#Kaleen Reading
thebowerypresents · 1 month
Mannequin Pussy Bring Terrific New Album to Sold-Out Brooklyn Steel
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Mannequin Pussy – Brooklyn Steel – May 16, 2024
Maybe you hadn’t seen them before. Maybe someone brought you. Maybe you were there alone. If any of the above applied, Mannequin Pussy heard you. They get you. If there was an overarching message at Brooklyn Steel on Thursday night, it was that you were welcome. More than welcome: You were invited to scream. Literally. 
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Marisa Dabice, lead vocalist, reprised a Mannequin Pussy standby — an overture to the audience to recognize their anger, embrace it and move it out of their systems. In a breathy voice that built to pure id, Dabice, to cheers and whoops, declared the world of politicians and the like all pure “bullshit.” This was an evocative moment and also a marker in a set that built shockingly linearly from the anthemic indie feels to the raw power reminiscent of older albums that made Mannequin Pussy must-see. 
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The yearning of “Sometimes” gave way to “Loud Bark” gave way to “Aching” gave way to “Clams” — the first three off Mannequin Pussy’s new LP, I Got Heaven. A steady turnup that I’m sure was carefully planned. Dabice was a vision, keeping the energy hot and heightened. And I hope the band’s heights were realized. Looking at the sold-out crowd of deeply loyal listeners, some made that very night, I’d say they were. —Rachel Brody | @RachelCBrody
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(Mannequin Pussy play Union Transfer in Philadelphia on Sunday.)
(Mannequin Pussy play Union Transfer in Philadelphia on 5/22.)
(Mannequin Pussy play Union Transfer in Philadelphia on 5/23.)
(Mannequin Pussy play Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, N.J., on 9/27.)
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Photos courtesy of Edwina Hay | thisisnotaphotograph.com
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Mannequin Pussy and Soul Glo at Brooklyn Steel
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On Thursday, May 16, 2024, the I Got Heaven Tour featuring Philadelphia, PA punk bands Mannequin Pussy and Soul Glo arrived to Brooklyn Steel in Brooklyn, NY for a sold out show. The Epitaph Records labelmates performed songs of their respective releases I Got Heaven and Diaspora Problems.
I covered Mannequin Pussy’s set for Bowery Presents’ The House List and my images of them, with a review by Rachel Brody, can be found here.
Photos from Soul Glo’s amazing opening set can be found in this post on my website beneath the Mannequin Pussy images. If you haven’t checked out their performance on NPR’s Tiny Desk, you can do so right here.
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slrmagazine · 4 months
New MANNEQUIN PUSSY album "I Got Heaven" Out Today on Epitaph Records
New MANNEQUIN PUSSY album "I Got Heaven" Out Today on Epitaph Records. #mannequinpussy @mannequinpussy
Mannequin Pussy release I Got Heaven, their anticipated fourth full-length album, today on Epitaph Records. Filled with cathartic tunes about despairing times, I Got Heaven is a document of a band doubling down on their unshakable bond to make something furious, thrilling, and wholly alive.  Over 10 ambitious tracks that abruptly turn from searing punk to inviting pop, the album is deeply…
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borisbubbles · 1 month
Eurovision 2024: #33
33. BELGIUM Mustii - "Before the party's over" 32nd place
Decade Ranking: 125/153 [Above Vladana, below Iru]
and now I get to be smug: (date of posting, the night before the song was released, when it leaked.)
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When I'm right, you'll know it. Which of you was also never fooled by RTBF's extensive PR and always suspected the semi was where it would end? Belgium never do well if we're an overdog, that's been proven again and again and again. Not enough time has passed for the Eurofans to accept the truth about "The Party is Over", so let me break it to you with zero filter.
Yes, a BAD SONG. Sure, the live was Very Not Good and that didn't help, (I"ll get to that), but it wasn't "four points ahead of Besa" bad. One doesn't just tumble from "critically acclaimed fan fave and expected top ten placer" to that on the basis of one underwhelming live. Kaleen was arguably worse than Mustii and faced direct competition from three other entries (Mustii only from one and it was fucking DONS ♥) and she still scraped through. That is the difference between a good Eurovision song, and a bad one.
So what makes "Before the party's over" that bad? You mean besides that it takes forever to build up into a climax that isn't even that good?
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Besides the literal goat noises + unfortunate singing face?
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Besides the word salad lyrics that use a lot of words to say nothing at all? ("ARE YOU STILL PLAYING THE GAME OR BREAKING THE RULES") What game? What rules? WHAT ARE YOU SINGING ABOUT?! This lyrics are as tiresome to read as they were tedious to hear.
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Maybe the fact that's it's appalingly vainglorious?
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Like, what's the matter? An enibriated gay enters the stage, behaves like he's the centre of the universe, deludes himself into thinking he serves, mama (refering to his own behaviour as that in his mind, ofc) and everybody is too pre-occupied on their phones to pay him attention. That's half of homosexuality during karaoke night at the gay bar. Big deal. If the ambition is to do well in Eurovision, perhaps one should aim higher than "glamped-up Mirud"?
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That said, it wasn't until the live in the Semi i realized why nothing works. Once you see it performed on a stage the AZERBAIJANI COLOURS come out, and they're not a part of any televote-qualifier rainbow that I've ever seen. If you're going to come in all "I AM AWESOME" then gives us a reason to agree with you? It was a lot of style attempting to cover a complete lack of substance, and doing it poorly. The song was a bluff, an empty promise carefully aimed at currying jury votes (hence why it dominated early polls) and the live exposed it for what it was. End of.
I've also seen people toss around the idea that Mustii was a Sennek, but I don't believe this is fair towards either of them. Sennek had a great song, and no vision. She assumed the song would be enough get her into the final by default. She then spent the rest of the preseason guzzling down glasses of zinfandel until she took the stage and everyone -to their HORROR- understood how woefully unprepared and inexperienced she was.
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Mustii, if anything, was Sennek's direct opposite. He had an unvoteable song and a clear vision in mind (himself.) and worked VERY hard to engineer it into a qualifier. So much that he actively neglected basic human needs such as sleep? Like I've seen at least THREE different interviews where Mustii cheerfully reveals he'd been rehearsing so often that he hasn't slept in days, like dude, TAKE ALL THE NAPS IN THE WORLD. REST YOURSELF. PLEASE.
So with that in mind, I can ~understand~ why he wasn't good live. If you work yourself into insomnia and anxiety, and then are thrown into the most TOXIC BACKSTAGE of all times, yeah ofc you're not going to be at your best.
Even with a good live, I still think Belgium NQ. The song was hopeless. Let this be an eternal reminder for everyone that Fade to Blacks will no longer be tolerated in Eurovision across any flag and banner.
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jungleindierock · 2 months
THICK - Mother
THICK are an American all female group from Brooklyn, Mother is their latest release, out now on Sub Pop records and was released on the 30th April. This video was filmed, edited, directed by Sydney Tate Bradford. They are comprised of Kate Black on vocals and the bass, Nikki Sisti on vocals and guitar & Kaleen Reading on the drums.
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captain-of-silvenar · 2 months
Oh my god, I'm sorry for how long this took lol. Let's do this round with Kerasil!
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
There isn't someone specifically that comes to mind right now that Kerasil would despises. Maybe Narsis Dren but he's harmless enough.
If anything, it's allied visitors to the city who don't show respect to her people or culture that put her in a twist. Kerasil can tolerate a lot from visitors, and grits her teeth a lot when it comes to politics, but it's not hard to heard the giggles and clipped comments about her people.
Oh my god, I just remembered about Captain Kaleen and it all came rushing back to me. There is someone who Kerasil absolutely cannot stand, and it was the choices Captain Kaleen wanted for herself and the Ayleid Relic.
Absolutely threw her hands up and smashed that thing so fast, forget how useful that thing could be; it enslaved the dead for personal use!
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
As the Vestige, she regrets her earlier choices and choosing death over mercy for some of the people she encountered. After so, so long of being called to heroism and seeing the end results of her choices choosing to condemn someone to death didn't really change anything. So she wishes she could've given mercy to those earlier encounters, maybe they really could've changed themselves around. Maybe there wouldn't be another point of death in this ridiculous war.
As just the Captain of the Guard, she regrets not giving enough support out to the Silvenar. He died outside of her view, in the hands of the Aldmeri Dominion delegates in Khenarthi's Roost. It was out of her control, but Kerasil regrets for months and months at losing not just one, but both of her spiritual leaders within moments. And she blames herself for not ensuring their safety personally. Kerasil wouldn't undo it, change and moving forward are part of life and Valenwood provided a new Green Lady and Silvenar. But she sometimes entertains the thought in the depths of her mind.
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
Being the Captain of the Guard in Silvenar means she meets a lot of different politicians, dignitaries, officers from her Alliance. So she's been made to and learned on her own several languages so that she can understand conversations when people come and visit the Silvenar.
Bosmeri is obvious. Same with Cyrodilic.
Altmeri spoken on a conversational level. She isn't fluent on the intricacy of cultural speech and naming conventions. She is fluent in reading them because of how many reports come to her desk in Altmeri against her will.
Ta'agra also on a conversational level. She doesn't get as much practice with this language as she doesn't get many Khajiit visitors. So she needs to refresh herself on it every time a new diplomat comes to visit the city.
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
A rainy day can turn out two different ways. The best way is that everyone stays inside and finish up some slow chores while listening to the rain. Stoke the fires and share stories to their children.
Another way the day can turn is her children want to play outside. It is mud central and the rain in Valenwood is not misty and soft. It is like a heavy shower and one could have a practical bath outside from the pressure of it. Kerasil would join and chase her children round and round the courtyard before grabbing them and drying them off near the fire.
Either way, Kerasil values what time she has to be with her family and cherishes every moment she can get.
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
There are a few different nightmares she has; it depends on which version of Kerasil I want to use. But both of them could happen so I'll list them.
If Kerasil is strictly just the Captain of the Guard, there is a horrifying nightmare where during her investigation into the necromancers in Valenwood that Melar was kidnapped. Coming back to their home and seeing it trashed and ruined and her husband missing just pitched Kerasil right into the dark. Even if that investigation is gone and done and Melar is here, just knowing that her loved one could be taken from her so easily is terrifying.
If Kerasil goes on and becomes the Vestige, it's easily just hazily seeing herself dragged to the altar and being sacrificed to Molag Bal. Feeling the knife stab into her chest and being ripped from her body and soul sent into Coldharbour. Visceral, horrifying, left a rotting scar in her chest she has to look at every time she looks at herself in the mirror. It was a turning point in her life that makes her confused if she is mortal anymore. Kerasil doesn't think about it if she can help it.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Melar when she is closer to home. The warmth of her husbands arm and the safety of her house. Being able to be enclosed away from the stress of the world outside and make it just about themselves.
But she is typically not home. More often than not she is out in the field. And should she be on the field and hopefully with her best friend and investigative partner, it would be Vivaldi.
Forged from spite to a deep friendship, Vivaldi has a total understanding of the kind of work Kerasil does and the things they've seen investigating necromancy. The dangers they throw themselves into to protect the ones they love. To have a friend who will walk besides you through the dangers and fears and still stay at the end if someone you want to hold tight to and never let go.
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kaleen-art · 7 months
Hiiii been a while since I posted. you know. art. Well, I've been busy working on a project (since 2021), and it's finally coming to fruition. Introducing ^^^ (3UP), my super cool totally tubular awesomesauce webcomic! With the first 2 pages out... today! Not here though, on my side blog! So go follow the 3up blog and read NOW!!
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soullessbullshit · 9 months
Malek: “Go to hell” is too weak a curse to throw at people. Hit them where it hurts, like “I hope all your soups in the future have a faint bad metal taste no matter what you order or make.”
Gabrielle: “I hope your sleeves roll down while washing your hands.”
Marisette: “You should remember that embarrassing thing you said right before you go to sleep tonight.”
Cassian: “I hope your monster husband gets turned into a marketable eboy.”
Kaleen: “When you’re in the desert, I hope you find water by stepping in a puddle in your socks.”
Darien: “Your bread shall never toast correctly!”
Clarisse: “I pray every book you read ends on a cliffhanger that’s never mentioned in the following book.”
Skordo: “I hope all cats hate you.”
Copper Dariah: “I hope that every shoe you put on has a thorn in the threading inside the sole, so when you pull it out, it ruins the shoe, so you have to live with it digging into the bottom of your foot, or have a hole in the shoe for other shit to get in.”
Stibbons: “May you never find a matching pair of socks again.”
Jakarn: “May all your popsicles have exactly one splinter in the stick.”
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ushioliddell-blog · 2 months
Current on repeat song - La nuit m'appelle - 1789 Les amants de la Bastille.
A song that makes you feel good - Insane de Ofenbach.
A song that you could probably recite all the words too - Pink Water d'Indochine.
A song that makes you have a cry - La vie est belle d'Indochine ou Somnambule de Louane. Des chansons que j'ai beaucoup écouté quand je m'occupais de ma grand mère atteinte d'un cancer en phase terminale.
A song that gets you to have a little dance- We will rave de Kaleen, Can't forget you de Ofenbach et James Blunt (les paroles sont clairement pas très drôles, mais elle me fait bien danser, et j'associe toujours cette chanson au Furryduo). ou Bad company de Purple Disco Machine (je prends des chansons récentes ).
Say a nice thing! (it can be something you did, something you saw, something your proud of, a nice fact, just anything because who doesn’t like to read nice things!) - J'ai encore écrit un de ces TRES longs post d'analyse de perso que j'aime tant faire XD
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thisismyobsessionnow · 2 months
Pre-semi top 36!
Last update to my top before we get to see the first performances in semi 1! A couple of songs really grew on me from getting some more time and the first visuals in the rehearsal clips (Read: Yes, Bambie got to me like they got to everyone else).
Switzerland - Nemo - The Code (-)
Croatia - Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim (+2)
Italy - Angelina Mango - La Noia (+1)
Slovenia - Raiven - Veronica (-2)
Serbia - Teya Dora - Ramonda (+2)
San Marino - Megara - 11:11 (+4)
Ireland - Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue (+10)
Norway - Gåte - Ulveham (-)
Latvia - Dons - Hollow (-3)
Lithuania - Silvester Belt - Luktelk (-1)
11. Portugal - Iolanda - Grito (+1) 12. United Kingdom - Olly Alexander - Dizzy (+3) 13. Poland - Luna - The Tower (-8) 14. Armenia - Ladaniva - Jako (-1) 15. Austria - Kaleen - We Will Rave (+9) 16. Czechia - Aiko - Pedestal (-5) 17. The Netherlands - Joost Klein - Europapa (-3) 18. Ukraine - Alyona Alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria (+3) 19. Estonia - 5miinust & Puuluup - (Nendest) Narkootikumidest Ei Eea Me (Küll) Midagi (-3) 20. Luxembourg - Tali - Fighter (-1) 21. Spain - Nebulossa - Zorra (-3) 22. Moldova - Natalia Barbu - In The Middle (-2) 23. Denmark - Saba - Sand (+3) 24. Germany - Isaak - Always On The Run (+5) 25. Belgium - Mustii - Before The Party’s Over (-1) 26. Finland - Windows95man - No Rules! (-4) 27. Australia - Electric Fields - One Milkali (One Blood) (-2) 28. Iceland - Hera Björk - Scared Of Heights (+3) 29. Azerbaijan - Fahree & Ilkin Dovlatov - Özünlə apar (+3) 30. France - Slimane - Mon Amour (+2) 31. Sweden - Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable (-1) 32. Albania - Besa - Titan (+1) 33. Greece - Marina Satti - Zari (-6) 34. Georgia - Nutsa Buzaladze - Firefighter (-) 35. Cyprus - Silia Kapsis - Liar (-) 36. Malta - Sarah Bonnici - Loop (-)
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lokeshmoviewala · 4 days
Mirzapur Season 3 Cast, Release Date, Director , Platform, Official Trailer
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Mirzapur Season 3 promises to be a thrilling continuation of the gritty and intense world that fans have come to love. With the return of pivotal characters like Kaleen Bhaiya (Pankaj Tripathi) and Guddu Pandit (Ali Fazal), viewers can anticipate a gripping power struggle and revenge saga. The absence of Munna Bhaiya (Divyenndu Sharma) will leave a void, but the introduction of new characters is set to add fresh dynamics and depth to the narrative.
Directed by Gurmeet Singh and Anand Iyer, and produced under the same vision, Season 3 continues the legacy of its predecessors, pushing the boundaries of storytelling and character development. With its release on July 5th on Amazon Prime, the show is poised to deliver high-stakes drama, intense confrontations, and unexpected twists, promising a captivating experience for both new viewers and long-time fans alike. As the anticipation builds, Mirzapur Season 3 is set to once again immerse its audience in the raw, unyielding world of crime, power, and vengeance that defines this acclaimed series.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 month
Eurovision 2024: vince Nemo con “The Code”, la classifica finale completa
Eurovision 2024: vince Nemo con “The Code”, la classifica finale completa. L'Eurovision Song Contest 2024 è giunto alla fine e dopo una settimana più che movimentata, il pubblico ha scelto il vincitore, a trionfare la svizzera con Nemo e il brano The Code. Il cantante ha gioito sventolando una bandiera con i colori giallo, bianco, viola e nero, ovvero la bandiera non binaria. Secondo posto per la Croazia, terza l'Ucraina. L'Italia chiude al settimo posto con Angelina Mango, che ottiene 268 voti e viene penalizzata dal televoto (104) che invece fa volare Israele: Eden Golan chiude al quinto posto. La finale del contest europeo, andata in onda su Rai 1 sabato 11 maggio e commentata per l’Italia da Gabriele Corsi e Mara Maionchi, ha visto le esibizioni dei 26 finalisti: i dieci vincitori delle due semifinali e i sei Paesi che hanno avuto accesso di diritto alla finale. L’Italia era tra i Big 5 e perciò Angelina Mango ha fatto la sua prima esibizione per il televoto infiammando il pubblico con la versione con coreografia della canzone sanremese La Noia; ma ahinoi si è aggiudicata il settimo posto. Nemo, le dichiarazioni del vincitore “The Code parla del percorso che ho iniziato per giungere alla conclusione di non sentirmi né un uomo né una donna. Trovare la mia identità è stato periglioso e intricato, ma niente è meglio della libertà che si percepisce nel momento in cui dichiari di essere ‘fuori dai binari. È un onore per me aver rappresentato la Svizzera all’Eurovision, un palco sul quale costruire i ponti della comunicazione tra le culture e le generazioni.” ha dichiarato l'artista. La classifica finale - Svizzera – Nemo, 'The code' - Croazia – Baby Lasagna, 'Rim tim tagi dim' - Ucraina – Alyona Alyona e Jerry Heil, 'Teresa & Maria' - Francia – Slimane, 'Mon amour' - Israele – Eden Golan, 'Hurricane' - Irlanda – Bambie Thug, 'Doomsday blue' - Italia – Angelina Mango, 'La noia' - Armenia – Jako, 'Ladaniva' - Svezia – Marcus & Martinus, 'Unforgettable' - Portogallo – Iolanda, 'Grito' - Grecia – Marina Satti, 'Zari' - Germania – Isaak, 'Always on the run' - Lussemburgo – Tali, 'Fighter' - Lituania – Silvester Belt, 'Luktelk' - Cipro – Silia Kapsis, 'Liar - Lettonia – Dons, 'Hollow' - Serbia – Teya Dora, 'Ramonda' - Regno Unito – Olly Alexander, 'Dizzy' - Finlandia – Windows95Man, 'No rules!' - Estonia – 5miinust&Puuluup, '(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea (kull) midagi' - Georgia – Nutsa Buzaladze, 'Firefighter' - Spagna – Nebulossa, 'Zorra' - Slovenia – Raiven, 'Veronika' - Austria – Kaleen, 'We will rave' Norvegia – Gate, 'Ulveham'... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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radiomaxmusic · 3 months
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 5pm ET: Feature LP: Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven (2024)
Mannequin Pussy is an American punk and indie rock band from Philadelphia, formed in 2010. The band currently consists of lead vocalist and guitarist Marisa “Missy” Dabice, drummer Kaleen Reading, bassist Colins “Bear” Regisford, and guitarist Maxine Steen. They have released four studio albums: Mannequin Pussy (2014) and Romantic (2016) on Tiny Engines, and Patience (2019) and I Got Heaven…
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beginagain-- · 1 year
Thick Share New Single, 'Doomer'
Seasoned Brooklyn punk powerhouse duo THICK have shared their new single ‘Doomer,’ which features production from Grammy-nominated rock producer Will Yip and drums from Mannequin Pussy member Kaleen Reading. The track is accompanied by a self-directed video, starring members Nikki Sisti and Kate Black. The visual is an ode to NYC, and taking yourself on a date in favourite parts of the…
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Pankaj Tripathi danced with his wife while watching the video. The user said "How many carpet siblings do you have?"
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Pankaj Tripathi dance video viral: Pankaj Tripathi today does not depend on any identity. From the Bollywood screen to the web series, Pankaj Tripathi has made everyone admire with her strong acting. Pankaj Tripathi's Superhit Career Masan at Mirjapur It contains names up to. In that situation, Pankaj Tripathi is an entertainment name that everyone knows. The characters Pankaj Tripathi brought to the acting screen not only acted but also lived. The popularity of Pankaj Tripathi's web series Mirzapur can be guessed from the fact that today he is known as Kaleen Bhaiya. Recently Pankaj Tripathi played Holi with his wife Mridula Tripathi and his family. During this time, Holi celebration videos went viral on social media and everyone remembered Kaleen Bhaiya from Mirzapur seeing his style. Pankaj Tripathi played Holi along with his wife Mridula. In the video, which went viral on social media, Pankaj Tripathi is seen playing Holi furiously with his wife Mridula. This video was shared by Mridula Tripathi on her official Instagram account. Here, his entire family is shown immersed in the colors of Holi. In the video, Pankaj Tripathi can be seen playing Holi, dancing and singing along with his wife Mridula. Everyone is talking about Kaleen Bhaiya from Mirzapur after seeing the avatar of Pankaj Tripathi on the fun-filled Holi of the Tripathi family. A video of this Holi played by Pankaj Tripathi with his wife not only went viral on social media but also got people commenting on it in a very funny way in the comments section. In the meantime, many people have praised Mridula Tripathi's beauty in the comments section, and many have left comments saying, "Brother, how are you?" During this time, in the comments section, one user wrote a very funny comment. This is where Munna Bhaiya was slapped… ALSO READ- Sai will risk his life for his son Vinu and Bhavani will abandon Pakhi from Virat’s life DISCLAIMER We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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burymylovely · 2 years
Hello everyone! I hope you all take the time to read this and share it far
I know it’s still Halloween season, but Christmas is quickly approaching, so I want to share my relatively new art business with you.
How about a pet portrait as a gift for your loved ones?
My website is KaleensKreations.com and my socials are @kaleenskreations
I am an art teacher at a high school and the storm Ian took my old fence with it! So I’m hoping to start getting some traction with my art to supplement my meager income. This is my ultimate dream living after all :)
My commissions usually start at $150 but I’m willing to negotiate based on what you’re interested in getting done. I usually only charge for the physical supplies and to pay myself minimum wage per hour, sometimes less.
I have a lot of different types of art I can do!
And I would love to draw your fur babies (I’m open to art outside of pets too!)
So if you’re interested at all please don’t hesitate to reach out here, on my website, or through my Instagram.
Thanks to everyone preemptively for the love and support
Happy (early) holidays 💕
- Kaleen
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