#Kalista Chronicles
bornangelauthor · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Day 2 update:
I managed to write 3,620 words between 9:30 and 11:57! now that it's after midnight, I start a new day! here's to #NaNoWriMo #Day3! Total word count: 9920 I'm gonna break 10K!
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I am a 100 pages deep into Ruination now (the League of Legends novel featuring Kalista) and I got to say, this is good. I wonder how it is from someone who doesn't know a thing, but the moment you do all the hints and stuff hinting at what is to come is just delightful.
At the same time this book managed to something every single League property has failed to do so: making Viego rightfully scary. Not because of his emotional tantrums, amassed wealth and/or powers, but because once the man's mind is fixated on something, he can ACTUALLY BE COMPETENT TO A DISTURBING DEGREE.
Viego consulted 50 years of sea-charts and dug through 500+ years worth of archives to locate Helia. Within a few days.
Granted he, looked like THIS when he presented his findings...
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... but he was ENTIRELY CORRECT!
It might be hard to realize at first glance, but let me pin down the specifics:
Viego had no issues with the lingual drift inherent in centuries worth of chronicles and archive texts
He was also capable of reading nautical charts a skill I assume is NOT typically part of a royal education of an mostly land-focussed country, especially not those 50+ years old.
He then had the wits to consolidate that knowledge into a new chart, and THEN sifted through the nautical logs of ships that ever got off their intended course at the suspicious area until he found a pattern there.
It is easy to imagine that there was an army of scholars and intellectuals helping him, but simply coordinating them would have been impossible at that time, especially with his paranoia getting worse. All he had was him requesting stuff and people brought it, while he was digging through it, with maybe his old Nunyo giving advice or translating a term here or there.
Viego is often defined by his ego, his emotionality, and a not exactly pleasant personality - and while those things can fit his antagonistic status, all that does not turn him into a fearsome villian. What does, however, is that underneath all that, there's a BLOODY GENIUS. The Ruined King while on a temper-tantrum might be a force to be reckoned with, but I'd rather not be opposing him when he's actually calm for once.
Also I know Nunyo Necrit is supposed to be an old grouchy man but all I can hear when he speaks is the youtuber who he is named after. Adds to the experience, if you ask me.
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starburstandyasuo · 1 year
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Bedtime Chronicles Woven in a Veil of Night and Stars
Piera: Could you tell me a bedtime story, Isolde?
Isolde: What story do you have in mind?
Piera: There are so many tales you could tell me about the land below, the animals, mountains, or people. Could I hear his story again?
Isolde: Again? [giggling while cuddling Piera into bed]
Piera: All their souls are sad, Auntie Kalista, big Sister Gwen, perhaps what is left of Camavor, but the saddest of them all is Viego.
Isolde: Hmm. [hugs Piera as she lays with him on his starry-made bed] Let's see what story I got for you tonight. You're not planning anything secretive, right?
Piera: Oh, of course not! Haha, maybe when I get older and stronger, I'll be a Guardian of the Stars here like you, hopefully alongside you. I don't know if I can do what you do alone. I don't think I will be since I'll get to listen to so many stories from these passing souls.
Isolde: I hope so, too. I could feel one of the stars are not like the others. If there comes a day we're not together anymore, you'll be the bravest boy I know, and someone Viego needs the most.
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Bedtime Chronicles I: The Shield of Joy
"Would you care to dance,
says the now sorrowful music box,
from a kind invitation,
to an obsession of love.
All the sacrifices, for better or worse,
all those lives tainted of his actions,
he has driven good men mad,
and the maddest of men good,
How could I love a shadow of his former self?"
PIERA: Do you think he remembers Auntie Kalista? Wish I could meet her one day.
ISOLDE: Perhaps not as their shadows. Maybe she is still out there, looking for him or a piece of hope that could bring back what it feels like to have a home.
PIERA: Not if I get to her first one day! I think I'll get to Viego before her though.
ISOLDE: [chuckles as she playfully squeezes his face] You. Are. So. Silly.
PIERA: And I shall bring my silliness to Viego~ I'm sorry for interrupting the story.
"Part of me, us, was the music box,
part of me later became split to many,
the dagger meant for him fated to me,
made me realize I would place myself before others,
and gave that fragment to Senna.
When I was a little girl, I had a doll,
and we had our adventurous, joyous plays,
and also dreaming of becoming a princess,
later would I give that piece to Gwen,
my childhood companion, perhaps a future daughter,
better yet a big sister for a growing prince.
He could gather all of me, my fragmented souls,
but still I could never be whole and return to him,
for what completes a soul is a heart,
a heart compiled of memories, happy and sad,
but mostly the happy ones for you, my little heartling.
The Mist ends with our tragedy,
my souls are at rest, giving second life,
hoping in the future, he has his, too."
[Piera fell asleep during her story, so Isolde comforted him to his pillow, covering him up with his handmade scarf fit enough to become his blanket. She placed his favorite plushy around his arms that she had made for him birthdays ago, a doll crafted with the likeness of King Viego full of color and smiles.]
"I believe you'll be his second life." Isolde leaned in to kiss Piera softly on the forehead.
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bladesurgence · 7 years
     Brass, Syndra identified. Three parts copper, one part zinc.
     The spear had belonged to some border watchman overseeing these forests the other night. The Placidium must not have put much stock in the training of these patrolmen, else they would never have succumbed to the jaws of a mist panther.
     Must not even have known which way to wield it, Syndra thought, guiding the spear to float through the air and place itself into a spearholder, where it settled horizontally in the grasp of the metal fixture in the center of the room, empty save for a few candles giving Syndra just enough light to inspect it.
     As she raised her hand, the three orbs behind her began to rise, paralleling its motion, and her energy began to manifest in the form of a light purple aura. Pointing it towards the spear, Syndra focused the flow of her mana, and began to concentrate, visualizing the shape of the shaft beginning to curve.
     Syndra had recently discovered that manipulating the form of other objects differed from simply exerting force upon it. Too much force could result in destroying the material; too much pressure and it would implode, rendering it ineffective. But she developed the idea after tailing a couple of Shuriman sheikhs visiting Ionia, mesmerized by the design of their curved scimitars.
     Bending matter, instead of simply smashing through it, could prove very useful.
     Syndra strained, visualizing the composition in her head and the desired result. But despite her concentration, the metal would not bend to her will. She was careful to channel her power to an extent that wouldn’t simply compromise the brass itself. It felt like balancing on a tightrope, slowly advancing forward, but risking the fall if she went too quickly or forced it.
     Come on... bend to me!
     No response. Syndra sighed, diffusing her power and stepping back. Again, then, she thought between deep breaths, stepping into a better lit position. Thrusting her hand out, she began to channel again.
     Her eyes closed, blackness taking over the vivid details of the spear surrounded by its blurry surroundings. She tried to feel the circuits in her body opening, allowing her magic to spill forth uninhibited. The air in the room began to whistle. Syndra paid it no mind, assuming it just part of the effect. Slowly, but surely, she could sense the metal submitting to her power.
     The wind grew faster. Syndra opened her eyes, expecting to witness the fruits of her labor, but only a grey mist greeted her. Her magic extinguished itself; Syndra lowered her hand and raised her shoulders, drawing up to her full height. When the mist cleared, she could make out the fuzzy outline of what she assumed must be a spirit: the tell-tale emerald glow of the undead, a spindly figure with a dark war-helm and holding a spectral spear similar to the one that Syndra had before her. Several spears identical in nature to the one in her hand jutted out of her chest.
     “The Oath-taker,” Syndra realized, standing her ground. She had never betrayed anyone in her life, at least from her perspective, and she stuck to that story.
     Kalista looked around the room, as if looking for souls that Syndra could not see. “Great power radiates from you, sorceress.”
     “As it should. I was - I am in the middle of a magical experiment. What business do you have with me?” Syndra asked.
     “We felt the beckoning of a summons call us to this place.” Kalista looked at her with empty green sockets. “A spear offering. A vortex of deeply committed energy.”
     Syndra waved her hand. “I did not send for you. This undertaking is for my research and mine alone.”
     “Perhaps it is the influence of the Blood Moon,” Kalista mused, after a pause. “There are malignant spirits everywhere. Betrayers and oathbreakers, swindlers of spirit and essence just as there are those of flesh and blood.”
     An idea struck Syndra. “Well, if you aren’t here to destroy me, perhaps you are here to act for me?”
     Kalista gave a slight tilt of her head. “We only act upon the intercession of an Oathsworn. We can see every transgression inflicted upon a person. We know the pain of betrayal, the loss that rends through one’s heartstrings. But you, Sovereign, have already accounted for the betrayer that wronged you.”
     “How can you say that? The Council of Elders sent me to that man. The Council made my magic stagnate under his magic dampening. They tried to prevent me from becoming who I am now!”
     “The Council,” Kalista calmly replied, “was deceived by that man as well.”
     The specter raised her hand, and a luminous fog rose from it. Peering into it, Syndra could make out scenes revolving around her old teacher - his pledge to the Council at the time to instruct her in all the arts as best he could, his first meeting with Syndra, their time studying magic together, the revelation of his dampening. And another scene - her master conspiring with a shrouded figure, in the halls of the Council building.
     “Who is that?” Syndra demanded, pointing to the cloaked figure. “My master still has a conspirator?’
     “It is not our duty to hunt down fringe cases and transitive associations. The spears avenge what has been directly betrayed. We know transgressions, but not the circumstances behind them.”
     “Then... why are you telling me this?”
     Kalista waved her hand, and another vision emerged from the fog. A figure clad in scarlet armor, with a four-pronged blade hovering behind her. Irelia, she recognized. She watched Irelia track down someone across the country, the object of her pursuit always managing to stay one step ahead of her. But she watched how Irelia caught glimpses of them, picking up clues to their identity, until she realized her target as the cloaked figure in her own visions.
     “We do not know. But this one may.”
     “Irelia...” Syndra exhaled. She had not spoken to her friend since Syndra condemned her for enslaving herself to the Council, serving them like a dog.
     “This one has always remained faithful to you, Sovereign, has she not?”
     “She has.” Syndra looked at her fingers, magic crackling from the tips. “Faithful to a fault.”
     It’s time to pay a visit, dear Irie.
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shukuchiisms · 7 years
Share a canon of your character that you never shared.
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I have written it on the forums and it becomes the curent canon lore for the bloodmoon but it seems like i never shared it on tumblr for some reason.
The bloodmoon cult is  a shadowy cult whose true intentions are obfuscated, steeped in ancient ritual and demonic power. A deadly and heretical force, they perform these rituals on nights of the Blood Moon to summon demons and spirits that imbue them with incredible (and often uncontrollable) power. Each member’s mask depicts their own demon or spirit, which only the most powerful and committed members gain during a trial deep within their stronghold. It is said that there is a shadow realm parallel to our own where a demon or spirit awaits for each of us, constantly looking for a way to tear through and consume us. The trial must have something to do with communing and reaching an accord with your own demon or spirit to share power in exchange for a night of freedom. There are a number of roles within the cult.
Zilean - serves as the face of the cult, leading members in rituals to summon spirits on the night of the blood moon.
TF - is the true leader, remaining in the shadows and behind the scenes but forever present in the actions of the cult. It is said that he is the one to have first passed the trial of masks.
Shen - serves as personal bodyguard to the leaders of the cult. The most indomitable disciple in mind and body, his devotion and loyalty can never be shaken. His splash depicts Zilean watching over him as he performs the trial of masks within the mask room.
Yasuo - is the ceremonial executioner, a swordsman whose bloodthirst can never be quenched. 
Priestesses walk their own path. Chosen of the Blood Moon, they carry tremendous power but choose to travel far from the cult finding their own truth.
  Diana, Elise & Akali - chosen of the moon, the favoured daughters of night seems destined to be  peerless assassins of the cult. 
Demons & Spirits:
When the blood moon waxes and the ritual of summoning is complete some members of the cult are completely overcome by the demonic power, transforming into true terrors bent on carrying out the will of the Blood Moon.
Thresh - demon:   He guides the new acolites during the mask trials and summons the lesser spirits to serve as an army for the cult [the little things on the game mode]
Kalista & Talon - spirit / demon: They are responsible for choosing the new sacrifices for the ritual
Jhin - demon: He is responsible for keeping the secrets of the cult and serve as  a chronicler for them.
Now let’s talk about luna here,Her spirit is called Saibankan sanyangkkun [The spirit who kills spirits]. Luna’s sole purpose is to judge and resolve internal conflicts inside the order. She exists outside of any hierarchy into the cult of the blood moon.
Possessing even authority to go against Zilean or TF if she thinks she should. Also she is the only one capable, and with authority to kill other members. Being loyal only to her spirit guide and to the main objective of the cult that is to unite the spiritual and the physical world. 
[Basically if someone starts a fight or is doing some bullshit in the cult, they call angry small foxy to kick your ass]
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bornangelauthor · 10 months
November Writing Challenge: Day 16
I Managed to do 1,716 words even though I was distracted and had a couple extra tasks on my plate. Said tasks led me to need destressing and... yeah, multi-tasking.
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😅 What can I say #SWTOR is my go to game.
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
eBooks Now on my website!
DRM-Free and from the author so there's no paying the Corporations and you can have your books anywhere you want to read them!
If you like DRM-Free Ebooks, I now have Ebooks listed on my website store. These books are Fast passed, character driven, Paranormal/Urban Fantasy with Paranormal Romance, Crime thriller, and a twist of Mythology with a heaping ton of Paranormal creatures though the focus is Angels both created and born. Also featuring Fated Mates, Serial killers, Vigilante Justice, and more!
Comp titles for the Born Angel Universe:
If you like The Dresden Files, The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Novels, The Sookie Stackhouse Series, ACOTAR, Vampire Diaries, Vampire Academy, Succubus Blues, the Mercy Thompson Series, Immortal Instruments, Dark Hunters, and Good Omens. You're sure to LOVE these series.
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bornangelauthor · 23 days
ARC and BETA reading sign ups close at 11:59pm est for these two books... though technically you could get all 10 of my books via ebook if you sign up to ARC/Beta read. 😏 Just sayin.
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If you like the shows
Good Omens
Hazbin Hotel
The Mighty Johnsons
Books/Book Series like:
Anita Blake
Dresden Files
Good Omens
Dark Hunters
Dream Hunters
Mortal Instruments
House of Night
You'll love these books.
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bornangelauthor · 2 months
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🎃First of 14 Teaser's the new book!🎃
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🎃An Angel Ensnared🎃
This book features some exciting revelations, old enemies that may not be enemies after all, and Kalista isn't willing to let anyone remain bound to the Monster that imprisoned her for 17 years. I'll be dropping one Teaser every Tuesday!
🎃Blurb 💀
Life is settling down for Kalista, the Heir of Lucifer, or so it seems.
After defying expectation by declining the invitation to join the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency, Kalista has started a research project documenting Created Angels. Why? So she can learn more about her soul’s enemy, Vretil the Corrupted Angel of Light, Knowledge, and Truth. Then it happens, the Maker, the creator of everything, sends her another vision: A call to action!
Someone Kalista thought was an enemy is a victim caught in the Triumvirate of Evil’s web. Is this a trick, or have her powers been telling her the truth all along? Kalista must decide to use the Book of Divination to free the ensnared Born Angel of Light, Love, and Prophecy, or she will be imprisoned forever.
Quote from my Editor, and emotional support Australian, M. Sluis:
"Stuff happens, some folks die, others live, including ones you don't expect and probably wanted to die!"
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Want to know more? Click here to go to the page on my website or on this to sign up to arc read!
Thank you for Reading!
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bornangelauthor · 10 months
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To Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd etc. (the last four through Draft2Digital.
It's been on my own website for nearly three weeks... and
Also, for those who ordered the last book in Hardback, I am sending them out on Monday!
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bornangelauthor · 10 months
NaNoWriMo Day 14: Update!
I managed to pull off 2565 words before midnight even though I procrastinated all day due to something not feeling right. I did however write more and promptly delete it and didn't like it.
After midnight however...
Day 15:
I wrote 4435 more words and was going at a whopping 38 wpm. But sadly, my eyes are tired and I need to get some sleep since it is 4:24 am here. 🥱 time to hit the sheets.
Gnight all! But here's a little Teaser for my current release: COMING DECEMBER 17TH, (preorder now open on my website)
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bornangelauthor · 10 months
Day 12 of NaNo and Life: Update
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After meeting the 50k NaNoWriMo goal, I really didn't do any more writing. I was all set to, but then we got a call from the third-party that we're going through to buy our first home, and that call did not go well, or as planned. I spent 3 hours coming down from that mess, cried for a while, and gave myself a headache. So, I only did 3,085 words, which got me to 50,305 words.
I'm about to start writing for today (Nov 13), hoping to get 4.5k, which is the goal for every day this week. I would've started earlier but I had the yearly female doc visit today, which was also more stress due to them being in a new location, I was seeing a new provider at the office, and I have new insurance. My Neuro-spicy brain was panicking, but I've calmed down now.
As for the other financing of our home, I've spoken with a mortgage agent and it actually may be better for us in the long run to go through a bank instead of the third-party. We shall see, at least with the mortgage agent, I have more clear instructions and steps to take to get to the place where we can get the home we want.
Anyway, that's all I've got for now, sorry for the rant, here's some art that I made for the Christmas book, KALISTA CHRONICLES BOOK 4: AN ANGEL'S ADVENT (Preoders open now!)
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(Alt Description: The main character Kalista (a petite goth beauty with violet eyes, pale skin, and a smattering of freckles) standing hand in hand with her fated mate Beryx (A tall, naturally tan Born Angel with a muscular build, rugged face, long brown hair, and icy blue eyes). They are in front of a Christmas Tree in the foyer of her father's mansion with a sprig of mistletoe over their heads.)
Link to the shop has been added to the picture. If you like Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Romance, and long series, please consider checking them out. I have samples of the first books of both series (they intertwine and are in the same "multi-verse"/Alternate Universe)
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Day 11: END
I finished out to day with 5,610 words, bringing An Angel Ensnared to 47,220 words and only 2,880 away from the 50k word goal! I am so excited, and I'm gonna go back to writing and see if I can't make the 50k before bed! Will update in a couple hours, since I have to head to bed at around 3 am.
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
A little blog about what's been going on this week aside from writing and including writing. See a pic of tired me with 3 of my cousins only 4/10 that could be there on Thursday night. Also, word count update and a snippet from the Christmas book, links, and more!!! I'm going to bed now. gnight all.
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
ONLY 2 MORE DAYS (and 5.5 hours) LEFT!!!
to Pre-Order the Kalista Chronicles, book 3: A Broken Redeemer! If you Pre-Order you can get a box with extra goodies (art, notebook, and pens), or goodies and a Limited Edition Hoodie! Pictures below, and link below that!
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bornangelauthor · 10 months
NaNoWriMo Day 15: END!
I love that my daily word count looks like a roller coaster: I finished today with 6320 words and a total of 60,885 words in the book. #AmWriting #NaNoThatWriMo
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And yes, I'm going to put it on here again PLEASE go check out my books!!!!
SALE ON BOOK BUNDLES! Also, there is a five chapter sample of both A Born Angel and The Stained Angel on my website. www.thebornangeluniverse.com/samples
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