#and tells Lena about supergirl not much later
rainbow-rebellion · 4 months
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Lena’s true intentions for that visit to Catco
Based off of this post
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rustingcat · 1 year
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Kara was late.
She hated being late, but the amount of paperwork she had to sign was much larger than she anticipated, and the lack of signal in the classified room in the DEO meant that she couldn't alert Lena on time.
Kara made it to the lab an hour later, more exhausted than she realised.
"Kara! Is everything okay?" Lena asked the moment Kara put her bag down.
"Yes, I'm so sorry for the delay. I had to sign a LOT of papers for the DEO." Lena seemed so engulfed in the work, their work. The last thing she wanted was for Lena to feel like she's forced to take on the load.
"The DEO? Did something happen?" The worry in her voice was clear. Kara put a reassuring smile on her face to take some of it away.
"Yes, yes. I just signed an employment contract, I'm officially no longer a vigilante!" Kara said with a small chuckle.
"Oh, why the change? I remember you weren't a fan of working for the government before, especially with everything that went down with Colonel Hailey." Lena walked closer to her, a concern not completely gone.
"Well, now that my identity is public knowledge, Alex was very adamant in reminding me how open I am for lawsuits. Both private ones and from the government, like they could potentially sue me for stuff they ask me to do! How crazy is that?"
"Did you sign it already? I could go over it to make sure they don't put any peculiar articles or subsections."
"It's ok, Alex is still in touch with Lucy Lane. They went over the contract together several times before presenting it to me. Lucy is really good with this stuff." She reassured her.
"So you're a government official?"
"Yeah, free from any Supergirl related lawsuits, and with some pretty sweet tax benefits. Plus all of the salary they wanted to give me is going to go to different kinds of selected charities of my choosing, so that's awesome."
"I'm glad it all worked out."
"Me too." Kara breathed in relief.
"I have some news, too." Lena said as an excited smile spread on her face.
"Do tell," Kara said, biting her lip as a smile matching Lena started spreading.
"Okay, while you were off signing what was no doubt a mountain of paperwork," Kara nodded, "I found and fixed the problem with the distributor." Lena proclaimed proudly.
"What was the problem?" Kara asked, matching her excitement.
"We switched the materials connecting it to the compressor, but not the ones connected to the bio-terminal!" She explained quickly, her hands moving around in excited blur to match.
"Oh Rao! So it means–"
"We can start testing!"
"Ahh- Lena that's amazing!" Kara crushed into her best friend, giving her the big tight hug she deserves. She absolutely loved hugging Lena, really she took any opportunity she got. Feeling her warp around her tightly as if not wanting to let go, her smell that somehow always smelled amazing and feeling her heartbeat so close to hers. Hugging Lena was amazing, and she really deserved the most amazing hug after that discovery.
"Wait, we don't have their DNA to test it with." Kara noted once they pulled away.
"It's just a test to see if it can even process something like that, It doesn't have to be theirs. We already have exactly what we need." Lena explained.
"What do you mean?" Kara was confused, they didn't collect any DNA ahead of time.
"Samples of two specimens of the same biological sex, not to mention a combination of human and non-human DNA." Lena smiled at her.
"Oh." The room suddenly felt hotter. "Yeah, no… yes I see. Yeah that- that would definitely work." They would be combining their DNA. She and Lena. Their biological data would be combined. Kara felt very normal about this.
"Will you be able to extract some of your blood? If not, we can try saliva." Lena asked and she started to look around for the tubes.
"I think I can," Kara answered, looking at her fingers in an attempt to decide which one would be easier to cut. It's not like she would have to worry about the long term effect of the wound as it would heal once she stepped out into the sun.
Lena was already grabbing a syringe by the time Kara decided to go with her thumb, hoping to make the surface of the wound big enough to extract more blood.
She checked with her tongue to see which of her teeth is the sharpest –her upper left fang, and attempted her first try. It was painful, yet unsuccessful. She braced herself for the unavailable pain and tried again. The metallic taste in her mouth paired with the pounding pain in her finger told her she was successful. She took out her thumb and tried to lift it in a way that no blood would spill out. She held it above the tube Lena handed to her, letting the small drops fill it as much as she could, squeezing a bit despite the pain, until she was satisfied with the amount.
A quick walk to the window, letting the reflected rays of the sunshine upon her finger, fixed the little cut she created. She only wished Lena had similar powers. The syringe made her cut relatively small, but a cut was still a cut in Kara’s book. Lena was pressing a small piece of cotton to her arm, holding it tightly as she worked.
Kara walked closer to her. She was healed at this point and just as familiar with the machine as Lena, it was her turn to put on some work. She took Lenas wounded arm and gave it a small kiss to make it better. Lena's cheeks were immediately coloured with a light share of pink.
"All better now." Kara smiled at her. "Do you mind if I take it from here? You can keep pressing on the arm."
Lena simply nodded.
Inserting their blood samples carefully, Kara directed the machine to start the process. It was odd, she thought to herself, seeing all of the biological specification options for the combined data of her and Lena's DNA. Afraid to make a mistake, she slowly pressed on each button, choosing to unspecify everything before starting the process.
Kara looked at Lena with an exciting smile, biting down both her upper and bottom lips in the anticipation.
"And now we wait." Lena smiled back.
They watched in silence as the machine processed their data, searching for any errors or possible problems. They went through the math and the coding multiple times, they were at the very least confident in their work. The test was not to see a baby going through a full term, that process would take a few months even in their very advanced machine. Not to mention that due to the possibility of success, they knew that their first test subject should be for people who would be willing parents. So the test itself was only to see if the machine can prepare their given data to what could later become an embryo and then a healthy fetus should they choose to continue.
The process bar got closer to the end. No errors yet.
Lena was still pressing on her wound as she followed the process bar closely with her eyes. Kara wasn't sure if it was worry, tension or excitement on her face. Probably a combination of the three. She couldn't say she was faring any better, chewing in her bottom lip with similar emotions.
The bar got closer to the end. 97%, 98%, 99%, 100%.
Kara instinctively inhaled quickly. Holding her breath until the bar disappeared completely, replaced by a 'process complete' message on the screen.
"Oh my god!" She heard Lena exhale in relief.
"It worked!" Kara turned to face her, mouth wide open in shock and excitement.
"It did!" Lena confirmed in amazement.
They were hugging again before Kara fully realised she was doing it. Jumping in excitement in Lena’s arms as the latter laughed in response. When she settled down she noticed how close their faces were to each other, she could feel the heat radiating off of Lena's face warm her own. Suddenly their excited hearts became louder to her ears as she watched Lena wet her own lips. Kara instinctively mimicked the movement. They stayed like that for a moment, before Lena suddenly pulled away. Kara felt a pang of disappointment she could not name.
"I should check on this one project before I leave for today. Could you finish everything here?" Lena hurried to find her back, refusing to meet Kara's eyes.
"Sure," she had no problem wrapping everything herself. "What do you want to do with the PF?" It was the name they decided on for a successful processed DNA combination, a shorthand for Potential Fetus.
"It's not important, you can dispose of it." Lena finished collecting her stuff and exited before Kara could respond.
"Right." She muttered to the empty room. The project she went to check on must've been important.
Kara turned her attention back to the machine. She was familiar with the options, she designed the UI herself after all, yet they gave her pause. The button to proceed to the next stage had somehow become the most fascinating thing in the world. Flash images of small hands, a wild patch of dark hair and big striking green eyes passed through her mind in quick succession. She only noticed she clicked the button once a warning message asking her if she was sure she'd like to proceed popped up on the screen. Small panic went through her body as she realised what she almost did, Rao she almost greenlighted the creation of a baby for her and Lena.
She quickly pressed no, and moved on to check the other options. She had no need to restart the process to respect the bio-data for the PF, nor make changes to the DNA. She stared at the button to terminate the PF and all data related to it, but couldn't bring herself to do it. The images flashed her mind again. She wasn't sure what it was but she couldn't bring herself to do it, she couldn't press the button.
A message from Lena asking if she wanted a ride home made her notice the time. She sent her a quick message saying she would be right there, and turned back to the machine. Kara made a quick decision to store the data for later use, just in case they wanted to reexamine it, of course. Plus it was their first success, it could also be a reminder of their progress.
Kara finished turning off whatever unnecessary parts to keep the power consumption at a minimum, went over everything twice and spared a moment to stare at the container, before she left.
The images followed her to her dream that night, along with a familiar dimpled smile by her side.
Read in order in AO3
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kuekyuuq · 8 months
Supercorp - Rehashing the Fallout once more
Today's menu: Kara Danvers' Double-Standards.
I am rewatching Supergirl, and it occurred to me why I am with Lena on the "you lied to me" point. (Not the brain-wash the planet or taking a year to get over herself and realize her own - horrible - mistakes parts, though.) Not because of the lie itself or its content, but its context with Kara's very own history!
Let's take a walk...
In the pilot Kara gets mad at Alex for her having kept her double-life as a DEO agent secret from her.
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Kara is utterly disappointed and distraught at the secrets her parents kept from her (Medusa, Myriad), some of which affected her directly (Krypton's impending destruction).
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Kara finds out that James is Guardian before he told her and she was pretty upset, explains it's because they are humans throwing themselves into danger.
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When J'onn explains to Kara how bonded Martians share their minds, Kara expresses how she thinks the “no secrets, no lies” sounds “beautiful”.
Kara ends their relationship with Mon-El over him lying about his true identity (and him being the Prince of a cruel society), ignoring him when he said he tried several times to tell her. When Mon-El let himself into Kara's apartment to apologize, he BEGS for forgiveness
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but Kara says she deserved better than being lied to… Yes, she secretly forgave him at this point but still breaks up with him (Rhea told her to do so) and cries over it.
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Music Meister teaches Kara (and Barry): “Love is about letting yourself be saved, it's not just about saving other people.”
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Lillian tells Kara, she doesn't need to spill SG's identity, because when Lena FINDS OUT, it'll be so much worse.
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(And Lillian was SO on point!)
When Kara and Clark spar and have a heart-to-heart, Kara wonders if she can have it all, Clark assures her about the most important people make keeping the secret worth it and how letting (only) those important people in IS enough. Later, asked the same questions, Cat tells Kara that women have the guts to be vulnerable, lists her accomplishments.
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Kara does not take Lena possessing some of Lex's Kryptonite nor the whole Sam/Reign-secret kept from her well. Gets even angrier when Lena creates her own Kryptonite (in her quest to fight/cure Reign …and cancer and other human ailments).
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Or Mon-El hesitating to tell and keeping from Kara about his time-travelling, marriage and his actual mission…
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That is up until mid-s03 and not even counting the many times how the show also taught us through Alex', J'onns and Lena's lenses that lying and pretending to be someone one is not to those important/close to oneself, is harmful to their (romantic and platonic) relationships and themselves.
Do I need to go on?
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...Kara is clearly fully aware at that point that secrets (even her own) do not bode well in any type of relationships she would like to have and keep.
And, yes, I am fully aware of the "point of no return" argument, in all its validity, that at some point the lies had stacked up so much, that the hurt was inevitable, the fear of rejection more and more founded, of Kara wanting to be "just Kara" with Lena… Every season, every in-show year that passed and Kara kept her secret(s), it became impossibly harder to come clean. But, re-watching the show, it just seems so… irresponsible? And the more often Kara makes a point herself being lied to is a bad thing, even …hypocritical.
I am not saying any of the people who lied to or kept things from Kara were in the right or wrong - a totally different discussion that would require individual assessment. But, Kara, making the same point over and over again? Several times about the very topic of hidden/fake identities and double-lives… But then proceeding to keep her proclaimed best friend in the dark about herself, still?
Yeah, that bugs me. A lot.
IMO, after the whole Mon-El returned thing Kara would or should have had an epiphany about telling Lena the truth about herself… but then Reign beat her into a coma and all kinds of hell broke loose.
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But… Yeah. Not even for Supercorp reasons. But internal logic.
From a story-writing perspective; you have your (main) character face a (similar but slightly different) situation a couple times before they learn their lesson. You plant the seeds (in this case: identity reveal) and then have it play out, based on what the character had learned(!) this far. And you have them deal with the worst-case-scenario backlash, if you need any for drama's sake, but it should make some level of sense… Instead they had Kara learn nothing, had her lie to Lena for another two years, and turned Lena into a spiraling madwoman. And Kara… well, now in Mon-El's shoes, could not quite understand how Lena (in Kara's former shoes, but with much more tainted personal experiences) was deeply, intimately hurt, devastated, and struggling.
Kara saw this coming - but tbh, when Lillian spoke so (unintentionally) truthful, Kara should have focused on the implied "if someone ELSE but you tells her", and when talking to Kal, realized that he didn't keep his secret FROM his most important people (Lois, James…) to protect them. Taken Cat's advice to have the guts to be vulnerable to reap Lena's long-term trust instead of settling for "for now this works, right?".
Not to mention that the whole show over and over stressed, that Kara could "have it all" without revealing herself to the world (the 100th episode even making a point that telling the world WILL put her loved ones at risk) or deciding on one half of herself, but then the show ended, and… yeah… I guess, some sort of witness protection for everyone?
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No more casual strolls for "just Kara" through the park…
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I adore the show, but… continuity?
It's just a bit painful to re-watch the show and watch Kara fault and shame others over and over again, only to go ahead and do the thing herself... Aware, yet oblivious. And NOBODY calls her out on it. (The one time Alex asked her and Kara was all like "I had to take the dog to the vet" is too little too late.)
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Thankfully the fandom is so amazingly creative <3
#Kue out.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
“Why didn’t you tell me?”  + “I do not have a cold!”  for Lena working late when sick so reader goes to get her to come home?
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〚 Notes - First Supergirl fic, hopefully yall enjoy :D 〛
〚 Pairing - Lena Luthor x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - Lena's been pushing herself too hard and ends up sick. You're there to take her home. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1550 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Your wife was stubborn at the best of times. Maybe it was because her of her family or even her job but honestly, sometimes it made your life just that much more difficult. Right now for example, you’d told her to take it easy, to stop pushing herself so hard. But did she stop? Oh no she didn’t. 
You saw the signs, her husky voice, eyes looking more tired than usual and her small periodic sniffles were all pointing to one fact. She was getting sick. You knew it was bound to happen sooner or later but still you couldn’t help but be annoyed by your wife’s ability to not look after herself. 
This was the third time this week she’d called ahead to say that she’d be working late. Something about a major project at L-Corp that needed her undivided attention and you couldn't say you were surprised when you got a call from her worried assistant only half an hour into her overtime. 
“Hello?” You answered, already knowing who it was. 
“Hi, it’s Jess from L-Corp. I’m sorry to bother you, but Lena’s here still and I think you need to come convince her to go home. She won’t listen to me.” 
You sighed, knowing that this wasn’t going to be an easy task. “Alright, hang tight. I’ll come get her,” you said, already grabbing your keys and coat before hurrying out to your car. 
When you arrived at her work, you made your way to Lena’s office and found her sitting at her desk, surrounded by a mountain of paperwork. She looked up as you entered, her eyes bloodshot, skin a sickly white and her nose was visibly red. For somebody usually so put together, she looked awful. 
“Hi, honey,” you spoke softly, trying to keep your voice gentle. “Jess called me and said you’re still here. What’s going on? You’re not looking too good.” 
Lena sighed and leaned back in her chair, wincing as she did. “Im sorry I thought I already told you I was working late,” she muttered. “I just can’t leave this work unfinished. It’s too important.” She finished her sentence with a chesty cough that she muffled against her elbow and groaned. 
You handed her a tissue as Lena let out a harsh sneeze, her body shaking with the force of it. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy as you watched her struggle to catch her breath. 
“Come on, darling, you need to go home and rest,” you said firmly, trying to ignore the slight tremble in your own voice, “This cold looks like it’s doing a number on you.” 
“I do not have a cold!” 
You raised an eyebrow at her denial, knowing full well that it was a lie. Lena had always been stubborn when it came to admitting that she was sick. But you weren't going to let her push herself any further. 
"Alright, then what is it?" you asked, crossing your arms and standing your ground. 
Lena hesitated, her eyes darting away from yours. You could see the struggle on her face as she tried to fight off another sneeze. 
"It's just allergies," she finally admitted, sniffling again. 
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "Allergies, huh? You sound pretty congested for allergies." 
Lena glared at you, but before she could retort, she let out a loud sneeze, her body lurching forward. You rushed over to her, holding out a tissue for her to use. 
"Bless you," you said, rubbing her back as she sniffled again, “You sure you do have even the tinest of colds?” 
“I'm not sick.” She paused to sniffle again as she shot you an annoyed look, “I’m not! Luthors don’t get sickhh - Hh’tshoo!” 
She broke off from her sentence with another sneeze poorly covered by her hand. You hated to think just how many potential colleagues your irresponsible wife could potentially infect. 
“And apparently Luthors don’t use tissues either.” You chided but your teasing tone was unmissable as you pulled a few tissues from the box on her desk and held them out to her. 
Lena glared at you through watery eyes, but eventually relented and took the tissues from your outstretched hand. She blew her nose loudly and then tossed the used tissue into the trash can beside her desk. 
You watched her for a moment, concern etched on your face. Lena was usually so put together; it was strange to see her like this. You knew she hated showing any sort of vulnerability, but you couldn't help but worry. 
"Are you sure you don't want to go home and rest?" you asked, hoping she would take the hint. 
"I can't," Lena replied, her voice scratchy. "I have too much work to do." 
You sighed, knowing that arguing with her would be pointless. Lena was stubborn when it came to her work, and you had learned long ago not to try and change her mind. 
"Fine," you said, finally having enough of the back and forth arguing. You grabbed a chair and pulling it up next to her desk. "But I'm staying here to make sure you don't overwork yourself." 
Lena rolled her eyes but didn't argue. You could tell she appreciated your concern, even if she would never admit it. 
For the next hour, you watched as Lena tried to power through her work, despite her obvious illness. She sneezed and sniffled every few minutes, pausing occasionally to blow her nose or take a sip of water. You couldn't help but feel guilty - you knew that if you maybe had been a little sterner about her resting then she wouldn't be in this predicament. 
You stood up to stretch your legs and grab a cup of coffee from the break room, hoping it would help you stay alert during your long night of babysitting. When you returned, Lena had finally succumbed to her illness and had fallen asleep at her desk. 
You hesitated for a moment, not wanting to wake her, but you knew she needed rest if she was going to get better. You gently placed your hand on her shoulder and shook her awake. 
"Lena, darling, you need to go home and get some rest," you said softly. "You're not going to get any better if you stay here." 
Lena groaned and rubbed her eyes, looking up at you with a defeated expression. "I know," she sighed. "I just have so much to do." 
"I'll take care of everything," you reassured her. "You just need to focus on getting better." 
Lena nodded; her eyes drifting shut again. You stood up and gathered her things, making sure to turn off her computer and lock up her office before escorting her out of the building. 
The ride home was quiet, with your wife sleepily dozing off in the passenger seat. When you arrived at your apartment, you helped her inside and tucked her into bed, making sure she had everything she needed before retreating to the living room to start on the pile of work she had left behind. 
As you worked, you couldn't help but glance at the clock every few minutes, counting down the hours until Lena would wake up. You knew she needed rest, but you also knew she wouldn't be happy if she woke up to find you still working. 
Hours passed and before you knew it, the sun was starting to rise. You had made significant progress on Lena's work and were just about to call it a night when you heard a soft groan coming from the bedroom. 
You quickly made your way to Lena's side, finding her looking up at you with tired eyes. "How are you feeling?" you asked, brushing a strand of hair away from her forehead. 
Lena yawned and stretched, looking a bit more refreshed than she had earlier. "Better," she said, her voice still scratchy. "Thanks for taking care of me." 
"Of course," you replied, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Can I ask something though, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” 
Lena let out a sigh, looking a bit guilty. "I didn't want to be a burden," she admitted. "And I thought I could tough it out and get my work done." 
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "You're never a burden to me, Lena," you said. "And it's okay to take a break when you're not feeling well. I'm just glad I was able to help." 
Lena smiled weakly, reaching out to take your hand. "I know," she said softly. "I just get so caught up in my work sometimes that I forget to take care of myself." 
You squeezed her hand gently. "That's why I'm here," you said. "To remind you to take care of yourself and to help you when you need it. Now, how about I go make you some breakfast, hm?” 
Lena smiled at you, and you could tell she really was grateful for your help. As you made your way to the kitchen, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Despite the long night, you had been able to take care of your stubborn wife. It was a small victory, but one that you would cherish. 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@natashamyl0ve
(still unsure wether to tag everyone in supergirl fics for the ones who said 'all' so just lmk!)
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morganacorp · 4 months
How about..... some of this 👀
"Oh, Kara you're still awake." Lena said dropping her bag on the kitchen island.
"You didn't let me come and get you home." She smiled at her, opening her arms for Lena to snuggle into her. 
"You had a rough day today. I wanted you to rest." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around Kara's frame and kissing her jaw gently.
"I can't sleep when you're not home." She said softly. "And you've been working so much lately that I barely see you anymore."
"I know, I know... I’m sorry about that." Lena sighed, sitting up and caressing Kara's hands with love. "I just... I'm working on something huge that-"
"Huge and secret."
"For now... I'm so close to finishing- Kara... I think this will be one of the biggest L-Corp projects in recent years." She smiled proudly. "You will be the very first person I show the final product, but-"
"You can't tell me yet... Yeah." She pouted and Lena smiled brightly at her, cupping her face gently.
"I'm sorry, darling... I promise that as soon as I'm done with this then we'll go on vacation just you and me, okay?"
"Sounds too good to be true." Kara mumbled. "But if there's one thing I'll never lose, that's hope." She sighed and Lena rewarded her with a quick kiss.
"Let's get to bed." She said softly and guided Kara back to her bedroom, stripping off their clothes and getting under the covers eager to feel Kara's warm skin against hers.
The next morning Kara woke up and tried not to move too much, noticing that Lena was still peacefully asleep by her side, her calm breathing and gentle heartbeat reminding her of how much she needed to rest. She waited until the very last moment she could, knowing that if she didn’t start moving they’d be late for work, so she carefully slipped out of bed and grabbed her discarded t-shirt and shorts on her way out of Lena’s bedroom, making her way to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
She prepared some toast and fruit for Lena along with her coffee, and then some eggs and bacon for herself since she needed the calories to start the day right. As soon as everything was ready, she went to wake Lena up, smiling when she saw her snuggled into her side of the bed that was still warm, hugging her pillow.
“Hey, baby…” she whispered, sitting on the bed next to her, a hand gently caressing her head. “Time to wake up.”
“What time is it?” Lena mumbled without opening her eyes. Kara knew she was exhausted, it was evident with the dark circles around her eyes, and the fact that she hadn’t woken up as soon as she heard her in the kitchen.
 “It’s 7:30… breakfast is ready.” She insisted, moving to lay down by her side. “Fresh fruit I got yesterday.” She smiled, her finger tracing Lena’s facial features with a featherlight touch that had been well rehearsed in her years of controlling her strength.
“Five more minutes.” She croaked out in a groggy voice, scooting closer until she was snuggled into Kara.
“Okay.” She kissed her hair, closing her eyes and enjoying her warmth.
She wouldn’t dare to recognize it out loud, but she sometimes missed the early days of their relationship when they’d spend lazy mornings tangled in the sheets, kissing and talking until Lena remembered she’s no longer Kara’s boss and she needed to make it to work. She understood why Lena’s work was important, why her obsession with her projects is necessary for her to achieve her own perfectionist standards and help the world in her own way, but she still missed her girlfriend and the time they spent together.
“I have to meet Alex at the DEO later today.” Lena said after a few minutes, a little more alert.
“I’ll stop by your office for lunch.” She smiled, knowing that if Lena had to leave her lab during the day it would only mean another late night making up for the time she lost. “And then I’ll bring you dinner at work.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to… I miss you.” She confessed and Lena looked up at her with so much love in her eyes that Kara felt bad for even saying anything. “I know work is important, but-”
“Let’s take the weekend off.” Lena proposed, her hand resting over Kara’s heart. “No phones, no calls or texts, no emails… just you and me at the lake house.”
“What about your project?”
“It can wait… I’ll focus on that today and tomorrow and it can wait until Monday. You’re my girlfriend, and I love you- I’ve been too absent.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you sure? That you want to take the weekend off.”
“I am.” She smiled, leaning up to kiss her gently. “Good morning, love.”
“Good morning.” She smiled, pecking her lips. “Let’s go grab some breakfast.”
They got off the bed and headed to the kitchen, with Kara helping Lena into her silky robe since she wasn’t wearing anything other than her sleepy smile. She poured her the perfect black coffee she knew Lena loved, and then sat down across from her to eat her breakfast, using that quiet moment to catch up and talk about everything that wasn’t work related.
Once they were done with that they moved to the shower, keeping business strictly to themselves since they had no time to waste. Lena picked a nice dark gray dress and black heels she knew Kara loved, and was happy to see her girlfriend would wear a beautiful soft pink dress that showed off her shoulders and arms as well as her figure, her abs pressed against the front of the dress in a way Lena always found tempting.
“I’ll see you for lunch.” Kara smiled when they got out of the elevator and walked to the front of Lena’s building where her driver was waiting for her.
“I’ll ask Jess to send you some menu options.” Lena smiled back at her and leaned to peck her gently, careful to not leave her soft lips stained with her deep burgundy lipstick. “Love you.”
“Love you back… have a great day.” She said with warmth, holding the door for Lena and then closing it gently.
Later that morning Kara received a call from Alex asking if she had time to help her out moving some inventory items from the desert facility to a secure warehouse, since they suffered some damage from a particularly angry alien that broke out of his containment cell, so she made up an excuse at work saying she’d be following a source and headed straight there. They talked for a moment and soon enough Kara started helping everyone out carrying some boxes and other stuff out of the old room, needing only a couple hours to be done with the whole process.
She headed back to CatCo and saw a text from Lena telling her she couldn’t make it to lunch due to an emergency situation with a production center, which made Kara feel angry. She almost slammed her phone down against the desk, getting a few confused looks in return, and focused on work until Andrea came looking for her.
“Kara, is your article about the mayor’s-”
“It’ll be on your desk as soon as it’s ready.” She interrupted her without looking up from her screen.
“You’re aware that the deadline for that article was at 11 this morning, right?” she frowned, slightly annoyed by her attitude.
“I know, and I will give you the article as soon as it’s ready.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “Now, if you let me work, I’d be done even sooner.”
“Careful, Danvers.” Andrea said and walked away from her desk. “You have one hour.” She said loudly, startling everyone.
“Whatever.” She scoffed under her breath.
“Kara, is everything okay?” Nia asked as she approached her, sensing that something was going on with her friend since she seemed tense and she wouldn’t normally confront Andrea like that.
“Everything’s perfect, I’m just finishing this tyrant’s article.”
“Kara!” she said and looked around to make sure no one heard her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “I said I’m fine. Don’t you have a nap to take or something? Get off my back.” She said dismissively, making Nia look at her in shock for a second longer before she went back to her desk.
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ekingston · 1 year
Apart from show canon, at which point did u think it was too late for lena's immediate forgiveness to kara's identity reveal
oh boy. anon, here is where i come clean about my shoddy recollection of canon’s chronology. i’ve done so many fragmented rewatches and skipping back and forth—there’s a reason i rarely dabble with canon-adjacent stuff! and that even when i do, i create worlds where Lena figures it out herself! 
second road bump to answering this question is that i have a LOT of feelings about how things played out on the show, and most of them are incongruent with the tone of sgcw. i understand their narrative reasons for keeping the secret from Lena for so long! but the execution is so, so terrible! ignoring large swathes of canon and replacing them with my own is the only way i’m able to enjoy at least the last tiny handful of seasons!
here is where i spend an hour procrastinating from my WIPs, while not successfully answering your question at all:
to be perfectly clear: i adore most parts of canon Kara. and i think i may be hard on her in ways i wouldn't be if i didn’t relate to her so much. i think her backstory is extremely compelling and i admire her ability to hold on to her kindness and hope and joy even after losing everything that was important to her, even when she’s tired and lonely and mad. 
BUT. a healthy Lena—one who we were made to believe was finally freeing herself from Lex and Lillian, rising above the coping mechanisms she’d developed as an unwanted and emotionally neglected child? i don’t think that Lena would (should?) have forgiven canon Kara at all.
after the rift, canon Kara flitted between telling Lena she’d lied to her ‘to protect you’ to ‘one person who sees me only as Kara’ to ‘your last name’ to ‘didn’t want to lose you’ until she literally told Lena she was on her own, and she’d treat her like any other villain until Lena repented, even rejecting her apology at first, as if Kara’s own decisions had played no part in Lena’s downward spiral at all.
the Kara Lena would have forgiven is the much more cohesive and coherent Kara brought to us by our talented fix-it writers: a Kara who is willing to let herself be vulnerable and to second-guess her motivations, one who is able to put together a proper apology and actually listen to Lena's own. 
but, okay, lets table all of that. this is me trying really, really hard to entertain canon:
Kara and Lena’s friendship became painfully lopsided by season 3. i think that was, if i recall correctly, when the super-friends decided to trust Lena enough to regularly ask her for assistance—but not enough to let her be part of their in-group; it’s where they left Lena in the dark about the fact that her best friend had come close to plunging to her death right in front of Lena's eyes, and was actively still fighting for her life; where they tricked Lena into having an extremely personal conversation with J’onn, while he was wearing Kara’s features, only to make belly-laughing fun of her about it later. 
and even then, honestly, it might already have been too late. what about the aftermath of Jack’s death? was that season 2? Jack was Lena’s ex-everything, someone who genuinely loved her, who saw her through the fallout of Lex’s arrest. he was one of her last remaining friends, and Lena pressed the button to let him die in order to save Supergirl’s life. how would Lena knowing that Kara went through that with her, knowing Lena had chosen to save the life of her favorite person in addition to National City’s hero, have changed the way she felt about that horrible situation? that’s where that extremely wonderful heart-to-heart on the L-Corp couch happened, right? Kara swore she’d always be Lena’s friend—while keeping silent about the fact that she was there when Jack drew his last breath, that she had witnessed their final moments.
so—i really can’t tell you anon, i’m so sorry. the 100th episode already fabricated reasons why Kara couldn’t possibly come clean to Lena back when she made the conscious decision to be her friend (and not in a ‘keep your enemies close’ kind of way!), and i’m beginning to think that was the only moment Kara could have told Lena that would have kept her conscience completely clear. Kara should have made it part of her decision—either she was going to be Lena’s friend and give her the same trust Lena was giving her, or she would keep things professional, and keep her identity a secret from her. 
Kara tried to do both, and if i really think about it, i don’t believe that was ever fair.
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marinawolf · 1 year
Lena has her theories. Like a good scientist, she devises “scientific” experiments to collect data…it’s just convenient this is more exhilarating than outright asking the question to the appropriate person: is Kara Danvers a boob or an ass girl?
Let it be known, this popped into my mind because of your reblog of Supergirl daydreaming about Lena in the throes of passion (likely by Kara’s own doing 😉💋)
okay first, we have to admit that the creator of that post blessed us all. second, this was hilarious to write. I had so much fun. here you go:
It's for Science (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
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Lena Luthor, the scientific genius and CEO of L-Corp and Catco, found herself embroiled in a daring experiment. The subject? Her best friend and secret crush, Kara Danvers. Lena was determined to discover one crucial piece of information: was Kara a boob or an ass girl?
Of course, Lena couldn't just outright ask Kara about her preferences. No, that would be far too direct and potentially awkward. Instead, she decided to employ her scientific mind to devise a series of "experiments" to collect data and draw her conclusions.
It all started innocently enough. Lena strategically chose her outfits, opting for outfits that accentuated her assets. She made sure to occasionally drop something in front of Kara, bending down slowly to retrieve the item. Lena even went so far as to discreetly unbutton the top of her shirt, providing a subtle glimpse of cleavage whenever she was around Kara. For science, of course.
But Kara, being Kara, was oblivious to Lena's attempts. Lena had, however, garnered the attention of many others in her office, who were captivated by her attempts, much to her dismay. However, Lena was determined to provoke a reaction from her friend, and she wasn't about to give up.
One day, during a lunch break at CatCo, Lena brought in an array of donuts. She strategically placed a tray of donuts right in front of Kara, leaning over Kara's desk, giving her a full view down her unbuttoned shirt. Lena's heart raced as she watched Kara's eyes widen with delight at the sight of the delicious treats.
Lena waited with bated breath, hoping for a telling reaction.
To Lena's dismay, Kara simply reached for a chocolate-covered donut without a second thought. Lena tried to hide her disappointment.
Later, at the DEO, after Lena had "dropped" her pen in front of Kara, Alex sidled up to her, sipping a coffee.
"Why are you bending down like a stripper in front of my sister? That's like the third time tonight."
Lena flushed her mind suddenly unable to formulate an explanation.
"Don't worry," Alex continued, laughing, "She notices. The first time, she actually walked into a glass wall. Luckily it was reinforced, so it didn't shatter"
Lena's heart leapt but still, she wasn't convinced. She hadn't seen Kara react at all, and as a scientist, she needed to see her results first hand to believe it.
But she refused to give up. She couldn't let a few failed experiments deter her from her quest for knowledge. It was for science, and she was committed to science.
It was during a cozy movie night at Lena's penthouse that she decided to execute her most daring experiment yet. As they settled onto the couch, Lena discreetly unbuttoned her shirt, exposing a tantalizing hint of cleavage. She observed Kara out of the corner of her eye, trying to gauge her reaction without being too obvious.
To her delight, Lena noticed Kara stealing glances her way throughout the movie. The sight of Kara's eyes lingering on her filled Lena's heart with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation. Perhaps her experiment was indeed yielding results.
As the movie progressed, Lena's heart raced, waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal itself. She couldn't concentrate on the film, her mind consumed by the thrilling prospect of finally getting an answer to her burning question.
Just when Lena thought she couldn't wait any longer, Kara's hand brushed against hers in the darkness of the room. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through Lena's veins, and she turned to look at Kara, their eyes locking in an intense gaze.
Without a moment's hesitation, Kara leaned in and pressed her lips against Lena's, kissing her with a desperate longing that took Lena by surprise. The intensity of the moment left them breathless as they finally broke apart, their foreheads resting against each other.
"I've been dying to do that all week," Kara admitted, her voice filled with a mix of desire and relief.
Lena's heart fluttered, her experiment having unexpectedly led her to this extraordinary outcome.
But still, she didn't know: Was Kara a boob or an ass girl?
Months later, as Lena lay in bed, her arms wrapped around a sleepy Kara, she finally asked the question.
And Kara's response made her heart flutter.
"I'm a you girl."
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nottawriter · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag, @fazedlight and @thatonebirdwrites
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 16
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl – Arrowverse/ DC Comics: Primarily Supercorp, secondarily Dansen, Brainia, and J’M’zz, and I have one AgentReign with secondary Supercorp.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
PRIDE and Prejudice – Super gay retelling of Jane Austen’s classic. Every kudos equals $1.00US to a LGBTQIA2S charity I make at the conclusion of Pride month (June) each year (teen)
Tell Me It’s Not Too Late – Post-S4, Lillian believes Supergirl is responsible for Lex’s death. Lena rushes to J’onn’s for game night, to confront Kara on her identity, only to find she’s nowhere to be found (teen)
I Believe in a Thing Called Love – Full alternate Season 6 rewrite (teen)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice – 50 First Dates movie AU (teen)
How Lost We Are – Lena is placed by her Witness Protection team (Maggie, Kelly, and Lucy) in Midvale as a flower shop owner where she meets teacher Kara and coffee/bookshop owner Jess, among others (mature)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I do usually respond, though not always right away. I enjoy chatting about my fics, so don’t hesitate to ask questions, but I don’t give out spoilers though.  
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
When She’s Gone, the Darkness Comes – Oof. It was so sad I had to write a second chapter. I much prefer happy endings (teen)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have a happy ending of some kind, or they will once they’re completed. Though there are some with happy endings like Speak Now and Tis the Damn Season. Smut. I’m talking about smut (explicit)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, though I’ve been mostly lucky. I don’t know why people leave hate on any fics really. If you don’t like something, close the tab.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It started as a small scene here or there when it was a natural progression of the fic, but now I occasionally right full smut fics and pwp like those found here (explicit)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Kind of, but the characters are all from within the Arrowverse/ DC Comics universes somewhere.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I don't understand why someone would do this. Please respect writers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I Believe in a Thing Called Love is also in Spanish Creo en una cosa llamada amor (teen)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’m currently working on one with @thatonebirdwrites, though it's not published. It’s a Supercorp fic where Kara is a building inspector and when she goes to inspect Lena’s home, she meets Lena’s daughter to tells her the floor is lava, so naturally Kara has to ensure that issue gets resolved.  
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Supercorp. But I do love most wlw ships
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I intent to finish all of my active WIPs. I have some WIP ideas that may or may not ever get going, but once I start a fic, I intend to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea… I guess easter egg type stuff or like blending canon into storylines. If your a reader and there's something you think is a strength I have, let me know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing. Words be hard. And it's hard to find the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I do it sometimes, probably not well. I like to include the translation in the fic (unless the characters themselves aren’t supposed to understand until later). But I'm sure the translations aren't fully right as I only use google translate and the Kryptonian dictionary.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supercorp. I started writing fiction in Dec 2020. Before that it was all scientific research papers for uni.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I suppose What Has Been Lost (Mature). It was what started this crazy adventure, has been the most challenging piece, and my longest (still ongoing). It truly blends lore and characters from across the Arrowverse and DC Comics into a human world and original storyline.
For Tags, if you'd like to participate: @fyonahmacnally @casualsavant @luthordamnvers @itsalliebitheway @innamorament0
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moistvonlipwig · 5 months
so how many of these little hearts am i allowed to send you :D (maybe we can start with 💖)
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
I'll assume you are asking about Supergirl. ;) I kind of have 3 that I couldn't pick between and I have a Lot to say about all 3, so this is going under a cut for anyone who doesn't want to see me kvetching about one of the worst-written CW superhero shows for *checks word count* 3681 words.
Opinion number one is that I like Lena/James as a ship. I think they had good chemistry and the thorny history between them makes for an interesting launching point for a relationship. I prefer them as a ship to Kara/James (which is fine and cute, but it doesn't compel me -- plus it's much more in the vein of modern rom-com romances vs. Lena/James which is written more like a screwball comedy romance which I infinitely prefer) and to any non-Supercorp Lena ships. While I admit the build-up in 3A isn't particularly well-done and the implosion of the relationship in S4 didn't do it any favors, I think they're really good in 3B and there's a lot of potential there for a super interesting relationship. (And, I mean, when it comes to Supergirl, which is Very Bad at romance and honestly not even particularly good at friendship, I think 'they have good chemistry, some great scenes, and there is solid potential for them to have an interesting relationship' is kind of the best you're gonna get. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
And to turn this into more of a kvetching session: I truly don't begrudge people for not liking them as a ship -- as I said, there are some serious writing problems afflicting their relationship. But I will say that, even putting aside the more egregiously and blatantly racist strains of the fandom and how they talk about the ship, I get frustrated with the way a lot of fans (even nominally pro-James ones) tend to dismiss the relationship (and Lena's feelings for James in particular) out of hand.
A lot of fans love to talk about Lena "not caring" that James was Guardian, but, like, she did care? She didn't get mad at him because she had no actual reason to. She and Guardian had no beef! He did not maintain two separate relationships with her as both himself and his alter ego Countess Boochie Flagrante! Wild how NOT doing that can greatly improve an alter ego reveal, lol. And the scene with James telling Lena he's Guardian ends with Lena opening up to him in turn about the fact that she herself manufactured the kryptonite. And then they kiss about it and they have sex. That, uh. That is not the reaction of a woman who does not care what her boyfriend just told her, that is the reaction of a woman who is deeply touched that he trusts her (which, it's both sad and telling that that kind of trust is not something she just Expects from a significant other) and who wants to share part of herself with him in return.
And a lot of fans also love to talk about Lena breaking up with James as if it were something she did on a whim because he ethically disagreed with one of her projects. But, um. She explicitly did not break up with him because of that. She told him that was why they were breaking up, but several episodes later she explicitly tells Lex (and thus the audience) that she actually broke up with him because she was scared of him breaking up with her once he found out she was helping cure Lex. Again, this is both a sad and telling moment about her character, that she would rather not give someone the chance to respond to her with grace because she so greatly fears that they will fail to do so, to the point that she would rather sabotage a relationship she treasures with her own hands, so that at least she will be in control of the loss she suffers. And it's a character beat that you miss entirely if you are dead-set on pretending that Lena didn't really care about James.
What's, shall we say, interesting is I don't really see this kind of casual, pervasive dismissal of Kara's relationship with Mon-El, which was much more of a trainwreck on all fronts. Even people who hate that relationship generally take Kara's feelings about it seriously. They don't deny that Kara felt strongly about Mon-El (whether they take the position that she was actually in love with him or that she just convinced herself she was). Why the difference in approach, when if anything, Lena's feelings about James are made more blatantly clear by the text than Kara's often extremely contradictory feelings about Mon-El are? ...Well. I can certainly think of one reason.
Opinion number two is that I don't care about the Danvers sisters relationship. I think there is a potentially interesting set-up to their relationship, where Alex was essentially parentified as a teenager and forced to rearrange her whole life around keeping Kara safe. The inevitable consequences of this -- that Alex has neglected her own happiness and devoted her life unhealthily to protecting her sister, and harbors some unspoken resentment over this fact, and similarly that Kara has had to contend with her older sister trying to manage her life and control her choices well into adulthood, and harbors some unspoken resentment of her own over that fact -- are touched on somewhat in S1 and S2 and then summarily dropped by the show. As the show went on it became clear that the Danvers sisters relationship was one in which no consequences existed: they could do anything and say anything to each other and by the end of the episode they would have a feel-good Danvers Sisters Couch Scene.
There are flaws in how the Kara & Lena friendship was written but one thing I will praise about it is that every interaction they had mattered and had tangible consequences to their relationship. Kara's massive fuckup re: the kryptonite debacle mattered two seasons later in a show that sometimes struggled to remember what happened in the previous episode. I might object -- strenuously, in fact -- to how their conflict was resolved and framed in S5 but at the very least they didn't outright ignore the things that happened between them. When one of them did something that hurt the other, that impacted the relationship. This is in sharp contrast to how the Danvers sisters relationship is written from around S3 onwards.
Two story beats in particular really stand out to me here. Firstly, there's the S4 plotline in which Alex forgets that Kara is Supergirl -- which is an actually rather clever storyline with some great emotional beats...while it lasts. Then Alex gets her memories back and it's like nothing ever happened. People complain a lot about the writing of Once Upon a Time, and rightly so, but at least on that show, when characters had their core memories magically erased/replaced with other memories, and then had their original memories returned to them a season or half a season later, it actually affected their characters. They had to grapple with who they were with their fake memories, and who they were with their real ones, and which self they liked better, and which aspects of their selves they wanted to embody going forward. Not so with Alex Danvers. If you watched S5 without having seen S4 you would not know she spent the last half season not knowing that Kara was Supergirl.
Secondly, and even more egregiously to me, is the events of 5.08 "The Wrath of Rama Khan" and the emotional aftermath, which is to say, the complete lack of an emotional aftermath. Not only does Alex spend a good chunk of 5.08 wanting/trying to nuke Kara's best friend -- which is significantly worse than anything Lena does to any of Kara's friends, and you can imagine that if Lena had indeed done anything on that level then the show never would've had Kara let it pass without comment -- but she manipulates Kara in the process, and specifically in a way that echoes one of Kara's fundamental traumas from her backstory. By using Kara's genuine attempt to reach out to Lena as a Trojan horse to lower Lena's shields (so, again, she can point a nuke at her), she not only thoroughly sabotages any possibility of trust and reconciliation between Kara and Lena for the foreseeable future, she also uses Kara in the same way that Alura used Kara to capture Astra, which Kara was rightfully furious and heartbroken about when she found out about it.
In the hands of better writers, this could've been a stroke of storytelling genius, the catalyst for the long-awaited collapse of the Danvers sisters relationship that was so desperately needed so that they could build it back up again from a better foundation. But you've seen the show, you know what happened: Kara barely blinked. Alex might as well have just eaten the last hot pocket instead of, you know, betrayed Kara like her mother did in order to nuke her best friend, for all that Kara reacted to it. To me, that was the ultimate death knell for the Danvers sisters relationship, the moment that cemented once and for all that this was not a relationship in which actions had consequences or in which anything the characters said or did to each other mattered in any way. So...why should I care?
And thirdly and finally, my hydrogen bomb of an unpopular opinion: I don't like Cat Grant. Which is nuts, because I SHOULD like her on paper. Her character archetype is usually my FAVORITE character in a line-up. Cordelia Chase, the self-proclaimed "nastiest girl in Sunnydale history," is and has always been, from Episode 1 of Buffy, my favorite Buffyverse character. (And my second favorite female Buffyverse character is Lilah Morgan, who is basically just "Cordelia but an evil lawyer".) Regina George is an indisputable legend no matter what bizarre format they turn Mean Girls into next, and I always root for her and am kinda sad when Cady successfully sabotages her. Regina Mills of Once Upon a Time fame is even more of an indisputable legend, a badass mass-murdering HBIC who took no bullshit and coddled no bitches. Miranda Priestly, on whom Cat Grant is clearly based, is an amazing, iconic film character -- and despite what Supergirl 5.01 "Event Horizon" would have you believe, she was not the '''villain''' of The Devil Wears Prada. Discworld's Granny Weatherwax is one of the greatest characters ever written and is also, like, my idol. I love me a good bad bitch. So...why don't I like Cat Grant?
Part of it is that I don't find her as purely entertaining as a lot of the other characters on this list -- I just don't think the Supergirl writers were skilled enough to craft a character who is mean in a way that delights and amuses me as opposed to rubbing me the wrong way. I think she is frequently cruel in a way that I just personally struggle to find humorous or iconic, particularly given her status as Kara's boss, and it doesn't help that Kara often seems so affected by Cat and invested in what she thinks of her. I think if Kara were written in a way that gave her more power in their interactions, where she didn't truly need or care about her job at CatCo and thus, while she might not snark back at Cat in the workplace, she was also unaffected by Cat's barbs, I wouldn't mind their interactions so much. (This is why I enjoy Andrea and Kara's back-and-forth much more -- they seem to genuinely be on equal footing.) But the way Kara and Cat's dynamic is written, Cat really does have all the power, and the fact that she often uses it to emotionally terrorize Kara grates on me.
One of my biggest gripes with Cat is how so much of the '''humor''' around her character is her deliberately mispronouncing people's names. And, uh, as someone with a non-Anglo name, I don't think that's fucking funny! (And once Cat realizes Kara is Supergirl, I actually think it becomes extra ghoulish to do this, since she must then surely also realize that "Kara" is a name given to her by her dead family from her near-extinct culture. Like I know this is just a case of the writers not thinking the implications through, we're not meant to look so deeply into it, but the implications are really bad.)
Consequently, I don't think it's '''sweet''' when Cat finally deigns to call Kara by her actual fucking name at the end of S1. That moment honestly reminds me so much of that time in S1 of "The Good Place" (aka back when I liked "The Good Place" lol) when Eleanor repeatedly mispronounces "Senegal"/can't bother to remember that's where Chidi grew up, and then at the end of the episode she's like, "I have a present for you: Senegal." And Chidi is like, "Um, that's not a present, that's basic human decency." Like...exactly!!! Cat pronouncing Kara's name correctly is the bare minimum, it is not something that Kara should have had to earn, and it is extremely grating to me that the show itself seems to think otherwise.
Which ties back to one of my fundamental problems with Cat Grant, which is the framing of her character. All the other characters I listed above are framed as very complicated characters (Granny Weatherwax, Regina Mills, Miranda Priestly, Cordelia Chase eventually) or as outright antagonists (Regina George, Cordelia Chase in S1 of Buffy, Lilah Morgan, Regina Mills as well because she contains multitudes). Their status as difficult, proud, not-very-nice women is part of their complexity and/or antagonism, and as a defender of women who are not very nice, I gravitate to them in all their messiness. To quote phoukanamedpookie, one of my favorite meta writers, in this excellent post: "I genuinely find ['difficult' female characters] likable, often specifically because the narrative doesn’t tell me that I’m supposed to like them." (Emphasis mine.)
But you ARE supposed to like Cat Grant. And Cat Grant is not actually portrayed as particularly complex -- she is instead framed as an aspirational feminist role model for Kara. I wouldn't go so far as to say that her meanness is not portrayed as a flaw at all, but I think it's telling that every time the show allows Kara to actually get mad at her for her cruelty, the episode ends with Cat giving some speech about how women have it harder than men and Kara realizes that actually Cat, by being mean to her, was being a great feminist girlboss mentor the whole time. Which, like. What. And there's a scene where Cat talks about the double standards between men and women and she complains that Perry White can get away with throwing chairs at his employees but people call her a bitch or whatever. And, like, double standards are real, I'm with you there girlie, but, you verbally abuse and disrespect your employees on the daily, often to the point of tears, and you still have your high-powered influential well-paying job -- what more do you want?
There's a great line in the Mean Girls musical -- which is weird to type out, because it is not on the whole a very well-written musical -- where at the end, Regina tells Cady, "I know I was harsh. And people say I’m a bitch. But you know what they would call me if I was a boy?” And Cady enthusiastically chimes in with, "Strong." And Regina says, "Reginald." That line is so stellar precisely because it acknowledges the double standards while also poking fun at the obviously false idea that Regina was actually some kind of amazing feminist this whole time. That sense of humor about her status as a 'mean girl' is what I think was missing from the framing of Cat Grant -- we're meant to really take her seriously as a character who is legitimately a good mentor and feminist, whose critics truly are just sexist.
Which leads me to another major issue I have with Cat's character. Supergirl as a whole is very much in line with, like, 2012-era pop White Feminism™. It never really stops being like this; even when it tries to pivot to discussing other issues, it never goes beyond mainstream understandings of those issues to make any serious structural critiques, even when it doesn't get mired down in allegories that don't quite work and trip over its own feet in the process -- presumably because said structural critiques would call into question the fundamental assumptions upon which the show is built. (Much love to Azie and the effort she and J. Holtham put into 6.12 "Blind Spots", which was easily the show's best attempt at tackling any social issue, but by nature of only being one episode, it could not result in meaningful structural changes to how the Superfriends operate beyond "thinking about racism more", and the episode ends with a promotion of Robin DiAngelo's insufferable pop anti-racism self-help book White Fragility aka my villain origin story.)
That being said -- I think S1 and S2 are kind of the worst offenders when it comes to Supergirl's pop white feminism, not necessarily because the show gets any better about it later (although it was surely an improvement when they actually started incorporating women of color into the main cast starting with Sam Arias in S3), but because S1 and S2 are really fucking obnoxious about it, especially S1. And Cat Grant is THE mouthpiece for Supergirl's shallow, grating, capitalistic, overwhelmingly white understanding of feminism. While the single most cringey pseudo-feminist one-liner in the show is probably Alex's "No touching without consent!" from the series finale, most of the others come from Cat.
Just as an example, there's the bizarre monologue about how Kara is wrong to be offended by the obviously infantilizing name "Supergirl" (in contrast to "Superman"), because Cat is a girl, and girls are cool, and are you saying you don't think girls are cool? If you think it's wrong to call women "girls," you're the real sexist! Or, again, all her speeches about the double standards she's faced in her career -- and yet no interrogation of how Cat herself makes things so much harder for the women working for her (and, largely due to Supergirl's cast line-up at the time, absolutely no lip service given to the fact that women of color have it even harder). Or the egregious line about how Barry, Kara, Winn, and James look like the "attractive but nonthreatening cast of a racially diverse CW show" -- which isn't about feminism but does speak to the show's total lack of self-awareness about its racial makeup. And you could say these are structural problems with the show, not just with Cat, and you'd be right -- but given that Cat is so often situated as the mouthpiece for what the show thinks feminism is, and that we are meant to see her as a wise, progressive mentor, it becomes very difficult to separate her character from those structural problems.
And speaking of having trouble separating my feelings about her character from the structural problems with how the show uses her character...let's talk about Andrea Rojas, and how S6 thoroughly demonizes her with the end-goal of propping Cat Grant up. Andrea Rojas/Acrata is a Mexican hero in the comics; in Supergirl, they randomly make her Argentinian and they introduce her in S5 as more of a grey hat. Then in S6, the demonization begins.
The show (even in S5) emphasizes over and over how obsessed Andrea is with "clicks" and yellow journalism, which the show (and fandom) insists isn't what CatCo Should be about. Except...that was also Cat Grant's vision for CatCo! She also ran the magazine based on celebrity gossip and sensationalized reporting! It was James and Lena who took the magazine in a more serious direction. Andrea is shown to engage in increasingly unethical business practices throughout S6, culminating of course in William's narratively pointless death due in part to her actions, and Cat taking over CatCo again in the last episode is seen as a righting of this wrong (because, you see, Cat cares about turtles now, for some reason). This is despite the fact that Andrea is consistently shown to be a better and kinder boss than Cat was; not only does she actually call people by their real names, but when Nia falls asleep in front of her, Andrea very nicely tells her to take a mental health day. Cat would not have done that! So we have this bizarre storyline where we are meant to see Andrea as essentially this unethical interloper into Cat's rightful position -- even as they have literally the same goals, and even as Andrea is objectively a much better person to work for.
And look, I don't know how Julie Gonzalo identifies racially -- I know enough Argentinians to know that many of them who look like Julie do actually ID as white -- but even if she doesn't identify as a woman of color, the Latina identity is still a deeply racialized one in the United States. And it just does not sit right with me that one of Supergirl's only Latina characters -- and the one who is most consistently and strongly identified with her Latina heritage, and is based on one of DC's few Latina heroes -- gets demonized and 'put in her place' to prop up a blonde white Anglo woman as the one who should 'actually' be in power, even with her history of abusing that power at every turn.
Fandom doesn't help in this regard -- many (NOT all, fandoms are not monoliths) Cat and Supercat fans, and even a significant chunk of Supercorp fans, do NOT like Andrea and consider her much like the show does, as a usurper of the rightful throne of CatCo. I try not to let fandom affect how I view characters if I can help it, but when it's a narrative the show itself falls into, it gets a bit harder. Again, this isn't Cat's fault in-universe, but it is very difficult for me to extricate my feelings about how the storyline played out with my feelings about Cat -- especially since I'm already disinclined to be favorable towards her character. If I already liked her, I'm sure I'd be more forgiving, but, well, I've never claimed to not be a filthy hypocrite.
So yeah. I don't like Cat. Whoops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
Kidnapped PT.6
PT.1  PT.2   PT.3   PT.4  PT.5  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Will a 100% be a marvel x supergirl crossover.
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A few weeks passed, and you were recovering pretty well. Even tho you still had a lot of nightmares, you did felt a lot better. Fortunately for you, today was your last day of your stay at the D.E.O. you were totally ready to get off this room.
 “So, are you excited to go home?” Alex asked, entering the room. “Yes! I love the D.E.O, but I really miss my bed. You said and Alex laugh. You tried sitting up on the bed, but you winced in pain as your wounds were still healing. “Are you ok? Alex asked coming to help you.  “Yes, I just need to take it slow.” “Good idea.” Alex said, and you both chuckled. Once seated, you tried to get on your feet. “Nope, don't get up right away, let me get a wheal-chair.” “What! No, I don’t need a wheal-chair.” You wined. Alex gave you her big sister look, she knew it always worked on you. 
 “Fine.” You said pouting. Alex smiled and went to grab a wheel-chair, She came back a minute later with the wheel-chair and helped you in it. 
 It’s been 2 weeks since you got home, and it wasn’t much different from the D.E.O. You weren't allowed to do anything fun and there was Always someone with you. Right now you were with Lena, out of everyone she was the nicest. She was really nice enough to let you go out for some fresh air. “Thank you.” You said as you and Lena were walking through the park. “ Why?” She asked.” For letting my go out and stay inside all day. “Oh you welcome. I know it must be boring staying all day inside.” She said. “It is.” you said. 
 At some point during your walk, you felt a sudden sharp pain in your side, you groaned and sat down on a nearby bench. You were still healing, so you didn’t think much of it. “Are you ok?” Lena asked. “Yeah, I’m good, just a little tired.” You said feeling really weird. “We’ve been walking for a while, maybe we should get back?” “Yeah, great idea, just give me a minute.” 5 minutes later, the pain subsumed enough for you to get back. 
 When you came back home, Kara was waiting for you. “Where the hell were you, I was worried sick.” She said, but you were too tired to argue with her. “Yell at me later, I’m exhausted.” You walked to your room and almost as soon as your head hit the pillow you fell asleep. 
 Kara, frowns at your behavior. “Are they alright?” She asked Lena. “Yeah, we went on a walk in the park for some fresh air, I don’t think it's good for them to stay inside all day, so they are probably just tired.” Lena said. “ I guess you're right. I just don’t want them to be hurt again, you know.” Kara said, flopping back down on the couch, Lena sat down beside her. “I know, but we got the alien, nothing will happen to them.” Kara sigh again but agreed. 
 You woke up some time later to Kara shaking you awake. You really didn’t feel good it was even worst then before, you felt nauseous, the pain you felt earlier was now in your entire lower stomach, and you felt lightheaded. You didn’t say anything to Kara because it wasn’t unbearable, and you didn’t want to worry her for nothing. “Hey hon, I’m sorry to wake you, but it's time to take your medication.” Kara said. You groan and sit up, you took the pill, water, and you swallowed them at the same time. “Are you good?” She asked, looking at your tired face. “I'm just exhausted. 
 Siren ran off in the distance, and you could tell Kara wants to go, but you could also see she was worried about you. “Go, I’ll be fine.” You said, “Are you sure?” She asks and you nodded. She got up from your bed and looked at you one last time before flying out the window. 
 After her rescue, Kara was called to the D.E.O. “Kara could in now.” “Coming.” She said turning back. 
 “What’s up?” Kara ask when she arrived. “Ok, I don’t want you to panic, but something happened.” Alex said, walking to the control room. “Alex, what is it?” Kara asked, starting to panic and think of the worst scenarios. “Just give me a second, ill show you.” Alex said. She pushed some buttons on the computer and a video of the alien that hurt you was brought on the big screen. It was a video of him in his cell. He was sitting in his cell looking at nothing, then all of a sudden an orange circle appeared. Vexok walked through it and the circle closed. 
 Alex stopped the video and turned back to Kara. “This was 10 minutes ago. We already send agents on the lookout for him, but I don’t think they’ll find much.” Alex said. “What the hell was that, I’ve never seen anything like this.” Kara said, obviously panic. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen anything like it either. I’m going to talk to J’onn about this, maybe he knows Something.” Kara nodded, and then she realizes something. “Oh god, I need to go.” “Why what's wrong?” “Y/N they are alone.” Kara said flying out the D.E.O to your apartment.  
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You Used to be Home
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Kara had always been everything you had ever wanted. Lately though you were beginning to wonder if maybe she wanted someone else.
(Y/N)- Your Name
Warnings: Angst, Accusations of Cheating, Depression, Struggle with Self-Worth, Suicidal Ideation
You and Kara had been together since highschool. She had helped you come out of your shell and you were her safe space. Whenever everything became too much she would always come running to you. You were the first person she told about her being Supergirl. At least you used to be the person she'd come running to. Now though it seemed like your spot in Kara's life was being taken over by Lena. You had tried to hate her. You had really really tried yet you couldn't. Despite what people thought of the the Luthors Lena was nothing like them. You understood why Kara had begun running to her. She could understand her better. Lena had lost her entire world too. Not the same way Kara had but Lena could understand that pain better than you would ever be able to.
It had started a couple months ago. It was just small things at first. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. You honestly didn't mind. You were happy Kara had found someone that she was able to relate to in a way you knew you couldn't. You had just wanted the best for her. You would do anything for that woman. Especially after everything she had done for you. She had saved you from yourself.
You had always struggled with your self-worth. You always felt like you weren't good enough. You felt like you were just a background character in everyone's life even your own. It had caused you to spiral into depression. The voices in your head had been so loud. You felt like there was only one way out. The pain consumed every part of you. You felt like you couldn't breathe. You couldn't eat. You couldn't sleep. Yet everyday you would always plaster that smile on your face and put on an act for everyone. Act like your happy cheery self so no one would worry. At night though the mask fell. You curl into the fetal position under your blankets letting the tears stream down your face as you softly sobbed until you eventually passed out from exhaustion.
A humorless laugh fell from your lips. Kara had saved you from that all those years ago. She had waltzed into your life and slowly helped you pick up every piece. Yet here you were again. Crying yourself to sleep every night. Wondering if there's anyone out there that truly cares about you. The person who had saved you was now the one who was drowning. Life really did come full circle huh. You had even tried to talk to Kara about it. You had tried to tell her how far you were falling back into old habits but she didn't have the time. Lena had needed her help. She promised that you both would talk later. You knew better than to hold your breath though. This would just be another broken promise from her.
You went to the bedroom you once shared with her. You didn't feel like you could stay here anymore. It didn't feel like home anymore. You didn't feel safe here anymore. You grabbed a duffel bag and began to pack up all of your clothes. You knew you wouldn't be able to take all of them but it didn't matter. You'd be able to take enough and you could just have someone else come and grab the rest of your stuff for you. You knew you wouldn't be able to step back into this apartment once you left. The pain would be too much.
"(Y/N)? What's going on?" You hadn't even heard Kara come in. You were so focused on trying to just get out as quickly as possible. You didn't say anything as you continued to throw your clothes in the bag. Kara walked over to you an laid a hand on your shoulder. You quickly shook it off. It didn't provide you with the warmth it once had.
"I'm leaving Kara. I know when I'm not wanted. Just go be with Lena. I know it's where you really want to be." You had stuffed the duffel bag as much as you could and zipped it closed. Kara was standing there looking hurt and confused. She didn't understand what was going on.
"(Y/N) darling please. What is going on? We can figure this out. You are who I want. Not Lena." You laughed and turned around to face her. She was shocked at the tears in your eyes.
"No Kara we can't. I'm not who you want. You have made that clear! All those missed nights! All the missed calls! All the broken promises! All the niGHTS I SPENT CRYING MYSELF TO SLEEP! YOU LEFT ME ON MY OWN! YOU ABANDONED ME TO GO PLAY HOUSE WITH LENA!" You had started out calmly but by the end you screaming at her with tears falling down your face. Kara took a step back from you. You had never screamed at her before. Then everything you said hit her and her heart broke. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing would come out. Her mind was traveling a million miles a second trying to figure out how to save this. How to fix what she had broken. You shook your head and picked your bag up. Kara began to panic. How could things be going so wrong. How could she have messed up this bad she watched as you walked out of the room. She wanted to follow yet her feet felt glued to the floor. You had made it to the front door and looked behind you. You knew she wouldn't be there but a small part of you had hoped she would be.
"I hope she was worth it Kara." You said knowing that she would hear you. You opened the door and walked away from the only person who had ever felt like home to you. You weren't sure you would ever recover from Kara. All you did know was that you couldn't stay in this city anymore. You had no idea where you would go you just knew it would be as far as possible from her.
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rustingcat · 11 months
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The talk with Alex stayed with Kara weeks later. There were so many opportunities she wanted to say something to Lena, confess her love, but something in her stopped her. A shame she didn't realise she was carrying was holding her back. It was thanks to the talk that she started to understand this feeling, but it didn't solve it. Alex said it was a process…
Kara was desperate to figure out how to shed away the shame. It took her months to shed away the odd feelings in her chest every time someone recognised her in the street or asked for a photo. She used to smile away the feeling while hoping for the interaction to be over, because all the attention felt wrong. She only now realised that it was because of the shame, the shame rooted in the need to be normal and in line with society. It was, after all, an existential order she followed that was important to her survival, or at least what she was led to believe for years. She had lived in survival mode for way too long, far longer than necessary, but it was a hard habit to shake after experiencing the eliminations of her entire race and home planet at a young age, and then landing on an alien planet with a completely different language and set of rules.
She took a deep breath. 
Kara had managed getting used to earth, and she had managed coming out as Supergirl, she could manage being queer. 
Thanks to Kelly's advice she finally started seeing a psychologist once a week. She spent two months with the first one until she accepted it didn't work for her. She thought about stopping altogether, fearing she spent too much of her time on money on nothing, but Kelly insisted it was part of the process. She was a bit more selective later until she landed on Brook, an alien psychologist that Kara felt she really clicked with. The whole deal was still somewhat awkward and strange, but even after only a few sessions in, she felt like she was starting to make some progress. The main thing Brook stressed to her is the importance of communication, especially between partners, and even more importantly, between parents. Brook herself was a mother of two, she happily shared pictures with Kara who was just as excited to see them. She couldn't wait to share her own baby photos with her.
Kara was a woman of action, she always found it much easier to just act rather than to talk through her emotions. She may have been writing for a living, but telling a story, especially someone else’s, was much easier than sorting her own thoughts in her head. Maybe it was time to change that.
After gathering her inner strength, Kara picked a calm Sunday morning for the conversation with Lena. She realised that picking an evening might leave her replaying it all in her head while failing to sleep, so at least if it all were to go horribly wrong in the morning, she could fall apart at her sister's and hopefully have enough time to process it in the rest of the day.
She started with her usual strategy of getting too much food for even her to consume, (she may have eaten three pints of chocolate ice cream quickly by herself). She also bought flowers like Alex suggested and held on to the bouquet while waiting near the table. There was no need for her to make breakfast with the amount of boxes she brought from all over the world, so she just sat there and waited.
The change in Lena's heartbeat got her attention, she straightened herself up and waited for Lena to appear. Lena was an early riser, usually up before Kara. The only reason Kara was up before her was sheer restlessness, excitement and anxiety. Kara took the liberty of starting preparing her coffee, so Lena would have an immediate cup once she entered the kitchen. Kara was, of course, very familiar with Lena's favourite blend and knew exactly how she liked her coffee after years of friendship. She liked making her coffee, it was her small way to let her know that she's cared for, that she would always be cared for.
Lena's sleepy face made her heart race in her chest, it was amazing how stunning she was so early in the morning, wearing only an old worn shirt that was slightly too big for her and some old sweatpants, her hair was wild and untamed from sleep and she was the most beautiful thing Kara had ever seen in her life.
She presented her coffee with an enthusiastic hand, which Lena accepted with a smile and a soft hum.
Kara chose to have this conversation in the morning, but she wanted Lena to be fully awake before starting anything, so she opened one of the boxes and gestured to Lena to dig in.
"What's with the flowers?" Lena asked once she reached the halfway point through her coffee mug.
"Uh," Kara forgot she was still holding on to them on the table, she wanted to surprise Lena with them, holding them behind her back and all like in the movies, but she seemed to have forgotten about it in her anxiety. "They are for you." She held them out for Lena to see.
"They're beautiful." She smiled.
"Yeah, well, you deserve beautiful things." Kara tried her best to sound casual and not as though the tension was making her blood pump in her ears.
"Is there a –"
"I found this empty vase laying around, would that–"
"Yes this is perfect." Lena nodded with a small smile.
Kara smiled back, happily busing herself with filling the water as Lena opened the first box.
"Are those the scones from Dublin?"
"Yeah." Kara, still next to the sink, didn't look back as she felt her face grow redder by the moment.
"Is today some sort of special event I'm not aware of?" Lena chuckled. "If so,  I'm really sorry I didn't get you anything."
"No, no." Kara finally turned back to her, taking the flowers out of Lena’s hands and placing them into the vase. "I just wanted to surprise you, to make you happy."
"Kara, you always make me happy, but did something happen?" Lena asked, worried.
"Can I just surprise you with flowers and your favourite food?" Kara chuckled nervously.
"Mm…" Lena hummed, chewing on a buttered scone. "I know you too well, Kara Danvers."
Kara took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her hammering heart. It did not help. She sat down on her chair and opened one of the doughnut boxes, she ate a quick glazed one before she trusted herself enough to speak.
"I.. um… Well, I did want to talk to you about something," she started, her gaze deep in the sugary box. "But I want you to be fully awake before I start." She lifted her eyes to meet Lena's, she wanted her to know how important it was.
"Well," Lena emptied her mug in a final gulp. "I'm all yours."
"Right," Kara said in a higher pitch than usual, putting her hand on the table as she started to tap it nervously.
"Kara," Lena reached out to cover her hand with hers. "You know you can tell me anything right?"
The sincerity in her eyes, the softness of them, made Kara's body immediately relax. It was Lena, they have been through so much already, even if it all goes south they could still get through this.
"I had a talk with Alex, and had a lot of thinking to do, and it all made me realise something and accept it about myself in ways I couldn't before."
Lena kept her hand on top of Kara's. "I'm proud of you." She said with a smile, not even knowing what Kara was referring to yet.
"Thanks," Kara shot her a smile. "It's.. well… it's something that has to do with you."
"Me? Is this about the twins?"
"No! I mean, I suppose everything with them helped me finally realise that, but no it's not about them. I'm, of course, still super happy to have them! It's just not about them, it's about you. Well, how I feel about you." Kara gathered all of her inner strengths to flip Lena's hand on the table so she could hold it with intention.
"And how do you feel about me," Lena inquired, a slight suspension in her voice.
"So much Lena. I have so many feelings for you, I was just too slow at realising that, and then I was afraid of how you might react and just panicked altogether." She chuckled. "Alex helped me figure out that I have been holding myself off, that I've been still pressuring myself to be and act in ways that I think I should be, rather than what I am, or what I want to be. And you, well, I figured out what I really feel about you. Or, at least, what I actually felt for a long time and just didn't know, or was just too afraid to find out." She knew she was rambling, she just hoped Lena got what she was trying to say between all of this.
But Lena's eyes were guarded, she took her hand back and got up. "What are you saying Kara?" She took a step back. "What feelings?"
Kara's heart sank. Was she rejecting her? No, no, it was Lena. She would be kind and gentle if she were to do that. No, she must've not understood what she was saying. It was her fault really, she was talking around in circles too afraid to speak clearly. Lena looked so small suddenly and it was all her fault. She had to fix it.
Kara took a deep breath and stepped closer to Lena, letting her walk away if she wanted to, when she didn't step back, Kara moved closer. 
"What I'm saying is," Kara cupped Lena’s face, swiping her cheek lightly with her thumb as she raised her gaze to meet hers. She wanted Lena to see the sincerity in her eyes as she said her next words. "I love you, Lena. I love you in a way I've never loved anyone before. I'm in love with you Lena Luthor."
Read everything in order in AO3
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Hello I’m looking for 2 supercorp fics.
1)Kara is a server at a bar that Lena owns. Lena is a criminal or something but she walks in with a few big guys and kara is surprised that she’s the boss (?). Lena asks kara to make them drinks but later on she has kara sit with her during the meeting that they hold at the bar. Lena gives off like mob boss vibes and calls kara “my girl” and stuff like that.
Anyway lena ends up threatening monel at some point by using kara as leverage (with a rubber knife to the neck) and kara gets upset and says that Lena used her for personal gain, never actually cared about her and that she doesn’t want to see her again.
I think it ends with them “starting over” and trying again.
2) Lena was from krypton and her and kara were best friends. They both came to earth but got separated. Lena was captured by the luthors and doesn’t get out till she’s much older. (I read this years back and I believe the notes said that the triggering stuff with Lena was put on a separate chapter all together so that you could skip it all which was helpful bc I didn’t want to read that part it gets dark)
Anyways lena becomes ceo and kara goes to interview her with Clark and they recognize each other and start talking in their own language that only they know and calling each other their special names. Lena says she’s been looking for kara and kara says that she thought lena was dead. Clark thinks kara is off her rocker and flips out because he thinks lena is like the other luthors.
Sometime later on Clark comes back and tries to punch lena but lena has powers (dampened though) so he’s not successful.
Lena and kara get together and when lena tells kara what the luthors did to her kara gets revenge.
Sorry this is so long and thank you.
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Please, help us find these fics! Leave your suggestions in the comments. Thank you! 🙏😊🦸‍♀️
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 8 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 18
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17
Trigger Warning: There is a bit of violence towards the beginning.
Lena rolled her neck from the left to the right as she rode down her private elevator. It had been a long day at the hospital. Mostly it was of her just doing paperwork for the upcoming Christmas Drive they were hosting this year. Lena loved doing the work because it brings so much joy to the children who are stuck at the hospital for sometimes months at a time. However, planning something this big requires a lot of details and often monotonous work. Her assistant, Jess, helped her tremendously, but there were still multiple things that Lena needed to handle that should couldn’t push off on someone else. She sighed as she massaged her left shoulder as the elevator door opened to the parking garage. She was about to head to her car when she heard a ping. She instantly knew that it was from Kara and quickly searched her bag for her device. She found it a couple of seconds later and saw the following message: Can’t wait for our date in two days! Are you going to give me a hint on how to dress?
Lena smiled and instantly felt her stress float away. She wrote back: Glad to see you are just as excited as me. I can’t wait to see you! As for our date… perhaps you would want to wear something casual. We will be doing a lot of walking in a public place.
Lena was about to put the device back in her pocket when she heard another ping. She looked at the device and smiled. Kara had sent her a heart-eye emoji and said, Ah, the intrigue and mystery. You sure know how to keep a girl on her toes.
Lena chuckled and typed back, I strive to do my best.
Kara instantly replied, Well, I look forward to seeing your best tomorrow. Maybe, it will inspire me to dress my best. Perhaps using the photo shoot we did as an inspiration.
Lena gulped at that last statement. The outfits that she wore to the photoshoot, especially her bikini nearly made her pass out last time. She wasn’t sure if she could pull off the plans she had for her Friday if she was busy drooling over her outfit like she almost did the last time. 
Lena typed back shakily, I look forward to seeing your best outfit is on Friday.
Kara replied back with a smiling winking face emoji. Lena quickly put the device back into her pocket while her face flushed. She almost forgot where she was until she realized that she was still by the elevator.
She quickly started fanning herself and murmured, “That girl is going to be the death of me.”
She shook her head and chuckled after taking a couple of deep breaths and started heading to her car. It was just a short distance, only two cars down. As she walked to the car, she felt like their was a presence watching her. She turned around several times during her short walk, but saw nothing there. She shook her head. 
Maybe it is because it is dark out it is making the place look more creepy than usual. I should tell Jess to look into better lighting for the garage. 
She sighed as she went to grab the car door handle. 
Before she touched it, she heard a voice said, “I knew that one day you would show your true colors.” 
She looked up startled to see Clark standing towards the rear of the car in his Superman uniform. Lena quickly regain composure and tried to keep her face passive. 
I won’t give this asshole the satisfaction of knowing that he rattled me.
As she opened the car door, she asked, “Superman, what do I owe this lovely surprise?”
Clark took a step towards her and said, “I think I know why you are here.”
Lena looked toward him, frowned and asked, “Why should I? I left you and your mom alone as you asked. I don’t know what business you have with me.”
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find out that you had Kryptonite in your possession?”
Lena’s face nearly faltered, but she kept her face passive.
So Lex was after me. Dammit. 
Lena began to think about her options. Lex obviously set up her somehow. He probably used someone nonthreatening to tip Superman off. Lena looked up at Superman and noticed that he had a deadly glare about him. She slowly reached into her pocket, grabbed the device, and hit the emergency button. 
She stared back calmly as much as she could at Superman and asked, “Would you believe me if I told you that Lex set me up and instigated this confrontation?”
Superman then chuckled eerily at her. Despite trying to hold a strong stance, it sent chills down her spine. Clark’s chuckle died down after a couple of moments and started glaring at her menacingly. Lena then saw a blur moving towards her. Before she could react, she felt her body being instantly zoomed and pinned hard against the wall in front of her car. She feels disoriented and dizzy like she is gasping for air and her eyes are blurry. She tried to speak, but she couldn’t. She felt like her throat was being crushed in on itself. The only thing she could see in her vision was a pair of two red glowing circles. She tried to claw at her throat, but she felt something swat her hands away roughly. Then she heard a deep chuckle that made her body tremble even more. 
“You may have fooled her, but you don’t fool me. I will show her that you are just as evil as Lex ever be.”
She tried to reach back for her throat again, but Superman smacked back her hand and started to cackle. She was slowly feeling herself losing consciousness. As her vision started going black, she started thinking about her life and the regrets she had. She wished that she had spent more time with her mom and Ruby, she wished that she was more active instead of constantly being at work all the time, but there was one thing that trumped them all.
I wished I asked her out sooner. 
Read the rest on AO3
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supercorpkid · 2 years
The Snap
Supergirl, Lena Luthor x Reader!Wife, Kara Danvers x Reader
Word count: 2350.
Notes: this was probably written before but idk, I thought about Thanos’ snap the other day and what would it be like in the DC universe, and this came out.
“Lena, honey, do you want me to make you a sandwich too?” You yell from the kitchen when you hear your wife leaving her home office.
“Yes darling, please.” Lena’s voice comes from the hallway, and you start on it right away.
“With kale instead of lettuce?” You ask one more time. The answer doesn’t come for a few seconds, so you repeat it. “Honey? Kale or lettuce?”
You sharpen your ears so you can try and hear her response, but instead you hear water running from the bathroom sink. Odd. You clean your mayo-dirty hands and go to the bathroom to meet her.
“Lena, did you hear me?” You see the water running but you can’t see her around. You furrow your brows, closing the tap, before going to your bedroom. “Honey, you left the water running.”
The lack of response is weird and very unlike her, so your heart beats a bit faster in anticipation. You open her office door, no sign of her. The guest bedroom, nothing. You run to the living room wondering if you somehow missed her, but she is obviously not there. Your heart picks up the pace, desperate and alarmed. Lena is not the type of person who would prank you, which makes you panic harder. You yell her name so many times, you don’t think it’s possible she isn’t listening to you.
“Lena, what the hell?” You go back to the bathroom, looking at the floor. There is nothing but ashes scattered around and what the fuck happened?
You run out of your house, pressing the elevator button. You anxiously wait for an explanation on how Lena got out of the penthouse without you seeing, but the doorman should know where she went.
“Hello? Mr. Ralph?” You look for him at his desk, he is nowhere to be found. That freaks you out even more. He's always here. Where could he have gone?
You hear a loud crash in front of the building and you run outside to see all hell is breaking loose. Cars crashing into each other, on light posts or fire hydrants. There are people coming out of their cars, yelling and crying, and sometimes even bleeding.
“What the fuck?”
You feel your phone buzzing in your pocket and you remember what you came here for, to find Lena. Among all the chaos you’re seeing, you forgot. But now, as you reach for your phone in the back pocket, you hope it’s her with an explanation on how she disappeared and if she knows what the hell is going on with the world.
But it’s not her name that shows up on your screen.
“Hey, Kara.”
“Oh, thank Rao you’re ok.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Stay where you are, I’m going to pick you up now.”
“Did-did you come to pick up Lena just now?”
“Lena’s not-I-I’m on my way.”
She hangs up the phone before you have the chance to argue. Why is she coming to pick you up, and why didn’t she finish the sentence? And where the hell is your wife?
Supergirl shows up a few seconds later, but there are so many car accidents in front of you, that it takes her a while to finally pick you up and take you to the Tower.
You’ve known Kara is Supergirl for a while now. Being Lena's best friend, she was in your life ever since day one. And Kara, being Kara, started to be a part of your life shortly after. So much so she is also one of your closest friends now. She told you about her secret identity the second you and Lena got married.
“What is happening out there? What’s with the pandemonium? And more importantly, where is Lena?” You fire up at her the second she lands inside the facility.
“I don’t know.” You open your mouth to change the questions, but she holds your gaze and your hand, looking desperately lost, and repeats. “Y/N, I don’t know.”
She doesn’t know.
“I made some calculations,” Brainy comes closer, his face usually doesn’t hold much sentiment, but this time you can tell he is totally distressed. “and it appears that half of life on the planet has just… disappeared.”
“Excuse me?” Your eyes widen, and Kara agrees with her head.
“All the accidents… Someone was driving and then just, puff, weren’t there anymore.” Kara starts pacing around, hands on the hips, a crinkle of worrisome in between her eyebrows. “All there’s left from everyone is a… I don’t know, some sort of dust.”
Oh no.
You fall on your butt, unable to hold yourself up. Kara runs to you, checking if you’re ok. She asks questions after questions, but her voice is muffled by this loud sharp, high-pitched sound, and the sound of your own heart beating.
No. No. No! Lena can’t be gone. She can’t just be, puff, not here on Earth anymore. Her entire existence cannot be erased just like that, turned into dust like that.
Your heart squeezes on your chest when you look around at the Tower and you see yourself, Kara, and Brainy all alone. This can’t be it.
“Where’s Alex?” You manage.
“Alex is… She was… She is not…” Kara tries, but she can’t get her words out. And that was enough of an answer anyway.
“Nia? J’onn?” You beg.
“Assessing the situation out there.” Your heart feels a little relief, but not enough.
“Kelly? M’gann?”
“M’gann isn’t with us anymore.” Brainy says, more eloquent and somehow still not enough. “I’ve been trying to call Kelly, but haven’t succeeded yet.”
And he doesn’t. Because Kelly is, puff, not here anymore. Along with the love of your life and your other friends.
“What now?”
They don’t know, they don’t have the answer. So Kara sits next to you on the floor, and Brainy looks down at the both of you trying to restore a little bit of hope into the situation.
“We wait until they come back.”
She doesn’t come back.
Lena doesn’t come home in the next day, or week, or month. And so you pace around the house, finding it to be empty and yet so full of memories. So full of her.
“Darling, stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
Lena’s finger reaches your forehead and she raises your head. “You know damn well what you’re doing, Mrs. Luthor.” She smiles at your new name. “I have to finish this.”
“But honey,” you argue, holding her hand close to your face, then you kiss her palm softly. “asking me to stop looking at you it’s nearly impossible. You’re so beautiful. There’s nothing in this room that could compete with the sight of you.”
“You’re a flirt.”
“Yes, and I also love you, Mrs. Luthor.”
She ditches her laptop immediately after that. “I love you, Mrs. Luthor.”
The bed smells like her. Some days that is exactly what you need. Her scent, her pillow, her side of the bed. You long for the memories and the heartbreak of not having her anymore. You fancy the touch of her favorite sweater, and the aroma of her shampoo. You yearn to use her favorite lipstick just so you can feel your lips are touching hers somehow. You need pictures, videos, and songs you used to listen to together. You ought to look at her handwriting and touch things you know she has touched before. You crave the small amount of her there is left in the house, and the memories you wish you had more of.
But then some days just the thought of her hurts you so deeply, you want to curl yourself in a ball of sadness as far as possible from her and the thought of her. Sometimes you go to the guest room, other times you need to be farther away. In Kara’s apartment, Nia’s, you even have gone as far as getting yourself a hotel room. Just any place you couldn’t see her.
But running doesn’t work. The thought of her will follow you everywhere. The memories and her eyes, the touches and her voice. Everywhere you go, no matter where you try to hide, Lena is there.
“Lena? You home?” You ask, knowing she probably is because her high heels are by the door, and her purse on the hanger next to it.
“In the bathroom, darling.”
You hum in agreement, though she can’t hear, and make your way to the fridge for something to eat.
“Come here!” She yells from there and you close the refrigerator door, following the sound of her voice promptly.
“Hmm, rough day?” You ask at the sight of her in the bathtub full of bubbles, looking at you with a sweet smile.
“No,” she calls you with her finger, and you come closer to kiss her lips. “Great day actually, and I came all the way over here thinking about a way to make it better.”
“Fun.” You give her a chaste kiss and try to get up but she won’t let you. She holds your neck, deepening the kiss.
“And you know what can make it better?” She raises her eyebrows at you. “You.”
You smile, knowing exactly what’s on her mind. She starts unbuttoning your shirt. “Care to join me?”
Most days you have hope. You hope she comes back out of thin air, exactly as she disappeared. You imagine she’ll run after you, touch your face with her hands and mouth, and stare into your soul with those gorgeous eyes of hers.
But there are a few days that you can’t lie to yourself. Lena is gone. She is, puff, gone. As simple and as complicated as that. Turned into dust. And there’s nothing in the world that tells you she might come back. Because there’s no reason why she was gone in the first place. No evil scheme in plain sight, no villain to claim their wicked deeds, no logic in this situation.
With six months, right around when everyone on Earth decides it’s time to reorganize their lives, all of Lena’s assets are transferred to your name. The lawyer said he had never seen someone look so miserable after getting rich.
“We should get married in a regime of separation.” You suggest and Lena snaps her head up from the place on your lap, looking shocked. “I mean, I’m rich. I don’t want to share my money.”
Lena laughs, knowing it’s a joke. You’re not poor, but by comparison you cannot call yourself rich while next to her.
“Is there something specific you don’t want me to have?” She narrows her eyes at you.
“My rain boots. You hate them way too much. I know you’re going to steal them as soon as you can. In fact, I’m still suspicious that you asking me to marry you is just so you can destroy them.”
She laughs again. “We don’t need to be married for that. Besides, I have it all planned. I’ll set it on fire and pretend it was accidental.”
You suck on air, dramatically. “My poor red rain boots! You’re a monster!”
Lena sets back on your lap, you run your finger through her hair. “But, I’m serious. You’re rich as fuck. I think you should-”
Your mouth is shut by a kiss. A ‘shut your stupid mouth’ kind of kiss. And she does it until you’re breathless and can’t talk anymore.
“What’s mine, is yours. Money, house, heart.” Lena strokes your cheek, lovingly. “Everything I owe, and everything I am. Everything is yours forever.”
Kara is pretty lonely. Not that you aren’t as well, having lost your wife and best friend all at once.
But sometimes you find yourself thinking it’s fair that you are alone. That you deserve it like that because you got to live when half of the universe has disappeared. Doesn’t seem fair nor logical. You’re not special. You’re not a superhero, or the smartest person around. Why were you spared and the most amazing person you’ve ever met, weren’t?
Kara doesn’t agree. She keeps trying to make sense of it all. Trying to convince you that you, too, are special. That you deserve to be here.
She lost her sister and best friend, so soon, she turns you into her rock. And it’s hard not doing the same. It’s hard not accepting a small portion of comfort from someone else, because the days are long and the nights are even longer now.
“Hey!” Kara knocks on the balcony door, waving her hand when you spot her on the other side. “I bought Alex’s favorite food, and I thought we could watch Lena’s favorite movie today.”
She does that a lot. So you two won’t forget them. Like you could ever. Like you don’t dream of Lena’s eyes everyday, like you don’t keep hearing her audio messages to you so you don’t forget her husky tone or the way she says your name, like you can’t still hear her heart beating inside of this house.
“Sure, let’s wallow in our misery.” You sit on the couch, she comes closer with her confused puppy face that you find adorable.
“It’s not wallowing.” But it is. And she knows it just as well as you do. So instead of arguing further, she dumps the bags of food on the coffee table, and sinks on the couch next to you. “It’s been a whole year.” She admits, or counts, and you agree with a nod. “A whole year without my sister, and my best friend, and your wife.”
“Kara,” she looks at you when you call her. “what if they are not coming back?”
She throws her head back on the cushion, looking at the ceiling. Her mouth is opened like she is about to say something, but nothing comes out of it.
“Then I guess,” She turns her face at you, looking at you doe-eyed. And you can see her eyes are full of tears and fears. “I guess we move on.”
Kara gives you a sad smile, and holds your hand. “Together.”
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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Today, we're shining the Batsignal on ChristyKia. ChristyKia has been delighting fans with her drawings of Supercorp and other pairings in the SG fandom as The Red Cape of K. Thanks for sharing your insights and techniques, ChristyKia!
Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been creating fan art? What were some of your first subjects and what ships/characters in the SG universe have you illustrated?
Hello I'm Christykia. I've been creating fanarts for as long as I can remember. I was probably 6 or 7 when I drew my first Disney fanarts, then I continued with Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh and later Harry Potter, Naruto, Avatar the last Airbender and the Legend of Korra. As for Supergirl, so far I've drawn Supergirl, Sam and baby Ruby, Lena, Kelly as Guardian, Supercorp and Brainia
What are your favorite mediums to work with?
I'm a traditional artist and I love to work with alcohol markers and colored pencils
What kinds of scenes do you enjoy illustrating? Do you have any favorite tropes or themes? Imagery that you like to work with?
When I draw ships, I like illustrating fluff and domestic scenes or casual moments of life. I also occasionally like drawing short comics and nsfw scenes. When I draw single characters I tend to draw portraits
Any advice for aspiring fan artists?
Start with cheap mediums, learn the basics (like anatomy), use references, and draw as much as you can. Keep your beginner's drawings, they'll help you see how you've improved after a while and you can still use them in "draw it again" games years later.
Check out more of her work here! https://theredcapeofk.tumblr.com/search/myart  for Supergirl Fanarthttps://www.instagram.com/_christykia/ For everything else 

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