kamisatoqiqi · 4 months
Heated dispute, solved by the cause.
You and Rin got into a heated argument that caused you to leave, and somehow end up in Sae’s house? CONTAINS: angst, slight force/aggression, swearing Pairing: Itoshi Rin x Reader FT. Itoshi Sae
Rin has been rather busy with his Soccer career. This wasn’t exactly new to you as this has happened a lot in the past, it’s just that you can’t shake off the feeling of something being wrong or out of character. You see, Rin always manages to “give” you what you want despite his busy schedule. A hug? Sure. A quick peck on the cheek? Why not? A quickie? Of course. But suddenly, he hasn’t been able to even hold a proper conversation with you or just give small replies.
Y/N: “Hey Rinnie? What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?”
*No response*
Y/N: “Rinnie??”
Rin: “Huh? Oh, just whatever.”
Y/N: “Alright then, and how was your practice match thi—”
Rin: “I'm heading out.”
Y/N: “Out? To where? Isn’t it a little late?”
Rin: “It’ll be quick..”
Y/N: “Okay, be car—” Rin shuts the door behind him. You won’t lie to yourself it did sting a little and struck a small nerve. He isn’t usually like this. The only time you can remember he did something similar was when you went out with friends and came home at nearly dawn. Not to mention, some of them being males. Around 3-4 along with 2 females, excluding you. (He found out through your friend’s story) However you failed to mention this to Rin as you were running late to your agreed time. So of course, when you came home, reeking of alcohol, at ungodly hours. See your supposed stoic boyfriend, frowning, phone in hand. You’d be scared. Thankfully though only one word left his tired mouth; “Bed.” And that’s when the morning then came and you tried to apologise yet your dear boyfriend brushed you off. Of course it didn't last long. It had been months since this incident and hasn’t happened since. Though to your surprise. It happened. Lasting longer too. It used to be days. However it turned into weeks.
Y/N: “Rin? Dear?”  *wraps my arms around his neck from behind, whilst he sits on the couch*
Y/N: “Is something wrong?”
Rin: “No, nothing.” Y/N: “Then how come, you’ve been colder to me?” Rin: “It’s nothing.” Y/N: “Are you sure, baby? Maybe I did something wrong?”
Rin: “Y/N, I told you it’s nothing.” Y/N: “Are you really sure? I can hel—” Rin: “God will you ever shut the fuck up?!” *I let go of him and stand back, letting out a gasp* Y/N: “What?...”
Rin: “All you do is fucking talk and talk and talk! I'm SICK of your stupid voice!”
Y/N: “What do you mean?? You literally have to be lulled to sleep by it..!”
Rin: “Well not anymore! I’m tired of you continuously bothering me. Being a literal pest. I’m so fucking done.”
Y/N: “D-done..?” *Thousands if not millions of thoughts ran through my mind. Every single reply and outcome I could think of coming in. “You want to break up?” “But I just want to take care of you” “I’m giving you the love you deserve and you say I’m a bother?” “Are we gonna end like this?” “Fuck you.” “Is it really my fault?” “Fuck..I—
Y/N: “I'm leaving.”
*Rin suddenly stands up* Rin: “What?” Y/N: “I said I’m leaving. Y-you said I’m a bother, a fucking pest to you, then since I love you so fucking much, I’ll leave and give you the space you want.” *Rin froze. He stood there, staring me dead in the eye.*
Rin: “Fine then. Fucking leave.” *What the fuck..? Did I just say that? N-no.. I-I don’t mean it.. That’s not what I was meant to say..!”
*I started to clench my fist and scurry towards our shared room, shouting:* Y/N: “Fine!” *I packed my bag, tears falling out of my eyes. He….really said that to me? He meant it. He fucking did. Shit. Are we going to break up? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fu— phone notification— Instagram: itoshisae_  added to their story —
Doorbell rings
Sae: “Oh shit, Y/N. Come inside” *hands you a towel*
Sae: deep sigh “Let me guess? Rin?”
*I nod, drying my hair. And slowly tearing up* Y/N: “Yeah… He— We, got quite heated, during a small talk”
Sae: “Doesn’t seem to be that small for you to leave without an umbrella during a storm, huh?” 
You just smile and look down on the tile flooring. Watching the drops fall down from your hair, creating a small puddle. Then feeling your cheeks get rolled on by tears, the aching feeling in your chest worsening by the second.
Sae: “Come on, tell me what happened. I mean, why would you think of coming to my house out of all places?”
Y/N: “Well—...” *I end up explaining to Sae what happened, and the events of the past weeks. He just kept nodding and nodding and when I finished, He just said:*
Sae: “I might be a part of the problem”
Y/N: “No, I already know you are. N-no offense... You’ve been part of something else since the beginning of our relationship, and it never gets us to this point.”
Sae: “No no, I mean the “current” problem”
Y/N: “Huh?” Sae: “Well, since about a few weeks ago, I was invited to Blue Lock to train the supposed “future of Japan Soccer”. However, during the practice match, Rin’s team didn’t win against mine. And I don’t know exactly what triggered him but he suddenly came and held me by my shirt. I told him to quit soccer if he doesn’t plan on improving even one bit and brushed off his hand.”
Y/N: “What? Seriously..? I-I mean I know you both aren’t on great terms and all, but did you really have to say that??”
Sae: “Rin isn’t the type to “just” start. He needs a concrete reason for it. And the fact that I told him such, probably could be part of your current argument. Though in all honesty, I just want him to improve even more. A little push as his older brother.”
Y/N: “I guess…B-but did it have to be that harsh? You technically pointed out that certain things, such as that could potentially trigger him…”
Sae: “Like I said, a little push for him.”
Y/N: “Then that wouldn’t make any sense. Why did it get so bad? Over something that he mostly opens up to me about. Like I know he wants to have, and he does have, that “strong” persona and all but… Still I-...” sigh 
Sae: “I’m not too sure about this, though I think I need to ask you about it,”
Y/N: “What is it?”
Sae: “Before all this and the past years you’ve been together, whenever he opens up to you. Is it a lot? Does he start feeling vulnerable and sensitive?”
Y/N: “Yeah, he does.”
Sae: “When was the last time he opened up?”
Y/N: “A little while back, actually, just before he started being cold.”
Sae: “Ah, there it is. I think Rin might be going through a lot again. And since he talks to you a lot about these sensitive topics, he probably thinks you’re—”
Y/N: “Tired of him? N-no, no never…”
Sae: “There, at least you understand now.”
Y/N: “And I’m guessing his way of coping is, ignoring and lashing out on me… Huh.”
Sae: “Exactly… Now, you should probably get ready for bed. I have a spare room upstairs a door after mine, talk to Rin in th—”
The door bursts open. Rin stands there, drenched in rain. Clutching the door, his eyes looking red. But you can’t really tell if it’s from the rain entering his eyeballs or he has been crying.
Y/N: “R-Rin?”
Rin: “What the fuck are you doing here.” *my voice both raised and husky*
Y/N: “I came to see—” *He cuts me off.*
Rin: “Sae? chuckles SAE!? You know how much I fucking hate him and yet I find out you look for him whenever we have an argument?!”
Y/N: “This is the first time! And besides where the fuck do you expect me to go during a storm? Everyone lives farther off in the city or in the suburbs and I can’t really show up at a hotel looking like this now can I?! What!? You would rather have found me dead instead of alive and staying at your brother’s place?” *Rin pauses and takes heavy breaths. Before he took my arm and held it up.*
Rin: “You’re coming with me.”
Y/N: “No!” *I took his hand off my arm.*
Y/N: “Not until you calm down.” *Rin doesn’t respond and just stares at me. With eyes fuel of negativity. Anger, jealousy, and deep sorrow. However if anyone can look directly at his soul, it would be me. And despite his showing anger, glowed with relief. So much that I just hugged him, ignoring his brother.”
Sae: “Alright now, both of you get ready for bed. I’ll set up your room… For two. Calm down and settle your little fight in the morning.”
Y/N: “Yeah yeah, sure… Thanks, Sae.” *Sae just nodded and proceeded upstairs, leaving me and Rin alone.*
Y/N: “Look I’m sorry I left, okay? I’m really sorry, I should have understood and approached you better.”
Rin: “N-no, no no no don’t apologise. Please. I-I should be saying sorry. I l-let my emotions get the better of me and bursted out on you. You were just trying to help me. Like always.. D-don’t leave me….Ever again… Please.” *I smiled and managed to distinguish his tear falling onto my cheek from the water. He hugged me and held me close, showing no sign of letting go.* Y/N: “C’mon, let’s get ready for bed, okay?”
Rin: nods “Okay…”
Morning shine appeared on the bed you both slept on from the large window. Its beaming rays lit up the room, and shone on your beloved boyfriend. Causing you to chuckle, as you finally confirm the cause of his eyes’ redness.
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kamisatoqiqi · 4 months
It was cold. "was" (ImWCI?)
ImWCI?: The weather's condition can be solved with technology. But your absence, fuck. CONTAINS: nothing, just happiness
A cold ordinary night. Hefty storm in sight. The heater was close to keep you warm. But alas, something was amiss. You had everything to be able to sleep through the shivering night. Yet it felt like it wasn’t. You think and think. And the light bulb finally lit. Y/N: “Right.” You said with a sigh. Your dearest lover has yet to arrive. The clock is about to hit its 360 mark, and still no sign. More time passes by and tiredness knocked you out. However, during your uncontented slumber, the door knob for the entrance turns. Along with the slight chime of keys. Footsteps almost silenced by the thunder and rain, then the sound of the bed creaking slipped its way. Your uncontented slumber was satisfied, as a pair of arms wrapped around you. Soft lips greeting yours and forehead. Before it whispered to your ear: S/O: “I’m home my love..”
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kamisatoqiqi · 4 months
The Writer's Chapter
Hi there! Here's a little something for you, from the writer themselves~ Get to know me!⍢
☪ User: kamisatoqiqi ☪ Call me: Kaqi (Pronounced as Kachi) ☪ A Highschool student! ☪ Tags: #Kamisatoqiqi
☪ STATUS: Requests : OPEN Writer : SEMI-ACTIVE ~~~~~~~~ ☪ What I write about: Fanfictions and Midnight Scenarios (Which I will be calling: ImWCI? or I mean, why can't I?) ☪ I focus my writings around: Mature and Angsty themes I can also write chill themes! ☪ NOTE: - Don't be offensive - Know your boundaries when it comes to the writer - Feel free to request anything, as long as it won't bring harm to anyone! - My style of writing depends on the mood and theme of the work. As it helps me thoroughly deliver the kind of setting I want the reader (you!) to feel, so do keep in mind! What should I add? Feel free to let me know!
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