’ll win you something nice.” Your words were punctuated by you batting your lashes at your senpai. “Besides, I’m sure you’d smoke all those lame high scores on the dance games.”
The look she gave you was confused, though when you batted your lashes at her, she quickly looked away, picking up her pace a little, getting a few steps ahead of you before you fully noticed. “Fine,” she agreed. “We’ll go to the arcade, but only if you can keep up with me the whole way there.” 
She paused when she reached the bottom of the stairs, glancing at you with a smirk tugging at her lips. “Ready?” she asked, but before you were able to give a response, she took off in the direction of the arcade – not at her top speed, but certainly faster than you could maintain over that much distance.
“That’s cheating!” you shouted after her, smiling despite your irritation as you raced after her, eager to catch up with her. 
You did manage to catch up with her eventually, but only because she had reached the arcade first and was waiting for you.
“Your speed could use a little work, y’know,” she teased, smirking down at you as you braced your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.
“Screw you, Maki,” you groused, lifting your head enough to glare at her, though the effect was lost because of your breathless state. “Sorry we’re not all gifted like you are.”
She laughed at your words, giving a slight shrug. “Guess you’re right,” she agreed, then tilted her head towards the doors of the arcade. “Shall we?”
Having finally caught your breath, you stood upright again and nodded, walking into the building with your schoolmate. You looked around for a moment, trying to spot the claw machines. After a moment, you noticed them along the back wall. “C’mon!” you said, beaming at Maki as you grabbed her hand and pulled her after you.
“Wha— where are we going?” she asked, stumbling for a step as she went with you.
“I’m showing you my claw machine skills!” Your bright smile had yet to fade, and you stopped once you reached the wall of claw machines. “Pick one.”
“Pick a machine,” you repeated. “And then pick a prize. I’m gonna win it for you.”
Maki looked skeptical, but when your earnest expression didn’t change, she finally turned to look at the array of claw machines. Most of them held various kinds of plushies, one looked like it held some gaming consoles, or something, but one, tucked away in the corner, seemed to be full of rhinestone bedazzled accessories, including a denim newsboy-style cap. “You said you were gonna get Kugisaki a hat, right?”
Following her gaze, you also saw the hat in the claw machine, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my god, yes! She’s gonna hate it, I have to get it for her.” You hurried over to the machine, wanting to make sure you would be the one to claim the prize you were after. You examined the placement of the cap in the machine for a few moments, leaning around the sides of the machine as much as you could to get a good look. Once you were satisfied, you fished the coins out of your bag, sliding them into the slot.
A grin broke out across your face as it beeped to life, but once you had control of the claw, your focus sharpened, zeroing in on the cap. Maki was a little shocked to see the focus that came over you, and she watched in amazement as you carefully maneuvered the claw over the cap, picked it up, and deposited it in the prize basket on your first try.
“Damn,” she said, grinning when she saw the cap in your hands. “Maybe you do have some claw machine skills.” 
“I have mad claw machine skills, thank you very much,” you corrected. “I’ll prove it to you again later by winning you a prize, but right now I believe you promised me a round on the dance games.” You tucked the hat into your bag as you spoke, not wanting to lose track of it.
“I made no such promise, and you know it,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hmm, do I?” you asked, feigning innocence as you tapped your chin, as if in thought. “I definitely remember you promising me a dance off, so let’s go!” 
Once again, you grabbed her hand to drag her across the arcade to the dance games, and once again, you missed the way her eyes widened and the tips of her eyes went a faint shade of pink. 
The Dance Dance Revolution machines – two of them, side by side and both unoccupied at the moment – weren’t far from the claw machines, and you grinned when you reached them. “Alright,” you said, shooting Maki a grin, a glint in your eye. “Time to see how your skills translate to this.” 
Releasing her hand, you stepped up onto one of the platforms, scrolling through songs for a moment as your upperclassman stared at you like you had spontaneously grown a second head. You turned over your shoulder when you realized she wasn’t on the other machine yet. “C’mon, Maki, please? Just one song, then you can go back to being boring.” When she still seemed reluctant, you batted your lashes at her. “You’ll probably kick my ass. Don’t you want bragging rights?”
Though your words were partially meant as a joke, they seemed to do the trick. Maki rolled her eyes at you, but she had a hint of a smile on her lips, and the tips of her ears still burned a light pink. “Okay, fine. One song. And I’m definitely going to wipe the floor with you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her words, throwing your head back for a moment before returning to the task of finding a song. Eventually you picked one of the songs ranked “medium” in difficulty, and once you were both ready, you clicked start.
At first, it looked like Maki might have to eat her words about wiping the floor with you, having a rather unceremonious start and missing the first several steps almost entirely while you got most of them on beat. She was quick to recover though, getting a feel for both the game and the song, landing every step perfectly on beat, not missing a single one for the rest of the song, and she didn’t even seem to be breaking a sweat.
She was annihilating you, and you barely managed to keep from watching her instead of trying to keep up. In the end, she was right: she did wipe the floor with you, her score almost twice what yours was. 
“That was fun,” she said, turning to you with a grin of her own. “Wanna go again? I wanna try one of the harder songs.”
You felt like your eyes were going to bug out of your head. “I think I’ll pull a muscle if I try to keep up with a harder song. But I’d love to see you smash it.” As you spoke, you stepped off the platform for your machine, not wanting to hog it if someone else wanted to play.
“Embarrassed?” she teased, narrowing her eyes playfully at you. “I gave you a warning, you can’t be mad at me.”
“Not embarrassed,” you corrected. “Practical. Because as much as I would love to be your damsel in distress, I doubt you want to carry me back to campus, and it would be embarrassing as hell to explain to Shoko that I hurt myself playing a video game.”
It was Maki’s turn to laugh then, her ponytail swishing as she shook her head at you. “Fine, fine,” she conceded. “Pick a song for me, whatever difficulty you wanna throw at me.” She shot you a wink, and you quickly looked towards the game screen to hide your burning cheeks.
After a few moments of clicking through to the higher difficulty songs, you eventually picked the hardest one, just to see if Maki would be able to keep up. As the countdown for the song began, you stepped back, eager to watch how everything was going to unfold. Like before, it took a moment for her to get into the rhythm of the song, but unlike the first song, it only took her about three seconds to get into it.
Watching her move was fascinating. Sure, you’d seen her fight gracefully in training and on missions, but this was different; this was fun, and it came across in the way her body moved to the beat. You couldn’t help but cheer in excitement as she got a particularly quick, tricky set of steps all in a row, your cheeks beginning to ache from how wide you were grinning as you watched her. 
Soon enough, the song was over, and Maki had unsurprisingly claimed the top score for it. She turned back to you with a smirk, her expression brightening slightly when she saw your lingering excitement. “I think I want you to win me something from the claw machine for winning that.”
“Anything you want.”
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this was my first time writing for maki, so i hope she doesn't seem too ooc. either way i had a lot of fun, thank you so much for requesting this aleks! i hope this fulfills your expectations 💜
taglist: @mitsuristoleme @sugurei @peachdues @ghost-1-y @witchbybirth
@marinnnnnnnnn @dr-runs-with-scissors @entirelysein-e @yutaleks @ficsforgaza
divider credit to the ficsforgaza blog
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dailykugisaki · 3 months
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Day 128 | id in alt
Small doodle.
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sugurugayto · 8 months
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maki's va saying she'd date nobara,,,,,, nobamaki nation stays 🔛🔝
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renereneo · 4 months
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they went on a double date together on valentine's day 💐
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endless-nightshift · 6 days
My life is made infinitely harder by the fact that I would desperately like to dive headfirst into a jjk hyperfixation but also the only 2 characters I really care about are side characters who did all their interesting things YEARS before canon even began, and I know I'd have to wade through chapter apon chapters of content I only sorta care about to get scraps of the tragedy that is my two favorite characters.
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purpleblip · 17 days
Thinking about how no matter who wins or loses the fight now- sorcerer society will lose.
Thinking about how jujutsu sorcerers are trapped hurtling down to their inescapable doom. Fight, or no fight. Doom is inevitable.
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redwithrage · 3 months
if I had a nickel for everytime my favorite female character was revealed to be dead with a camera shot from the inside of her skull I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it sure is fucked it happened twice right.
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bluevelvetea · 3 months
Happy Birthday to the sunshine boy himself 🌞✨💗
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I didn't finish it in time but every day is a good day for a fix-it art even if it's a WIP
Thank you for opening this post I'll reward you with my cursed typo that took me out of commission for like an hour
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the-algebra-thing · 5 months
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planetsandmagic · 1 year
pls reblog for bigger sample, i'm curious about it!
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saeraas · 2 years
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some dall-e images that were kinda funny
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dailykugisaki · 1 month
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Day 187 | id in alt
Sorcerers as a whole depend heavily on the sense of sight and sight depends on ones sanity. What if one were to play with that thin rope?
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yo-whaddup · 5 months
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kinda looks like…
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eggcatmaki · 1 year
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Some Nobamaki 🥰 romantic or not, I love them!!!!
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yueebby · 2 months
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2 + 1 — gojo satoru
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synopsis. two times megumi thinks gojo is a lost cause and one time he approves of the white haired idiot
contents. fluff, lovesick!gojo, ooc, misogyny (from the clan heads), he is so pathetic for his wife (nauseating!), slight yandere behavior, violence, in megumi’s pov, not proofread eep
notes. can you tell i've been obsessed with the apothecary diaries? >< also how long has it been since i've posted a fic? anyways... enjoy!
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fushiguro megumi has always wondered how that blue eyed idiot managed to marry you. he must have resorted to underhanded tactics; or at least that's what the sea urchin suspects. though he's never voiced it, the question has bothered him since the day he first encountered the both of you.
nobara clicks her tongue. “this is borderline creepy.” her orange eyes are filled with nothing short of distaste.
“there’s more too,” megumi’s voice responded, carefully flipping the page. the delicate artifact in his hand is something that he should have not touched. perhaps he should have wrapped it with a talisman and destroyed it while he had the chance.
it was too late for that anyway, because not even a second later, gojo satoru bursts through the shoji doors of the classroom. 
with eyes blown wide as if they were caught committing a crime (they were), the first years who had pulled three seats up to a singular desk stare at him. satoru's eyes widen behind his blindfold as he catches sight of the object of their focus.
there lies in the middle of the wooden desk was the physics textbook that all first year jujutsu tech students were required to read. however, this wasn’t just any plain old textbook. it was gojo satoru’s former textbook. brimmed with doodles of their beloved [name] sensei and gojo himself when they were back in highschool.
any free space that was not filled with words were taken up by drawings of you inside of hearts and sometimes a depiction of a chibi version of the two of you.
a true testament to gojo satoru’s pining and devotion to you.
“sensei, we can explain–” yuji attempts to explain himself but gojo holds up a hand to silence the boy. 
unlike you, megumi finds it a lot more challenging to read the white haired sorcerer’s expression with the blindfold on. he wonders if his punishment will be a painful beating disguised as a sparring session (megumi will run to you, who will scare gojo into backing down). you have that effect on him.
it seems like the heavens have answered megumi’s prayers because gojo satoru doesn’t seem to harbor any anger at his shocking revelation.
“i can’t believe you guys found this old thing.” satoru dismisses his students’ personal space by leaning closely to observe the pages. the black haired boy makes a noise of disapproval, but was quickly cut off by his benefactor. “megumi, be grateful that i’m in a good mood today.” he doesn’t elaborate the ominous message, rather choosing to hum happily as he studies his own drawings.
megumi is smart enough to keep his mouth shut. 
“i never took you to be the pathetic type,” kugisaki continues to flip through the pages of the textbook. yuji nods furiously, as if to agree to her observation.
“you seriously never noticed?” megumi mutters under his breath.
gojo places a strong hand on megumi’s back, a languid smile on his face, “it was only natural, considering the lengths i had to go through to win her over.” he ignores the way megumi gasps for air.
“seriously?” itadori asks in disbelief.
“seriously.” gojo confirms wholeheartedly.
megumi shudders, recollecting memories of times before gojo tied you down for good.
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“sorry i’m late!” gojo bursts through the dingy apartment door with a convenience store bag in his arm. he was breathing heavily, an indication that he had run to the apartment. an uninterested seven year old megumi doesn’t bother leaving his place on the couch to greet his benefactor.
“they’re in the kitchen,” he says in his monotone voice, eyes never leaving the book that you had just gifted him.
“they?” gojo walks up to megumi to ruffle his hair aggressively. he receives a hiss in return.
“tsumiki and [name]?” the black haired kid says it like it was obvious. his sentence is accompanied with an eyeroll.
at the mention of your name, gojo immediately perks up. megumi imagines that if he were a cat, his ears would be swiveling and his nose twitching, attuned to pick up any trace of your presence. he had just learned that from the nonfiction book in his lap. 
“[name]?! here? now?” gojo’s eyebrows are raised all the way to his forehead. the white haired sorcerer immediately started fixing his uniform and hair. megumi thinks it was comical. he was a lost cause.
the snarky look on his face is quickly wiped off when he sees gojo leaning down, mouth wide open.
“oi brat, check my breath,” gojo opens his mouth wide for megumi to check. the black haired kid shrivels up into the couch the further gojo leans down. megumi considers summoning his newly discovered jujutsu technique, hoping to avoid his fate.
“—toru? what are you doing?” your voice, like a divine intervention, stops gojo from sending megumi to the depths of despair. a sigh of relief escapes his lips.
now it was his turn to watch gojo squirm. the older male’s face contorts to an awkward smile and all of a sudden gojo is reduced to nothing but a mess.
“don’t worry about it darling!” gojo slowly turns around to face you. “agh—?!”
megumi has to peek around satoru’s big frame to see what elicited such a response from the man.
he’s met with a wave of underwhelming familiarity. there you stand, clad in a frilly apron with a wooden spoon in hand, the essence of domesticity incarnate. the soft glow of the warm kitchen lights dances around you, casting a warm aura that seems to envelop the room.
“welcome home, satoru.” you give him your signature closed eye smile. “i mean, you probably don’t consider it your home but—“
you’re cut off by satoru banging his head on the nearest wall repeatedly. he’s muttering something under his breath that you don’t hear.
to his dismay, megumi's keen ears catch every syllable. satoru's voice, though hushed, carries a hint of longing, "what an angel," he whispers, his words laced with adoration. "just marry me already."
unamused, he watches while you try to desperately pry gojo from his strange outburst.
a lost cause indeed.
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in that very year, megumi learns that gojo’s efforts to win your affection had yielded no progress. it had become increasingly apparent that his frequent visits to megumi and tsumiki's humble home were motivated to immerse himself in the semblance of domesticity that your presence offered. megumi almost pitied the man, if it wasn’t for the fact that he knew you deserve someone more sensible.
i’m dying.
and it’s your fault t^t
[name] ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
excuse me?
i’ll have you know that i worked the hardest that i have ever worked to finish all of my paperwork so i could see you tonight… only to find out from megumi that you’re on a date?!!?
i feel like my chest is caving in. 
i’m going to throw up.
[name] ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
oh this is what you’re interrupting my date for?
i’m going to be sick.
please tell me, is he hotter than me? wealthier? funnier?
megumi quickly looks away from gojo’s phone screen when the white haired male slams it shut and mutters under his breath a couple of curses. he’s pretty sure half of them were death threats.  honestly, couldn't you have attracted someone with more dignity?
“change of plans,” gojo claps his hands together. “movie night’s off.”
“what?” megumi protests, confusion etched in his features.
“our beloved [name] is getting swept off of her feet. you wouldn’t want that to happen, right?” gojo continues, his tone light but his gaze sharp as it bores into megumi's soul. something unpleasant coils in the pit of his stomach.
megumi feels a chill run down his spine, his mind racing with the implications of gojo's words. if you choose to date this new guy, he realizes, you won't need him or gojo anymore. and that thought terrifies him. it pains megumi to feed into gojo's delusions.
but he can’t let this unnamed suitor steal you away.
a wolfish grin makes its way to gojo’s mouth when he realizes that he’s won.
“what's the plan?”
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it was only years later that megumi had seen the true monster that lurks inside of gojo satoru. 
on a hot summer evening, amidst a gathering of esteemed clan heads, he and satoru found themselves in a traditional chamber. while the finer details of the meeting escape his memory, the image of the room that altered his perception of gojo satoru is etched in his mind indefinitely. the wooden walls, adorned with subtle yet elegant designs, speak volumes about the room’s significance as a venue for the most influential members of jujutsu society.
throughout the meeting, he finds himself driving in and out of focus, content to let his mentor represent the gojo clan. however, his attention is abruptly seized by a particular remark that cuts through the haze of his thoughts.
“how’s that whore of yours, gojo?” a clan head jeered, clearly drunk on the sake that was constantly refilled by the servant on the side. his flushed complexion is scarcely discernible thanks to the dim glow emanating from the few lanterns scattered around the room. 
there was only one person he could have been referring to: you. underneath the wooden table, his fingers tightened painfully into fists. pretentious bastards, megumi thinks.
another geezer rubbed his beard thoughtfully, “she has a nice body. perfect to be a concubine, but i would marry a more submissive woman.”
megumi's gaze stealthily darts towards gojo, seated beside him.
he’s startled to find the white-haired man wears a wide grin that belies a hidden truth. unseen by the elders before them, lurking beneath gojo's outward expression, is a manic gleam in his eyes—a revelation that sends a shiver down megumi's spine.
“i’d hold my tongue if i were you.” gojo satoru’s voice was dripping with venom. he sounded downright murderous.
"i'm right, am i not? we can share her if you'd like- name the price." the drunkard continues loudly.
megumi senses an instinctive wave of primal dread washing over him, compelling him with an urgent, almost instinctual need to flee or die.
before he can move a muscle, the flames that surround the room flicker before extinguishing in succession by an unknown force. the metallic stench of blood fills the air and all he can hear is the sound of flesh mutilating and bones crushing accompanied by the painful shouts of the men that once sat in front of him. he doesn’t have to see it with his own eyes to be able to sense gojo’s strong curse residue that suffocates the room.
“stand up megumi. we’re leaving.” his voice carries a feral edge, leaving no room for objection.
on their way out of the compound, the two don’t utter a word at what had just transpired. 
megumi's gaze remains fixed on the ground beneath his feet, the images of the recent events swirling in his mind, leaving him unsettled and shaken. with each step, he grapples with the unsettling realization that beneath gojo satoru's charismatic facade lies a darker, more sinister nature.
the strongest sorcerer of today, riled up by the mere mention of your name.
megumi supposes he doesn’t feel much remorse for those clan heads anyway. he was never the type to mourn over people he didn’t know dying. especially not people who he knew would live on to do evil. it doesn’t help that they were blatantly disrespecting you. perhaps he could sympathize with the monster inside of gojo.
oblivious to the turmoil that stirs inside of megumi, gojo starts to smile.
“i know what you’re going to say,” gojo hums happily. “gojo sensei, you’re so cool! i approve of you marrying my beloved [name]! kyaa~’” he makes a pathetic attempt to imitate megumi. 
the black haired boy grunts. he was going to say something along the lines of his approval for his benefactor, but all desires of flattering the white haired sorcerer disappeared.
gojo watches the black haired boy intently before tutting.
“not that it matters.” megumi is startled to hear how his voice dropped an octave. “i was always going to marry [name] and i’ll be damned to let anyone stop me.” 
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2018 – present day
after satiating his students with tales from his pining days, your husband comes home often clingier than normal (is that even possible?). the moment satoru enters your home, his arms envelop you, caging you in his hold.
you can't help but giggle as his hair brushes against the side of your neck, his embrace pulling you in close, as if he's inhaling your presence.  his muscles flex when you attempt to slip away, keeping you in his tight embrace.
“sato– what is going on?!” 
“is it a crime to show my wife some love?” he kisses your neck. when his flurry of kisses stop, he resorts to absorbing all of your features with those cerulean eyes of his.
you don’t bother pushing him away again, choosing to thread your fingers through his soft hair. even after all these years, you will never not feel the effect of satoru’s eyes on you.
“i was telling my first years about you today,” he says softly.
you smile, “is that so?”
he pushes his nose into your neck again, nodding.
“you’re so good to them,” you whisper. despite the initial shock behind satoru choosing to pursue education, you’re extremely proud of how far he’s come.
“mhm,” satoru inhales. “i’d be good to our little ones too.” one of his hands sneak to your stomach.
you delicately guide his face away from your form, your fingers tenderly urging him to meet your gaze. "is there something you want to tell me?" you inquire softly, your eyes reflecting the warmth of your affection.
satoru's smirk deepens, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "perhaps," he murmurs, his touch light as he guides you towards the bedroom. without hesitation, you yield to his lead, eager at his sudden intimate gesture.
from outside your home, three first year students stand, waiting for their sensei’s cue to enter.
“do you think he’s forgotten about us?” yuji furrows his eyebrows, hands full of grocery bags that were going to be prepared for dinner.
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extra notes. had the idea of gojo and megumi crashing your date in my drafts for so long. maybe ill elaborate on it if the ppl want to see :,)
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