#revenge hex
lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 29 - Crack Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic July 29, word count 990
CW - Blood
Part ten of werewolf Sirius
Previous part First part
The big black wolf glared at the human standing across from him. He growled and then suddenly stopped. He scrunched his muzzle up in an odd way and inhaled quick sharp breaths before an almighty sneeze flew from his nose. 
The wolf sneezed over and over, making odd choo sounds. 
When the sneeze attack was finally over, the wolf used his long pink tongue to lick his shiny black nose. 
“Yuck,” Regulus exclaimed from the corner. The wolf looked up at him. Regulus was covered head to toe in werewolf snot. 
Before the wolf could move any further into the cell, thunderous paws came charging down the corridor behind him. He didn’t even have time to look around before two sets of teeth sunk into his back legs, lifting them from the ground and began dragging him backwards away from the dungeons. 
He fell to the floor, his front legs unable to keep up with the fast backward movement. They splayed out before him and his stomach dragged against the cold stone. He whined in an annoyed way at the other two wolves. But they ignored him and continued to drag him towards the stairs. His head bounced on the first few steps, making him bite his tongue. After the fifth step, he held his head up. 
He was dragged unceremoniously outside by his pack master and the wolf he thought was his friend and dumped under some apple trees. 
The air smelt cleaner out here. Inside, the smell of human blood was so heavy in the air he’d been drooling. Now it just smelt like rotting apples. 
He stood up, shook out his fur and bent to assess the damage to his back legs. He licked at the small puncture wounds, cleaning them and his fur. He lifted his massive head and growled at the other wolves. The bigger grey one growled back at him so ferociously that he fell over his own feet when he tried to retreat. The brown one barked happily as it too fell off its feet in a mocking way. The black wolf got up, chuntering under his breath. 
The grey wolf came over and nuzzled him. He sighed and nuzzled him back. He was rewarded with a lick for his efforts. The grey wolf butted him, leading him further into the orchard.
He followed obediently. Something squished unpleasantly beneath his paw. He lifted his foot up and watched the mushy, foul-smelling, rotten fruit drip from the bottom of his foot. He whined softly in displeasure, before shaking what he could off and carrying on behind the grey wolf. The rest of the pack came into view, and they yipped happily at the approaching trio. The grey wolf accepted his pack’s adorations and then led the black wolf away from the group. 
They settled down in an area with fewer apples on the ground and curled up. Exhausted after all that had happened in the castle, the black wolf soon fell asleep, curled up warm against his mate. 
When Sirius awoke, he panicked. Regulus! He stood on wobbly legs and tried to run forward, only to stumble on a piece of stuck-up root and bang into a tree.  
“Ouch!” He grumbled at the offending timber. 
“Sirius, calm down. Regulus was fine when we left him last night. You need to get dressed before we do anything. If you go back into that castle naked, Regulus will curse your bollocks off wand or not.” Remus warned him. Remus stood and stretched his long body, the joints popping satisfactorily. Remus went over to the trunk they’d stowed before they transformed and unlocked it. Inside was everybody’s clothing and wands. Remus took out his and Sirius's clothing and wands and they dressed. 
“Is everyone accounted for?” Remus asked the gathered wolves. Sirius did a quick head count. He didn’t think anyone was missing. 
“Yes, pack master, everyone made it out with relatively few injuries.” One of the older wolves piped up. 
“Good. Thank you all so much for helping us with this. Please return to the new camp. There should be food and medicine waiting for you. We’ll follow shortly.” The wolves bowed to Remus when he’d finished speaking and one by one they disapparated. “Right,” Remus said, turning to Sirius once they were alone. “Let’s go get Regulus out before someone comes looking for Bellatrix or one of the others.”
They hurried across the grounds and into the creepily silent castle. Sirius gipped at the overpowering scent of blood, almost vomiting. It was ghastly. 
They made their way to the dungeons where they found a very disgruntled Regulus waiting for them. He glowered at Sirius, still covered in the snot Sirius’s wolf had sprayed on him. 
“Took you long enough,” Regulus spat out. 
“You’re very welcome for your rescue, dear brother.” Sirius huffed back haughtily. 
“Wand,” Regulus ordered. 
“Excuse me,” Sirius was taken aback by Regulus’s rudeness. He’d expected him to be overjoyed to be free. 
“Give me your wand,” Regulus hissed through his teeth. Remus tossed his over when Sirius didn’t move.
“Thank you, Lupin,” Regulus nodded at him politely. 
“What the fuck?! You’ll be nice to him but not to me?!” Sirius remarked. Regulus raised Remus’s wand and began cleaning the snot from what was left of his robes. When he was finished, he looked much better. He looked up at Sirius and raised the wand again. Before Sirius knew what was happening, huge bat bogeys were emerging from his nose and flapping around his face. 
“AHHHHHHHH!!!” He cried as he swatted at them. 
“Paybacks a bitch, isn’t it, dear brother,” Regulus scoffed. “Thank you,” He said, handing Remus his wand back. “Shall we go then? I believe we have things to discuss.” Regulus had adopted his aristocratic ways again quickly and stalked straight backed from the cell with Remus following closely, while Sirius was left to deal with the goopy bats by himself.
Next part
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weirdlookindog · 10 months
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H. J. Lührs - Rache einer Hexe (Revenge of the Witch)
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Also, go ahead and hex your shitty ex.
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graveyardvictim · 4 months
ive had crushes on them since i was able to remember anything | no loop | Sugar by She Wants Revenge
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thisiscaitland · 3 months
This is it. The moment my plot takes a turn and I turn dark.
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bendiciones444 · 2 months
researching and drafting hexes for the evening's full moon:
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those who have wronged me within the month:
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xerxeswitch · 5 months
When My Bane Magic Actually Works...
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-- Well... My energy specializes in bane magic more than healing magic. But, no matter what, I am always shocked when it does work. Even if it works every time... -- Long story short, a bitter individual was trying to get me in trouble for things I didn't do. Eagerly looking for anything to use to get me closer to being fired for some reason. I did nothing to do this person other than just being a quiet coworker, but I noticed she also targeted another coworker who happens to be the same race as me. In reality, other coworkers were the ones violating guidelines and she turns a blind eye to. I won't go too much into my suspicions...other than I did what I did because my intuition tells me it's right and it's self defense. Two days after the intense hex spell, the coworker stopped coming to work for a good amount of days. That never happens because she always comes in no matter what. Turns out she went to the hospital...and suddenly fell under two types of infections. ... Do I feel bad about it? Admittedly, a little. Do I truly regret it though? Not really. I will always follow my policy.
I always follow this policy: You mess with me? I mess with you. My hexes are used for individuals who only have direct ill intentions towards me or my loved ones. Be responsible. This stuff CAN...and DOES work.
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the-koiking-pond · 1 year
[A video. Jainitar's bedroom is occupied, with a family of absol amidst magikarp pillows, a shedinja perched on one of the absol like a hat, a tropius with their entire neck shoved through the window from outside, a slugma snoring away, a claw-footed bathtub with two anorith, and various krabby. Jainitar is missing.
The camera slowly travels through the hall, and then outside. A swampert is contentedly sleeping in his mud wallow. The magikarp are fast asleep, dreaming of many things. More krabby scuttle about here and there.
A noise from near the staff building. The camera approaches hurriedly. Light glints off of a pair of glasses as Murmur the serperior turns to face the camera. Jainitar looks up from the tool closet as they pull out a shovel.
"NURBS? What are you doing up, did I wake you-?"
The video ends.]
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I need help cursing/hexing a couple of scammers that hacked into my bank account and where harrasing me.
The names are EvelinF1 on Deviant Art their cell (1-515-462-0416) and Hilgers Purser their cell (1-361-905-8828).
Hilgers hacked into my bank account depositing $3000 in fraudulent checks and EvelinF1 has been harrasing me and making me pay her the $2500 I owe her that Hilgers gave me to pay for her art commission they requested. They forced me to get Venmo, CashApp, Paypall to pay her all with a different email and name each time which my bank (thank god) declined. And I tried getting an Amazon egift card and my bank declined it too and my Amazon is frozen now because of these two assholes.
I ended up saving the Deviant Art conversation with EvilinF1 and have my cell with both their messages to me and the checks that were deposited in my account my back has copies of. And I wrote down both their cell phone numbers too and figure I would share them with all of you.
As for me this is what I have done so far.
I called Crime Check and let them know what is going on, same with my bank and the bank shut down my account for me (thank god) and I called the crisis line and got nowhere so I had to call 911 to get anyone to vent too. Thank god the paramedics showed and calmed me down (they even were nice enough to take out my trash). I also told my husband the bare minimum of what happened and he is coming over with something strong for me to drink.
My bank told me that since these checks I was given look fraudulent then I might have to give the bank the portion of what I spent on my part of the money which is around $400! I can’t pay that, I am on SSI and only get $914 a month and over 1/3rd of that goes to bills!
But I want these two assholes to be punished! They almost made be to the bad ending on myself and I even told EvelinF1 that but she didn’t care. So I would love to see these two cunts get their asses handed to them. So if any of you wonderful witches and other spellcasters want to help me curse them I would really appreciate it. 
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hazelle-mapelle · 2 years
i have this headcanon:
so you know how gryffindor and ravenclaw are both in towers right? so i imagine that every christmas the gryffindors open their windows, cast sonorus, and fucking sing their own version of "jingle bells": JINGLE BELLS SALAZAR SMELLS GODRIC LEAD THE WAAAY HELGA'S WEIRD MERLINS LONG BEARD ROWENA ARE YOU OKAY!? HEY! singing in the snow every single daaay windows are closed, we know you want us to go away but as our chorus sings making spirits bright RAVENCLAW YOU BETTER WATCH OUT NO ONE IS SAVING YOU TONIGHT OH JINGLE BELLS SALAZAR SMELLS GODRIC LEAD THE WAAAY HELGA'S WEIRD MERLINS LONG BEARD ROWENA ARE YOU OKAY!? HEY! on and on and ON and mcgonagall ignores it cause she did it when she was young too (different song, same actions) and every christmas, the ravenclaws try their best to keep the noise out, windows? closed. silencing charms? cast. hotel? trivago. but no matter what they do, it just.won't.stop
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trillscienceofficer · 2 years
writing my little trek fics and using metric units at the slightest provocation
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runicsorceress · 1 year
Magic: hey luv it's me Magic! Just seeing how ye and prejury doin the fine afternoon ere.
were doing pretty good now. on route... twenty two? yeah. think perjury is still annoyed i tried to lick her though. which yeah.. that was weird. but also really funny so she cant blame me.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
I got my stuff back from my shitty ex.
Now, I plot my revenge.
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lonelyleliel · 2 years
Do you think someone can exude so much vengeful energy that their ill will towards another can create the power needed for baneful magic almost effortlessly? Can that same person cast that energy onto their target effectively without so much as a spell?
I personally think that the short answer is yes and the long answer would be one of the longest occult texts ever written.
Like I’m not talking about your basic manifestation stuff…I’m not even sure what I’m talking about.
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thesatanicpeterpan · 2 years
Hex Box by Johnny Hellion
Used to Destroy an Enemy
Skeletal Figure
Grave Dirt
Completely dressed and ready for you to personalize on your victim.
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forthelavenderlovers · 3 months
Casting hexes so I’m not just a pain in your ass but the reason you’ll get prostate cancer
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