#Kara said yes obviously
rainbow-rebellion · 4 months
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Lena’s true intentions for that visit to Catco
Based off of this post
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primeofprimes115 · 4 months
The Girl with the Glasses + Secret
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Notes before entering: Smut involved
You've always wanted to figure out who the good-looking girl with the glasses was. 
Every time you were at the Dive Bar, she and her friends would show up. 
You were pretty shy to approach her since you had butterflies in your stomach every time she showed up, you just wanted to ask her out, but you kept pushing yourself away because you thought you would screw up and scare her away. 
You kept your distance and had an eye on her, little did you know she would look at you when you weren't looking. 
It was awkward when she caught you looking at her, you would quickly look away and blush hard, her friends even noticed you looking at her and waved at you in which you waved back shyly. 
You didn't know how to talk to girls (you liked) properly, you've never had good luck with them. 
"I see you looking at her again Y/N" the bartender rested her elbow on the table after passing your drink. 
"What? No no, I wasn't looking at her... I was... Looking at the thing behind her" you blushed trying to play it off. 
"mhmm, don't lie, you're definitely giving her heart eyes when she ain't looking, I've caught you staring at her a lot within the past few weeks" she teased. 
"I just *sigh* I want to know her; do you know her name?" 
"Yes, I do, it's Kara Danvers, she comes here often with her friends and sister, judging from the fact you been looking at her, you're obviously interested in her" she continued. 
"y-yes, fine I admit it... She just looks... Beautiful and I'm just too shy to even go up to her and talk normally, I don't feel confident" you watch as she laughs with her group of friends and sister, her smile is what made your heart ache, it made butterflies in your stomach just by looking at her, blushing as you thought about it. 
"I'll tell you one thing, Kara has looked at you when you weren't looking, she knows you stare at her when she isn't looking, I understand that you're not good at talking to girls you like, my fiancé was like that when we first met" she said letting you know it's a good thing to be shy. 
"If you want, I can get her to come over here and talk with you if that sounds better?" she asked. 
"y-y-yeah... That sounds a bit better for me actually" you blushed lightly. 
The bartender exits the counter and walks towards where Kara was with her friends and sister while you looked on and had thoughts running in your mind. 
"What do I say? What do I say?" you thought to yourself "what do I ask her? How do I ask her?". 
You stopped thinking as soon as you saw Kara behind the bartender approach you. 
"hi" Kara greeted you while you looked at her shyly. 
"h-hi" you chucked nervously, waving awkwardly at her. 
"Y/N here wanted to know about you, he's bad at talking to girls he likes and didn't feel confident to approach you" the bartender said to Kara. 
"Oh really?" she asked softly, raising her glasses back up to her eyes. 
"y-yes, I didn't want to scare you away" you felt very embarrassed to admit it, you tuck her hands behind your back and looked down to the floor. 
"Aww its ok, you don't need to feel embarrassed about it, Y/N, but I've never seen a boy be this shy before, and it's ok... I think it's cute" Kara comforts you and smiles, you blush and smile weakly, looking up at her to see her smile, butterflies were in your stomach still. 
"I'll tell you what, how about you come to meet the rest my friends and sister? You'll feel a bit better after and honestly, I would like to know you more since your pretty adorable" she giggled softly and kept her cute smile on her face. 
"I would... Like that" your smile grew brighter, you walked off with Kara and looked back at the bartender who give you a wink and thumbs up in which you smiled back. 
"Kara's back, and oh? She's brought the boy with her" the red-haired female spoke out. 
"Everyone, this is Y/N, as you know him as the shy boy who's been looking at me" Kara blushes a little thinking about it. 
"hi" you waved, and half smiled. 
"Hey Y/N, I'm Kara's sister, Alex" the red-haired female rose from her seat and offered you a handshake. 
"Y/N this Is James, Winn, Maggie and J'onn" Kara introduced you to the others. 
"J'onn?" you asked, looking at the man Kara pointed to. 
"J'onn is a Martian and the director of the DEO, and I work at the DEO, so does Winn" Alex answered you. 
"it's good to meet you Y/N" J'onn said with a smile on his face. 
"Your sister is a DEO Agent? I wasn't expecting to hear that" you were shocked to hear what you just heard a few seconds ago. 
"Kara was surprised when she found out I worked for the DEO, you're not the only one". 
"Yep, I was as shocked as you are" Kara half smiles towards you. 
"Which raises the question, where do you work Y/N?" James asked you. 
"Well actually, I'm still looking for work, I just moved here 3 weeks ago, first friend I made here was the bartender" you told everyone. 
"Ever thought of working at Cat-Co?" Kara asked. 
"Cat-Co Worldwide Media? The uh... Reporter, news place like The Daily Planet in Metropolis?" 
"Kara works at Cat-Co, she's a writer and reporter, it's her job" Winn mentions. 
"Oh, that sounds interesting" you thought out loud. 
"I used to work at The Daily Planet before moving here to work at Cat-Co, I'm actually the boss for now" James reveals. 
"Yep, you're the boss alright" Kara chuckles. 
"Well, technically I have written stories before, ever heard of Heroes of Olympus?" you spoke out. 
"Yes, that story is popular around the world, wait... You helped write it with Rick Jordan?" Winn asked leaning in due to excitement. 
"Yep, I helped Rick Jordan write out the stories, dating back to 2014 till now (2016) oh I almost forgot, my last name is L/N, if y'all are wondering" you chuckled, starting to get comfortable with the group as Kara smiled at you. 
"No wonder your name sounded familiar, I'm such a huge fan of the books" Winn shakes your hand, honoured to recognise who you actually were. 
"It would be nice to have someone like you at Cat-Co, just be aware that Snapper will be on your case sometimes" Kara didn't sound happy when mentioning Snapper. 
"Guessing he's a grumpy too shoes?" you asked. 
"Quite literally, yes". 
(a few days later) 
"Hey Y/N, welcome to your first day at Cat-Co" you walked into your new job and was greeted by James. 
"Thanks James, I'm a bit nervous but I'll be fine" you said with a half-smile "where's Kara?" 
The elevator dings and out comes Kara with written work and all kinds of stuff she takes with her. 
"Oh hi!" she put down her belongings and swung her arms around the back of your neck, giving you a hug. 
"Hey Kara" you wrap your arms around her, smiling brightly. 
"I'm so glad you're here!" she was very excited. 
James smiled as you and Kara pulled back, smiling into each other's eyes. 
"Kara, you don't mind showing Y/N where he'll be working, I've gotta speak with Cat today about the business" James politely asked Kara. 
"Yeah! I would love to!" she smiled and looked at you "c'mon, let's show you where you're working" she grabs her belongings and drags you with her, chuckling at how cute and happy Kara is right now... Until... 
"Ponytail, you're late again". 
"Oh, hello Snapper, what is it?" Kara's mood changed. 
"Have you finished the report you were tasked to do? Because it's been 2 weeks!" he didn't sound happy at all, just grumpy. 
"Who the hell is this?" he then asked, pointing rudely at you. 
"That's Y/N L/N, he's the new one, and he's done writing before if you haven't just realised, he helped Rick Jordon write a Heroes of Olympus book back in 2014 to this year (2016)". 
"Is that so? Well, I'll tell you something Y/N, we don't write fantasies and fiction here, so I hope you get that in your mind" he spat out. 
"Have the report by my desk soon Danvers" he walked off, you looked back at him with a pissed off look. 
"What an asshole, why does he work here just to harass people?" you asked with a facial expression of 'I really hate this guy'. 
"Probably wakes up on the wrong side of the bed all the time, don't worry, I won't let him harass you like that" Kara replied "let's move on to the exciting part" her smile came back. 
You walked past a few employees who were very kind to say hi or hello to you, you waved back at them and smiled. 
Kara then turned round and smiled. 
"We're here, you'll be working beside my office, James scheduled it to be your office beside mine so we're not apart from each other". 
"Wow, that's nice of him, I'm guessing he knows you and I uh... Had our first date 2 days ago? Is that why my office is beside yours?" 
"Maybe" Kara blushed bright red, hiding the fact she suggested the idea of having your office beside hers. 
You continued on like she wasn't blushing, Kara showed you around the office, helping you set up what you needed, in return, you helped her with the stuff she was carrying. 
"I'm just gonna pop Into Snapper's office and give him the report, wish me luck" Kara wasn't too pleased having to go and see him, she left your office and entered hers to grab the report she worked on. 
You settled into your office, sighing happily... 
* *
For the past 3-4 weeks, you've been working at Cat-Co alongside your new girlfriend Kara Danvers and since then, your life has started to change. 
When planning dates, Kara had to cancel them one minute before you two would go on the date, mostly the dates were changed to be at her apartment instead, you understood she was busy at times. 
It didn't bother you at all, what wasn't clear was her excuses, it seemed odd to you that Kara would act strangely at times, she would often leave Cat-Co and then come back either minutes or hours later. 
It mostly happens when danger is reported on the TV or if she needs to excuse herself, she mostly took the door leading outside when leaving which was very strange, apparently no one seemed to notice or care. 
She took an elevator once when excusing herself, you did hear her phone ring, "it must've been something important" you thought to yourself at the time. 
At the moment, Kara was working in her office, and you decided to pop in to speak with her about her odd disappearances. 
"Hey Y/N/N" she sounded happy you popped in and rose from her seat to kiss you on the cheek. 
"Hey Kara, I wanted to ask you something?" you said to her, getting straight to the point. 
"Yeah? Go ahead" she sat back down on her seat and spun her seat round to look at you. 
"I um... Wanted to know why you've been disappearing lately?" you asked. 
"Who me? Phfft, I haven't been disappearing, what are you on about?" she asked with a frown on her face. 
"No I mean like, why you've been excusing yourself or, why you always come back hours later, it mostly happens when danger is reported on the TV's in the building and when you've answered your phone to Alex or someone else?" you were growing very concerned about the situation, you wanted to know why your girlfriend has been acting odd. 
"Oh" her smile faded to a puzzled look on her face, she looked down to the floor for a few seconds before speaking "Y/N, I uh... Um... Can I tell you tonight at mine? I don't wanna say it here right now" she looked a bit weary. 
"Um, y-yeah, sure I'll wait till tonight, I'm just gonna go back in my office to finish off writing a report. Love you" you kiss her on the cheek making her smile. 
"Love you too" she says back before you left smiling. 
Cut to tonight, Kara mostly left her apartment door unlocked since she knew you would be coming. 
She was pacing in the room, thinking of ways to tell you her hidden secret, her cardigan was unbuttoned revealing the all too familiar S glyph Superman and Supergirl proudly wear on their suits except Kara's was genuine, she is Supergirl. 
The door opens, she buttons up her cardigan and spins round to face you carrying a pizza box, good thing her glasses were on otherwise, you would've dropped the pizza box due to shock. 
"Hey Kara, sorry I'm late, I went ahead and bought pizza at that Joe's Italian Shop, figured we'd have a surprise date" 
Kara smiles "you're too generous" she giggles. 
You walk over to Kara and place down the pizza box on the living room table and open it, revealing her favourite toppings on pizza. 
"My favourite toppings as well?" she asked with a smile appearing on her face. 
"yeah" you say looking at Kara lovingly "let's watch some TV" 
You both dug in and sat on the couch with the blanket over the both of you, Kara had the last slice of pizza since you were too kind to let her have it, but what crossed your mind next was the question that needed an answer, her odd behaviour and disappearances. 
"Hey uh, remember what I said in your office?" you looked to her with a questionable frown. 
"Oh... Yeah, I almost forgot about that" she moves the blanket off her and stands up. 
"What are you doing?" you asked confused. 
"Listen Y/N, there's a secret no one else knows except my friends and sister" 
"James, Winn, J'onn, Alex and Lena?" 
"Lena? No, but the rest? Yes, I had a talk with Alex about telling you about my secret, it's something very, very important you must know about dating me, I've been keeping you safe this whole time" she said looking at you with a nervous look on her face. 
"What do you mean by... 'keeping you safe?' Kara if that's the secret then, I'll be surprised you're also a DEO Agent" you crossed your arms with a half smirk. 
"No, no, I'm not a DEO Agent... I work with the DEO to defend National City" she said proudly, making you confused even more. 
"What are you on about? Kara, I need..." 
She opens her cardigan, revealing the House of El glyph underneath and removes her glasses, turning into Supergirl. 
Your eyes deceived you; Kara just revealed her big secret, she is Supergirl. 
"Are you... Kidding me?" you looked at her in disbelief. 
"no... I'm not kidding, this is real" she removes the layer of clothing on her body to reveal the entire suit underneath, she spins round as her cape and skirt spin with her along with her hair, smiling brightly. 
"Wow... You're Supergirl... It all makes sense" you smiled looking her up and down. 
"I guess you now know the answer to why I've been disappearing, on why I had to cancel those dates which I'm very sorry about still, I didn't think I would find someone I deeply care about, who is you" she looked at you with heart eyes. 
You smiled as she climbed on top of you to give you a kiss which turned into a full on make our session, fighting for tongue dominance, rubbing each other softly. 
It was then she went to kiss your neck, pecking it gently. 
It was starting to make you feel aroused, she gave it a few more kisses before meeting your eyes. 
"you've been a naughty boy Y/N" she started to sound suggestive, she went on her knees and then rips your jeans open with inhuman strength you've never seen before from Supergirl. 
"Geez Kara, you really are turning me on by doing that" you smirked as the bump in your boxers grew bigger, making her smirk at it. 
"let's see what's under here" she pulls down your boxers and out comes your manhood. 
She licks her lips and takes a long lick up the shaft of your cock, making you rock your head back in pleasure. 
She starts to give you a hand job for at least 10 seconds before taking it to the mouth, starting a blow job session. 
She was slow with her bobbing, her hand reached down underneath her skirt as she started to pull down her pantyhose and pleasure herself. 
"You taste good Y/N" she teased before going right back to sucking your cock. 
You rocked your head back in pleasure, your breathing got heavier until you started groaning in pleasure as she started to speed up with her bobbing, eventually gagging in pleasure as the tip of your cock hit the back of her throat, covering your manhood with her saliva. 
"Kara" you breathed out her name in pleasure. 
You felt yourself ready to release but she stopped and grabbed your testicles gently. 
"nuh uh, not yet" she smirked, Kara takes you by the hand and brings you to the bedroom. 
She shoves you on the bed gently and climbs on the bed after removing her pantyhose, skirt and boots, proceeding to kiss you passionately while stroking your cock slowly. 
Her super strength was dampening, allowing her to properly have sex without the worry of breaking you in half. 
You two fought for tongue dominance as you moaned softly in between kisses due to her stroking your cock. 
You two stop to breathe for a moment. 
"Y/N, I think I'm ready" she breathed out softly. 
"You sure? I haven't got a..." 
"Shh shh" Kara placed her index finger on your lips to stop you from talking "don't worry, it'll be fine" she smirks. 
Kara proceeds to climb on top of you, her cape rests on your legs as she gets into cowgirl position, guiding your cock into her erect pussy. 
Her folds wrap around your tip and Kara slams down gently just in case if her super strength isn't dampened, she moans softly feeling your cock enter her pussy fully. 
"Oh, Rao you're so hard in me Y/N, ah yes!" Kara moaned out; her breathing started to get heavier. 
In between her slow bounces, you thrust lightly into her, hitting her g-spot softly which made her moan lightly each time. 
You groan in pleasure the more her pussy gets tighter. 
"Oh, fuck me Kara, you are fucking tight!" you groan out, feeling nothing but pleasure. 
Kara's soft moans combined with your low groans was now echoing in the room and by chance the neighbour next door on the left could hear it but thankfully no one was in at the time. 
"Go faster Kara" you breathe out. 
"You sure?" she was concerned about it. 
"Yes, if you break me in *groan* half, it's my fault". 
Kara acknowledged you and proceeded to bounce up and down faster as you did the same, the slapping sounds got louder as the moans and groans did. 
"OH, RAO YES!!" Kara yelped, moaning loudly as she felt your cock hit her g-spot more and more often. 
You rock your head back once again, feeling waves of pleasure in your nerves. 
The climax was arriving, you had to warn Kara before it would happen. 
"Oh fuck! Kara, I'm gonna bust!" you groaned loudly. 
"I'm gonna cum too!!!" she shouted out in pleasure before the magic happened, you burst inside her earning a happy yelp from Kara as she orgasms after you. 
A plump sound is heard, Kara gets off of you and lies down beside you, looking up at the ceiling as cum flows out of her. 
"Wow... That-that was fun" you whispered. 
"Yeah, I agree, for our first time? I enjoyed it" she smiles at the thought "I'm just surprised I didn't break you in half accidentally" she wondered how it worked, she did feel a bit weaker when she got more and more horny. 
"let's clean up and cuddle in bed, don't mind if I sleep with you?" you asked. 
"Took the words out of my mouth" Kara smirks...
* * *
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fazedlight · 1 year
Hiding (Cat Grant musings)
The girl is hiding something.
It had been a frequent refrain in Cat’s mind, ever since Kiera’s interview. What kind of millennial goes around talking about how average and not-special they are? The girl was too smart to act braindead.
Was the girl a war criminal? Faked her death from some mafia and lived life under the radar? I mean, really, all this subterfuge, and for what? The girl didn’t seem to be trying to give an air of mystery, but Cat could smell a story. She was going to get to the bottom of this.
Then the new caped heroine arrived, and Cat kicked herself for not having seen it earlier. It had taken her an entire three days to figure out the identity of the second kryptonian. She supposed it could be forgiven - after all, Kiera was somehow younger than Clark Kent, and he had been an infant when his parents shipped him off to Earth and his planet died. The timeline was confusing, before her interview with Supergirl cleared that up.
The girl is hiding something.
Kiera had practically marched into the office when she declared “I want to be a reporter” with her entire chest. Which, obviously, Cat could spot talent when it was in front of her. But the bumbling superhero assistant had said that with such confidence. Where had that come from?
The girl is hiding something.
And then there had been this Mike, of the interns, that Kiera was dragging along. It was beyond Cat why Kiera thought that relationship was a good fit, from a man who only seemed to cause her aggravation at every turn. God, that trope was so tired and boring, perhaps some sort of indicator of a mental break. Technically Kiera was old enough for a midlife crisis... perhaps Cat could get a referral from her therapist…
“Two people I love are trapped on that ship, and if we destroy it…”
That’s when Cat realized, when the epiphany slammed into her. Yes, yes, Kiera was hiding her caped shenanigans, was hiding Mike’s identity, yadda yadda. But the biggest secret was what Kiera was hiding from herself. Cat wanted to shake the girl. A super and a Luthor? That would be a combination like the world had never seen.
Snapper was dealing with a lovesick puppy. No wonder he was so irritated.
Of course, reporter-hero aside, there were other things going in Cat’s life. Her role in the world felt increasingly narrow, increasingly restrictive, and she needed to see something new. A woman’s life and self-discovery doesn’t end at 30, as much as the media pretends otherwise. Besides, wasn’t there a time in every hero’s life when Gandalf needed to die so Luke could fight the Star War? Or whatever.
She was sure she’d be back. In the meantime, the world could see what Kiera - Kara - would become.
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supercorpkid · 5 months
Yours Truly, Pink Kryptonite
Supergirl. Kara Danvers x Reader!, Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor
Word Count: 3003.
"As you can see here, we'll start this presentation with an overview of the current business –" You look out the window to see Supergirl staring at you and waving excitedly. "landscape, and, um, the importance of embracing innovation." 
You look around, making sure no one is paying attention to the Kryptonian calling out for you from the other side of the window. What the hell could she possibly want right in the middle of your most important work presentation ever?
You obviously know Kara does a lot of things, but working 9 to 5 isn't one of them. She runs off from CatCo whenever she wants or has an emergency.
Emergency! God, there must be an emergency!
Your mouth dries, and your eyes widen. "Or, you know, everyone knows this." You look at your boss, furrowing his brows at you. "We know our company and where we stand. So instead of wasting our time with the introduction, why don't we just skip to –" You press the control skipping through basically half of your presentation. "the expansion to new markets. And who better to talk about that than my team! I'll leave it to you guys, and will answer to this very important call from our program developer. We know he hates to wait. I'm sorry. I have to –" 
You slip out of the conference room, heart on your throat, completely unaware of what you just said in there.
Supergirl meets you at the balcony of your office with a wide smile. "Kara!" You close the door behind you, looking around you to make sure no one is paying attention or seeing the both of you through glassy walls. "What's the emergency?"
Kara tilts her head to the sides, like a confused puppy. "Emergency?"
You touch her arms, looking for something that could explain why she is here in the middle of the day. "Yes! I mean, isn't there an emergency?"
"Not that I'm aware of." She smiles widely.
It's your turn to master your most confused face. "Then why are you here?"
"Oh!" Kara lets go of your arm, and puts a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I came to ask you out."
"On a date! Tonight!" You're still looking at her like you haven't got the faintest idea of what's going on. "Maybe lunch?" She tries to get a different reaction. "Now?"
You look around. This must be a prank. Is someone filming this? Is today April Fools? Surely not. 
"You're not saying no." Her smile brightens up, like this is the most amazing thing that's ever happened. "So that means I can fly the hottest woman out of here right now?"
"What?" You repeat, yet again, baffled by everything that is happening. "You can't. I — I'm working."
"And you sounded so smart in that board meeting, baby." 
"Baby?" You whisper to yourself, more confused now than before. If that's even possible.
"But work is boring," Kara strokes your cheek lightly. "and you're honestly so pretty that I'm sure you'd never have to work if you wanted. Oh! You know what, we should do that!"
"Never work again?" You ask and she agrees enthusiastically. "It's not like you do anyways." You try a little joke and Kara laughs like you just said the funniest thing in the universe.
She composes herself, after a loud snort. "Ok. So you're smart, and pretty, and hot and funny. Golly, how did I get so lucky to get you to go on a date with little old me?"
You open your mouth a couple of times, but keep your comments to yourself. She is literally Supergirl; You never said yes to any date; and WHAT THE HELL! Are some of the things you refrain from saying.
"Kara, I have to go back to work. This presentation is really important." You point to the door and she agrees, once again, vividly with her head. 
"Ok, ok. But lunch?"
"I can't. I have a meeting with the developer." She pouts like a child, and you can't say no to her. Not when she looks so adorable. You breathe deep. "Dinner."
Kara bites her lower lip, holding back a huge smile. "Dinner is perfect. I'll organize everything, and you just have to go and be pretty, which is basically what you do all day anyways."
You furrow your brows one more time and agree with a nod. You make your way to the door, and make a mental note to call Alex and ask her what the hell! 
"Hey baby," You look over your shoulders and back at her one more time. "Your butt looks awesome in this outfit." 
"Thanks?" While your face burns red in embarrassment. 
You spend the rest of the day trying to concentrate on your work, but you can't really because you need to understand what happened between you and Kara this morning.
Sure, you two are used to a little bit of flirting. Subtle and awfully vague. Just little jokes that usually makes Kara completely uncomfortable, and makes her blush in no time. And now, just out of fucking nowhere, she is calling you baby and asking you out on dates?
You: hey! Kara's a bit off today. Something happened? Alex 🌈: oh, yeah. Pink Kryptonite. Why? You: great! One more! What does this one do? Alex 🌈: not sure. Just discovered it. Send me a list of symptoms.
A list of symptoms. Ok. You can do this. 1. She looked extremely happy. But that's not a symptom. 2. She had the courage to ask you out. Could that be a symptom? No. Surely not. Asking people out is not a symptom of being exposed to kryptonite. 3. She called you baby. Yeah, you don't have a list.
You: IDK, just weird. We'll meet up later and I'll try to investigate further. Alex 🌈: great! Will do the same from here.
Not good enough. You look down on your phone one more time. Change conversations.
You: hey! did you happen to see Kara today? Lena the witch: Yeah… You: everything alright? Lena the witch: If by alright you mean weird, then sure.  You: weird how? Lena the witch: She spent the entire duration of our lunch saying you butt looked great today. You: got it ✨super weird✨. Lena the witch: What's up with that? You: unsure. will let you know as soon as I figure it out.
You get ready for your date. It feels weird thinking about it. You've been kinda flirting kinda joking with Kara for a long while. You never thought this was going anywhere. It's not like you didn't want it to happen, but Kara Danvers is not gay. Which is unfortunate for you.
Except today she was the gayest of the gays. Queen of the lesbians. So you can't help but look in the mirror one more time, before saying out loud this time, "What the hell!"
Of course you like the idea of you and Kara going on a date, but it feels hard to enjoy this when it is so sudden and out of the blue. Just yesterday when you were leaving the Tower late at night and said goodbye with a simple, 'see you later handsome', Kara blushed so hard, she lost all her words and stumbled on her own two feet on the way out the elevator. How was she so smooth this morning?
You open the door, after the doorbell rings once. Kara is on the other side, the brightest smile on her face and flowers on her hands. "Hey baby."
You blush furiously. Can't keep your body in check, no matter how much you want to not enjoy this moment before you find out exactly what's going on with Kara.
"You look incredible. You always look incredible." She makes sure, a thumb sliding on your cheek delicately. And it's only the second time she's done this, and you're already addicted to it. "Oh, I brought your favorite flowers."
You look at it, bite your lower lip and hold your breath. She looks beautiful. Like an angel in front of you. Blonde waves cascading down her shoulders, blue eyes as bright as the day sky, smile as wide and white as possible, and she is here holding your favorite flowers. How the hell are you going to resist her?
"Thanks, baby.” God, no! What are you doing? No flirting! 
You turn around, putting the flowers on a vase, and trying to keep your hands and yourself busy so you don't jump on her and kiss her senseless. "Hey, what does Pink Kryptonite do?"
"Um, Pink Kryptonite?" Kara plays coy and you don't even have to look behind yourself to know she is smoothing her hand over her vest, right after touching her glasses. "Where did you see that?"
"Well, baby," You turn around to face her. "it seems that you've been exposed to it." Kara's mouth drops, not knowing what to say. You close the distance. "And believe me, I'm loving what's happening here, but I need to know if this is you or the kryptonite talking. So, what does it do?"
"It turns Kryptonians alittlegay." She mumbles under her breath, and it is only with much effort from your part that you understand it.
Your face drops. "Right." 
It's not like you're shocked about her revelation, she was acting like the lesbian jesus right after being exposed to a hot new type of kryptonite (why so many?). You breathe out, looking at the flowers and trying to ignore your selfish heart and desire to just go along with it.
"You should go."
"What?" Kara's eyes get full of tears. "But, the dinner."
"You're not in love with a woman, Kara. The effects of the kryptonite will fade and you'll regret this whole thing. So before we do something that can ruin our friendship, you should go." 
A tear falls from her eye, and she bites her lower lip to keep herself from crying out loud. Your heart is squeezing in your chest and you're having to summon all of your strength to keep going with this and not just simply kiss her better. 
"But that's not it." She tries, sounding small and in pain.
"Kara, it's ok." It's your turn to stroke her cheek lovingly and carefully, wiping the single tear away. "It was fun, but it isn't you. And for this to happen, I need to be you. Ok?" You're explaining yourself with caution, almost as if you're talking to a child. She agrees with her head, slowly, looking small in her tall body. "Don't worry. It will wear off soon, and you'll be yourself again. And you’ll be glad this didn’t happen." You kiss her cheek and give her a wistful smile.
Kara makes her way out of your apartment, crestfallen and so disheartened you almost feel bad. You take a deep breath. She'll be fine. She'll thank you for this when she wakes up free of the Pink Kryptonite.
Gee, a kryptonite that turns them gay. What the hell was going on in Krypton? But also, you wish you were there. The parties must have been wild.
You turn around in your bed, the flowers that Kara brought keep haunting you, because you decided to put them right next to your bed. You sit up, rubbing your face awake. Why the hell did you kick Kara out the door? It could've happened! It could finally have happened! Why didn't you take advantage of it?
Oh yeah. Yours truly, Pink Kryptonite. Ugh. She didn't really want you, she was just gay for a day. You roll your eyes to yourself. Now you'll just have to live with the awkwardness and the desire while you're around her. Great.
You hear a light tap on the glass and you let out a shit-scare scream, only to see Supergirl flying on the other side of your window. You hear a soft, "sorry." when she realizes how shaken you got.
You open the window to find a glowing Supergirl, and it doesn't take much deducing to understand she's been under the yellow sun bed for a while.
"I flew as close as I could to the sun." She explains, still on the other side, but it's quick to make her way inside. "The yellow sun emulators are alright, but there's nothing better than the real thing."
"Yeah." It's all you can say.
"I wanted to get rid of the Pink Kryptonite as fast as possible." Kara explains it further, and finally puts her glass back so she can change back into her normal clothes. "I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I heard you were still up. I wanted to apologize."
"Whoa, I knew you'd regret it, but God that was fast. Must be some kind of new record for me." You sit back on your bed with a loud sigh.
"No, no." Kara is quick to follow you, kneeling in front of you and holding your hand. "I wanted to apologize for waiting for the kryptonite to finally show me what my life could've been like if I had a little bit of courage."
"Kara, you are the epitome of courage."
"No, I'm not. I've been wanting to ask you out for months and haven't got the courage." She confesses. "Do you know how many times I almost called you baby these past few weeks?"
"You said Pink Kryptonite turns Kryptonian gays." She shakes her head agreeing. "For you to be turned into something, you can't already be that something."
"It turned me extra gay." 
You bite your lip to hold back a laugh, but she's not scared of showing you her wide smile. "Let me show you."
"Show me what?" 
Kara perches up, thumb sliding across your cheek until her hand cups your face. "Let me show you that it wasn't the Pink Kryptonite that turned me gay." She brings your face closer. "Let me show you how you were the one that did it."
"Are you sure this isn't the Pink Kryptonite talking?"
"I'll tell you what," Her breath is hot in your mouth, and you're holding your own breath in anticipation. "why don't we go to sleep and when we wake up you can ask me again?"
"Ok." But your resolution is weakening by the minute, especially after she spoons you in bed and places a little goodnight kiss on your neck.
You wake up with more flowers and breakfast in bed. Kara has a warm smile, and she looks so damn beautiful just fresh out of bed it's annoying.
"Good morning, baby." She holds your face between her hands, thumb caressing your cheek in the way that makes your heart flutter. She’s obviously able to hear it.
You swallow deep. "Is this you or the Pink Kryptonite?"
"Why don't you ask me again after work?" Kara says feeding you a strawberry, and you agree weakly with your head.
She shows up at lunch time, and holds your smelly tuna sandwich out of your reach, convincing you that you deserve better food. She has it all set out on your balcony, a whole picnic that makes all of your colleagues so jealous of your lunch date. Little do they know she actually flew to Italy for that pasta.
And it's another thumb stroke and another, "Is this the Pink Kryptonite?" question that makes her head tilt a little bit farther and she reaches the corner of your mouth, instead of your lips.
"Ask me again at our dinner tonight."”
After work pick-ups and holding hands and perhaps it's Pink Kryptonite. Flowers and dinner dates and maybe it's just the exposure. Movie nights and cuddles and what if it is still turning you gay. Slow dancing to the TV light and thumbs slowly stroking your cheeks and why don't you ask again tomorrow. And that goes on for weeks.
Alex texts you that Kara was exposed to real Kryptonite this time. You know, not the one that turns her into the queen of gays, but the one that turns her bones into flaming hot goo. You run to the Tower and watch her unawake under the yellow sunlight. 
"Hey, it's ok." Alex holds your shoulder while you cry. "She'll be fine. A few hours under the sun and she's good as new."
"Yeah, the effects of the kryptonite aren't lasting. It wears off if we deal with it fast."
"With all of the different types?" You furrow your brows at her and Alex agrees with her head.
Well, haven't you been wasting precious time?
You run into the medbay, and sit beside her bed. Like clockwork, a couple hours later, Kara's eyes open and she looks at you on the other side. "Hey baby."
"Oh my God, baby!" You run to her, not caring about anyone on the other side of the glass that might be able to see you both. You throw yourself at her, kissing her entire face. "You scared me."
She smiles widely. "And would do it again to have you kissing my face like that."
You hold her face between your hands, and slide your thumb across her cheek. "Don't you dare." She smiles, but soon her eyes widen when she realizes what's coming next. You meet her lips with yours softly. But soon she deepens the kiss, and next thing you know she's pulling you up the bed while sitting herself up. You’re full on sitting on her lap, while your lips crash and tongues slide and hands explore visible skin. And honestly, the yellow sunlight doesn’t help when you’re body already feels like it is on fire. 
Kara parts the kiss for some air, and looks at you with full-blown pupils. "Is this you or Pink Kryptonite?"
You roll your eyes and give her a chuckle. "Shut up and kiss me again before I think the Green Kryptonite is also turning you gay."
Kara’s tongue is almost inside your mouth again when you hear a yell from the other side of the glass.
"NO! Absolutely not! We can see everything!” Kara is quick to move her hands out of your butt. “That was more than enough!" 
Alex's face is red from yelling, Lena's face is red from embarrassment, and Nia's cellphone case is red from all the pictures she's been taking.
"Keep going! I'm gonna turn these into GIFs!"
You and Kara look at each other, "We should go." "Yeah."
So Kara was right, it wasn't the exposure that turned her gay. Still you do appreciate yours truly, Pink Kryptonite, because at least it gave her courage to be her true gay self.
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rustingcat · 11 months
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Lena didn't realise how dangerous it was to go shopping for baby stuff, especially with a Kara by her side.
Every little outfit and toy was the most adorable little thing she just had to have. Every single one. She held out some hope for Kara to somehow be the sensible one, or banking on her Luthor genes to make her see reason, but as much as she tried she was not immune to the irresistible power of baby clothes.
"Look! This shirt has pictures of dinosaurs in space!" Kara said, pointing at the little adorable shirt she pulled off from the shelf. Lena thought it was the most genius design she'd ever seen.
"Okay, that is cute. You can add it." Lena tried to sound authoritative but had a feeling she was somehow failing to do so.
"Isn't that too many shirts already?" Good thing they had Brainy and Nia with them at the very least to help keep them in line.
"But it's so cute!" Nia countered Brainy's sound argument. Okay, they were lucky to have Brainy. Nia was the worst enabler.
"Kids go through many shirts! Plus, we have two." Kara tried to solidify Nia's argument. Nia in turn collected a few more shirts for their pile in the hope that Brainy would agree.
"They go through many clothes mainly due to their many growth sprouts they experience in a short time, so there's no need to purchase thirty four shirts of similar size." He calmly explained.
"Thirty four, did we really get that many?" Lena asked, slightly concerned she somehow missed the amount they were carrying up to this point. "We should probably return most of them to the shelves, get some different size clothing."
"They don't have bigger sizes at this store, and this is the cutest thing ever!" Kara argued.
"We still have to put most of them away."  Brainy really had a point.
"How can you give up on those?" Kara pulled up a random selection of shirts from their cart, all just as amazing and cute as the rest.
"It's cute, but at the end of the day it's just some silly pictures, we can get them more stuff as they grow." Lena tried her best to resist the power of the shirt. She really should've stopped picturing the way it would look at their future babies.
"It's art Lena! It's important!"
"It would help develop their creativity and innovation! Stimulate their mind to become whatever they want to be!"
Lena narrowed her eyes, studying her closely. "We can keep half." She sighed
Kara took that as a small victory and started to categories them as best she could given the circumstances (the circumstances being all of them being cute).
"You're gonna be one of those mothers who can't say no to your kids, won't you?" Nia asked in a hush tone.
"She was unable to say no to Kara, despite her ridiculous, yet not baseless arguments. So I very much doubt she would be able to say no to two little adorable toddlers." Brainy interjected before she had a chance to answer.
He had a point.
"You said that her argument was not baseless, does it mean we can get more shirts?" Nia tried.
Brainy swallow, obviously trying his best to remain the sensible one in the group.
"One." He eventually said. Nia was already by Kara's side.
"We're all doomed, aren't we?" Brainy asked Lena, his eyes trained on his wife and Kara who were already in a heated debate regarding the tiny clothing.
"Oh, yes. Very doomed." Lena answered back. Those kids were about to run them wild.
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so-much-for-stardust6 · 4 months
School Bathroom- John Frusciante
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summary: your best friend adds your crush to your guys’ phone call and he hears you confess that you like him. you avoid him at school but he follows you into the bathroom.
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
a/n: y/b/f means your best friend 🫶 also something that isn’t wes borland!!
one of my favorite parts of school nights are the daily phone calls my best friend and i have to spill whatever gossip we heard.
“no fucking way?! the new girl kara?” i gasp.
today’s topic was how some football player was found cheating on his girlfriend with some new girl.
“yes way! in the girl’s locker room too! jenny’s friend found them, she said blake looked white as a ghost!” she laughs.
“did you hear jenny is gonna fight her tomorrow after school?”
“what no?”
“yeah, are you gonna go?”
“maybe.” i shrug.
i’m currently laying on my stomach with my feet in the air, eating some gummy candies.
“what if i told you that john is gonna be there, will that change your answer?”
“…maybe.” i felt my cheeks heat up.
she knows i have a fat crush on this kid in our grade named john. most of our gossip calls ended with me gushing on how good he looked at school.
“oh hold on, give me a second.” she suddenly says.
i hear the line go quiet, the background music she had on disappeared. i sat there eating my gummies as i wait for her return.
“okay i’m back.”
“where’d you go-“
“you need to make a move, y/n. time is running short, we’re graduating soon.” she says, cutting me off.
“if i could i would, y/b/n. but he is so out of my league.”
“you won’t know if you don’t try. i mean come on, imagine you two being the hottest couple in town! you’re both 18, you both drive AND he literally plays guitar in a band, i mean he’s the one.” she laughs.
“oh god, i know. i would honestly do anything to fuck him. just imagine how good he’d feel. ugh, why does he have to be so damn cute.” i whine out, flipping to lay on my back.
“i don’t know, why don’t you ask him?” i hear a smirk in her words.
“like at school? no way.”
“no, she means right now.” i suddenly hear a deep voice say.
my heart drops once i realize who it is. she fucking added john to the call?!
“y/b/n!” i shout before slamming my phone down.
at that point i was sitting up, breathing fast as my heart raced. he heard me say i’d fuck him. i was so dreading on going to school tomorrow.
~time skip to tomorrow~
i kept my head low and my pace quick as i walked into school. i went into the other entrance today to avoid john. obviously i knew his schedule so i also avoided the places he’d be at. it was finally lunch time and i went to find y/b/n. i see her sitting at our usual lunch table, munching on her food like nothing.
“i genuinely fucking hate you.” i say as i slam my backpack onto the table.
“hello to you too.” she smiles.
“you added john to the call?! are you insane?!” i whisper yell.
“he has to know sooner or later, y/n. it’ll eventually be too late to shoot your shot and then boom, you’ll never see him again.”
“i-i guess but i was not ready! he literally heard me say i’d fuck him, i’m so fucking embarrassed.” i shove my face into my hands.
“well eat up and be embarrassed, we don’t get much time for lunch.”
i mimic her as i take out my lunch. we sat there chatting about what happened in our class and whatnot. once i was done eating, i realized i had sauce all over my hands. i grimace at the sight and excused myself to the bathroom. i decided to go to the bathroom that was far from where john would be, the one basically no one goes to. i push it open with my elbows and immediately go to the sink. it was surprisingly clean in here but like i said, people rarely come in here. all of a sudden i had the urge to pee. i groan in annoyance as i rush into the stall and do my business. i heard the door creak open but i think nothing of it. i finish up my business and head back to the sink to wash my hands. i was looking down at my hands as i wash them so i didn’t notice the person approach me from behind.
“have you been avoiding me?” the person spoke out.
i scream out and jump, turning around quickly to come face to face with the person. i swore my heart stopped once i recognize who it was.
“j-john? why are you in here? i-“
“are you?” he pushes his question again.
i gulp and avoid his gaze, awkwardly shifting my feet.
“i don’t know why y/b/n did that, i’m so sorry.”
“sorry for what, baby?” the nickname made my stomach flip.
“for-for saying i’d fuck you..”
“what would you wanna do to me?” his voice goes low.
he steps closer to me and i squeeze my thighs shut at the rising feeling between them. he leans over me, hands on the counter on either side of me.
“what?” i breathe out, not wanting to believe this is happening.
“what do you think of when you imagine us fucking? i know you do.” he cautiously placed his hands on my hips.
he looks down at them, his eyes looking back up at me to see if his touch is okay. i softly bite my lip and slightly nod, a smile plastered on his face.
“i think of me and you, in my bed, making out. i’m slowly grinding against you and your strong hands are feeling my body. i imagine when we fuck you’re stretching me out so good that i’m crying your name. is that what you wanna know?” all awkwardness left my body as i stare up at him.
i heard him softly groan at my words, lower body moving closer to me.
“i’ve been waiting for you to say something. this entire year i’ve had my eyes on you, i want you as much as you want me. i want you to be mine, y/n. be mine..” he was now leaning down to my ear, his hot breath fanning against it.
“fuck-i’m all yours john..” i tilt my head to the side and whine out.
we stood there, breathing heavily in one another’s presence.
“i need you. now..” i nearly whine out.
his head snaps up to look me in the eyes.
“are you serious?”
he didn’t hesitate to smash his lips to mine. it was rough and our teeth clashed. he shoved me onto the sink counter and stood between my legs. my hands were in his hair and on his face, gripping and pushing him closer to me. i slowly felt his fingers move their way towards the button of my pants, hesitantly tugging it.
“can i?” he mumbled onto my lips.
i only nodded, not having enough strength to speak. his fingers trembled as he slowly unbuttoned them, dipping his hand inside. my stomach twisted and turned as he went deeper inside my pants to the one spot i need him at.
i buckled up my hips as a pathetic way to add friction. he listened to my body language and connected his fingertips with my clit. he slowly rubbed me, dipping his fingers into my core to collect my juices.
“you’re so fucking wet for me..” he moans onto my lips.
he pulls away from the kiss for a second to focus on my pants, grabbing the hem of them to start pulling them down. i cooperated with him and helped him shove them down to my ankles. his brain became cloudy when he saw the wet spot on my underwear, knowing he did that to me. he pushed my underwear to the side and he immediately felt his dick get hard. he intensely watched as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. one hand grabbed onto the arm of the hand that was fingering me while the other gripped the counter. i had my head thrown back, eyes shut and eyebrows furrowed. soft little moans escaped my swollen lips and echoed in the empty bathroom.
he held back from kissing my neck because he knew he’d end up marking me. he brought his free hand up to my neck and lightly squeezed. that provoked me to moan louder as he pumped faster. i knew he was a guitarist but i was still shocked at how good he was. i probably sounded and looked so pathetic as he fingered me. i was a mess for him and rightfully so. my brain was all over the place trying to process all the pleasure i’m feeling and all the emotions with the fact that he likes me back. i’ve actually never really seen him play guitar but from this i can tell he’s damn good at it. his fingers were long and slender so he was able to perfectly hit my g-spot. i trembled as he did, the pleasure becoming too much to handle. my stomach tightened with pleasure and i moaned out his name.
“you close?” he hums.
“mhm..” i whine out.
my grip on his arm becomes tighter as i feel myself getting closer.
he lets go of my neck and bends down to be face to face with my core. without any warning, he began lapping up my juices. i cry out as i grab onto his hair, riding myself against his face. i immediately cum all over his face, forcing his head closer to me. he pulls away with a goofy grin on his face, which was covered in my wetness.
“you taste so fucking good..” he mumbles out before dipping his head back down.
he laps at me again, quite literally slurping me up, the noise echoing in the bathroom. as i was reaching my second orgasm he pulled away, licking his lips.
“let me clean you up, baby.” he got up and walked to a stall to grab some toilet paper.
i quickly noticed the very prominent boner pressing against the fabric of his pants. an idea popped into my head and i had to act quick on it. i jump off the counter and shove my pants back up and rushed to the stall he was in. he was about to walk out but i shoved him back inside and locked the door.
“y/n? what are you-“ he cut himself off when i palmed him.
“you’re hard. you need to relieve yourself, johnny. can i help?”
“fuck..yes please..” he buckled his hips up towards me.
i didn’t waste anytime to pull his pants and boxers down, his dick springing free. i spat onto my hand and began pumping him. he dropped his head against the stall wall, his adam’s apple prominent. i knew we didn’t have much time left of lunch and y/b/n was probably looking for me so i put him in my mouth. i bobbed my head up and down at my own pace but he eventually grabbed onto my hair and face fucked me. i sat there, on my knees, as he fucked my face in a bathroom stall. my hands rested on his thighs, squeezing them a bit when it got hard to breathe. john’s actions came to a halt when we heard the door open and multiple voice boom out throughout the room. i was expecting us to call it quits and wait for them to leave but john started thrusting again. he went slower this time so i wouldn’t make any noises. he bit onto his bottom lip in order to keep himself quiet.
the girls who entered were most likely standing in front of the mirror since i heard them talking about fixing up stuff. i was hoping they wouldn’t see two different people in a stall in the mirror. and me being on my knees makes it very obvious to what is happening. i saw a little bit of john’s v cut causing me to slightly moan out and get wet again. he got a little more and more confident that the girls wouldn’t hear us so he went faster and harder, choking me whenever the tip would hit the back of my throat. tears welled up in my eyes and slipped down my cheeks but i didn’t care, i actually kinda liked it. the tip of my nose kept hitting his skin, his dick now as far as it could go in my throat. he was struggling to hold in his moans, his hands getting restless. the girls inside giggled loudly before the sound of shoes got faint and the door closed. john immediately started moaning loudly, needing to release it all. the way he sounded was a blissful thing to hear. his hips stuttered a bit, his rhythm becoming messy.
“i-i’m cl-close…” he cried out.
i hummed around him to signal that i heard his words. his gripped my hair tighter when i did that, his orgasm literally right there. i hummed once more which sent him over the edge. he arched his back as he stopped his movements. hot spurts of his cum coated my throat. once he was done cumming, he pulled me off of him. i had tears stained all over my cheeks, my eyes bloodshot red. i opened my mouth to show him his cum that sat on my tongue before swallowing it.
“god, you’re so fucking hot.” he groaned out.
i chuckle at his words as i grab some toilet paper to clean him up. i discarded the paper into the toilet and flushed.
“maybe i should follow you into bathrooms more often.” he joked.
“or maybe you could be my boyfriend and we can do this whenever and wherever we want?” i slyly said, a certain look in my eyes.
“are you asking me out, y/n?” he teases.
“yes i am, unless you don’t want me to then i-“
he cut me off by softly kissing me this time.
it was sweet and slow, completely the opposite of how we kissed earlier. i smiled into the kiss, causing him to smile as well. he pulls away with a genuine smile on his face, cheeks slightly rosy.
“i’m taking that a yes?” i giggle.
“yes ma’am.”
i place one last kiss on his lips before exiting the stall.
“lunch is almost over so i should get back to y/b/n, she’s probably looking for me.”
“alright i’ll call you after school, okay?” he grabs onto my hands and looks down at me.
“but you don’t have my number?”
“y/b/n.” he chuckled.
“god damn that bitch.” i mutter.
john laughs once again before kissing my cheek.
“talk to you later, beautiful.” he lets go of my hands and slips out the door.
i stood there with a smile on my face, heart swelling with emotion. i left the bathroom and made my way back to y/b/n.
“where the fuck were you at? how long does it take to wash off your hands? lunch is literally almost over.” she complains.
“sorry, i got caught up with something.” i sit down, packing up my lunch.
“were you crying? what happened? who said something?” worry immediately flooding her eyes.
“no one said anything. i’ll tell you later tonight, okay?”
“okay…” she furrows her eyebrows before going back to her food.
“oh, you forgot to button your pants.” she points.
i mentally curse myself as i quickly button it. i look back at her but my focus immediately went behind her. john stood there with his friends, laughing about whatever. john’s eyes looked around and landed on mine, a smile was quick to form on his face. he waved to me which made me smile and wave back. she noticed me waving and turned around.
“you’re talking to john? what happened when you were gone..?” she eyed me.
thankfully the lunch bell rang, everyone started to walk to class.
“like i said, you’ll know later.” i wink at her before getting up and going to class.
“y/n?! what the fuck does that mean?!”
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comic-book-jawns · 4 months
“I’m sorry.”
Andrea truly doesn’t want to hurt Lena. She never has.
But this conversation is already nine months overdue. Well, nine months, plus three years. And if she’s doesn’t take advantage of this adrenaline high, she’s not sure when she’ll get the nerve back.
“For how I left.”
The way Lena tenses and crosses her arms tighter around herself tells Andrea she doesn’t have to elaborate.
“It’s fine. It’s not your fault I threw myself at you. And I’m the one who ran first.”
Well, yes, and Andrea obviously does not regret not kissing a 14-year-old back a few days before she left for college.
“I couldn’t give you what you wanted. But I… I could’ve give you closure.”
Lena scoffs.
“I would never have let you.”
Andrea thought so too — it’s how she eventually convinced herself that ghosting her only real friend from boarding school had been for the best.
It’s only occurred to her over the past few months that that was never the point.
“You would’ve known that I’d tried.”
Lena had really thought (cringey as it was) that she might actually cry if they won ICCA’s. If she played a part in making Kara’s dream since her freshman year come true.
Only Lena hadn’t really caught on that doing so had become her dream somewhere along the way. And, well, with her track record of dreams coming true…
Unfortunately, turns out that disassociating over placing first in a fucking a cappella competition is far more mortifying than tearing up.
Especially in front of someone like Kara. Not that there is someone else like her.
So she’s supposes she should be rather grateful to her team captain for bringing her back to reality… by bringing up her most mortifying experience of all time.
Of course, crying over your childhood crush saying sorry for not like you back is also quite cringey. But Lena’s dignity has lost sight of the shoreline at this point.
“So, yeah, that - that’s what I wanted to say. In case, being a complete bitch to you since August hasn’t been a sufficient apology.”
On the one hand, Lena is surprised by the genuine laugh that bursts out of her amidst the tears. On the other hand, Andrea is the only person who’s ever rivaled Lena’s dry sense of humor.
“I know it’s not an excuse, but… it was easier than worrying about disappointing you again.”
Already nodding along, ready to wrap this up, Lena freezes when she actually process what Andrea said.
At the time, she’d been so blinded by hurt and shame for letting herself dream she ever stood a chance that she’d never even tried to put herself in her ex-best friend’s shoes.
It didn’t occur to her until she was actually getting ready for college herself that she had no idea what she’d do if a 14-year-old girl kissed her out of the blue and said she was in love with her.
Not that that was a remote possibility, Lena having sworn off friendship after convincing herself that Andrea had never given a shit about her.
Trying to convice herself, that is. Because she knew deep down that it was a lie. And that was the most excruciating part.
Still, knowing teenage Andrea had cared about her in some form… Well, Lena hadn’t just run into her at the Activies Fair three years later — very alarmed because it was not school Andrea had left for that summer — and assumed…
“I could never get your face out of my head.”
Humiliating, Lena feels herself blush, full well knowing Andrea didn’t mean it like that, and scratches at her wet cheeks as cover.
“No matter what Lex and your mother did, you - you wouldn’t cry. And I was always relieved.”
Oh? Lena’s not really sure what to say to that. But what really catches her off-guard is the sudden rasp in Andrea’s voice. And when she finally looks at the older girl for the first time since she joined her out here in the parking lot, she finds her swallowing harshly.
“Because I knew how to distract you. I was good at it.”
Andrea meets her gaze with an even more jarring attempt at a smile.
“But in the end, it was me.”
Andrea turns fully away then, her back to Lena, so all she can see is the hand running stiltedly through dark hair still pulled into a bun.
“I made you cry.”
Lena doesn’t need to see her face, though.
Precariously carrying five cups of steaming hot tea in her bare hands — every kind available; you’d think a singing competition would have a more robust selection?! — Kara considers it quite an accomplishment that she doesn’t immediately give herself third-degree burns when she finally finds the freshman in the parking lot.
Successfully placing them all down on the pavement doesn’t prove to be much easier, but Kara isn’t willing to tempt fate when she’s so preoccupied with the scene in front of her.
Kara does consider her fellow senior a friend, but more in the way she considers a lot of acquaintances her friends. And, frankly, her treatment of Lena has driven a wedge between them that Kara’s doesn’t know if she’s all that interested in dislodging.
Sure, Kara had eventually convinced her that Lena is the team’s future, literally.
The reason they’d used the same repertoire for years was because no one knew how to arrange new material. Nothing better than what they already had at least.
Andrea had never admitted their severely lacking musicianship, of course. So Kara had done it for her… after not defending Lena when she’d previously had the chance.
The point is Kara’s friendship with Lena “it’s just math” Luthor is her priority. She can live with never speaking to Andrea again after graduation. The thought of anything changing between her and Lena after graduation has been making her nauseous for weeks.
“So… Kara?”
Kara doesn’t mean to eavesdrop, she swears. Honestly, she’d kind of expected them to pick up on her presence whether she dropped the cups or not. But it seems the pair is still in their own little bubble, Andrea demurely wiping her face while pulling back from the embrace. Lena keeps her close, though, loosely holding her elbows.
“I know, Lena.”
“Know what?”
Kara definitely should’ve turned around by now. She’s hardly in a position to get self-righteous about secrets when she has yet to tell her best friend that she won’t be leaving campus, after all.
Staying on for a Master’s in Journalism hadn’t been her plan even back in the fall. But a lot has happened between now and then, so.
Andrea sighs with none of her characteristic exasperation.
“I knew you had feelings for me before you kissed me.”
Kara is positive the only reason she doesn’t audibly gasp is because she’s too shocked. Well, that and Lena scoffs loudly as she takes a step back.
She’d figured that Lena and Andrea had a history, per se. But her mind had never gone… there.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I did.”
“You didn’t act like it.”
“How was I supposed to act?”
In four years, Kara has never heard Andrea speak so gently, without even a hint of condescension to boot.
Lena’s more choked scoff seems to suggest she’s not used to it either… and that Kara is probably missing something.
“You don’t have to believe me. And if you want to tell me I’m wrong about Kara, go ahead.”
Yeah, she’s definitely missing something.
“But… if you want to tell me I’m right, I certainly wouldn’t discourage that either.”
Lena’s chuckles in that beautifully thick way she does when Kara gushes over one of her mash-ups profusely enough.
“Fuck you.”
“Still too young for this ride, sweetie. Sorry.”
Kara can’t help her eye roll at Andrea gesturing at her own body like it’s a letter on Wheel of Fortune. But then Andrea frowns, which makes slightly more sense when Kara hears Lena’s abruptly dejected tone.
“It’s the same.”
“What is?”
“You - you and me. Me and Kara. It’s the same age gap.”
“Yes, but I���ve known you since you were a baby.”
Even as her mind races — scrambling for the missing context — Kara can still hear Lena’s scowl clear as day. Andrea waves dismissively.
“Same difference.”
But then she takes a step forward, her arms hovering pretty awkwardly for someone who was just clinging to Lena a minute ago before she settles them on Lena’s shoulders.
“You jump. I jump. Okay?”
Kara recognizes the quote instantly, but it doesn’t clear anything up for her. Other than it means something to Lena, judging by the way she loops her arm through Andrea’s and leisurely leads them further out into the parking lot.
So they’re thankfully well out of earshot by the time Kara accidentally kicks over all the cups.
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helpbutton95 · 2 years
It has to be said that the feeling of choking on burning hot coffee was not something Nia recommended. In fact, she would recommend the opposite on any day of the week. But coughing and spluttering over the sight before her was the only reaction she could have. Afterall, what other reaction would one have to a pixelated image that showed That.
"Is that Lena Luthor?" A voice from her shoulder asked and Nia is scrambling. She hits four or five keys, at least one zoomed in by accident.
Another voice and she hit more keys, "And Supergirl?"
Shit, shit, shit shit.
The screen went blank and she's almost sure her keyboard is more mashed than Kara's when William Day peers into her office.  
Nia spun to find at least three of her peers staring confused over her shoulder. "Nothing to see here," She all but shouted across Catco bullpen.
"Was that what I think it was?" William's voice crows through the shuffling crowd that she's desperately trying to usher away from her screen.
"Nope, no, absolutely not," Nia reacted. He responds with that quirked brow and disappointing smile and his hands on hips. Nia hates how uncomfortably attractive he his, reporters weren't supposed to be attractive like him. A thought sprung into her mind like a lightbulb. "Unless, well, it depends what you thought it was?"
Nia could be coy right? She 100% could.
"I mean that looked like the next Pulitzer prize winning article if you report on it right," William said. "Imagine the coverage you could get, Lena Luthor and Supergirl in love. Or a Luthor and a Super. Or Luthor turned good for love. Or the Luthor that really controls the Super"
Nia felt her stomach curl. He had seen it. Had seen exactly what Nia had saw.
"I mean, can we really say for sure? It could have been photoshopped," Nia desperately tried to backtrack.
"No ones that good at photoshop," William scoffed as he settled in the chair beside her.
God, she had to text Kara. Kara who was obviously busy keeping secrets from Nia because what the hell Kara?  Lena? Lena was enemy no1 not five minutes ago!
"So, who's the source?" William asked expectantly, puling Nia from her thoughts.
"Oh, probably just some kid with a phone, you know how it is," Nia dismissed. She knew exactly who it was. It was her good well trusted source for all things going on in the alien realms of National City.
"Well we should look into it, make sure it's reliable source so we can run the story," William nodded, more to himself than Nia, because Nia's jaw was still on the floor while he stood, patted her on the back and told her good job.
Nia was going to kill Kara and Lena if she had half a mind. She just had to call Kara, Kara who's voicemail greeted her immediately.
Hey, it's Kara, you know what to do!
"Answer you're phone Kara, we have a situation!" Nia hissed down the phone as she pinched her nose. She would have to call Brainy, he could hack into her computer and delete all traces or it. She could get Jon to mind wipe William and the others. Yes, that was an excellent plan. But first she had to check on Kara. What if Lena had managed to mind control Kara? Alex, Alex would know exactly what to do in that situation.
Grabbing her bag and a quick call to Alex, she sped across town to Kara's apartment, with three firm knocks on the door she waited, or rather paced. Alex strolled in rather nonchalance which didn't help. How were they going to over power Kara?
"Where's the back up?" Nia asked immediately.
"Nia, we don't even know if Kara is in trouble yet, when we know she's in trouble then we'll panic," Alex shrugged before knocking repeatedly.
"Just a sec," Kara's voice called from inside and Alex raised an eyebrow in a 'I told you so' look. Nia hated that look.
The door opened to Kara, in sweat pants, a hoodie, no glasses and her hair dishevelled like she'd been asleep.
"Oh thank god," Nia breathed.
"What're you guys doing here?" Kara asked, her brow tight as she pulled the door over.
"Nia thought you were in trouble," Alex responded with a shrug. Kara's blue eyes swept over Nia and suddenly doubt cast into her mind. Maybe it was a photoshop and Kara was going to get even more upset when she told her?
"I got a tip about you-"
"Kara, I have the cash for the pizza here."
Nia froze at the sound of that voice and Kara's eyes squeezing shut confirmed her suspicions. Nia knew that Irish lilt from anywhere.
"Is that?" Alex began, her hand on her holster.
"I knew it wasn't a fake," Nia breathed, god she had hoped it was a fake.
"Just don't freak," Kara hissed, more to Alex than Nia. Kara dropped the door to show Lena. Lena who was wrapped in Kara's cape, her hair just as dishevelled as Kara's and now turning scarlet. "I can explain."
Nia felt speechless and from her glance at Alex, Alex looked murderous.
"I don't think you need to explain anything," Alex huffed, with a shake of her head. "I'll talk to you later, just- yeah, I'll talk to you later."  
With a quick squeeze of her sisters arm, Alex disappeared round the corned, leaving Nia's jaw working.
"I-" Kara's brow raised at her failure to form a sentence. "Brainy owes me fifty bucks," Nia huffed. "There's a situation at Catco, a picture to be specific. Of Lena Luthor and Supergirl.
Kara's scarlet blush paled.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I get what you are trying to say, but for the most part the ones complaining about Vicki's portrayal in MAWS are women.
I mean I can definitely get those complaints as part of the general body of "DC can be a major sausage fest" angle, and honestly I would love to see Lois develop a strong relationship with a female character within the show (like Ronnie pleeease can we see more Ronnie???), but I think it's also the general funky balancing issues of any show that's taking significant creative liberties with a well-known, well-loved IP and hasn't had a lot of time to really establish itself.
I mean for the most part, most of Lois's interactions with other women (in this case I'm talking about the League of Lois Lanes and Vicki Vale) are more about holding up a mirror to Lois as a character--the league of Lois Lanes obviously discussing both Lois's internal self-doubts and how there are significant differences between her and previous incarnations of her in media, and as I've said before, Vicki Vale representing pretty much everything Lois thought she wanted to be as a journalist prior to finding out Clark is Superman. And you do see early in the season the way Lois pursues a story like she has already come to all the conclusions she figures she needs to, is very similar to how Vicki pursues her exposé on Superman--which isn't journalism! Journalism is about investigating and finding the truth! Which is also probably why Lois is still stuck as an intern when we meet her, because she's been emulating this ball-busting B&E style of journalism without actually building up the necessary experience and compassion and direction to make it effective! I don't think the show really wants to pit women against each other so much as really ask the question of "How's Lois going to find her place in all this?"
I'm getting a little sidetracked but I do think that basically we haven't been able to see Lois develop a strong relationship with other women in the show because for this season, at least, the show's writing is about establishing this interpretation of Lois, Clark, and Jimmy. So basically what interactions the trio has with characters outside of the trio is more about establishing the trio themselves as characters than actually building relationships with characters outside the trio, you know? Like, just think back to Jimmy's interaction with Steve Lombard--like yes, we got to know Steve as this macho guy but ultimately that whole interaction was exploring Jimmy's feelings of being left behind by Clark and Lois and his frustrations with not being taken seriously as Flamebird.
Hopefully next season (if there is a next season) they'll be able to expand the cast more and build on more complex dynamics outside the trio (Pleeease bring in Kara pleeeease), but in the meantime I'm just going to say that DC has been doing whatever the hell it wants with Vicki Vale since forever. Vicki's been obsessed with proving Bruce Wayne is Batman, she's been a significant Bat-Love-Interest, she's been a supervillain, she's been a generic NPC newscaster, and now she gets to be this sort of reflection of Lois but also placed at a position in the narrative where she's completely independent from Batman and also has a surprising amount of power. Like I love the lore that she's been a rival journalist to Perry! It gives her a lot of flavor! It gives this fun sense that even in the midst of a whole bunch of superhero craziness, regular people have their foils and rivalries! Plenty of comic book characters have continued to persist despite less-than-flattering interpretations, and plenty of comic book characters have undergone significant changes basically to fit the narrative demands of being adapted to animation. This is not the be-all end-all of Vicki Vale.
Also I hate the concept of "if this female character is mean or unpleasant or unlikable to me as a woman then that means the writing is unfeminist." Like, just because a character is a bitch, that doesn't mean she's not bringing something to the story. Bitchiness can bring a lot to a story.
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
kidnapped PT.3
PT.1   PT.2  PT.4  PT.5  PT.6  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
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The first 2 building was just a simple 1-story building that was completely abandoned, so it wouldn't take long to search. Brainy and Nia checked the building, but it was empty there were a few box here and there, but that’s it, the second building was the same. Kara and j’onn Already checked the first floor and there was nothing. Getting to the last floor, both sister were starting to lose hope. They look around the last floor, but they didn't find you or the alien. “Brainy, are you sure those were the only location you found.” Kara asked desperately. “Unfortunately, yes, that’s all I have for now.” Kara sighed and looked at j’onn with tears in her eyes. “We will never find them in time.” J'onn took Kara in his harm.” Yes, we will ok well find them in time.”
 In a last ditch attempt, Kara used her super hearing. She was extremely surprised to hear a really faint but present heart beat, pulling away she concentrated on the sound. “What wrong?” He asked. "I think I hear something, It's coming from downstairs.” She followed the sound, it leads her to a wall on the first floor. “Hidden door, maybe.” Kara said, and J’onn shrugged. They looked around trying to find something like a button, a lever, anything that could reveal a secret door. Looking closely, Kara found a spot that wasn’t the exact shade of the wall, she pressed on it and the wall opened. 
 Behind the door, Kara saw the most horrifying sigh she could ever see. There was you on the floor covered in blood and bruises, your eyes were closed and if it wasn’t for the slight movement of your chest anyone would've thought you were dead. The was towering over you, he grabbed you by the neck and lifted you in the air. “Are you dead yet or do I need to continue?” He chuckled, he squeezed your neck more and with your eyes still close you weakly grabbed at he’s wrist. Kara was frozen there in shock, she couldn’t move, she just looked at you.
Your POV: 
You just wanted to die at this point, your entire body was hurting, you were so weak you couldn’t move nor could you scream in pain when he hit you or stabbed you with his sharp claws. 
 You knew he was there, you could feel his presence. You heard the door open, so you thought he was actually gone, but you quickly realized he wasn’t when he wrapped his hand around your neck and squeezed, cutting your flow of oxygen, you weakly tried to loosen his grip on your throat, but it was obviously a failed attempt. 
 Suddenly you were dropped onto the floor and you groaned at the impact. You heard some struggling then there were hands-on you, you whimpered and flinch in pain because the hand were touching one of your wound, you tried to move away from what you think was Vexok hands. 
 General POV: 
 “Get away from her!” J’onn scream, snapping Kara out of her trance. The Alien dropped you to the floor, right as he did, j’onn attacked him whilst Kara ran toward you. She placed her hand on your side to see how badly you were hurt, She heard you whimpered and try to move away from her, not knowing she was hurting you she pressed down harder to keep you from moving. A weak cry left your lips and that when she took her hand away, you shook like a leaf and try to move away again. “Sweetheart, it’s me, it’s Kara, it’s your big sister. You’re going to be ok. I know it hurt, I’m sorry. Could you open your eyes for me please?” Kara said, tears brimming her eyes at the sight of you like this, you slowly opened your eyes, even if your sight was blurred a little you recognized your sister’s bright blue eyes they were filled with worry. You cried in relief and happiness at the sight of her. 
 Behind her, j’onn made quick work of knocking the alien down. “Come on, we need to bring them both to the D.E.O.” J’onn said, Kara nodded and picked you up. You let out another weak cry of pain, which broke Kara’s heart even more. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I have to bring you to the D.E.O.” She said softly.
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sssammich · 5 months
Fandom Ask Game: 7, 14, 25. What's your least favourite thing Kara Danvers said or did?
hello anon!
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
idk who this is for. im thinking kara?
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i wanna say this because it looks very chill and comfortable and epitome of 'average and totally regular'
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
superrojas tbh bc i couldn't see it but then i saw it and now i can't unsee it lmao
25. What's your least favourite thing [kara] said or did?
lmaoo um there are plenty but i'll stick to one
hmm i think for me it's probably got to do with just how starkly different she acts as supergirl and as kara around lena. or that she even pursued friendship with lena as both? like obviously yes the identities require different interactions but i think the closeness of both of her identities with lena just eventually put kara in such a tough spot to get out of in any redeemable way without a fallout or something similar. like lex stuff aside, even if he never told her and that whole reveal storyline never happened, if someone told me after four years that they've been keeping this one secret but then like have established fights and antagonistic quarrels with me in one persona but then be very close and friendly in another, i'd just have insane whiplash. i'd completely just question the entirety of our relationship and figure out well what was genuine.
i suppose for me i would have preferred if kara had kept one identity as far away from lena as possible or kept it as professional as possible *shrug*
ask game
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performativezippers · 5 months
Director’s cut! I’m obviously obsessed with Grown Ass Women and I’ve always wondered: the first pov story glosses over a lot of little details quickly but of course it makes sense, esp when it’s explained in the second part, Alex’s pov. Was it always intended to be written from both povs, with some details only explained more fully from the other pov?
For a specific scene, how about when all the super friends go to the spin class for the first time?
Omg a deep cut! This is about my fic Spin Doctor, which is a Sanvers AU set in a spin studio that I wrote in the year of our lord 2017, if you can believe it! I wrote this because at the time I was working the front desk at a spin studio one day a week in exchange for free classes, and it was such a ripe space for an AU.
This was only a year or so after I'd written Revelations, and a similar thing happened for both. I started writing a single-POV fic (in the case of Spin Doctor, it was from Maggie's POV, whereas Revelations was Alex's) and then people kept asking for the other POV as a companion fic. To both of those, I said yes! (now I say no, FYI, don't get excited).
But I was newer to writing then, and it really made me a better writer, because I had to consider some choices I'd made and find ways to work around them because the first POV was already published. It feels kind of like when you're working with a canon: what would make her do xx? how can i get her to a place where she xx? because she HAS TO.
I remember in particular with this fic (my memory is hazy, sorry if the details are scrambled), there was something where Maggie missed like two weeks of spin class because she was injured at work. From her POV, it was just like oh yay I finally get to see Alex again! but then when I was writing Alex's POV, I had to reckon with (a) why did Alex think Maggie wasn't there, and (b) How did that absence impact Alex? Short answer: she cried so much, the poor thing!! She was not at all normal about it!
So I think that's probably why the second POV feels more detailed--because I was working through all of these gaps. Also, in Maggie's POV I had sown all of these little seeds of plot and emotion, and then in Alex's I had the opportunity to cultivate and harvest them, while also reverse-engineering some seeds that only make sense in retrospect for Maggie's POV. An example of that is Maggie notices that Alex wears the same outfit every spin class, so then in Alex's POV she's like meticulously documenting every tank top Maggie wears. Parallel processes, different outcomes.
When the Superfriends come to spin: brb let me reread it. God it's been so long!
Alex sets up Maggie's bike for her. Awww, what a gay baby in love! I like that this is the first time Maggie's like "........waaaaaaait. does she?????? like me???????" Romance is stored in a well-adjusted spin bike, as the classical saying goes.
Alex tells Kara, "Don't break my bike," which Maggie thinks is cute but weird, but I LOVE because, you know. I know Alex means it.
And then in Alex's POV, Kara activates her heat vision enough to make her eyes glow at Alex in fake-anger, and I just like playing with that.
Here's a fun one. In Maggie's POV, the line is: "Danvers walks away, over to her own bike."
In Alex's it's: "But Lucy’s already looking Sawyer up and down with a nearly maniacal glint in her eye, and Alex has stared down White Martians and alien invaders and assault rifles but she turns on her heel and she positively flees back up to the platform."
Maggie is like, Alex walked away, end of thought. And Alex is like, if I don't run away like a coward right now, I'm going to lick this woman up and down her body for the rest of my life and that might be odd due to the fact that I'm a stranger to her and until three days ago I thought I was straight.
It's the same vibe as when Maggie is like I put my hair in a ponytail because that's how you exercise and Alex nearly orgasms every time. Swap for how Alex gets on and off her bike; she's like, I got on my bike, and Maggie is like, she leaps onto the bike with the lithe grace of a predator. She is beauty, she is grace, i want her to punch me in the face. nothing has ever been as erotic as watching this woman straddle a stationary bicycle. i am proposing immediately.
In general, I loved writing this fic. I think I learned a ton as writer from it, and it was such a delight. My first sexy scene (push-ups!!!). My second Sanvers dual POV! Lots of cast management! Such an AU! It was a blast, and I'm so glad there are folks who still like it!
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eyedelater · 2 years
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let's study japanese by reading golden kamuy.
specifically, let's look at how noda-sensei added a bunch of lines to the scene where ogata hyakunosuke kills his father. i have included the pages in question here for your reference. he added quite a lot of dialogue. the anime goes by the volume version of the manga, so i believe most of these lines were spoken verbatim in the anime, but japanese is so full of homophones that it can be hard to learn new words just by listening. so let's read.
this is not the beginning of the scene, but this is where the dialogue additions begin. i wanted to make a post about this because EH scans never covered these lines-- at this point in the story, they were using magazine scans, not volume scans. as far as i know, only viz and various anime subs have translated this part. and i don't think viz did a very good job. so i wanted to put my translation out there for people who want to waste even more time thinking about ogata hyakunosuke and what he Really Said. but i'm not going to bother with a typeset version of just 5 pages. and i'm not going to go find this scene in the anime to compare the translation of the subs. and keep in mind that i'm a novice.
here are the lines in order, starting at the top of the first page. yes i really typed out and analyzed them one by one like this. (i typed them out so you can copy-paste the kanji to look them up if you want... i hate having to look up kanji radical by radical...) a slash indicates a split in a compound speech bubble. these slashes may or may not indicate the end of a sentence. (japanese uses punctuation sparsely and you have to kind of feel out where the sentence ends sometimes, so speech bubble breaks are worth noting.)
raw: 父上と本妻との間に生まれた息子さん…… / 花沢勇作少尉が高潔な人物だったことも証明している気がします phonetic: chichiue to honsai to no aida ni umareta musukosan...... / hanazawa yuusaku shoui ga kouketsu na jinbutsu datta to mo shoumei shiteiru ki ga shimasu my translation: The son that was born to you, father, and your real wife... I think the fact that Second Lieutenant Hanazawa Yuusaku was such a noble character is proof of that. viz's translation: That's why your legitimate son… / …second lieutenant Yusaku Hanazawa was such a principled individual. notes: when he says "proof of that," ogata is using yuusaku's virtue as evidence to back up the claim he just made that a child born to parents who love each other is blessed. also, this line wasn't an addition compared to the magazine version, but rather, it was changed. however, i lost track of the magazine version raw of this chapter for comparison.
raw: 入隊して初めて会いましたが / 面をくらいましたよ phonetic: nyuutai shite hajimete aimashita ga / men wo kuraimashita yo my translation: I met him for the first time when I enlisted, / and I was taken aback. viz's translation: I met him when I joined the military… / …and I was stunned. notes: it seems the usual way of phrasing "men wo kuraimashita" would be more like "menkurau" so the "wo" stuck in there confused me... anyway it means "taken aback" or "bewildered."
raw: 「規律がゆるみますから」と何度注意しても部下の俺を… / 「兄様」と呼ぶのです phonetic: [kiritsu ga yurumimasu kara] to nando chuui shitemo buka no ore wo... / [anisama] to yobu no desu my translation: Even though I warned him many times that it would "weaken his discipline," / he called me, his subordinate, "big brother." viz's translation: I warned him that it was bad for discipline… / …but he called me his big brother. notes: i think it's notable that ogata refers to himself as yuusaku's subordinate ("buka"). that was omitted by the viz translation, probably in the name of dumbing it down clarity. the fact that yuusaku outranked hyakunosuke is really important to the relationship between them. obviously it made hyakunosuke feel even worse about himself, but he hides that.
raw: 「ひとりっ子育ちでずっと兄弟が欲しかった」と / 俺にまとわり付くのです phonetic: [hitorikko sodachi de zutto kyoudai ga hoshikatta] to / ore ni matowaritsuku no desu my translation: He said, "I was raised an only child, so I always wanted a brother," / and he clung to me. viz's translation: He'd always wanted a brother… / …so he clung to me. notes: matowaritsuku, "to coil about; to follow about; to surround; to cling to." maybe this line was added just to be heartbreaking.
raw: あの屈託の無い笑顔…… phonetic: ano kuttaku no nai egao...... my translation: That carefree smile...... viz's translation: He had an honest smile. notes: kuttaku no nai means carefree, and it doesn't mean honest. don't make a mistranslation and then bold it. they bolded it! isn't that embarrassing? also they vaporized the powerful double ellipsis. lame.
raw: 「ああこれが両親から祝福されて生まれた子供なのだ……」と / 心底納得しました phonetic: [aa kore ga ryoushin kara shukufuku sarete umareta kodomo nanoda......] to / shinsoko nattoku shimashita my translation: "Ah, so this is a child who was blessed from birth by both parents……" / I accepted that deep in my heart. viz's translation: I realized deep inside that here was a child blessed with the love… / …of both parents. notes: nattoku "understanding; satisfaction (e.g. with an explanation); being convinced​." so seeing yuusaku's carefree smile and affectionate behavior, ogata took that as evidence affirming his theory about being born blessed; he accepted that yuusaku was blessed and took it to prove that he, by comparison, must not have been blessed.
raw: ところで / 花沢勇作少尉が二〇三高地でどうやって亡くなったか… // 父上は本当のことをご存じ無いはずだ phonetic: tokoro de / hanazawa yuusaku shoui ga nihyakusan kouchi de dou yatte nakunatta ka... // chichiue ha hontou no koto wo gozonji nai hazu da my translation: By the way... / About how Second Lieutenant Hanazawa Yuusaku really died at 203 Hill... // You probably don't know the truth of the matter. viz's translation: Do you want… / …to know the truth about how he died… // …on 203 Meter Hill? notes: here the // indicates that it was two separate speech bubbles, because even though i was giving each speech bubble its own entry, the viz translation combined two separate speech bubbles into one sentence! so i had to put them in one entry. anyway, it's plain to see how much viz dumbed it down... try to keep some of the sentence structure, maybe?
raw: 俺が後頭部を撃ち抜きました phonetic: ore ga koutoubu wo uchinukimashita my translation: I shot him through the back of the head. viz's translation: I plugged him in the back of the head. notes: listening to this line in the anime, i was chilled by how ogata conjugated the nasty verb "uchinuku" (to shoot through) with the polite verb ending "mashita." he's using mostly polite speech to speak to his father in this scene, despite everything. so that's one reason i don't like how viz used the nasty slang term "plugged" here. yes, both lines are nasty, but the politeness is what is striking.
raw: 少尉殿に対する妬みからじゃありません / 父上を苦しませたい…というのともちょっと違う / ただひとつ確かめてみたかった phonetic: shouidono ni taisuru sonemi kara ja arimasen / chichiue wo kurushimasetai... to iu no to mo chotto chigau / tada hitotsu tashikamete mitakatta my translation: It wasn't because I held any jealousy toward the second lieutenant. And it wasn't quite… that I wanted to make you suffer, father. There was just one thing I wanted to check. viz's translation: Not because I was jealous… / …or because I wanted to make you suffer. / I wanted to check something. notes: based on the way he said it, i think he did want to make his father suffer just a little. he said it was only chotto chigau.
raw: 勇作さんの戦死を聞いたとき… phonetic: yuusaku san no senshi wo kiita toki... my translation: When you heard about Yuusaku-san's death in battle... viz's translation: After you heard about his death in battle...
raw: 父上は俺を想ったのか.../ 無視し続けた妾の息子が急に愛おしくなったのではないかと... phonetic: chichiue ha ore wo omotta no ka... / mushi shitsuzuketa mekake no musuko ga kyuu ni itooshikunatta no de ha nai ka to... my translation: Did you think of me, father? / I thought you might suddenly come to love your long-ignored son of a mistress... viz's translation: …did you think of me? / Did you suddenly feel for the son you had ignored? notes: the phrase "itooshikunatta" is key here. it's from itooshii 愛おしい, "lovely; dear; beloved; darling; dearest," and the "natta" is "became." so it's along the lines of "suddenly became beloved" or "suddenly became dear to you." also he uses the past tense verb "omotta" (thought) but instead of the usual 思 kanji, he uses 想, which jisho.org says "has connotations of heart-felt."
raw: 祝福された道が俺にもあったのか… phonetic: shukufuku sareta michi ga ore ni mo atta no ka... my translation: Was there ever a blessed path for me, too? viz's translation: Was a blessed life ever even possible for me? notes: it's "path" in the metaphorical sense, as in the path you take in life. so translating it as a "blessed life" is acceptable here. and the "too" is probably referring to yuusaku, the blessed child.
now here is something worth noting. hanazawa's last words in this world were changed! well, you'd know if you watched the anime, but anyway, instead of the magazine version, "貴様の言うとおり,冷血で出来損ないの倅じゃ" (It is as you say; you are a cold-blooded and worthless son) it becomes as follows:
raw: 貴様の言うとおり何かが欠けた人間… / 出来損ないの倅じゃ // 呪われろ phonetic: kisama no iu toori nanika ga kaketa ningen... / dekisokonai no segare ja // norowarero my translation: It is as you say; you are missing something as a person… / You are a worthless son. // A curse upon you. viz's translation: You're right. You are missing something. / You're a rotten son… // …and I curse the day you were born! notes: the phrase "dekisokonai" is really cutting. it means, according to jisho.org, "failure; defective article; dead loss; botch​; good-for-nothing; worthless person; flop​." so "worthless" might be an understatement. what it doesn't mean is "rotten," but i digress. the phrase "reiketsu" (冷血, literally and figuratively "cold-blooded") was removed and replaced with the clause about missing something as a person. hanazawa's very last word, and this was added in the volume version as a new speech bubble, is literally "be cursed" (a command). i thought it could've used an exclamation point, but maybe hanazawa didn't have it in him.
the face that hyakunosuke makes immediately after his father's last words was also added in the volume version. what a treat!
i've been reading through the raws and analyzing them like this for a few weeks now. i mean i don't type them all up like this, but i do try to give the more interesting lines a deep read and try to learn a bunch of kanji while i'm at it. there's nothing like trying to read raw manga to make you feel like your 650-day duolingo streak is actually fuuucking worthless. so i'll make more translation notes posts in the future with some interesting lines that may have been translated strangely or incorrectly. specifically i might make a post similar to this one when i get to some more scenes about hyakunosuke and yuusaku (because i think lines were added in later scenes too) and his long talk with usami (where lines were also added). and maybe some scenes with tsukishima and koito. we'll see how long my hyperfixation lasts.
i guess i'll note that the phonetic transliteration of each line is based on my own arbitrary standards and not on any actual standard of writing out romaji (e.g. i tried to put spaces between words... mostly? i typed "wa" as "ha" when it's written with a "ha" hiragana, for no reason in particular... etc.). sorry if it's confusing.
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rustingcat · 1 year
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It was a few months later over breakfast with Nia when the request first came out.
Kara and Lena had been working with Brainy on the biological formula for his data-clone they could merge with the big brain in the future. They managed to create something they hoped would work and started the creation process. If along those months Lena noticed the extra familiar PF in the preservation container, she said nothing.
Brainy and Nia spent the first two weeks of their honeymoon visiting different planets before coming back to earth and spending the second part of the month on different cruises. Cat only agreed to the long vacation if Nia were to write at least four detailed articles about her experience on another planet, the possibility and progress of planetary travel for the average person in the near future, reviews of different cruise ships and the difference between cruises on earth compared to other planets. 
The first two weeks after they returned were crazy, there was an all out attack from a conquering army of aliens trying to take over the earth. That ended up being the first combined attack of all of earth's superheroes. A combination they later named the Justice League, utilising the space they created for themselves to plan their next counter attack. Kara later had to update her contract with the DEO, with Lucy's help of course, to legalise all future activities she had with the Justice League and would not contradict anything in her contract with the DEO.
So with everything they've been dealing with recently, she was very glad to share a normal breakfast with her friend.
Nia was telling her in detail the story of her current article, study of the new fashion trends in National City and the correlation to the alien immigrants in the area. Kara was very excited to read it.
In return, she updated her on the Big Brain project, noting that they believed they would finish the first trial in the next 5 months or so.
"I know the Big Brain project is a little different, but do you think you are ready to start testing… you know, actual babies?" Nia asked carefully.
"Yeah, I mean we made sure it's a possibility before starting the project. Although we have yet to test a complete process, obviously." Kara chuckled nervously as she remembered her near click.
"Can you start the tests?" Nia bit her lip, nervously.
"Well, technically yes, but in the– wait!" Kara stopped mid sentence to study her friend. Nia's smile was spreading wider on her lips despite her attempts to contain it. Her excitement was clear.
"You want to–"
"Yes." Nia nodded quickly before Kara could finish her sentence.
Kara put a hand on her mouth in shock. They're gonna start the process. They're gonna start the attempts to create a baby for their friends! They're gonna have a baby in the group!
"Ahhh!" Kara could no longer contain her excitement, jumping off to her feet to engulf Nia in a big hug. Nia chuckled as she tried to stand up within Kara's embrace, somehow failing to do so and ending up in a somewhat awkward position.
"You're gonna be a mum!" Kara exclaimed once she pulled away, letting Nia to stand up properly.
"Yes?" She exhaled. It came up as more of a question.
"You're going to be an amazing mother Nia!" Kara pulled her again for another excited hug. "And your baby would be the cutest baby in the world!"
"Thanks Kara," Nia managed to say, muffled slightly through Kara’s sleeve.
"We'll start right away." She promised and shot Lena a quick text. 
"Wait, as in right now?"
"Of course!" Kara was so excited.
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mxnkeydo · 9 months
enchanted ✧ chapter one
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✧ ship aru x aiden
✧ what to expect princess arundhati shah lives a life of luxury, but meeting a mysterious boy opens her eyes to her neglective father's true ways, and to something a little more than that...
✧ genre romance, fluff, humor
✧ word count 1.78K
✧ warnings none
✧ link to main masterlist
✧ link to enchanted masterlist
✧ A/N i was bored. this idea hit me. here you go!
✧ ✧ ✧
There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place...
Arundhati’s hand curled around the doorknob of her chambers as she stared out at the vast wave of people coming in from the arched entrances. From citizens to ministers to the maids scurrying around the tiled floor, every inch of the ballroom was occupied. The mere sight of it made her stomach lurch sickeningly.
She closed the door and gazed into the mirror for the thousandth time that night, brushing her hand against the reflection in the mirror. It was really her, her mother had told her, just the more mature version. The girl with the red lips and the perfectly pinned hair and the dark eyeliner was her.
As much as she wanted to, Aru found it hard to believe.
She quickly  pulled a strand of hair out of her perfect loose bun and let it frame her face. She swiped off some of the lipstick from her mouth, put on lip gloss instead. She even let herself indulge in some mascara, even though her mother—the queen—had explicitly told her not to.
They were small acts of rebellion, but they made her feel good nevertheless.
Finally she walked out the door, her extravagant lilac lehenga sweeping the floor behind her, heart beating in her chest like a messenger drum. Almost immediately the ballroom went silent, all eyes on her.
“Ah, and here she comes,” Queen Krithika announced. Her face shone with a dazzling smile, and she ushered her daughter closer, hugging her around the waist. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the birthday girl—Arundhati Shah, heir to the throne of Ascharyaloka!”
Aru raised her hand with a soft smile, inwardly flinching from the uproar of noise that followed her mother’s declaration. Hand in hand, she and the queen descended down the spiral stairs, her anklets clinking delightedly with every step. Her long, purple dupatta brushed against her back, and Aru barely managed to cast away the urge to scratch at it for the queen would chide her and deem it “unwomanly”. 
Stepping onto the tiled ballroom meant human interaction, which Aru hated most of the time, but she pasted a fake smile on her face and shook hands with almost everyone present at the party. Yes, she’d told her mother she wanted to throw a party for her sweet sixteen, but by that she had meant inviting a few friends; Mini, obviously, and then Brynne and her girlfriend Hira, and Rudy (who devotedly followed Mini everywhere she went). But her idea of a party and her mother’s idea of a party were completely different, apparently, because her mom had called just about every citizen in the kingdom to the palace.
“Aru, hey! Enjoying the party?”
Aru turned around and found herself face to face with her half-sister, Kara. To say the least, Kara was… a character. She was calm and wise in a weird way that infuriated her sometimes beyond words. Now, though, Aru simply gave her a tired smile.
“Hi, Kara,” she sighed, adjusting her large hoop earrings. “And no, not really. It’s really stuffy and this place reeks of obnoxious noblemen.”
Kara shrugged. “I can’t argue with that. Chocolate?” She broke off a piece of her white chocolate bar and Aru gladly took it from her, letting herself sink into a small moment of bliss, savoring it before she had to go back to reality. Unfortunately for her, there was a new batch of guests coming in, so she hastily bid goodbye to Kara and went to her mom’s side.
“I really don’t like this, I hope you know that,” Aru said to the queen out the side of her mouth, still smiling at all the newcomers as she adjusted her crown.
Without looking at her, Krithika replied, “Oh, believe me. I know. Now look, that was the man who donated the most to our construction of the grand library. Make sure to shake his hand and thank him again, alright?” Aru rolled her eyes but complied. 
“Any other old brown men you want me to meet?”
Krithika looked like she was trying not to smile, and a small sense of pride burst in Aru’s chest. “Very funny, and try not to be racist to anyone tonight. Now go shake that man’s hand.” Aru rolled her eyes but complied. “Oh, and Aru? Keep your eyes peeled for any handsome guys your age.”
It took her an hour to meet everyone at her party. It wasn’t even time to cut the cake yet and she was already exhausted and eager to go back up to her room, her safe haven. Luckily for her, the queen struck her spoon against a wine glass and beckoned everyone to the table where a four-layered cake sat on a glass stand. The faster she could get this done, the quicker she could get out of her fitted lehenga and escape all these people. 
The cake was grand, and that was saying something because Aru had seen a lot of grand things in the short sixteen years of her lifetime. Although the cake itself was white, it was adorned with purple flowers all around, all made out of frosting and fondant. She really had to hand it to the bakers because they seemed lifelike, so real that she could almost imagine reaching out and feeling soft petals on the pads of her fingers.
Flowers were nice. But pretty flowers that you could eat? That was even better.
After Aru was serenaded with a painfully out of tune chorus of “Happy Birthday”, she finally got to cut the cake. Inside, the cake burst with different shades of purple to match the party’s theme of purple and white and black. She got the first slice, and with one bite, she knew Brynne had definitely helped to make this. Aru had always been fond of vanilla, but Bee had taken it to the next level, making the rich flavor explode on her tongue. The taste sent pleasurable shivers down her spine as Aru made a mental note to thank her later.
Eating meant that she didn’t have to talk to anyone, so Aru let herself sit at one of the round tables closest to the palace exit, where fresh air circulated through the open entryway. Night had fallen, and the stars twinkled mischievously in the sky, like a secretive wink. Vaguely Aru thought of her father, the king. He had been the one to name her, Krithika had told her. She had been born at dawn, when the sky was beginning to brighten and the only star visible was the morning star: Arundhati. According to the stories Aru had listened to, he was noble and wise and funny, everything a woman looked for in a man. 
Not anymore, apparently. Suyodhana was never there, not even for her sixteenth birthday. I have work, he’d say some days. I have important meetings to attend, he’d say on others. No matter what he always had an excuse to stay out of their lives. Ignoring her was one thing; but Krithika was his queen. He didn’t get to ignore her. The fact that he did made her angry, so angry. But there was nothing she could do about it.
Aru let the thought go with the warm winds. They brushed her face like gentle hands, tickled her neck. She wished she could go out there now.
In fact, she could. Nobody was watching. Nobody would notice she was gone, for everyone was too busy eating. One little detour couldn’t hurt, right?
When she was absolutely certain no one was looking her way, Aru lifted her heavy skirt and walked out the door.
The sky was clearer now that she was outside. The full moon dazzled against the royal blue canvas, and it seemed to smile down at her as she strolled through the gardens. Her fingers brushed against various flowers; a bush of crimson roses, hanging vines of jasmine, clusters of bright yellow daffodils. The only sounds present were her soft breathing and the padding of her footsteps through the arrangement of plants.
So, naturally, when Aru heard the crunch of a twig from behind her, she was quite alarmed.
She whirled around immediately, reaching for the knife strapped to her shin in case of emergencies like these. “Who’s there?” She yelled, but the only response was the soft echo of her own voice coming back to her. “Show yourself!” She yelled once more. “I’m the—”
“I know who you are, princess,” a smooth, husky voice interrupted her. Aru’s jaw fell slack as a slender figure revealed himself from the willow trees. He slowly came into the light, his eyes full of restrained panic. “And, uh, mind putting that knife down?”
“Who are you?” Aru answered with a question of her own, but she still let the knife clatter to the ground. The trespasser was a boy, not much older than her, with the most mesmerizing eyes she’d ever seen. They were wide and dark, but not fully brown like the common color every citizen had—they had hints of blue and purple iridescence. His glossy curls bounced as the boy stepped forward, his hands up like he was being arrested. 
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” he said, looking down at the grass. “I was on a walk and I saw the palace and I just—you know, my mother used to sing at the palace during events like the one you’re hosting tonight.” He smiled wistfully—and gods his smile was charming. But then he seemed to catch himself and wiped the grin off his face. “I—I will take your leave now.”
“Who was your mother?” Aru found herself asking, just out of general curiosity. The boy turned around and shook his head sadly.
“It’s not very important. Many people sang for the king and queen. My mother was merely one of them.” Aru would have believed him if it weren’t for his eyes, suddenly tight and cold like ice. The ice melted though, and the next time she blinked he was at ease again. And, she couldn’t help noticing, he was handsome. He wore a plain black kurta that made him blend into the night, and it made his eyes shine all the more. The sparkled, reminding her of the stars.
“Where do you live?” Aru asked, but the boy only shook his head once more and winked, leaving her flustered and blushing like an idiot. “Wait, what’s your—”
The boy darted away, off into the darkness of the garden “—name,” she finished quietly, laughing in incredulous wonder. 
For the next few minutes, Aru stood there dumbly, still trying to remember her own name, until her responsibilities as princess rushed back to her yet again.
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy Vanished when I saw your face All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you...
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bitch-for-a-rainbow · 11 months
Supercorptober Day 11: Earth
Kara lands in a field. The sun is a blistering gold, and the sky a brighter blue than she’s ever seen. There’s a smell in the air, so different from the clean, slightly metallic scent of Argo. It smells wet, musty, and fermented— and the sharp sting of feces floats over the top of the whole muddy mess. But that’s not what catches her immediate attention. Instead, Kara’s eyes follow the miles and miles of plants. Tall stalks surround her and go on for as long as she can see. The color is… wrong. It’s similar in some ways to the ocean she’d passed over— blue, so blue, and yet tainted by something else. It’s a terrible color. When she looks at it, she sees the cracked surface of her home. When she looks at it, she sees fire.
Kal-El will tell her that humans call the color green, and it covers most of the surface of the Earth. Earth, Kara decides, sucks.
Of course, Kara’s bitterness fades somewhat, as she grows. Over the next 15 years, she learns to make peace with green. She’ll never be a fan, but she doesn’t recoil at the sight of it. Her introduction to Kryptonite puts something of a damper on her budding appreciation for the color of trees and grass. It turns out the green fire can burn her here, too, yellow sun or no.
Still, for all its deficits, Earth isn’t all that bad. There are movies and potstickers and coffee shops and people, brilliant, wonderful people. People who, regrettably, really like green.
“I'm just saying,” Winn had said after Kara grimaced at Catco’s new wallpaper, “It’s very calming!”
Winn was wrong, obviously, but Kara did not hold that against him. Regardless, she had happily continued her feud with the worst color known to nature.
And then she met Lena, and well, what is she supposed to say about that? When Kara looks in her eyes, she doesn’t see fire or poison. Kara sees an ocean. She sees passion and genius and kindness and yes, she sees green. Beautiful, wonderful green.
She’s not calling off her feud. Green is terrible and hideous. It’s the color of Kale and celery and those awful matcha cookies that Alex had insisted she try even though they just taste like grass. A stalemate. Okay? She’ll call a stalemate. As long as no one stabs her again, Kara will let the green thing go. Just this once.
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