suckuhoes · 7 months
the way i’m too emotional to fully think abt izidora & motherhood for longer than three minutes without crying but i want to share a small piece of her / how she feels anyway:
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wifeofbughuul · 2 years
Hey all, I need people who practice magic that is not Euro-centric. I have enough of it on my dash (and they're all lovely people!!), but I need people who practice indigenous magic and have experience similar to mine.
Please like or reblog (You will get a follow back from my main blog @themrsalbertwesker ) if you post:
Philippines magic-centric prior to Spanish colonization (shamanism and indigenous practices
Other indigenous practices (I understand that most are close, but I feel better seeing if it makes sense?)
Chinese, Japanese, Korean
All of the Southern Asian countries (Indian, Taiwanese, and so on)
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badlandsbewitched · 2 years
hex for revenge
(inspiration drawn from kulam)
-meditate & clear your energy for strength and focus; channel it into a crystal of choice
-write the name of the target on a black candle (inscribed or on a paper placed within)
-stick thumbtacks/objects of choice into candle, while visualizing your intentions, what impact your hex will have, and how long it will last
-write an incantation (etched or on a paper tucked in) if desired, to add direction or detail to the spell
-light your candle and allow it to burn, reciting incantation if desired
-keep the crystal on your person for the duration of the spell’s timeframe
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tonitcastillojr-blog · 3 months
Natutuhan Bah Oh Na-developed?
Ang Love Kunu.
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aspnss · 10 months
timeline of the events leading up to, during, & after the kidnapping of izidora & carina banks.
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disclaimer: please read this at your own risk. please read this at your own risk. this post will deal with topics regarding d/omestic v/iolence, d/rug a/buse, s/exual a/buse, s/ex t/rafficking, & m/urder. i do not plan to go into detail about any of the specifics for my own comfort as well as yours, but it is something that this muse has dealt with very extensively, and it does shape a lot of her mannerisms & actions moving forward which is why i felt the need to break certain events down by age/events. if you would prefer to read a far more redacted version of her history, i encourage you to read this headcanon post instead. stay safe, love you, please read this at your own risk.
YEAR FIFTEEN. izidora & her twelve year old sister carina are living between the households of her protective paternal grandmother tala (a bloodline witch based in the philippines) and her uncaring maternal aunt sherise, with her grandmother maintaining primary care. at this time, izidora has awoken her own powers, and actively practices a blend of albularyo & mangkukulam magic with her grandmother as her teacher. most of her magic is dedicated to healing at this age, as well — the reason for this being on account of the extremely volatile relationship that her aunt entered with a boyfriend, nico. while nico did not directly harm either of the girls just yet, he was incredibly abusive towards them verbally: belittling them often, picking fights at random, berating their aunt in front of them to establish dominance. he also began to get their aunt hooked on recreational drugs, escalating quickly to the use of narcotics such as o/xy & h/eroin openly. their grandmother attempted to intervene — but the relationship between the very little maternal & paternal family left had been far from amicable after izidora's mother noelle was sent to prison for the murder of her father angelo.
YEAR SIXTEEN. izidora is physically hit by nico for the first time after defending a thirteen year old carina from another spew of bullying. their aunt becomes fully addicted to narcotics & entirely dependent on nico, leaving him as the head of the household via more sinister income. as such, he starts to impose 'rules' within the house, including limiting their phone usage & how often they went to live with their grandmother. once he begins to conduct business meetings within the house, izidora & carina are later forced to withdraw from after school activities and are no longer allowed a bedroom door after another round of arguments. because they aren't living with their grandmother as frequently as they were in the past, izidora is unable to continue practicing albularyo or, by extension, kulam — she is only able to use surface level healing magic for their minor injuries. izidora begins to secretly apply to colleges & universities early into her junior year, hoping to move her & carina out of the state for a degree in graphic arts. their grandmother falls ill, and nico forbids them from seeing her at the hospital.
YEAR SEVENTEEN. the final argument happens only days after her 17th birthday passes, brought on once izidora acquired a cell phone from a classmate so that she & fourteen year old carina could speak to their grandmother tala. once nico discovers the phone hidden in izidora's school bag, her & nico enter a screaming match that turns physical — after which he forces izidora & carina to pack a bag with a week's worth of clothing & loads them into a truck, telling an inebriated sherise that he was taking them to his mother's for discipline. instead, he drives them to a townhouse in staten island in the middle of the night, placing them alone in an empty room with a single bed for hours. he is not alone when he returns to pick them up. from this point on, izidora & carina are held with a handful of other girls, and are forced to endure s/exual a/ssault. izidora, after a full month of refusing to comply, eventually breaks after nico threatens carina and lula in front of her.
YEAR EIGHTEEN. izidora comes to terms with her & carina's situation & that they likely aren't coming home. they are constantly moved between houses in different boroughs, are t/rafficked for 'parties' with a group of girls throughout the city, in new jersey, and as far as pennsylvania, & are forced to remain in dark, windowless rooms for the majority of their time in each location; often for days & weeks at a time. this is when izidora's eyesight first begins to decline due to staying in dim lighting conditions, infrequent eating, & beatings. after izidora turns eighteen, she & carina are forcibly separated following an incident, with carina being sent "upstate". izidora goes through a period of grief & distress following this, and she begins to bond with the other girls in captivity after developing an attachment issue.
YEAR NINETEEN. carina remains upstate, and has not been seen by any of the other girls that come & go from the locations. izidora's eyesight continues to subtly decline, suffering from frequent headaches around certain light types & blurry, spotty vision. after being punished by one of the older women in captivity for burning food too many times, a sympathetic errand runner is able to convince the captors to keep a nightlight in the girls' room — they are also occasionally given additional clothing, snacks, and items of distraction in secret whenever certain errand runners visit the locations. this is the year izidora receives a small sketchbook to continue drawing in.
SHAH. at some point during the year, izidora meets a woman whom she called shah. once they are alone, shah reveals herself as a former pupil of tala — after spending hours gaining izidora's trust, she begins to teach her & help her continue with albularyo & kulam, introducing black magic forms of mangkukulam in order to defend herself. she gives her a concealment charm & encourages her to sneak out whenever possible to meet at their mutually agreed upon spots. despite receiving lessons on albularyo & using healing forms often with the girls she's bonded with, izidora develops a fixation with black magic & seeking revenge against her captors. after months of convincing shah & eventually begging for her help, shah teaches izidora her first deadly curse with a promise — you'll use it when you know you'll need it.
YEAR TWENTY. many of the original girls that izidora first bonded with have either ran away, were forced upstate, or were dead. she hears plenty of rumors & is taunted frequently by her captors, but still believes that carina is alive. izidora & the girls who remain resolve to run away for good, often discussing what they would do & who they would become when they leave. they never get to run, though — once one of the less sympathetic women kept captive discovers their plans, izidora is d/rugged, attacked severely for hours, & nearly killed. hardly able to breathe through a bloody broken nose & unable to see, izidora remembers the last thing shah told her after their lessons — once she's taunted into giving her last words, she recites a cursed incantation six times; grinning while each of the abusers in the house fall to their screaming deaths, their organs boiled bloody. once izidora eventually frees herself, she returns to the girls' rooms, eye swollen shut & covered in blood, and politely tells them to get their shit & go.
YEAR TWENTY ONE. after being cleaned & clothed, izidora returns to shah. she is able to actively practice kulam properly with shah, as well as plot her revenge. over a period of ten months, izidora tracks down each of her assailants & sends every single man & woman complicit in her abuse to their cursed deaths while freeing any girls remaining. once she finally tracks down nico, she curses his soul with permanent unrest. when she watches his house burn down with his mangled body inside, she can't stop laughing.
YEAR TWENTY SIX. izidora has gained far more than she's lost: including her craft, her sister, tala, her girls, and an immunity to death from the spirits that guide her. she heals her community, & curses those who try to destroy it. every so often, she looks at her kulam altar fondly — souls filled with anguish, swimming inside of an amulet — they all died so that she could live.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Powerful Maa Durga Mantras – For Protection – In Sanskrit
Most Powerful Maa Durga Mantras
Durga Mantra
“Sarva Mangala Mangalye Sive Sarvartha Sadhike
Saranye Trayambike Gauri Narayani Namostute”
In Sanskrit:
सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
Meaning : ‘She is the most auspicious one and the one who bestows auspiciousness upon all of the world. She is pure and holy. She protects those who surrender to her and is also called the Mother of the three worlds and is Gauri, daughter of mountain king. We bow down to Mother Durga again and again. We worship her.’
Benefit : This mantra is recited almost during all celebrations, rituals and events. Regular chanting can give wisdom and strength combined with a prosperous life.
Devi Stuti
“Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shanti rupena sangsthita
Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shakti rupena sangsthita
Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, matri rupena sangsthita
Yaa devi sarva bhuteshu, buddhi rupena sangsthita
Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namo namaha’‘
In Sanskrit:
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता ।
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु बुद्धिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
‘The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal mother
The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
Oh Goddess (Devi) who resides everywhere in all living beings as intelligence and beauty,
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again.’
Benefit : This universal Durga Mantra blesses one with power, prosperity and positive energy. It helps build inner power and allows him to develop healthy, loving relationships. Chanting of this Mantra blocks negative thoughts and banish ignorance.
Durga Dhyan Mantra – Durga Mantra for Meditation
In Sanskrit:
ॐ जटा जूट समायुक्तमर्धेंन्दु कृत लक्षणाम |
लोचनत्रय संयुक्तां पद्मेन्दुसद्यशाननाम ||
Benefit : this mantra is done before chanting other Durga Mantras. It helps one to achieve better concentration in his work and in anything he does. If a student lacks concentration while studying, this mantra will help him a lot.
Durga Shatru Shanti Mantra (For destruction of enemies)
In Sanskrit:
रिपव: संक्षयम् यान्ति कल्याणम चोपपद्यते |
नन्दते च कुलम पुंसाम माहात्म्यम मम श्रृणुयान्मम ||
Benefit : This powerful Durga Mantra provides one protection against one’s enemies. If he chants this Mantra he will get rid of enemies and from the people who are jealous of him. This Mantra also helps in achieving welfare and bliss in one’s life. If this Mantra is chanted regularly, it will help with one’s well-being.
Durga Sarv Baadha Mukti Mantra (For Removal of all Obstacles)
Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah |
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om ||
In Sanskrit:
ॐ सर्वाबाधा विनिर्मुक्तो, धन धान्यः सुतान्वितः।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशयः ॐ ।।
Benefit : This Mantra provides one with relief from any kind of problem and misery in his life. It helps one in earning lots of money, and creating wealth & prosperity.
Durga Duh Swapna Nivaaran Mantra (Mantra for protection from bad dreams and omens)
In Sanskrit:
शान्तिकर्मणि सर्वत्र तथा दु:स्वप्नदर्शने |
ग्रहपीडासु चोग्रासु माहात्म्यं श्रृणुयान्मम ||
Benefit : This Durga Mantra helps to achieve peace in every difficult stage of one’s life. If one often suffer from nightmares, chanting this Mantra will help him get relief from them. Soon he will be free from every kind of negative, fearful dream & thought.
Chanting this Durga Mantra will help one in neutralizing and minimizing the negative effect of every ‘grah’ (planetary movement) which can bring negative energy in to his life.
Durga Ashaant Shishu Shanti Pradaayak Mantra (Mantra for calming restless and fearful baby)
In Sanskrit:
बालग्रहभिभूतानां बालानां शांतिकारकं |
सङ्घातभेदे च नृणाम मैत्रीकरणमुतमम ||
Benefit : If one’s child is suffering from spectral problems and is haunted by negative souls, then he should chant this Durga Mantra. Durga Devi will lay her mercy on his child. She will help to eliminate any negative energy that is disturbing one’s child.
Shakti Mantra
In Sanskrit:
शरणागत दीनार्तपरित्राण परायणे। सर्वस्यातिहरे देवि नारायण नमोस्तुते।।
सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वेशक्तिसमन्विते । भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ।।रोगनशेषानपहंसि तुष्टा। रुष्टा तु कामान् सकलानभीष्टान्।।
त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां। त्वमाश्रिता हृयश्रयतां प्रयान्ति।।
सर्वाबाधा प्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि। एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्दैरिविनाशनम्।।
सर्वाबाधा विर्निर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसुतान्वित:। मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशय:।।
जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी । दुर्गा शिवा क्षमा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते ।।
Meaning : ‘You who are perpetually endeavouring to protect the weak and the poor and remove their misery. Oh Narayani, I pray to you.
Oh Goddess Durga, please protect us from all kinds of fear. Oh omnipotent Durga, I pray to you.
Oh Goddess, when you are pleased, remove all ailments and when you are angry, destroy everything that a person desires for. However, those who come to you for sanctuary never have to confront any casastrophy. Instead, such people secure enough merit to provide shelter to others.
Whoever listens to the story of the Goddess during the great Puja that is organised in the winters succeeds in overcoming all obstacles and is blessed wealth and progeny.
Oh Goddess, bless me with good fortune, good health, good looks, success and fame. Oh Vaishnavi, you are the very basis for the world. You have mesmerized the World. When you are pleased with some one you ensure his salvation from the cycle of life and death.
Oh Goddess, you who are known by the names of Mangala, Kali, Bhadra Kali, Kapalinee, Durge, Kshama, Shivaa, Dhatri, Swahaa, Swadha, I pray to you.’
Benefit : Durga Maa protects her devotee from all the evils & mishappenings and stays in his favour in every aspect of life.
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Thus, it is said that the mantras are a method to connect to one’s innerself. Chanting of the Durga mantras continuously affects the chanter and the listener both symbolically. The effectiveness of these mantras is said to depend on the mental discipline involved and its correct recitation. These are words with great power, and have the potential to help solve one’s issues and relax his mind. Mantras to Goddess Durga are famous in Hinduism and are very effective for creating positive change in one’s life.However, the mantras are most effective when recited in the following ways as mentioned below.
Ways to Chant Durga Mantras
Before invoking Goddess Durga, one should take a bath early in the morning and wear clean clothes.
Then, the idol or photo of deity should be placed on a clean platform where one wants to worship Her.
The deity should be worshipped with Roli (red colored powdered or red sandal), Flowers, Balepatra and Kumkum (vermillion).
Goddess Durga is, hence, a multi-dimensional Goddess, with many personas, many names, and many facets and through all her forms, She is the embodiment of sacrifice, purity, knowledge, salvation, truth and self-realization.
So, by chanting the healing Durga mantras daily, all the mental, physical and economic problems of our life would be eliminated and Goddess Durga would protect us against all types of harm with compassion.
Goddess Durga by Talon Abraxas
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Viraha(a feeling of longing one has when seperated from one's lover)
Kundavai was sitting all alone in the veranda of anthapuram.Night has descended upon Pazhayari , the residents of the city had retired after a day full of celebration. Only the darling Illavarasi of Chola Kingdom is awake with the serene moon as her companion. Moonlight shines brightly on Kundavai's sharp features and doe shaped eyes. The always alert and sophisticated Kundavai seems a bit lost in her own world as she humms a soft melody...
Aganaga aganaga muganagaiyae..ho
Muganaga muganaga murunagaiyae..ho
Murunaga murunaga tharunagaiyae..ho hoo
Tharunaga tharunaga varunanaiyae..
Yaaradhu yaaradhu
Punnagai korppadhu
Yaavilum yaavilum
En manam serppadhu
'Vandiyathevan '...
Illavarasi first heard this name three years back in a letter from her Anna. She remembered it vividly, as it was the first letter where there was no mention of Nandini.But rather it was filled with tales of a certain Vanar prince who had impressed her Anna with his quick wit and charm. Since then Vallavaryan had became a regular member in Anna's letters . Those tales of bravery and charm had obviously impressed Kundavai, and made her keen to meet this paragon of manhood. In some of his letters Anna had even joked about how the witty prince would be a perfect match to her scheming mind and how he would swept her of her feet. Kundavai , having been raised as a perfect princess never believed in those abstract concepts of love, she always knew that if she ever married it will be a political alliance , and what is marriage? but an arrangement between two people. Kundavai was too mature to believe in any romantic nonsense, but today after meeting the Veer from Vanar Kulam , her heart wants to believe in this madness.
"Uyir Ungaludaiyadhu devi ..."
He had told her but did he really meant it or was it an empty promise? For the first time in her life Kundavai doesn't have any answer to a question, an uncertain fear of losing something she never had has grappled her heart, for the first time in her life Kundavai felt restless and lost, she felt as if something has shifted, something has changed. Till now everything in her life has revolved around her family and her beloved Chola Desam but now something has changed. Someone else has entered her heart without her knowledge...when did this happen? She felt as if this was the moment she was waiting for since the day she was born. She was an young girl till yesterday but now she has transformed into a woman . An woman eager to meet her beloved, to embrace him , to tell him how much he means to her .Is this what the poets talks about? Is this how one feels when in love? Is it what her Anna had felt when he had met Nandini? Or is it what her dear Vanathi had felt when she first saw her brother? Kundavai murmured to herself as she played with her long wavy hair -
Vandiyathevan what black magic have you done ? What games are you playing with this innocent maiden's heart? Why are you tormenting me like this? Why did you make those promises to me? Why? Why?
I was perfectly fine , living in my small happy bubble untill you arrived like a West wind in my life ... You have transformed this practical, hard hearted illavarasi into a swooning maiden . You have stolen my heart and carried it away with you to Eezham ... Leaving me here all alone yearning for a touch or a glance . How can I sleep peacefully in night when my heart is out there , away from me in a boat towards Eezham... Oh how I wish to leave all this scheming and plotting behind and run away with you to the sunset!! - Kundavai sighed
" I know that I could never be yours as you are a comman man and i am a princess bound by her duty to the crown but today with the ever-present moon as my witness I promise to you that you will be the only one i will ever love!
Unknown to Kundavai another soul faraway from her in a boat towards Eezham was promising her the same
Alaikadal aazham nilavu ariyaadhoo
Yeloo yel yeloo
Adi mana dhaagam vizhil theriyaadhoo
Yeloo yel yeloo
Vandiyathevan muttered sleepily.
Poonguzhali is going on for hours now but there is no use of telling her that as she will once again threaten to stab him with her knife . Vandiyathevan tries to sleep ,but alas! Poonguzhali's haunting melody was not going to make it easy for him.
"Poonghuzhali , what a beautiful name !"- Vandiyathevan thought.
Senthan Amudan was not wrong she is a beautiful girl but not as beautiful as Kundavai.
Where did this came from? When did Vandiyathevan started comparing every other girl he met with the Illiya Piratti?
Vandiyathevan like every other comman folk of the Chola Desam has heard several glorious tales about Kundavai since he was a teenager. He had heard about her unusual beauty which had made the greatest of the kings mad, he had heard about her intelligence which can rival the learned sages. But every single praises dims in comparison to the real women . She was much more than that , she is a goddess in disguise , her twinkling eyes are much more addictive than opium , one wishes to get lost in them. She really is the most precious jewel of the Chola kulam. Vandiyathevan remembered how fondly Aditha karikalan and his grandfather used to recount Kundavai's several anecdotes to them , and how each one them used to wait eagerly for this tales , especially him and Parthibendan.
Drat! How could he forget about Parthibendan?
Isn't Illavarasi already promised to Parthibendan? Yes! Parthibendan told him that he and Kundavai are going to get married.
Haye! What was he thinking? How can he forget this important detail? And how can he,The Vallavaryan Vandiyathevan lost his heart to an already engaged women!
"Lost his heart? When did this happened?" - Vandiyathevan wondered aloud
Women had always enchanted Vandiyathevan. They are so pretty, yet so dangerous. His elders had always warned him about the evils of the women. Thus Vandiyathevan had always managed to guard his heart. But this time he was not so lucky , the cupid's arrow had finally pierced him. Love has come in his life in form of the Illiya Piratti. But what is so special about this particular woman? She definitely isn't the most beautiful one... Vandiyathevan had met women far more beautiful than her. For god's sake he had met the Pazhavoor Ilayarani , whose beauty rivals the heavenly Apsaras. But here he is lamenting over the unattainable Kundavai .Did he really had to fall for the one woman in the whole Chola Desam who he can't have? How stupid of him. Also what was he thinking ? Promising the Illavarasi that his heart belongs to her...she must have thought that he is an uncultured warrior who flirts with everything that resembles a woman. He does but still!! .Vandiyathevan ran a hand through his already messy locks , Poonguzhali has finally stopped her repetitive song. But Vandiyathevan is no more in mood to sleep , his heart has been set ablaze by the new found realisation .
"Kundavai " sighed Vandiyathevan
"I know that you are unattainable and engaged to someone else but I have given you my heart and from today onwards it will always belong to you. I promise to you with the ever present moon as my witness that you are the only one I will ever love."
Here you go!. This my attempt to write a fic about my favourite ship Kundavai and Vandiyathevan... please give me your honest opinions. Thank you @shaonsim ,@vijayasena for encouraging me to post this. Thank you @ambidextrousarcher for helping me with the typos
@thelekhikawrites @vibishalakshman @rang-lo @kovaipaavai ( your fic influenced me to write this)@thatacademic @dumdaradumdaradum @nspwriteups @thegleamingmoon @ragalata @rapunzels-stuff @hollogramhallucination give me your honest opinions
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filipinfodump · 2 months
I haven't properly used this blog in a while but someone who works for my family might have a recent aswang/kulam story that I might ask her about to get a recording. I might post a transcript w/ translation after here considering this is related to local folk culture here.
It may take a while but I'll see if I can get it out as soon as possible.
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birdcagewalk · 2 years
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Photo: Justyna Kulam
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suckuhoes · 8 months
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polkadotmotmot · 1 year
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Zamir Shatz - Shana Ivrit Tova Le-Kulam, 2020
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alsentaghama · 4 months
Learn the Practical Use of Philippine Traditional Tawas
Learn the Practical Use of Philippine Traditional Tawas
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snackugaki · 2 years
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Titles Under Consideration
“For the love of fuck, do NOT burn a jar of Vick’s VapoRub as a candle, VapoRub is for RUBBING, they have separate products to use as wax melts, and for for a humidifier ffs.”
“You have a bruise? Vick’s. A bug bite? Vick’s. A burn? Vick’s. You want to lay a curse on some pota? Vick’s.”
“It’s October, motherfuckers!”
“Happy Filipino American History Month”
“My face when it’s October, and Filipino American History Month and I was considering doing another comic like last time but no ideas came to me until 4 days in about St. Malo, the first Filipino settlement in the U.S set to the lyrics of Bahay Kubo. But now there’s not enough time to do an in-depth mini-comic so now you either let it slide or frantically slap together something because this will haunt you ‘til next Filipino American History Month. (Even though postponing would give you time to deliberately dedicate time to crafting  a full story instead of a sad collection of vague artistic panels where the reader has to piece together a narrative)”
“Fil-Am Kulam”
“Fil-Am Kulam (fuck, that’d make a badass comic title)”
“Fil-Am Kulam (wag mo akong isumpa bhest, i just like tacky word play)”
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hypersexualitat · 6 months
nie mogę odejść nie ma mnie a nie odchodzę mam sprawne nogi a nie chodzę poprawna morfologia a wciąż kulam mówię a nie wypowiadam słowa słyszę ale nie rozumiem kocham a nic nie czuję
czemu wciąż poruszam się o kołach
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 2 years
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"In Philippine mythology, the kapre is a creature that may be described as a tree giant, being a tall (7–9 ft (2.1–2.7 m)), dark-coloured, hairy, and muscular creature. Kapres are also said to have a very strong body odour and to sit in tree branches to smoke. Kapres are said to dwell in big trees like acacias, mangoes, bamboo, and banyan (known in the Philippines as balete). It is also mostly seen sitting under those trees.
The Kapre is said to wear the indigenous Northern Philippine loincloth known as bahag, and according to some, often wears a belt which gives the kapre the ability to be invisible to humans.
In some versions, the kapre is supposed to hold a magical white stone, a little smaller in size than a quail egg. Should any person happen to obtain this stone, the kapre can grant wishes."
Jocano, F. Landa (1983). The Hiligaynon: An Ethnography of Family and Community Life in Western Bisayas Region. Asian Center, University of the Philippines. p. 254. Retrieved 23 May 2017.
"Kapre (The Tree Giant)". PHILIPPINE TALES | Anthology of Philippine Mythology and Folklore. Retrieved 2021-02-17.
Michael L. Tan (2008). Revisiting Usog, Pasma, Kulam. UP Press. p. 66. ISBN 9789715425704.
Blog: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com If you like our work please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
Sometimes I hate/love my brother. I talked to him about a few blogs on here that I really like and mentioned that you’re from the Philippines and he just asked (genuinely confused) „wait, they have Wi-Fi over there?“ I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at that statement
Yes we dont have wifi here.
We do have what's called a kulam, which is what your brother needs.
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