#Karma!freak show
minusgang-maya · 8 months
How would Jax treat Aingle now that she's been downgraded to Gangle the II?
He would laugh in her face like an absolute jerk
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triglycercule · 1 month
sleep deprived dust can't recognize what's dream and what's real when he goes in and out of consciousness so i think dust is allowed to be incredibly reckless when he's awake but thinks he's in a dream. he will kill whoever passes by him (or attempt to. for him it's an instict to shoot bones anyways.) he will drink 4 bottles of alcohol just because he thinks its just a lucid dream. have incredibly loud conversations with phantom paps because he's asleep so nobody will hear him talk. or just have loud ass breakdowns because again he thinks he's asleep!!! nobody's gonna know what he gets up to in his dreams. and until someone (probably phantom paps) tells him that he's not asleep and this is reality he won't realize until he's done something really reckless
horror is seconds away from exploding dust's skull open with his magic while dust is trying to strangle him and FINALLY phantom paps tells him he's awake and dust snaps out of it. killer is walking around the house with bones sticking out of him like pins on a sewing pattern (casually too. another day in the life for him) and he just asks dust what that was about. dust just gets off of horror and shrugs his shoulders with an idk. and then walks away. this is the 6th time its happened this month
#horror needs to find a way for him to get back at dust for almost killing him#horror IMMEDIATELY booby traps dust's room's door with several fatal traps. and then dust just teleports away to dodge them#horrors incredibly cool bone manipulation power is incredibly underrated. neither dust nor killer can do what he does#when i say people underestimate just how powerful horror is i mean this#he has MANY shows of power where he summons a shitton of bones. or when he's clever and tricky#using tiny bones so his karma can hit the guards more and kill them faster??? GENIUS#granted kist could definitely think of something like that but that doesn't mean horror's a coughing baby#ok back to my original post. i came up with this after doing my little dusttale translation thing#dust is such a fucking asshole during it all istg and i whooped and cheered every time he was a fucking dick#when he doesn't know what to do when in doubt destroy everything you see. what a guy#he'd definitely be a lot smarter than that in real situations but again#he came up with that strategy while he was under the impression that he was in a dream#so i do think this little prick can be quite an unrestrained destructive force when he doesn't know whats real or not#can i just talk more about translated dust because GODDDD he was SO FUCKING COOL IN MAD TIME SERIES I SWEAR#when he plucked floweys petals off him one by one???? and then berated him??? and the nursing home comment??????? fuck i lov him#can you please unspill the spilled blod??? sick ass line. i think he knew from the start he was gonna betray flowey in that one#god i love canon dust so much he's such a sadistic shit. and he likes it. what a freak. HE LIKES IT#the only person he outwardly expressed regret about killing was papyrus. you'd think he'd care more about everyone else but NOPE#or maybe he did in the earlier runs. still doesn't hide from the fact that he was cruel to everyone else. because thats dusttale 4 you#youre on death row and theyve sentenced you to endless torture and then the mtt pulls up#listen man if i were on death row and they were my torturers id let them do whatever. my babies can get back at me for making them suffer#canon horrordust my beloved i love canon horror and dust#idk if killer in this is like totally canon but idc. it's such a funny idea to make him unbothered when he's injured its hilarious#horror and dust's personal little punching bag ✨✨#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#tricule hc
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Aingle's Karma
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Hi, I follow your content for quite a while! I have this idea of what might happen when Gangle abstracts so I hope you like it!
Edit: I had just realized that the comic was missing a drawing, so I fixed that
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nicnsmth1 · 5 months
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sketches at school cause I had 30 minutes break before my afternoon classes start :DD
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jasongotdrip · 4 months
I…. i made a connection. And I’m trying not to cry rn. Like genuinely…
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torushawty · 11 months
started crying screaming throwing up pulling out my hair when i saw ur acc gone fr
i know it’s so saddddd 💔💔💔 end of my shawty era but i don’t wanna be known for dumb childish drama and discourse, i know my worth and i know i deserve better <3
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kalki-tarot · 4 months
Spiritual advices from a Hindu spiritual freak 🪷
These are my personal opinions and piece of advice and may or may not work for everyone, pls do what you feel is right for you, I'm not forcing any advices on you, anything which is written below is not intended to harm anyone or any group of people🙏🧿💓
Karma is REAL, what you do definitely comes back at you at some point in your journey as a soul. Nothing happens without a reason.
You need to remove the fears associated with living for yourself instilled by your religion(s), parents, peers, etc.
There is no heaven and hell, they are just states of conciousnesses.
There is no "SATAN" or "GOD", good and bad are two sides of the same coin. Without one, another can't exist.
God is just the highest level of consciousness, which even transcends dharma.
Religion and politics are tools to limit and control you from inside and outside.
Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible.
There is no definite path to become one with godliness.
Everything is "maya" i.e, an illusion. It's all a play, and we all are actors. You are not the body, you are the eternal atman.
Love doesn't need marriage. Is love itself not powerful alone that it needs marriage? Love is natural, while marriage is not.
True love always dies at some point, just like a full blooming rose sheds after sometime. True love is momentary and can happen with multiple people throughout life.
Yoga is not what the west shows it to be, it has more spiritual significance. The west potrays some bs like beer yoga, lemonade yoga etc. Which is utter bs.
Never let other people, other ideologies, religions, etc mould your mind. Be who you are, not what you're conditioned to be.
Don't repress your shadow parts, like lust, sexual desires etc.
Meditations works for real. Try it yourself.
Tantra is not only about sex, it's much more than that.
Never practice tantra without a proper guru. Never chant special mantras without an authentic guru's advice.
People who trigger you are actually mirrors of your own deepest darkest fears and shadow parts.
Everything is temporary, you as a human being too, are temporary.
Practicing mindfulness actually does wonders.
Don't donate money, instead buy things with it like clothes, food, etc. Then donate it to the needy.
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inbarfink · 5 months
Ace Attorney Lawyers Ranked By Their Abilities in Physical Combat
Winston Payne: I’m pretty sure the average Tumblr user could kill Winston Payne with their bare hands.
Sebastian DeBeste: Look, the only reason why this wimp ranks higher than Payne is because he is so sopping wet pathetic that there is a significant chance that his opponent will just start feeling bad about kicking his ass and punch themself in the face instead.
Klavier Gavin: While Klavier is a physically fit young man who is known to keep his cool in extreme situations, he is also a giant law-abiding nerd who has never thrown a punch at anything that isn’t an inanimate wall. It probably wouldn’t be that hard to shove this guy into a locker.
Miles Edgeworth: Look, Miles is an even bigger locker-worthy nerd than Klavier. Anytime anyone, friend or foe, suggests a violent solution he just gets freaked out and begs for them to follow procedures. And no AA Lawyer is more easily thrown off his rhythm and startled than he is. He might have some bulk under the magenta and frills (or at least some impressive leg muscles from climbing 12 flights of stairs every day for like seven years), but he has no idea or will to actually use them in a fight. However, he did try and stare down a man who was aiming a gun at his back that one time and managed to keep his cool throughout all of this.
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So like, he’d probably talk a big game and try and intimidate his opponent into not engaging - but if that won’t work he will get his ass thoroughly whooped. And then he’d try to sue them, which is what his threats were about all along.
Apollo Justice: Actually a considerable step up in power-levels from the previous ones. Apollo might be smol, but he is Done With Your Shit and this gives him Strength. Not to mention that one time he successfully tanked an explosion. His famous Chords of Steel can also serve as a tactic to confuse or weaken his enemies.
Kristoph Gavin: Although he is primarily known for his schemes and poisoning, he did kill a man with a single blow to the forehead with a bottle, showing he does have some decent upper-body-strength to use in a fight. And being known as ‘the Coolest Defense in the West’ means he can keep his calm even during hectic combat. But he’s also very pretentious and his constant pontifications might just be the perfect opportunity for someone to smash his face in.
Blaise Debeste: Okay, look, is Blaise a scary tall man who successfully stabbed a woman to death with a candelabra and constantly carries around a deceptively-powerful lighter and has like, implied, motorcycle gang background? Yes. But also I think anyone who encounters Blaise Debeste face-to-face is overcome with such bloodlust rage that it might give them an edge in the battle against him.
Mia Fey: Mia ranks fairly high on the Battle Scale considering the one time she was faced with a violent altercation she just tried to escape and it… didn’t end well.
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However, in the two times we get to play as her it’s also clear that she wants to Punch. All of the Things. While Apollo is fueled by being Done With Your Shit, Mia has righteous anger - so I think in a situation where she is actually prepared to do battle she would be able to throw a few decent punches. Also assuming we are talking about Mia while she was still alive, there’s also her Spirit Channeling powers to account for. While we’ve never seen them on screen, Maya told us they are “first rate” and I believe her. Maybe she could channel the spirit of a great warrior to try and get an edge in combat?
Manfred Von Karma: While he also has the same Bloodlust-Inducing-Factor as Blaise, and he does seem less physically fit even though they’re about the same age - I feel like his cane could do more serious damage than Blaise’s lighter. And he has that dangerous fucking Stun Gun on him to easily neutralize opponents. Plus, he did tank that one gunshot he got in the shoulder. Manfred’s opponents might have Rage on their side, but also you cannot underestimate the power of his sheer Spite.
Godot: On one hand, Godot has shown an ability to keep his cool in very dangerous situations. He can smash a coffee cup with his bare hands and barely react, showing that he’s decently strong and resilient to pain. And he is yet another proud (?) member of the exclusive “Lawyers With a Body Count Club”. And while stabbing a waifish, 155cm college student (and part time-poisoner) in the back isn’t exactly the most epic demonstration of battle prowess in the history of Anime Lawyers - he did it (and moved the body and doctored the crime scene and prosecuted in court) while tanking a knife slash in his face, showing his pain-resilience once again, as well as general tenacity that would also be useful in battle. Also, he can summon an infinite amount of hot coffee mugs at will, which must make for a decent improvised long-ranged attack.
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On the other hand, his health is also heavily implied to be deteriorating and that he’s basically dying over the course of the final case… possibly due to all of that physical exhaustion. If a fight goes longer than just a single backstab, I feel like these health complications are gonna harm Godot’s performance.
Phoenix Wright: Okay, so this is actually the hardest one to place. I keep flip-flopping on where to put him, especially compared to Mia, and Apollo. Because unlike most other lawyers currently ranked below him, he is a disaster when it comes to being on the offensive; Phoenix Wright is a total wimp who has never returned a punch in his life. However, he is also almost supernaturally durable, unbelievably lucky and deceptively strong. If a solid iron door, a raging freezing river and a speeding car didn’t manage to take him down, what chance does a fellow human, even a more combat-capable one, have???
Calisto Yew: She’s not even a real-lawyer! She’s a Secret Spy who successfully pretended to be a Lawyer for years! She’s got a gun, she’s got a knife, she's got crossbow bolt as hair decorations, she probably has some combat training from her time in Interpol… While she’s clearly more specialized for espionage and infiltration, and not as physically strong as Lang, she’s still got an impressive advantage over most of the regular people who went to Law School. In fact, her skill with barefaced lies and manipulation might also be a skill she could use in a fight to catch her opponent off-guard.
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: Nahyuta is, in fact, one of the few AA Lawyers to canonically participate in what I would unambiguously call a ‘fight’ (rather than a ‘murder’), when he single-handedly disarmed and apprehended a Defiant Dragon rebel in the sorta-canon ‘Spirit of Justice’ Prologue video.
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Like, that rebel guy probably isn't the world's greatest warrior, but the Defiant Dragons have been around for enough time to give their members at least some basic self-defense/combat skills… more so than the average lawyer on this list at minimum. And Nahyuta very easily crab-stomped him. Showing that he has strong nerves, some amazing reflexes and the martial art skills to knock a man unconscious with a single blow. Not to mention the seemingly supernatural skills with his prayer beads, which he already uses as a sort of ‘weapon’ in court. Also that... thing he did to Apollo's bracelet that one time.
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Nahyuta might be just straight-up Magic, that's pretty OP.
Franziska von Karma: Look, Franziska might not have official martial-arts, guns, or Literal Magic Powers - but what she does have is sheer determination and force or personality. Franziska von Karma has been intimidating grown men since she was a 149 cm tall 13 years old with a riding crop (I mean, one of those men was Miles, but still…..). She had once whipped Phoenix Wright into unconsciousness in a temper tantrum, and like I already mentioned that taking him down is quite a feat. She is also very resilient - while the shot to her shoulders was designed not to kill her, being up back on her feet doing investigation stuff a day after is still very impressive! Her whip might not be as dangerous as a sword or a gun, but she will not relent until she defeats you.
Simon Blackquill: Let me just give it to you straight, Simon Blackquill is 1.88 meter tall, he owns a katana and a trained attack-hawk (giving him both short range and far range advantage), he can break solid metal chains with his bare hands, he can cut your hair halfway across the room with a feather. Not to mention how he could probably use the whole psychological manipulation in battle to intimidate or goad his enemy. There’s not even a lot of funny or interesting points to bring up, he is literally an action movie character who just happens to also be a lawyer.
Athena Cykes: Athena Cykes is the strongest lawyer. One day, she’ll be stronger than whales. I believe in her.
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libraford · 24 days
So now that I've been getting into the drag scene a little bit, I think its somewhat enlightening to know that 'drag' covers a broad spectrum of performance arts that have a heavy focus on character and costume.
The majority of what is represented in drag is Drag Queens.
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This is drag. (Crunchwrap TheQueen, Mary St Jaymes)
But also this is drag.
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(Ban'Dit, Atlas Stone)
And also this is drag.
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(Oh! Sullivan, Riley Poppyseed)
And these are drag
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(Ollie Pop, Kiki Babylon, Riley Poppyseed)
And these
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(FreAk, Karma Khaos, MisSir Wat)
Queens get the attention (and controversy) because they're the most often booked and covered performers, but the energy from King and Thing and Creature acts are amazing. So if your town has a local drag scene, please consider giving some love and attendance to their shows, too.
(Went to an All Kings show last night and had a great time <3)
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animentality · 1 year
Dude I'm so confused
Why are the redditors refugees here-
Whats up with the tag 196
The Reddit refugees are here because several subreddits have gone private in protest of reddit's new policy of charging third party developers for access to its API.
Hence the term reddit blackout.
196 specifically was a very queer friendly subreddit that had one rule: that you post before you leave. 196 is trending because those Redditors have come here and they're basically sharing their memery here instead as they protest reddit's greed.
As for why we're welcoming them when Twitter refugees were seen with a little more irritation, well.
Think of the culture similarities.
Tumblr and reddit have far more in common than Tumblr and Twitter.
Twitter is about clout and manipulating algorithms and discourse in 280 characters or less. It's about bad takes that reach the right people and it forces you to see things you don't want to see and it's crawling with the worst people imaginable and you're forced to see them, all the time. They also brought bad tagging and 2016 Tumblr discourse with them, because Twitter culture really involves starting fights for clout and braindead opinions that no one really wants to come back to Tumblr culture.
There was a time when Tumblr did the same thing, but worse, with more words...but nowadays, it's really calmed down.
The worst people...went to Twitter after the porn ban. Ironically, it made the site less toxic and hostile.
But then they came back.
And it was like...hm. no thanks. Stay back where you came from.
But Tumblr and Reddit have much more in common.
Both have a more streamlined way of customizing your online feed. You can choose what subreddits you see on your home screen, just like Tumblr only shows you the content of your followers, on your dashboard, and in chronological order rather than what's trending. You can join a very specific weird niche group of freaks with a shared obsession, and not care about the rest of the site at all. You also don't have a character limit on either site, which lets you ramble more and share weird detailed stories.
Reddit might have karma, but like Tumblr, the majority of people are lurkers and not posters. It also allows you to downvote bad opinions, and moderators who have to adhere to certain guidelines of behavior, which means a lot of banning disruptive people.
Granted, sometimes their mods are power hungry, but. You know.
It does more to control its users than Tumblr do, and that's a good thing in terms of keeping toxicity and illegal shit off its subs.
Reddit also has a way more leftwing attitude than you would think.
It has a reputation for being full of incels but I honestly think that's outdated.
It's cleaned up its act quite a bit since the old days.
I see way more vile shit from Twitter and TikTok. Like seriously.
Twitter is crawling with conservative bots and propaganda machines and just outright inflammatory lies. TikTok literally has the worst comment sections I've ever seen, like edgy teenagers cracking racist and misogynistic humor and acting like it makes them different and special. Its algorithm also spoon feeds you garbage and is designed to be as addicting as possible.
At least reddit's culture, while chauvinistic and regressive in certain subcultures, is mostly on the tech positive, atheist libertarian side.
It can be a little pretentious and caustic about certain subjects, and a little full of itself. Some reddits are also very male leaning and disregard female concerns in favor of moaning about how men have it worse than anyone else on earth.
But for the most part?
I welcome them here, because if they left reddit in protest, then we always support protests. But 196 specifically is also a queer subreddit, and we support that even more.
Plus they're funny as fuck.
What's not to like, really?
You should welcome them with open arms too.
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minusgang-maya · 8 months
You know what makes Aingle's situation worse than Gangle's? At the very least, Gangle still had friends despite it! (Ragatha and Zooble)
So while she was bound to Aingle, she still had other people to spend time with. She wasn't entirely alone in this situation.
Aingle however... She has no one. She is completely alone, and due to being an AI, probably can't abstract like Gangle could. She's stuck in her situation... forever...
(Zooble is neutral towards Aingle when you look at their information thingies btw so she still has them to hang out with)
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emmaxdelicate · 26 days
Karma is my girlfriend
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Summary: Taylor Swift x famous!reader ; Taylor changes the lyrics to her song on tour and everyone freaks out.
Warnings: I am NOT a gaylor! I just write for fem readers. Use of y/n (only 1 time). She/her pronouns. Nothing, just kissing and two idiots in love :)
A/N: Okay so this is really rushed and short and it's my first story on here so it's probably bad so PLEASE don't mind. Okay? Okay.
wc: 565 masterlist
The loud music made your ears tremble in a somewhat pleasant way. The blinding strobes coming from the centre of the pit danced throught the stadium walls and the sky. The people around you had no idea of what was going on between you and the woman on stage.
You and Taylor met 5 months ago at friend's birthday party, and since then you haven't been able to keep your eyes off of her. You exchanged phone numbers and started talking almost everyday, that becoming long phone calls, to actual meetups, wich became dates.
On your second one, you kissed. It was brief, a small peck on the lips just before you both pulled away to contemplate eachother's gazes, trying to decode your own rumbling thoughts.
A week later you started dating. No one really knows about it, and you both want to keep it that way.
Taylor's currently performing Karma, her last song on the setlist, everybody's dancing and singing in the VIP tent.
Step by step from town to town
Sweet like justice, karma is a queen
Karma takes all my friends to the summit
Karma is the girl on the screen, coming straight home to me
The crowd cheers loudly, everyone freaking out about the small but so significant lyric change.
You know it's about you. The smirk she's got on her mouth is the exact same she has whenever she's kissing you.
A sudden thought struck your mind: all of the people recording, the cameras, and you were still smiling and blushing like an idiot. You rapidly put on your acting skills, faking an amused face and blending in with everyone else's.
All good things come to an end, and so does the song. Taylor gives her last goodbye to the shaking crowd and disappears under the stage.
As fast as a racing cheetah, you get out the VIP tent following the mass of people who are waiting for Taylor to exit the stadium. But you pass right by them, headed to her dressing room.
After showing your badge to security and being stopped by some fans, you finally reach your destination. Eager knocks resound throught the stadium's inner walls as Taylor opens up the door. Her blue orbs immediately dilatate as she sees you.
"Hey," she says.
"Hi," you breathily reply, stunned at the sight of how the blue sparkly bodysuit she has on hugged her curves.
"Come in," she steps aside closing the door behind her.
You step closer to her and quickly find yourself placing a gentle kiss on her lips with you arms wrapped around her neck.
"So," Taylor kindly breaks the kiss "what'd you think about that?"
"About what?"
She jokingly rolls her eyes, "About the lyrics, silly"
You can feel the blood rapidly rush to your cheeks, "Oh, I loved it"
"Obviously!" you loosen the grip around her neck "Everyone loved it! You were so good"
"Thank you, y/n" she hugs you and rests her cheek on your shoulder, "you mean so much to me"
Taylor raises her head up, waiting for a response.
"I love you, Taylor"
When you hear nothing back, you start panicking. "I-I'm sorry Tay, if you still don't feel it you can just- just forget I said that"
But then, that smirk plasters her face, and you already know what she's gonna say.
"I love you too".
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letorip · 3 months
casual [ii]
"is it casual now? i know what you tell your friends, it's casual, if it's casual now"
pairing: natalie scatorccio x reader
summary: you keep telling yourself it's casual, but it still manages to bother you so much when you realise nat is ducking you.
warnings: explicit sexual content, SMUT (nat recieving), drug use, alcohol consumption, mostly set up chapter, 'i love you' but in a sad way :(
word count: 7.7k
A/N: there will ALREADY BE A PART 3 FINALE ON THE WAY. amount of research i did on US schooling, US version of Windolene, and the 1996 US Presidential Election should be criminal.
***also to be clear because i know i was kind of confusing about it last time, Nat’s father is still alive, this is a no crash au, and there’s still about a week left to go to nationals, Lottie’s party is NOT the night before, for the sake of my sanity
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Dinner that night exceeded your expectations by far, or at least in terms of awkwardness. It laced the air in thick wafts that made you shift in your chair from time to time, out of need of something to do.
"So Julie," your mother said. She raised her glass with a distinguished elegance and sipped her wine. "I heard that last year you went to the state science fair." She said it with a glance at you over the lip and dramatic overemphasis, as if she expected you to stand and applaud. “You won first place?”
You took the hint and sent Julie a smile fixed in place, and then one down to her parents at the other end. These sort of set ups went better when you appeared to give them a good try. "Oh really?"
"I did!” The smile she had worn all night widened, veneers a crisp white colour that looked like the blank walls of a dentist’s office. “It was a project on sea turtles. My dad flew us out to Barbados to work with a research team.” If Julie had said any more on her project, you could not hear it.
There was a beautiful oil painting right behind her on the wall, in a thick copper frame that glinted in the dining room light. The portrait had hung there since you were a child, but from that angle it had felt mundane. A random portrait of a random woman your father had bought on a random business trip. Now, it was impossible for you to see the soft, beautiful blues of the woman's eyes and not think of Natalie's.
Perhaps that was karma. The conversation with Nat still hung over your thoughts in an ever-present guilt, and the longer you thought about it, the less you thought you liked yourself. Not that there was much to be done about that, of course.
A silence filled the room and you looked back to Julie, who stared at you with a blank expression. You glanced around the table, only to find everyone else’s eyes on you too. Shit.
“Sorry, what was the question?” you flushed. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Lottie stifle a laugh, and your father’s gaze down at the other end. His disapproval was thick in his eyebrows, and you rubbed the back of your neck, sheepish.
Julie continued to beam at you, and you shifted in your seat. “I was wondering if you also liked science.”
“Oh. I don’t really love—,” before you could finish, your mom took it away, interrupting and reaching over the table to clasp Julie’s hand in her own.
“Of course! (Y/n) here is the president of Science Honours Society at Wiskayok. Don’t let the bruises fool you, (Y/n) is a giant studier and scholar.” Ah, the bruises.
Your mom had freaked the hell out when she saw you, just as you knew she would. Her immediate reaction had been to cover them with concealer, and then she had almost cried when you could still see the purple and red skin underneath.
“(Y/n)’s also a giant nerd,” Bobby said. “Know-it-all, more like,” he corrected with a laugh, leaning towards her as if trying to steal the show. You wouldn’t have stopped him, if he was. He had mentioned finding her pretty, not that she seemed to be interested in him. Your other cousin, Trent, knocked him on the side of the head, before he went back to his food.
“Robert,” your father chided, before turning to Julie and her parents himself. “(Y/n) here will be Valedictorian, at the end of the year. Academics are important to us, and I assure you, science is part of that.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Mrs. Roosevelt said. “Do you know where you’re going to college yet?”
You shrugged, eyes on your plate. “Either Brown or Princeton.”
Your mom clasped her hands together, excited. “Mr. (L/n) and his mother and father, and his mother and father before him and so on, all went to and fell in love at Princeton. We donate money every year. And then, well, there’s Brown or Columbia, as options.”
“I was considering Princeton, too,” Julie said. “Of course, we have ties to Harvard as a family, but Princeton always piqued my interest.” At that, you hid what would’ve been a snort behind a cheeky smile. Nat’s ‘fuckin’ rich people,’ played back in your mind in a memory of the warm afternoon you had just spent in her bed. “We could meet at Princeton, right? Like your grandparents?”
You blinked, unable to compute the rather forward question into your brain along with the warmth you could feel spread out on your cheeks. Lottie watched you again, fork half in her mouth, amused and entertained beyond belief. But Julie Roosevelt, as nice as she was, wouldn’t be the one for you.
You cleared your throat, mustering an apologetic smile. “Um…yeah, it would be great to have other friends there.”
“Right…friends," said Julie, staring at you blankly. You didn’t need to look at her, to feel your mother’s disappointment. Bobby and Trent were staring, too. Lottie had her eyes on her food.
"So, did anyone ask Reginald what dessert tonight will be?" your father asked. He didn't look in your direction. You were grateful for it. He was usually the one to bridge the gap, and you had missed him when he was in Tokyo.
"I do believe he said it would be cheesecake," your mother replied. She turned her fork over in her salad, considerably less vibrant than before.
Trent nodded, sipping his water. "That'll be good." He turned to your father with a chuckle. "Did you hear that Buchanan's stepped down from the bid for president?" At that point you let the conversation go on around you, but were all too content to sit back and just observe.
"(Y/N)!" a faint voice came into your bathroom. You blinked.
“Yeah?” But there was no reply. At least, not for a minute.
You paused in front of the bathroom mirror. The toothbrush still hung from your mouth, and you furrowed your eyebrows, painfully so with the bruise on your eye, questioning if what you were hearing was real. It was all too early in the morning, for you to be running late.
"(Y/N), I'M NOT KIDDING AROUND, DAMMIT!" Your father yelled, and now you were sure you were awake. You furrowed your eyebrows at the anger in his voice and plugged your electric toothbrush into its holder, before sliding on your slippers and opening your door.
There was a whole bunch of commotion going on in the foyer below, and while your mom had held her tongue about Julie the night before, it didn't make sense for your father to be this angry you had turned her down, right? You ran your hand through your bedhead, in an halfhearted attempt to first xit as you still groggily came down the long set of stairs.
"What?" you asked. Your dad had his back to you, talking with Reginald, and Maribel was crying in the corner with a bottle of windex in her hands, but he spun around the moment he heard your voice.
"Don't 'what' me. Go look outside. Right now." His face was all red when he said it, like a scary tomato, and it somewhat snapped you out of your sleepy daze.
The front door was wide open, and there was a gardener who wasn't usually there until later, walking right on in with a wad of toilet paper in his hand. You blinked, then half-stumbled through your door and out onto the driveway.
Fucking hell.
Even from far away, you could smell the rotted eggs, splattered onto the windows of your house and dripping down the sides in clumps. They were everywhere, coating parts of your driveway and sitting in hedges. What was the worst was the white Rolls Royce your father had just bought, which had egg yolks covering the windshield and all along the fresh paint job from where it sat under the awning. Behind it, right on the garage door in spray-painted red letters was 'fuck you.'
Where there weren't eggs, there were reams and reams of toilet paper, strung from the red oaks and trimmed hedges. One or two rolls had unfurled down the length of your driveway entirely, reaching all the way to the end like some sort of demented breadcrumb trail for Reginald, who had apparently discovered the mess when he pulled into work and up the drive that morning.
Your father followed you out, his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. "Do you, at all, happen to know why my lawn looks like this?" he demanded.
You swallowed. "No, I'm sorry.”
“You’re sorry? What the hell am I going to do with sorry?”
“It must just be someone from the high school pranking me." It wasn't. It didn't take a genius to make a guess, though. Nat had been pissed, but you didn’t think it would be this pissed.
"Well, whoever it was had access to our neighbourhood gate, (Y/n).” Your father pointed an angry finger at you, poking you harshly in the chest. “You didn't give the code to anyone, did you? We told you not to, unless it was approved by me or your mother."
You stared down at the ground. You were still in your slippers and silk pyjamas. "No, I promise dad, I didn't. I don't know how they got in."
His gaze was still heavy for a moment, eyes and eyebrows thick and heavy, as he scanned your face for the traces of a lie. He didn't find one, and when he didn't, he turned to Reginald, who stood in the doorway behind him, with a sigh.
"Can you pull the old Jaguar from the motor court? We'll need this cleaned up by the time I'm back for work."
Reginald nodded. "Right away, sir."
"Good," he said, and then he turned to you. "And you. I'll be changing our gate code as soon as possible. No giving it out. Your friends are lucky nothing was damaged— we'll sue no question."
"Yes sir," you said, keeping your eyes down.
"Good. Go get ready for school. Don't mention this to anyone."
"Yes sir." You couldn't get back inside fast enough, practically jogging in your slippers and up the stairs. You got about halfway up, before your mother called out to you.
"(Y/n), is that you?"
You froze, considering for a moment just going up like you hadn't heard her. You didn't get the chance though.
"Come down here."
"Yes mother." You turned back around, heading down to where she sat in the formal living room. It was closest to the door, and she must've been watching through the front window. In her left hand was a familiar bottle of wine, and she reeked of its contents. She didn't look too pleased, but with her it was more of a morning thing than the egging.
"Are you going to say good morning to me, darling?"
You nodded. "Sorry. Good morning, mother."
"There you go. Your eye still looks dreadful." Ah, the bruises.
Your mom lost her ever-loving mind when she saw you, just as you knew she would. Her immediate reaction had been to cover them with concealer, and then she had almost cried when you could still see the purple and red skin underneath and the Roosevelts would be arriving any minute.
It was a bit funny that your bloody nose was still visible, in a morbid way, but you knew better than to laugh about it in front of her, and moving your face still hurt in places. Lottie— who watched from atop the bathroom counter— laughed for the both of you instead, which earned her a shriek from your mother.
"It's going to, for the next few weeks. That's what Misty said."
She huffed. "Well, Julie was a disappointment, and we need you to get back out there, if you're going to have a date for prom. Your father and I can't have you going alone."
"I might not be going to prom," you replied, messing with the collar of your pyjama shirt. "The Yellowjackets might be going to nationals, remember? I have to go."
"Yes, well, at least get a date just in case. Everyone else in the neighbourhood will, and we can’t have you alone.”
“Lottie would also be alone.”
“Well I’m not Lottie’s parents now am I?”
“Right, I’m not. Now, don’t cut my head off for this, but are you sure you like girls?" You glared and she waved you off. "Don't look at me like that, I just mean you're not having very much success with girls, is all. It's 1996, your father and I are very forward-thinking.”
It took all your energy not to laugh. If they wanted to believe they were forward thinking, you'd let them. The same could be said for success with girls. Instead, you shrugged. "All the girls you've picked are just so boring. There isn't a spark."
Your mother rolled her eyes. "There doesn't always have to be one. For me and your father, there wasn't. We met and then slowly worked towards a love. That instant-love stuff is for children who've seen too many Disney movies, and those soppy Democrats."
"Maybe spark was the wrong word, mother— I don't even feel a connection. They’re super ‘meh’ and stuff."
"Don’t say ‘and stuff’ you make yourself sound stupid. These girls are all from great families, (Y/n). I'm sure there are kids at your school who would love a chance to talk to Julie, or Margot or Sloane— god Sloane is in high demand. I think it's the cheerleading."
“Yes— sorry. Go fix your hair, you look unkempt. And think about it. Julie wasn’t too bad, she made that joke about forks. Funny.” It hadn’t been.
“Yes mother,” you said, and you stalked away and back up the stairs without another word. You were already running late, with the whole egg thing, and you needed to figure out what you would do with your face the way it was.
“Can we stop for coffee?” Lottie groaned, tapping her fingers along the sill of your passenger side window. “‘s so fucking early.” She was splayed out in the seat, with a backup blanket you kept in the second row thrown over her legs and cuddling up to her backpack. You scoffed, fingers on the wheel with an extra tightness.
“Hell no. We’re going to be late for the meeting.” But she just groaned again.
“I didn’t even want to be part of it. You were the jerk who made me.”
“You’re literally the treasurer. You’re on the club board.”
“And? I’m shit at french.”
“You’re shit at a lot of things.”
“And you’re shit at catching a ball with anything but your face,” she giggled.
There didn’t end up being anything you could do. Going to bed had only made the bruising worse, and your nose was a bright red while your eye sat at a deep, unnatural black colour with touches of purple on the outside. You were sure to get odd looks by anyone you passed, but you decided to just get it over with and wear it out.
At the light you turned, driving down the familiar street that led to WHS, and as soon as the coffee shop was in sight, Lottie smacked her hand onto the glass, dragging her fingers down and leaving prints.
“I need to tell you something,” you said, frowning. Lottie whipped around in her seat.
“Are you finally going to say what happened with Nat yesterday?”
You rolled your eyes. "I thought you'd never ask."
She laughed. "I mean, I was going to, in the car ride home. You just didn't say a whole word the entire drive. It was freaking me out, actually. I thought you were either brain dead from Carter’s throw-in or didn’t want to talk about it.”
"Sorry," you mumbled. Lottie shook her head.
"It's fine. I'd probably stop talking for a bit too, if I found out Jackie was right about something."
"It was reality breaking," you nodded with a smile. It took until you both stopped at the light for you to muster the ability to speak again. "Nat’s upset about me potentially seeing other girls.”
"That's what I figured," said Lottie. "Soooo…what now?"
“It gets worse,” you said, shaking your head.
“I think she egged my house.”
Lottie laughed for a moment in a giant burst, but she stopped when you just held your stare on the road ahead. “Wait— are you serious???”
You nodded. “There were eggs and toilet paper everywhere. My dad was pissed.”
“Nat wouldn’t do that, though. She’s not that kind of person,” she said, shaking her head.
“Who else would it be, Lottie? She wrote a giant ‘fuck you’ on my house. She’s the only one I gave my code to.”
Lottie furrowed her eyebrows. “Why’d you give her your code?”
“…My parents and Reginald were out of town in August. So…”
“Ew,” she scrunched her nose. “Got it.”
“I’ll bet she’s on your dad’s shit list now.”
You frowned, remembering just how smooth her skin was against you. How she cradled your face in her hands like it was her whole world. “I didn’t tell him it was her.”
She stared at you for a moment, as if you had missed something spelt out in a bright neon sign that floated just above your head in a way you could never read it. Lottie shrugged, turning back to look out the window. “What are you going to say to her? I mean, it’s clear she wants your full attention.”
"Or that it’s over. She told me to ‘go to hell,’ Lot.”
“It’s because she cares about you. Like, a lot.” She gave you a more annoyed look, this time.
"What's the face for?" you whined.
"If Nat’s gonna be super mad at you, practice'll be awkward as hell."
"Probably," you said. "Nat asked me to go with her to your party. So, that too."
She sighed. “You just had to screw a Yellowjacket, huh?”
“Hey! I didn’t mean to.”
“It was an accident?” she said, raising her eyebrows.
“No!— ugh, you know what I mean…”
“I know.” Lottie crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back in the car seat. "Maybe you could explain to her? Why it wouldn't work, and all?"
"Yeah," you huffed. "I'll just tell her she's considered trailer trash, and that my uppity parents want Miss Americana, who works in foreign countries with research teams for the science fair, and is at least four tax brackets above her. That'll go over great."
"Well don't say that," she rolled her eyes. Lottie thought for a moment. "…Do you at least like Nat, though?"
You frowned. "Would it even matter if I did?"
"Maybe," said Lottie. "Maybe it would matter." You pulled your car into your parking space, then pulled your key from the ignition. WHS always looked the same. Even in old photos your parents had shown, it had the same red brick and towering trees.
"Maybe I'll try to pull her aside…" you trailed off.
"That's probably a good idea," she nodded.
“Nat said Carter got detention?” You asked it as you grabbed your backpack from the backseat, tugging it over your shoulders while Lottie did the same.
“Yeah. Suspended from the team too,” she said, and you locked your car behind you both, as you headed through the old doors. French classrooms were on the opposite side of campus, down an older hallway that had yet to be renovated. Despite having two French teachers and a whole honours club, no one knew how to speak it.
The meeting had already started by the time you both slipped in, and Lottie awkwardly snuck along the wall to get up to the front where the leadership board was standing, who were less than pleased to see her late. Jackie waved you over to a seat in the back, and Jeff sat a few roads in front with his friends. Anyone who saw you stared for a second.
“Morning,” you mumbled, sliding into your seat.
“Morning,” she whispered back. “Your face looks terrible.”
“No, really?” you snorted. “I didn’t notice.”
“Stop talking!” came a voice from the front, and you could see Sloane glaring daggers at you from the front. She was the president of the club and she hadn’t liked you much since she dedicated a whole day to a date with you and you promptly refused a second.
“Sorry,” Jackie said, raising her hand to take the blame. Sloane shook her head, but went back to reading off of her notes. The moment her head was turned, Jackie leaned back over to you. “Boy, she needs the stick pulled out from her ass, huh?”
“It’s just ‘cause she’s French,” you whispered back to her with a grin.
“Yeah, well, she’s the only one. Besides, we all know it’s because Mr. Allard watches when she bends over.” You shook your head, stifling a laugh at the thought of the creepy old guy. Jackie nudged you in the shoulder. "Why was Nat pissed off yesterday, for the last bit of practice?"
You blinked. "What?"
"She came out all upset, like she was about to cry and stuff. Did you break her heart or something?"
"I don't know," you said with a frown. "I have no idea what we are at this point. I mean, I thought we were friends—"
Jackie scoffed. "Yeah right. You guys were friends, fucking in the back of your car. Real good friends, there."
"Shut up."
"I'm just saying. You definitely let her run wild with her fantasies of you."
"Is that such a bad thing?"
"Maybe if you're Nat. A kid who's top of the class, hot, prom court, varsity, and not a complete asshole? You're like Prince Charming. Or Mother Theresa.”
"You're kidding, right?"
"What, do you have the emotional depth of a kiddie pool? No!"
“Jackie! Stop talking!”
“Yup! Sorry.”
Nat didn't show up to school, that day. You knew because you waited for her, right at the door to the cafeteria, down the same hall she always came through. She wasn't there. You waited for her after what would've been her Biology class, leaning on the wall and watching everyone but her file out when the bell rang. She wasn't there either.
You even waited at the back of the school, after the final bell, to see if she would appear, but all you got were weird looks from kids in band tees and a whole waft of what smelled like weed. Nat smelled like that sometimes, but she tried to cover it with perfume. You could still smell it on her, but it blended with the smell to be uniquely Nat. As silly as that was, you liked that you knew that.
From the far wall, you could see Kevyn watching you, surrounded by kids you had seen Natalie with. You didn’t know Kevyn too well, only in passing mention from Nat, or in a story. He was the reason you two couldn’t meet up sometimes, though you tried not to hold that against him.
It wasn’t a thought you were very proud of, but your fingers tightened on the straps of your leather backpack with gold plating. Any one of your friends would laugh at you for being back here, and you stood out like a white sheep in a field of sheep in black leather jackets. You didn’t know any of these kids, but you could tell they knew of you, from the glances and whispers.
It seemed Kevyn couldn’t hold his tongue any longer. He stepped forward and at least attempted to shove his hands into his jean pockets, but they seemed a bit tight on him and he gave up. “The hell are you doing out here?” he grumbled out.
“Have you seen Nat?” you asked with an awkward smile.
Kevyn’s glare sharpened. “She doesn’t want to talk to you. Nice face, by the way.” So she had told him. You winced.
“Look, I really need to speak with her. It’s super important and—”
“—I don’t think you heard me. She doesn’t want to speak to you,” said Kevyn, interrupting and crossing his arms over his chest. You frowned.
“Kevyn, please…”
“I'm not telling you, country club.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Kevyn took another step forward with a challenge. “It’s what you are, isn’t it?” You could feel even more eyes on the both of you.
“I just need to find her.” It was embarrassing, how your voice shook as you said it, but that didn’t make it any less true.
“But you hurt her.”
You looked down. Air did not want to come easy. “I know. I know I did.”
Kevyn stayed silent for a while. It was the both of you just standing there while he seemed to mull over his options. He sighed. “She’s not here today. Didn’t want to come. She’ll be back tomorrow for practice.”
You nodded, raising your hands in appreciation. “Okay, thank you,” you rushed it out, getting ready to jet. The stoners still made you a bit uneasy. But before you could go he spoke up again.
“Nat’s not as tough as she acts, you know.”
You stopped, turning back to him. “What?”
“She wouldn’t shut up about you. It was almost like bragging. She’s— she was actually proud of something hers, for once.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. Your mother would be clutching the pearls of her necklace right now, if she saw where you were. She just might’ve died, the moment she smelled the weed.
Kevyn shook his head. “Don’t hurt her again. I fuckin’ mean it.”
You swallowed, managing to fix a smile to your face. It felt very hot out, then, and you turned around to leave this time. No one stopped you, but there were kids that watched you go.
The way he said it made you feel slimy. This would not be the triumphant lovers coming back together to be as one forever. That stuff was for kids who saw too many Disney movies. Maybe, though, she would let you sit skin to skin again in the warm, even if only for a little while. And that was perfectly normal for being casual, right?
The sun was practically beating down on you, absolutely covered in sweat within the first ten minutes of being outside. You had gone to practice early, patiently waiting by the bench and doing up your cleats. It still felt weird. Since you and Nat had started the whole arrangement, you hadn’t gone a single day without hearing from the other. It set you on edge.
By the time the rest of the two teams had filed out onto the pitch, you already were kicking the ball around with Daniel DuPont. He always played with a smile, like Laura Lee, and you wished sometimes that you did too. A kick from you sent the ball towards him, and he booted it back so you caught it with your chest.
Your eye was doing better than the day before, but still looked violet and red, and your nose was still swollen, but you would’ve had to pry soccer practice from your cold, dead hands. On Friday afternoons your mother had her wine-tasting friends over and it was impossible to be less of a fan of the event than you were.
With the ball still bouncing on the grass, you kicked it towards Daniel, and he headed it back to you. "Here," he called it. You appreciated him being extra cautious with your eye injury, but he was playing as if you were a fragile package wrapped in bubble wrap, that needed coddling. You caught the ball with your chest, letting it drop to the ground.
"Pass!" Shauna called from the other side of the field, and you booted it in her direction, waving to everyone out there that you were off to talk to people. You took a singular step towards the benches when you saw her.
Nat stood with her back to you, fiddling with the plastic lid of her cup as if it was broken. Her hair looked especially bright in the sun, like it had in her room, or when you both went to the lake. Casual arrangements went to the lake, right?
You so badly wanted to go up to her and say something. Anything, really. But your feet were rooted to the ground and you were stuck watching her get ready. When she turned around, you weren't sure if it was better or worse than when she hadn't seen you. It was a hard stare to match, when she saw you and your eyes locked, even if it only lasted for a moment. They flew to your bruise right after, and then away. She was looking right through you with practiced indifference.
"Circle up!" Coach Martinez yelled to you all, walking right on the pitch and towards the centre. "Come on , we don't have all day!" Both teams slowly made their way over, but when enough had pooled around Coach Martinez and Coach Scott, Martinez pulled up his clipboard. "We're going to do some stretches, so just kind of space out."
You didn't say anything to Nat the entirety of practice, but it was painfully obvious that you wanted to. You knew she could see you, staring at her and spacing out as you struggled to form the words you wanted to say to her. But she made no attempt to actually let you talk to her.
When you were on the drive home, Lottie nudged your arm. “So…Nat.”
“Yeah. Nat.” Your fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “What time are you coming over for the party?”
You shrugged. “No clue, to be honest. It depends when Jackie and Jeff plan on showing up.”
Lottie groaned. “Are they going to be annoying and have a whole drunk argument again?”
“See, that’s while I’ll probably ditch them for you and Shauna,” you laughed. “Last time they tried to get me involved on ‘who was smarter.’”
“But they’re both idiots.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
You dropped Lottie off at her house and then made the small drive up to yours. It was close enough of a distance where you two were technically neighbours, but not anywhere close to one that you’d willingly walk.
The moment you got home, you parked your car under the awning and hopped out, grabbing your backpack and your duffel bag and heading inside.
“Helllooo?” you called, up from the foyer and then making a beeline from the stairs. You had to get clean and dressed for Lottie’s party, and it didn’t help that you smelled from practice and were covered in sweat. Your father had flipped out when he had seen you first sweating on the leather of your car seat, but he had given up on convincing you to put a towel down first.
When you got to the top of the stairs, a voice called back out to you. “Hello, (Y/n).”
You leaned on the bannister, and Reginald appeared at the bottom with a smile. “Hey, Reggie.”
“Your parents are going out of town tonight. I think they aim to be back on Wednesday.” You raised your eyebrows.
“Since when?” you asked. It wasn’t unusual or anything, these trips were how they stayed married. If anything, it filled you with a rush.
“Since around 4. They’ll be in Monaco tomorrow morning.”
“Okay,” you shrugged. “I’m going to a party tonight. Lottie’s.”
“You know I don’t mind,” Reginald said, tipping an imaginary hat and heading back towards the kitchen. “Just make sure you shower. You smell awful.”
“Thanks, Reggie.”
It took you about an hour to get ready, in a brand new outfit you had picked up with Lottie the weekend before. You stood by the armoire, sliding your rings onto your fingers and spritzing yourself, when your phone started vibrating in your pocket. You pulled your Motorola from your pocket, flipping it open with a groan when you saw the caller I.D. and realising what this was before you even needed to hear it.
“(Y/n),” Jackie said into the phone with the buzz of excitement in her voice. “Could you come and pick me and Jeff up for the party? I’d appreciate it, hubby.”
You laughed. “Sorry, sweetie. I’m literally next to Lottie’s house, that’s a whole bunch of driving I don’t want to do.”
“But Jeff loves your car,” she replied in a sing-song voice. “It’d make his day.”
“Nope,” you said, with a fond eye roll. “I have to help Lottie set up. I promised.”
“Terrible friend, then,” she joked. You shook your head.
“Mhm. See you when you get there, sweetie.”
“You too, hubby.”
The party was all too much, for your liking. Rap blasted from Lottie’s speakers all across her backyard. A small fire you had started sat in the centre of it, with people standing around and drinking nearby.
On a truck someone had pulled back there, you could see Shauna leaning back against it in her jacket, and she sent you a quick wave. You wandered over, knocking your solo cups together and leaning with her.
“Not having fun?” you asked with a laugh.
“It’s definitely a party,” she replied, slinging a friendly arm around your shoulders. “Where’s Lottie?”
“This couple was having a giant fight in her kitchen, she’s calling them a ride.”
“Hm,” she hummed, looking out over the bonfire. “What about Jackie?”
“Her and Jeff ran off. I don’t even know where.” Shauna frowned. “Where’s Nat?” you asked, sending her a hopeful glance.
Shauna gave you a look. “You two are still on the outs, huh?”
“Something like that.”
“Well,” she said. You followed her gaze towards the other end of the fire, against a pine tree where an old, marble bench sat. It was somewhat obscured by passing people, but you saw through a gap in the crowd and your heart dropped out of your chest.
Nat was there, in a red plaid dress that hugged her body. Thrown over it was her leather jacket that she always wore. She looked beautiful. The way you had seen her in your dreams the night before. Until you saw that next to her was Bobby Farleigh, that was.
They were talking, leaned in together with alcohol in hand, and laughing. She had asked, when you started sleeping together, who else you had been with. You vividly remembered Bobby Farleigh being on the list, when you asked her the same question. He was a creep, and it made you sick just as it made you sick now. You stood up straighter.
“Yeah,” Shauna said. “Sorry.” You shook your head. Jealousy pooled in the pit of your stomach, but was normal for being ‘casual,’ right? Either way you didn’t like it. It was like a switch flipped in you. It didn’t matter how many people saw you or if they knew your parents. You couldn’t handle this.
“See you, Shauna,” you called back over your shoulder. You stormed towards the two of them on the bench with a glare, and you saw Nat look up at you coming over, watching you intently.
Her eyes narrowed. “What do you want?” She said. It was loud, and with it came the turning of heads. Next to her Bobby Farleigh hopped up to his feet.
“The fuck are you doing?” it came out harsher than you expected it to, deep from within, and you put your hands on your hips.
“Why the hell do you care, all of a sudden?” She challenged back as she too got to her feet. “I find that really, really funny.”
“We’re not talking about this here,” you said. “Come on.” You grabbed her arm, pulling her along with you.
“As if I’d go anywhere with you,” Nat scoffed, but she didn’t pull her hand from your grasp. She let you lead the way, up through the house. People parted like Moses and the Red Sea, watching you go, and though you knew there would probably be gossip about this on Monday, you were past caring.
You wandered into one of Lottie’s guest bedrooms, slamming the door behind you. You spun to Nat.
“What, do you need me to get you off again?” She asked, tone dripping with anger. “Did you pull me in here because you were bored?”
You had to ignore the question. “The fuck were you doing with Bobby Farleigh?”
“See and I thought you were supposed to be the smart one,” Nat spat back at you. You scowled.
“Why the hell were you going to do that with him. He’s a bully and a creep,” you shot, crossing your arms.
“Y’know what, I don’t have to say anything to you. You made it perfectly fucking clear, we don’t owe each other anything.”
“It’s not even about me!”
Her mouth dropped open. “Oh it’s not, huh? No, you don’t have a problem with it being Bobby Farleigh— you could give a fuck about Bobby!” She was yelling now. “You give a shit because it’s not you, and you’re a jealous asshole.”
“So what if I am?!” You yelled back.
“Then I’d say you have no fucking right to be! You do NOT for one god damn second get to be mad I’m sleeping with other people when I hear you’re playing The Newlywed Game with rich chicks.” You didn’t know what to say to that and Nat took it in stride.
“You can do a lot of fucking things, you rich, entitled asshole,” she continued. “But you can’t pretend for shit that we were just fucking around.” You clenched your jaw. “And to think,” she scoffed and you could see the edges of her eyes water, “that I used to think you were safe and good. Now I see you for what you really are— a fucking child with a silver spoon.”
In your arguing, you both had moved closer together, faces inches apart. Her lips looked so soft in the dim lighting of the bedside lamps. You swallowed. She was so close, and there was again that scent of perfume and weed. But Nat backed up, storming past you and heading for the door.
You didn’t know who closed the distance first, but your hand was on her arm, tugging her back against you, and then your lips were against hers. Her taste was so sweet, the same lip balm as always. Cherries.
You pulled her tight against you, feeling her hands go up to your hair, weaving in. You pulled away for a breath for a moment and then immediately kissed her again, this one more needy and ferocious than before you. She tugged at your scalp and your hands flew to her thighs, pulling her up against you and holding tight.
Everything felt so damn humid in there, and you slowly backed Nat onto the bed, pushing her down and crawling on top of her. You leaned down to reconnect your lips and then immediately went south, moving her blonde hair away gently with your fingers and then covering her neck in soft kisses while you tugged her dress down.
Nat let out a heady breath. “(Y/n),” she said in a huff. Your hands grabbed hers, interlocking the fingers and moving them above her head while your mouth did the work for you, sucking on a spot right under her jaw and then slowly down her neck to the exposed area that only her hair could cover from her father.
Nat’s skin was always a cool pale colour, and you pulled away briefly to see the bruises already forming along her neck. You weren’t exactly being soft, but you knew Nat could take it, and that she wanted it. She was staring at you with heavy-lidded eyes, and you silently tugged off your shirt, throwing it somewhere in the room.
Her hands went to your pants, tugging them down, and you moved to get them out from under your legs before discarding them too. She went for your underwear next, watching you with her blue eyes as she moved, but you stopped her, catching her by the wrist and lifting it up to place a slow, gentle kiss on her open palm. You just wanted it to be Nat beneath you.
You slowly dragged your mouth up her arm while you held her gaze, leaving a trail of where it had been. Your other arm came up to cup her breast through her bra, and she let out a full on moan, face flushing pink.
You moved away from her arm and to her chest instead, nipping at her collarbone and sucking on the skin there. Her hands came up to cup your head, fingers weaving in the hair at your nape and brushing some back from your forehead as she let out another shaky breath. Your mouth trailed lower and lower, and Nat threw her head back as you continued to palm at her breasts through the fabric, her hand leaving your hair and scraping down your back with her nails. It hurt, sure, but not in a bad way. In a way that made you want her even more.
“Can I?” you asked, as she writhed beneath you. Your knee went to the space between her legs, feeling her wet, dripping centre on the outside of her underwear. She rubbed down on it, trying to relieve some of the friction and cried out.
“Need— need,” she struggled to focus with your hand on her breast and hot breath on her neck. “Need you,” she whimpered. Nat usually put up more of a struggle for dominance, and fucking was typically far more playful than the pure desire her face expressed. You didn't need to be told twice, taking your fingers and skirting the waistband to dip even lower. When you felt how soaked she was you sucked in a breath.
You pulled her underwear down in a single fluid motion, thumb swiping right over her clit. Nat shook against you with a moan, hand wrapping around your shoulder to hold you close and keep her stable. You started slowly, gently inserting your middle finger into her entrance, and Nat shuddered, leaning into you and holding you tight.
It was an awkward angle, but you never would've told her to move or let you go. It was the warmth you had been missing, and you watched her face scrunch as you slowly began to move your finger. Nat let out a breathy moan, nails digging into your shoulder, and you took the subtle note, adding a second finger.
She's ground down into your hand, clasping your wrist in encouragement, and soon you were moving quicker inside her entrance. Her legs shook with your movement, head thrown back and no longer able to look at you anymore as you fucked her down to your knuckles. You'd done this before, but you had a fire in your belly.
When her grip on your shoulders faltered and her hands fell to grip at the sheets, you took your other hand and gently rub it on her clit, thumbing the bundle of nerves in a way that has her loud. She sucks in breaths and moans, throwing back her head, and you listen to them with a smirk at how quickly she seems to be approaching release.
Your fingers pumped deep inside of her and she shook, and then she said your name. "(Y/n)," she breathed out.
"Hm?" you asked, adding extra pressure on her clit. She let out a gasp.
"I love you," she said, and though it caught you off guard, you did not slow down. She had said it before while fucking and so had you. "I love you," she repeated, and you could feel her body tensing.
"Uh...I love you," you said it back, continuing to fuck her with your fingers.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you, Nat," you whispered.
"I love you!" she gasped again, and this time, you felt her body tense completely. Cum leaked out onto your fingers, coating them in her slick while she shook. You slow down your pace, watching her with more awe than you'd like to admit. She just looked so beautiful, splayed out like that and still gently shaking from time to time while she regained herself.
When you gently pulled your fingers from her centre, she shakes and whimpers with the lost sensation. You put your fingers to your lips and into your mouth. Nat tasted just as sweet as before, and your gaze softened at the girl in front of you just as her chest slows its heaving.
"Are you alive?" you asked, sitting up and grabbing your shirt from of the floor to tug it over your chest. She nods slowly, then opens her glossy, blown-out eyes. She's not awake for long, and it only takes a few minutes for her to be out like a light. She's still shaky and weak, but she sends you a smile before she falls asleep.
You don't know why you do it, but you gently lift her up and under the sheets of the bed, pulling the duvet over her. You'd probably have to reimburse Lottie for the dry cleaning. You don't know why you do it either, but after heading towards the door with a pile of clothes in hand, you decide to stay. You clamber into the sheets alongside her, resting your head on the pillow and watching her softly sleep until you fall asleep on your own.
You can't place exactly why it hurts you so much, when you wake up the next morning and realise Nat's no longer there.
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doctorsiren · 11 months
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So I said this in the tags of my last post, but then I went wacky and doodled up some pages of this other AU idea that stemmed from the idea of that comic I did
In this AU, Miles goes to Diego Armando’s office a few weeks after the Fawles trial. There is no cocky, arrogant, or smug air about him like there was during the trial and instead he seems really shaken and nervous. Diego’s like “hey what’s wrong?” And Miles is quiet but then says that he needs help. He tells Diego that he can’t get the image of Fawles’s suicide out of his head and that he has no one he can talk to about this. Diego asks about Miles’s mentor, but Miles says that there’s absolutely no way he could ever go to his mentor for help with emotional stuff because it would show “weakness” and he also isn’t comfortable with von Karma. To make a long story short (because I’ve thought so much about this), Miles ends up pleading with Diego to protect him from von Karma just in case he goes after him for switching sides to be a defense attorney. He knows that von Karma will see him as weak and a traitor for switching teams after a single case, but Miles can’t be someone he’s not. Diego points out that Miles seems to be trying to be who von Karma wanted him to be. So he asks Miles what he wants to be, and Miles responds by saying he wants to be his dad (just like in my 1985 animatic 😭).
So Miles decides to renounce prosecution. He rips off his cravat and throws it in the garbage in Diego’s office and declares that he’ll become a defense attorney. He also asks Diego is he could be his mentor to help him in both being better at defense law and also just being better with interacting with people.
He joins the Grossberg Law Offices and works alongside Mia and Diego to gather evidence on Dahlia Hawthorne, as he now too believes that she has done terrible things.
After Diego is poisoned, Miles freaks out because people just keep dying or getting hurt around him and it scares him. (Oh…baby boy just wait until Mia dies too-)
He takes the case to defend Phoenix, gets TERRIFIED when Phoenix eats the poison necklace, and then at the end, Phoenix was like “oh wow! You’re a defense attorney now?? Lmao when did that happen??” Bc he had been too busy simping over Dahlia. But Miles tells him that he should still pursue law so that they could work together and also so that Phoenix’s law classes and studying wouldn’t have gone to waste. So Phoenix becomes a lawyer and works with Miles and Mia at the Fey & Co Law Offices until she dies and then it becomes Edgeworth & Co Law Offices because he had been a lawyer for longer.
I like the idea that in this AU, Phoenix and Miles obviously have huge crushes on each other, but these idiots still refuse to acknowledge or admit it <3
Also :((( when Diego wakes up, he still goes on his whole antagonist arc as Godot, and Miles refuses to tell Phoenix the truth about who he is. See, I also like the idea that in this AU, Nick and Miles are still as cagey with their past and truths as they are in normal AA
As you can see, I am perfectly normal !! I think about ace attorney a very normal amount!! 🤭
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foulwitchknight · 4 months
Will You Be Mine: Part I (Eddies POV)
The weirdest day for Eddie is when Steve “the Hair” Harrington started working at Scoops. It was no secret that his family was well off. His shiny hair and nice clothes was a big giveaway. Plus he had many a rager at his house in High school. So it confused Eddie seeing him working a minimum wage job. What your parents don’t give you an allowance anymore? It did delight him some seeing Steve in that ridiculous uniform after all those years of him and his friends making Eddie’s life hell. It seemed like karma had finally found its way to Harrington’s doorstep. The thought made a small smile stay on his face for the rest of the day. Maybe he had celebrated too soon though because the next day Steve wondered into the record store. He looked at the clock. 12:30. Must be his lunch break. Eddie didn’t know why he’d waste it here. He should be spending it actually eating or taking a break. Steve didn’t seem too bothered about how he was spending his time though. He was drifting aimlessly down each aisle occasionally bending over to peek at a particular record. God he does have a nice…. Eddie stopped that thought before it could finish. He couldn’t be gawking at his sworn enemy. He waited for a few minutes to hopefully see if someone else would come to assist and no one did. Eddie held back a groan resigning himself to his fate. Turns out this wasn’t a one off thing. Steve came back practically everyday during his lunch break. Eddie was also pleasantly surprised that he wasn’t nearly the jerk he’d been in High school. He’d grown sweeter not just in personality but scent. Eddie didn’t remember Steve smelling so sweet. His scent made his head spin and did something to his Alpha. Made him want to bite him…HARD. Not just on his scent gland but everywhere. He wanted to mark him as much as possible. It honestly freaked him out a little. As much as Eddie wanted to blame hormones he knew it was more than that. It felt like big deal that his Alpha was attracted to Steve too. He made a point to try to keep their interactions short as possible. At least he tried but then Steve started asking questions…about metal. Since it was his favorite topic he couldn’t help but drive into long winded speeches about all his favorite bands the history etc. It didn’t help that Steve seemed genuinely interested. It pleased his Alpha having the omegas full attention. He started to show off a little too telling him obscure facts and showing him the latest metal albums. He really started to like having Steve around so much so that he started visiting Scoops. He told himself it was for the rocky road, but deep down he knew the truth. Steve had wormed his way into his heart and he didn’t know what to do. Jason his new coworker was a nice enough guy. They had a lot in common and Jason was an easy distraction that helped take Eddies mind off Steve a little. So Eddie got chummy with him maybe flirted a little. He was unmarked it was allowed. Only Eddie still couldn’t help but feel guilty especially when he could have sworn that Steve’s scent had soured the last few times he had visited the store.
Part 2 Steve’s POV
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nyarumitsu · 4 months
von karma family makes me so sick... i love how much the aa anime fills in the gaps when it comes to showing von karma family lore because they make me violently ILL. it's so insanely cruel to watch how the three of them had peaceful moments with each other like you're telling me little franziska was immediately attached to miles and dressed up missile to cheer him up, bought a doll with a red dress because it matched his red vest, and was always trying to find him during their mall trip because he wandered off to find missile. you're telling me that she and manfred witnessed him protect the other doggy from the other stranger who wanted her for the prize money and they were both proud over how he countered the stranger??? I'M GOING CRAZY I REALLY AM.
because of the freaking flashback episode i also started viewing everything about their family dynamics differently... for the better. it makes franziska's breakdown at the airport more heart-wrenching, it makes her "resentment" and desire to one-up miles even more raw because she's always loved and looked up to him. it makes manfred seem less black-and-white... i really reconsidered my thoughts on him as a character and father especially after watching his way of caring for both franziska and miles. i mean, he's still a dick and killed gregory which makes him an ultra asshole, but like man... miles felt included. he felt like he belonged in the von karma family even if it was just for a moment and it was something he desperately needed to feel right after losing his father. uuuaghh. i just cannot shut up about them. they're just that complex and doomed type of family that i can't help but get extremely depressed over.
last things i'd love to mention is how miles and franziska never fully let go of the Von Karma Mannerisms they inherited from him on-court and off-court. and i lowkey love that... their father just influenced them so much in their lives and i'm pretty sure it was inescapable for the both of them, but it isn't something they're willing to let go of. they don't need to remove all those mannerisms and memories to move on from him. like miles still wears those silly cravats that manfred handed down to him, and franziska still has her father's intense brutality on court. it's like AAUAHAUAGHHHHHH HEAD IN HANDS SLAMS HEAD AGAINST WALL IT'S SO OVER I HATE YOU VON KARMA FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!
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