#Kara can be patient
vox-ex · 2 years
I can be patient
Supercorptober Day 23 “spice"
thanks to kmsdraws for the prompts
Kara loves pie and Lena. For once the world slows down enough for her to enjoy both. 
She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but the sky had been too dark despite the early evening hour and Lena's arms too comfortable to resist. Kara pushed herself up on one elbow and rubbed at her eyes with her free hand.
"Lena?" she called out, her voice still a little heavy with sleep. But she was met with only the sounds of soft footfalls and drawers opening and closing coming from the kitchen.
She swung her bare legs over the edge of the bed, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around herself before standing up. Stretching out her limbs and arching her back as her body protested the sudden absence of the soft mattress underneath her.
She followed the sounds of Lena's heartbeat, thudding away a metronome in her head, and padded barefoot into the kitchen.
Lena was standing at the counter, a wooden spoon in one hand and her back to Kara as she hummed along to the song playing softly through the stereo.
Kara tried to figure out the song that was playing, but she couldn't quite place it. The name seeming to get farther from her the more she searched for it.
She watches Lena for a moment. Taking in the line of her shoulders and the soft curves of her hips — the way her hair falls down her back, come undone in loose waves. The sleeves of Kara's favorite sweatshirt pushed up on her forearms, a pair of her boxers just peaking out from underneath.
And Kara had had every intention of stepping out of the bedroom and pulling Lena right into her arms. Of taking up where they had left off before both their limbs had become too heavy.
But now, standing here, she couldn't bring herself to move. Caught in place by the last autumn light streaking in through the windows and the warm smell of spiced apples from the kitchen mixing with the undertones of amber and bitter orange from Lena's perfume.
She feels something shift inside of her. A clarity that she can't quite explain. And so she allows herself to just stand there. The world for once demanding nothing but her attention to this one room, to this one person in front of her.
In the end, its Lena who moves instead.
A smile lighting up her face when she sees Kara standing there. "Hey, I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's okay," Kara replies, shaking her head and willing her body to take its first step forward, "I-I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"We both did," Lena said with a smile.
"What are you making? It smells amazing," Kara asks, feet moving again to stand next to her at the counter.
"Apple pie." Lena grinned as she started to slice the apples with deft movements.
"Mmmm." Kara wrapped her arms around Lena's waist as she rested her chin on her shoulder, the scent of spices and Lena's perfume filling her senses once more. "I love apple pie.
"I know." Lena smiled again, a little wider this time, leaning back into Kara's touch.
Kara closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh, feeling content in a way she couldn't remember feeling in a long time. Maybe ever. "I love you, too, you know," she murmured.
Lena's hands stilled for a moment before she resumed slicing the apples, her voice low and playful when she spoke. "I feel like you made that very apparent just a couple hours ago."
Kara chuckled "glad to hear it," her lips brushing against the sensitive skin of Lena's neck.
Lena let out a soft sigh and leaned even further into Kara.
Kara tightened her arms around her in response, burying her face in the crook of Lena's neck and shoulder and letting out a deep breath.
"You smell like cinnamon."
Lena tilted her head a little to give her better access.
Kara grinned against her skin and continued to drop kisses along her neck and shoulder, feeling Lena's body relax into her touch with each one.
"Mmhm, I do, but if you don't stop, there won't be any pie after all."
Lena let out a soft-hearted chuckle and turned her head to capture Kara's lips in a kiss of her own.
And Kara gave in, pulling Lena fully against her and wrapping them both inside the blanket.
"I can be patient. Besides, then not only will you smell like cinnamon, but taste like it too."
Lena hummed thoughtfully in response, her eyes fluttering shut as Kara pulled at her bottom lip one last time before finally pulling away.
The room around her that had all but stopped only to speed up even faster minutes ago, now seeming to slow down back down again.
The hum of the city stirring beneath, the rhythm of Lena's heartbeat paired with hers, the stereo still playing softly in the background keeping time with it all.
And there's something to it all that feels again like the universe stepping back for a moment. But Kara knows better than to question it — will take every bit of time the universe is willing to concede.
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cheddar-baby · 6 months
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fazedlight · 8 months
Irish (soft season 6 ficlet)
Kara knew something was wrong.
Not dangerous wrong. Lena’s heart rate was steady and calm, and there was no one else in the apartment with her. But as Kara flew above the few buildings left to her apartment, she could see how Lena was hunched over, see the stress and sadness in her body. And it made Kara’s heart ache.
Landing in the open window, Kara stepped inside, the small taps alerting Lena to her entrance. “Kara,” Lena said, trying to hide the distress on her face as she rose from the couch, grabbing at VHS tapes spread in front of the TV. “You’re home early.”
“They put out the fire before I got there,” Kara said softly. “The winds weren’t as bad as they thought.”
Lena nodded, hurriedly placing the pile of tapes into a familiar box. Kara had flown the box back to National City herself - one of the many artifacts carried over from Lena’s mother’s home, which Lena inherited at the age of 18. Lena had only gone once or twice as an adult, until the discovery of her magic made her curious to reconnect to what she could of her mother. “Are you okay?” Kara asked.
“I’m fine,” Lena said.
“Lena.” Kara stepped forward, kneeling on the rug, gently taking Lena’s busy hands into her own. “Lena, I’m here.”
Lena paused, leaving the remaining tapes next to the TV, taking a slow breath as she dropped back to sit on the floorboards instead. “I just didn’t expect to feel this way.”
“Feel what way?”
Lena stared down at the floor, not quite ready to look Kara in the eye. “I was so young. There’s so much I don’t remember.”
Kara took a seat in front of her, still holding Lena’s hands. She waited patiently - silent, and comforting, letting Lena take her time to think or talk as she wished.
“In one of the tapes,” Lena said, her voice a touch deeper than normal, “She sang an Irish lullaby. I haven’t heard it in decades. The melody slammed back into me.”
“I’m sure it was lovely,” Kara said.
“She spoke to me. In Irish. She spoke to me, and I didn’t understand what she was saying,” Lena said, frustrated. “And in the tape, I spoke back, and I didn’t understand what I was saying. It’s all gone.”
And that’s when Kara stiffened, a bolt of lightning running through her as she understood. It was different in her case, of course - she had once thought herself the last to speak a language, carrying a dead culture in her soul. Through sheer luck, she was able to get her father, her mother, her people back - but the feeling of being orphaned, she understood, if in a different way than Lena. “The Luthors don’t speak Irish,” Kara replied.
“Language attrition is common in children who stop speaking their first language before the age of 12,” Lena said softly, in a tone that made Kara realize that Lena must’ve read about this a dozen times before. “I didn’t know what I was losing until it was too late.”
“Lena,” Kara said, leaning forward to give the brunette a hug. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know it sounds so silly,” Lena said. “It’s not like I have much need to speak Irish.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t mourn what you’ve lost,” Kara said, thinking back to a million conversations she’d had with Kelly about her own traumas, even if later they were reversed by fate. “You can still be sad about it.”
Lena sighed, melting into Kara’s arms, and Kara felt relieved. They sat, wrapped in each other’s embrace and breathing in the peace of the evening, Kara rubbing gently at Lena’s back until Lena was ready. “Well, I can put the rest of this away,” Lena said, pulling back, her voice steady for the first time that evening. “We can start cooking dinner.”
Kara nodded, watching as Lena gazed back - a bit mournful, a bit sad, but a certain lightness compared to before. “If it helps,” Kara said gently, with one last thought, “I can learn Irish with you? It may not be like before, but sometimes getting some of the pieces back can mean something.”
Lena looked at her for a moment, before smiling. “I’d like that.”
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Blue and Fire Engine Red Pt 9
“Are you sure you want to do this? I won’t go easy on you.”
Lena’s voice is light in its challenge, but edged with true competition. 
It’s been more than a month since their confrontation, when they’d mutually agreed to keep things going. For much of that time, Lena had existed on tenterhooks, waiting for some other shoe to fall. But Kara was patient, and when nothing happened to threaten their happiness, Lena had finally relaxed, bringing a return to her playful confidence.
Kara bares her teeth in a grin. “Bring it.”
Today is the day of the intramural baseball championships, pitting the best of FDNC and NCPD against each other. They’d thought it would be fun to participate, neither thinking they’d ever manage to face the other in an actual game. Yet here they were, Precinct 42 facing off against Station 13. 
“Hey!” Nia calls from the bench area. “No cavorting with the enemy, Lieutenant!” 
Lena’s face creases into an exasperated eyeroll. Kara cherishes the sight, the memory of her girlfriend’s guarded features still fresh in her memory.
“Duty calls,” she drawls, leaning in for a final pre-game kiss. 
“No smooching the enemy either!”
Lena huffs as Kara guffaws, giving Lena a swat to the butt as they split to return to their respective teams. Kara hears Lena say something about psyching out the competition, but Nia’s disbelief is equally audible.
“Sure, Jan.”
Kara jogs a lap around the diamond, doing her best not to stare at Lena’s legs as she does a series of lunge stretches. When Lena moves to side bends, the edge of her jersey rides up to expose a slice of skin that makes Kara nearly trip over her own feet. When Lena turns and bends backwards, stretching her spine, her grin tells Kara that she knows exactly what she’s doing. 
Suddenly, Lena pauses mid-stretch. Though she straightens casually, Kara sees her eyes scan the field, then the bleachers, searching for something. Concern flashes through Kara, but before she can approach Lena, Winn Schott trots towards her. 
“Hey Danvers. You ready to crush your girlfriend?” 
His smile is broad and bright, and Kara automatically smiles in reciprocation. She hadn’t spent much time with Officer Schott before joining the team, but over the course of the season she’s learned that he’s a good sport, playful yet dedicated. She likes him.
“You know Lena,” she returns, “she’s not one to do things halfway.”
Winn’s nose wrinkles. “Okay, did not need to know that about you guys.” He earns a smack to the shoulder, and breaks into giggles. “Okay, okay, you know I’m joking!” 
Glancing back over the field, Kara sees that Lena has been similarly wrangled, circled up with her teammates. Her focus seems to be entirely on the huddle, so Kara lets her shoulders relax. 
“Come on,” she tells Winn. “Let’s get going.”
The game is close. Too close. It comes down to the final inning, with two outs and the bases loaded. The Hot Shots are at bat, trailing by one, but the Moody Blues need only one more out to end the game. From her position at shortstop, Kara swallows with anticipation as Lena steps towards the plate. The rest of her team cheers, while Kara’s jeers. Kara remains silent, mentally calculating how Lena might play it. She’s been hitting hard all game, making Kara’s team work to collect the ball and wing it back towards the bases before doubles and triples can turn into full homers. And in this suspenseful moment, Kara wouldn’t put it past Lena to fire a line drive directly into Kara’s knees.
She settles in, watching Lena’s relaxed strides to the plate, casually knocking the bat against her cleats to dislodge the packed dirt. Then, she settles into her ready stance, and waits. The pitcher winds up and drives the ball over home plate. Lena doesn’t swing. On the second, she even dodges as the pitch careens too close to her, much to the Hot Shots’ outrage. After a warning from the umpire, the exhausted pitcher takes a beat, spits, then readies himself.
The pitch is so fast Kara barely registers it’s been thrown, but the answering crack of the bat is unmistakable. Kara traces the arc of the ball up, up, and away, across the field and over the scoreboard on the far end, out of sight. Home run. Lena takes her victory lap at a trot as the other runners cross home plate one after the other, picking up her pace when she sees her team surging towards her in celebration.
While Lena gets showered with praise and gatorade, Kara laughs as her team groans and curses, sprawling on their backs in the dirt, exhausted. It’s been a tough one, giving as good as they got, but where the other officers wallow in disappointment, Kara feels exhilarated. 
“Jesus,” Winn says, panting as he crosses to her from second base. “Is she superwoman?”
Kara shoots him a cocked grin, and after a beat of staring his eyes go wide. “Oh! God– Danvers, I did not mean it like that!”
Slapping him on the back, Kara chuckles. “Later, Schott!”
She trots over to the other team, wading into the crowd of bodies until she’s planted herself in front of Lena. She grips Lena’s face with both hands and kisses her soundly, dust and sweat and all. It surprises Lena, evidenced by the slight glaze in her eyes when Kara draws back.
“Good game,” Kara all but shouts to be heard. As Kara smiles up at her, she sees the tiniest wrinkle appear between Lena’s eyebrows. Green eyes lift to scan the area around them, her chin even swiveling to check behind her. Kara’s hackles lift; she knows that look– the sense of being watched. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
Lena doesn’t respond, and Kara realizes that she hasn’t heard between the din and distraction. She touches Lena’s arm, pulling her girlfriend’s attention back towards her. 
“Everything okay?”
Lena blinks, staring for a long moment before she shakes her with a disarming smile. “Yeah. Of course.”
“Hey lovebirds!” Nia calls. “Come on! We gotta treat the losers to pizza and ice cream!”
“It is tradition,” Brainy confirms. “To ease the sting of failure.”
Kara turns back to Lena, smirking. “Oh darn. Guess I’ll have to wait to give you your prize at home…”
Lena’s gaze sharpens as her words register, her previous distraction swiftly turning to hunger. “You know, I have some ice cream in my freezer–”
“Nope!” Kara chirps. “Come on, babe. Pizza and ice cream wait for no man.”
Under the din, Kara hears a plaintive whimper. Her insides melt as she settles her hand into Lena’s hand and gives a promising squeeze.
All in good time, it says. All in good time.
Later that night, Kara wakes up deliciously sore, and not just from the game. She lengthens her body under the covers, stretching some of the ache away. It’s a few bleary moments before she understands exactly what’s woken her. 
Lena twitches and jerks in the bed beside her, her brow furrowed with anguish. Her lips move indiscernibly, silenced in sleep. A nightmare. Kara reaches to shake her awake, but retracts her hand at the last moment. She’s heard stories of unsuspecting partners trying to rouse their loved ones awake, only to be made part of the nightmare itself. She knows Lena would never consciously attack her, but in sleep? With a monstrous trauma and undisclosed past hanging over her? Kara knows better than to believe she would be an exception to the possibility.
Suddenly, Lena spasms, lashing out with a long arm. Kara only just manages to dodge before rolling out of bed and onto her feet. “Shit,” she hisses. She flips on the light on her bed stand, casting a glow throughout the room. Lena’s movements are more noticeable now, rocking to either side as though to dislodge something sitting on her chest. Her arm flails again before clenching the sheet in a white-knuckled grip.
Kara considers her options, but before she’s able to make a decision, Lena bolts upright with a sharp gasp, so suddenly that Kara flinches back in surprise. Lena’s head whips back and forth frantically, scanning the room. She jumps when she sees Kara standing beside the bed, eyes flying wide before recognition hits. For a brief moment they can do nothing but stare at each other. Kara’s sure her eyes are as wide as Lena’s which soon glaze with tears. Finally, Lena sighs, deflating a little as she wipes a hand over her face. 
“Fuck,” comes the inevitable mumble. Kara watches tentatively as Lena scans the room again before slowly sliding her legs over the side of the bed, turning away from Kara. Her night shirt clings to her in cold sweat, and her hair hangs limp around her shoulders. 
“You okay?” Kara asks, clearing her throat. 
Lena nods without looking up. “Yeah.” Her voice is little more than a croak, and does nothing to reassure Kara. In the end, Lena sniffles huskily and swipes again at her eyes. “I’m going to get some water. You can go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you.”
With that she slips out of the room as quiet as a wraith. Kara stares after her, at a loss for what to do next. In the quiet that follows, she realizes she’s also trembling, her body stiff with adrenaline.
“Fuck,” Kara echoes Lena’s sentiment. She drops onto the side of the bed, resting her elbows heavily on her knees as she rubs her cheeks. She doesn’t feel afraid, but her body does. Only when her hands stop shaking does she rise and venture from the bedroom. Lena doesn’t look up when Kara enters the living room, but doesn’t protest when KAra settles down next to her.
Her shoulders are hunched, arms crossed around her middle, a glass of water forgotten on the coffee table. They sit in silence for several long minutes– Lena not ready to speak, and Kara loathe to break the quiet. Finally, Lena forces herself upright, lifting her head to reveal solemn features. 
“You were smart,” she says roughly. “Getting out of bed.”
Kara takes it as an invitation to take Lena’s hand, who allows their fingers to intertwine. Clearing her throat, Lena looks at her. 
“Did I hurt you?”
“No,” Kara promises, shaking her head quickly. “I’m good. Are you good?”
Lena doesn’t respond. Tension still limns her frame, her breathing almost shallow as they sit, as though Lena can’t pull in a full breath. An idea pops into Kara’s head, and she gives Lena’s hand a squeeze. “Hey. Wanna go for a walk?”
The offer is accepted with a quiet nod. After pulling on their sweatpants and sneakers, they step out into the night. They’re the only ones on the street at this hour, and they hold hands as they silently walk towards the nearby park. When the scent of sleeping trees drifts across their senses, Kara finally feels Lena start to relax. The air isn’t quite chill, just cold enough to bring a tint of pink to her partner’s cheeks. 
Halfway across the bridge spanning a small creek, Lena draws to a stop against the wrought iron rail. Kara watches her turn her head to the sky, eyes reflecting every star peeking through the cloud cover. Soft moonlight dapples across Lena’s skin, and Kara feels her heart lurch, stuttering a little with an emotion she can’t quite describe.
“Thanks,” Lena murmurs. “This was a good idea.”
Kara slides closer, until the warmth of Lena’s shoulder melds with hers. “It always helped me, when I had nightmares. After the shooting, there were nights I felt like I was still in that bathroom stall, with the walls closing in.” She smiles thinly. “Sometimes a little breeze is enough to ground a person.”
“Or blow them away entirely.” Lena’s voice is even, but low. Vulnerable.
Kara gazes at her. “Is that how you feel right now? Like you might blow away?”
Lena sighs, then turns her gaze from the sky to Kara. “Let’s just say it’s not the breeze keeping me grounded.” Her thumb brushes the back of Kara’s hand in soft circles, sending a thrum of something deep through Kara. She leans her head against Lena’s shoulder, gazing out across the trees lining the creek while Lena returns her attention to the sky.
“It’s actually one of the things I miss about the desert,” Lena says gently. Kara hums a low question. “The sky. You could see the whole Milky Way out there, painting the entire sky. It was… breathtaking. Even on the most miserable days, it still awed me.”
You awe me, Kara longs to say. You are breathtaking.
She doesn’t.
“Maybe we could go camping,” she suggests instead. “Chase the open sky.”
Lena grunts, but the sound of it doesn’t completely nix the idea. Kara bumps her with a hip.
“I could see you on a Harley for sure.”
Finally, Lena laughs. “Nah,” Lena returns. “We’ll take the truck– sleep in the bed.”
“With all the rust mites? Psh.”
“All right, fine. Just some bedrolls around a fire. Like Xena and Gabrielle.”
Kara grins. “Can I be Xena?”
“Nope. You’ve the soul of a poet, Miss Artiste.”
It draws a chuckle from Kara. When Lena lifts her arm, Kara tucks herself against her, soaking in the proximity. 
I love you, she wants to say. I cherish you.
She doesn’t.
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rainbowrelyea · 4 months
I keep thinking about the idea of Kelly and Lena becoming besties after season six. And well Kelly, being the good friend she is, and also a mental health professional, keeps trying to convince Lena to go see a therapist and sort through all the trauma she has been through. And even though Kara, Lena’s other best friend (and possibly girlfriend at this point?) finally agreed to start seeing someone for her own issues, Lena still refuses. Perhaps because she is still too stubborn to accept the help, or because she is scared of unearthing all her demons, possibly both. So Kelly decides to change tactics and go for a more covert approach. After years of treating patients much more difficult than Lena, Kelly has a repertoire of tricks up her sleeve for convincing people to open up to her, and by subtly working some of those methods into normal everyday conversations, she’s slowly able to get Lena to start sharing herself more openly with Kelly. It’s not like that much really changes about their relationship, just now some of their discussions go a bit deeper, and little by little Lena and Kelly start to work through some of her baggage without her even fully realizing it.
This goes on for quite a while, until one day Lena puts the pieces together and realizes that Kelly has essentially been secretly psycho-analyzing her all this time (Lena is a genius after all, she was bound to figure it out eventually). When she confronts her about it, Kelly can’t help but cringe internally and braces herself for the worst. Riddled with guilt, and putting on the most apologetic face she can muster, she tells Lena how incredibly sorry she is, and tries to explain herself. But when Kelly asks her if she is upset with her, she gets an answer she doesn’t expect.
Lena crosses her arms and purses her lips, tilting her head to the side, a contemplative look on her face. For once Kelly can’t read her best friend’s expression, and she can feel her own anxiety growing as the seconds tick by. But when Lena finally speaks, there is no anger in her voice.
“I think - no, I know - that the old Lena, the person I was when we first met - she’d probably be furious at you. Maybe even friendship ending furious. I’m sure you remember what happened with Kara and I.”
Kelly doesn’t say anything, simply nods an acknowledgment, and waits for Lena to continue.
“But the Lena I am now? I’ve grown a lot in the last few years… and I don’t think I can find it in me to truly be upset with you. Maybe a little sad that you felt it was a necessary measure. But not mad - because I know you did what you did out of a place of love, not because you were trying to deceive or manipulate me. Because you’re one of my best friends and I believe you when you say you only want what’s best for me. Even when I refused to admit I needed any help, you know me well enough to know better.” She pauses, glancing down at the ground briefly before looking back up at Kelly, a small smile starting to pull at the edges of her mouth. “And you really did help me, you know? Honestly, this is the lightest and happiest I’ve felt in years.”
Kelly can tell Lena is telling the truth when she says it, because she can see it so clearly in the way Lena’s small grin breaks into a face splitting smile, one Kelly knows is genuine because of the way it’s a little crooked and because of how it crinkles Lena’s eyes at the corners. She feels her shoulders relax and she releases the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Then Lena is wrapping her up in a tight embrace, and it’s a little longer than usual, and Lena squeezes a little harder than usual, as if to say “thank you for being there for me.”
“That said…” Lena pulls back from the hug and breathes out an exaggerated sigh as she makes a show of crossing her arms and rolling her eyes like a petulant teenager, even as she fights to keep the smirk off her face. “That said, I think it’s about time I face my fears head on and schedule an appointment with a therapist, you know, one who is not my BFF.”
Kelly can’t help but smile widely at that, feeling nothing but warmth and affection for her dear friend. “Took you long enough, you stubborn old mule,” she teases, pulling Lena into another hug.
“Excuse you!” Lena swats at Kelly’s arm in mock indignation. “Stubborn yes, but I am neither old nor a mule! You take that back Kelly Olsen-Danvers!”
“Fine, fine, just ridiculously stubborn then,” Kelly replies through her laughter. “But I hope you know, just because you start going to actual therapy, that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying to keep poking holes in all those walls of yours.”
Lena considers her with a soft look in her eyes and a soft smile to match. “Yeah, I know. I don’t think I’d want it any other way.”
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breathing-in-waves · 1 month
Can any Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and Witches alike, I'm asking for a prayer to be sent out for my mom who is in the ICU right now with a bad infection and possible pneumonia (she is a cancer patient) please, if anyone can pray for her, her name is Kara, she's such a beautiful person and is pagan herself. She's the best person I know and deserves all the good attention and good vibes right now.
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ekingston · 1 year
For the fic game: Kara and Lena meet in a book store as they're about to pick the same book. It's the last one so they kind of fight over it, each trying to prove why the book is important to them
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(Also on ao3.)
Kara doesn’t recognize her at first. She’s wearing jeans, for one, and it’s not as if Kara is checking her out, per se, but she’d be a liar if she said she isn’t a tiny bit mortified when she realizes the backside she’s been admiring belongs to none other than Lena Luthor, the tech mogul, philanthropist and all around human marvel who Kara is no longer allowed to talk about to her sister, for some reason. She’s just. Here, in the bookstore around the corner from Kara’s office, browsing the stacks as if that’s a thing people still do even when they could probably afford to, like. Buy up Amazon, or something. 
Kara makes an honest effort to stop ogling Lena’s ass in favor of figuring out whether she should say something to her. She hangs back, reaching to adjust her glasses before becoming worried her nervous fingers may knock them down and accidentally reveal more than just the fact that Lena Luthor’s butt looks terrific in jeans. She changes her mind, hastily shoving her hand in her pocket instead, but not before she thwacks it into an inconveniently located display, sending a selection of Dummies guides flying in every direction. 
Kara is already scrambling to pick them up by the time the sound of it reaches Lena’s ears, already on her knees and flustered by the time Lena turns around. 
“Oh!” Lena says, her eyes wide and startled. She’s wearing a pair of glasses herself, huge and heavy-rimmed. “Oh!” she says again, eyelashes fluttering, and then, “I know you.” 
And she doesn’t, see, that’s the thing. Not really. Kara has only met Lena three times, and at least two of them were under less-than-ideal circumstances. Kara wouldn’t blame Lena if she didn’t remember her at all, especially when she technically wasn’t even Kara during the second one of those meetings, when she had plucked Lena’s wobbling chopper from a surprisingly unfriendly sky.
(Lena today looks lovelier even than she had looked during that hectic, disheveled encounter, which, in spite of the fact that Lena had been sort of busy surviving her own attempted murder, had been rather extraordinary, in Kara’s opinion. Alex was somewhat less impressed, even after the third time Kara patiently explained it to her.)
Kara tries to give Lena a smile that’s as intelligent and put-together as she can manage under the current circumstances. “Yeah, um.” She rises to her feet, keeping her fingers carefully folded around the books she’s retrieved from the floor. “It’s Kara—”
“Kara Danvers,” Lena finishes with a small, quizzical smile. “Of Catco magazine. Of course.”
And Kara can’t for the life of her figure out why it’s so ridiculously flattering to have this amazing woman place her immediately like this, or why her own name sounds so much prettier when it’s spoken with that peculiar, impeccable diction Lena Luthor has, rolling from lips that are free of the red tint Kara has become accustomed to seeing. This is out-of-office Lena Luthor, Kara realizes. A Saturday morning Lena Luthor, who loiters, perhaps even moseys, who lingers in bookstore aisles long enough to make even the densest version of Kara Zor-El realize (eventually) that she is, in fact, blocking her access to the very section Kara had come here for.
It’s also a Lena Luthor who smiles at her with genuine kindness. It crinkles the skin at the corners of Lena’s eyes just slightly, just an utterly captivating smidge. “That’s quite a selection,” she tells Kara, her voice warm with humor. 
Kara blinks at her a few times, and then asks, elegantly, “What?”
Lena gives the books in Kara’s strangling grip a sharply amused glance. Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy for Dummies, Kara discovers when she follows Lena’s gaze, and also Ukulele Exercises, Catholicism, and, perhaps most incriminatingly, Raising Goats. For Dummies, naturally.
“Well,” Kara says. “That certainly paints a picture.” 
Lena is grinning, now. “It looks like you have quite the weekend ahead of you.”
Kara rallies. “Don’t judge,” she chides with a cordial glare. “We all have our own ways to relax and unwind.”
“We do.” Lena’s laugh is melodious. “However I’d argue most of them don’t involve siring baby goats.”
“You would say that,” Kara improvises with a surreptitious look at Lena’s shopping basket, “But I bet your choices are actually more unconventional than mine.” 
When Lena’s cheeks promptly flush a dusky pink, Kara fights the urge to lower her glasses a little and get a closer look — because she’s almost sure that, tucked underneath To Paradise and The Song of Achilles, she just spotted a copy of the very book Kara herself came here to buy.
The very, very sexy, very queer book Kara came here to buy.
(It’s for research.)
(Kara is interviewing the author on Monday.)
(The fact that Kara is also a huge fan of her work is irrelevant.)
Lena deflects Kara’s remark after only a moment’s hesitation. “Kara Danvers,” she drawls, smoothly placing her body between Kara and her intended purchases, “reporter for Catco magazine.” Kara gulps when Lena aims a single severe eyebrow at her, because this woman’s casual nudge a month ago accounts for an easy ninety percent of the reason Kara now holds that position, and she hadn’t held it last time they spoke. Lena chides, sounding scandalized, “Are you asking me about my weekend plans?”
“No!” Kara shouts. “I would never be so forward, or cross that— I mean. Journalistic integrity is—” She flails, just a little, just for a minute or so, and then she blurts, “Is that a copy of T. Mercer’s Tickled Ink I saw in your basket?”
Lena goes very still, her former fluster hidden away behind a flawless mask of cool composure. A flutter of movement in the muscle at the hinge of her jaw is the only indication she hasn’t gone full Nora Fries. This is objectively terrible. Kara has terrified a perfectly adorable Saturday morning Lena Luthor, and now she has anxiety. 
“‘Cause I’m, um,” Kara attempts. She takes a breath. Anything to defrost Lena Luthor, maybe make her smile at her again. “I’m. Actually here for that one, myself.”
Lena’s eyes focus sharply, but her shoulders also ease, like, a millimeter, maybe even a millimeter and a half. “I’m sorry,” she says, and Kara’s already bursting forth to assure her she’s the one who should be apologizing when Lena finishes, flinching, “I think I got the last copy they had.”
Which is, hmm. Inconvenient, Kara wants to file it away as, but in truth it’s a little bit more than that. Because there’s the interview, on Monday. And this is the first in-person interview the author has ever agreed to, after countless emails and under strict order of secrecy regarding her real-life identity, and Kara already feels a kinship with her because of that. And Kara’s read her book, obviously, read all of them, the day they came out in fact, but she doesn’t have a physical copy of this latest one yet, and she’d really like to have the author sign it, maybe even add a little dedication saying Kara is her most persistent fan or something like that.
“Oh,” Kara says.
It gets Lena to soften her posture again, at least. “Are you—” Lena hesitates, seems to need a moment to muster her resolve. “Are you familiar with her work?”
Kara needs a moment too, mainly to stop being distracted by the observation that one of Lena’s eyes seems to be slightly less green than the other so she can choose her next move wisely. Kara can’t tell her the truth, she decides — if she gives away how much she loves the author, she ruins her chances of getting a physical copy before the interview. 
Also Lena may start doubting her journalistic integrity, which, gosh. Kara can’t even stand the thought.
“Yeah,” she says. Lena’s eyebrows rise in question. Not good enough. “I mean, a little?” Kara amends. She sends up a prayer for forgiveness and closes her eyes. “It’s pretty run-of-the-mill escapist fodder, I guess.” 
Lena’s eyes also shutter, behind long, thick lashes. “Oh,” she says. “Right.” They’re a deep inky black, even without her usual makeup. They form a pretty neat contrast with, you know, with the delicate pallor of her cheeks. She gives Kara a stiff little smile. “More of a guilty pleasure, then.” 
“Sure,” Kara says with a miserable sigh, “Her romance arcs are actually a little… trite, you know?” Kara presses her lips together in an effort to keep her bottom lip from wobbling. Okay, that actually hurt to say.
Lena’s hum is unexpectedly shrill. “Trite,” she echoes, the color returning to her cheeks, and good — Kara almost has her where she needs her. Bolstered by Lena’s obvious distaste, Kara breathes out a final volley. 
“Yeah,” she cries, “plus,” she lies, “the characters are—” just say it “one-dimensional, their motivations completely mystifying and ever-changing.” Lena is practically scowling now, fortifying Kara’s breaking heart with hope her betrayal will be worth it, in the end. “It’s also pretty obvious she has no idea how to write a proper ending,” Kara finishes with a whimper, convinced she’s stuck the landing.
Lena folds her arms in front of her body, the gesture only mildly impeded by the shopping basket looped around her wrist. “You sure seem familiar with her work,” she says. “For someone who claims to hate it so much.” 
Kara freezes. “Hmm?”
Lena narrows her eyes at her.
Kara blows out a slow breath through her mouth and sniffs, her eyes still dripping. “You don’t want that book,” she pouts in a childish last-ditch effort.
Lena’s voice is every bit the CEO Kara had first faced safely ensconced in her cousin’s shadow. “And why is that?”
“It’s, well—” Kara clears the remaining phlegm from her throat. “It’s not… for you. Trust me.”
Lena huffs out a disbelieving laugh. “You barely know me.”
“Well.” Kara takes a breath, searching the ceiling for her next clue. Gotcha! “I know you’re not gay.”
Lena’s mouth and eyebrows all curve in different directions, a face journey so fascinating Kara just stares at it for a couple of beats. Her features eventually settle in an expression that reads as— comical derision? Kara isn’t sure, it’s so complex. Lena Luthor is a very complex woman. “I mean.” Kara panics. “Are you?”
Lena opens her mouth and blinks a few times before actual words come out. “I suppose that depends,” she finally says. 
Kara’s terrified to ask, but also she absolutely has to know the answer. “On what?”
There’s that severe eyebrow again. “On whether we’re on the record yet,” Lena says simply.
Kara’s stomach lurches. “No,” she says. “Listen.” She tugs at her collar, suddenly uncomfortably aware of the supersuit beneath her button-down. “I’m here on my day off,” she assures her. “I’m not— and. ‘Yet?’ We don’t have, like, anything scheduled, or—”
“Don’t we?” Lena interrupts her tailspin. Kara watches her, uncomprehending, as Lena fishes the copy of Tickled Ink from her shopping basket before setting it gently down on the floor. “Can I borrow that pen?” She gestures elegant fingers at Kara’s breast pocket and the pen is in Lena’s hand before Kara remembers she’s not supposed to use superspeed when she’s in her civvies. 
Lena blinks between Kara’s position a respectful couple of feet away and the pen in her hand for a couple of seconds before she starts flicking graceful strokes of ink onto the title page. “Seems like we both have some introductions to make,” she muses, and then she angles the book so Kara can read what she’s written.
Kara stares at the inscription.
Tess Mercer, it says, in a pleasing, loopy script, echoing the name of the author printed just below it. And above, To my dear friend and most oblivious fan,
“Should I make it out to Kara Danvers?” Lena asks, eyeing the collar of Kara’s shirt where Kara has been tugging at it. “Or to Supergirl?”
“For me?” Kara asks, already blushing under Lena’s fixed attention and the color of her voice. 
When they eventually sit down for that interview two days later, opting for lunch at a cozy café, Lena’s fingers find Kara’s own when she discloses she’d been meaning to buy the book for Kara all along, reminding Kara one of her emails had mentioned she owned only a digital copy. 
“I’ve always preferred a good paperback, myself,” Lena tells Kara with a wolfish grin, sliding a wrapped gift across the table between them.
Flirting is the title. For Dummies.
“Oh yes,” Lena croons.
Kara swallows when she tears the paper to reveal a lurid yellow cover.
“Figured it might come in handy,” Lena says before taking a big, toothy bite. “You know." She winks. "For your big interview.”
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sssammich · 3 months
collateral ch6
HELLO i'm posting this purely for the bit in that it's st. patrick's day and therefore it's kmcg's day. sorry to the one veto vote in my unserious poll.
here's the chapter in ao3
here's the rest on tumblr: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
thx for reading see u next time
It’s only Kara’s third week on the job at CatCo. It’s a definite upgrade from her job writing articles for the Midvale Messenger, but the transition from small town to big city living has needed a little learning curve. She’s barely gotten used to her schedule, let alone the bus route to and from her apartment when a really big assignment falls on her lap that changes her entire life. 
She looks up, pushing her glasses back on her face when she finds Snapper’s scowling face in front of her. 
“Come with me.”  
She furrows her brows, yet before she has time to ask him anything, he’s already walking away. She scrambles to her feet and rushes after her boss paying little attention to the stares coming from those around the office. She eventually gets her answer when they end up in his office.
“Sir, what—” 
“Can you explain to me why Lena Luthor requested you specifically to write about the launch of their new tech project?” 
Kara’s head remains empty as she quickly rifles through her mind for some flash of recognition to that name. She doesn’t know a Lena Luthor nor does she even cover the tech beat. 
“Snapper, sir, this might be a misunderstanding. I don’t know who that is.” 
He glares at her just as he places one hand on his hip while the other rests on his desk. “Well, you better figure out who she is quickly. You have an interview with her on Thursday at 10am. Do not be late. And make that article worth my while, you understand?” 
“Me?” she asks, her head slow to catch up to his words. 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask me that. Now, get out of my office.” 
Wordlessly, and still a little shell-shocked, Kara quickly exits out of his office and makes his way back to her desk. 
“What was that about?” William, one of her coworkers, asks her as peers over his monitor.
She shakes her head. “I have no freakin’ clue.” 
Armed with a memo pad and her trusty BIC ballpoint pen, she enters the L-Corp building in downtown National City. She’s on her second cup of coffee this morning, having stayed up late the last two nights doing her homework, researching about L-Corp, the upcoming project launch that the company has largely kept under wraps, and the head of Research and Design: Lena Luthor. 
She has no idea what this woman’s game is about, but she won’t turn down the opportunity as it presents itself. 
Wiping her sweaty hands on the back of her chinos, she reaches the 46th floor and talks with Lena’s assistant about ten minutes before her appointment.
“Miss Luthor will be with you shortly.” 
She waits patiently in the small waiting area, her knee bouncing slightly. She crosses her legs at the knee and resituates herself to stop the bounce. She glances at the clock on the wall and finds that Lena Luthor is now five minutes late. 
She considers walking up to the assistant who seems very intently typing away at her keyboard, but thinks better of it. She waits it out, gives it another five minutes. She reviews her questions from her pad and double checks that her recorder is fully charged. The ticking from the clock and the consistent typing sounds fill the otherwise empty waiting area. 
She watches on as the assistant takes a call before looking over at her from across the way. 
“Miss Luthor apologies for her tardiness, but if you could wait another five minutes, she’ll be on her way up.” 
She nods and sits back slightly in her chair. The clock ticks on. 
While waiting, Kara briefly wonders if this is some type of test, a ploy to check on her. Her imagination lands her to think that this might be some kind of hazing from her colleagues. That didn’t make sense, however, not when this assistant seems like the kind of woman who wouldn’t participate in a prank if it affected her productivity. 
After almost twenty minutes, Kara audibly sighs, tries to rein in her annoyance, before getting up from her seat and decides that perhaps it’s best to reschedule. Just as she’s about to talk with the assistant, the elevator dings open and a woman in a lab coat wearing large dark-rimmed glasses with her hair pulled back in a high ponytail rushes towards them. 
“You must be Kara Danvers,” the woman says, her voice coming out composed despite the exhale she lets out, no doubt from rushing out. 
“I—yes,” she offers, a little stupefied in her spot, glancing down at the offered hand before slowly taking it in her own. 
“Lena Luthor. My deepest apologies for being so late; I was on my way up when a small emergency that couldn’t be ignored exploded…literally.” 
“Is everyone okay?” 
“Everyone is more than fine, thank you. Now, I’m sure you’re also a busy woman, so if we need to reschedule, then I understand. But if you have some time to spare, I can clear part of my schedule so you can ask all of your questions.” 
She blinks a few times to process Lena’s words, a reckoning force in front of her that Kara wouldn’t deny, even if she could. She beams and steps to the side. “Deal.” 
True to her word, Lena Luthor answers all of her questions about the new project called Biomax, a nanotechnology meant to advance and expedite healing for various open wounds and injuries. She thoughtfully takes notes of Lena’s responses knowing that the recording will help jog her memories if necessary. 
“Do you have any more questions?” 
Kara glances down to the last question that she has underlined twice: why me?  
She hesitates, an uneasy smile on her face. “Yeah, actually.” 
“Go ahead.” 
“Why did you pick me to interview you? As far as I know, we’ve never met—I’d remember you, for the record—so…just…why?” 
Lena holds her gaze, her head tipping to the side as she regards Kara. She almost looks away under the attention, but maintains her composure. 
“I’m honestly surprised you didn’t ask me right away.” 
She shrugs. 
“This project is very important to L-Corp and could greatly affect public perceptions of the company.” 
“I won’t write a puff piece if that’s what you’re asking,” she declares, sitting up. Yet Lena matches her and places a hand up, as if to stop her. 
“On the contrary. I need you to do what you do best.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Lena tents her hands in front of her and smirks. “Your established work in the Midvale Messenger shows level-headedness and thoughtful critiques. You’ve shown fair assessment and reporting, as far as I’m aware.” 
“This is a good project, Miss Danvers. I believe it can do a lot of good for a lot of people. But prior to the rebranding, L-Corp has been host to many scandals, as I’m sure your research has shown you. All I ask is that the project is reported on on its own merits and critiqued fairly for what it is and not who owns the building that developed it.” 
“You researched me?” 
“As I’m sure you researched me.” 
“Fair enough.” She nods in understanding. Then, “Don’t worry. I’ll do my job.” 
Lena smiles wide and Kara can’t help but glance down at red lips and white teeth.
“That’s all I ask.” 
Lena’s phone rings, signaling that she needs to get ready for an upcoming meeting. They both stand on either side of Lena’s desk before Lena walks around and stands practically toe to toe with her. 
“Thank you for your time, Miss Luthor—” 
“Lena, please.” 
“Lena, then. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, Miss Danvers.” 
“Well, if I’m calling you Lena…” 
“Kara it is. Feel free to call back if you need anything else for your article.” 
It’s only as they take the few measured steps between the desk and the office door that Kara notes the warm and cozy tones of Lena’s perfume just as she catches the side to side swish of her long ponytail from the corner of her eye. 
She turns around again and offers a hand, this time Lena grabbing hold of it with ease and shaking it a few times. 
“I hope this isn’t the last time we talk.” 
“I hope not either.” 
It’s not until Jess opens the door in front of them that they let go of each other’s hands. 
Her article goes to print, and she’s happy to see her name on the byline. So soon after starting her job, too. 
When she walks into the office the morning her article goes live, she’s met with all eyes from everyone staring at her as soon as she steps out of the elevator. She offers them uneasy smiles as she treks to her desk only to find it teeming with flowers. 
“What’s this?” she asks as she tries to move the different bouquets out of her seat and away from her monitor and keyboard. She glances at William next desk over and he only shrugs. 
“Secret admirer?” 
She plucks the lone card from one of the bouquets and flips it over, grinning from ear to ear. 
Thank you for doing your job. L.L.
The paper bag crinkles in her grip as she adjusts the shoulder strap of her messenger bag. The elevator dings and she appears back on the 46th floor of the L-Corp building. 
She walks towards the assistant who doesn’t seem surprised to see her. 
“Hi, uh—” she quickly glances at the name on the desk, “—hi, Jess. I was here last time. I know I don’t have an appointment, but do you think Len–Miss Luthor has a small break coming up or anything like that?” She knocks her glasses back up her nose with her knuckle. 
Jess studies her for a moment before glancing back down to the monitor. “She’s free for the next fifteen minutes.” 
She nods quickly and smiles, appreciative of the granted access. 
Kara knocks and waits until she hears a muffled response for her to enter. She peeks through the door before slowly making her way in. 
“Hi, Lena. Sorry to drop in unannounced…”
“Kara, hello. This is a lovely surprise.” 
She hums. “Well, I was in the neighborhood.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Mm. It turns out, it’s hard to get work done when your desk is overflowing with flowers.” 
“Really? Never would have guessed.” 
“No? Somehow I’m surprised,” she asks with a slight giggle. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah, I did.” Lena nods, her face sobering slightly, even with the smile still on her face. 
Kara brings a hand up and fixes her glasses again. “Well, I’m not sure I can compete with dozens and dozens of flowers. But perhaps I can offer you with a couple deep fried sugary goodness in exchange. You do eat donuts, right?”
Lena stands from the side of her desk and walks to accept the bag from Kara’s hands. “Well, I am human. Thank you, Kara. Won’t you join me? Probably for the best I don’t eat it all.” 
“Only if you’re sure.” 
Lena sits on the white couch at the far end of her office. “I’m very sure.” 
Kara takes a spot on the couch, the bag of donuts sitting between them. The fifteen minutes of break that Jess originally mentioned becomes half an hour then an hour until it’s just about time to leave for the day, the minutes and hours filled with conversation about nothing, everything. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry, Lena,” she starts as they both rise to their feet. “I didn’t mean to keep you.” 
“I should probably get going, though. A few bites of donuts isn’t enough sustenance.” 
“Well, if you’re not tired of me yet, I was just about to grab some dinner. You're welcome join me.” 
"I couldn't impose." 
"I insist."
Kara glances down at the way Lena’s hands fiddled with each other. Then she thinks briefly about the empty apartment that awaits her and the leftovers sitting in her fridge. 
“Well, then, I’d love that.” 
Days of friendship blossomed into weeks, Kara and Lena trading texts and video calls interspersed with dinners and coffees after long work days. 
The excitement of friendship with Lena lit something deep inside of Kara that she didn’t know ever existed. Simply put, being around Lena was a source of comfort while she settled herself in National City. 
“You’re not the only one who’s new around here,” Lena had said to her during one of their coffee outings, sympathizing with Kara’s adjustment after her recent arrival to the city. “It’s nice for me, too, to have someone—a friend—to spend time with. My therapist thinks so, anyway.” 
Kara then reached forward and placed a hand on Lena’s. “Tell your therapist you’re not alone, Lena. You’ve got me.” 
Lena smiled before reaching over and giving her a hug. Kara easily accepted, held Lena close to her, and made sure to never break her vow. 
It’s been a handful of months since Lena and Kara became friends, best friends even, and being allowed unrestricted access to Lena’s office for Kara to stop by still rattles something inside of her. It’s…she can’t quite put a finger on it. A kind of intimacy she enjoys: to be chosen, to be privileged in this way. 
She greets Jess with a grin and a separate bag for Jess’s favored almond croissants as Kara carries her and Lena’s lunch from Noonan’s. 
“How’s it looking today, Jess?” she asks just as puts the bag for Jess on her desk. The assistant grabs for the bag, an uncharacteristic voraciousness as she opens it and takes a whiff of the pastry. “That bad, huh?” 
“She’ll enjoy seeing you today, let’s just say.” 
“Alright. Does she have a hard stop?” 
“She has a conference call at 3. But otherwise, keep her from her computer until then.”
“Got it.” 
Just then, Lena pulls the door open. “Stop plotting against me.”
Kara beams and walks forward with a one-armed hug as she holds the bag of their lunch away from their bodies. She warms at Lena’s touch, both of her arms wrapping around Kara’s back before it gently slides down the length of her back before her hands rest briefly on Kara’s waist.
“I’ll plot against you any way I like. I’m my own woman.” 
“Yes, you are. It’s good to see you, darling. But we don’t have an appointment, do we?” 
“No, no. I just figured I’d drop off some lunch for you. Heard you’ve had a brutal morning.” 
Lena then glances at Jess who has remained steadfast in staring at her screen. “Is that right?” 
“Yes. Now we can stand here or we can actually eat some lunch. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” 
Lena steps back and allows her to walk past her, making a beeline for the coffee table in front of her white couch. She quickly takes out their food from the bag and situates it neatly in front of them, a nice little spread of salads and breads and pasta dishes. 
“Did you buy all of Noonan’s?” Lena asks when she sits beside Kara on the couch. “I can’t possibly eat all of this food, Kara.” 
“Uh, because they’re not for you,” she says, offering a playful scoff. “That’s your kale salad and all the good stuff is mine.”  
She grins when she catches Lena rolling her eyes at her who otherwise grabs a plastic fork and takes a healthy bite out of her salad. Kara hates the stuff, thinks it’s an abomination, but she’s happy to see her friend eating and relaxing. 
Kara etches this moment to memory. Because she likes how settled Lena is beside her as they dig into their lunch. Likes how visibly comfortable Lena looks as she asks Kara about her day so far. Likes how she nudges some other dishes Lena’s way until Lena relents, still gracious as she does so, picking at some of the food. It’s one of Kara’s favorite views, the way Lena leaves herself unguarded, her walls down, with her. 
Abruptly and without notice, something inside of Kara shifts—irreparably, irrevocably. 
She doesn’t know what she’s even said for Lena to snort in laughter, putting her food down on the coffee table to cover her mouth as giggles leak through her fingers.
Something inside of Kara slots into place, the world suddenly saturated and sharpened.
When Lena gets a handle on her laughter, her mouth still etched with the echoes of her mirth, she opens her eyes to fondly look back at Kara, grasping at her arm and squeezing. 
Kara doesn’t hear anything but the pulse of her blood rushing to her ears, and the heat of Lena’s hand on her skin suddenly scorching her. 
And Kara, hopeless and unprepared, discovers on a Tuesday afternoon that she’s maybe a little bit in love with her best friend.
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supercorpkid · 7 months
Ace Reporter
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader!, Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word Count: 2030
More to come!
“Miss Luthor, Miss Y/L/N is here from the Daily Planet for the interview.” You hear Lena Luthor’s assistant on the phone, and look back at your hands clenching into your purse. 
You never got nervous interviewing before. But now, you came to National City to talk to Lena Luthor and try to get something out of her brother’s latest jailbreak. You are aware that the chances of Lena actually telling you anything about Lex are pretty slim. But there’s nothing you can do about it. If they sent you all the way from Metropolis to get a quote from her, you might as well work for it.
It’s not that you’re scared of her. No, that would be absurd. Yes, her brother is a borderline maniac and even though he is just a man he is a worthy opponent for Superman himself, so his mind is both amazing and bizarre. And yes, you’ve heard all Luthors have the same brain. But you’re not scared. No. You just think you should be careful with your approach.
“You can go in, Miss Y/L/N.” Her assistant signals for you to follow her, and takes you to Lena’s office. “Please.” She gestures for you to walk inside.
“Thank you.” You nod at her while she closes the door. You look to the other side of the big, fancy office to find the person you’re looking for. “Miss Luthor.”
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N.” Lena points to the chair before her desk. And you promptly make your way there. “Haven’t heard from the Daily Planet in a while.”
“Oh, yeah.” You smile, swallowing your insecurities while you’re in front of her. The fact that she was beautiful you already knew, but holy damn, you were not prepared for this gorgeous woman in front of you. You must look like a total loser while you stare at her at a loss for words. “I bet you only hear from CatCo now.”
She smiles, agreeing. CatCo is a pain in the ass of the Daily Planet. Actually, that’s not true. CatCo is a pain in your ass. Or rather one reporter named Kara Danvers. You push your reservations against CatCo and Kara aside, coming back to what it matters.
“I’m glad you said yes to sitting down with the Daily Planet today, Miss Luthor. We’ve lost touch now that you moved to National City. But you’re always out doing interesting things.” You try to butter her up a little to see if she’ll be more inclined to give you the information. “And rebranding Luthor Corp! That’s worth publishing about.”
“Oh.” Lena furrows her brows. She looks directly at your eyes, narrowing hers, clearly confused with your approach. “If you are actually here to talk about L Corp, I’d love to chat. But,” She raises her eyebrow at you and you know exactly what is coming next. “If you're here to ask about Lex, then I’m sorry but we have nothing to talk about.”
You give her a patient smile. “I’m here to hear about you, Miss Luthor.” Liar. Liar. Pants on fire. “Of course Lex’s name might come up since you took over his company, but I don’t think there’s anything more interesting than you.”
It’s a lie, but it also isn’t. You, as a person, are super interested in Lena. The Daily Planet, however…
The interview went well. As well as it could go with Lena purposely dodging all the questions about Lex, and you trying to be sneaky enough and get a quote on something about him. In the end you got a shabby quote about how she has no idea what he’s been up to, because she has much to do to recover the company since he left it in a horrible state. 
There were far more important things to talk about, and her mind is just as amazing as his for what you could see, but you did what you could in your limited time with her.
“Well, it was great to talk to you, Miss Luthor.” You stand up, showing her your hand. Lena looks at it with a smirk before taking into hers, and shaking it strongly.
“Hope I was worth the commute.” She tries to be funny, but it comes out a little flirty. With the eyebrow raised, the raspy tone both followed by a little smirk, you have a really hard time making your brain function properly. But that’s insane, Lena Luthor wouldn’t flirt with a simple reporter such as you.
“National City has its charms.” You smile, clearly talking about something other than National City. Because, honestly, this city has got nothing on Metropolis. Maybe the Super. You love Superman, obviously, but Supergirl is just as powerful and also a snack. "I guess I can see why it was appealing to some people."
“I hope you’re sticking around longer, there is much to see here.” She adds, and you furrow your brows confused to what she might be talking about. There’s literally nothing to see in National City. 
“Really? And here I was thinking nothing could beat this view." Your mind finally catches up to your brain when you realize you've been staring at her directly while saying that. "I mean, we're so high up." You point to the windows behind her.
Lena Luthor is a professional so she obviously wouldn't laugh right at your face, but she totally could after this. Ugh.
Instead, she smiles with a little nod. She rounds the table taking you to her office door, clearly telling you it’s time for you to leave without being indelicate.
“I hope to see you around, Miss Y/L/N.”
“She has given us nothing.” You hear on the phone, and breathe deep, knowing this would be the reaction from your editor.
“She doesn’t trust me. You know how hard it is to approach Luthors, especially in a situation like this. Just let me go back to Metropolis and help Clark with the investigation about Lex.”
“Clark doesn’t need any help, and we need at least a serious quote from someone in the family. Lena is our safest bet.” You can hear him shuffling with some papers. “Clark told me his cousin works for CatCo and she’ll be happy to help. She and Lena have a good relationship you can exploit. Look for her, her name is Kara Danvers.”
“Kara Danvers.” He repeats as if you hadn’t heard him. “You can come back when you give me an actual quote I can use.” He hangs up right after.
UGH! You throw your phone in the hotel bed, pissed. Not only you have to stay in National City for God only knows how long, now you also have to work with Kara fucking Danvers? This is your worst nightmare. 
You open your laptop, looking her up on Google. It isn’t the first time you’ve done this and it probably won’t be the last. You can’t believe you have yet to read her piece that won the award. The award that was supposed to be yours. It was so close, you were sure you were going to win, then Kara swooped in at the last second and took it from you. She must be a real dick. You can’t believe she is Clark’s cousin. He’s so nice and she is… ugh. Just the worst.
You don’t want to know if her article was actually better than yours. So you close your laptop, and throw yourself back in bed, looking at the hotel walls and imagining different ways you can be passive-aggressive with Kara Danvers.
Yet, you swallow your pride and make your way to CatCo first thing in the morning. You might not want to work with Kara, but you do want to go back home, and if this is the only way, then so be it.
“Hi, I’m Y/N from the Daily Planet. I was told to look for Kara Danvers. We are going to be working together.” You give the brunette in front of you your best fake smile. Even though she looks adorable and worth much more than that.
“Oh, that’s so cool. I’m Nia Nal. Come on, I’ll take you to her desk.” You follow her, heart beating fast in anticipation, you’re about to meet the woman that took your best chance to have a better career. 
“Kara, this is Y/N from the Daily Planet.” You stop behind Nia, looking at Kara and her button up shirt and stupid cardigan. She adjusts her glasses while looking at you. You can’t believe you lost your prize to this fucking nerd.
“Hi,” She stands up, showing you her hand. “I’m Kara. It’s nice to meet you. My cousin Clark texted me you’re coming. Hopefully I’ll be able to help you.”
Yeah, right. You hold her hand, forcing a smile. “I’m sure you will.”
Nia excuses herself, and Kara shows you to a desk in front of her where you can set up your things. “So, what brings the Daily Planet to National City?”
“Lex Luthor.” Kara’s eyebrows are pinched together when she hears his name. “His latest jailbreak.”
“Oh.” She adjusts her glasses on her face one more time, then smooths her hand over her stupid cardigan. 
“You look surprised, Danvers.” You smirk, glad to know something the prize-awardee doesn’t seem to know.
“No, no.” But she clearly is still processing the information. “I’m just confused as to why you’re here. Wasn’t he in a Metropolis jail? Seems you’d get more information there.”
“Clark is looking into it.” You breathe out. “We had to look for other sources.” 
She immediately puts two and two together. “Lena.” It’s merely a whisper, but you can hear her just fine.
“She agreed to an interview, but obviously wouldn’t talk about Lex.” You raise an eyebrow at her. “With me, at least.”
"She's nothing like her brother. I thought the Daily Planet would’ve figured that out by now.” Kara crosses her arms, defensively. Looking like she won’t want to help you. Which you can’t really blame her, but still can hate her for it.
“Of course I know that.” You don’t know it for sure, but your intuition tells you so. You were only with Lena for 20 minutes, but you already know she is different from all the other Luthors. “But we have nothing on him. Even Superman is worried. I know Lena is trying to reverse her brother’s evil schemes, and moving to National City was an excellent idea, because people in Metropolis hate the Luthor name even more than they do here. But still, Danvers, if she has anything on her brother, it would help a lot.”
“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” Kara looks back on her phone, and you dare a glance at it. She is texting Clark. 
Kara: What's up with Y/N?
Clark: Best reporter I know. Great at finding people's secrets.
You smile at the compliment. Even Clark knows you're a better reporter than prize-awardee over here. You stop looking at her phone and focus back on her face. She gives an annoyed sigh, clearly not wanting to help, but finding it impossible to say no. 
Come on, Kara Danvers. She owes you one.
“Look, I get it. You don’t want to help. Trust me, if I could, I wouldn’t be here either. But I need a quote from Lena to leave, and God, I really want to leave.” You show her your hand. “You help me, and I get out of your hair as soon as possible.”
“I can try, but I don’t think Lena knows anything.” 
“Well, that's an easy fix, isn't it? We're reporters, we just need to find something for her to learn. What do you say, Danvers?” You show her your hand one more time. “Your name can be the first one in the byline.”
Kara rolls her eyes, but shakes your hand in agreement. This fucking nerd. You can’t believe you came all the way from Metropolis to interview a Luthor and were paired up with the only reporter you cannot stand. Honestly, when did your career get so side-tracked?
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writethrough · 4 months
Can I request a Morpheus and reader where the reader is krypton like supergirl and he doesn’t know until I show him and we are dating and I risk my life to save him from people who wants to kill him
Thank you 😊
With Power Comes Misunderstandings
(Morpheus x Female Reader)
Synopsis: When Morpheus is late for your date, the only explanation is that someone's tried to harm him because of you—Supergirl's and Lena Luthor's daughter. After all, why else would they want your completely normal, powerless boyfriend?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1623
A/N: Thanks you so much for sending this request in! And thank you for being so patient with me! This one kind of stumped me for a long time, but I think I figured out a way to write it that, hopefully, does your idea justice. It's slightly different, maybe a little lighter than the original idea, but I really played on the "doesn't know you have powers" bit. I hope you enjoy!
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He had your full attention, he always did. 
For all the sounds you could hear and how far you could see, everything in you focused on Morpheus. 
He had this calmness that soothed your soul. He held himself with such confidence and clarity, and you desperately needed that. 
Your life was hectic to say the least. 
Being the child of Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor was one thing. But having powers like both of your mothers was something else entirely. You were born with Supergirl’s speed and senses, and the Walsh affinity for magic. 
However, they both wished for you to grow up as human-like as you could. You went to school, college, got a job, and when you were old enough, they started training you. 
You were disappointed when you discovered heat vision and freeze breath weren’t in your arsenal of powers. But, it turned out, they translated into your magic. 
Fire and water were at your disposal. Two sides of the same coin—the light and the dark. Much like your parents’ families. 
They told you stories, you watched and read the news—you knew their history. But one of the things they always taught you was that your story was your own. They embodied it in everything they did. Even in their names: Kara Danvers-Walsh and Lena Walsh-Danvers. 
It was why you never felt the need to keep secrets from them. You also never forgot that if anyone could sus them out, it was your mothers.  
When you initially told them you were seeing someone, you asked them to respect your privacy and to not go digging. Though, you doubted that they would find anything. It’s not like Morpheus had an Instagram—any social media for that matter. You didn’t mind that, though. He wasn’t attached to this modern-day vanity. He didn’t live his life for an audience, he did it for himself. 
Glancing at your watch, you wondered just where your other half was. 
Today, you were finally going to introduce your parents to Morpheus. You could already hear Kara asking how you two met, itching to get confirmation of the meet-cute she had already imagined. 
It was kind of cliché. 
You were walking your dog, she caught a whiff of a hot dog cart and bolted, and Morpheus grabbed her leash just before she could snatch one from the cart owner’s fingers. 
You had thanked him profusely, that twinge of irritation ringing because you couldn’t use your speed in public. 
Morpheus was gorgeous. And you may or may not have given your pup extra treats for inadvertedly introducing you two. 
Again, you checked your watch, tugging on the simple stud in your ear. Your magic thrummed within them, the spell to conceal said magic always on you. Your parents recommended the idea early on, a protective measure. It kept you hidden from anyone who could sense your power. 
You sighed. It wasn’t like Morpheus to be late. If anything, he was always perfectly on time, appearing the second the clock turned. 
Your stomach churned, and there was a prickling underneath your skin. 
Something was wrong. 
You clutched the necklace Morpheus had given you a few weeks ago. It had been a true surprise—not a birthday gift or a silly monthaversary token. He’d given it to you out of the blue, and said when he saw it, he thought of you. 
A ruby, no bigger than your pinky fingernail, hung from a delicate gold chain. It was the most recent possession you had of his at the moment, but thankfully, it should hold enough meaning between the two of you to lead you to him. 
You muttered a few words, imbuing it with your magic, and instantly, it cooled against your chest. 
Too far. 
The chain warmed along your left side, pulling you in that direction. 
You ran when you could, slowing when too many people were around. 
The necklace lost its warmth in front of a rundown barn five miles south of the city. Everything about it screamed “Do Not Enter.” Smashed-in windows, chipped paint, overgrown foliage—trees creating a shroud, its very own darkness. 
You exhaled shakily. Morpheus was inside. And the only reason you could come up with was that someone found out about you. Someone needed to get you away from your family with enough leverage to make you come alone. And they chose Morpheus. The man your parents knew of, but not who he was. You weren’t sure if it was sheer luck or pure coincidence. 
You kept him hidden too long, and now look what’s happened. 
You should’ve been more careful. People were always trying to hurt your parents, hurt you, but you were all strong. Morpheus was innocent in all of this, and you were going to make sure whatever asshole took him would be sent straight to prison. 
It was that thought that made you kick in the door, charging into something you never expected. 
He stood as he always did, calm and collected—unbothered even—with five men unconscious at his feet. 
His head tilted almost imperceptively. “Darling?” 
“What happened?” you asked, spotting the chalk-drawn runes. 
Walking along the circle, you recognized most of them. Entrapment, weakening, barriers, and one that you’d never seen. You were so wrapped up in deciphering it that you hadn’t realized he never answered you. 
“Morpheus?” You furrowed your brow, and he avoided your gaze. 
“I must confess an error.” He spoke softly, almost...ashamed? 
You slowly stepped closer. “What are you talking about? Are you alright?” 
That seemed to make his shoulders drop more. 
“I am unharmed, but I fear my misjudgement will...effect us.” 
“You can tell me anything,” you urged, fingers brushing his forearm. 
“I—” He stopped himself, eyes pleading with you. “I have not been truthful, and it has endangered you.” He glanced to the men. “They wanted to use you to manipulate me.” 
Your features pinched. Why on Earth would they want to control Morpheus? And why did he think these people were after him and not you? 
You shook your head. “This isn’t your fault. They wanted me.” 
You moved to the runes again, missing the confusion passing over his face. 
“These are symbols meant to draw in magic. They wanted to trap someone here.” You stopped at the one you couldn’t place. “I’m not sure what they were doing with this one, though.” 
“They made a mistake. It means nothing.” 
You scanned it. 
He was right. It was almost like the men smashed two runes together. It was completely useless. 
...But how did Morpheus know that? 
The question was on the tip of your tongue when he interupted. 
“I am Morpheus, Dream of the Endless.” 
You blinked. “What?” 
He stepped toward you, slowly, as if afraid you’d run from him. 
“I am not human...am I to think the same for you?” His eyes lit trails over your body even in his investigation. 
You nodded, everything piecing its way together. 
“So, wait. You’re saying that you were the target, and that they wanted me as bait?” you asked. It wasn’t anything completely new. Your mothers had security all over you until you came into your power. “How did you get to them before they got to me?” 
“Their dreams. One fell asleep here and showed me what they wished to do,” he said, head down. 
His fingers slipped into your hand, a point of connection he seemed to need. 
“My deepest apologies, dear one.” 
Your brow furrowed. “Why are you apologizing?” 
His thumb grazed over the back of your hand. “I was late for our meeting.” 
Your smile started small, then grew until you were giggling. His eyebrows twitched, but the uptick of his lips was all you saw before you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. 
His hands settled at your waist as he returned it. 
“That’s what you’re worried about,” you mumbled into his lips. “I think—” kiss “—I can—” kiss “—forgive you.” 
He cupped your cheeks, gliding his nose against yours. 
“How very generous.” 
The last bit of your giggling escaped, gripping his coat. 
“You have not told me who you are,” he said, eyes locked. 
You hummed, then gave him one last kiss. “I think it’s best if you get everything all at once.” 
Gripping his hand, you were about to walk out of the barn when his firm hold stopped you. 
“I believe I have a faster way.” 
“Wait. So, you thought he was the bait for you, and he thought you were the bait for him?” Aunt Alex asked, waving her fork between you and Morpheus. 
You nodded. “I think he was more surprised than me.” 
He gazed at you fondly. “I have never been more pleased to learn a secret that had been kept from me.” 
“Oh?” Lena asked. “Why’s that?” 
“She is protected even if I can not come to her aid.” 
Kare “awwed” as she brought in two pans of food with Aunt Kelly carrying a large bowl. 
You rolled your eyes, fighting a smile. 
“Trust me,” Kelly started. “Even if she wasn’t powered, she has an entire legion behind her.” 
Morpheus gripped your hand beneath the table. You glanced to him, then caught Kara’s eyes, a knowing look as she turned to your boyfriend. Your cheeks warmed when you realized she wasn’t wearing her glasses. 
“We’ll have to introduce you to everyone one day,” Kara said. “Since we’ll be seeing more of you.” 
Your jaw relaxed as you caught it just before it opened. She wasn’t wrong, but you didn’t think she’d be so bold. 
Morpheus gave your hand a light squeeze. “It would be an honor.” 
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Taglist: @sayumiht, @hatterripper31, @snowsatsu, @1950schick, @navs-bhat, @bookshelf-dust, @sapphireonline, @fictional-hooman, @steph-speaks, @ladyredstar1991, @secretdreamlandmentality, @ababycake, @morpheuss1mp, @boofy1998, @alice-the-nerd, @herfantasyworldd, @poemfreak306, @tronnily, @commanderfreethatdust
If you’d like to be added to any taglists, please comment or message me with the character you’d like updates on. 
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inkedroplets · 1 year
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The vague similarities between Katie's Continental character and Doctor Poison had me imagining a Supercorp AU where Kara is raised on Themiscyra instead of Midvale. I'm thinking Clark thinks it's the best place to be raised when she has trouble controlling her strength and Diana offers to take her in to both give her a home and to train her. Kara is mostly happy on the island. It's not Krypton but it's a home that she slowly acclimates to over the years. But she longs to see what lies beyond the island. To see where Kal has made his home. Whenever she hints at wanting to leave the island, she's rebuffed gently. Man's world is not just dangerous but as Amazons are not meant to set foot off the island, she would risk banishment if she left. It's a discussion for another time. An opportune moment when Diana can convince Hippolyta that she should be allowed to leave. "You just need to be a little bit more patient, Kara," Diana assures her during a training session. And Kara is... for a time. Until Diana returns one day with grim news. Clark has been injured. Hurt. Something that they thought impossible. (His weakness to kryptonite isn't common knowledge). He's in a coma. Something that Diana considers keeping from Kara but in the end can't bear to do so. "Lena Luthor," Diana says and hands Kara the remnants of what looks like a spent canister. "She's made many weapons like this... We've been trying to track her down for ages... Her brother has tried assisting in her capture but..." She shakes her head. "I never imagined she would create something capable of hurting Kal."
The attack on Superman makes Hippolyta put her foot down. Kara is not to leave the island until the threat has passed. A decision that Kara can't abide. She doesn't try to hide that she plans to leave the island. To hunt down whoever hurt Kal, knowing that whoever did is a danger to everyone else. "If nothing will dissuade you from your course," Hippolyta says with a heavy heart, knowing she can't waver when Kara has made her declaration to leave in front of so many. "If you set foot off the island, you are to never return." The prospect of leaving another home is enough to give her pause, to consider her options but when she sneaks from her chambers in the dead of night she's surprised to see her armor and her weapons waiting for her. A parting gift from Hippolyta. It doesn't take Kara long to track down a lead. She's made no efforts to hide what she's doing, being reckless in her pursuit only to come back to her modest apartment to a note that tells her they know how to find Lena Luthor. "It's too easy," Diana warns when Kara tells her that someone might have information about Lena. "We've never been able to track her down in all the time we've spent searching for her. Trusting that a stranger might be able to do that..." She shakes her head again. "We need to be cautious. Make sure it's not a trap." "Of course," Kara replies and while she understands Diana's trepidation, she can't help but go alone to the meeting. An abandoned warehouse. She has time to scope out the place, seeing only one person inside, her guard still up. She forces her way through a rusted door to get inside and spots the lone figure standing in a nest of shadows. "You're looking for Lena Luthor?" Barely even a question but Kara answers affirmatively anyway and that's when the figure steps out of the darkness. It's Lena. Kara rushes forward without thinking and has her hand on her throat, lifting her easily. "You!" she seethes and her eyes glow a violent red for only a moment. She expects to see hatred, maybe fear on the woman's face but sees nothing of the sort. If anything, she looks almost relieved at the prospect Kara might unleash all her rage upon her. "I didn't hurt Superman," she whispers hoarsely and a solitary tear rolls down the side of her face and down her mask. "I didn't hurt anybody." Kara knows better than to believe her but she drops her, lets her tumble to the ground. "You did," Kara whispers and reaches for the spent canister that Diana brought to her. "This is yours," she hisses and sees red when Lena nods.
"My research," Lena pleads. "I never wanted to turn it into a weapon. That was my brother's doing..." And it all comes out. Lex's facade as a humanitarian that he has carefully crafted. The one sane Luthor that has tried time and time again to stop his sister's more sinister inclinations have been nothing but smoke and mirrors. Even her mask is nothing more than a prop she's been forced to wear. 'To look the part' "Why do it then?" Kara asks, unsure of whether or not she should believe her. "Why help him, why let him pin all the blame onto you?" And that's when Lena pulls out a polaroid from her back pocket. "If I don't," she says and holds the photo up to the light. "He'll kill my best friend." When Kara leans closer, she sees a man tied to a chair, looking ragged, looking weak but relatively unharmed. "Jack," Lena murmurs. "I want to save him," she says, getting straight to the point. "I want to stop my brother, and I need your help."
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
If the hurt/comfort promts are still a thing, can i suggest some #13 or #19?
19. "You need to eat something." also prompted by @tobias-robin, @autistic-tim-drake, and @derp-a-la-sheep! this one was popular huh
“Kara said it’s called ‘dovrosh’ in Kryptonian.”
She watches him pick at a speck of lint on his comforter. He abandons it and pulls the covers up to his chin after a moment, rolling onto his side with his back to Tim’s chair. Every line in his body radiates shame, mingled with frustration, distress, and… other feelings, while Tim is rigid, his mouth a thin, displeased line.
“In English, that more or less translates to ‘gloom sickness’.” Kon takes a slow, shaky breath and scrubs his hand over his eyes. “Kryptonians can get it if they go too long without enough sun. It was a big deal on Krypton, ‘cuz it’s…” He has to pause for a second, clearing his throat. “It’s, uh, an infection of the sunlight-processing organ. From, like, temporary disuse. Kara said on Krypton under Rao it could be fatal, but… but under a yellow sun it’s nothing. Kelex says…” He breaks off to cough, a deep, rattling sound low in his chest that leaves her unsettled. “Kelex says I’ll be fine in a few days.”
Tim lets out a disparaging tch and folds his arms over his chest. “So Kelex gave you blanket permission to sulk and refuse to help yourself get better any—ow!”
Cass glares at him, holding her hand up threateningly. “No bullying the sick.”
Tim glares right back. “He’s bullying himself! Hit him, not me! He’s refusing food and being a stubborn ass! Contender for worst patient of the decade—”
“Takes one to know one, doesn’t it?” Kon snarks back, hoarse. He coughs again, wretched and painful, and Cass winces. “Save it for next time you’re on bed rest. I told you, I’m not hungry—”
“And I told you, that doesn’t matter! You’re running a fever, sweating, and having trouble processing sunlight, so you need to replenish your electrolytes and give your body some nutrition to work with, you stupid—ow! Cass!"
“I said, no bullying.” Cass smacks Tim’s shoulder once more for good measure. Then she turns to Kon, hands on her hips. “Tim is right. You need to eat something.”
{ continue reading on ao3! }
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daisy-thetoxic · 5 months
wRoNg | Kara Danvers
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Fem Oc g!p- Phoebe Petera (spider girl)
Warning: MINORS DNA (or smt like that) 18+, praise link, breeding kink. pnv, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap it yall), (Skip don’t read this!)
Phoebe zipped through the city, her web allowing her to get a flying feeling as she flung herself into the sky, diving back down and repeating.
She swung past building to building, it was freeing, liberating. Until she remembered she was on her way to help the cities national hero, Super Girl, to help defeat a monster.
“You know, I’m starting to think your putting yourself in danger so I can come save you.” Phoebe muses as she lands next to Supergirl, smirking.
“No- I-“ Supergirl stutters, a faint blush on her cheeks at the flirting.
“Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” Phoebe teases, shorting a web at the mister before zipping around it to ties it up. She shoots another web at its other
Hand before doing the same, locking it in like they would a psych ward patient.
“I will-“ the monster begins to bellow before Phoebe shoots a web at its mouth before kicking it in its chest to push it over, successfully detaining it.
“I had that.” Supergirl tells her, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Your so cute when you pout.” Phoebe smirks against, walking over to the stuttering women.
“I am not pouting.” Supergirl shakes her head, backing up a little noticing how close Spidergirl was getting to her.
“Whatever you say, princess.” Phoebe smirks at her before shooting her web to repel her into the sky before she swings away.
“We really got to stop meeting like this.” Phoebe smirks down at Kara, as Phoebe replaced Snapper. Kara kept bumping into her wherever she went. That’s how they got in the situation, Kara didn’t look up form her phone when she entered the elevator, bumping right into Phoebe.
“If you would-“ Kara furrows her eyebrows, frustrated by the raven haired women.
“Talking back to your boss?” Phoebe raises an eyebrow, cutting Kara off as she clicked the top elevator.
“No. I-“ Kara stutters in frustration, allowing Phoebe to have more power over her. The elevator dinged, signally they were at the top floor.
“Danvers, I need your help to carry boxes from the supply room.” Phoebe smirks as Kara went to walk off to her desk. Kara stoped in her tracks, holding in a groan as she turns around to see her boss smirking at her misery.
Phoebe leads them down the hall, into the storage closet. She closes the door once Kara walks in.
“Which boxes?” Kara asks as Phoebe walks behind her, making the intern turn around.
“I don’t know, supergirl, you tell me?” Kara looks up at her surprise showing on her face.
“How do?” Kara stutters.
“How do i know? You aren’t exactly subtle, Sweetheart.” Phoebe tilts her head as she corners Kara to one of the desks.
“Spidergirl?” Kara tilts her head confused.
“Took you long enough, thought I was going to have to spell it out for you.” Phoebe tells her, watching as the Kryptonian blushed as she hit the desk, an inch distance between the two.
“I-“ Kara stutters as it seemed the distance between them only disappeared, Pheobes lips hovering over hers but not fully committing, almost teasing Kara.
Kara growing frustrated like she usually did in the woman’s presence, she pushed forward slightly, connecting their lips.
The frustration and tension was taken out by the kiss as it grew heated. Kara groans as Phoebe parts her lips, invading her mouth with her tongue.
“Jump.” Phoebe commands, wrapping her hands at the back of Kara’s thighs so when she jumps Phoebe picks her up. Setting her down on the desk as standing in between her legs.
Kara moans lightly into Phoebe mouth, suffocating the sound. Phoebe fiddled with the buttons on Kara’s shirt, not trying to rip it but it was opening, so she rips it in half, degrading it on the floor.
“That was my favorite shirt.” Kara pouts, looking at it on the floor.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” Phoebe tells her before reconnecting their lips. Kara only nods into the kiss and takes of Pheobe’s shirt also, their super hero suits.
Pheobes unbuckles Kara’s pants pulling them off in one swift move, leaving the Kryptonian in her superhero suit. Phoebe stepped out of her pants after unbuckling her belt.
She stepped back in between Kara’s legs, pressing her bulge against the super hero’s clothed private part. Kara could on moan as being her closer as they engulfed in a sloppy kiss.
Phoebe moans into the blondes mouth as Kara grinds into her, impatient as always. “Please.” Kara whimpers as she becomes sexually frustrated.
“Since you asked so kindly.” Phoebe breaks the kiss, pulling down her pants enough to let her cock spring out. Kara clenches her thighs at the sight.
“Open.” Phoebe taps the superhero’s thighs making them spring open as commanded.
Phoebe let’s her hands guide themselves up the blondes thigh, onto her clothes parts. She uses on of her hands to guide her cock to the superhero’s clit, moving the piece of clothing to the side.
Kara bucks her hips, moaning at the feeling. “Please.” Kara begs, gasping as Phoebe guides her cock into the woman entrance. She knew Kara could take the the sudden intrusion as her wetness lubed the raven haired woman’s cock.
There was a knock on the door, making Pheobes shoot a web at the door for it to be stuck closed. “Hey is Kara in there?” James calls out, trying to open the door but it wouldn’t budge.
A smirk dances on Pheobes hips as she shallowing thrusts into Kara.
“Yeah she’s helping me go through boxes, we need old articles for a project.” Phoebe calls out. “Sorry there’s a ton of boxes in front of the door.
Phoebe thrusts sharply making Kara gasp loudly.
“Kara be more careful, you gonna end up breaking your foot.” Phoebe pretends to warm her as she smirks down at the helpless Kryptonian who could only cling to her.
“Kara? Are you okay?” James asks worriedly, his not so secret crush on her showing.
“Be a good girl, and answer.” Phoebe whispers in her ear, smirking against her skin.
“Yeah!… I’m.. fine.” Kara calls out, trying to not make any other sound.
“We’ll be done in an hour, if you want to talk to her later.” Phoebe tells him, continuing her thrusts as she covers Kara’s mouth with her hand as the other one fell to her slit, rubbing circler motion.
“Okay.” James replies walking off, as Phoebe’s took her hand off of Kara’s mouth.
“So good.” Phoebe praises, as Kara could only moan back, taking in the rough, deep thrusts.
Phoebe uses her super speed to take Kara on the desk and flip her around, pushing deeper into her. “Be a good girl and cum for me and I’ll think about breeding you, sweetheart.”
Kara clenches her walls around Phoebe’s cock at the words, thrusting herself back into Phoebe, chasing her release. Phoebe matches her thrust.
Phoebe pulls her closer, turning her around so she faced Kara once more, connecting their lips as Kara wrapped her legs around her boss.
“Don’t stop” Kara gasps, as Phoebe reconnects their lips, less sloppily as she swallowed Kara’s moans. Kara squeezed her eyes shut as her climax washed over her like a Tsunami once Phoebe started rubbing circles on her clit.
Phoebe’s thrusts got quicker as she felt Kara release on her, moaning as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She thrusted one last time, all the way in before cumming in Kara. She kept thrusting lightly before coming to a slow stopped as she brought Kara down from her climax.
“Who would have thought the girl of steel had a breeding kink?” Phoebe laughs lightly, as she pulls out of Kara, leaving her to clench her legs together as the cold air hit her.
“I-“ Kara looked like a lost puppy as her words were caught in her throat. Phoebe started putting back on her clothes, helping Kara into her own as he legs shakes lightly.
“Been awhile before someone could keep up?” Phoebe asks, helping the blonde.
“Haven’t met someone who could.” Kara tells her, looking at her a upped shirt.
“Here take this.” Phoebe tells her, handing her the black silk shirt as she put on her coat, buttoning it till she could get back to her office and get one of her spare shirts she has stashed.
“I’ll want to get lunch?” Phoebe asks, knowing she developed a appetites. She watched as Kara’s facial features soften like a kid in a candy store.
“Yes!” Kara smiles, reminding Phoebe of a golden retriever.
“Let’s stop by my office first.” Phoebe opens the door, using her super strength. She let Kara walk out first, her hand on her back as she shut the door behind them.
“Here.” Phoebe walks to Kara’s desk, handing her a box. Kara looks up at her boss confused, scrunching her knows making Phoebe smile.
Her facial features turned happiness as she saw the four shirts that laid inside the box. It was the exact same as her blue one that got torn but I’m 3 other colors.
Blue. Red. Black. White.
“I’m was heading out for brunch. Want to join me?” Phoebe asks her, raising an eyebrow as she subtly smirked, hearing Kara’s heart beat faster.
“I would love to.” Kara got up, setting the box on her desk, closing it before walking with Phoebe to the elevator.
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love-and-hisses · 4 months
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Hooray, hooray, Shelby was adopted and went home today... and she took a couple of friends with her. 😀 Yes, that's right - Shelby, Drum AND Clairee were adopted together! They are on their way home to North Carolina right now, where they will join 4 kitty siblings. You can see them on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/knit_n_purr_kara/ - it's a private account, but she'll approve anyone who's following Love & Hisses!) Happy life, sweet babies. (And THANK YOU, Kara, for being so patient while I dragged Drum out from under the cabinet!)
Drum will likely be renamed Murphy, Clairee is possibly going to be Chloe, and Shelby will remain Shelby! Happy life, sweet babies! 🧡🧡🖤
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megadan94 · 9 months
Something that makes Clark's bad assumptions about Krypton sadder, is that he's just doing to his people what he's done to himself.
He also assumes himself to be a threat to others, and other people have made those assumptions about him too, assuming the worst about others like him seems like a natural extension of his own self-image.
It makes me nervous about how he's gonna treat Kara, especially if she can't communicate.
On one hand, he was quite harsh with Jor-El, but he's an older and more intimidating figure he's been afraid of since childhood. I'd like to think that, with Kara being a clearly distressed child who's trying her best, he'd be a lot more patient and understanding with her, but I can also see this being a story of intergenerational trauma, where Clark has to realise that he's traumatizing her in the same way he was traumatised by his own isolation and self-loathing. This is part of why I want a younger Kara, I want her to be the same age as Clark was in those flashbacks, to make the parallels between them more pronounced.
This could be the next step in his arc of self acceptance, where learning to treat Kara better is an extension of treating himself better.
It could also really fit with the autism parallels, because a lot of autistic children can't talk and have bad assumptions made about them.
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koizumicchi · 3 months
A.B.Secret (LIP×LIP) English Translation
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LIP×LIP (Aizou & Yuujirou) 2ndアルバム「生まれてきたことに感謝しなさい!」
MV here.
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
Aizou: Our next LIVE- Yuujirou: Where will it be? Uchida Mayu: In the desert. LIPxLIP: !?
Sign: The Arabian Nights Sand Dunes are this way.
Ah 乾ききった白い砂漠に Ah 体験したことないオアシス 脱ぎたい奴は 全部脱いじゃえよ 感じられるか 灼熱のSUN
Ah kawaki kitta shiroi sabaku ni Ah taiken shita koto nai oashisu Nugitai yatsu wa Zenbu nuijae yo Kanjirareru ka Shakunetsu no SUN
Ah, in a completely dry white desert Ah, an oasis one have never experienced before Those who want to take their clothes off Take it all off Can you feel it? The scorching heat of the SUN
部屋閉じこもってないで 生で体験しようよ 鼓膜揺らしてくVOICE 脳漿漏れ出して
Heya tojiko motte nai de Nama de taiken shiyou yo Komaku yurashiteku voice Nōshō more dashite
Do not lock yourself in your room Let us experience everything as it is A voice that shakes the eardrums Leak out the spinal fluid
そこのお嬢さん どちらの唇を 味わいたいですか お選びください
Soko no ojōsan Dochira no kuchibiru o Ajiwaitai desu ka Oerabi kudasai
Hey, the young lady over there Whose lips would You like to taste? Please choose
ABC その続きは シー 我慢して シー ダメ...ダメ I LOVE YOU 次、笑顔で シー キメ顔で シー ほら落ちた
ABC sono tsudzuki wa shī Gaman shite shī Dame... Dame I LOVE YOU Tsugi, egao de shī Kimegao de shī Hora ochita
ABC the continuation is (shi) Be patient (shi) No… Don’t… I LOVE YOU And next, with a smile (shi) With a photogenic smile (shi) Look, you fell for us
イメージ通りじゃ刺激は足んない 危ない橋も二人で渡んない? Ah 爽快な音浴びにいこう 自然と腰を揺らしてくBASS テンション上がる16分ROLL 耐えられろか 煽られるSUN
Imēji dōri ja shigeki wa tannai Abunai hashi mo futari de watannai? Ah sōkai na oto abi ni ikō Shizen to koshi o yurashiteku BASS Tenshon agaru 16-bu ROLL Taerarero ka Aorareru SUN
If it is exactly how it looks, the thrill is lacking Why not cross the dangerous bridge together? Ah, let us bask in the refreshing sound In the BASS that will make you sway your hips A 16-minute ROLL that raises the excitement Can you withstand it? Intensified by the SUN
殻破っておいで 常識なんて置いて 引き全引いちゃえ こめかみブチ抜いて
Kara yabutte oide Jōshiki nante oite Hiki zen hiichae Komekami buchi nuite
Come here and break out of your shell Put aside your common sense Pull it all out and Hit the temples
Text: Arabian Nights Arabian Nights Sand Dunes
そこのお嬢さん どんな快楽を 味わいたいですか 言ってごらんなさい
Soko no ojōsan Donna kairaku o Ajiwaitai desu ka Itte goran nasai
Hey, the young lady over there What kind of pleasure Would you like to taste? Please try saying it
ABC この関係  シー 秘密だよ シー ダメ...ダメ I LOVE YOU 怒らないで シー 泣かないで シー 続けちゃお?
ABC kono kankei shī Himitsu da yo shī Dame... Dame I LOVE YOU Okoranaide shī Nakanaide shī Tsudzukechao?
ABC this relationship (shi) Is a secret (shi) No… No… I LOVE YOU Don’t get mad (shi) Don’t cry (shi) Shall we continue?
39度の真夏日 ハメ外さなきゃ  ダメ・・・ダメ FOREVER LOVE よりも長く バカになって 楽しもう
39 ku no manatsubi Hame hazusa nakya Dame dame FOREVER LOVE yori mo nagaku Baka ni natte Tanoshimou
A 39 degrees midsummer day You have to take it off No… Don’t… Lasting longer than a Forever Love And turning into a fool Let us enjoy it
ABC その続きは シー 我慢して シー ダメ...ダメ I LOVE YOU 次、笑顔で シー キメ顔で シー ほら落ちた
ABC sono tsudzuki wa shī Gaman shite shī Dame... Dame I LOVE YOU Tsugi, egao de shī Kimegao de shī Hora ochita
ABC sono tsudzuki wa shī Gaman shite shī Dame... Dame I LOVE YOU Tsugi, egao de shī Kimegao de shī Hora ochita
ABC the continuation is (shi) Be patient (shi) No… Don’t… I LOVE YOU And next, with a smile (shi) With a photogenic smile (shi) Look, you fell for us
Romeo: “Solo debut.”
Yume Fanfare:
“Maybe we are already at our limit…” “Just why are you doing this…” “It’s always your fault…” “Everything is pointless.” “Can we pretend to be close?” “I guess I really can’t become a flower after all.”
Yappa Saikyou:
“Are you really okay with this…?” “Will we be forgotten more and more” “No one is looking at us”
“How should we proceed from here?” “I intended to give everything I’ve got, but…” “Is this the kind of situation where you should say that”
“Don’t blame other people!” “What can our hard work do?” “Just what were we doing?” “Just what is it that we were chasing after?” “Even as we speak, everyone is steadily…”
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