#Karmic debts
taratarotgreene · 22 days
Rare, 29 Critical degrees, once in fifteen hundred years, and Biden
The 29th degree is called a critical or anaretic degree in any sign. A planet has soaked up all the energy in the 30 degrees of a sign. The world axis is 0 Cancer 0 Capricorn. Neptune is at 29° Pisces now the most karmic intense last degree of the zodiac and will remain off and on this critical degree into February 2026. Pluto Retrogrades back to 29° Capricorn September 1 to stay until November…
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fraternum-momentum · 5 months
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
what are they like in a relationship? For diluc
do you have headcanons about them? for xiao
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Diluc like in a relationship?
The day you found out his feelings, he didn’t approach the matter like most men in Mondstadt. He didn’t smile, nor did he meet your gaze. If you had to be honest with yourself, it seemed as if he wanted to be anywhere but here with you. Yet even with his stiff expression, he asked if you would meet him on the veranda privately. There, with the sun setting from behind and a slight dusting of red upon his cheeks, he then requested permission to court you. 
It doesn’t take you very long to notice how awkward he is in his courtship of you. Whenever you walk side by side, he always keeps a respectable distance. He does not reach for your hand, nor does he hold you close. Still, you can’t deny he’s earnest. Every meeting greets you with a bouquet of flowers. Every parting leaves you with a kiss upon your hand. 
It takes you a bit longer to see through his cold exterior. How his frowns when you speak are only in frustration due to not knowing how to respond in a way that’ll make you smile. How his eyes tend to follow you when he thinks you are not looking. How he turns away to hide his smiles when you do something that warms his heart. 
You come to the conclusion that even though he left his past behind him, he is a knight through and through. Never having been in a relationship before, he lets propriety dictate the way he acts toward you. It’s so incredibly stiff and awkward, you can’t deny that. And yet, when you look in his eyes, all you can feel is warmth. 
Xiao Headcanons
Though many of the workers at the Wangshu Inn attempt to create a calming atmosphere for Xiao, there’s nothing he hates more than silence. Many people would not expect it with the young adeptus, introverted as he is. How would they know that the worst times of his life were spent struggling to survive on his own? And the best? When he closes his eyes, he can still hear them—the melodious voice of Sister Bonanus, the loud and rambunctious teasing of Brother Bosacius—his family. Sometimes, on the worst nights, he finds himself drawn to the edges of Liyue Harbor to let the sounds of life and living draw him to sleep.
Though you may have realized it before entering into a relationship with him, it only becomes even more noticeable after that Xiao isn’t one to express his needs. Oftentimes, it’s only until after he’s fully withdrawn himself that you realize something may have happened that caused him undue stress. It takes you time to realize that it’s not because he’s upset with you or that he doesn’t trust you; it’s simply that he does not wish to inconvenience you with his problems. It’ll take time and patience before he feels truly comfortable relying on you during his weakest moments.
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baeshijima · 2 years
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am i the only one who thinks this is a red flag?
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shweetshmoney · 3 months
I feel like having the same NN-SN with someone is great, but from what I've observed, I think it's best to meet these people within a certain timeline when you're finally accepting the energies of your NN sign and house, a.k.a if you've known someone from your past which happened to have the same NN-SN sign/house placement as you, and they have yet to outgrow their old patterns, it becomes difficult for you to get out of it again because you've worked so hard to embrace your new energy and have shed the old skin. So like I bet we don't want to live our old karmic patterns again right? I felt this personally and it's super annoying lol (*also imagine having 8H and 12H synastry altogether with that person LOLLLLL BRUH😩🤡)
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moonbiit-arts · 10 months
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oathofkaslana · 1 year
the archon residue being apart of collei that she will never be able to permanently get rid of is something that is so important to me actually.
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novy2sirius · 4 months
ur soul collects karmic debt for the actions u take in this life time, past ones, and also different timelines as well. that’s y it takes so long to become a life path 33. they worked hard to get there
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karmaismyfriend · 6 months
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Karma never misses 💜
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odd-maid3n · 4 months
I'm closer to God than anyone
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brocktonbay · 1 year
i mean yeah the duchamps keep on marrying their daughters off to the most cartoonishly evil misogynistic practitioners they can find but the behaims can’t go one generation without someone trying to fuck a thorburn. so who’s to say who has worse taste in romantic partners.
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xelilow04 · 8 months
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You know that one headcanon where Chongyun's yang energy kind of eases Xiao's karmic debt? And remember in 3.4 Lantern Rite when Chongyun said it doesn't work like that? What if Xiao lied and said it does help him just so he could spend more time with him? Just a thought.
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demondinobear-art · 1 year
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save haven
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connectingwithsoul · 6 months
Sometimes people act from their pain body, from their trauma. And then something really bad happens and they wake up, come online. Once someone is awake and aware, you can really see it. It's like you're interacting with a different person. The mask if off. They hear you. They see you. You can see that they see you. No one's acting out roles anymore. It's a completely different thing. A new dynamic.
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yandrness · 2 years
Yandere Xiao’s love is Extreme.jpg
Beneath the harsh and rigid exterior of the Guardian Yaksha is a soft, gentle creature who likes eating almond tofu, who holds duty and responsibility close to his heart, who will pick crystalflies for you and go a little pink when you accept them. Here I’m going by the JP and CN Xiao; from his voice alone it’s less moody teenager and you can truly feel like an immortal Adepti is speaking. He is noble and regal, a pure being that you thought existed only in myths. Rational, harsh, cold, distant – this is the same Yaksha who falls in the sinkhole that is you and love.
He blushes from little affection. He almost loses control of his speech. He finds himself yearning for your presence. He wishes to see your smile. He wishes to protect you from harm and make sure you live a life free of malignancy. The Guardian Yaksha who falls in love is a smitten, flustered, lovesick mess who is more dangerous and trigger-happy than he has ever been. 
In a romantic setting where Xiao loves you, loves you, loves you. He’s so in love it drives him quietly insane. He has to know where you are, he has to know if you’re safe and okay, he has to know if you’re happy or sad or lonely and when are you going to look for him again? It used to drive him crazy how pathetic he was to yearn for your visits, but now he’s crazy for you. The insanity is something he isn’t even aware of sometimes, and it’s something that’s not easily seen by everyone. His fellow Adepti do not find it weird to be so “protective”. Humans only see the image of a fearsome Yaksha. You only see a quiet, distant, maybe even shy Adepti offering you crystalflies and Qingxi flowers.
Depending on whether his love interest is a fighter or non-fighter his fear and paranoia can either escalate or straight out consume him. He wants to respect your decisions, but if you’re a fighter, he will quietly worry himself sick and he is high key distressed from any wounds you get. Any life-threatening wounds can set him off into mass murder of anything that harmed you – or collateral of nearby monsters. If you’re a civilian, well, he will make sure to make an extra round on the areas you work in to sweep out the danger. He will worry himself just as much, but his anger can be easier to trigger because you as a civilian are much more fragile.
The thought of never seeing you again terrifies him. It terrifies him more so to be the cause of your death. He wants you to forever smile at him and greet him happily whenever you see him.
Maybe it isn’t karmic debt that will drive him mad. Maybe it will be you.
(Maybe you already did.)
Xiao will still uphold his duty as a Guardian Yaksha, but as a yandere Xiao will go to extreme measures to do so. 
I imagine him to be the kind of Yandere that you consider to be a sweet, loving, if tsundefeish lover, but unknown to you the love that he has for you has reached a terrifying level and there’s not much he wouldn’t do for you. He’s quiet, and that makes it easier to protect you wouldn’t it?
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visionsofvenus333 · 4 months
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Karmic relationships are rarely easy. We often learn our lessons by repeating the same toxic patterns over and over, sometimes over the course of multiple lifetimes, and these patterns are often triggered by our karmic relationships. In navigating these types of situations, gaining insight on what these patterns are and where they come from can be essential.
This spread is designed to enlighten you to the past life karma that exists between you and your partner. It will show you both where the karma is coming from in your past incarnations together and how it is manifesting today. Using this information, you can begin to break toxic patterns that hold you back from your full spiritual potential. 💜
Karmic Relationship Tarot Spread
1. The nature of your relationship during your most relevant past life together - this shows the general theme and tone of the relationship and gives clues to how you knew each other.
2. Person #1’s role in the past life relationship - this shows Person #1’s general role in the relationship (for example, mother, employer, friend, etc.), important actions taken by Person 1 or their approach to the relationship.
3. Person #2’s role in the relationship - see above.
4,5,6. Main events of the relationship (chronological order) - each card will represent a different event that occurred between you that had a large impact on your past life relationship and karma with each other. The cards are in chronological order and will show the natural progression of the relationship (beginning, middle, end).
7. The nature of your relationship in this life - see #1
8. Person #1’s role in the current relationship - see #2
9. Person #2’s role in the current relationship - see #3
10. Karmic patterns repeating themselves between you - This will show the karmic patterns and issues that are being brought up between you stemming from past lives together and how they are manifesting in this life.
11. Your soul contract together overall - Shows the general theme of your soul contract, what you have set out to learn and how.
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